
Stress is a state of mental or emotional strain. Stress is a difficult experience that causes worry or emotional tension. Stress is a result of a mentally demanding activity or experience, or from a physically demanding activity or experience that has a high degree of uncertainty or risk. Stressor is any agent that causes stress to an organism.

Stress Management - Stress Relief - Triggers

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Stressed out person photoStress is something that causes a state of strain or tension. Stress is any type of change that causes physical, emotional or psychological strain. Stress is something that makes you feel angry, tense, worried or irritable can cause the release of stress hormones, which can make stress more physical than mental. Stress is anything that requires attention or action. Unexpected events can happen. There are many things in life that can cause stress. Being laid off from work can cause stress, especially when it effects your finances and reduces the amount of money you need to pay your bills. Other things that might cause stress are illnesses, injuries, crisis, abuse, threats, death of a loved one, work deadlines, traffic jams, weight gain, relationship problems, car problems, transportation problems, and the list goes on and on. Learning how to control stress and reduce the effects of stress is extremely important.

Signs of Stress - PTSD - Harassment (abuse) - Body Burden (stressors) - Cortisol

Distress is psychological suffering or extreme physical pain. A state of difficulties, danger, affliction or need.

Stressor is a chemical or biological agent, environmental condition, external stimulus or an event seen as causing stress to an organism. Psychologically speaking, a stressor can be events or environments that individuals might consider demanding, challenging, and/or threatening individual safety. Events or objects that may trigger a stress response may include: environmental stressors (hypo or hyper-thermic temperatures, elevated sound levels, over-illumination, overcrowding), daily "stress" events (e.g., traffic, lost keys, money, quality and quantity of physical activity), life changes (e.g., divorce, bereavement). workplace stressors (e.g., high job demand vs. low job control, repeated or sustained exertions, forceful exertions, extreme postures, office clutter). chemical stressors (e.g., tobacco, alcohol, drugs). social stressor (e.g., societal and family demands). Stressors can cause physical, chemical and mental responses internally. Physical stressors produce mechanical stresses on skin, bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles and nerves that cause tissue deformation and (in extreme cases) tissue failure. Chemical stresses also produce biomechanical responses associated with metabolism and tissue repair. Physical stressors may produce pain and impair work performance. Chronic pain and impairment requiring medical attention may result from extreme physical stressors or if there is not sufficient recovery time between successive exposures. A recent study shows that physical office clutter could be an example of physical stressors in a workplace setting. Stressors may also affect mental function and performance. One possible mechanism involves stimulation of the hypothalamus, CRF (corticotropin release factor) -> pituitary gland releases ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) -> adrenal cortex secretes various stress hormones (e.g., cortisol) -> stress hormones (30 varieties) travel in the blood stream to relevant organs, e.g., glands, heart, intestines -> flight-or-fight response. Between this flow there is an alternate path that can be taken after the stressor is transferred to the hypothalamus, which leads to the sympathetic nervous system; after which the adrenal medulla secretes epinephrine. Mental and social stressors may affect behavior and how individuals respond to physical and chemical stressors. Life requires everyone to make sudden and planned adjustments to meet its demands, but greater demands come with a greater adjustment and possibly more stress. Determining the impact of these various stressors allow individuals to decide the relationship between the types of stressors and the degree of distress. Identifying the stressor-stress relationship must involve quantifying the impact of life demands and all stress spurred by it. To do this, the individual will use subjective measures and objective measures, depending on the situation. Individuals determine the degree of adjustment themselves in subjective measures, but a degree of adjustment will be or has already been assigned to the individual in an objective measure. The degrees of adjustment are measured by life change units, where one unit equals a degree of adjustment necessary to cope with the life change. The practice of measuring life change units led to the creation of many scales composed of these units that are tailored to certain life events or situations, such as social readjustment and college students. Once the relationship between the stressor (event) and the stress, the individual can then begin to focus on the stress magnitude and the stress itself. For life events with a lower magnitude of impact, the ability to cope and adjust may not be very complex and relatively brief. But for others, life events with high magnitudes can impact lives in many ways for an extended amount of time. The various stressors listed above can all have events or stressors that range anywhere from minor to traumatic. Traumatic events involve very debilitating stressors, and oftentimes these stressors are uncontrollable. Traumatic events can deplete an individual's coping resources to an extent where the individual may develop acute stress disorder or even post-traumatic stress disorder. Acute stress disorder is a psychological disorder where a traumatic event that is life threatening or threatens an injury causes a reaction of fear and helplessness lasting up to four weeks. Post-traumatic stress disorder has symptoms of lasting longer than one month, and the first symptom is a history of experiencing a traumatic event followed with a reaction of intense fear, helplessness, or horror. The traumatic event is persistently re-experienced in one of these ways: recurrent distressing recollections, dreams, flashbacks, illusions, or a sense of reliving the experience, and distress or physical arousal by reminders of this event. The individual suffers from a persistent avoidance of reminders of the event. People who have been abused, victimized, or terrorized are often more susceptible to stress disorders. No matter the magnitude of the stressor and stress, most stressor-stress relationships can be evaluated and determined - either by the individual or a by psychologist. Without proper attention, stress can produce severe effects on mental health and the immune system, which can eventually lead to effects on the physical body. Therapeutic measures are often taken to help replenish and rebuild the individual's coping resources while simultaneously aiding the individual in dealing with the current stressor. Psychological stressors. Stressors occur when an individual is unable to cope with the demands of their environment (such as crippling debt with no clear path to resolving it). Generally, stressors take many forms, such as: traumatic events, life demands, sudden medical emergencies, and daily inconveniences, to name a few. There are also a variety of characteristics that a stressor may possess (different durations, intensity, predictability, and controllability). Measuring psychological stress. Due to the wide impact and the far-reaching consequences of psychological stressors (especially their profound effects on mental well-being), it is particularly important to devise tools to measure such stressors. Two common psychological stress tests include the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) devised by American psychologist Sheldon Cohen, and the Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS) or the Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale. While the PSS is a traditional Likert scale, the SRRS assigns specific predefined numerical values to stressors. Biological responses to stressors. Traumatic events or any type of shock to the body can cause an acute stress response disorder (ASD). The extent to which one experiences ASD depends on the extent of the shock. If the shock was pushed past a certain extreme after a particular period in time ASD can develop into what is commonly known as Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). There are two ways that the body responds biologically in order to reduce the amount of stress an individual is experiencing. One thing that the body does to combat stressors is to create stress hormones, which in turn create energy reservoirs that are there in case a stressful event were to occur. The second way our biological components respond is through an individual's cells. Depending on the situation our cells obtain more energy in order to combat any negative stressor and any other activity those cells are involved in seize. Predictability and controllability. When individuals are informed about events before they occur, the magnitude of the stressor is less than when compared to individuals who were not informed of the stressor. For example, an individual would prefer to know when they have a deadline ahead of time in order to prepare for it in advance, rather than find out about the deadline the day of. In knowing that there is a deadline ahead of time, the intensity of the stressor is smaller for the individual, as opposed to the magnitude of intensity for the other unfortunate individual who found out about the deadline the day of. When this was tested, psychologists found that when given the choice, individuals had a preference for the predictable stressors, rather than the unpredictable stressors. Additionally, the degree to which the stressor can be controlled plays a variable in how the individual perceives stress. Research has found that if an individual is able to take some control over the stressor, then the level of stress will be decreased. During this study, it was found that the individuals become increasingly anxious and distressed if they were unable to control their environment. As an example, imagine an individual who detests baths in the Middle Ages, taking a bath. If the individual was forced to take the bath with no control over the temperature of the bath (one of the variables), then their anxiety and stress levels would be higher than if the individual was given some control over the environment (such as being able to control the temperature of the water). Based on these two principles (predictability and control), there are two hypotheses that attempt to account for these preferences; the preparatory response hypothesis and safety hypothesis attempt to accommodate these preferences. Preparatory response hypothesis. The idea behind this hypothesis is that an organism can better prepare for an event if they are informed beforehand, as this allows them to prepare for it (biologically). In biologically preparing for this event beforehand, the individual is able to better decrease the event's aversiveness. In knowing when a potential stressor will occur (such as an exam), the individual could, in theory, prepare for it in advance, thus decreasing the stress that may result from that event. Safety hypothesis. In this hypothesis, there are two time periods, one in which is deemed safe (where there is no stressor), and one which is deemed unsafe (in which the stressor is present). This is similar to procrastination and cramming; during the safe intervals (weeks before an exam) the individual is relaxed and not anxious, and during the unsafe intervals (the day or night before the exam) the individual most likely experiences anxiety.

Stress in biology is an organism's response to a stressor such as an environmental condition. Stress is a body's method of reacting to a challenge. According to the stressful event, the body's way to respond to stress is by sympathetic nervous system activation which results in the fight-or-flight response. Because the body can not keep this state for long periods of time, the parasympathetic system returns the body's physiological conditions to normal (homeostasis). In humans, stress typically describes a negative condition that can affect a person's mental and physical well-being. Stress either physiological or biological is an organism's response to a stressor such as an environmental condition. Stress is the body's method of reacting to a condition such as a threat, challenge or physical and psychological barrier. Stimuli that alter an organism's environment are responded to by multiple systems in the body. The autonomic nervous system and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis are two major systems that respond to stress.

Stress is a feeling of strain and pressure. Excessive amounts of stress may lead to bodily harm. Stress can increase the risk of strokes, heart attacks, ulcers, dwarfism, and mental illnesses such as depression. Stress can be external and related to the environment, but may also be created by internal perceptions that cause an individual to experience anxiety or other negative emotions surrounding a situation, such as pressure, discomfort, etc., which they then deem stressful. Humans experience stress, or perceive things as threatening, when they do not believe that their resources for coping with obstacles (stimuli, people, situations, etc.) are enough for what the circumstances demand. When we think the demands being placed on us exceed our ability to cope, we then perceive stress. But not all stress has negative effects. Small amounts of stress may be desired, beneficial, and even healthy. Positive stress helps improve athletic performance. It also plays a factor in motivation, adaptation, and reaction to the environment.

Chronic Stress is the response to emotional pressure suffered for a prolonged period of time in which an individual perceives he or she has little or no control. It involves an endocrine system response in which corticosteroids are released. While the immediate effects of stress hormones are beneficial in a particular short-term situation, long-term exposure to stress creates a high level of these hormones. This may lead to high blood pressure (and subsequently heart disease), damage to muscle tissue, inhibition of growth, suppression of the immune system, and damage to mental health.

Episodic Acute Stress is when a person experiences acute stress frequently. If you have episodic acute stress, you may feel like you are always under pressure or that things are always going wrong. This can be exhausting, both physically and mentally.

Biological Stressors are conditions that make it hard for your body to take part in daily activities. This could involve illness, disability, biochemical changes in the body, or injuries. For instance, a biological stressor could be that you are sick with the flu.

Allostatic Load is the wear and tear on the body which accumulates as an individual is exposed to repeated or chronic stress. To reduce and manage high allostatic load, an individual should pay attention to structural and behavioural factors.

Allostasis refers to the adaptive processes that maintain homeostasis through the production of mediators such as adrenalin, cortisol and other chemical messengers.

How stress knocks out your cognitive reserve. While mentally stimulating activities and life experiences can improve cognition in memory clinic patients, stress undermines this beneficial relationship.

Stress in Early Childhood. Early childhood is a critical period in a child’s life that includes ages from conception to five years old. Psychological stress is an inevitable part of life. Human beings can experience stress from an early age. Although stress is a factor for the average human being, it can be a positive or negative molding aspect in a young child’s life. stress can be beneficial by helping children develop skills needed to adapt to a new set of circumstances and deal with dangerous and intimidating situations. Some experts have theorized that there is a point where prolonged or excessive stress becomes harmful and can lead to serious health effects. When stress builds up in early childhood, neurobiological factors are affected. In turn, levels of the stress hormone cortisol exceed normal ranges. This theory however is based on animal studies and cross-sectional studies in humans, and the proposed impacts on brain centers have not been found in a landmark twin study and studies where neurobiological factors were measured in humans prior to stress or trauma exposure. Researchers have proposed three distinct types of responses to stress in young children: positive, tolerable, and toxic. These labels are based on theorized differences in lasting physiological changes occurring as a result of the intensity and duration of the stress response. Stress is caused by internal or external influences that disrupt an individual’s normal state of well-being. These influences are capable of affecting health by causing emotional distress and leading to a variety of physiological changes. Internal stressors include physiological conditions such as hunger, pain, illness or fatigue. Other internal sources of stress consist of shyness in a child, emotions, gender, age and intellectual capacity. Childhood trauma has lifelong impact. Exposure to adverse childhood experiences can include separation from family, home violence, neighborhood violence, mental illness or substance use disorder of caregiver, physical/sexual abuse, neglect divorce, a new home or school, illness and hospitalization, death of a loved one, poverty, natural disasters, and adults’ negative discipline techniques (e.g. spanking). Additional external stressors include prenatal drug exposure, such as maternal methamphetamine use, other maternal and paternal substance abuse, maternal depression, posttraumatic stress and psychosis.

Effects of stress on adolescent brain's 'triple network'. Acute stress, repeated traumas shift functional connectivity. Stress and trauma during adolescence can lead to long-term health consequences such as psychiatric disorders, which may arise from neurodevelopmental effects on brain circuitry. A new study has used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the effects of acute stress and 'polyvicitimization,' or repeated traumas, on three brain networks in adolescents.

When a stressful situation is perceived as a threat, health and wellbeing suffer. People experience more health and wellbeing issues when they feel overwhelmed by stressful situations rather than seeing them as a challenge, a new study finds.

Stress-related cell damage linked to negative mental and physical health effects among caregivers. Researchers have found that intense stress can be felt at the cellular level and is linked to negative physical and mental health effects.

Occupational Stress is stress related to one's job. Occupational stress often stems from unexpected responsibilities and pressures that do not align with a person's knowledge, skills, or expectations, inhibiting one's ability to Cope. Occupational stress can increase when workers do not feel supported by supervisors or colleagues, or feel as if they have little control over work processes.

Job Stress - Stress Brain

Tension in psychology is a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense. The physical condition of being stretched or strained. Feelings of hostility that are not manifest.

Stress Experienced by Nurses: Increased prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms in critical care nurses. Alleviating job stress in nurses: approaches to reducing job stress in nurses. Depression, Anxiety and Symptoms of Stress among Hong Kong Nurses: A Cross-sectional Study. Comparison of the Value of Nursing Work Environments in Hospitals Across Different Levels of Patient Risk.

Alarm Fatigue

Techno-Stress is the negative psychological link between people and the introduction of new technologies. Where ergonomics is the study of how humans react to and physically fit with machines in their environment, technostress is a result of altered habits of work and collaboration that are being brought about due to the use of modern information technologies at office and home situations. People experience technostress when they cannot adapt to or cope with information technologies in a healthy manner. They feel compulsive about being connected and sharing constant updates, feel forced to respond to work-related information in real-time, and engage in almost habitual multi-tasking. They feel compelled to work faster because information flows faster, and have little time to spend on sustained thinking and creative analysis.

Why Stress Doesn't Always Cause Depression. Rats susceptible to anhedonia, a core symptom of depression, possess more serotonin neurons after being exposed to chronic stress, but the effect can be reversed through amygdala activation.

Not all Stress is Bad. Stress from certain exercises is beneficial. Stress from reducing food intake also has benefits. The human body is designed to experience stress and react to it. Stress can be positive, keeping us alert and ready to avoid danger. But stress can become a negative when a person faces continuous challenges without relief or relaxation between challenges. As a result, the person becomes overworked, and stress-related tension builds. Stress costs American industry more than $300 billion annually.

What doesn't kill you doesn't necessarily make you stronger - Exposure.

Humans naturally like to be in low pressure situations. Just like molecules in a high pressure zone, they naturally gravitate towards a low pressure area.

Cortisone is a pregnane (21-carbon) steroid Hormone. It is one of the main hormones released by the adrenal gland in response to stress. Cortisol - Adrenaline.

Cell Mechanism Regulating Protein Synthesis in Stress Conditions by Altering tRNA Abundance.

Effects of Stress on your Body - Suffering - Social Pressures - Resilience

How Stress causes Gray Hair. the type of nerve involved in the fight-or-flight response causes permanent damage to the pigment-regenerating stem cells in the hair follicle. The findings advance knowledge of how stress impacts the body, and are a first step toward blocking its negative effects. Sympathetic nerve system, which is responsible for the body's fight-or-flight response. Sympathetic nerves branch out into each hair follicle on the skin. The researchers found that stress causes these nerves to release the chemical norepinephrine, which gets taken up by nearby pigment-regenerating stem cells. Researchers found that the norepinephrine from sympathetic nerves causes the stem cells to activate excessively. The stem cells all convert into pigment-producing cells, prematurely depleting the reservoir. Grey Hair and Aging.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD

Acute Stress Reaction is a psychological condition arising in response to a terrifying or traumatic event, or witnessing a traumatic event that arises a strong emotional response within the individual. It should not be confused with the unrelated circulatory condition of shock/ hypoperfusion, or the concept of shock value. Acute stress reaction may develop into delayed stress reaction or better known as PTSD if stress isn't correctly managed. Triggers.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental disorder that can develop after a person is exposed to a traumatic event, such as sexual assault, warfare, traffic collisions, or other threats on a person's life. Symptoms may include disturbing thoughts, feelings, or dreams related to the events, mental or physical distress to trauma-related cues, attempts to avoid trauma-related cues, alterations in how a person thinks and feels, and increased arousal. These symptoms last for more than a month after the event. Young children are less likely to show distress but instead may express their memories through play. Those with PTSD are at a higher risk of suicide.

The Post Traumatic Stress Center

Post Dramatic Stress Syndrome

Correlation between PTSD & Substance Abuse.

We train soldiers for war. Let's train them to come home, too: Hector Garcia (video and interactive text) - PTSD Coach App

Psychedelic Therapy.

Reconsolidation Therapy - Exposure Therapy - Memory Failures

Combat Stress Reaction is a term used within the military to describe acute behavioral disorganization seen by medical personnel as a direct result of the trauma of war. Also known as "combat fatigue" or "battle neurosis", it has some overlap with the diagnosis of acute stress reaction used in civilian psychiatry. It is historically linked to shell shock and can sometimes precurse post-traumatic stress disorder.

Shell Shock is a word that originated during World War I to describe the type of post-traumatic stress disorder that many soldiers experienced during the war, before PTSD was officially recognized. It is a reaction to the intensity of the bombardment and fighting that produced a helplessness, which could manifest as panic, fear, flight, or an inability to reason, sleep, walk or talk.

Operational Exhaustion is the acute psychological trauma experienced in combat environments which can lead to combat fatigue. Burnout.

Survivor Guilt is a mental condition that occurs when a person perceives themselves to have done wrong by surviving a traumatic event when others did not. It may be found among survivors of murder, terrorism, combat, natural disasters, epidemics, among the friends and family of those who have died by suicide, and in non-mortal situations such as among those whose colleagues are laid off.

FOMO - Anxiety - Depleted Confidence

Psychological Trauma is a type of damage to the mind that occurs as a result of a severely distressing event. Trauma is often the result of an overwhelming amount of stress that exceeds one's ability to Cope, or integrate the emotions involved with that experience. A traumatic event involves one's experience, or repeating events of being overwhelmed that can be precipitated in weeks, years, or even decades as the person struggles to cope with the immediate circumstances, eventually leading to serious, long-term negative consequences.

Complex Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is a proposed diagnostic term for a variant of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that results from repetitive, prolonged trauma involving harm or abandonment by a caregiver or other interpersonal relationship with an uneven power dynamic, such as intimate partner violence (IPV). C-PTSD is associated with child abuse or neglect, IPV, hostages or prisoners of war, concentration camp survivors, defectors of certain organizations that some considered cults. Situations involving captivity or entrapment (a situation lacking a viable escape route for the victim) can lead to C-PTSD-like symptoms, which include prolonged feelings of helplessness and deformation of one's identity and sense of self.

TSRI Researchers Discover How the Brain Turns Chronic Stress into Pathological Anxiety.

Endocannabinoid or eCB system include natural lipid signaling molecules that bind to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, a peptide molecule called corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). Anandamide clearance enzyme fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) override the stress-reducing capabilities of a major eCB called N-arachidonoylethanolamine (anandamide). Increased CRF was also associated with drops in anandamide levels in the central nucleus of the amygdala. Together, increased FAAH activity and decreased anandamide signaling reduce inhibitory control of excitatory neurotransmission in this critical region, and lower the brain's ability to regulate stress and anxiety.

Brain Sciences Researcher Pinpoints Brain Circuit That Triggers Fear Relapse. Hippocampus-driven feed-forward inhibition of the prefrontal cortex mediates relapse of extinguished fear. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been implicated in the extinction of emotional memories, including conditioned fear. We found that ventral hippocampal (vHPC) projections to the infralimbic (IL) cortex recruited parvalbumin-expressing interneurons to counter the expression of extinguished fear and promote fear relapse. Whole-cell recordings ex vivo revealed that optogenetic activation of vHPC input to amygdala-projecting pyramidal neurons in the IL was dominated by feed-forward inhibition. Selectively silencing parvalbumin-expressing, but not somatostatin-expressing, interneurons in the IL eliminated vHPC-mediated inhibition. In behaving rats, pharmacogenetic activation of vHPC→IL projections impaired extinction recall, whereas silencing IL projectors diminished fear renewal. Intra-IL infusion of GABA receptor agonists or antagonists, respectively, reproduced these effects. Together, our findings describe a previously unknown circuit mechanism for the contextual control of fear, and indicate that vHPC-mediated inhibition of IL is an essential neural substrate for fear relapse.

Posttraumatic brain activity predicts resilience to PTSD. After a traumatic experience, most people recover without incident, but some people -- between 2% and 10% -- develop posttraumatic stress disorder or PTSD, a mental health condition that can cause debilitating symptoms of anxiety due to emotional dysregulation. PTSD symptoms are present in up to 40% of trauma survivors in the acute aftermath of trauma, but full-blown PTSD develops in only a small subset of cases. Early identification of those at risk is critical for both early treatment and possible prevention. Researchers have long understood that PTSD involves altered brain processing in areas associated with emotion processing and modulation, including the amygdala, insula, and prefrontal cortex. But, it has remained unclear when the PTSD-associated differences arise.

Stress Relief - Stress Management

Educating yourself about what it means to be stressed is extremely important. You should learn to understand yourself a lot more and learn to understand the world around you a lot more. You should also learn problem solving techniques, because almost every problem can be solved. You should also learn how to control your emotions and learn how to control runaway thoughts. Stress is a reaction, and learning not to over react is important to controlling the adverse affects of stress. Being resilient needs to be learned too. Don't give in to stress. Though it's normal to feel stressed, it's not normal to be controlled by stress.

Anxiety - Emotions - Depression - Grieving - Anger - Crime - Violence - The Human Brain - Bad Memories - Attention Restoration - Know Thyself.

Stress Management refers to the wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person's levels of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of improving everyday functioning.

Some of the things that help reduce some of the effects of Stress:
Stress RelieversSleep - Meditation
Exercise - Sports
Eating Healthy
Talking - Faith
Learning - Games
Humor - Chewing Gum
Music - Tea
Writing - Travel
Sex - Controls
Time Management
Decision Making
Planning - Goals

Controlling your breathing and being aware of your breathing can help control your emotions. Breathing Exercises.

Stress Management
Dealing with Stress
Relaxation Techniques
How to Handle Stressful Situations
Relaxation Techniques for Stress Relief
Relieve Stress Tips
Stress Network
Punching Bag (wiki)

You have to learn how to adjust your comfort level because not all Pain is injury related.

Happy Thoughts are just logical thoughts.

Cortisol has been shown to damage and kill cells in the hippocampus, which is the brain area responsible for your episodic memory, and there is robust evidence that chronic stress causes premature brain aging. Stress Hormone Cortisol.

Cortisol Hormone is a steroid hormone, in the glucocorticoid class of hormones. When used as a medication, it is known as hydrocortisone.

Serotonin Transporter is a protein that in humans is encoded by the SLC6A4 gene. SERT is a type of monoamine transporter protein that transports serotonin from the synaptic cleft to the presynaptic neuron.

Morals - Philosophy - Reverse Placebo

"Turning adversity into opportunity." 

Most stress is created in our mind, if it's not a fight or flight a life or death situation, then the stress you're feeling is all created by you. Exercise is stressful, yet it's good for us. You can say that it's a different kind of stress but you can not ignore the fact that you can easily not enjoy exercising, so it's how you perceive it. Fear can cause stress, but when I watch a horror movie I can experience some of the same effects that fear causes, even knowing it's a movie and it's not real. So the stress is not damaging but more entertaining. Again it's how you perceive it.

Awareness. Physical stress can easily influence the way you think and act. Mental stress can also control the way you think and act. A person needs to know when the body is stressed so that a person can protect themselves from injury by stopping and by taking a break and resting. A person also needs to know when the mind is stressed so they are aware of things accurately and not just reacting. We need to be aware of our body, but we also need to be aware of how our mind is reacting to stress. People can get angry or depressed very easy when the body or mind is under stress. Everyone needs to know how to be in control and be aware, if not, then you will be vulnerable to behaviors and actions that you are not aware of. People jump when they hear loud noises when other people don't. When your exercising your body is under stress, but a person will react differently to the stress of exercise then they do the stress from physical labor. Relative.

We all know about Second Chances. Everyone wishes at some point in their life that they would have had a second chance. What would you say? What would you do differently if you had a second chance? We need to stop defining our past experiences as being the only chances that we have. Everyday that you wakeup is a second chance. Second chances are everywhere. But you have to open your heart and open your mind and seek out second chance moments, because second chances will not always come to you. You need to learn from your past, share what you have learned, and create new futures. This way your past doesn't become someone's else's future.

"Life shouldn't be something that you have to endure, life should be something that you should love to explore."

"The Reality for most people is Sleep very little, Eat unhealthy, Work too much and then Repeat. Eat, Pray, Love must be about praying for a better world."

Under Pressure - Queen and David Bowie - with lyrics (youtube)

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The Thinker Man