What is Life? It is the
question that
drives us. Why are we here?
Why do we exist? What is
the meaning of life? What is
the point of life? How does the
world work?
So when it comes to the
subject of life, there are many
questions we need
to ask when trying to
understand life and
all it's complexities. You
should read this entire BK101 page about life first, and then list the questions
that you feel are important for you to know at this time. There are many
answers, but there is also many questions that can't be fully answered. But one thing is for sure, if you
never stop learning,
then life will never stop being
amazing. This is not to say that
you will
be perfect or that
life will be perfect. It's just saying that
learning is perfect,
especially when you
learn that
perception in the eye of the
beholder. Many thing's in life
seem to last forever, while many
other things in life are just
In life there is a
bigger picture, but
we just got here. So it will take some time
piece things
together. We have to do some
reverse engineering.
Life Quotes -
Life Style -
Life Crisis -
Voyager -
Read to Learn
Language and Thought

Life Depends on How you Look at it. -
There are
no simple answers that would explain what life is.
Life is many things and life is understood in different ways
depending on how much knowledge and information
you have, and your ability to understand it all. So there's a lot that we
can talk about since life is a large subject. There
many big
questions to ask. You would need to have
conversations with
many different people. So what version would you like, the short answer or
the long answer? The short answer is, there is no short answer. You need
to narrow down your question to something more specific. Is
there something in particular about life that you would wish to talk
about? You could ask "where did I come from?" and I could answer "
mother". But maybe you were looking for a different answer, like
where did
humans come from? Which we have a lot of information about. There is the
process of
life, which we can explain to a certain
point, and then
there is the
consciousness of life that
humans experience. Why humans have conscious awareness is still not
totally clear. You can easily say that consciousness was created by
design, because why else would you have
consciousness? Then there's
that tries to explain
where and how life started.
There's a lot about life that we can explain. And there are some things
about life that we can't fully explain, because we are still young and
learning. The best advice is to stick with
the facts
of life and try not to get too
about life. Big
questions can always be broken down into simple and smaller
questions with meaningful explanations. Keep your mind open
to the big questions, but
don't let the big questions keep you
from knowing the
facts, because even
curiosity needs
It's just a matter of time before we know more. So what part of life are you
interested in knowing about?
What do we know
so far about life on planet earth?
Why do we have a planet that sustains
life? Why are there millions of other types
life forms on this planet? Why do we have a
sun? Where did all this
space come from? Who made the
atoms? Life is a journey through
the mind, and there are no short cuts.
Some people believe that life is a stage. Some people believe that
life is a battle. Some people believe that life is a test. Some people
believe that life is a
Whatever life is, life is definitely a
challenge. Life is a
puzzle, a
journey and an opportunity to do something amazing.
But you have to
work on your dreams, even when
knowing that there are
no guarantees
success. There
will be setbacks,
obstacles, and nothing
is seldom
perfect. Things will
change, which means that you will have to
learn how to adapt. This makes learning extremely important. You can do
a lot of different things in life. But what defines you, is you.
You create meaning. Sometimes
fight, and sometimes you run.
Which means you have to
learn how to
fight and
learn how to run. Sometimes you
fooled, and sometimes your
beliefs can be wrong.
This means that
ignorance is the biggest obstacle in life. That is why
learning becomes the
greatest source of power.
Ignorance is a
prison. Knowledge will set you free.
Life is the
experience of
being alive. The course of human
events and
that happens in ones lifetime. An account of the
series of events making up a
person's life. The
condition of living or the state of
being alive. The
course of existence of an
individual. The
actions and
events that occur in
living. The period during which something is functional
birth and death. The organic phenomenon that distinguishes
organisms from nonliving ones. Living things
Live is to be
exerting force or
containing energy and
possessing life. To continue to
through hardship or
adversity. Have
firsthand knowledge of
states, situations, emotions, or
sensations. To lead a
certain kind of
life or live in a certain style. To pursue a
positive and
existence. Something that is actually being performed at the
time of hearing or viewing.
Relive is to live through an
unpleasant experience again or to live through a
pleasant experience or a feeling
again in one's
imagination or
memory. To
again, often in the
Lives is a living person.
Animation and
energy in action or expression. Living things collectively.
Lifetime is the
period of
time during which
something is
functional, as
birth and
Alive is possessing life and being mentally
perceptive and
responsive. The state of
existing, being, and
living while
supporting oneself.
Having biological processes such as basic functions like breathing,
digestion, circulation, and metabolism are essential for survival and are
regulated by the body's systems. Being alive means that you're
Not Dead.
Animation is the condition of living or the state of being alive.
Quality of being active, spirited or alive and vigorous. The activity of
giving vitality and vigor to something. General activity and motion. The
property of being able to survive and grow.
Exist is to have an
existence and
support oneself.
To have objective reality or being. To live, especially under
adverse conditions. Not to be extinct,
destroyed or lost.
Existence is the
fact of being
objectively real or the
state of living
reality that is actually
observed. Everything that
exists anywhere.
Existential is derived from
experience or the experience of existence.
Relating to or dealing with existence.
Being is the
state of having life or having existence. To have life and to be alive.
The state or fact of being objectively real. A living thing that has the
ability to act or function independently. Occupy a certain position or
area; be somewhere. Happen, occur, take place.
I think, therefore I am.
Everyday Life comprises the ways in which
people typically
think, and
feel on a daily basis. Everyday life may be
described as mundane,
routine, natural,
habitual, or normal,
where most people
sleep at least
part of the night and are active in daytime. Most eat two or three
meals in a day. Working time (apart from
work) mostly
involves a
schedule, beginning in the morning. This produces the daily
rush hours
experienced by many millions, and the drive time focused on by radio
broadcasters. Evening is often
leisure time.
Bathing every day is a custom
for many. Beyond these broad similarities,
lifestyles vary and different
people spend their days differently. Nomadic life differs from
sedentism, and among the sedentary, urban people live differently from
rural folk. Differences in the lives of the
rich and the
poor, or between factory workers and intellectuals, may go beyond
their working hours. Many women spend their day in activities greatly
different from those of men, and everywhere children do different things
than adults.
The Good Life is
living a
comfortable life that has all
necessities and
security that a
person needs in order to have the time for friends and family, and at the
same time, have the time and
freedom to enjoy the
pleasures of life,
and have the time to explore other activities of interest that will
enhance a persons
experience in life. This
includes having a
beneficial job that
well, as well as, finding ways to be
productive and to be
of value to the
Prime of Life is when you are at
your peak health and performance. The period of a persons mature life when
a they are at full energy and full potential.
Quality of
Life -
American Dream -
Simple Living -
Single Life -
Sustainable Living -
Basic Income -
Community -
Culture -
Identity -
Values -
Virtue -
The Best Years of your Life happens when
you're older and you look back at your life and realize that when you were
younger you were experiencing some of the best times in your life, but you
never knew that until years later. It's not good for you to believe that
the good times are never going to happen again. Those times were good
times in your younger years because you lived more in in the present
moment and worried less about the future. Then when years past, there is a
point when the future can no longer be ignored. So you try to hold on to
the past in an attempt to escape the future. Your best bet is to know that
your best days are coming, but only if you put in the effort.
Get the Most Out of Life or to
Live Life Fully means to
explore life as much as you can, and to learn as
much, especially from your explorations, whether those explorations are
internal or external. Try to do a
variety of things in
life, and not just do that one thing that you do so well, because
balance is everything.
Never stop learning,
never stop exploring, and never stop wondering. You'll know when your life
is full when you always have something to do and
always have people to share
experiences with. You'll know when you're getting the most out of life
when you're
always dreaming
about what you're going to do next, and you're always thinking about all
the people who made your life possible. And if you died right now, you
would be satisfied with everything that you have accomplished, even
knowing that you could have accomplished a whole lot more if you had just
lived a little longer.
C'est la vie, that
is life.
Personal Life is
the course of an individual's life, especially when viewed as the sum of
personal choices contributing to one's
personal identity.
Lifestyle is the
behaviors, and
orientations of an individual, group, or
culture. The broader sense of
lifestyle as a "
way or style of living" has
been documented since 1961. Lifestyle is a combination of determining
intangible or tangible factors. Tangible factors relate specifically to
demographic variables, i.e. an individual's demographic profile, whereas
intangible factors concern the psychological aspects of an individual such
personal values, preferences, and outlooks. A rural environment has
different lifestyles compared to an urban metropolis. Location is
important even within an urban scope. The nature of the neighborhood in
which a person resides affects the set of lifestyles available to that
person due to differences between various neighborhoods' degrees of
affluence and proximity to natural and cultural environments. For example,
in areas near the sea, a surf culture or lifestyle can often be present.
Alternative Lifestyle is a lifestyle diverse in respect to
mainstream ones, or
generally perceived to be outside the cultural norm. Lifestyle is a media
culture term derived from the concept of style in art. Usually, but not
always, it implies an affinity or identification within some matching
subculture (e.g. hippies, goths and punks). Some people with alternative
lifestyles mix elements from various
subcultures (grunge musicians
were often influenced by a mixture of the punk, hippie, emo and heavy
metal subcultures). Not all minority lifestyles are held to be
"alternative", so the term tends to apply to newer forms of lifestyle,
often based upon enlarged
freedoms (especially in the sphere of social
styles), or a decision to substitute another approach, or to not follow
the usual expected path in most societies.
Lifestyle Change are
changes that alters various
behaviors such as
physical activity,
sexual behavior, smoking,
substance use, and other behaviors
not otherwise defined as psychopathology.
Way of Life is the typical pattern of
behavior of a person or group.
American way of Life refers to the American
nationalist ethos
that adheres to the principle of life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. At the
center of the American way is the belief in an
American Dream
that is claimed to be achievable by any American through hard work. This
concept is intertwined with the concept of American exceptionalism, which
is the
belief in the
unique culture
of the nation.
America is a great country, but its how this greatness is
perceived and understood that can
create confusion and perversion.
American Exceptionalism is the belief that the United States is above
or beyond
comparison to other countries and
thus should be treated differently or
judged differently because of its
uniqueness in human history. Exceptionalism is a
vague concept that
relevance because exceptionalism has no clear
explanation or facts into its validity. Sometimes the
definition comes across as being a form
which has a tendency to
nationalism. The word
is something
surpassing what is common, usual or expected, or far beyond
what is usual in magnitude or degree.
Paradise is any
place of
complete bliss and
delight and
Another Day in Paradise is an expression
that says that one's life is proceeding acceptably or that things are
going as expected. The expression is sometimes used
sarcastically to imply
Trouble in Paradise means that there is an
unexpected problem in a supposedly
positive situation.
Sides to Every Story -
Half Truth -
Fake People -
Charlatans -
Gilded Cage -
Be careful what you wish for
Life Crisis
All that Glitters is Not Gold is an
aphorism stating that
not everything that looks precious or true turns out to be so. Not
everything that is shiny and attractive is actually
valuable. The attractive
external appearance of something is
not a reliable indication of its true nature. Something that seems to be
good on the
surface, but might not be
when you look at it more closely. A
warning to everyone
not to be
fooled by people or things that look good.
Paradise can have a
Dark Side. Even in a seemingly
perfect or
idyllic place may have
hidden problems,
negative aspects, or
secrets that can exist
beneath the surface, implying that
no situation is entirely flawless, because it
can harbor hidden
dangers or
Like with
hidden truths, which suggests
that there may be
issues or
that are not immediately apparent to the
casual observer. Like with a seemingly perfect family, that has
deep-seated personal conflicts hidden behind a
facade. Or with a
utopian society,
that has a
underbelly of control and oppression.
Another Day In Paradise - Phil Collins (youtube)
Rat Race
is a life where you're
always working but you're
never getting anywhere. You're mostly
working just to survive, along
with a never ending fear that if you stop running the race, you will fall
far behind and never finish. The rat race
is an endless, self-defeating,
pointless pursuit that
is associated with an exhausting,
repetitive lifestyle that leaves
no time
for relaxation and no time for enjoyment. The rat race is a
race to your death,
unless you
have lots of money, or, lots of cheese.
Simplicity -
Small Homes -
Remote Work -
Online Learning
Hedonic Treadmill is a life that is conceptualized as a treadmill. No
matter how hard a person tries to gain an increase in happiness, they will
remain in the same place and never get anywhere, like running on a
treadmill. People can quickly return
to a relatively stable level of happiness despite positive events or life changes. According to this theory, as a person
makes more
money, expectations and desires rise in tandem, which results in
no permanent gain in happiness. The hedonic
treadmill viewpoint suggests that wealth does not increase the level of
happiness or change a subjective well-being
Daily Grind is the
difficult, routine, or monotonous tasks of daily work.
"Another day, another dollar."
Work-Life Balance -
The American Dream
Live, Learn, Love and Progress
Trouble in Paradise
Stuck in a Rut means that your life has
boring, stale, and a bit dull
and monotonous. Your life seldom changes and your life lacks
variety and
lacks meaningful experiences.
Same Shit Different Day is a point of view
that says you still face the same stupid problems that you faced
yesterday, and the world is still plagued by ignorance and people are
still doing
bad things. So its the same old shit, just a different day. You're not
seeing any difference in your life or any difference your day to day
routine, or do you see any difference in
the world. The world is still full of shit just as much as it was
Pessimist or
Same Shit different Century -
Commuting has Significant Psychological and Social Costs. It can be a
major cause of
stress, due to its
unpredictability and a sense of loss of control. Commuters can experience
boredom, social isolation, anger, and frustration from problems like traffic or delays.
The Meaning of Life
Meaning of Life pertains to the
significance of living or
existence in
general. Many other related questions include
Why are we here?
What is
life all about?
What is the purpose of existence?
life exist at all? There have been a large number of proposed answers to
these questions from many different cultural and ideological backgrounds.
The search for life's
meaning has produced much
theological, and
metaphysical speculation throughout
history. Different
people and
cultures believe different things for the answer to this
question. Most religions believe that
life is a test from God. Some
believe the prosperous
journey of
adjustment to any given environment to
develop a sense of comfort and happiness in which enables reproduction and
the ability to influence what you create, can be understood as the meaning
of life.
We should give meaning to life
and not wait for life to give us meaning".
Carpe Diem is used to urge someone to
make the
most of the present time without
worrying too much about the
future. Pluck the day or
Seize the Day.
Memento Mori is to "
that you must die”, so enjoy this life now, before it's too late, and
live tonight like there's no tomorrow.
Memento Mori is
relative of course, it depends on the situation. As a young person, I
never thought that much about
the future because I just wanted to live now and
experience things now, which means that I always had a
hangover the next day, or I sometimes missed opportunities because I slept
for a really long time because I was up all night. So, I would say
go for it, but it's a good idea to do some
planning, and
calculate the risks and
rewards if any.
Ikigai is a
reason for being or
living. Your personal
purpose in
life. A source of
value in one's life.
Quality of Life -
Standard of Living -
The American Dream
The meaning of life
can be described in many different ways. So to know the meaning of
life is to find out what life means, which means you have to learn as much
as you can about life. Over the last few million years,
billions of humans
have lived and died before you were born. And many humans lived having
very limited knowledge about themselves and the world around them. And
knowledge itself was
mostly limited to a certain small group of people. So
who was the first human to ask the question "what is the meaning of life?"
It seems that we have just started to ask this question. The
printing press,
internet, and now
humans are
just beginning to
define intelligence. So finding the meaning of life might just might
be us defining what life means to us at this particular moment in time. So
we have to
keep learning. What does the word meaning mean? What does the word life
mean? To say that life has meaning is to say that there was
intention, or a
plan with a
purpose. Some say that life was some
accident, and now we are all standing around wondering, "How the hell did
this happen?" "WTF is going on here?" "Who's idea was this?"
This is why we must keep
learning, because learning got us this far, and learning will help us
to find more answers, maybe not all the answers, but at least the answers
that are the most important to us. So the meaning of life is to find out
what life means.
Love and
Millions of people
have made their life meaningful and have made their life mean
something. So if we continue to do this, eventually, we will figure out
the meaning of life and know what life means.
Dream Interpretation.
Asking what's the meaning of
life is too
of a question to answer. To find
meaning is a process of
and there are
many things to learn
about life.
the meaning of human life is to give
human life meaning, or
maybe, to discover the meaning of life for ourselves. Either
way, learning will still have to continue. One of the best ways to
discover what it all means is by
putting together all the
questions that
you can answer. It's best to
break the meaning of things
down into smaller parts, things you can answer. Trying to answer
things as a whole is
illogical, especially before you can answer what the
parts of the whole
actually mean. But even then, this may still not be enough to even come close
to having a theory about the meaning of life.
I wouldn't say that the meaning of life is to live life like it has no
meaning. I would say that
the meaning of life is
to enjoy the experience of living. There has to be a
reason for life, and I
can't think of no better reason for life than to
experience all the pleasures and pains that life can give you. I
couldn't think of anything else that I would rather be, than a human being
on planet earth. So there for, the meaning of life, is life itself.
The meaning of life is understanding the fact
that education from schools and universities is
dumbed down, which means that you
know very little about meaning or life. You can't understand the
purpose of life when education itself is designed to
have a purpose of creating ignorant people.
is the
philosophical study of the nature of
being, becoming, existence or
reality as well as the basic categories of being and their relations.
Spirit -
Reasons -
Cause and
Vitalism states that living organisms are fundamentally different from
non-living entities because they contain some non-physical element or are
governed by
different principles
than are inanimate things.
Metaphysics is concerned with explaining the fundamental nature of being
and the world that encompasses it, although the term is not easily
defined. Traditionally, metaphysics attempts to answer two basic questions
in the broadest possible terms: Ultimately, what is there? What is it
Living on the Fringes of Society:
Most people are not fully involved with life because most people live on
the fringes. And this fringe is mostly imaginary, though discrimination is
real, most of this
fringe separation is
subconsciously self inflicted. In order to overcome and stop
discrimination you first have to
discriminating against yourself, which is easer said than done.
Realizing your potential and realizing how to solve complex problems, is
something that everyone can do, as long as a person keeps learning and
starts acquiring valuable knowledge and skills, they will eventually
understand themselves and understand the world around them a lot more
Learning is a gift,
so please don't waste its power or take learning for granted.
Fringe is the outside boundary or the
surface of something. A social group
holding marginal or extreme views. People or activities that are
considered strange or extreme. Living on the Fringe is not completely
belonging to or accepted by a group of people who share the same
activities. Activities that are connected with a major public event but
are not an official part of it. A part of the city far removed from the
If you want to know what life
feels like, you ask a
blind and
deaf person
who understands
If you want to know what life
like, you ask a deaf person who has good eyesight. If you want to know what life
sounds like, you ask a blind
person who has good hearing. If you want to know what life is, you ask everyone
who studies life, including yourself.
To be alive is a miracle. So we
should always take a moment each day to honor that miracle by
acknowledging the fact that we exist and that we also have value. We
should make each day count. We should do something special each day and
take a moment each day to acknowledge the special things that we have done
in the past and will
do in the future.
perspectives and peoples
of life changes from
to generation. Your parents grew up
in a different world than you, so they see life a little different, or
even a lot more different than you. And people who were born just 20 years
after you, are growing up in a different world than you. So everyone has
different perspectives, even though we are sharing some of the same time
together. Different perspectives also applies to different
cultures and
different Countries.
Life is a
translation of what we think life is. And things can be
misinterpreted, and
things could get lost in the translation. Even the
language of math needs to be
interpreted. But you
need a
language that supports the
of math so that math can be
effectively. With
conversational language, we know that words can have several
meanings depending on how
words are used. Humans can
recognize patterns. And humans have learned how to give names to
certain patterns in the form of
symbols. And some
how, these symbols can be understood and organized in the human brain. Though patterns
of math seem to be mimicked throughout the universe, we still can't ignore
that this is just our interpretation. We still don't know. We have no
second opinion, except amongst ourselves.
Life is a Juggling
Act -
Culture Types -
Virtual RealityThe Unexamined Life
is Not Worth Living -
Socrates - Critically
thinking about your life is
critical. To see ourselves using
Self Reflecting Introspection. To know ourselves and to understand
ourselves is to give our lives meaning and value. Lives that are
unexamined are lives without purpose. Living a life where you live under
the rules of others in a continuous routine, without examining it, is a
blind passivity that is
not worth living.
Environment refers to the immediate physical and
social setting in which
people live or in which something happens or develops. It includes the
culture that the individual was educated or lives in, and the people and
institutions with whom they interact. The interaction may be in person or
through communication media, even anonymous or one-way, and may not imply
equality of social status. The
social environment
is a broader concept than that of social class or social circle.
World Disclosure refers to how things become intelligible
meaningfully relevant to human beings, by virtue of being part of an
ontological world – i.e., a pre-interpreted and holistically structured
background of meaning.
Reflective Disclosure
refers to practices through which we can imagine and articulate
alternatives to current social and political conditions, by acting back on
their conditions of intelligibility. This could uncover possibilities that
were previously suppressed or untried, or make us insightfully aware of a
problem in a way that allows us to go on differently with our
institutions, traditions and ideals.
Hold on to your Hat is an expression that
warns someone of a
big surprise and that they should get ready for what's
coming or what's about to happen! A humorous warning that says conditions
are about to become more difficult or hazardous, like a wild ride on a
rollercoaster, if you don't hold on to your hat you may lose it.
Emotional Rollercoaster is a situation or
experience that alternates between making you feel excited, exhilarated,
or happy and making you feel sad, disappointed, or desperate. Life is like
a roller coaster. It has its ups and downs. But it's your choice to scream
or enjoy the ride.
Love is an emotional joy ride.
I couldn't even imagine a life without
laughter. If you couldn't laugh at
the stupid sh*t in life, life would suck. What would be the point to life
if you couldn't laugh, especially laugh at yourself? But
on the other hand, some sh*t is not
funny, like
corruption and
violence. So when things seem funny,
it's nice to laugh, but when things are not funny, then you have a problem
to solve. And laughter does not solve problems. Laughter only makes
solving problems more
enjoyable. You have to work on the things that are not funny so that you
can have more time to laugh at the things that are funny. Life is not a
quiet and peaceful smooth road in the
countryside. Life has many
twists and turns, hills and valleys, obstacles and potholes. Life's
infrastructure is a human responsibility. You have to learn how to
navigate through all the
obstacles in life. We can make life a
smoother ride, but we have to
work together.
Too many people are having a horrible ride in life.
Life is like a Guessing Game where you sometimes you have to
guess what things are,
and sometimes you can be
coerced by others
guessing what things are.
The most effective way to
discover meaning is to ask a lot of questions.
Word Guessing Games.
Everyone Starts Life having
No Choices.
You don't get to choose your parents, you don't get to choose where you
are born, you don't get to choose if you will be male or female, you don't
get to choose if you will be healthy and beautiful, you don't get to
choose to have good food and clean water, you don't get to choose to have
a safe and happy home, and you don't get to choose a good school or a good
education. But if you get lucky, you will have good parents and a loving
family who are lucky enough to live in a good environment that allows them
to make good
choices on your behalf, so that your life becomes more
promising. If not, then you will have to wait till you get older and
hopefully become more educated so that you can start making good
for yourself, and increase your chances of having a good life. Beyond that,
life seems to be just
pure luck and mostly by chance. So why would such a
wonderful thing such as life be mostly left to chance and luck. Answer.
People have not yet learned enough about how to
increase the chances of
having a good life and how to give everyone a fair start in life. Even
you can't control everything, and even though
there are no
guarantees, we can still increase our chances and increase our
possibilities, but only if people have access to knowledge and educational
services. If not, then life becomes just a roll of the dice, which is not
what life is supposed to be.
Life Will Test
You -
Improvise -
Phenomenon - (everyone gets lucky and everyone gets unlucky)
I don't know what I want to do in Life.
Instead you should say, "I have not yet fully explored everything in the
word, so I am still searching for that
special something, something that
me and cause me to act and pursue a particular type of work that would
provide a beneficial service for the world, something that I would love to
do and something that I would feel good about doing. When I do find that
something, you will be the first to know. Until then, I will be
eagerly searching."
I can't tell you how to live or tell
you how to live your life, all I can do is tell you to keep learning about
yourself and keep learning about the world around you. I can say that how
you live your life is up to you, but how you live your life also depends
on the opportunities that are available to you, and it also depends on the
knowledge and skills that you have acquired that would help you choose a
life that you would want to live. Just don't underestimate your
will-power or underestimate the power of
working together.
Knowing how to live life
is not easy. Sometimes you can choose the life you would like to live, but
sometimes life chooses you, which means that you sometimes have to go
along for the ride. Everyone plays a part in life, but you may not get to
choose the part you play. You have to make plans and
you need to
have goals, but
don't expect things to
happen as planned because sometimes life falls apart. So
be ready to adapt
when things change, but don't expect things to change just because you
have adapted.
You can't have it all, you
can't do it all,
you can't see it all, you can't know it all.
You can't do
everything, but you can do something. So make that something count and
do the best with what you have, because every little bit counts for
Every life has value, just
as long as you value life.
You can't have it both ways, and you might not have it your way, but
you can choose the right way,
the way forward.
Life is filled with amazement and life is best when enjoyed and
appreciated. But that's just the good side of life. There is a bad side in
life too. So it's up to all of us to maximize the good side of life while
minimizing the bad side of life. We should turn some of our
responsibilities into a game and make a
smartphone app that rewards people
for doing beneficial things.
Your Life is about Making Good Decisions.
Life exists because of millions of
good decisions
made over millions of years. You exist because of a good decision.
But most people do not know the decisions they have. People don't fully
understand their options. This is why people need access to knowledge and
information. And people also need the instructions to know how to
through all the information and know how to use knowledge and information
effectively and efficiently.
I'm just trying to Make Sense of the World.
And the best way to
make sense of things is to
learn. Always seek knowledge and information, especially knowledge and
information that will help give you a better understanding of yourself and
the world around you. Eventually things will start making sense. And the
things that you can't make sense of, are the things that you have not
learned enough about, but choose your learning journeys wisely.
Understanding is the ultimate
power. When you understand things, you have control over its
interpretation. And how
you interpret the world makes all the difference. How you see things will
determine how you react to them. If you don't see something for what it
is, then you will make
mistakes when
reacting to it. Making good decisions is the goal. If you continually make
better decisions everyday, then you will eventually benefit from all the
good decisions that you made in the past. And remember, you are not
defined by the
bad decisions that you made, you are defined by what you
learned from those bad decisions.
Sense Making is the process by which people give meaning to their
collective experiences. The action or process of
making sense of or giving meaning to something, especially new
developments and experiences. It has been defined as "the ongoing
retrospective development of plausible images that rationalize what people
are doing".
Figure it Out.
Intellectual Work is
devoted to making sense of the world, which is often but not
always connected to forming judgments about acting in the world.
Life does not make sense at times.
Why do things happen the way they do? There
are some things in life that you can explain, but you could never explain
those things fully enough.
Seeing the world through
educated eyes is a lot better than seeing the world through ignorant eyes.
Life is what you make it,
or what you can make it if you had the chance and the knowledge to make
it. Keep learning,
and remember, there are no easy answers.
Life sometimes only gives you only one take or one
One Shot in film is a full-length movie filmed in one long take by a
single camera, or manufactured to give the impression it was.
Take refers to each filmed "version" of a
particular shot or "setup". Takes of each shot are generally numbered
starting with "take one" and the number of each successive take is
increased (with the director calling for "take two" or "take eighteen")
until the filming of the shot is completed.
Life is like a
story within a story.
There is more to life then what we see on the surface. Life is made up of
many different
layers and levels.
And if you can't see beneath the surface, you will never understand the
whole picture. So unless you need to
focus on
something important, it's best to choose
multi-mined awareness
over single-minded
awareness. Be aware of
meanings, they're
everywhere. One of the main reasons why people fall for
scams is that they never know
the questions they should be asking. Same thing goes for life. You need
answers, otherwise, life will be just a
crap shoot.
There's reasons why
some people are bad
people. There's reasons why some people commit crimes. There's reasons why
some people suffer while others do not suffer. There's reasons why some
people have pain while others do not have pain. There's reasons why some
people have while other people do not have. But I would not say
there is a reason for
everything, but there are reasons, and we should not ignore the
reasons or the things that we can logically explain. Knowledge is our
greatest power, but it is also our greatest weakness when we don't have
enough knowledge. If you never take the responsibility of learning seriously,
then you will fall victim to your own ignorance, that's life, but it's
only the beginning. And how life goes and how life ends, is up to you. Yes,
there are no guarantees, and there's sometimes luck involved. But life
gives us choices, but it's up to you to discover what those choices are,
and what choices are good ones. God has given us all choices, but God does
not make the choices for us. So we have to keep learning. The
possibilities are endless.
Reality -
Life Quotes -
Time -
Simultaneous -
Multitasking -
(biological, wiki) -
The Tree of Life
Evolution -
Intelligent DesignIt is the greatest time to be alive, but
sadly, it is also the worst time to be alive, especially if you are one of
the 5 billion people on earth who don't have access to
basic human needs.
Life is like a
Murder Mystery, there is always a bunch of people who are standing
around wondering
"Who Done It?" and there's
usually just one person actually trying to find out who actually did do
it. People like to believe that they know who done it, but they never do
research or ask
and seek answers. Don't assume anything until you have all the facts,
because the possible causes may not be so visible.
is a complex, plot-driven variety of the
detective story in
which the audience is given the opportunity to engage in the same process
of deduction as the
throughout the investigation of a crime. The reader or viewer is provided
with the
from which the identity of the perpetrator may be
deduced before the
story provides the revelation itself at its climax. The investigation is
usually conducted by an eccentric, amateur, or semi-professional
Crime Fiction is the literary genre that fictionalizes crimes, their
detection, criminals, and their motives. Most crime
drama focus on
investigation and does not feature the court room. Suspense and
mystery are key elements that are nearly ubiquitous to the genre.
Life is a
Cabaret - Liza Minnelli (youtube) - What good is sitting alone in your
room? Come hear the music play, Life is a cabaret, old chum. Come to the
cabaret. Come taste the wine, Come hear the band, Come blow that horn,
Start celebrating right this way, Your table's waiting.
Cabaret is a form of theatrical
entertainment featuring music, song, dance, recitation, or drama. A spot
that is open late at night and that provides entertainment (as singers or
dancers) as well as dancing and food and drink. A series of acts at a
night club.
All That Jazz is a 1979 American musical drama film directed by Bob
Fosse, which is a semi-autobiographical fantasy based on aspects of
Fosse's life and career as a dancer, choreographer and director. Plot, Joe
Gideon is a theater director and choreographer trying to balance staging
his latest Broadway musical while editing a Hollywood film he has
directed. He is a workaholic who chain-smokes cigarettes; without a daily
dose of Vivaldi, Visine, Alka-Seltzer, Dexedrine, and sex, he wouldn't
have the energy to keep up the biggest "show" of all—his life. His
girlfriend Katie Jagger, his ex-wife Audrey Paris, and daughter Michelle
try to pull him back from the brink, but it is too late for his exhausted
body and stress-ravaged heart. In his imagination, he flirts with an angel
of death named Angelique.
My Life is
Incredible, which is no surprise because life itself is incredible.
This is not to say that horrible things didn't happen in my life, because
they did. I'm just saying that the more you learn about life, the more
incredible life becomes. Bad experiences and good experiences happen in
life. But it's the balance and the degree in which those experiences
happen that can have the biggest impact on your life. The key is to keep
learning. Learn how to avoid bad experiences and learn how to make more
good experiences happen more often.
Learning is Key.
Welcome to My World
is what someone says when something happens that is similar to what they
are experiencing in their life. Like they're saying "this is my world, a
confusing mess." Trying to explain to someone what your life is like is
like trying to explain to someone how a computer works. You can tell
someone every detail, but you will still only scratch the surface.
Everyone experiences life in different ways, and everyone has differences
in the knowledge and information they have and differences in the amounts.
There is no universal commonality or understanding, which is something we
should have since we all live on the same planet and live in the same
universe. But
too many people live
in their own world, a world they don't even understand. So how could
people understand
the real world if
they're too
busy living in a world of their own?
How can we live on the same planet and yet be worlds apart?
Leaving the World a Better Place than how
you found it, is becoming more difficult.
Leaving the world a better
place is only accomplished when you are are fully aware of all the
that are caused by your actions. And you also have to help other people
make better choices because you can't do it alone. If you're the only one
being good, then being good is not enough. You need to
show others the
good they can be doing.
Collectively we can all leave this world a better place.
You can
minimize your
own impact and
not add to the
waste and abuse and be more
responsible and
respectable towards life and people, but in
2018, you can't leave the world in a better place than the way you found
it, especially when there are thousands of
ignorant criminals and
millions of
poisoning the air, land and water every single day. The best anyone
can do is
learn as much as you
can, and help
educate as
many people as you can on how to live lives that are
less destructive and more
humane. Leave the world a better place by
leaving the knowledge
that educates people on how to leave this world in a better condition than
they found it. I was
born into this
shit, and I will most
likely die in this shit, but not before I show people how to
wipe their
ass more properly and more
sustainably without spreading their shit
allover the place and
making a mess of themselves and the entire world. It's the least I can do.
Hard Life or easy life, how long you will
live depends on many different things. When I see people live to be 100
years old, I assume that is the
life expectancy,
and not my average lifespan, which is mostly caused by abuse and the lack
of knowledge and information. When governments come out and say that the
average lifespan of an American is 78.87 years old, what they are really
saying is, at the current level of corruption and abuse, we have estimated
that we will take around 20 years off your life. WTF!
you want an easy life, you have to work hard on the
responsibilities that makes
life easy. And the most important responsibility that every human has in
life is to
keep learning and to keep educating ourselves. And just because
your life is easy, this doesn't mean that your life is sustainable, or
explainable. Because just having an easy life is not a accurate
measurement of reality. And it's not just about defining what easy is,
it's defining all the things that are involved in making life easy and
sustainable. Easy is not easy and hard is not hard. Easy and hard does not
define all the actions or does if define our perceptions of those actions.
What I'm saying is,
you're not saying anything until you explain something
in detail. Like what does something really cost in respect to time,
people, work, resources and waste. And what are the other choices,
alternatives and options that we have? So you see, nothing is easy, maybe
just less intrusive, which the word intrusive means nothing until you
explain why you believe that the problem has magically gone away just
because you don't see it anymore. You're throwing it all away.
A few tips for a good life:
eat healthy,
sleep well and
know how to relax, live in a
healthy environment,
don't waste time and resources,
healthy relationships,
positive developments
progress, and
never stop learning.
Get a Life and start living a fuller and
more interesting existence.
Live your Life
to spend your life
doing what you want.
A Life of your Own is to have an
independent life where you decide for
yourself what kind of life you want to live.
a life of purpose and
make a difference.
"Life is a story that unfolds between a beginning we can
no longer remember and an end we know nothing about."
This uniqueness and singleness which distinguishes each
individual and gives a meaning to his existence has a bearing on
creative work as much as it does on human love. When the
impossibility of replacing a person is realized, it allows the
responsibility which a man has for his existence and its
continuance to appear in all its magnitude. A
man who becomes
conscious of the responsibility he bears toward a human being
who affectionately waits for him, or to an unfinished work, will
never be able to throw away his life. He knows the "why" for his
existence, and will be able to bear almost any "how."
Inspiring Quotes
Brain Pickings.
Sometimes in life I feel like I'm just going along for the ride. Being a
passenger is easy most of the time, it can be enjoyable and relaxing at
times. But I guess eventually you have to be the driver of your life.
Except that life is not a car, but it's definitely as dangerous as one. I
can't even imagine what life would be like to be the driver and be in
total control of everything that happens or will happen. Where would I go?
What would I do? It would be like being a teenager behind the wheel for
the first time all over again, here we go. I would definitely need a lot
more information than I had the first time around, and definitely need someone to guide me, like in that TV
show called
Quantum Leap. But I guess life wouldn't be the same as it is now.
Go back in time and warn
Viktor Frankl was the founder of
logotherapy, "Third Viennese School of Psychotherapy", which is a form
existential analysis, which was the belief that inner conflict within
a person is due to that individual's confrontation with the givens of
existence, the inevitability of death, freedom and its attendant
responsibility, existential isolation, and finally meaninglessness. Wrote
a best-selling book "
Man's Search for Meaning",
which describes his psychotherapeutic method, which involved identifying a
purpose in life to feel positively about, and then immersively imagining
that outcome.
This is not the life I
imagined, but how could I imagine a life that I have never lived
before. Imagining a life is not the same as
planning to do things or
goals. So how can we
imagine a life when we have very little
information about what life is or what life is supposed to be like. Life
is a slow motion
We can imagine feeling better, but we first have to define what makes
things better. And there is only so many things that you can plan for.
Make a plan to
keep learning,
and never
pretend that
you know enough. If you're not where you thought you would be, you
might be exactly where you need to be. Be careful what you wish for.
Sometimes we want things, but we have no idea what having those things
will do to us, or do to others. Being able to see the whole picture takes
lot of learning, so don't underestimate the
importance of learning. If
you stop learning, you will stop living. If you're not asking
questions and looking
for answers, then you're not going anywhere.
Youth - 2015 Movie is a comedy-drama with Michael Caine and Harvey Keitel.
what's important
to you. Show your
love to people you care
about. Live in the
present moment.
Ignore the
haters. Don't compromise
your values. Be
kind to others. Keep your
mind open. Don't be
afraid to take
risks. Learn from your
Improvise - Life is an Improv
Improvise is to produce or make something
from whatever is available. To create and perform
spontaneously without
preparation. A moment of sudden
inventiveness that can just come to mind, body and spirit as an
Impromptu is doing something with little or
no preparation or forethought.
Without advance preparation. Something that seems to have
been made
spontaneously. An
extemporaneous speech
or remark without the
Improvisation is the activity of making or doing something
not planned
beforehand, using whatever can be found.
Improvisation in the
performing arts is a very spontaneous performance without specific or
scripted preparation. The skills of improvisation can apply to many
different faculties, across all artistic, scientific, physical, cognitive,
academic, and non-academic disciplines; see Applied improvisation.
Improvisation also exists outside the arts. Improvisation in engineering
is to solve a problem with the tools and materials immediately at hand.
Improvisation is the application of improvisational methods in various
Sometimes you can't plan for everything,
be aware of everything, so you have to learn how to improvise. Life is
like a
spontaneous performance
where you have
no specific script
or no specific preparation or training. You sometimes have to do something
on the spot or off the cuff and
make it up as you go along or
deciding as you
Awareness -
The Show must Go On -
Life is a Stage -
Spontaneous -
RambleAdlib is a remark or speech
made without previous preparation. To speak or perform in public
without previously
preparing one's words.
Off the Cuff
is to you say something without having
prepared or thought
about your words carefully.
Off Script
is deviating from the given script and acting in a manner not contemplated
or planned.
the Box.
On the
Fly is making
changes during a
process that were not originally planed for. You might have to make
changes to your plans as you learn more about what you're doing and where
you want to go, and how the environment is effecting your choices. You
can't think of everything or be prepared for everything, so you have to
make changes as you go along.
Experiences - Experience
Experience is to have
lived through or directly
participated in an
activity, or
were a part of
or a
situation that you personally
witnessed and
Experience is to go through
something that
happened in time that causes you to
undergo an emotional
sensation, or have a particular
of mind.
Experience is the
content of a direct
observation of a particular
moment in time, so as to
firsthand knowledge of
and have the
ability to
describe the
and the
emotions that were
felt during the experience,
as well as,
describe how the experience
changed you, or what it
meant to you and what you
learned from the
Experience is the
knowledge or
mastery that is gained through
involvement in or by
exposure to an
event or a
subject. Experience is the
accumulation of
knowledge or
skill that results from
participation in
events or activities.
Experienced is having
knowledge or
skill in a
particular field, especially a
gained over a period of time.
Bad Experiences
Crimes -
Mistakes -
Fear of Missing Out -
Accidents -
Illnesses -
Expert Witness -
Job Experience -
Experience Learning
Body Smart -
Development Novel Experience is something
new and original that has never been seen,
used or even thought of before.
Novelty is
originality by virtue of
being new and surprising. Something novel or pleasantly new or different.
Moments by Everynone (youtube) - A video showing all different kinds
of life experiences.
No two people
experience something in the exact same way. Everyone experiences
things a little differently, even when experiencing the exact same thing.
Existential is derived from
experience or the experience of existence. Relating to or dealing with
existence, especially with human existence.
Experiential is relating to or
resulting from experience. Derived from experience or the experience of
Lived Experience refers to the first-hand involvement or direct
experiences and choices of a given person, and the knowledge that they
gain from it, as opposed to the knowledge a given person gains from
second-hand or
mediated source. It is a
category of
research together with those that focus on society and culture and
those that focus on language and communication.
Eye Witness.
Inexperience is the lack
of experience and the
lack of knowledge or skill.
It's not the number of
that you have in
life, but more important, it's the quality of your
experiences that make all the difference. You don't have to have a lot of
experiences, you just need to enjoy and
understand the experiences
that you do have. You
should try to get the most out of everything and
learn as much as you can
using all your
senses and
intellect. You can have a lot of experiences in
your life, but if you don't learn and progress from those experiences,
then the meanings of those moments will just fade into a
fleeting glimpse.
don't worry about all the
experiences you may never have, just enjoy the experiences that you do
have, as well as the experiences that you already had, because there's
always something of value in our
memories, good or bad.
Live, Learn, Love and
No one leaves this world doing everything that they
wanted to do. We can only say that we did these particular things, not
sure what they mean, but that's what I did, or what I thought I did?
When you have an experience, you should understand and be aware of the
knowledge that you have gained from that experience, and you should also
be able to accurately measure the information that you have sent and
received during that experience.
My life has been incredible and amazing,
but mostly because I learned all the reasons why my life is incredible and
amazing. I have had many different and
amazing experiences in
my life, and not just
good experiences, but many
bad experiences too. But I'm just starting to
learn about the importance of those past experiences, even the bad
experiences. If you continue to keep
educating yourself, you can revisit
old memories and reexamine those old experiences from a
new perspective,
and with a better understanding of those experiences. So now I'm somewhere
in between my old self, my new self and my future self. This journey is
just beginning, and it's far from over, but it will end, and
the end is
just another beginning, another journey.
One of my most incredible experiences that I ever had in my life was the
experience of reading, especially
reading BK101.
Sometimes I feel like God is saying to me, "Dude, you have to
experience this particular human activity." Then I would say, "
why do I
have to experience it?" Then God would answer, "The reason why I have you
experience a lot of different things is because I know you will understand
it and share your objective opinion, and also, look for ways to make sense
of things in a productive way. This is the way forward. I wish I could
explain more to you, but if i did, it may interfere with your
interpretation of things, which could change the meaning of the
information that you're reporting. I could say that
we're almost there, but I don't want to
sound like a someone's dad driving a car on a long distance road trip."
Your experience with life is not all your own, it's mostly the
combination of millions of other peoples experiences with life. Without
other people, you would have very little experience with life at all. You
would mostly have an experience with just yourself, along with the few
other things that you may have learned about in your environment. Are you celebrating life, or
is life celebrating you?
What are you celebrating?
Your past
experiences could have an effect on your present self. Your current life
is the result of your past actions, choices and experiences. Your future
is determined by how you act in the present moment. Your past does not
have to define you or define your future, just as long as you can
learn from your
mistakes and learn to make better choices.
Some of the thousands of
things that happen everyday.
How you Remember an experience
could make all the difference.
Learning from your past is not always a guarantee.
Preserve Knowledge without holding on to bad memories. It's good to
the good times, but we also have to remember the bad times too so that we
don't forget the
mistakes that were made. Remembering the
good times is definitely better for
you and more enjoyable to recall than remembering the bad times. But we
can never forget how we got to this present moment in time and how long
this journey has been. Our
are our gift, that includes all memories no matter how horrible they were.
Remembering the bad times does not have to be bad or make you feel bad,
just be grateful that you can remember at all. We can't
learn from the past unless we know
everything about the past. The good, the beautiful, the bad and the ugly.
Your experiences are extremely valuable, so don't forget to share what you
have learned, because you can't take everything with you when you die.
Just because you have experienced
something doesn't mean that you actually learned something from the
experience. Just because you have lots of experience doing something this
does not mean that your good at it.
Participate is to be
involved in and to
share the same activities of an event with others.
Journey is the act of traveling from
one place to another, either physically or mentally, a trip that is an
exciting or
stimulating experience.
Quest -
Legacy -
The Journey Within -
Inspiring Quotes
Pilgrimage is a journey to a
sacred place
that is worthy of respect or dedication.
Pilgrim is someone who journeys in foreign lands. Someone who
journeys to a
sacred place as an act of religious devotion.
is an exciting experience. A bold undertaking involving uncertainty and
risk. A
challenging journey. It's
It's an excursion. It's an expedition. It's exploration. It's a voyage. It's a
crossing. It's
It's traveling. It's something dangerous.
It's Tremendous
Exhilaration. It's awe. It's exploring your fears. It's something intense.
inspirational. It's peak
experiences. It's a competition. It's
something surprising and unexpected. Something out of the ordinary. It's a
change in your life or a
change in your
direction. It's getting in touch.
Sensation seeking. It's something that’s new or different that isn’t an
everyday occurrence. Adventure is Life.
Life is
like an Adventure.Traveling helps you to experience a new
environment that is different from the environment that you live in.
Traveling helps you to meet new people and experience different ways of
living, which could help you increase your understanding of yourself and
the world around you.
“We shall not cease from exploration. And the
end of all our exploring. Will be to arrive where we started. And know the
place for the first time.
Eliot (wiki).
“Life is a journey, and if you fall in love with
the journey, you will be in love forever.” – Peter Hagerty
Life List is a list of things that you would want to accomplish in
your life. Activities that would have
impacts on the world and create lasting improvements in human life.
Life List is not the same as a
bucket list, a bucket list more about your personal experiences that
are more focused on you and not so much the world and other people.
“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list.” – Susan Sontag
You can be almost anything that you want to be in this world,
the question is, should you? And does the world need this at this time?
There are many different choices that you can make, which means that you
will have to do some research. And sometimes you only have so many options
to choose from because not everything is available to you. So do you have
enough knowledge and do you know enough and understand enough in order to
make a accurate decision? If you could be anything that you want to be,
and choose any career that you are capable of doing, and also like doing,
then what would you want to do? If you don't know exactly what you want to
do just yet, are you capable of learning on your own to answer the
questions needed that would help you decide or realize your calling? Everyone has to do something.
Everything we have in life is from
people doing something, so what will be
your something?
What if you
had the Money?
Doing something and
experiencing something are two different things.
Doing something does not mean that you're experiencing something. Doing
something does not mean that you are
aware of
something and
learning what
that something means. You can be
doing two things at
the same time and be thinking about something else. So what are you
experiencing? Eating food does not mean that you are experiencing eating
that food. Watching TV does not mean that you are experiencing TV. Working
at your Job does not mean you are experiencing work. Doing a drug does not
mean that you are experience a drug. To fully have an experience you have
to be aware of all the things related to that experience and you have to
learning something of
value from that experience. When you go to sleep, are you experiencing
sleep? Is there such a thing as an
unconscious experience? Yes, because you're having one now.
Directive is
showing the
way by conducting or
leading; imposing
direction on.
What should I do with my life?
discover and
learn as much as you can. After that,
knowing what to do with your life should happen naturally. If not,
then you need to explore more, discover more, and learn more.
Eventually you will come to a
realization, or experience an
epiphany, if not, then you need to explore more, discover more,
and learn more.
Live, Learn, Live and Progress.
Bias -
Vicarious -
Virtual RealityEverything
that you see in the world is from a
learned experience. Everything that
you are is from a learned experience. But very few people understand the
word 'Learned'. And most people think they know what experience is, so
what is experience? An experience is a memory of something that I did
before. What is a memory? Something I learned before. What is learn? To
remember something important. What is important? Something that benefits
me as well as everything around me. What is benefits? Benefits are the
things that improve life. What is improve? Improve is to progress and get
better. What is progress? To make life more pleasant and more rewarding.
What is pleasant? When life is less stressful and more enjoyable. What is
rewarding? It's when you do good things that in return makes more good
things happen. What is good? Things that have more benefits than other
things that have very few benefits. So to improve, a person must be
learning. And when you see problems in the world and in your life, that
means that the process of learning is ineffective and inefficient. The
knowledge and Information is known, but the knowledge and Information is
not readily available.
Learning from experience is all in the timing. Animals learn the hard
way which sights, sounds, and
smells are relevant to
survival. New research in flies shows that the timing of these cues plays
an important role in how mental associations arise, and elucidates brain
pathways involved in this process. Memory, at its most fundamental level,
amounts to a series of
The fun
times and the good times do not always equate to progress or learning. I
had a lot of fun being reckless with
alcohol and drugs,
which sometimes influenced bad and
behaviors. We should not memorialize our crazy moments, we should remember
them fondly as the moments we explored, but at the same time, remember
that we were ignorant and vulnerable to mistakes. We should not glorify
memories because
they could minimize the more important memories and more valuable memories
that we have. We should just remember things as they really were. I can
now have fun without drugs and without reckless behavior, and I can even
enjoy it more because I'm
more aware now and
more knowledgeable. Knowing what fun is
and knowing what
happy is much better than
pretending that you
know, because drugs usually just make things seem better and make
things seem more enjoyable than they really are. Being straight is totally
utilized and not even
fully understood. Learning is best done with a clear head, which needs to
properly maintained.
My mind is in tune with understanding the experience of understanding.
I had an experience. I then made an
observation of that
experience. I then
modified my behavior
as an
expression of how I
interpreted that
and as a result, the
knowledge I
received from that particular experience, and what I
learned from that
particular experience, changed me in some
particular way.
That's the Story of my Life is used to
lament the fact that a particular misfortune has happened too often in
one's experience. A rueful expression used to indicate that a
previously described incident (often a mishap) is typical of what tends to
happen to the speaker.
Life Story is
an account of an individual's life.
Story of
One's Life is a
Tell me about it is
used to express agreement and
with previous speaker's statement.
the Club is an expression of
sympathy for a shared experience.
If someone or something
leaves their mark
leaves a mark, it means that they will
have a lasting effect on another person or thing.
Quotes about Life.
experiences have larger effect on mood than more recent ones, study
suggests. New insight on how our experiences during a task or
interaction shape our current mood has just been published. These findings
hold implications for the timing of events in experimental or clinical
settings, and suggest new directions for mood interventions tailored to
individual patients.
How many
roads must a man walk down before you call him a
man? How many
times must a man look up before he can
see the
sky? How many
ears must one man have before he can
hear people cry? How many
deaths will it take till he
knows that too many people have died?
How many times can a man
turn his head
and pretend that he just
doesn't see? How many years can some people exist before
they're allowed to be
Blowin' in the Wind is a song written by Bob Dylan in 1962.
(Is two the answer to all those questions?).
Finding Yourself - Being Yourself - Reinventing Yourself
People often say that this or that person has not yet found
himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is
something one creates. (
Szasz) "Personal Conduct," The Second Sin, 1973".
Life isn't just about
finding yourself. Life is about
creating yourself.
Your true self is always
a work in progress. And
being yourself,
or inventing yourself or self exploration, is never a direct path, or is it
a clearly defined process. It is mostly an
journey where you
learn as you go along.
Finding Yourself
Tips (wiki how) -
Create Change in Your Life -
Goals (purpose)
Just Be Yourself -
Be-Yourself Tips (wiki how) -
Reinvent Yourself
"Me is not here yet, because I'm still learning
what me is."
Intrapersonal intelligence
(self smart)
"No one remains quite what he was when he recognizes himself."
"No single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown
to us. To live is to be slowly born." - (
de Saint-Exupéry
Flight to Arras, 1942, translated from French by Lewis
Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you
aspire to be. (
is a fact that has been
verified, A true
statement that confirms reality or actuality. The quality of being
near to the true value.
Truth -
"Our lives are not totally determined by what happens to us, it's more determined
by how we react to what happens to us. Our lives are not
determined by what life brings us, our lives are more determined
by the attitude we bring to life."
What if you met yourself on the street, what would you say? Beside
"Lay each brick reverently.
Lay a
purposeful brick, but be in the moment of laying that brick. The
house will form."
Life is more of a
collective then a
directive. You are an
of everything around you and everything from your past. Try not to focus
on any one expression for too long, there are many expressions to explore
and to learn from.
I’ve Gotta Be Me -
Sammy Davis Jr (youtube) - Whether I'm right or whether I'm wrong,
Whether I find a place in this world or never belong, I gotta be me, I've
gotta be me, What else can I be but what I am. I want to live, not merely
survive, And I won't give up this dream, Of life that keeps me alive,
I gotta be me, I gotta be me, The dream that I see makes me what I am.
That far away prize, a world of success, Is waiting for me if I heed the
call, I won't settle down, won't settle for less, As long as there's a
chance that I can have it all. I'll go it alone, that's how it must be, I
can't be right for somebody else, If I'm not right for me, I gotta be
free, I've gotta be free, Daring to try, to do it or die, I've gotta be
Who am I? What am I? Where am I? Why am I?
When am I? How am I?
Am is to have the
quality of being. To be someone or something. To occupy a certain position
or area; to be somewhere. To have an existence, be extant.
Am also
means before noon.
I think, therefore I am.
This statement asks a lot of questions, none of which can be definitively
answered. There for I am, I am what? I am a
sentient being with some
unique characteristics that
information and
temporarily exists somewhere in
medium, none of which is
completely defined. I think I
exist, there for I must
exist, is a weak argument. You can't pretend to know what
thinking is, and
you can't
pretend to
know that you exist, all because you said it. You could say, I know
very little, there for, I know very little about what thinking is, and I
know very little about
who I really am.
Thinking is
subjective, and I the self is
relative. Just
because you're thinking, that doesn't mean you can describe what thinking
is, and that doesn't mean that you understand yourself, or understand the
universe. I don't fully know who I am. I can only use words to describe
some of what I am. I am a chemical composition, and the information stored
in my mind and how it is processed is not fully understandable. Using
words to describe something complex can only be done in a vague or
incomplete way. I am here because
over a 100 billion of
humans lived before me, and they learned many things to bring me here
to this moment in time. So
must continue to learn. and eventually, I will have more answers.
Maybe not enough answers, but just enough answers to keep humans moving
forward. I think, there for I am going to keep learning.
Cogito, ergo sum
is translated into English as "
I think, therefore I am", is the "first
principle" of
René Descartes's philosophy. Descartes's statement became a
fundamental element of
Western philosophy,
as it purported to provide a certain foundation for knowledge in the face
of radical doubt. While other knowledge could be a figment of imagination,
deception, or mistake, Descartes asserted that the very act of doubting
one's own existence served—at minimum—as proof of the reality of one's own
mind; there must be a thinking entity—in this case the self—for there to
be a thought. Descartes said, "Accordingly, seeing that our senses
sometimes deceive us, I was willing to suppose that there existed nothing
really such as they presented to us; And because some men err in
reasoning, and fall into Paralogisms, even on the simplest matters of
Geometry, I, convinced that I was as open to error as any other, rejected
as false all the reasonings I had hitherto taken for Demonstrations; And
finally, when I considered that the very same thoughts (presentations)
which we experience when awake may also be experienced when we are asleep,
while there is at that time not one of them true, I supposed that all the
objects (presentations) that had ever entered into my mind when awake, had
in them no more truth than the illusions of my dreams. But immediately
upon this I observed that, whilst I thus wished to think that all was
false, it was absolutely necessary that I, who thus thought, should be
something; And as I observed that this truth, I think, therefore I am, was
so certain and of such evidence that no ground of doubt, however
extravagant, could be alleged by the Sceptics capable of shaking it, I
concluded that I might, without scruple, accept it as the first principle
of the philosophy of which I was in search."
Am that I Am, "I am who (I) am", "I will become what I choose to
become", "I will be what I will be", "I create what(ever) I create", or "I
am the Existing One".
Life Will Test You
Life is not a test, for if life were a
test, it certainly wouldn't be a
fair test. But the
reality is, life will
test you in many different ways because life has many
difficulties, and life can be very
strenuous at times.
But the more you
and the more
knowledgeable and
skilled you
become, you can pass many of the tests that life will throw at you.
Resilience is a learned
skill. Don't
worry about the
mishaps and
missteps. Just learn as much as
you can and
stop learning. Because the more you
learn about yourself and the world
around you, the better life gets. So if you keep learning,
especially things that are important, things will just keep
getting better and better, but mostly on the
inside, because the
outside world has
own set of challenges.
Some things might seem beyond your
control, but things are
not beyond your ability to
understand them, or
beyond your ability to understand why you have
vulnerabilities and
limitations. Even
freewill is not a
guarantee. So you see, you have
keep educating yourself,
there is no other way.
Moments in life can sometimes feel like a
training simulation. Some things
that happen in your life can help
prepare you for
things in the future
that you were
not yet ready for. A lot of times you are not even
aware when
life is teaching you important
lessons. If life
is a training
simulation, then what
are we
training for? Are we just
training ourselves to make the
game of
life more enjoyable without all the chaos, destruction and killing?
Though life will test you in many different ways, this doesn't
necessarily mean that life is a test. Maybe God is testing you. But
how would you ever know?
This is
Gods paradox. A
test is something with a goal. A test has rules. If the person doesn't
know that they're being tested, then the
test can
be flawed and inaccurate. If the person doesn't know if they passed
the test, then the test can be flawed and inaccurate. And getting the
right answers on a test doesn't prove that you
understand or
comprehend. If life
is a test, then no one has ever passed this test, and most people have
failed. We have to create our own test for life. This way we can see who
passes and see who fails, and then we will know if our schools are
working, and know if education is working. It's obvious that
standardized testing is flawed and fraudulent.
But of course there is no test for that. We only see our dumbed down
society, which is the result of testing failures on a grand scale. Maybe
that's the test, to see if humans are smart enough to test themselves, and
to know when we have passed the test.
Dreams are can also be an unfair test, just like with life. But
life does give you many
controls, where as with
dreams, you seem
to have very little control, but
"Keep Learning My Friends" ~ a quote from
The Worlds
Most Educated ManThe Meaning of
Life -
The Point of Life -
Reasons -
Cause and
EffectThe world can f*ck with you in a lot of
different ways. So you have to look for
meaning and see what you can
learn from your
experiences. Only look back on your life to reflect and
and to remember the important things that you have learned. Don't live in
the past,
learn from your past and look towards the future, because that
is where you're headed.
Stand tall and be proud, don't die on your knees.
If you have to run, then run like hell, but remember, you live on a
circle, and if you run far enough, you will end you where you started. So
running will not make it go away. But it could buy you time that's needed to solve that problem.
Life's a Bitch and Then You Die,
Shit Happens and Then You
Die? These are stupid
idioms of
course because there are good things that happen in life and not
just bad things that happen in
life. But, in order for there to be good times, you will have to
experience some
bad times too. The key is to not let the bad
times ruin your good times. You must learn how to face hard
times and learn how to solve difficult problems. This is what
everyone has to learn. That is the main reason why 7 billion
people are alive today, because
billions of people have lived
and died before you were born, and they faced some
really hard
times, if they didn't, then human life would have never
through all those thousands of years. You must learn how to get
through the bad times and learn how to preserve and enjoy the
good times. It's part of life's journey. One way of looking at
life is to look at life as a challenge, where life is always
testing your strength and your
awareness. And in order for you
to win this game, you have to prove your strength and your
resilience. And when you succeed, life awards you with good
times. So don't let life beat you down, life is no match for a
human. But if we lower our guards, and if we stop learning, then we
will fall victim to life's cruel jokes. There are over 7 billion
people on this planet today that proves that life is not
stronger then humans, but life is still a lot smarter then
humans. So we have a lot of learning to do, a lot.
Same Shit, Different Century
means that, even with all our advancements and progress, humans are still plagued by the same problems that humans have endured for thousands of
years. We still have greed, corruption, ignorance, abuse of power and
propaganda. Our education institutions and the media have been
purposely dumbed down
to keep people ignorant and afraid. This means that people will continue to try to make
sense of all the disorder, chaos and turmoil. And people will continue to
be uncertain and not sure where they're going. Unless we improve
Same Shit Different Day -
You can't always Win -
Look on the Brightside -
Ignorant Idioms -
History Repeats itself"Life is sometimes sweet, and life is
sometimes bitter,
and you can't always get what you want, which may be a good thing because
you have to
be careful what you
wish for."
You win some and you lose some. That's
There's no
guarantee. You need to except that
losing is part of the bargain for being alive and for having the
privilege to experience living. You shouldn't be afraid to lose, only
afraid of not
appreciating life
itself, because that's when you really lose. Life is best cherished when
you're focusing on the
good in life and
not worrying about the
bad in life. Take the time to be truly
grateful, and let others know how
grateful you are.
Love is the eternal flame,
but love must be fed if you want your love to burn bright. Shine on.
The Harsh Reality is that there are
no guarantees
in life. Hard work will not always get you where you want to be. And you
can do everything right and sometimes
things can still
go wrong. Life isn’t always fair and
there are just
too many bad people in this world that will screw things
up. Bad things will happen to you, and sometimes no one will come to save
you. Not everyone will like you, and the world doesn’t owe you a thing.
Life is full of trials and tribulations
and there will be troubles and events that will cause suffering. There
will be difficult situations and unpleasant experiences that you will have
to contend with.
Keep Learning.
Knowing how to adapt and
knowing how to be resilient are
skills that you will need to have.
You can easily
lose yourself
lose your way in life. There are a lot
ignorant scumbags and criminals in the world. So you need to be very
careful, and also
prepare yourself for these moments, which means that you
need to learn as much as you can about human behavior. People will take
advantage of you if you let them. So avoid these
vulnerable situations.
It's good to trust people, but it's better if they first
earn your trust.
But even then, you still need to be aware of the
Rock Bottom is what you believe literally or metaphorically to be
the lowest possible point or moment in your life. A time in your life when
things have become so bad and so painful that you feel broken and lost. A
moment when you believe everything is wrong, and that you feel you can't
escape the predicament that you found yourself in. You wonder how in the
hell did you got here. You're in a place you had no idea you were headed
for. Numerous
mistakes may have bought you here, or it was just a string of bad luck
that may have caused your predicament. The rock bottom is a
realization that
you were headed in the wrong direction, or just a sign that you were not
aware enough or knowledgeable enough to avoid the holes in life. Now the
changes begin. The only way out is up. But fisrt you must
travel inward and
What Was Your Rock
Bottom? | Keep it 100 | Cut (youtube)
You Dug Yourself a Hole means that you got yourself into a
difficult situation or into an undesirable and disadvantageous position.
To dig a hole for yourself means that you put yourself deeper and deeper
into a bad situation. So when you find yourself in a hole, the first thing
to do is to
stop digging and stop
making the situation worse and harder to get out of. But even when you
stop digging, you're still in a hole. So you have to start digging the
steps that are needed to get yourself out of
the hole that you dug
yourself into.
Psalms 7:15 -
They dig a deep pit to trap
others, then fall into it themselves.
Sometimes a Rabbit
Hole can go so deep that you loose sight of your
purpose and forget why you started
digging in the first
Not having
meaningful goals and
forgetting who you are and forgetting how much you
developed and matured, may set
yourself up for having an
identity crisis. If you have unrealistic goals, you may have a type of
crisis when you don't reach those goals.
Midlife Crisis is a
transition of
identity and self-confidence that
can occur in middle-aged individuals, typically 45 to 65 years old. The
phenomenon is described as a
psychological crisis brought about by events
that highlight a person's growing age, inevitable mortality, and possibly
lack of accomplishments in life. This may produce feelings of intense
depression, remorse, and high levels of
anxiety, or the desire to achieve
youthfulness or make drastic changes to their current lifestyle or feel
the wish to change past decisions and events.
Changing Careers
Transitions -
Adaptation -
Maturity -
Life Depression -
Rat Race -
Spirituality -
Trouble in Paradise
Psychological Crisis is a
event that an individual perceives as
to the extent that normal coping mechanisms are insufficient.
Spiritual Crisis is a form of
identity crisis where an individual
experiences drastic changes to their
meaning system
where they
reevaluate their unique
purposes, goals, values, attitudes,
beliefs, identity, and focus, as a
reaction to a spontaneous
spiritual experience. A spiritual
crisis may cause significant
disruption in psychological, social, and occupational functioning, or
cause a person to
experience some form of
Existential Crisis are moments when individuals
question whether their lives have meaning,
purpose, or value, and are
negatively impacted by the
contemplation. It may be commonly, but not necessarily, tied to
or inevitably negative speculations on
purpose in life (e.g., "if one day
I will be forgotten,
what is the point of all of my work?"). This issue of
meaning and
purpose of human
existence is a major focus of the
philosophical tradition of existentialism. An existential
crisis may often
provoked by a
significant event in the person's life—psychological
trauma, marriage,
separation, major loss, the
death of a loved one, a
life-threatening experience, a new love partner, psychoactive drug use,
adult children leaving home, reaching a personally significant age
(turning 18, turning 40, etc.), etc. Usually, it provokes the sufferer's
introspection about personal mortality, thus revealing the psychological
repression of said awareness. Existential crisis can be similar to anxiety
and depression. In existentialist philosophy, the term 'existential
crisis' specifically relates to the crisis of the individual when they
realize that they must always define their own lives through the choices
they make. The existential crisis occurs when one recognizes that even the
decision to either refrain from action or withhold assent to a particular
choice is, in itself, a choice. In other words, humankind is "condemned"
to freedom.
How you
experience life mostly comes from
your own perception. How we interpret the
world controls how we act and think. And this
interpretation is based on
your level of knowledge and
how much you understand about
yourself and
It's Me Against the World. I sometimes
feel that the world is against me and that it's all up to me to solve the
worlds problems. The world is not against me, the world is just constantly
reminding me that I am responsible for this planet. And If I want to
improve this world, I have to be committed and
determined to stand up against injustices. I know that I'm not alone.
It just feels lonely when your life is mostly spent solving problems
instead of enjoying life. I'm not trying to take on the whole world,
I'm just doing what I can, because millions of
my ancestors sacrificed
for me, so it's only fair that I make sacrifices for future
generations. I know that there are a lot of selfish ignorant scumbags who
stand in the way of progress. But that's will
not deter me from my
There are thousands of great things in life that are very
beautiful, incredible and enjoyable, but sadly,
there are also some really bad things in life. And these bad things
make no sense at all because they shouldn't be happening, because
human nature is to be good. But in
order to enjoy the good things in life, you need to find ways to minimize
and reduce the bad things in life. When we
work together
becomes easy, when we stop
communicating, then
things will continue to happen.
Does life have to be this way? There are things in life that don't have
to be the way they are. But there are things in life that just had to
happen in a certain way, otherwise things would be totally different.
Certain things have to happen in a certain way. And something's should
never have to happen at all.
Life is What Happens To You While You're Busy Making Other
Plans, or, Life is what happens to you when you're not busy making other
Inspiring Quotes
Gods Paradox. Why does God let bad things happen?
God doesn't let bad things happen, maybe people let bad things happen. God gives
us life, but God also gives us the freedom to deicide what things we need,
and the
freedom to decide what things we don't need, especially the
things that do us harm. People have been suffering for thousands of year,
but people have also been making improvements for thousands of years. And
we still have so many more improvements to make. One thing is for sure,
humans control their own destiny, it's in our hands. We have come a
long way, and many people have sacrificed their lives. So we should at
least see how far we can go. In the name of God and in the name of
humanity, we must move forward.
God Works in Mysterious Ways."
Hell does exist. Hell is just another word for
ignorance that
causes almost all the worlds problems, like poverty or any crime that
harms and kills innocent people, and also diminishes human potential by
causing continuous suffering and struggle. That is hell. A living hell, a
hell that is human made
and derived from
Now take that to your God and ask for forgiveness, and while you're there,
promise God that you will do better and take
learning more seriously. Hell should not exist.
Why Do We Exist - Why Not?
Why do I exist? Is it some kind of
miracle? Is it a
gift? Is it
by design?
Is it a surprise?
Is life a test? Is life a
way for me
to find myself?
Who are we?
the point of life?
What do we know
so far?
Biology -
Energy -
Vibrations -
Cause and
Effect -
Evolution -
Intelligent Design -
The Meaning of Life -
The Point of
Life -
Don't ask why you exist, ask why not? Besides, asking why you
exist is not a detailed or specific enough of a question to answer.
You have to specify
what part of "You" that exists are you talking about? We
can explain the
biological and
reproductive reasons why we are
here, but knowing why we have
consciousness is not that easy. We
know that consciousness is an amazing ability, but that's all we have
learned so far. We still have a lot more to learn. We
just don't know
Why Are We Here? The most
likely answer is to
advance life, to
maintain life, to
preserve life, to
experience life, and then
pass the baton.
Why else?
Who Gave Me Life? I could say my
parents gave me life, but
they got life from their parents, and so on and
so on. So who gave us life? Who gave humans life? I would like to think
that someone very incredible gave us life, whether a God or some other
life force. I also like to believe that everyone has a predetermined
length of time in this life, for what ever the reason may be. You are a
descendant of millions of people who have lived from generation to
generation over thousands of years, so you are not just a descendant of
your mother and father. Imagine a life without other people to share your
experiences with and to learn from.
What would be the
point? You can't have human life without having lots of other humans.
Besides that, extinctions are real, so imagine not even existing. If you
don't know that you're alive, how would you know what living is? Have you
ever tried to explain what life is as an
observer? Have you ever
examined your own life? Life is not just philosophical, life is real. And
the more you examine life and
the more you learn about life, the more incredible life becomes, and
not just your own life. To say that
we are all
connected is an understatement. There are many things in life that we
are connected to. And most people are not even aware of all these
connections that we have with life, so they experience life in a
obscured way. So it makes
sense to me to spend my life creating ways to improve life, instead
of wasting time trying to figure out who made life, or
pretending to know
Besides that, we need to
prepare ourselves for the things that we find out
about life. If the big answers come to soon, and we are not educated
enough or intelligent enough to understand these
profound realizations,
then we could make big mistakes, like some of the mistakes that we are
making now with corruption, nuclear weapons, wars, selfishness, waste,
abuse and greed, just to name a few. These horrible things should not be
happening, there is no reason or excuse good enough that would explain
these crimes.
Life has no simple answers. But if people believe that life
could be understood using a few simple answers, then those simple minds
will be enslaved by their own
lack of knowledge, and
slavery is illegal, even if the slavery is self inflicted, or inflicted by
the way of censorship or lack of access to knowledge and information, it
is still
"We are on some kind of a journey. And
throughout our history we have gotten lost a few times, and
had to start over. But we are beginning to find our way
around again. But this time we have to promise each other not to
lose the map again. Because starting over sucks. But maybe
that's one of the reasons why life is so short, so that we have
start over again. So that each
lifetime never has the exact same
experience. So that we are never confined to just one ideology,
so that we are always progressing. We have finally arrived at
the ultimate crossroad. Life is once again in our hands. But
this time, we can
preserve our cultures and our history,, and at
the same time, we can start our new journey towards peace,
renewal and prosperity."
"Life is a dramatic comedy and a horror movie all rolled
up into one short moment in time." "Life is death in slow motion."
Krishnamurti - The Real Revolution - 1 of 8 - Where Are We Going?
Seeds of Life, Paperback – July 11, 2015 by Joseph Esposito (amazon)
Millions of years ago, an alien race created a
supercomputer named Deep Thought, which was given the single purpose
of figuring out the answer to the
Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. At the end of its
seven-and-a-half-million-year program, Deep Thought reveals that the
answer is “
forty-two.” -
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is the first book in the
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy comedy science fiction "trilogy of five
books" by Douglas Adams, with a sixth book written by Eoin Colfer. The
novel is an adaptation of the first four parts of Adams's radio series of
the same name, centering on the adventures of the only man to survive the
destruction of Earth; while roaming outer space, he comes to learn the
truth behind Earth's existence. The novel was first published in London on
12 October 1979. It sold 250,000 copies in the first three months.
God could never be an answer to a
question because
God is a
question. To answer a question with another question
that you cannot answer
is just avoiding the question. So all you can really say
is "I don't know yet", or, you can explain the reasons why you
think you know.
Life is Amazing, but you
wouldn't say that if you lived 40,000 years ago. Life is only amazing now
because some humans don't have to struggle to survive. And now more humans
also have more freedoms, more advancements, more language and more
knowledge of themselves and the world around them. Most humans today are
extremely lucky and very fortunate to live in this particular time in
But not for everyone. So if you know that life is amazing, then
you have a gift that you need to preserve and pass forward. Don't let the
gift die with you, document it, protect it and share it.
What is the Point of Life - What is the Purpose of Life - Why
Where are you going in life
and how can you be sure
where your life is going? If you don't
know what to do with your life, or, if you're not doing anything good
with your life, then you need to ask yourself some
questions. What are
goals? What are your
core beliefs? What is your
purpose in
life, or, what would you like to be
the end result of your life, or, what
do you want to
accomplish in life? Finding the
answers to these questions may take some time. But you have to start
looking for answers. And
at the same time that you're looking for answers, you should
continue to educate
yourself as much as possible. The purpose of life should start with an
education that has
The Meaning of
Why We Exist -
is a Test
Reasons for things -
Cause and
Effect -
Will Power
Shit HappensThe
purpose of life is to
experience something incredible.
But when life is hard or unbearable, then life seems to have no point or
purpose at all. Maybe suffering was not part of the original plan, and
just an unfortunate side effect from our
ignorance. But in order to know what
good is you have to understand what
bad is. So maybe the dark side of life is
to make us appreciate the bright side of life. And it's up to us to learn
most appropriate way to learn this extremely important lesson of life.
The Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose"
(Robert Byrne)
You don't really find
purpose in life,
purpose is what you are doing
in life at
a particular moment in time. It's more about
having a goal and knowing the
purpose of that
goal. Asking what is the purpose of life is not
even a question because it is to
broad to answer, because life
is a combination of many things with many purposes. You can also
say "
What is the Point of Life?" But the word "
Point" can mean
many things. Usually the point refers to a reason. And the
reasons are many because
there's a reasons for everything. So you need to specify, because there are many
reasons why many forms of life exist.
Not that you can
answer every
question, but at least answer the
questions that
matter, or at least answer the questions that are
I wouldn't want to focus on the question "
what is the
point of life?" It would make more sense to wonder what was the
original plan when designing life on earth? I assume the plan was to
create living beings who can
life consciously in all kinds of incredible ways, so much so, that
life would never become boring or stagnant. The designers are obviously
geniuses on another level. But I'm sure that the
designers didn't think of everything or
accurately predict all the variables. So the original plan may not be what
we see today, for even the best made plans can change. But lucky for us,
adaptability is a design function that
was built into our existence. So maybe the point of life is to see what
happens, and then decide if changes need to be done, which of course they
do. But it's up to the humans to make those life preserving changes
ourselves, after all, the experiment is far from over, and the designers
are very interested in seeing what happens next. We could make our
designers proud, or we can force the designers to start over, which they
probably already have on other planets in other galaxies.
Point is a a
geometric element that has
but no extension. The precise
location of something; a
spatially limited location.
A brief version of the essential
meaning of something. An
isolated fact that is considered separately from the whole.
Indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially
or figuratively. Be oriented. Direct into a position for
Be positionable in a specified manner. Intend something or to
move towards a certain
goal. Give a point to.
A specific
identifiable position in a
continuum or series or
especially in a process. An instant of time. The object of
an activity.
A very small circular
shape. Unit of counting in scoring a
game. A promontory extending out into a large body of water.
distinct part that can be specified separately in a
group of
things that could be enumerated on a list.
A style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a
penetrating or convincing quality or effect. An outstanding characteristic. Sharp end. Any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a
A linear unit used to measure the size of type; approximately
1/72 inch.
A punctuation mark (.) placed at the end of a declarative
sentence to indicate a full stop or after abbreviations.
A V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer. The dot at the
left of a decimal fraction. The property of a shape that tapers to a sharp tip. A distinguishing or individuating characteristic.
Point Of Know Return - Kansas (youtube) -
Tipping Point.
Existential Nihilism is the philosophical theory that life has no
intrinsic meaning or value. (which would be a very sad existence).
What if I knew everything? What
would be the point to life? Unless I were a God. Then I guess my life
would have a point. But what if I don't want to be a God? Would my life
still have a point? And who would train me to be a God? Would I be a God
on a temporary trial basis? And could I get relived of my duties if I fail
to be a good God? Being a God would be a really hard job. So it makes me
wonder, maybe I should just stay human.
One of your destinations or one
of your goals in your life
should be
intelligence, which
is accomplished through the process of
learning. The
power of knowledge can take you almost anywhere you want to go in life.
There is no better place to go than
intelligenceville. Everything
is better in intelligenceville. It's a stable home in your mind that will
always be there. Anytime you need to bring yourself happiness and
tranquility, you go to intelligenceville. Learning is the only road to
intelligenceville, you're either on that road, or you're lost. If you're
headed down the wrong road, knowledge will be the only thing that will
confirm that you're headed down the wrong road. When you hear someone say
"you're not going anywhere" or "you're not going to make it", then you
have to ask them to define what is "It"? and then ask them to define what
is "Make"? If somone is pretending or assuming to know the purpose of your
life, then you should ask them to prove it. You might not be totally sure
of where you're going, or even totally sure of where you've been, all you
can say is that you're going somewhere, you're just not totally sure where
just yet. But if you're continually educating yourself, then its just a
matter of time before you know which direction to take. Remember, all
roads lead to intelligenceville, which means that all roads also leave
from intelligenceville. There is a lot to learn along the way when
traveling to intelligenceville. So keep your mind open, you don't want to
miss anything important along the way. And don't forget to document your
travels. Your records are important.
It's All Relative - It All Depends
Everything is Relative depending on the
observer and their
frame of reference,
where they are and
when they look at something,
and how they
understand it.
Things are relative means that things are
relevant to a particular or unique situation, or they are
only relevant to an individuals personal
perception or personal
opinion. So a
person must define the relevance of a statement using a clear
example for that particular situation only, because something's only
apply to a particular
scenario, or only apply within a particular
context. There for, the
truth is
debatable. You must
see the whole picture and know the
details in order
to do an accurate
investigation. You need to apply
critical thinking
and avoid making
assumptions. So you will
need to ask some
questions first.
Irrelative is
something that is
not relative and is
unconnected or
without mutual
Immaterial is something that
not pertinent to the
matter under consideration, or something of
no importance or
relevance, especially to a law case.
Relevant is having a bearing on or
connection with
the subject at issue. An
example of something
important to the matter at hand.
Relevance is the
concept of one topic
being connected to another topic
in a way that makes it
useful to consider the first topic when considering
the second. The concept of relevance is studied in many different fields,
cognitive sciences,
logic, and library and
information science.
Relative is something that
estimated by
related in size or degree or other
measurable characteristics.
Moral Relativism is the
differences in
moral judgments across
different peoples and their own particular cultures. It's
incorrect to
assume that the same moral or
ethical frameworks are always in play in all
historical and cultural circumstances.
Everything is relative.
Space is relative,
time is relative,
matter is
relative, and when it's a wave or a particle,
reality is relative. Do you get
it? No? That's because
understanding is
also relative. Everything is relative. Every opinion only relates to
scenario. So
unless you explain a particular scenario, your message will be
vague and general. One
is only one
explanation of many explanations.
One side of a story is only
one side of many sides to a story. Narrow-minded only sees what it wants
to see, or only sees what it knows. One size does not fit all, so things
should be personalized. You can enter an idea from
several different
directions, and you can also exit an idea from several different
directions. So unless you specify something, your message will be vague
and general, which could make the message
because people can
interpret a message in several different ways, and they will not know
if their interpretation is right or wrong. This is why you should speak in
specifics or
facts, and why you should focus on one subject at a time when trying to
explain something.
Absolute Knowledge
means independent, permanent and
not subject to qualification.
knowledge means
partial or
transient, dependent on circumstances or
Situated Knowledge is
that reflects a
context and originates with a viewpoint.
Interpretation is
knowledge that is colored by a persons
world view,
emotions and motives. A
fact is
information that can be measure by a machine or information that is
generally excepted by
educated experts.
Dispersed Knowledge is a situation in which information about a
topic is
fragmented amongst many sources with no authoritative source of
Dispersed knowledge in
economics is the notion that no single agent
has information as to all of the factors which influence prices and
production throughout the system.
Knowledge Gap.
Context -
Biased -
Subjective -
Frame of Mind
Conflict of Interest -
Free Will
Relativity is the
absence of standards of
absolute and universal application. The dependence of
various physical
phenomena on
relative motion of the
observer and the observed objects,
especially regarding the nature and behavior of
light, space,
time, and
Theory of
Relativity usually encompasses two interrelated theories by Albert
special relativity and
general relativity. Special relativity applies to elementary
and their interactions, describing all their physical phenomena except
gravity. General relativity explains the
law of gravitation and its
relation to other
forces of nature. It applies to the cosmological and
astrophysical realm, including astronomy.
Pertinent is having precise or
relevance to the
matter at hand.
Particular is something
unique or
to a person or thing or category. A
fact about some
part as opposed to a
general idea of something. Something separate and
distinct from others of the same
group or category. Surpassing what is common, usual or
expected. Providing
specific details
or circumstances instead of
Significant is
important in
effect or meaning. Something
worthy of
attention, or something noteworthy or
Situation is the
general state of things or the
combination of
circumstances at a given time. A condition or position in which you
find yourself in. A complex or critical or
unusual difficulty. A
position in relation to the surroundings.
Situational Ethics takes into account the particular
context of an act
when evaluating it
ethically, rather than judging it according to absolute
moral standards. With the intent to have a
fair basis for judgments or
action, one looks to personal ideals of what is appropriate to guide them,
rather than an unchanging universal code of conduct.
Depends is something that is determined
by conditions or
circumstances that follow. Contingent.
It All Depends means that the answer to
will be different in different
situations, so you
can't answer until you know more information.
Circumstances are the set of
facts that
accompanies or
influences some event or activity.
Victim of Circumstance is being in the
wrong place at the wrong time, and if the circumstances would have been
different, and if you knew more and understood more, you would have made
different decisions or made better choices.
Circumstantial Evidence.
Discrimination is relative. Only certain people are effected by
prejudice behavior, while other people are not effected by prejudice
behavior because the discriminating rule does not apply to them, thus they
are not victimized or demoralized by prejudice behavior. You read a sign
that says that you must be at a height of over 4 feet to go on this ride,
which means that this rule is only relative to the people who are shorter
than 4 feet, while the people above 4 feet are not effected by this rule
so are free to pass.
Personalized medicine is relative to certain people. And research
needs to be relative. If a product is causing injuries or death, they need
to prove that the product itself caused the injuries or death and not
other contributing factors.
Applicable is something
capable of being applied and
having relevance to the task.
is having relation or relevance or
No Bearing is when something has no affect
or influence on a decision.
To the Point
is an idiom that means to make something relevant or pertinent.
So what's the
point of relevance? The point is to have a point and
not be vague.
It's only relative when it's relevant. It's
all relative to a particular
eye witness or to a
observer, this we
know. It's all relative to a particular
patient or
to a particular
victim, this we also know. This is why science
and research is so important, especially when we have
multiple people
verifying and
repeating experiments.
So something is not just relative to just
anyone thing or any one person, it becomes information that we can use to
progress and
So nothing is relative until everyone
agrees that something is
relevant for this particular problem. So to say
"It's all relative" is not an answer, it's only another
question and an
obvious piece of
information. So either
finish your sentence or come up
with a better question, one that's not an
idiom. Define what you
mean by relative?
And then define what you mean by all? Because we are not talking about
all" or
everything. We're just trying to understand
this particular single moment in
time, this way we can keep
learning and keep progressing.
Interpretation -
Cause and
Effect -
Things Happen for a
Reason -
Time and Space
Breakthrough Junior
Challenge 2017 | Relativity & The Equivalence of Reference Frames
Matter at Hand is the issue, topic, or
task that is currently being discussed or is the
current priority.
Subject is the thing or
area being
discussed or the
object of investigation. Some situation or event that is thought
about. Refer for judgment or consideration. Likely to be
affected by
on is determined by
conditions or circumstances that follow.
Contingency is a
event, occurrence or result.
Something set aside
for a possible future
Contingency in philosophy is the status of propositions that are
neither true under every possible valuation (i.e. tautologies) nor false
under every possible valuation (i.e. contradictions).
Contingency theory is an organizational
theory that claims that there
is no best way to organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to make
decisions. Instead, the optimal course of action is contingent (dependent)
upon the internal and external situation. A contingent leader effectively
applies their own style of leadership to the right situation.
Counterfactual is information that goes
against the
or is opposite of what is known. An
opinion or a
belief or an
assumption that is a
contradiction to other
known facts, so it does not make sense.
Counterfactual Conditionals are
conditional sentences which discuss what would have been true under
different circumstances, e.g. "If Peter believed in ghosts, he would be
afraid to be here." Counterfactuals are contrasted with
indicatives, which are generally restricted to discussing open
possibilities. Counterfactuals are characterized grammatically by their
use of fake tense morphology, which some languages use in combination with
other kinds of morphology including aspect and mood.
Good or
Bad, Hard to Say -
Two Sides to Every Coin
Paradox -
Ideology -
The Monkey's Paw
Case by Case Basis is making decisions that
are made separately with each
decision made
according to the facts of that particular situation.
Apropos is an appropriate or pertinent nature. At an opportune
time. Introducing a different topic; in
point of
fact. With regard or relation to; on the subject of.
There will always be
another side to a story and
another way of looking at things. So we must learn to see the other
side from which we see things. It's not about what side you're on, it's
knowing that there will always be another side to a story and there will
always be another way of looking at things. You are not the only human or
the last human. You are human and
there are no sides,
just different perspectives.
We rely on each
others insight and our
power comes from our
We have to see eye to eye to avoid negating our true power.
Polar is having a pair of equal and
opposite charges. Characterized by opposite extremes or completely
It depends on how you define something. A
word can have
more than one
meaning and have more than one interpretation. So unless both persons
understand the word in the same way, you will always be
vulnerable to
misunderstandings. So
if a word has more than one meaning or definition, then a person should
say the meaning of the word and not just the word. Avoid
If two things are two sides of the same coin, they are very closely
related although they seem different.
False Dilemma -
is Not a Fair Test -
Searching for Meaning
Relevance Today
If something is good or bad, you sometimes have to have a
discussion and
define the good and the bad, the
pros and cons, the
positives and the negatives. Then you can decide what the best decision
would be.
Our Message to the Universe - Space Probes - Message in a Bottle -
Voyager 1 was
our best guess
at what we thought
life was in
1977. - "As the Secretary General of the United Nations, an organizations of
the 147 member states who represent
almost all of the human inhabitants of
the planet earth. I send greetings on behalf of the people of our planet.
We step out of our solar system into the universe seeking only
peace and
friendship, to
teach if we are called upon,
to be taught if we are fortunate.
We know full well that our planet and all its inhabitants are but a small
part of the immense universe that surrounds us and it is with humility and
hope that we take this step."
Greetings from Earth (youtube) - 55 Languages -
Voyager Golden Record GreetingsThe 116
images NASA wants Aliens to see (youtube)
Meaning (image) -
Voyager Images
(photo) -
Voyager Images
Music on
Record (youtube) - "Hey out there, we just learned how to make records
100 years ago, so here's one of our albums, check it out, tell us what you
think? It's kind of like a
Phonograph Record -
Voyager Golden Record (youtube).
Pioneer Plaque
are a pair of gold-anodized aluminum plaques that were placed on board the
1972 Pioneer 10 and 1973 Pioneer 11 spacecraft, featuring a
message, in case either Pioneer 10 or 11 is intercepted by
extraterrestrial life. The plaques show the nude figures of a human male
and female along with several symbols that are designed to provide
information about the origin of the spacecraft. The Pioneer 10 and 11
spacecraft were the first human-built objects to achieve escape velocity
from the
Solar System. The plaques were attached to the spacecraft's
antenna support struts in a position that would shield them from erosion
by interstellar dust.
Earth Message -
Encyclopedias -
Meaning of LifeThe Voyager 1 is basically
saying..."Hello! Is anyone out there? Life is so incredible here on
Earth, but life is also really
horrifying at times.
This is what we know so far from our experiences. Are
we alone? Or is alone just an illusion? We are so full of Love, but we are
plagued with
ignorance. Any suggestions?"...
Answer from unknown source..."It's ok,
you'll get through it. All Human life starts out this way. It's a long learning
process. And suffering and death is extremely unfortunate no matter how you
look at it. The good news is that you have the abilities to solve your
problems, you just have to learn how. The most important thing is that you
are alive, which means there's life and hope for all. You
are the giver of life and the harbor of life, and you are not alone. Keep learning
and stay alive, the universe is counting on you."
Voyager 1 and 2 -
2018-2019 UPDATE - Narrated Documentary (youtube)
What the Voyager
Message should have said.."Help, we are humans on planet earth and we have
too many ignorant people in power who are mass murdering people everyday.
Please send us your best teachers and learning tools that you have
available so that we can help educate people more fully and more
accurately so that humans can grow up to be highly intelligent people instead of
growing up to be ignorant criminals or mindless and powerless citizens.
Thank you in advanced, and please hurry! Just to let you know
99% of
humans are kind and loving people, but when people don't have access to
valuable knowledge and information, they make bad choices and are
vulnerable to corruption. Hopefully by the time you receive this message,
we have already solved this problem, if not, then most likely our problems
ended up killing us all, like many other species that went extinct
throughout our planets history. So if you're to late, thanks for listening
anyway, if not, we hope to see you soon. PS: We have cookies."
And one last thing, when you come to earth,
don't talk to the Chinese or talk to the Russians or anyone from the
American government, because they will most likely kill you and take your
spaceships. It's best that you find a scientist to talk to who closely
Segan. I would recommend that you interview the
best scientists in the world based on the 2023 ranking. You can also
call me and I could give you some good references like
Neil deGrasse Tyson. And if you do talk to people in the American
government, talk to these three women,
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Porter and
Jasmine Crockett.
"We probe the outside world when we also need to
probe the inside
world of our hearts and minds so that we can better understand ourselves.
Looking inward is looking outward, and looking outward is like looking
inward, ask any
Space Travel -
Time Travel -
Voyager 1 in 1990, after 13 years, traveled beyond Pluto. In 2003,
Voyager 1
traveled beyond our
Suns gravitational field, and
then we lost all contact
since that time. Voyager 1 is traveling at 35,000 mph. It will be 40,000 years before it
comes close to another star. At that speed it takes 17,000 years to travel one light year. With
potentially habitable planets 34 light years away, what are the
odds that
there is life that has the ability to receive or even understand another
life form from
another world?
Scientists are blasting out Earth’s
Location with the hope of reaching aliens, and Stephen Hawking
warned they might destroy humanity. For over 70 years, astronomers have
been scanning for radio or optical signals from other civilizations in the
search for extraterrestrial
intelligence, called SETI. Most scientists are confident that life
exists on many of the 300 million potentially habitable worlds in the
Milky Way galaxy. Astronomers also think there is a decent chance some
life forms have developed intelligence and technology. But no signals from
another civilization have ever been detected, a mystery that is called “
Great Silence.” While SETI has long been a part of mainstream
science, METI, or messaging extraterrestrial intelligence, has been less
common. Astronomers beamed the first radio message designed for alien ears
from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico in 1974. The series of 1s and
0s was designed to convey simple information about humanity and biology
and was sent toward the globular cluster M13. Since M13 is 25,000
light-years away, you shouldn’t hold your breath for a reply. The Pioneer
10 spacecraft carries this plaque, which describes some basic information
about humans and the Earth. Credit: Carl Sagan, Frank Drake, Linda Salzman Sagan, NASA Ames Research Center.
Monolith in the film 2001 Space Odyssey was made with the 1:4:9 ratio.
This ratio is the squares of the first three positive integers: 1, 2, and
3. (1 squared is 1, 2 squared is 4, and 3 squared is 9). Using
math as a common language can make it
easier to communicate than trying to interpret the words, symbols and
sounds of a foreign language.
Songs about Life
Bitter Sweet Symphony of Life - The Verve (youtube) - 'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this life, Try to make ends meet,
You're a slave to money then you die. I'll take you down the only road
I've ever been down, You know the one that takes you to the places
where all the veins meet yeah, No change, I can change, I can
change, I can change, But I'm here in my mold, I am here in my mold.
But I'm a million different people from one day to the next, I can't
change my mold , No, no, no, no, no. Well I never pray, But
tonight I'm on my knees yeah, I need to hear some sounds that recognize
the pain in me, yeah, I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I
feel free now, But the airways are clean and there's nobody singing to
me now, No change, I can change, I can change, I can change, But
I'm here in my mold, I am here in my mold, And I'm a million different
people from one day to the next, I can't change my mold, No, no,
no, no, no, I can't change, I can't change, 'Cause it's a
bittersweet symphony, this life, Try to make ends meet, Try to find
some money then you die. I'll take you down the only road I've ever been
down, You know the one that takes you to the places where all the
things meet yeah, You know I can change, I can change, I can
change, I can change, But I'm here in my mold, I am here in my mold
And I'm a million different people from one day to the next, I can't
change my mold, No, no, no, no, no, I can't change my mold, no,
no, no, no, no, I can't change, Can't change my body, no, no, no,
I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down, I'll take you
down the only road I've ever been down, Been down, Ever been down,
Ever been down, Ever been down, Ever been down, Have you ever been
down? Have you've ever been down?
What Is Life? (wiki)
What Is Life - George Harrison (youtube)
A Dance to Honor Mother Earth (video)
What a Wonderful
World -
Somewhere over the Rainbow
The Time Of
Your Life (Good Riddance) - Green Day (youtube) - Another turning
point, a fork stuck in the road. Time grabs you by the wrist, directs
you where to go. So make the best of this test, and don't ask why.
It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time. It's something
unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of
your life. So take the photographs, and still-frames in your mind.
Hang them on a shelf in good health and good time. Tattoo's of memories
and dead skin on trial. For what it's worth, it was worth all the
while. It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I
hope you had the time of your life. It's something unpredictable, but
in the end is right. I hope you had the time of your life. It's
something unpredictable, but in the end is right. I hope you had the
time of your life.
Let's Live For
Today - The Grass Roots (youtube) - When I think of all the worries
people seem to find, How they're in a hurry to complicate their minds, By
chasing after money and dreams that can't come true, I'm glad that we are
different, we've better things to do, When others plan their future, I'm
busy loving you, One, two, three, four, Shah-la, la-la-la-la live for
today, Shah-la, la-la-la-la live for today,
don't worry 'bout tomorrow hey, hey, hey, Shah-la, la-la-la-la live
for today. We were never meant to worry the way the people do, I don't
need to hurry as long as I'm with you, Take it nice and easy and use my
simple plan, You'll be my lovin' woman, I'll be your lovin' man, Take the
most from living, have pleasure while we can.
Life Is A Highway
Tom Cochrane (youtube) - Life's like a road that you travel on, When
there's one day here and the next day gone, Sometimes you bend and
sometimes you stand, Sometimes you turn your back to the wind, There's
a world outside every darkened door, Where blues won't haunt you anymore,
Where the brave are free and lovers soar, Come ride with me to the
distant shore, We won't hesitate, To break down the garden gate,
There's not much time left today, Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
all night long, If you're going my way, I wanna drive it all night
long, Through all these cities and all these towns, It's in my blood,
and it's all around, I love you now like I loved you then, This is the
road, and these are the hands, From Mozambique to those Memphis nights,
The Khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights, Knock me down and back up again,
You're in my blood, I'm not a lonely man, There's no load I can't hold,
A road so rough this I know, I'll be there when the light comes in,
Just tell 'em we're survivors, Life is a highway, I wanna ride it all
night long, If you're going my way, I wanna drive it all night long, , imme, gimme, gimme, gimme yeah, Life is a highway, I wanna ride it
all night long, If you're going my way, I wanna drive it all night
long, There was a distance between you and I, A misunderstanding once,
But now we look in the eye, Ooh... yeah! There ain't no load that I
can't hold, A road so rough this I know, I'll be there when the light
comes in, Just tell 'em we're survivors, Life is a highway, I wanna
ride it all night long (All night long, yeah, yeah), If you're going my
way, I wanna drive it all night long, Gimme, gimme, gimme, Gimme,
gimme, yeah, Life is a highway (Life is a highway), I wanna ride it
all night long (ooh... yeah), If you're going my way (If you're going my
way), I wanna drive it all night long (All night long, yeah. Come, on),
Gimme, gimme, gimme, Gimme, gimme, gimme, yeah, Life is a highway,
I wanna ride it all night long (Yeah, I wanna drive it all night long,
baby), If you're going my way (If you're going my way), I wanna drive
it all night long (All night long...).
"Nobody Gets Out
Alive" - Samuel L. Jackson - Life is a Highway (youtube)
Life ain't
nothin' but a Funny Funny Riddle, Thank God I'm a Country Boy. (youtube)
I'm Gonna Give All My Secrets Away because
This Could Really be a Good Life.
Ramble On - Led
Zeppelin (youtube) - Leaves are falling all around, It's time I was on
my way, Thanks to you I'm much obliged, For such a pleasant stay, But now
it's time for me to go, The autumn moon lights my way, For now I smell the
rain, And with it pain, And it's headed my way, Ah, sometimes I grow so
tired, But I know I've got one thing I got to do,
Ramble on, And now's the
time, the time is now, To sing my song, I'm goin' 'round the world, I got
to find my girl, On my way, I've been this way ten years to the day,
Ramble on, Gotta find the queen of all my dreams, Got no time for spreadin'
roots, The time has come to be gone, And thoough our health we drank a
thousand times, It's time to ramble on, Ramble on, And now's the time, the
time is now, To sing my song, I'm going 'round the world, I got to find my
girl, On my way, I've been this way ten years to the day, I gotta ramble
on, I gotta find the queen of all my dreams, I ain't tellin' no lie,
Mine's a tale that can't be told, My freedom I hold dear, How years ago in
days of old, When magic filled the air, 'T was in the darkest depths of
Mordor, I met a girl so fair, But Gollum, and the evil one, Crept up and
slipped away with her, Her, her, yeah, Ain't nothing I can do, no, I guess
I keep on rambling, I'm gonna, yeah, yeah, yeah, Sing my song (I gotta
find my baby), I gotta ramble on, sing my song, Gotta work my way around
the world baby, baby, Ramble on, yeah, Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, my baby,
Doo, doo, doo, doo, Doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo doodoo. I gotta keep
searching for my baby, (Baby, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby), I gotta
keep-a-searchin' for my baby, (My, my, my, my, my, my, my baby), Yeah
yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeah, Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah, I
can't find my bluebird, I listen to my bluebird sing, I can't find my
bluebird, I keep rambling, baby, I keep rambling, baby.
Ramble is to move about
aimlessly without
any real
destination in mind, sometimes in search of meaning or sometimes
just to find food or employment. An aimless amble on a winding course, or
a long walk for exercise or just for pleasure. Ramble is to continue
talking or writing, sometimes in a desultory manner that is marked by a
lack of a definite plan, regularity or
purpose. Sometimes jumping from one
thing to another.
Rambling is spreading out
in different directions, or turning irregularly and not going directly to
the destination. A type of speech or writing tending to depart from the
main point or, covering a wide range of subjects. A long talk or text
without a clear structure or message.
Bluebird is a symbol of joy and hope, and
that good news will be arriving soon. Others think that bluebirds
represent a connection between the living and those who have passed away.
Native American tribes associated bluebirds with the return of spring
after winter, prosperity and even fertility.