About the BK101 Education Project

Welcome to Basic Knowledge 101 - A place where Learning Never Stops
BK101 is a
collection of some of the worlds greatest resources of
knowledge and information. Even though the
research is
far from being finished in
2025, BK101 is still an extremely
valuable resource for valuable knowledge and information.
The goal
is to build a
virtual alternative
school that is focused on promoting the development of
intelligence, along with,
building the
needed to thrive in todays complex world. The high quality
will include a basic operation manual for being human. A
procedure for performing
activities productively and safely. A guideline for how to be
responsible, as well
as, a guide on how to be
respectable to
yourself and to
others. You will be a problem
solver. Someone who can accurately interpret information in all its forms.
You will have more
potential and have more possibilities than all previous
combined. And more importantly, you will have better control, have better
focus, and have the humbleness and the modesty of a person who is
grateful and appreciative
of everything the world has given them. You will be great in all your
endeavors. Whether your goal is to be
a great leader or to be a great person or a great parent, you will be
great. And you will be important, and you will be a value to this world,
whether someone notices your accomplishments or not, you will be amazing
either way.
education is nothing new or unique, but now things are a little different
in 2025. We have more knowledge and more information than ever before. And
more knowledge and more information always
leads to more advancements, and
more advancements will always lead to more knowledge and more information
being created, which leads to more advancements, and so on and so on. The
big reveal is coming. One of the
goals of BK101 is to use the
knowledge resource to develop an
education software that includes a high quality education curriculum from
preschool through high school, that will also include some college courses.
The education software will
manage a
students progress through each grade level and will also provide
testing so that each student can monitor how well they're doing. This complete
education software will be self
teaching, self directing and self testing. The entire school
curriculum will run on a laptop computer that has an
artificial intelligent teaching avatar
that manages
your personal learning schedule and keeps track of your education
progress. Students will be able to accurately
measure their intelligence so
they can confirm how well they understand themselves and understand the world around
them. The education software will have
multiple levels from beginner to
advanced. Each level will determine how much a person understands, like
how much math they understand and how well they understand science,
physics, biology, language, human psychology, human behavior, human
physiology, and how much they understand the environment, food, water,
shelter, energy, education, learning, teaching, problem solving,
awareness, focus, morality, just to name a few. If a parent were given an
education laptop when their child is born, then the parent could learn how
to use the education computer so they can then start teaching their child
how to use the PC at the age of two. And by the age of 4, the child should be
able to use the education computer on their own. And by the age of 12,
they will be fully educated above the current high school standards, and
they would be educated enough to start taking college courses at the age
of 12. Putting education in peoples hands will help all students stay in
school and prevent students from dropping out. And you don't have to worry
about teacher burnout or worry about losing your favorite teacher.
Get Paid to Learn -
In Stages -
BuildingI spend most of my day learning
things that give me a better understanding of myself and a better
understanding of the world round me, which happens to be my job and not
just my interest in knowing things. My fulltime job is to collect the
worlds most valuable knowledge and information and then organize it,
categorize it, and then publish it. All the valuable knowledge and
information that I have collected is from millions of people who helped
generate, contribute and document all the worlds most valuable knowledge
and information. This website is a culmination of some of the worlds
greatest intellectual work and physical work done by humans. BK101 is the
heart and soul of a human that has been translated into text.
Just in the last 17 years, I have learned more about myself and the world
than I did in the first 48 years of my life. But even though I have
learned a lot, I still have a lot to learn, and the best part is, knowing
that I still have a lot to learn, gives me an endless supply of goals to
reach and the motivation to keep learning. I'm sixty two years old and I feel
that my life has just started. I know that I have a lot of work to do, but
I am not stressed about it, I am just grateful that I have work that I can
do, especially work that makes a difference. My life has purpose now.
Live, learn, love and progress. I know that I can't live forever, but
knowledge and information could live forever, just as long as we
take care of it and
share it.
I started to do something in 2008,
and I haven't stopped since, or do I see myself ever stopping what I'm
doing. So I'm always in the middle of something, something extremely
important. And this is more than just being busy. This is something that
is always there no matter where I am or where I go. And this something is
always evolving, so it's never the same thing or doing the same thing over
and over again. And the work that I'm doing seems to answer every
question. So
as BK101 grows, I
grow with it. For 17 years since 2008, I have been completely involved in
the work that I'm doing. But it was not just
choosing to do something, it was like
something was choosing me. Did you ever wonder why some people become
really good at some particular activity? Did ever think that the activity
choose them, and not just that they choose something to do randomly? We
all know about
human instincts,
yet everyone knows very little about the
influences inside all of us,
or do people know about all the different
influences that
are all around us.
I'm just starting to go through all the knowledge and information that I
have collected and organized in the last 17 years. Like the
hadron collider, it collects so
much information in one second that it will take years to examine all the
information that was gathered. I did something similar. I absorbed energy
in the form of knowledge and information that can be utilized when
translated using human language.
You can say that BK101
is a form of Activism, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. This
project is so big and so complex, it will take the average person months
or even years to
out. There is really
no simple way
to explain BK101, it is something that you have to experience yourself.
You can't be told, you have to see it for yourself. I can show you the
door, but you have to go through it.
Education needs to improve so that every child and adult is educated to
the highest degree possible. Every person needs to be aware of all the
problems that they will face in their lifetime, and also understand the
problems well enough so that they can effectively solve those problems,
and at the same time, improve life for themselves, as well as, improve
life for others and improve the world that everyone lives in.
Personal Growth should not be
impeded in anyway
shape or form. Every person needs to have access to knowledge and
information that would
almost every question or concern that they would have throughout the
day and throughout their entire lifetime. This would allow a person to
constantly increase their understanding of themselves and the world around
them. Always improving and always moving forward.
The goal is
assist in developing intelligence by building a high quality education
curriculum with easy to follow lessons and self testing capabilities so that every
student or person can learn at their own pace and in their
own time and
place. We also want to make education available to millions of children
who don't have excess, preserving their potential and the future. To make
education easily available, it would need to be computerized. That is the
idea behind the
HOPE PC. Develop an
entire education into software that can run on most PC's, and even some
Smartphone's. To put it simply. Design a complete high quality education
curriculum that is self teaching and self testing that can run on a laptop
computer that has an artificial intelligent teaching avatar that helps to
direct and manage the students
education progress from preschool to high school and through college level
In this website is most of the information that helps to explain some of the numerous complex things that I have been doing for the last 17 years
since 2008.
To try to put it simple, the most simple answer would be is that
I'm doing
research on
human intelligence
and how
information can
be used to
improve education and how
knowledge and information can be used to improve peoples lives.
I have been a web developer since 1998. And since
2008, I have been developing one of the most important webs in my life and
in the world, a
web of knowledge called Basic Knowledge 101.
What I do is
more than just being a website developer who
understands the computer language code that is used to design websites on
the internet, it also means that I'm a writer, a publisher, a journalist,
a researcher and an educator.
is an intricate
network or
structure held together and formed by a
process and
construct. An interconnected
system of knowledge
and people
linked closely together and
coordinated in
such a way that all parts
work together
effectively and become engaged or intermeshed with one another. A web is a
computer network consisting of
collection of internet sites that offer text and graphics and sound
and animation resources that are interlinked by hypertext links and
accessible via the
through the hypertext transfer protocol, an information space where
documents and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators or URLs.
BK101 School
anthem is
never stop learning, by Teresa Jennings.
The Future of Education is upon us. This is our Window of Opportunity.
Digital information is mostly
abstract and does not have
a physical form that is tangible. BK101 website is very large, but you
can't see how big it is because you can only see the text that shows up on
your media screen. You can't see all the work that is involved in creating
a website and all its contents. But if the
website was printed out, you would have several large books, which
would give you a good idea about how many words there are in BK101. But
even when printed out, there is still thousands of references and
thousands of people who made the BK101 books possible. So there are many
things that are still not visible. Though a printed work is tangible, it
still has a tremendous amount of abstract information and knowledge beyond
what is printed. Like when you look at the universe, you only see 1% of
the universe, everything else is mostly invisible. You would need special
tools to see more of the universe, which means that you would need
educated people to operate advanced tools, and then you would need more
educated people to accurately understand what they are seeing or
detecting. This means that BK101 will require an instruction manual, but
first a person would need to learn how to read and understand the
instruction manual.
Improving Education to create a Perfect Education
Knowledge and Information for the 21st Century. A search for the world’s
most valuable knowledge and information.
Developing Intelligence and the
purpose of education.
Since 2008 I have been
collecting all the valuable knowledge and information that I could find
and then
organizing it all on this website. The plan is to create a
domain knowledge base that can be used to improve education and also
provide education to people without access to schools or online courses.
But I know that this knowledge will improve much more then just schools
and education, it will improve everything. Everything will improve. And
that is a fact that everyone has witnessed, when more knowledge and
information is available, and when more people become more educated,
things improve, as they have been
since the beginning.
Instructions Page -
Warning Before Reading -
Fair Use Disclaimer
When I started this project in 2008, I had no idea what kind of
knowledge I would find, or how much knowledge I would find, or did I know
how many months or years that I would spend collecting and organizing
knowledge and information. All I knew is that I have already been
collecting and organizing on the internet for 10 years since 1998. But for
those 10 years I was more focused on travel, adventure, experiences,
sports and recreation.
That website is called
Looking for Adventure.com.
Now my main focus
has changed. More knowledge based, thus the name
Basic Knowledge 101.com.
This project has change my life. I thought I was learning a lot before I
started this project, but now my learning speed has accelerated, and the
quality of knowledge and information has increased tremendously.
About the Name BK101.
It's amazing how much we have learned and discovered in just the last 50
years. To see it is to believe it. But to see it you must learn it. And
learning it all takes time, but not much more time as the 12 years or so
that we go to school. The time people waste not learning what is needed to
learn, is more then just time wasted, it's wasting opportunity, it's
wasting potential, it's wasting life.
25 years on the Internet, and
now almost 17 years of
researching, collecting and
organizing the worlds most
valuable knowledge and information.
Knowledge is
spread out all over the world. This is one of the
reasons why the
is so extremely important. The internet helps us to connect to the most
valuable knowledge that we have accumulated so far. But knowledge stills
needs to be collected, organized and
transferable, which is what I have been working on since 2008, roughly
60 hours a week. Knowledge has definitely change me, though I still have
my original personality, I now have more to add to my personality. I'm
more patient and more understanding now then ever before. Knowledge has
helped cure me of most of the ignorance that I have accumulated during the
first 48 years of my life. But I still have some ignorance to contend
with, but at least I know what this ignorance is, so it's just a matter of
time before that ignorance is gone as well. I feel more Connected to life
then ever before, I feel more alive, I feel closer to Life and closer to
God. I'm more aware. But I am also more aware that I am still vulnerable,
because I still have a lot more to learn. The good news is that I'm
becoming a faster learner and a better analyzer. The bad news is, more
people are still without access to knowledge and thus becoming ignorant
and not fully aware, which diminishes their enormous potential and adds to
our problems instead of solving them. So I have a lot of work to do, and I
know that I will
never stop working, which makes me feel privileged,
fortunate and honored. There's a change blowing on the wind, and it's something wonderful.
1st goal is to use the
world’s most valuable knowledge and information to improve education, and
to develop a high quality curriculum that is available to everyone. The
2nd goal is to develop intelligence for both Artificial Intelligence and
Human Intelligence. The
3rd goal is to put the world’s most valuable
knowledge and information in your hands, which is possible thanks to all
the amazing advancements in digital technology. So most Smartphone’s, TV's
or Computers could be a teaching and learning tool. The 21st century is
mankind’s defining moment; our future is in our hands, figuratively and
In 1998 I started building and managing
my first
personal website. After 10 years of web surfing and
collecting and
organizing websites, in 2008 I started doing a lot of reading online and
surfing the internet on a lot of different websites then before. I started
to read a lot about education. People were mentioning
Education Reform on
a lot of different websites. So became interested in knowing what kind of
education improvements people were talking about. Like most people, I knew
that schools needed to improve, but I never knew what those improvements
would look like. So I started to ask these questions, "
what would be the
perfect education?" "what would a high quality education look like?" So I
started to read more and collect more information. That is when I started
to build a new website,
BK101. I found a large variety of curriculum. So I
asked this question, "
what is the purpose of this curriculum?" I mean,
what would be the desired results from learning this knowledge? That's
when I realized that these questions go a lot more deeper. This is not
just about schools and curriculum, this is about someone's life, this is
about someone's potential. So I asked this question, "what would be the
most valuable knowledge, skills and information a person should have?" So
of course I started collecting and organizing all the knowledge and
information I could find, things I thought that would be beneficial and
valuable to people.
2025, 17 years later, I found more knowledge and
information then I could have ever imagined. I have been
transformed from
so many things that I have read and watched on videos in the last ten
years, it's mind blowing. I have changed in many ways but I'm still the
same in many ways, and so is life. My life has improved in many ways, but sadly, life itself has
not improved, not as much as it should have. There are still many problems
that surround life. But I know now that every problem can be solved, we
just have to learn how to solve them. But some problems are big and will
take many months and years to solve. But I know that if I start, I have a
chance to finish, or at the least, I can still give someone else a chance
to finish. Education can be world changing, education can be empowering,
but education is almost meaningless if a persons full potential is never
achieved. This is why having a high quality education is so extremely
important, we can't afford to settle for anything less. The world is in
desperate need of intelligent and skilled people, people who can solve any
problem that they put their minds to.
2016 did gleam like nothing
you have ever seen. The 2016
election year was
another wake up
call, and another sad example of how uninformed and ill-informed we all
are. Everyone needs to exercise our power choice, and take our
responsibility to educate ourselves seriously. Our destiny and our
salvation is in our hands.
We vote everyday, so it's time that we start
using our abilities. We can no longer ignore the
responsibilities of our
lives, and we can no longer ignore the wealth of knowledge that is in our
We are born to learn, so let us use this gift wisely and maximize
our fullest potential. Our possibilities are limitless.
Academic Paper Writing -
The Perfect Education would be an
education that provided the necessary knowledge and skills for any person
to pursue any career, any goal, any dream or any form of higher education.
And at the same time provide a person with a good understanding about
themselves and the world around them. This would take approximately 20,000
hours of the worlds best educational courses, knowledge, information,
videos, images and sound. Exceeding the equivalent of 12 years of
education knowledge and skills. Starting with
Child Development, K-12 and
College Level Courses. This education will be available online and offline
using flash drives that will run on any computer or smartphone. People
could then educate themselves in their own time and in their own chosen
environment, as well as test themselves and evaluate their performance and
progress. So any
laptop could act as a delivery system of knowledge and
information. This will not replace schools or teachers. This will only
provide more options and choices and bring more education to more people,
which would ultimately relieve the stresses that are produced by an
undereducated society.
Humans have accumulated an enormous amount of
information and knowledge over the
last 2,000 years. And a lot
of this information and knowledge is extremely important, especially where
education is concerned. If we were to use this information and knowledge
effectively and efficiently, it would be a great benefit to everyone and
everything on this planet. The Actual Value of information and knowledge
is just starting to be understood, mostly because of the
internet, which
is a world of knowledge and experience at your fingertips. You could say
that our biggest advancement started with the
printing press, but if it
were not for the two main catalysts, the
computer and the
internet, we
would have a much different world today. The Digitizing of the printed
word has put us into overdrive. Without the computer and the internet we
would have not seen the advances in technology that we see today. And if
it were not for computers and the internet, and my inquisitive nature, and
the millions of other people who have contributed to the largest
collaboration in the world, I would have never learned as much as I did. I
also would have never learned how to build a website or learned about the
similarities between the human brain and a computer. And I would have
never started my education project in 2008. So my life would have been
completely different and definitely not as productive or meaningful.
We are all standing on the shoulders of giants. Let us not waste their
efforts, or the potential they have given us, it's priceless.
are so many things that Schools and Universities don't teach students. So
here on Basic Knowledge 101 we list most of the knowledge, information and
skills that are missing from your education...and we have only just
Our wealth of knowledge has incredible potential. But
sadly most of our information and knowledge is being wasted, misused,
exploited, unappreciated, underutilized, unorganized, unrealized, being
lost, misplaced, destroyed and most knowledge is not even being properly
distributed or shared. Then on top of that our
Technology is being Wasted
and misused.
Information Age -
Education Blog
Why Human Search Engines are Extremely Important.
Education Purpose and Learning Objectives.
Improving education and our effectiveness to communicate
our most important information and knowledge is our number one priority.
Our incompetence in education and communication has had, and is still
having, devastating effects to ourselves and to our planet. The
degradation is extremely alarming.
Education Reform Information
The main issue when communicating information and knowledge is that it
needs to be delivered in many different ways so that everyone has a chance
to understand the information and knowledge. You need to use multiple
Teaching Methods and communicate information using text, videos, images,
sound and any other forms of communication that people respond to. The
next thing would be is to make the information and knowledge easy to
navigate through, so that anyone can self direct themselves through all
the information and knowledge and ultimately find the
knowledge and
information that they are looking for. Then you would have to establish
different levels of understanding for all ages so that you accommodate all
the different age groups. Starting from child birth all the way up to the
elderly years. The next thing would be is to create accurate testing
methods to measure a persons understanding of the knowledge and
people the ability to test themselves and evaluate their own performance
and progress. The next step is to make sure that the knowledge and
information is being updated so that it stays current. You also have to
make sure that the teaching methods and the testing methods would also be
updated and improved continually so that our learning and teaching
potential is inline with our understanding of our world and our future.
I care about kids, so I always give
children the attention they need, and they appreciate the attention
because they like it when people
listen to them, and I
will never stop listening because Kids are the most important people in
the world, they are our future. So why do some parents stop listening to
their children? Is it because they never learned how to hear and listen
takes more than empathy, it takes knowledge of human life and knowledge of
the world around us. You can't hear what you don't understand. And
you will never
understand what you don't know unless you learn.
Learning is a responsibility
that needs to be put into practice every single day of our lives. A day
without learning is another day wasted and another opportunity lost.
When you stop learning, your growth and development is impeded, and you
will never understand more about yourself or the world around you. You
will be in a suspended animation of
bewilderment. There is
no logical reason to stop learning, none.
Main Goals of BK101 - Education Initiative - Academic Imperative -
Call to Action Message
Create a Complete School Education
that includes approximately
20,000 hours worth of the world's best
educational courses, lessons, knowledge, information, instructional
videos, images and sound. Starting with Child Development, K-12 and
College Level Courses. The complete education will be available in the
form of software so that it can be distributed on flash drives that will
run on any computer or Smartphone. This complete education will also be
available on the Internet. This way any teacher or parent can start
educating children wherever they are, without the need for books. People
could also educate themselves in their own time and in their own chosen
environment, as well as test themselves and evaluate their performance and
progress anytime. This complete education will also be made available on
Specialized Laptops so that teachers, parents and students can use it to
educate themselves and others. Each
laptop will come with it's
own customized teacher avatar. So that in the absence of a teacher or
parent a child can have a personal connection with their teacher avatar so
they will not feel alone while they are on their own personal learning
journey. And if the laptop has access to the Internet then each child will
also have access to tutors, teachers, mentors and
24 hour Assistance. This
way a students learning experience will not be impeded or disrupted in any
way. Teachers could also improve their teaching methods by observing
instructional videos from the world's greatest teachers. This will not
replace schools or teachers. This will only provide more options and
choices and bring more education to more people, which would ultimately
relieve the stresses that are produced by an undereducated society. I have
already been working on this project for over 10 years as of 2008. I have
collected and categorized a large amount of the worlds best knowledge and
information. I have also been researching teaching methods and other areas
of education. I now have a better understanding of the potential of
education as well as its purpose. I have all my research and data
available on this website. This way anyone can review the data that I have
created and also educate themselves in many areas of knowledge that are
listed and organized. And as the courses and lessons are being created
people can make suggestions on how a particular course should be taught
and learned.
Making Intelligence easy and Rewarding
Pay to Learn.
don't have to know everything, but there are some things that you should
know, things that will benefit you, things that will give you more
abilities, things that will give more potential. But in order for a person
to get the most from knowledge and information, a person needs to learn
the right things at the right time, and in the most efficient way
possible. First you have to know how much information and knowledge is
available, and then you have to know the value of this knowledge and
information. Then you need to calculate the order in which this knowledge
and information should be learned.
This should be the goal of every
school on the planet. "Since 2008, I have spent the last nine years
gathering valuable information and knowledge, and then organizing and
categorizing that information and knowledge into a website called Basic
Knowledge 101.com. The goal is to create a complete high quality education
curriculum that will develop students into highly intelligent people.
People who will be prepared for the challenges of life by having the
necessary skills and knowledge to solve every problem on the planet, as
well as, live productive and happy lives. BK101 will become the most
highly advanced education curriculum in the world, using the most highly
advanced teaching and learning methods that are known to date. BK101 will
become the new standard for education, teaching and learning. And that is
the plan, but I know that any other school can do the same thing that I'm
doing, so we will have to see who designs the best curriculum." Lets make
a competition to see who can create the most intelligent students on the
Education Purpose -
This is what we know
"The goal is to provide students, teachers,
parents and the general public with all the necessary information and
knowledge that is currently missing from the worlds current education
system. You'll be amazed how much you don't know and how much you should
If we educate our young correctly and fully, they will never
find themselves having to say this statement that everyone says today....
"I wish I knew then what I know now"
Open Source Education
Open Source Curriculum
Simultaneous Subject Teaching.
What is
needed: Teachers, Programmers, Parents, Students, Curriculum Designers,
Researchers, Operating Expenses. There are already large amounts of
video lessons on the Internet that can be used. But many of these video
lessons need improvements and many more video lessons are needed. We also
need to create easy to follow lessons in writing using multiple teaching
methods. We also need to create the best and the most effective
system that confirms that the knowledge and information is fully
understood and that the information can also be verified by applying this
knowledge to real life situations. Education needs to be seen as a whole,
and understood as a whole. It is the foundation that will provide the
necessary knowledge and skills for any person to pursue any career, any
goal, any dream or any form of higher education. So this is extremely
important to say the least.
What would the Physical School look
like compared to an Online School?
"If we educate people to be
problem solvers, then all our problems will be solved."
Problem Solving.
Mission Statement of BK101
To be
proactive in Defining what Information and Knowledge is needed that
would help create The Perfect Education, and then find ways to communicate
this information so that everyone understands and comprehends the true
intentions of Knowledge. BK101 will continually find new ways to improve
education by continually defining What
information and
knowledge should be
how it should be learned, When it should be learned, and Why it
should be learned. We will continually update Basic Knowledge 101
Education Resources and Information
Knowledge Database so that everyone
can learn about all the great ideas for improving education, as well as
create new ideas of their own. Improving and expanding teaching methods
and curriculum is just the beginning, and this is only a small piece of
the process in human evolution.
Education on Demand is the future. We will
always have Schools, but everyone will also have choices,
Alternatives and personal methods. It is extremely
important that every child have access to the best
Learning Environment that benefits them the most. The
Road to Knowledge has to be open to everyone. Teaching needs
to be a
Teamwork effort. Education is a science, we need to
speed it up and clean it up with 21st century skills without
overscheduled overload. The Quality of the
core curriculum is everything. No more
dumbing down the
standards. Teaching should not be based on just
standards, especially
standards. Teaching methods should be based on human
potential. Education purpose and the End Result have to be defined. We
have to Prepare Students for Reality. The world today is
filled with incredible challenges and problems, problems
that need solving. If you are not fully educated you will be
vulnerable to dangers and unable to manage the stresses of
the 21st century. The world has accumulated a tremendous
amount of information and knowledge. If a student is going
to be prepared for life, they need this information and
knowledge, and they need to learn how to use it effectively
and efficiently.
Purpose of Education
Educational Attainment refers to the highest degree of
education an individual has completed.
Educational Assessment -
Curriculum Vitae
Remember, I'm just one of
curators who's organizing valuable knowledge and
information, knowledge that has been generated by millions of people
over many years. I do add my own personal observations,
knowledge and experiences, but it is a small percentage
of the total knowledge and
information that this website is connected to. So I'm
just one of the millions of others who have contributed to our most
valuable resource called knowledge. "I don't know everything, I'm just
trying to know as much as I can, and then share it."
Information Quotes.
Preparation -
Planning -
Importance without
Self-Manage -
Operational Definition
Dictionary is a list of words used by lexicographers to
write dictionary definitions. The underlying principle goes back
to Samuel Johnson's notion that words should be defined using
'terms less abstruse than that which is to be explained', and a
defining vocabulary provides the lexicographer with a restricted
list of high-frequency words which can be used for producing
simple definitions of any word in the dictionary.
Form asserts that forms (or ideas) organize matter and
make it intelligible. Substantial forms are the source of
properties, order, unity, identity, and information about
Paradigm Shift is a fundamental change in the basic
concepts and experimental practices of a scientific discipline.
System -
Knowledge Management
Type Conversion are different ways of changing an entity
of one data type into another.
Make things as simple as possible, but no simpler. Making things
too easy to understand may change what it means."
There is always more to knowing.
Something's need to be explained in great detail in order to
be understood correctly. So something's cannot be simplified
because some people can only see what they know. So you must
take the time to thoroughly explain to people what is known
so they too can know what is known. You never want to assume
that people understand what you're saying.
You teach science but you don't use science in your
teaching? That's like finding a cure for
cancer but
not telling anyone. If you can teach
and Engineering, then you should be able to use Science
and Engineering to improve education, otherwise, you are
missing extremely important
aspects of
education, and the potential of
teaching. If the education process and curriculum is not
continually improving, then it's not education.
Applied Science applies existing scientific knowledge to
develop more practical applications, like technology or
We use mathematical equations to
solve our most complex problems, so what is the mathematical
equation for education? What is the
mathematical equation that explains how
education works and what the desired results should be?
What is the
physics formula that explains education? U = Potential
Energy, or You = Potential Energy.
Action Physics?
Video Courses - Video Instructions
Video instructions to teach courses
has many benefits. Teaching videos can be
interactive by
allowing students to pause, rewind, and quickly index a
particular timeline in the video. Pausing a video gives a
student time to look up more information on the subject so
they can have a better chance understanding the knowledge
that is being taught. No need to raise your hand and
interrupt the class like with
passive learning. Teaching videos can also show educators
good teaching techniques so that other
teachers can improve their own teaching methods so that
every educator can produce effective, explicit and
systematic instruction. You can also show more then one
Teaching Method so that students can understand which
Learning Method works for them and why it works.
Teaching videos can also be updated. So when better teaching
methods are learned and more information and knowledge is
acquired, the videos quality and functionality will improve.
Conferencing -
Blending Teachers with Technology
Computer Based Learning
Do it Yourself Learning
Salman Khan: Let's use Video to Reinvent Education (youtube)
HyperLand (youtube)
Technology Dangers
Education Videos
Open Source Curriculum
Vibby identify
certain parts of the
video, emphasize, share, and discuss them online or
Multimedia Based Learning (PDF)
Muller: Effective Educational Science Videos (youtube)
Interactive Storytelling is a form of digital
entertainment in which the storyline is not predetermined. The
self-generated narrative, and its evolution, can be influenced
in real-time by the actions of users, either by issuing commands
to the story's protagonist, or acting as a general director of
events in the narrative. Since the user does not choose the
order of predetermined events nor choose from a pre-existing
selection of possibilities, Interactive storytelling relies on
software that is capable of intelligent behavior, known as
intelligence (AI), to create their own storylines.
Interactive Media refers to products and services on
digital computer-based systems which respond to the user’s
actions by presenting content such as text, moving image,
animation, video, audio, and video
Audiovisual Education is instruction where particular
attention is paid to the audio and visual presentation of the
material with the goal of improving comprehension and retention.
Audiovisual means possessing both a sound and a visual
component, such as slide-tape presentations, films, television
programs, church services and live theater productions.
Interactive Visualization is a branch of
graphic visualization in computer science that involves
studying how humans interact with computers to create graphic
illustrations of information and how this process can be made
more efficient.
Classroom Technology Tools
Association for Educational Communications and Technology.
Accessible Artificial Intelligence Tutoring Software for
Mathematics (Quantum Intelligence Tutoring
Artificial intelligence (AI) educational software to teach
developmental mathematics to the blind and visually impaired.
Hope PC: Computer avatars for virtual collaboration, 3-D
role-playing games, interactive and task-based learning.
Face-to-Face Learning from attentive human beings can
now be videotaped and shared with millions of people, and
not just to teach more people, but to allow more people to
give feedback on the validity and the quality of that
particular teaching method and the knowledge being
presented, so that we can improve teaching methods, while at
the same time teach more people.
Video Simulated Learning or video games can
provide a rich learning context by fostering creative thinking. The games
can show players how to manage complex problems and how their decisions
can affect the outcome. This form of learning also can engage students in
collaboration and interaction with peers. Multimodal teaching leverages
various presentation formats—such as printed material, videos, PowerPoints,
and computers—to appeal to different learning styles. It accommodates a
more diverse curriculum and can provide a more engaging and interactive
learning environment.
We need to teach people how to be
self directed learners and give people the ability to
test and confirm their knowledge when ever they need to.
This way people can learn at their own speed and in their
own chosen environment. People can also learn using their
personal methods so that their learning
abilities are not constricted in any way. So first you have
to show people what information and knowledge is important
and why it is important. Then show them the time in their
life when this information and knowledge is best learned. I
would not say that we are raising the standards of
education, we're just defining the standards.
The Perfect Education is not a Universal Remedy, so
several versions will have to be created in order for
education to be effective.
Welcome to Basic Knowledge 101: A
Collective Intelligent
Consensus of Knowledge for the
21st Century Student, Parent and Teacher. -
Knowing why
you need to learn something is extremely important. You have
to know the benefits that a particular piece of knowledge or
skill will give you. You also have to know the negative
aspects and difficulties that you will face if you do not
learn a particular piece of knowledge or learn a particular
skill. And once a person fully understands the benefits of
knowledge and the negative results of not having knowledge,
99% of the time a person will chose the path that provides
them with the biggest reward.
Starting your
education. Preferably you would want your education to start
at birth and have accurate documentation about what you were
taught and when. The approximate time to finish your Basic
Knowledge 101 education would depend
on your current level of knowledge and your test results
that confirm a complete understanding of the knowledge.
There will be no
grading. That is why
accurate testing methods
are extremely important.
Learning to Read, Write and
Simultaneous Subject Teaching
Education Purpose
How much time
it take the average person to learn everything that there is
in a Complete High Quality Education?
knowing What to Learn, When to Learn it, How to Learn it,
and Why you need to Learn it?
Top of Page
Having the correct
amount of knowledge and skills gives a person more
potential, more value,
more choices and more possibilities in their life. The things you could
achieve will seem endless.
There are numerous advantages to having particular knowledge
and skills, so it only makes sense to know which particular
knowledge and skills are the most important? Knowledge and
skills are the building blocks of your life. The stronger
your foundation the more you can build upon and grow.
Logically-Ordered Steps - Stages of Learning
Learning the most
valuable knowledge in the correct sequence.
First Things First. There are things that you need to learn
first before you can learn something else. Learning also needs
Learning is done in stages, with each stage preparing you for the
next stage of knowledge
and information and skills. Learning in incremental, logically-ordered
steps, integrating each new concept with a review of those
already mastered. Implementing the correct
education at the correct time and sequence
multiple mediums to coincide with the
development and the the persons
ability to
comprehend. You
will learn the
five subjects
simultaneously, including
underlying categories. Each level will prepare you for the next level. You
will understand each level that you have accomplish, and you will see how
far you have come, and you will understand the level that you're currently
on, and you will see all the next levels before you, and you will prepare
yourself for the powers that each new level will bring you.
Milestones -
Goals -
Purpose -
Read to Learn -
Top Down Processing
Sequence is one thing after another in
Sequence is
a serial arrangement in which things follow in logical order or a
pattern. An
enumerated collection of objects in which
repetitions are allowed.
The same elements can appear multiple times at different
positions in the sequence. A
film consisting
of a succession of related shots that
develop a given subject in a
Learning is for two reasons. Learning things at the right time helps
to increase understanding and helps to make learning more effective and
more efficient. The second reason is that you can also misuse knowledge
and information in the wrong way if you learn things out of order or learn
something at the wrong time. And the evidence of people not learning the
right things at the right time is everywhere in the world. Every problem
you see in the world is either from someone
not learning enough
or from someone learning the wrong things at the wrong time. Every problem
in the world is directly related to this fact, not learning enough and not
learning things at the right time.
Sequences -
Patterns -
Sequence Learning is the order in which material is
presented. Sequence Learning is more or less a guide to help aid
learning. The main focus is that you
learn to learn, correctly, effectively and efficiently.
Explicit Learning is being studied as a form of
implicit learning as well as
other forms of learning
that can strongly influence what is learned, how fast performance
increases, and sometimes even whether the material is learned at all. Sequence
learning can also be referred to as sequential behavior,
behavior sequencing, and serial order in behavior.
Sequence Learning is inherent to human ability because
it is an integrated part of
conscious and
learning as well as activities.
Sequential Writing is a style of writing that follows a particular
order or sequence of events. It aims to present information in a logical
ordered steps. A sequential structure shows a process, a series of steps
or an order of events. Use a sequential structure for instructions or
how-to guides, recipes and directions.
Story Sequence is the order in which events take place in a
narrative. There is a beginning, a middle, and an end—as a first step
towards retelling the events of the story in logical order.
Sequential Art is an art form that uses images that are deployed in a
specific order for the purpose of graphic storytelling or conveying
information. The best-known example of sequential art is comics.
Accumulative is something increasing by
successive addition. Marked
acquiring or amassing or by
gathering or growing by gradual increases.
Cumulative. Accumulate is to gather together and
collect in one place so
as to grow to a large number or quantity.
Accumulative Knowledge
Increment is a process of becoming larger or longer or more
numerous or
more important. The
amount by which something increases.
is a specific
identifiable position
in a
continuum or in a series,
especially in a
process. A
position on a scale of intensity, amount or
quality. A unit of
temperature on a
specified scale.
College Degree -
Scale is an ordered
standard. A
relative magnitude. An
indicator having a graduated
sequence of marks.
ratio between the
size of something and a
of it. A
measuring instrument for
weighing; shows amount of mass. Size or measure according to a scale.
is the purely biological
unfolding of events involved in an organism
changing gradually from a
simple to a more complex level. A progression from simpler to more complex
Progress -
Develop -
Increase is to become bigger or
greater in
amount. Add something extra to make more intense or better. A process of
becoming larger or longer or more numerous or
more important.
In order to
something new, you need a certain amount of knowledge and information that
will help you to understand something new. There are always prerequisites
when learning new things. If you learn something new without fully
understanding it, then you could
misuse this new knowledge
and make costly mistakes. That is why it is so important to learn the
right things at the right time. You need knowledge and information if you
want to benefit from knowledge and information. And if you lack knowledge
and information, then you will not benefit from it, and you will also be
you don't know
something that you should know. "Most people want to skip the process, not
knowing that when you skip steps, you miss the lessons. If you start small
and build on what you have, you can continue to multiply that into
something greater, while picking up all of the valuable lessons along the
way." -
Nipsey Hussle.
Background Knowledge
is the amount of information or
knowledge someone has on
a particular topic.
Competency-Based Learning is a framework for teaching and assessment
of learning. It is also described as a type of education based on
predetermined competencies, which focuses
outcomes and
real-world performance. Competency-based learning is sometimes presented
as an alternative to traditional methods of assessment in education.
Mastery Learning is an instructional strategy and educational
philosophy. Mastery learning maintains that students must achieve a level
mastery or have
a 90% on a
knowledge test in
prerequisite knowledge before moving forward to
learn subsequent information. If a student does not achieve
mastery on the
test, they are
given additional support in
learning and reviewing the information and then tested again. This
cycle continues until the learner accomplishes mastery, and they may then
move on to the next stage. In a self-paced
online learning environment, students study the material and take
assessments. If they make mistakes, the system provides insightful
explanations and directs them to revisit the relevant sections. They then
answer different questions on the same material, and this cycle repeats
until they reach the established mastery threshold. Only then can they
move on to subsequent learning modules, assessments, or certifications.
Prerequisites are the courses and
skills that are needed to be successful in the next level course or a more
advanced course. A prerequisite is generally a course that you must
complete before enrolling in a second course.
Recommended Prerequisite is knowledge and information that is
needed to prepare a student for success in a higher level course.
Co-Requisite is a course that is either
recommended or required to be taken at the same time as another course.
For example, a biology course might require a biology lab course be taken
during the same term. You have to have knowledge about certain things in
order to understand something new. It's good to have some previous
knowledge and experience on a particular subject before you begin learning
a new subject, especially when it will help you understand the new subject
much easier and also help you to
retain the information much easier.
Pre is before or prior to
Requisite is something necessary
and essential.
Connotations is what you
must know in order to determine the reference of an expression.
Preliminary is denoting
an action or event preceding or in
preparation for
something more important. Information designed to orient or acquaint
with a situation before proceeding. Something that serves as a preceding
event or introduces what follows.
is something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows.
Precursor is something that happens
before something else. A person or thing that comes before another of the
same kind. A forerunner or something that precedes and indicates the
approach of something or someone.
Preceding is something existing or coming before something else.
Human Nature.
Former refers to the first of two things or
persons mentioned, or the earlier one or ones of several. The first of two
or the first mentioned of two. Belonging to some prior time. Persons of
the immediate past or belonging to the distant past.
Overture is something that serves as a
event or introduces what follows. An introduction to something more
substantial. A tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of
Overture is an orchestral piece at the beginning of an opera, suite,
play, oratorio, or other extended
Background Knowledge is
the information that is essential to understanding a situation or problem.
Information and knowledge acquired through study or experience or
Semantic Tree. It
is important to view knowledge as sort of a
semantic tree — make sure you
understand the fundamental principles, ie the trunk and
big branches,
before you get into the leaves/details or there is nothing for them to
hang on to. -
Musk (wiki) - "One of the problems when people are excited or
interested in learning something new, is that they tend to want to jump to
the most interesting facet of a particular subject, which is typically the
more advanced aspect of it. In other words, there's a widespread tendency
to bypass the fundamentals in the quest to learn the most compelling
parts. But in doing so, people neither truly learn the advanced parts nor
the foundational parts. And this isn't to the detriment of one particular
topic, but of all topics."
You Start from the
Bottom and then work your way up to the Top. And you never forget
how and where you started, and you never forget all the things that you
needed to learn along the way, and how long your journey took.
Ascending is moving up
or going up or
growing upward to a better position.
Phase is any distinct
time period in a
sequence of events. Arrange in phases or
stages. Adjust so as to be in a
Step is any maneuver or action made as part
progress toward a
goal. A sequence
of movements to proceed into a new situation.
is a construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing
it into smaller vertical distances, called steps. Stairs may be straight,
round, or may consist of two or more straight pieces connected at angles.
Special types of stairs include escalators and ladders. Some alternatives
to stairs are elevators (also called lifts), stairlifts, inclined moving
walkways, and ramps.
Climbing a Mountain.
Ladder is made of steps consisting of
two parallel members connected by
that are made for climbing up or climbing down. Ascending stages by which
somebody or something can
is a vertical or inclined set of rungs or steps. There are two types:
rigid ladders that are self-supporting or that may be leaned against a
vertical surface such as a wall, and rollable ladders, such as those made
of rope or aluminium, that may be hung from the top. The vertical members
of a rigid ladder are called stringers or rails (US) or stiles (UK). Rigid
ladders are usually portable, but some types are permanently fixed to a
structure, building, or equipment. They are commonly made of metal, wood,
or fiberglass, but they have been known to be made of tough plastic.
Ladders are ancient tools and technology. A ladder is featured in a
Mesolithic rock painting that is at least 10,000 years old, depicted in
the Spider Caves in Valencia, Spain. The painting depicts two humans using
a ladder to reach a wild honeybee nest to harvest honey. The ladder is
depicted as long and flexible, possibly made out of some sort of grass.
Stage is any distinct
time period in a
sequence of events. A specific identifiable position in a
continuum or
series or especially in a
Subsequent is following in
time or in
Routine -
Polymorphous is something occurring in
several different forms or stages.
Coherent is something marked by an
orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent
relation of parts. Capable of thinking and expressing yourself
in a clear and consistent manner.
Cause and
is in regular succession without gaps or relating to the
performance of multiple operations. Pertaining to or occurring in or
producing a series.
Series is
similar things placed in order or
happening one after another at
scheduled times.
Train is a
sequentially ordered set of things or events or ideas in which each
successive member is related to the preceding.
Succession is the
following of one thing
after another in time. A group of people or things arranged or following
in order. Succession in ecology is the gradual and orderly process of
change in an ecosystem brought about by the
replacement of one community by another until a
stable climax is established.
Operations is a
process or
series of acts especially
of a practical or mechanical nature involved in a particular
form of work. A
planned activity
involving many people performing various actions.
Calculation by mathematical
Ordered is having a
systematic arrangement, especially having
elements succeeding in
order according to rule. Marked by an
orderly, logical, and
aesthetically consistent
relation of parts. Bring into
conformity with
rules or
principles or usage. Impose
regulations. Arrange thoughts, ideas, temporal events.
Symmetry -
of Precedence is a sequential
hierarchy of nominal
importance of items.
Development Milestones -
Developing an Idea Process -
Saying the right things at the right time is not
easy. Doing the right things at the right time is not easy.
Thinking the right things at the right time is not easy. This is why
teaching the right things at the right time is extremely important. You
need to understand what being right is and understand what the right time
Sequence in
music is the restatement of a
motif or longer melodic (or harmonic) passage at a higher or lower pitch
in the same voice. It is one of the most common and simple methods of
elaborating a melody in eighteenth and nineteenth century classical music
(Classical period and Romantic music). Characteristics of sequences: Two
segments, usually no more than three or four. Usually in only one
direction: continuingly higher or lower. Segments continue by same
interval distance. It is possible for melody or harmony to form a sequence
without the other participating. There are many types of sequences, each
with a unique pattern. Listed below are some examples.
Procedures -
DNA - Instructions in Sequence
Fibonacci Sequence is a
sequence of numbers in which each number
equals the sum of the two preceding numbers. (It has to add up).
The On-Line Encyclopedia of
Integer Sequences.
Erikson Stages of Psychosocial Development
identifies a series of eight stages, in which a
healthy developing
individual should pass through from infancy to late
adulthood. Each stage builds upon the successful completion of
earlier stages.
Sequence Alignment is a way of arranging the sequences
DNA, RNA, or protein to
identify regions of similarity that may be a consequence of
functional, structural, or evolutionary relationships between
the sequences.
Word Order Predicts a native speakers' working memory. The
language we speak affects the way we
process, store and retrieve information.
Precondition is a condition or
predicate that must always be true just prior to the execution of some
section of
code or before an operation
in a formal specification. If a precondition is violated, the effect of
the section of code becomes undefined and thus may or
may not carry out its
intended work. Security problems can arise due to incorrect
preconditions. Often, preconditions are simply included in the
documentation of the affected section of code.
Preconditions are
sometimes tested using guards or assertions within the code itself, and
some languages have specific syntactic constructions for doing so.
Management (Prioritizing Value Scheduling)
"Avoiding too much too soon, and too little too late."
Non-Linear is something
that does not progress or develop smoothly from one stage to the next in a
logical way. Instead, it makes sudden changes, or seems to develop in
different directions at the same time.
Linear Learning
Atomic Broadcast or total order broadcast is a broadcast where all
correct processes in a system of multiple processes receive the same set
of messages in the same order; that is, the same sequence of messages. The
broadcast is termed "atomic" because it either eventually completes
correctly at all participants, or all participants abort without side
effects. Atomic broadcasts are an important distributed computing
Robots working as a group are able to determine the optimal order of their
Simultaneous Subject Teaching
Stages are like
pages in a
book. You
start with reading the first page, and then you read the second page, and
when reading each new page, you have to remember the previous pages in
order to
comprehend and
make sense of each new page that
you read. And when you read the last page, you can put it all together to
summarize an
interpretation of the
meaning of that particular
information in
that particular book.
Outdated Knowledge Sequence from K-8 (PDF)
Memory Consolidation is when existing memories are recalled and modified with new knowledge.
Supertask is a countable infinite sequence of operations
that occur sequentially within a finite interval of time.
Working with students to Develop their next Learning Steps.
Baby Step is a tentative act or measure
which is the
stage in a long or challenging process.
What About Bob is a 1991 American comedy starring
Murray and
Richard Dreyfuss. Murray plays Bob Wiley, an irritating patient who
follows his egotistical psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin (Dreyfuss) on
vacation. When the unstable Bob befriends the other members of Dr. Leo's
family, it pushes the doctor over the edge.
Learning the Right Things at the Right Time
You might not understand something the first time you read it, but you
will eventually. Sometimes
you need to read something else that helps you
understand a particular passage that you have read before in the past. So
now when you read that same passage again, you understand it and see it
more clearly. You may read an entire book or watch a movie, but years from
now, after you have spent time learning and increasing your knowledge of
yourself and the world around you, now that book or movie will reveal
different meanings that you never noticed before. We need to do this type
of learning more often. We need to keep learning and keep
reviewing old
knowledge and experiences so that they are more clearly understood, and
also help us to avoid recalling
false memories.
Language and
Words Shapes our ThoughtsThe brain works in
Layers, and so should
Learning. The
Brain Develops in
Stages thus
Information and
Knowledge has to be
inputted in a particular order that coincides with brain
development. To put it simply, you have to learn how to walk before you can learn
how to run. Most academic courses are already created in
steps so that the student is introduced to new knowledge in
increments so that the information can be understood. That's
one of the reasons for
You need Knowledge in order to acquire and understand new
And there are no shortcuts. If you leave out certain information and
knowledge you will always struggle to understand and
interpret new information and new knowledge, and not be able to correctly
and effectively apply the knowledge you have. You will also be unaware of
new knowledge and new information even when it's right in
front of you. You will become a victim of your own
ignorance. And if you never become aware of your ignorance
you will never be able to correctly self analyze yourself in
order to correct it. This is why having an effective and
comprehensive education is so extremely important.
You can't understand something if you don't have the knowledge
and the information that is needed to
accurately understand it.
It's like hearing another language for the first time that you
never heard before, you will never understand what people are
telling you unless you learn the
language they're speaking. And
this problem is the same for all knowledge and all information,
you can't fully understand something when you know very little
about it. Like meeting a person for the very first time. This is
the major problem plaguing every school on the planet. Education
will never be effective or efficient as it can be unless it
addresses this reality. You can't be random or
fragmented with a
persons education, each person is an individual, thus each
person needs
Misinterpretation is having an inaccurate mental
representation of the meaning or significance of something.
Not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth.
Learning Methods -
Theory and Research-based Principles of Learning
This is not to say that all learning needs to be
Linear, because everyone has there own
Style of Learning. And you also have to make knowledge
and information available in more then one format so that
a person can pick and choose what they want to learn and when.
Nonlinear Control.
"If you don't understand the correct sequence of things
to learn, or, understand the relation certain information has to other
information and skills, then full understanding will not be achieved."
"When you learn the right things at the right time, then
knowledge accumulates and you become wiser. But if you learn
things randomly in
fragments, then the knowledge does not
accumulate effectively. You might remember learning
something, but you can't formulate that knowledge
effectively, so you will not benefit from that knowledge as
much as you should."
When Learning something new you have to ask these Questions...How does this information apply to your current needs? How will this
information benefit you right now? When will this
information most likely be used?
Why will this information
most likely be used and How will this information most
likely be used? What have you learned so far? What would
be the most logical thing to learn next based on your current knowledge
and current needs?
Education Purpose
"After all, everybody only hears what he
understands." ~Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe
1749-1832, German poet and Nature philosopher
The Human Brain is the most
Processer of
Information on the
Our ability to
Process Information and
Store Information,
(PC), is what makes us
Defines us, Information
Controls us, Information
Teaches us. Know your Processor, understand the
Software (
and understand the
Hardware (
Every student must have complete knowledge and understanding
of the
human brain, how the brain
works, its vulnerabilities, its strengths, its
structure and
complexities. As you learn about the Human Brain
you must also ' Learn how to Learn ' and have a full
understanding about all the different
learning styles and
learning methods.
With learning there are more important elements then
motivation, eagerness,
grit and desire. There is something called
method. Motivation comes from the
reward that knowledge brings. Meaningful, creative
challenges gives a student pride and ownership of their
efforts. The ability to learn and the ability to
focus or pay
attention are two different things.
Focus and
attention = Learning as long as the student
knows how to learn.
Motivations and desires are emotions, and emotions are
not factors in learning, they are factors of the human
condition. We should not be so interested in a students
willingness to learn, but more interested in knowing that a
student has
the ability to learn.
Good teaching methods do not require
coercion. If a student is not
interested in learning
then a teacher must find out why. Is it a poor teaching
method? Is it because a student never learned how to learn?
Is it because a student has already learned this subject? Is
it because a student has other priorities? Or Is it because
a student has trouble focusing for whatever reason? So
before a good teaching method can be applied, does every
student have the ability to learn and does every student
have the ability to
Focus. Being bored or not interested in learning is not
an excuse or even a reason not to learn. Either you can
learn or you can't learn. So what is the real reason?
Intrinsically Motivated Learning (PDF)
Teaching and Learning is a Science
Learning Sciences interdisciplinary field that works to
further scientific understanding of learning as well as to
engage in the design and implementation of learning innovations,
and the improvement of instructional methodologies.
Education examines education in one country (or group of
countries) by using data and insights drawn from the practices
and situation in another country, or countries.
Epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with
the theory of knowledge.
Exploratory Research is
research conducted for a problem
that has not been clearly defined. It often occurs before we
know enough to make conceptual distinctions or to posit an
explanatory relationship.
Quantitative Research is the systematic empirical
investigation of
observable phenomena via statistical,
mathematical or computational techniques.
BrainologyTeaching and learning needs
to be fully engineered so that
learning management system's can be
implemented and improved continuously as time goes on.
Purposes of Education -
Articulation (entry testing)
The worlds best Knowledge
and information is at your fingertips. Use it or Lose it.
The more you learn the right things at the right time the
more you will realize
what you did not know. Knowledge gives you the abilities
to see farther into your future and farther into your past
with greater accuracy and with greater understanding.
Knowledge is an endless journey filled with new discoveries
at every step. But for now there is no clear direction or
order of what needs to be learned and when. And a lot of
times you have to learn particular piece knowledge in order
to understand why this particular piece of knowledge is
important. This is why detailed
explanations are incredibly important.
How Long will it take to Finish this Education Project?
The sooner the better, but
anything worth doing takes time. As I
continue my
internet aggregation for Basic Knowledge 101, I
periodically remix the material to match it with
instructions and
define each subject into
categories and easy to learn lessons for every age level.
Subject categories and the relationships that are created
within these
structures will be displayed using links and
context. I'm constantly finding a lot of significant
innovations that are improving online education. When this
knowledge is learned in the right way and at the right time
this will eventually help the brain formulate that
particular knowledge so that the information can be
correctly applied when needed.
What would happen if you
fully educated every child? Well, Lets find out...
We need to
challenge students with more specialized programs with
complex themes and content to help increase spatial
reasoning and creative expression. Even though there is
considerable amount of structured information on the
Internet there is still much more information that needs to
be organized. This will require some
knowledge engineering as well as
reverse engineering. Having academic freedom when
researching will involve some intellectual risk-taking. So
there will be mistakes made from time to time, but mistakes
can be corrected and learned from so all will not be lost.
Knowledge 101 will have recommended books to read plus other
books that a student finds that might have similar
knowledge. The
digitizing of books will
allow students and teachers to create their own books of
study for each subject by accumulating the best information
they found from the books they read. Then from each of those
digital creations, from students and teachers, we can
combine the best information and create one large
manuscript to
share and study from. This manuscript will list all the
resources and books that the information was acquired from
so that anyone can verify the information and also learn
more about why that information was created in the first
I'm using
wikipedia a lot
because this gives everyone a fair chance to be apart of the
collective intelligent
consensus. If everyone contributes and helps to verify
and manage our knowledge, we will have less
doubt and
confusion, while at the same time, have deeper meanings
explanations to why certain knowledge is relevant. You
also have to remember that Wikipedia is just an introduction
to knowledge and that there is always more to learn. There
are also
discussions on almost every Wikipedia page, so don't
assume that there is no
skepticism. I also use
a lot because this also gives everyone a fair chance to be
apart of our education and knowledge. Every school in the
world should have a class that examines pages on
wikipedia for
accuracy, and make changes or updates if needed. This way
students can make their own textbooks and not be subjected
to school textbooks with manipulative undertones or
narrow-minded points of view that become outdated as soon as
you read them.
More about Information Sources.
Testing Yourself - Self Testing
Though testing is not always necessary for learning,
testing is still a
good tool and an effective method for confirming if a person understands a
particular area of knowledge. You can easily
test yourself if you can
correctly identify the right questions to ask.
The question is, how do you test for that? Well lets find out.
Testing yourself can be done by
reading a
page or by
reading a few hundred words, and then after, seeing how much you
remember about what you have read. You
don't have to remember every word, you just need to recall the basic meaning of
what you read using
simple terms or be
giving a
brief summary of what you read.
Learning on your own or
practicing on your own may not be as effective as
when you have a
or a
tutor, but you can
definitely learn on your own. And once you can
educate yourself, you will
be able to teach yourself almost anything and
learn almost anything in
the world, as well as learn anytime you want. Your goal is to become
smarter and smarter everyday. And when
life tests you, you will
not make as many mistakes because now you're
a lot more educated and a lot
experienced and a lot
more skilled.
Questions must explain why you are asking these particular
questions. Explain
when this knowledge will be used in real
life circumstances. Explain
how this knowledge will be used
in real life circumstances. Explain
where this knowledge
will be used in real life circumstances, and confirm that
this knowledge is pertaining to a solution to a problem that
is effecting your life or society today, something that needs immediate
attention that no one else is working on, or, the people who
are working on solving the problem, are not going about it in
the right way, or they need help, so
intelligent collaboration is
Computerized Learning.
Testing Guidelines
In order to create an effective self testing software, the test has to be validated and updated often, and the test also needs to
give a full explanation of it's relevance. So the test needs
not only answers from the people taking the test, the test
also needs questions from the people taking the test. Then
students and teachers will discuss the answers and the
questions together in class. And then the students who
calculated the answers correctly will then help the other
students who did not calculate the answers correctly. Then
those students will retake those questions that they got
wrong. If all testing were to be done this way you would see
great improvements in learning, teaching and testing.
The Problems with School Testing
Every Student will be tested once a year
or more if needed on the decided
curriculum. Each test will have different
levels depending on the student's age or grade level. Once
those students score a 98% on each years testing, then that
student will require no further testing on that particular
curriculum for the remainder of that year. If the students
score is below 98% then they will have to retake the test,
but only the answers they got wrong. When they get 98% of
those answers correct then they pass to the next level. Each
test level will also have some of the same questions as the
last test and also ask questions about previous test levels.
Not to make the test easy but to verify long term memory and
to reinforce key knowledge, or just to update knowledge. The
questions will not be exactly the same question but only
similar. Testing can be done halfway through the course, or
anytime a student wants to be tested.
answers will be visible on the website but will not have the
persons name. This way answers can be reviewed by a
collective combined intelligence of professionals and BK101
graduates. The collective will post their responses to your
answers in order to investigate your reasoning, they will
not make judgments on your intelligence. People who took the
test can then resubmit their answers to show corrections,
and why those corrections were made, whether the corrections
were the result of feedback, or the result of new
information that is now available that was not originally
available when the question was first answered.
Discourage Cheating: There will be 100 different
versions of each test at each level, so Questions and
Answers will vary.
Since Hand Writing can be Analyzed and Graded, every answer
will be hand written, except for special cases. Cheating is
a clear sign that the education system is a failure. So you
just don't want to discourage cheating, you want to make
sure that every student understands that cheating will only
hurt them, because failing to fully understand the knowledge
and information from BK101 will only decrease their
abilities and their potential. So you're just cheating
yourself and lowering your chances for a happy and
productive life. Of course this cannot be said for the
inadequate curriculum that is being taught in todays schools
and universities. This is why schools have so much cheating
and failures, because the knowledge and information taught
in todays schools mostly confirms a persons earning
potential, and also their ability to manipulate other people
into giving them things that they don't deserve. It doesn't
really confirm intelligence, or ability, or morality, or
potential. And the saddest part is, that the ones who don't
cheat, end up with knowledge and information they may never
use effectively. A huge waste.
Proctoring is another word for exam supervision, it means that a real
person will supervise your exam in real time via your webcam.
Remote Proctoring enables students to write an exam in a remote
location while maintaining the exam’s integrity. A proctoring software
confirms a student’s identity and monitors him/her through a webcam. The
video recorded during a remote proctored exam helps to flag any suspicious
activity or behavior. An
online proctoring software, say Proctortrack, continuously verifies
online test-takers’ identity while detecting and deterring academic
misconduct. The tool ensures multi-factor bio metric authentication (face
scan, ID scan, and room scan) upon entry. Proctortrack also has a lockdown
mechanism that prevents students from accessing web browsers or other
applications in between the tests. Recorded proctoring is where
screenshots, videos, and log data gets recorded to review later. Advanced
auto proctoring is where the remote proctoring software detects suspicious
activities, which proctors may review later. Remote proctoring is a system
that allows examinees to take exams anytime and anywhere while providing
examinators with the ability to continuously monitor this process. It's a
cutting-edge technology ensuring online testing security and high
Advantages of Remote Proctoring:
Eliminates the need for exam center arrangement. Removes the requirement
and availability of physical proctors. Advance exam security and integrity
gets fulfilled due to automation. Lessens the trouble of traveling to far
away exam locations and helps candidates appear for the exam in the
comfort of their homes.
students' rooms during remote tests is unconstitutional, judge rules.
A student argued that his university
violated his Fourth Amendment
rights when it asked him for a webcam recording of his testing space.
Students may find the lockdown browser feature and webcam recordings
Testing should be used to help measure if the recommended
knowledge and information is being correctly understood.
Test results should be known so that any parent or student can
measure their progress at any time. The tests being made
public will also allow people to help improve the tests as
we learn more about the intended results of certain
Knowledge will be coded. Reading, Writing, Language and
Communication will be of highest importance and so will be
tested regularly. Learning about Food and Water.
Understanding Ingredients and the Causes and Effects of
certain foods and ingredients. Also learning about the
importance of Exercise, the Human Body, its Functions,
Abilities and Vulnerabilities will also be tested regularly.
And of course everything else in Basic Knowledge 101 will be
learned at the appropriate time.
Until a full written test is designed that can accurately measure a
persons intelligence, I can not be sure where this
information will take you. I can only say that from my
experience, information and knowledge has made me a lot more
aware of my abilities. And I still have much more to learn.
Knowledge doesn't happen over night and not everyone
understands knowledge the same way. There is no plan for
knowledge. There is no guide to knowledge. This is just the
Basic Knowledge
101 can be taught in a
classroom, self-taught
online, or offline if the Laptop PC comes fully loaded with
all the curriculum including media and audio. Online will
most likely be the appropriate media since most schools will
not be qualified or capable of implementing this type of
knowledge. All questions and answers will be in writing with
no multiple choice. This will insure that the student fully
knows the answer and is capable of reading and writing,
which are the two most important skills to have when it
comes to learning. Plus multiple choice is not a true test
of knowledge. You either know the answer or you don't.
Showing someone the answer is not teaching. This is why
schools love
multiple choice because it
raises test scores, which makes it look like the teachers
are actually doing their job. Plus cheating or guessing is
not easily controlled so test scores are not always
will be given each year and for each category. A final test
can be taken anytime a student feels ready. The
certification "Basic Knowledge 2022" will signify the year
that the student received their certification. This will
also help keep track of the specific curriculum that the
student has learned. As this particular area of study
changes, improves and increases its knowledge base, that
student may want to recertify himself or herself with "Basic
Knowledge 2016" for example. There will be a test for each
year and level. The first test will be for a one year old,
which will be very basic. Then each test from two years old
through a hundred years old will have more questions and
more complex problem solving lessons.
All this
knowledge and information may seem
overwhelming and seem
like there is just to much to learn, but when you have 12
years to learn and understand it, it's really not that much.
And 12 years is just the average. For some it will be less
than 12 years and others it will be more then 12 years. If
children start learning early then most students will know
Basic knowledge 101 by the age of 12, which will allow them
to begin learning
advanced college courses,
training and
skills. Most will
complete those courses by the age of 18. This is not to say
that your education will be over after 12 years. On the
education has no end, only beginnings. In the mean
time students may want to take a
travel or
volunteer in any of the social services they feel would
benefit people the most, like
monitoring and
auditing our
failing systems so that everyone can be aware of the
necessary adjustments that we need to make. This is only one
example of course of many options and choices.
Students may also consider being an editor for
How much Knowledge is enough and how quickly can I learn it?
Humans are a Brain-Based Species. Our brain is our
biggest asset and the ultimate source of our true potential.
Remember that saying
Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste." More true now then
ever, especially knowing that we now know a lot more about
how incredibly important knowledge is to a human. To
understand this is an
epiphany, something that you will never forget. And it's
not just one epiphany, it's many. What are you teaching if
you don't know the end result of what you are teaching? It
is extremely important to know the end result. You must also
be able to confirm that the student understands the end
result. Creating a test for this knowledge will be a test in
itself. And some of the test is not even a test. It's more
of an
evaluation. An evaluation of the test and the student.
You have
to know what level you're on and have an accurate way of
measuring that level.
full Education Plan for Basic Knowledge 101 will be in
writing. All subjects, courses and teachings will be listed
and described in as much detail as possible. An explanation
of the intended results, the benefits and the reasons why
this knowledge is important and the abilities that will come
from learning this knowledge will also be in writing. A
knowledge timeline will be given to help students understand how much
knowledge they need to learn and when they need to learn it.
A knowledge timeline will also help anyone who wishes to
measure their knowledge skills in a particular area at a
different time on which it was intended. Being able to see
the first 12 years of your education plan, along with the
tests that will be used in measuring your performance, will
help anyone to be more aware of the purpose of knowledge and
how this knowledge and information will effect their life
and their future. Having an education plan will also allow a
person to personally apply their own
learning methods
or even help improve or modify the education plan that is
currently being used.
You have to be able to
see the whole picture of your education and understand what
particular knowledge and information means to a human. You
have to see the ways a person benefits from certain
knowledge and information and be able to understand the
abilities that certain knowledge and information gives to a
person. Basic Knowledge 101 will have over 60 subjects of
study with numerous subcategories of knowledge and
information. And each subject of study will have an
explanation of the benefits and abilities of that particular
knowledge and information so that the student will know
exactly how and why this particular knowledge and
information will be used in their everyday life. This will
help reduce the wasting of valuable time and avoid students
from learning knowledge and information they will never use
or use very little.
Public Domain
Education Knowledge DatabaseParents have
to understand that until they expand and improve education,
it is up to them to fill this void of knowledge that kids
desperately need filled. And if parents never acquired this
knowledge themselves then they should learn it together with
their children. You have to know what questions to ask.
Questions are the keys that open doors to understanding.
"Having open discussions from a
parent or educator on subject material is always
the majority of Knowledge and information that makes up
Basic Knowledge 101 will be learned by the age of 16. That's
basically everything on this website and all the pages that
Basic Knowledge 101 links to. So if you are over 16 then you
will have some catching up to do. Of course testing and
lessons will be designed differently for late starters so
that you will not be overwhelmed. Your age and your skill
level of understanding will determine your starting point as
well as the level of difficulty.
Teachers Pledge to Students
I Promise to Bestow Everything that I Know, and what we don't know, we will learn together.
And then the
Teacher would ask each
Student before they
begin to teach a course...
May I be your
Teacher?Teachers Duty:
Transfer the most valuable knowledge, provide the facts, not opinions. A
students biggest takeaway should be a better understanding and greater
awareness. Students should never be subjected to disinformation or
irrelevant, unrelated knowledge that is easily forgotten because it is not
immediately applicable or associated, because that is a huge waste of time,
resources and potential, things this world cannot afford to lose anymore.
Classroom Management -
Student Pledge -
Basic Knowledge 101 Mission
StatementThe Perfect Education: Perfect
meaning, this is
the best education that we have so far,
which is based on our current level of knowledge and information that
has been acquired up to this date.
Perfection is more of
a desired goal, not necessarily a reality.
"Guess what? School's Not Over... In Fact it was never over, because it's Just
Beginning...it's time to Start Learning again."
Basic Knowledge 101 Name Creation - Where the School Name
came from

is serving as a base or starting point. Providing the
Foundation for
something. The simplest and most significant
form possible
without loss of
is a relation that provides the
foundation for something. The
fundamental assumptions from which
something is begun or developed or
calculated or explained. The
important or necessary part of
Knowledge is the
Psychological result of
Perception and
Learning and
101 is used to signify an Introductory
course. 101 is a
Binary Number for 5,
Five Main Subjects.
101 is also the 26th
Prime Number, a
Palindromic Number
that reads the same backwards as forwards, a
Natural Number,
Ordinal Number,
Square-Free Integer, and a
Strobogrammatic Prime
or a
Number, so no matter how you
look at it, it is what it is,
and One's
The 101st Airborne Division ("Screaming Eagles").
More Math Numbers.
Introduction is a new
proposal. The act of starting something for
the first time. Introducing something new or someone new. The act of
beginning something new. The first section of a communication. A basic or
elementary instructional text. The act of putting one thing into another.
education or
instruction in
fundamentals of a
of knowledge. The
necessary for
study. The basis on
which something is grounded.
The fundamental
from which something is
begun or
developed or
calculated or
explained. The
act of
starting something
for the first time or
introducing something new.
The lowest support of a
Fundamental -
Human Operating System -
Life’s Blueprint -
Root System -
Polyhedron -
First Draft -
Basal -
Baseline -
Implicit -
Simplification A strong
foundation is made from strong
building blocks.
Each brick represents a
The contents of the brick is the words
meanings and definitions.
Every brick is perfectly placed in the
correct order
and at the
level. The symbol of a
tree with deep roots can be used to represent the foundation and depth
of knowledge.
Cornerstone or foundation stone is the first stone set at the corner
of a building foundation. All other stones will be set in
reference to this stone, thus
determining the position or basis of the entire structure, and an
important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is
Core Values.
Keystone gives strength to a masonry arch or vault and locks all the
stones into position, allowing the arch or vault to bear weight.
Key Knowledge.
Under-Pin is to
support, justify, or
form the basis for something. To
support a
building or other
structure from below by laying a solid foundation below
ground level or by substituting
stronger for
weaker materials.
(wiki) -
Groundwork are the
first set of activities
work that needs to
be done in order to prove that a larger
goal can be achieved. Verifying
fundamental assumptions so that the value of the work is calculated and
explained, and that the work should continue to the next step. The
preliminary preparation as a
for work that needs to be done, and as the
foundation for future work.
is a thing
complex entity constructed
of many parts. The manner of
construction of something
and the arrangement of its
parts. The
composition of knowledge as
elements and their
combinations. A particular
complex anatomical part of a
living thing. The people in
a society considered as a
organized by a
characteristic pattern of
is to create by
linking linguistic units.
Create by
organizing and
linking ideas,
arguments, or
concepts. Reassemble
A good foundation can also be a
launch pad for you to blastoff
from. A Launchpad can also be used as a stable place for you to land
safely back on after returning from a voyage.
Launch is to start a new organization or
institution. Something that sets a particular activity or enterprise in
motion. To begin with vigor or to get going. To give force that moves
something along. To catapult or send off or to throw forward.
Soon we will have our foundation. Not an
institutional foundation
that's supported by an
but a real foundation, a foundation that is supported by millions of people, built by millions
of people, and used by millions of people.

Two Triangles. The bottom
triangle represents everything you have learned so
far, and the top triangle is everything you can see and understand because
of all the knowledge and information that you have acquired. Where the two
points of the triangles meet is your point of
focus and
your center.
Point-up triangles represent a strong
foundation or stability. Two
triangles represent a
balance of two opposite forces.
A foundation could look like a pyramid. You are at the top of the
pyramid, and everything you know is the pyramid. The pyramid is ascending
you to a greater understanding and rising you up to see more and to see
farther then ever before.
BK101 is
your base knowledge. It's not all the knowledge that you need, but it's
enough knowledge to give you an adequate understanding of yourself and
the world around you, as well as, the skills needed to acquire more
knowledge and become even more intelligent as time goes on.
of the most important benefits of having a good
base knowledge is that it gives
you the ability to ask better questions, and at the same time, it gives
you the ability to understand the answers, thus increasing your chances of
solving a particular problem. If you don't even know what questions to
ask, then you will never find the answers, or will you have the ability to solve a problem.
Get Paid to Learn.
What the School Emblem might look like in the Future

This is not a Reward or a Badge, this is a
symbol for Learning.
The True Value of this
can only be Measured by You.
Rite of Passage.
What will BK101 look like
as a School?
Basic Knowledge 101 School Emblem Symbols Explained:
Represents Defender of Good and Righteousness
French word that stands for "Flower
of the Lily" Signifies Perfection,
Light and Life.
Olive Branch: Signifies Peace and Harmonious
Snake: Signifies Wisdom.
Chess Rook: Strategic thinking.
Cross: Signifies Religious Freedom,
Unity of heaven and earth and
Protector of Good Health. -
Eagle: Represents a Person of Noble
Nature, Strength, Bravery,
Alertness, High-Spirited, Ingenious,
Quick-Witted, Judicious, True
Magnanimity and
Strength of Mind.
Spirit Animal
Symbolizes Rebirth and One who
is watchful, who gave the signal in
time of danger.
(1 of the 5 elements)
Wu Xing
Prayer Flag -
Five Pure Lights -
Butterfly: Symbolic of the Soul, Transformation
and the Power of Ideas.
Represents Dauntless Courage,
Bravery, Strength, Ferocity, and
Apple Tree:
Life and connection to the Earth
and in Harmony with the Land.
Liberality, felicity, and peace;
Perpetual concordance.
Tree of Life.
Represents Life,
Purity, Cleansing
and Renewal.
(1 of the 5 elements)
Represents Dreams, Awareness and
the Exploration and Understanding of
the Mind. -
(1 of the 5 elements)
Represents Sky, Spirit and Energy. -
(1 of the 5 elements) -
Mountain: Represents Willpower,
Overcoming Obstacles.
Land -
(1 of the 5 elements)
One who will not fight unless provoked; peace and harmony.
Aspen Leaves:
Determination; overcoming fears and doubts.
Cactus Flower:
Bravery and endurance.
Naturalist Intelligence, Wild
Food Knowledge, Homeopathic
medicine, Utilizing Natural
renewable resources. -
Reuse, recycle, reduce waste.
Blossoms: Wealth and
prosperity; Education; Feminine
principle and love; Transience of
People Holding
Hands: Friendship,
cooperation, community.
(horn of plenty): The
bounty of nature's gifts.
Yin and Yang:
Balance, Universal Harmony and the
Unity between complimentary
Musical Symbol represents the Celebration of Life,
Self-Expression, Creativity and the Arts.
Atom symbol represents an understanding of life through
science and a strong interest and attention to details.
PI (π):
Pi symbol represents the importance of math
and how measurements and
calculations can improve oneself and
the world around you. -
ImprovingThe Color Red Symbolizes:
Love, Beauty, Passion and Honor. -
Red (wiki) -
Color. Symbolism.
The Color Gold Symbolizes:
Warmth, Happiness, Hope, Optimism,
Intelligence, Justice, Perfection, Summer and
Gold (wiki) -
Golden Mean -
Golden Rule -
Golden Age.
Basic Knowledge 101
graduates will not have
labels like
Honor Student, or will
they be considered
for those labels are
inaccurate in determining
School Pledge:
The Human Promise Manifesto.
Even my Name has Meaning. Howie Polley or
Howard Polley.
How is in what way or by what
ie is to say in other words.
Pol is a person active in politics.
ley is a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock.
Translation: A way to use words in social relations to support and promote.
The Perfect Tweet
Ignorance is a
prison. The only way out of this prison is to
learn your way out.
what would you like to learn today? Basic Knowledge 101>
(28 words / 27 Spaces / 133 characters with no spaces / 140 characters
with spaces).
Ignorance is a
Prison. The only way out
of this prison is to
learn your way out, the
key is
knowledge. And the only way to know
that you are even out of this prison is to
get beyond
the invisible bars. The invisible bars that you had
no idea were even there. And these
bars are holding you
back and keeping you from
realizing your true
potential. Waking up is not just something you do after
you have been sleeping, waking up is also something
you do when you finally realize that you were never
fully awake.
The Key
is knowledge -
Free the
Mind -
The only way out is in
Keep Learning My Friends
Gilded Cage is a place where a person
appears to live in luxury but
has very little freedom. It's like living in a
luxurious prison or a deceptive
palace that is basically a cage with golden bars.
Be careful what you wish for -
Popularity Paradox -
The Paradox
of Our TimeLearning how to
read is like receiving the
key to the prison cell that you
are in, but
key will only work when you read the right things at the right time.
Language is the
key to unlock the
door to your
prison, but
you're not
even aware of this prison that you are in or do you have any idea that
this prison even exists. You will only be able to see this prison when you
learn what it is and how the lack of
language and
knowledge kept
you from seeing and understanding yourself and the world around you.
A life sentence is a mind that stops learning...
Never Stop Learning.
Why did I end the perfect
tweet with a
Greater-than Sign?
The American Standard Code
Information Interchange
There is no easy way out, there's only a
right way and a wrong way. If the easy way out is right, then that's a
good thing, and you got lucky. But if the easy way out is wrong, and ends
up doing more harm then good, then the easy way out is bad.
Information is
knowledge acquired through study or experience or
instruction. A collection of facts from
which conclusions may be drawn.
A message received and understood.
is a junction of highways on
different levels that permits traffic to move from
one to another without crossing traffic streams.
Mutual interaction; the activity of reciprocating or
exchanging (especially information)
The act of changing one thing for another thing.
Put in the place of another; switch seemingly equivalent
items. Give to, and receive from,
one another. Reverse (a direction,
attitude, or course of action).
Interchange Road (wiki).
In Iraq the books in the market remain in the street at
night because
a reader does not steal and a thief
does not read.
The Threshold of Knowledge
If people never have access to valuable knowledge and information, then people will never understand the value of knowledge and information,
which means that most all people will be ignorant of a lot of things and
they will stay ignorant their entire life, and they will never know how ignorant they are because
they are ignorant about how ignorant they are and they have no way to accurately understand themselves and the world around them. It is in fact
a prison cell, a prison that people have no idea that they are in, this is because they have
never been outside the prison. Knowledge and information
is the Key that will unlock the doors of your mind and release you from a self imposed life prison sentence. The lack of knowledge creates
and boundaries in the mind that keeps a person from realizing the
enormous amount of potential they have and also stops them from acquiring valuable skills and abilities that
can be learned and utilized for the benefit of themselves and for the benefit of the world around them. There is a threshold or a basic
requirement that is needed to understand knowledge and information. And once you reach that threshold, you will finally see
the horizon, and from
there your
motivation to keep learning will never
end or stop. This is when
learning becomes a self feeding process, the more you learn the more
you want to learn, because you know that the benefits are endless. As long as you keep learning, you will keep benefiting from what you learn,
but only as long as
the knowledge and information that you are getting is valuable and accurate, and
that you also have clear instructions on how to use knowledge and information effectively and efficiently as possible.
Threshold is the starting point for a new state or experience. The entrance through which
you enter or leave a room. The space in a wall in which you can travel
through like a door. Threshold can also mean the smallest
sensation or a region marking a boundary.
Knowledge is the Key
that unlocks the door to your cage. This is why I
want to put this key in your hand because finding all
this knowledge yourself is a difficult task."
Time Saving.
"Most people can't see the door let alone realize
they have the key to unlock it; The door is a metaphor
that symbolizes knowledge and information, knowledge
and information you can't see, and this blindness
keeps you from using your abilities and realizing your
potential. Ignorance is like being blind, except you don't know you're blind."
Welcome to Basic Knowledge 101. Where intelligence and logical thinking has a voice. A place to speak and to be heard.
Future Concepts for Advanced Knowledge 101
Human Operating System
will consist of all the disciplines
in Basic Knowledge 101 as well as a
conceptual framework
made up of
thinking styles,
abductive reasoning,
to help increase the capacity to
think logically about the
relationships among concepts and
situations and to justify and
ultimately prove the correctness of
which is just another way of saying
that you will be more
intelligent, more
aware, and more capable of
solving any problem.
Conceptual Framework is an analytical tool with several
variations and contexts. It is used to make conceptual
distinctions and organize ideas. Strong conceptual frameworks
capture something real and do this in a way that is easy to
remember and apply.
Human Operating System Basics -
Science -
Programmable Logic Controller
When installing a new software into a
computer you have to know the operating system and the
processing ability of that computer. When
teaching a new subject to a person
you have to know the persons
current level of knowledge as well as
their ability to understand or process new knowledge.
& One's" - "
On or Off"
- Everything in life is
coded, so will be learning.
When an atom meets another atom, if there were no rules about how
those atoms interact under specified environmental conditions, then there
would be no life. Every atom has
instructions on how to
interact with other atoms, every atom also has instructions on how to
exist in space. (what are the human instructions?).
Knowledge Visualization
numbering the pages in a book.
Knowing what page you are on makes
you aware of how many pages led you
to this point and how many pages
will bring you to a conclusion or
next step. Knowing
where the information originated
from and where the information will
lead you.
Code is a set of rules or
principles or laws
(especially written ones). A coding system used
for transmitting
The symbolic arrangement of data or
instructions in a
computer program or the set of such instructions.
Knowledge Management -
Code Symbols -
Data is a collection of
facts from which
conclusions may be drawn.
An item of factual information
derived from measurement or
Data Knowledge.
education should mimic the process
Knowledge given in the correct
sequence and in the correct
Timing is
everything. If
you can measure something then you
can determine the correct sequence
for its application.
Measuring also helps create
structure and helps increase our
understanding of resources so that
we can have better control and
produce less waste and inflict less
damage to ourselves and our
Cellular Communication.
Education should be similar to
DNA Repair, if it's not, then
you are guaranteeing
cell death. -
Transcription Genetics
mRNA or messenger RNA, sends
messages within cells telling them
which actions to take, such as which
proteins to code.
Learning Methods
Double-Helix Molecules that
are encoded in every plant, animal and microbe on planet Earth, can be used to
preserve our data for thousands of years. The
coding language of nature is very similar to the
binary language we use
in computers. On hard drives, we use zeros and ones to represent data.
DNA uses four chemical bases (A,T, C and G), strung
together like rungs on a sugar-phosphate ladder. It’s got four
letters instead of two numbers, but both systems can store
endlessly complex permutations of
information. Computer hard
drive's might last about 50 years.
DNA can last for hundreds to
thousands of years, and in cold storage, they might end up
lasting tens of thousands, perhaps even millions of years. If we
can encode DNA with text, and be able to label specific bits, we
could create a searchable DNA-based archive. A microscopic
droplet of DNA can hold the complete “instruction book, billions
upon billions of letters, for thousands of organisms. A fraction
of an ounce of DNA could store more than
300,000 terabytes of information.
DNA Data-Storage for Eternity -
Digital Inheritance -
Genetic Memory
DNA code contains genes that
have instructions needed to make proteins, which are important building
blocks for bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, hair and nails. Proteins also
helps repair tissue, carry oxygen throughout the body, and helps with
digestion and the regulation of hormones. The DNA sequences must be
converted into messages in order for the body to build a structural
framework. BK101 will mimic DNA and give instructions on how to assemble
knowledge that will create intelligence. And just like DNA, BK101 will
also have the ability to modify itself in order to adapt to life,
especially when life has changed in such a way that it challenges our
Revamped design could take powerful biological computers from the test
tube to the cell. Researchers may have developed long-lived
biological computers that
could potentially persist inside cells. Researchers forgo the traditional
DNA-based approach, opting instead to use the nucleic acid RNA to build
computers. The results demonstrate that the RNA circuits are as dependable
and versatile as their DNA-based counterparts. What's more, living cells
may be able to create these RNA circuits continuously, something that is
not readily possible with DNA circuits. The difference is, instead of
coding with ones and zeroes, you write strings of A, T, C and G, which are
the four chemical bases that make up DNA.
We now have more words and more ways to express them then ever before.
Words have the ability
to shape the human mind. Words are the
code of the brain where they are translated into
Zero’s and Ones so that the
synapse knows when to fire and when to create more
connections and more
associations. The meanings behind the words are like the binary
code of a computer. A
computer needs binary code in
order to operate, the human needs to know the meaning of words in order to
We can see our DNA as zeros and ones, a step by step
process of
instructions, I'm sure we can put our knowledge of human life
in our DNA, so that you will learn almost everything from your mind, a
mind that can interpret the DNA code and convert it into a language. A
step by step sequence. How do you write code for understanding. I can
write the code that explains the definition of the word understanding, but
I cannot write the code for interpretation or processing, that would be
the operating system. So the code for the operating system will have to be
installed in steps, along side the code for human development that's
already in our DNA. There is already built in features for learning
language. A person does not have to learn how to learn language because
its a natural ability you are born with. Imagine being born with
knowledge. as well as knowledge how to interpret knowledge and that
knowledge evolves. So it's not programmed behaviors, it's a program that
explains what behavior is.
How would a person interface with the human knowledge in their
DNA. How could they tell the difference between
them and their own personal experiences from the imbedded knowledge? Would
the knowledge need a name or a password? Would it become a type of
shoulder angle, or a second opinion, or a second conscience? Could it tell
me in human language when something in my DNA has changed. And could I
communicate back in order to repair my DNA? Or would it just require me to
change my behavior, that would also communicate back to my DNA to make repairs?
Computer Knowledge
Our Information Distributing System is dysfunctional and corrupt, so
much so that it is hindering the
learning abilities of people all
over the world. This is the main
reason why we have so many problems.
Our mission is to restore the
information distributing system back
to its natural state in which it was
Information Literacy -
Media Literacy
Memory Capacity of the
Human Brain"If you say that some peoples brains are wired
differently, then why don't we teach people how to
wire the human brain correctly?"
Everything on this planet that is
alive today is a direct result of information being passed forward and
shared with the next generation of its species. This process has been
around for 100's of millions of years, it's called
self-replication, and Humans are
not exempt from this fact. If humans want to survive they need
to fully understand what information
and knowledge is important for
survival, and then disseminate this
knowledge using education. Examples
of information being passed forward
through out history...In the
evolution of animals
gene information
accumulated from the environment
must be pass forward to their
offspring so that its species can
adapt accordingly to the world in
which they live.
the ability of plants to survive is
a direct result of important
information gathered from the
environment from previous
generations. In
cell division
the genomic information which is
stored in chromosomes must be
replicated in order to live.
The only way early humans survived
was by learning from older humans
who had the skills and the knowledge
needed to survive and thrive.
can only get you so far. The rest has to be
manually and over time.
Standing on the shoulders of Giants -
Knowledge Gap.
Self-Replication is any behavior of a dynamical system that
yields construction of an identical copy of itself. Biological
cells, given suitable environments, reproduce by cell division.
During cell division,
DNA is replicated and can be transmitted
to offspring during reproduction.
Passing the Baton.
Replication in computing involves sharing information so as to ensure
consistency between
redundant resources, such as software or
hardware components, to improve reliability, fault-tolerance, or
Digital Physics is a collection
of theoretical perspectives based on the premise that the
universe is describable by information. According to this
theory, the universe can be conceived of as either the output of
a deterministic or probabilistic computer program, a vast,
digital computation device, or mathematically isomorphic to such
a device.
Building Blocks of Life
is a form of philosophical monism
which holds that matter is the fundamental substance in nature,
and that all phenomena, including mental phenomena and
consciousness, are results of material interactions.
Humans are
Self-Replicating Machines that
survive by transmitting
Vital Code. It’s the way that
everything on this planet has
survived, evolved and adapted for 100's of millions of
years by
Passing on Important Information and
knowledge to the next generation so
that the next generation will have a
better chance surviving. But there
is only so much information that a
species can input into its genes.
The rest of the information has to be
manually inputted from the
environment. And Humans are
dependent on this manually inputted
information. The
Brain Develops in
Stages thus
Information and
has to be
Inputted in a particular order
that coincides with brain
development. You have to
Write the Code in explicate
detail so that the computer brain
can understand it and use this
information and knowledge
correctly...And always have a
Back Up Plan and always
what you know. (Perpetuate).
up Information (knowledge preservation)
Danny Hillis: Back to the Future of
1994 (video)
If you don't provide any
you will not see any output...Good Input + Good Processing = Good Output.
an acronym for Basic Input/Output System which is a type of firmware used
to perform hardware initialization during the booting process (power-on
startup) on IBM PC compatible computers, and to provide runtime services
for operating systems and programs. The BIOS firmware is built into
personal computers (PCs), and it is the first software they run when
powered on. The name itself originates from the Basic Input/Output System
used in the CP/M operating system in 1975. Originally proprietary to the
IBM PC, the BIOS has been reverse engineered by companies looking to
create compatible systems and the interface of that original system serves
as a de facto standard.
The Natural Progress of information
is being interfered with, and Humans
must fix these errors and restore
the Natural Progression of
Information. It is what it is, we
need it to live, and that is a fact.
Is the information directing us or
are we directing the information?
Both, after all that would be the
natural progression. It seems like
information figured it out, that in
order for information to survive it
would have to have the ability to
fix errors manually. But this
freedom has it's vulnerabilities.
Information is a Natural
Progression, Why?...Information is
vital to every human being, Why?
The only way to know is to Learn Why
information is vital?
What? Where? When? Who? How?
It's all about the information, we
depend on it, and it depends on us.
"I'm just following the information,
after all, it's the reason why every
living thing on this planet has
survived and evolved for 100's of
millions of years. Life is like a
Self Sustaining
Self Perpetuating
Chain Reaction, so should
Independent Learning
"I'm just doing what life has
been doing for millions of years
since the beginning, gathering
information about my environment and
then sharing it with future
generations. After all, it's one of
the main reasons why life even
exists, and it will also be the main
reason that life will continue to
exist and survive long after I'm
"As evolution
has taught us, soon you will
understand, if not, then soon you
will die."
"I'm moving forward many different areas
of knowledge all at once, and each
step I take is being documented."
"If you follow information correctly it
should be pretty much
self-explanatory and self-directing."
"It's not just that the
information from the past is pushing me forward, It's also the
information from the future pulling me forward. A quest to know
is fueled by what is known."
"I'm not sure if I chose to
collect and organize information and knowledge, or if knowledge
and information chose me?
"There's more to this thing we call
in the universes is in a way an expression of
It takes around 12 years to successfully install the
human operating system. If you do
not install the HOS correctly the
user will experience
errors, and most of these
processing errors
will go unnoticed and undetected.
Human Reliability
In order
to have full control and acquire a
high sense of awareness of yourself
and the world you need the correct
information and knowledge at the
right time and then have a full
understanding of how to use this
information and knowledge correctly.
And to assure quality, you need to
test that this information and
knowledge is being understood at
every step of the way for at least
the first 12 years of your life.
Knowing how to learn and to keep
learning is crucial, but more
important, knowing what to learn and
when to learn it is critical.
Timeline of Operating Systems
shows that the development the HOS
will take some time. And
observing the processes used to help create
Artificial Intelligence also
shows that the development of the HOS will take some time.
What will be that perfect line of Digital Life
Code? -
Waiting for an update to my
is all for now, this is just the