Education Blog
Notes and Thoughts of an on going
conversation about ideas for improving Education.
A Living Blog, because some thoughts,
words and ideas are
never the final conclusion...Learning is not a place, learning is an activity.

Education Reform
Education Quotes
Teaching Resources -
Online Schools -
Knowledge Preservation
Information Sources -
Government Crimes -
Social Networks -
Voting -
Translation Tools (google)
Defining Intelligence -
Artificial Intelligence
Evolution -
Printing Press -
Human Operating System -
HOS Unions -
FraternitiesWord -
Pen is Mightier -
Footnotes -
Everyone should document their thoughts, ideas and opinions, but think before making them public.
Increasing the Quality and Quantity of Education
Blog Created on 8.20.2009 - Updated Continually
Ever Since..but not much lately as of 2017.
In retrospect, the one thing that I noticed when growing up in
the 60's was just how little information there actually was. And
the information that was available, was hard to find. I didn't
realize at first, but adults always seemed strange to me. Here I
am, a child ready to be educated, but for some strange reason
all the adults were not educated. It was way beyond thinking
that they were just preoccupied, it was more like they all had
lobotomies. And even the teachers were the same way, and they
were supposed to be the educated ones. So how can this be. I am
in America, a country filled with technological advances. Did
Americans some how forget about
Education? Did they not yet
realize how extremely important education was? Or was it simply
that they have not yet realized how much education needed
improving? What ever the reason or reasons were, I was always
asking myself, “where’s all the information and knowledge?” I go
to school but one of the most important things that I learned is
how little they actually teach you. And my parents, who were
also subjected to this same education, were also not capable of
answering all the questions that a child needs answering when
growing up. So where does this necessary knowledge come from? I
knew a lot of information was out there on some bookshelves, but
The Library was useful but
there was not enough direction or clear path to the information
that you were looking for, or did they have all the books in the
world in one place. And even then with so many books for one
subject, it was hard to tell which books to read. I always
thought that with TV, being such an amazing tool, would someday
provide enormous amount of useful information, but some how
entertainment and manipulation of the truth invaded almost every
channel. So even TV did not live up to its true potential. So
after high school and years of working all kinds of jobs, I
sadly turned into one of those lobotomized adults that I use to
see when I was a child. But that all started to change in
August 2007. I canceled my
cable TV service. And in two years time I started to realize
that the
TV world and the lack of a
quality education had put me in a comma. I was being sedated
from reality and I didn’t even know it. It was like the Movie ‘
Matrix' where the cable was pulled out from behind my skull
and I finally woke up from a distorted reality. This is part of
the mass delusion that has been demoralizing Americans for
years. But it just wasn’t being unplugged from the TV that did
it. Because I know people who never watch TV but are still
ignorant. So you have to replace the TV with more reading. But
you have to read the right books at the right time in your life.
I also started watching more
Documentaries, that for some
reason were never broadcasted on TV. I also got my news from the
Internet where I was in more control of what news I wanted and
when I wanted it. I was also able to get more
News from More Sources, which
gives you a better chance of knowing the truth without being
bombarded with ignorant opinions. But it’s not that simple as it
sounds. You have to know how to
Filter Information, which takes
knowledge, experience and skill.
I learned that the more
people you hear speak, who are honest, caring and educated, the
more knowledge and understanding you will acquire. This is
why I love to watch
Documentaries and love reading
material that is written by knowledgeable people. Humans are
incredibly lucky to have the Internet.
Finally we have
a chance to get some questions answered. But I immediately
realized that
Organizing the Internet would
need to be done first in order for it to be more efficient and
effective. So I started
Basic Knowledge were I
have begun to collect websites, books, information and ideas. I
will continue to update this on going project and also figure
out, with the help from others, what would be the best way to
increase the Quality and Quantity of Education that is so
desperately needed.
If I don't devote at least some of my time to improving
education, everything else that I do will not matter.
Education Reform
Remember that the Internet is one of the most important
technologies that we have and our greatest hope for positive
change. So please help
Protect the Internet from
corrupt interference and control by staying informed and
educated about possible restrictions and legislation that could
have a negative effect on how we use information and knowledge
to educate people. We have witnessed what happened to TV, Radio
and Newspapers when corporations took
control. This is
literally our window of opportunity and possibly our last chance
to make things right.
The Perfect Education
Friday, November 30, 2012
Did you ever wonder what the perfect education would be? Well I did. And let me tell
you, just trying to answer that question has changed my life
forever. But the sad part is that mostly every person on this
planet has no idea what a good education should be. I sure
didn't, until now of course. It all changed in 2008 when I
started to ask that question "What would be the perfect
education?" So as of 2013 I will have done over four years of
research on this question. And I still find it almost impossible
to explain to people exactly what I have discovered, even when I
have posted on my website all the information and knowledge that
I have accumulated during my research. But people’s lack of
knowledge of course is totally understandable considering I'm
working on something that is so advanced that it would be almost
impossible for anyone to understand. So in order for me to
properly explain my findings, I will have to simplify the
information, just like if you were trying to educate a baby. You
first have to start off with the really easy to understand
stuff, and then as a person begins to understand and comprehend
the knowledge you can then work your way up to the more complex
and complicated information.
So what if someone handed you the perfect education? An
education that you could take home and start learning, or an
education that you can take home to educate your child? That
would be perfect. Not to say that it's a guarantee, or that it
will be without any problems. But if you never start doing
intelligent things you could never say that you tried your best,
because you don't know what 'Best' is yet. If we are in the
pursuit of logic, and you are trying to be as intelligent as
possible, then you can say you did your best.
When a person is given the perfect education then they will be
more intelligent then any other person alive today, because that
is what a perfect education does, if not, then it's not a
perfect education.
Perfect Education meaning: The best education that we have
so far, which is based on our
current knowledge and information
that has been acquired up to this
Perfection is more of a
desired goal, not necessarily a
Pink Floyd's
just another brick in the wall is still true today
because we still have the same ineffective education, but not
for long. When we finally define the perfect education and then
design it and create it, we will ultimately fix almost every
problem humans are faced with today on this planet. That
includes problems in our future. Because that's what a perfect
education does, it prepares you for life and prepares you for
the dangers that exist in this world today and tomorrow.
Especially the natural disasters that destroy civilizations and
make species go extinct. That is why a good education is so
important. Education must include survival knowledge as well as
communication skills, calculation skills and analyzing skills.
Today’s education is so incomplete that it pretty much molds a
person into being a mindless slave. And the worst part is that
people are not even aware of their ignorance, and that they
actually believe that they are educated, so they never question
And when that happens people will never become aware of their
true potential, a potential that happens to be incredibly
If you want a problem fixed, sometimes you have to fix it
yourself. Not to say that you have to do it all on your own
without any outside help from multiple sources, or without using
multiple tools. It's just that when things have to be fixed, you
can't expect someone else to fix it, because it may never be
fixed. And don't worry about how big the problem is, because all
problems start out big.
So improving education is just the most logical step to take. If
you are problem solving, you have to fix the cause of the
problem or the problem will never go away or be fixed. This is
why people still get cancer and die from cancer, because people
are not going after the causes of cancer, they are just treating
the cancer. And one of the causes of cancer is the lack of
information that is available to the public, information that
can be easily added to education. So if you fix education you
will eventually fix cancer, and all the other problems that are
caused by an ineffective education. So you see, an ineffective
education is a cancer, and it kills millions of people every
year and keeps millions of people in poverty. And this proof has
been documented and witnessed. So there is no saying that a good
education is not beneficial, because it is, and that is what we
call a fact.
So now you're learning. Welcome to the
Brave New World of
Knowledge. The
Information Age is here.
So Here We Go.................
Virtual Revolution Episode 1 Part 1 (youtube) A great film
about the birth of the Internet and its Potential. British
television documentary series presented by Aleks Krotoski
examines the idea of the World Wide Web as a "great leveller",
and how this has shaped the development of the web.
Another great documentary is about the birth of the computer, which gave birth
to the Internet.
Machine that Changed the World (youtube)
Clay Shirky: How the
Internet will (one day) Transform Government (youtube)
John Graham Cumming: The Greatest Machine that Never Was
Kevin Kelly: The Next 5000 Days of the
Web (video)
Demo presented by DR. Douglas Engelbart (Dec. 9th, 1968)
Stanford Research Institute Menlo Park, California (youtube)
More Computer Documentaries
Internet Collaborations -
Technology Tools
Having access to more information does not necessarily mean that
people will be more educated.
Increased communication between people also does not mean that
people will be more educated.
The potential of the Internet will be defined by how we use all
our knowledge and information to help educate people.
Internet gives us the means, so now all we need to do is make it
work in a way that all people can educate themselves with out
all the distractions and clutter. When we finally have a
consensus on the
Definition and Purpose of Education,
we will finally understand our true potential. This will be the
paradigm shift.
The Printed Word
Of course most of our advances would have never happened if not for the
printing press and the
word, which gave way to the first wave of
shared knowledge and information that this world has ever experienced.
Language first evolved around
years ago, which is around the time when modern Homo sapiens
Written Language is the
representation of a spoken or
language by means of a
writing system. Writing started
5,000 years ago.
History of Writing is the
development of expressing language by
or other marks.
1362 -
English Language starts to be used in
law and
courtrooms where
Latin was the norm for years.
1380 -
John Wycliffe wrote the English translation of the Bible from Latin.
1435 -
Printing Press
was invented.
is a thick type of paper made from the pith of the papyrus plant. Papyrus
was first manufactured in Egypt as far back as the fourth millennium BCE.
Book Types.
Writing System
is any conventional method of visually representing verbal communication.
While both writing and speech are useful in conveying messages, writing
differs in also being a reliable form of information
storage and
Before the Printing Press. Before the
invention of the printing press, books were individually made. Many books
written by hand and
illustrated by hand, which
made each copy unique. Books were
transcribed by
hand and only wealthy people could afford to have their work
published. Before the invention of printing, the number of manuscript
books in Europe could be counted in thousands. By 1500, after only 50
years of printing, there were more than 9 million books.
Manuscript is any document
by hand. Manuscript has its origins in the Latin term manu scriptus,
which means “
written by hand.” At the time,
all novel manuscripts or other written works were handwritten. Today, a
manuscript refers to a preliminary draft of a novel, short story, or
nonfiction book.
copied each word by hand from an existing
book, and
artists decorated important letters. A
scribe is a person who serves as a professional copyist, especially one
who made copies of manuscripts before the invention of
automatic printing.
Copyist is a person who makes copies. The term is sometimes used for
artists who make copies of other artists' paintings. However, the modern
use of the term is almost entirely confined to music copyists, who are
employed by the music industry to produce neat copies from a composer or
arranger's manuscript.
Copy is a
thing made to be
identical to
another thing. to make a similar or identical version of something, or to
reproduce. To imitate the
style or behavior of something. A single specimen of a particular book,
record, or other publication or issue.
is the
duplication of information
or an artifact based on an instance of that information or artifact, and
not using the process that originally generated it.
Transcribe is to put thoughts, speech, or
data into written or
form. To transliterate foreign characters or write or type out
shorthand, notes, or other abbreviated forms into ordinary characters or
full sentences. Transliterate is to write or print a letter or word using
the closest corresponding letters of a different alphabet or script.
is a type of conversion of a text from one script to another that involves
swapping letters in predictable ways.
Dictation is the action of saying words aloud to be typed, written
down, or recorded on tape.
Dictated But Not
Read is a phrase used at the end of a text to warn that the written
material has not been personally written or verified by the author. The
material may have been dictated to a secretary when the author had
no time to proofread or
edit it.
This practice is more common within the medical community, though its
appropriateness is still debated. The phrase is used to indicate a
need for extra care in reading the document
so annotated. It may be intended as a
to limit legal liability. It may be used at the end of an article to warn
the reader that the written material has not been personally written by
the author, who likely dictated it to a secretary, but they did not have
the time to write it themselves. Very busy people may be expected to sign
off their article with such notation. However, it may be regarded as
disrespectful, especially when the writer is deemed not busy.
Woodblock Printing or
block printing is
a technique for printing text, images or patterns used widely throughout
East Asia and originating in China in antiquity as a method of printing on
textiles and later paper. As a method of printing on cloth, the earliest
surviving examples from China date to before 220 AD. Woodblock printing
existed in Tang China by the 7th century AD and remained the most common
East Asian method of printing books and other texts, as well as images,
until the 19th century. Ukiyo-e is the best-known type of Japanese
woodblock art print. Most European uses of the technique for printing
images on paper are covered by the art term woodcut, except for the
block-books produced mainly in the 15th century. Wooden blocks were carved
and inked to print pages.
Mimeograph is a
low-cost duplicating machine that works by forcing ink through a stencil
onto paper. The process is called mimeography, and a copy made by the
process is a mimeograph. A mimeograph machine is often abbreviated to
mimeo, and sometimes called a stencil duplicator. A mimeograph is an
old-fashioned copy machine. Mimeographs were often used for making
classroom copies in schools before photocopying became inexpensive in the
mid- to late-twentieth century.
Duplicating Machines were the predecessors of modern
document-reproduction technology. They have now been replaced by digital
duplicators, scanners, laser printers and photocopiers, but for many years
they were the primary means of reproducing documents for limited-run
distribution. The duplicator was pioneered by Thomas Edison and David
Gestetner, with Gestetner dominating the market up until the late 1990s.
Like the typewriter, these machines were products of the second phase of
the industrial revolution which started near the end of the 19th century
(also called the Second Industrial Revolution). This second phase brought
to mass markets technologies like the small electric motors and the
products of industrial chemistry without which the duplicating machines
would not have been economical. By bringing greatly increased quantities
of paperwork to daily life, the duplicating machine and the typewriter
gradually changed the forms of the office desk and transformed the nature
of office work. They were often used in schools, churches, and small
organizations, where revolutionarily economical copying was in demand for
the production of newsletters and worksheets. Self-publishers also used
these machines to produce fanzines. A few alternatives to hand copying
were invented between the mid-17th century and the late 18th century, but
none were widely adopted for business use.
Printing Press is a device for applying pressure to an inked
surface resting upon a print medium (such as paper or cloth), thereby
transferring the ink. Typically used for texts, the invention and spread
of the printing press was one of the most influential events. The printing
press was invented in the Holy Roman Empire by the German Johannes
Gutenberg around
1440, based on existing screw presses.
Movable type was an 11th-century Chinese invention, refined in Korea
in 1230, before meeting conditions in Europe that would allow it to
flourish—in Europe, in Gutenberg’s time.
History of Printing (wiki) -
Historical Ages
Printed Matter is a term normally used to describe mechanically
printed materials. Printed matter was produced by
printers or
publishers, such as
books, magazines,
booklets, brochures and
other publicity materials and in some cases, newspapers. Because much of
this material is mailed, it is also a category of
mail and mailing systems.
Gutenberg Bible was the first major book printed using
mass-produced movable type. (
Screen Printing:
How to screen print
t-shirts at home (DIY method) | Charli Marie TV (youtube) - Blank
Silkscreen, Pre-made frame, Diazo sensitizer, Water based screen, Printing
ink and Clamps.
Type is the system and technology of printing and typography
that uses movable components to reproduce the elements of a document
(usually individual letters or punctuation) usually on the medium of paper
which was first invented in ancient China.
Telegraph is either of two different hydraulic-telegraph
telecommunication systems. The earliest one was developed in
4th century
BC Greece, while the other one was developed in 19th century AD Britain.
The Greek system was deployed in combination with semaphoric fires, while
the latter British system was operated purely by hydraulic fluid pressure.
Telecommunication Systems -
Smoke Signal is
one of the oldest forms of long-distance communication. Mountain Top Fire
Semaphore Line is a system of conveying information by means of visual
signals, using towers with pivoting shutters, also known as blades or
Electrical Telegraph is a telegraph that uses electrical signals,
usually conveyed via dedicated
telecommunication lines or radio.
1753-1816) - A telegraph cable was laid between England and France in
Telephonoscope was an early concept of videophone and
television, conceptualized in the late 1870s through the 1890s.
Microform are scaled-down reproductions of documents,
typically either films or paper, made for the purposes of transmission,
storage, reading, and printing. Microform images are commonly reduced to
about one twenty-fifth of the original document size. For special
purposes, greater optical reductions may be used. All microform images may
be provided as positives or negatives, more often the latter. Three
formats are common: microfilm (reels), aperture cards and microfiche (flat
sheets). Microcards, a format no longer produced, were similar to
microfiche, but printed on cardboard rather than photographic film.
Inventions Timeline
Encyclopedia Britannica is the oldest and longest
continually published English-language general print
encyclopedia, first issued in 1768 and retired in 2012 in favour
of its electronic versions. The first edition consisted of 100
parts, or “fascicles,” that were issued serially between 1768
and 1771 in Edinburgh, Scotland, and bound into 3 Volumes.
In 1929 the 14th edition had more than 50 associate editors in
London and New York who advised on their own subjects, the 24
Volumes were all published together.
In 1974 the 15th edition was given a global perspective by more
than 4,000 contributing authors from more than 100 countries.
The new set consisted of 28 volumes in three parts serving
different functions. The editorial creation of the work cost $32
million exclusive of printing costs, representing the largest
single private investment in publishing history up to that time.
15th edition was printed for the last time in 2010, spanned 32
Volumes. The World Book Encyclopedia had a 20 Vol. Set in 1960.
Now we have Wikipedia (the hymn of the internet)
How the Internet Change the World.
And now thanks to
computers and the
we now have access to more knowledge and information then ever before. We now have more words and more
ways to express them then ever before. And people have only had
access to the Internet in their homes since the 1990's. And in 2016, 4
Billion People Still Don't Have Internet Access, and most of the 3 billion
who do have Internet Access, are not using the internet effectively or
efficiently enough in order to understand themselves and the world around
them. So 7 Billion people know very little. But, we have only had the
internet for a little over 20 years. It took the printing press almost 500
years to have a positive impact on the world, and the internet took only a
few years to start having a positive impact with only a few million people
having 24/7 access in their homes. So when the other 7 billion humans have
access to knowledge and information, and also learn how to use it
effectively and efficiently, then the world will experience a lot more
improvements in a faster time then any other time in human history. It
will be like someone turning on a light switch for the human mind, a
Great Awakening for
the human species on a
Machine That Made Us (youtube)
Knowledge Preservation
Words have the ability to
shape the human mind. Words are the
Machine Code of the brain where they are translated into
Zero’s and Ones so that the
Synapse knows when to fire and when to create more
Connections and more
Associations. This you
must fully understand, and you must learn to control your input of words
because advertisers and governments are already familiar with the power of
words, and they are not interested in educating you, only manipulating
Media Literacy
(the dangers of media control)
The Power of Words
The Word
Literacy (reading)
Language (the minds eye)
The Pen is mightier then the sword
Public Debate
Put Education on TV for everyone. We must have at least 10
channels on TV that are totally dedicated for educational use,
with no commercials. A channel for each age group and a channel
for each subject. There will also be an educational channel that
will have education and training for the jobs most needed by
The public has a right to share it's resources and
decide how they are used. We built it, we manage it, we use it, It' s
Bad TV -
National Educational Television (wiki)
Public Domain Network: List local government issues that
are currently being addressed and the issues that are not being
addressed. This way people are aware what’s needed and direct
their efforts in the right direction. We all have to work as a
team so the directions must be clear and understood by everyone.
Time must be shared.
Activism -
Time Management
we got here is a Failure to Communicate" there's no reason
for that.
I have been very passionate about other ventures in my life,
which I still am, but
Education is now my most
important endeavor.
I have been educating myself most of my life
and will continue to do so, as most people should. It’s
extremely necessary to keep educating yourself, it’s just one of
those things you have to do. You also have to share knowledge
and information. It just makes sense since you can’t take your
wisdom with you when you die, at least not yet. The education we have today in our
schools is so inadequate that it’s a total injustice to our
children. A lot of the teachers I had going to the
Dropout Factories in
Danbury were like over paid baby sitters who had absolutely no
passion to teach kids. Of course this is only my personal
experience with the teachers that I had. Most were not all that
bad, but they were not all that good either. Of course I could
never say that for all teachers. I do not blame teachers for
most teachers did the best they could with what they had.
Everyone should appreciate their efforts, as I do. Most teachers
were merely doing what ignorant and corrupt school
administrators and politicians have asked them to do. So now I’m
researching what I believe should be the
new added curriculum
that would help expand our children’s understanding of
themselves and the world and give them the necessary life skills
that they desperately need.
Organizing information and knowledge
into a format that can be taught in lessons will be a long and
strenuous project. Two of things that I would like to teach
students is
How to be a Great Teacher and How to be a
Great Leader, the two things this world is extremely
short of. Even if a student chooses another field of study or
career, knowing how to be a great teacher and a great leader will
definitely benefit them no matter what they choose to be in
their life. Besides, teaching is one half of learning, whether
you're teaching yourself or others. If education does not teach
teaching then they are only teaching you one half of the
education process.
So now I have to help people understand what
education should be and most likely redefine it. Though my main
focus will be educating children and young adults, I will still
need to educate the grownups. But most adults feel that they are
educated, which to me is a clear example why we need to
drastically improve our education standards. It’s a serious
problem when
most adults do not consider themselves to be
ignorant, even knowing that we are all ignorant. Why would you
think that you know enough, about anything?
"I didn't drop out of school, my school
dropped out on me. My school failed to teach the things that are
valuable and relevant. But it was not the schools fault. Schools
failed to learn because someone else failed to teach them. So of
course my school failed to teach me. This cycle of ignorance
needs to be stopped because it's killing us and everything else
on the planet. "
Environmental Education
Thursday, August 20, 2009
When it comes to our world environment, I want to help educate people about the
effects that we all have on our earth and the effects that we
all have on our eco-systems that keep us alive and sustain life
for millions of other species. So I created a webpage
Carbon Offsets.
Lowering my Carbon Count, or human footprint, has many benefits
then just lowering greenhouse Gases. I save money, I don't
pollute the earth as much, I produce less waste and I'm
definitely a lot healthier. These are just a few of the things
that I have changed in my lifestyle.
These are not major changes or sacrifices either, It's just
being little more aware and respectful to the environment and to
the future generations that will hopefully enjoy this planet as
much as I have. So I listed some of my eco-initiatives to make
me more eco-conscious, eco-friendly and help my frugality. I
also gave links to other websites to help further our
understanding of the environment and also give you some ideas on how you can make a difference.
Ideas to help improve the world
Friday, August 21, 2009
So now that most of us are realizing our impact on the world and
are beginning to understand what choices we can make, we now
need to know who else is making progress so that we do not feel
so alone on our quest for a brighter future. So I searched the
Internet, and other media sources, and found that we are not
alone. Yes there is intelligent life on our planet. I have now
started to list all the websites that are coming up with some
pretty incredible ideas on what we can do to lower our
destruction to the world as well as reverse some of the damage
that we have already done to our earth. I call this webpage “
Ideas to help improve the world “
I have found some incredible websites as well as some great
documentary’s and books. I also included some other forums and
paths that a person could look at and decide what they feel
would be a good idea to investigate and get some inspiration.
course this is just the beginning.
"It became
obvious that there were major defects in our teaching methods
and that our education process was extremely flawed".....Better
Late then Never....
Learning Styles and Methods.
We are gradually and finally understanding just how incredibly important
knowledge and information is to a human.
Education Quotes.
Top of Page.
The Human Brain
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The Human Brain is the most
Processer of
Information on the
Our ability to
Process Information and
Store Information,
(PC), is what makes us
Defines us, Information
Controls us, Information
Teaches us. Know your Processor, understand the
Software (
and understand the
Hardware (
Body). -
Before the curriculum of “Basic Knowledge 101” is defined, I
want to briefly talk about one of the courses that I feel will
be one of the most important, “The Human Brain”. One of the
reasons why this area of study is so important is because
The Human Brain will be one of
the places where “Basic Knowledge 101” will be stored. Every
person would benefit from being educated on how the human brain
works. A person should be familiar with knowing the brains
behaviorisms, knowing about the brains development, knowing the
brains weaknesses and vulnerabilities, knowing the brains
chemical and physical aspects as well as knowing the brains
unconscious workings and habits, so on and so on. The brain is
the most important organ in our body. People are more aware of
what dangerous factors could adversely affect their heart,
lungs, liver and kidneys, more then what dangerous factors could
adversely affect their own brain. Understanding the human brains
strengths and weaknesses will help to increase a person’s
self-awareness. This understanding can also aid in the
development of coping skills and learning how to recognize
self-defeating behaviorisms and phobias. This will help
individuals manage stresses and difficult moments that could
other wise be over whelming, especially knowing that some form
of mental illness or behavioral disorder affects a majority of
people during their lifetime. Each person has control over his
or her thoughts and emotions as long as each person understands
how these controls work. The human brain has an enormous amount
of abilities that could accomplish many things and over come
many obstacles. But these abilities must be first understood
because these abilities need discipline in order to be maximized
and controlled. The human brain is a complex machine, similar in
some ways to a computers operating system and software.
Understanding these similarities will be helpful when explaining
certain brain functions. There are a lot of factors and
influences that can affect the human brains performance: A
persons diet, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, emotions, drugs
and a person’s environment, to name a few. Having a great memory
is important, but knowing what to remember is even more
important. So this course of study will be called “The Human
Brain”. The course will also include some basic psychology,
creativity, personality, phobias, logic, analyzing,
decision-making, organization skills, goals, discipline, memory
improvement skills, and some basic Neuroscience. “The Human
Brain” will be one of several sections of study that will
eventually make up the total curriculum of “Basic Knowledge
101”. A student will learn about the human brain in easy to
understand lessons, starting around the age of 1, which will
increase in complexity, as the student grows older. Since we
start teaching children before they even enter school, it’s
extremely important that every parent and teacher learns about
how the human brain develops and how the human brain functions,
especially when we’re talking about
Child Development. Before a
child can be taught to understand his or her own brain and the
brains of others, all parents and teachers will be the
caretakers and be responsible for the proper development of
every child’s most prized possession “The Human Brain”.
Top of Page
Child Development
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Basic Knowledge 101 -
Child Development
The Beginning -
Even before your child opens their eyes or hears a sound, they
have begun to learn and their brain is beginning to develop and
understand. This happens so gradually for the first few years
that most parents are unaware of all the influences that are
affecting their child’s development, of course the child is also
unaware of all the influences that are affecting their
development. This is why the parent’s knowledge on child
development is so critically important. Every teacher should
also have extensive knowledge on child development. This will
help teachers have a more complete understanding of their
responsibility when it comes to education.
Development (wikipedia)
The first 10 years of a person’s life are the most critical. The
early brain is the easiest to shape and form, but early brain is
also the most fragile. After the age of 10, the next 10 years
till the age of 20, are a person’s next most important years of
development, especially with all the changes a young adult goes
through, like hormones, brain chemistry, physical changes, self
realization and all the over whelming responsibilities and
emotions that a person has to deal with and find ways to
understand. A person should never be alone with trying to figure
it all out. This information and support should be available to
everyone on the planet. This is one of the reasons for Basic
Knowledge 101.
Everyone has to pay strict attention to what a child’s sees and
how a child perceives. Visual and physical experiences alone are
not enough to impart knowledge. It helps to explain to a child
what you saw and ask the child’s opinion of what they saw as
well. This should also be done with movies, TV, plays, public
displays and other visual experiences. If a parent or person is
not sure what to say to a child then this is a good time for
that parent or person to seek help and get advice.
There is a great deal of information and knowledge to obtain
when it comes to educating oneself on child development. Some
information is old and outdated with some information actually
being inaccurate and even flawed. So I encourage everyone to
always get a second and third opinion. As I go through all the
information and knowledge about child development I will try to
get the best and most pertinent information that I can find. In
the mean time I have found some good websites as well as some
books on child development to get us all started.
The human form is
a perfect combination of mind and body that gives humans
more freedoms and more choices then any other animal on the
planet. These abilities also give humans many different ways of
interacting with the environment and experiencing numerous
emotions and feelings like no other animal species. But humans
have one major vulnerability. Education and knowledge is not a
genetic trait that is passed on to newborns. Our most important
information and knowledge, of the world and of ourselves, needs
to be manually inputted into the brain by using our eyes, ears,
taste, smell and touch. Humans are a brain-based species.
Everything needs to be learned from beginning to end in order
for any human to react with the world in a positive and
sustainable way while at the same time avoid suffering and avoid
causing the suffering of other humans and other species. Though
Humans are born with instincts and automatic physical functions,
like our animal and plant counterparts, we still need to acquire
knowledge and information so that we may flourish and not suffer
from our own ignorance, which is the cause of 90% of all our
problems. Almost every Human failure is attributed to his or her
lack of information.
Child Development Information Websites and Books
Our children are not just our future, but they are also the
planets future and the future of all life forms that live on
this planet. This is everyone’s responsibility. So it is time to
show our children that we care and that we will do everything
that we can to give them a world worth living for. This is my
pledge and I hope that this will be the pledge of everyone
someday soon.
The Human Promise Manifesto
Top of Page
Basic Knowledge 101
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Reading and Writing are two of the most important skills that
any human can have. But sadly these two skills are the most
undervalued, most unappreciated and the most neglected skills in our world today.
Stats from
Of course extent of the problems that are related to illiteracy
goes so much deeper.
774 million people in the world are illiterate and two thirds
are women.
Low health literacy cost the U.S. 238 billion per year.
About 30 million people, 14 percent of the US population 16 and
older, have trouble with basic reading and writing.
18 million adults don’t read well enough to earn a living wage.
63% of prison inmates can’t read.
All our freedoms, all of our rights, our religious beliefs, our
knowledge, our abilities to communicate, all the laws that help
protect us, even our self expression is a result of people
knowing how to read and write. These two skills are so much
apart of our growth and our evolution that our future and our
existence literally depend on these two skills. The Constitution
of the United States of America is a prime example of what
reading and writing can do. The Constitution was an incredible
advancement as well as a huge influence for many writers and
leaders who made positive changes in our world because of this
document. Writing passes on knowledge and reminds us of our
history, so it should never be taken for granted.
The art of communicating thoughts to the
mind, through the eye is the great invention of the world.
Abraham Lincoln)
More Writing Quotes
Reading and writing both have inherent responsibilities. So it
is not just about perfecting these two skills, it is more about
what theses two skills can do when they are learned. From
educating a human, too making positive changes in our world,
these two skills alone have transformed the human race into what
it is today. And when these two skills are not properly taught
to our children, the immediate result of this tragedy is a world
full of problems and ignorance that is destroying the fabric of
life. But even if these two skills are learned there are still
many dangers because there are humans who exploit these skills
to manipulate the truth that can cause confusion and
destruction. So all readers must beware of these threats to help
protect themselves and others.
“The person who does not read the right books has no advantage
over a person
who can't read at all"
But knowing what to read and why you should read something is
extremely important. So recommending books is essential, but you
have to explain why certain books are recommended. Then you have
to remind the reader that reading is only one third of the task.
After you read something you must discuss what you have read to
help fully understand and comprehend the knowledge that you have
acquired. A person must make sure their interpretation is
accurate. Then a person must write. Sharing our thoughts is
essential to learning and teaching. Even if your thoughts change
over time, you will never completely learn why your thoughts
have changed if you never write your thoughts down from the
beginning. Some truths are just personal interpretations based
on that person’s current knowledge and how they understand it.
So a person should never be alarmed when what they thought was
true is not really true at all. Sometimes it’s just how a person
formulates the information that they were given that made them
believe what was true. These are mistakes that every human makes.
Inspiration through Demonstration
Teaching through Demonstration
It is not enough to say to children that reading is fun, though
there is reading that is very entertaining. Reading is more then
a privilege and more then a pathway to more education. Reading
can give everyone a greater understanding of our world and each
other. We must emphasized the importance of reading and writing
and communicate the true value of these two skills to all
students. Inspiration through demonstration, explaining the
numerous advantages of reading and writing and all the different
ways that it can be used. Inspiration through Demonstration
should be used in every subject.
Reading and Writing is
essential no matter what school a person attends, pre-school,
nursery school, elementary school, compulsory school, secondary
school, preparatory school, private school, religious school,
technical school, vocational school, training school, home
school, e-learning, online school, magnet school, primary
school, community college, junior college, private college, 2 or
4 year college, university or any other school of thought. One
thing is obvious though, we need more teachers and we need them
to be qualified. But we can’t afford to wait for schools to
start improving and to start providing access to good education
for all children. We have to start creating more ways to provide
a good education to everyone, no matter what a student’s
situation is or where a student lives. Education is the
responsibility of everyone and so we should do everything that
we can to provide all that we have in the way of knowledge and
skills to every person who needs it. Education is every child’s
right. So every one should always have access to the world’s
most brilliant minds and have all the educational tools that are
available in order for them to fulfill all of their aspirations.
So no matter what path a child takes in their life they should
always have with them a well-balanced set of skills, knowledge
and awareness and be trained in the art of thinking. A students
questions or concerns should never go unanswered. The knowledge
that a student seeks should never come at a price that
discourages them or puts unfair strain on any person. Education
is the right of everyone and not just for the ones who can
afford it.
My computer and software, like
Microsoft Word and
Dictionary, are most important tools besides the Internet.
Without these tools writing for me would be a bit of a
struggle. So I suggest to everyone to acquire any tools they
feel necessary that would help them improve their reading and
writing skills and also keep them motivated.
I really think that the new PC’s being created today, like the
Convertible Classmate PCs, are great for students.
Classmate PC
And when more textbooks become digitized for downloading and
reading, and more documentaries and educational films become
available in mpeg4 compression, so that more of them can fit in
a PC, all students will have great access to some of the worlds
greatest knowledge.
A Laptop Loaded with Educational
Curriculum, life skills and mpeg4 video, along with a
portable solar charger and an extra battery could provide
education to everyone no matter where they live. Children should
not have to risk their lives going to school or not have access
to education because there are no schools on their area. Any
parent or person who possesses this type of laptop can no doubt
help with teaching other students as well as themselves.
Reading and writing websites and Books
When it comes to the issue of reading and writing deficiencies,
of course just informing people is not enough. Just like some
documentaries, it simply is not enough to just inform people of
the injustices and all the dilemmas that we are faced with. You
have to educate people too so that people know how to take
appropriate action and also know how to make the right choices.
Awareness and knowledge are two different things. Making people
aware of certain problems is not as affective as teaching people
how to fix certain problems.
Knowing how to read and write is the first step, knowing how to
formulate all you have read into logic and insightful awareness
is the next of many steps that you will take. Your quest for
knowledge and understanding has no limits, just temporary
Top of Page
Filtering, Assimilating and Formulating
Friday, November 6, 2009
Filtering, assimilating and
formulating the enormous amount of information and knowledge
that there is in the world is a huge undertaking. But it is
absolutely necessary in order to properly create and perfect the
core knowledge that will eventually be ‘Basic Knowledge 101’.
This formulation of information is also necessary if I’m going
to evolve into the person that I want to become and also to be a
great teacher, a great leader and continue to be an honest and
caring person. I have come a long way and know that my journey
is far from over. I have many obstacles and many
responsibilities that will slow my progress but will in no way
impede my growth. There are self-defeating mechanisms that I’m
learning to eliminate that will help free up more time and limit
the amount of hindrances that I have to contend with in my life.
And of course I will share all my breakthroughs and
enlightenments that have helped me to evolve. Who would have
thought that after all the adventures that I have experienced in
my life that one of my greatest and most important adventures
would be the exploration & education of my own mind.
Basic Knowledge 101 will be a
system, a reminder, a logic filter, a conscience, a reality
check, a home base that keeps you grounded to your values and
your goals. A memory that is disciplined and also understands
its strengths and weaknesses, a common ground, an awareness of
oneself and an awareness of the world that surrounds us.
Basic Knowledge 101 will be similar to a computer operating
system. This operating system is not perfect for no human will
ever be perfect. This operating system is upgradeable, it is
expandable and self controllable.
This in no way means a boring or an overly structured life.
Humans need freedom to be creative, freedom to explore their abilities and
freedom to explore their world. Humans need joys, celebrations and
spontaneity. But humans also need balance and a clear understanding of
their responsibilities to themselves, their responsibilities to others and
their responsibilities to the world.
I’m quite aware that I will not
accomplish all my goals in my lifetime, but I am also aware that
I am not the only lifetime. If history has taught us one thing,
it is, without history and the knowledge of the past we will
never be able to learn from our mistakes, or learn about our
vulnerabilities or even learn how to evolve and improve our well-being.
As my Blog becomes a Book, I look back and remember how my Book inspired my Blog
2010, the year of the Pen
Saturday, January 9, 2010
As the saying goes… “The Pen is mightier than the Sword” -
Video Spoof
When people can't use
language to
effectively and efficiently, then a persons ignorance could make them
communicate physically instead of communicating mentally. They may resort
physical violence then
try to talk and use words, like most humans do. Language ignorance could
cause people to express more animal like behaviors than human behaviors.
This is one of the reasons why young people can be more violent, which is
mostly because they did not have access to a good education that would
give them the ability to be more of a communicator instead of being more
of an
But sadly, some of us still have to carry a sword. If you do
carry a
Weapon, just don’t let the weapon
carry you. For those
of you who do not understand what that means, I will try to explain.
Carrying a
sometimes gives you a
false sense of security and also sometimes
causes you to be more
aggressive then you would normally be.
This mental vulnerability is usually the main reason why most
people who have weapons are the ones who are
most likely to die from weapons.
"Live by the sword, die by the sword". Even if you do have a weapon, you must
fully understand that your greatest weapon will always be your
mind. So being the master of your greatest weapon, the
Brain, will always benefit you no matter what. One of the most
significant tools that the human brain has ever created is the
Pen. The pen has made
more advances for the human race then any
other tool. But the pen, like the
Sword, has dangers and
vulnerabilities within its power. The pen too can give a false
sense of security, making you believe that you’ve done enough.
The pen, like the sword, can also be used against you. You
cannot have an offence without a
defense, and sometimes the best
offence is a
good defense. The Pen is mightier then the Sword
but only if the Pen is used correctly. Having more writing and
less fighting will ultimately save us, but only if the writers
can fully eliminate the swords from their minds. Humans should
no longer feel the need to raise the sword; Humans should only
feel the need to
raise awareness. Armies of the future will be
protestors, because
there is no weapon on earth more powerful then a popular majority.
Fighting will never be morally justified, fighting could only be sadly
unavoidable and nothing more.
If you live by the
sword, you can die by the sword, if you live by
propaganda, you could
die from propaganda. Any weapon can be used against you. So the only
logical weapon, is no weapon. If you use
Love to
solve problems,
then if love is used
against you, that means just more love.
The pen can also be a
sword, so be careful
which words you use.
Freedom without a conscience leads to chaos.
One of the main reasons why
weapons are still used today is that people cannot read what the
pen has written or they have disagreed with what the pen has
written. So the illiterate raises the sword and says, if only I
knew how to put the ‘s’ in the word ‘sword’ at the end of the
word ‘sword’ instead of the beginning (words) Then I would be
raising a pen of hope instead of a sword of descent.
If there is no way out then you have to find a way in.
2010 the year of the Pen….Either
write things that are worth reading or do things that are worth
writing about ….…it’s time to define….
Time to Define
It’s time we start
defining. We
cannot make progress without defining our knowledge and
Basic Knowledge 101 is not an
ideology or a philosophy. Basic Knowledge 101 is just education
being defined. Basic Knowledge 101 is not “Give me the c
until he is seven and I w
show you the man”. Basic Knowledge 101
is more about “Fully educate
the child and you will eventually reveal a human”.
Basic Knowledge 101 is no Secret or Tony Robbins or Dr. Phil.
This goes way beyond soft power. Basic Knowledge 101 is a
Collective Intelligent Consensus
and everyone is a contributor.
Mapping the
Cerebral Cortex one neuron at a time is similar to
deciphering the code that runs a
computer operating system. You
simply do not want to be running windows 95 when there is
windows 7. Everyone should know how to use a computer, and one
of the most important and valuable computers that everyone owns
is the human brain. Humans only use
10% of their Brains is a myth. A more correct statement
would be that
we obviously don't use our brains to its full
potential. So what would happen if humans did use their brains
to their full potential?
Something Wonderful.
Once the Cerebral Cortex has been
mapped then we can start configuring and organizing the
remaining areas of the
Brain so that we can fully understand all
the brain functions and abilities.
Advertisers know more about the
human brain then the general public does. And since advertisers
are not educators, that means our brains are in the wrong hands.
Am I more of a communicator
then I am a writer? Either way, writing has its advantages.
I’m an average human with average
intelligence and an average memory. Through my entire life there
has been one word that has stood out from all the rest, a word
that most children speak throughout their life, the word “
It’s more then just curiosity, some people have an enthusiastic
interest in knowing things and an enthusiastic interest in
understanding this thing we call
But for many people, reaching adulthood means that the question
‘why’ seems to die. People are always improving, but they are
also failing to improve. But as long as people are aware of
their failures they will at least have a chance to improve.
I’m more focused on the cure
then I am the treatment.
I want to cure ignorance and not
just treat the disease called ignorance. Our failing education
system is just trying to treat the disease called ignorance and
they are failing horribly. Mostly because they don't know what
they're doing. So curing this disease is our only hope.
If you don’t know enough to be a teacher, then you don’t know
Whether it’s the
free markets or the government,
if you still have ignorant and corrupt people in power then
things will never get better, at least not for the majority or
Ninety Nine Percent 99%.
The fact is, things have improved in many areas, but more people
are dying and more people suffering then any other time in human
history. So it is just better for some, but the some does not
make a whole. There are amazing moments of intelligence that are
making advancements. But most of our intelligent advancements
are scattered and missing the mark. They never seem to take hold
or have their importance become fully utilized. It’s time to
organize and prioritize. People have to stop using knowledge and
information to manipulate people just so that they can make
Use knowledge and information to educate people.
All the regulations in the world
will not stop ignorant and corrupt people. Education is the only
thing that could ever come close to truly stopping ignorant
You can take away all the
guns, but that will not stop the killing.
If you want to stop the killing
you have to stop raising killers.
Another example, Millions of people die every year from
cigarettes, and the ones who don’t die from smoking tobacco,
cost the world billions of dollars in health care costs which
cause millions more to suffer, yet people still smoke and waste
time doing it. But just taking away cigarettes will not stop
people from using something else that will kill them or use
something else that will destroy their health. If you want
people to stop being ignorant, you have to educate them on how
not to be ignorant. Making money from the suffering of others,
or at the expense of others, is not success. Yes we all die
slowly, but
killing at any speed is still killing. Don’t
invest for profit, invest in people & companies who are making
positive changes.
“Provide a Service instead of a
disservice”. “Focus on Making a Difference instead of
just Making money” If you can do both then you have found
your passion and you have found a job that pays in two ways,
which spells progress, which leads to growth. But sadly this
will take time because
we have turned our world into a place
of mindless consumers, we have become slaves of a
manufactured reality that’s filled with artificial obsessions
that keeps people in the dark and addicted to an empty life that
can’t even be defined.
To measure the true cost of
things you have to be aware of all the contributing factors
and what the end result is from each contributing factor.
Because the impacts from all those contributing factors also
have a price that will determine true value, and the most
valuable things will not be measured by money. And just because
you didn’t pay for these unknown contributing factors at that
moment, that does not mean that some one else will have to pay
for them, or even you eventually, because what goes around comes
Measuring Value.
Selfishness and narrow mindedness
is not an excuse, it’s just a reason why peoples ignorance is so
Confidence and
Awareness are two different things.
If you leave doors open then
you will continue to go through them, but simply closing the
door does not mean you will fully understand why that door is
closed. So you have to put a sign on that door to remind
yourself why that door is closed. And a closed door does not
mean that the door is locked, because you are the only one who
can open that door and the only one who can keep that door
closed. There are other doors, but you have to look for these
doors and you have to learn where these other doors are. That’s
when you start to understand about your choices, choices that
make you less prone to mistakes and less prone to opening doors
that you know will lead you to know where, or worse, lead to
disaster. The door is symbolic to the synapse’s in your brain.
Bad choices, bad habits and addictions have doors. You have the
power to close these doors, but more importantly, you also have
the power to open new doors.
Education Options
It’s hard to be honest with yourself when you don’t know the truth.
They say people learn best by
repetition, but why then do
people keep making the same
mistakes over and over again. So it’s not just repetition,
it’s being aware and understanding what you are repeating. If you don’t
fully understand that you’re repeating a mistake, you will keep making the
same mistakes over and over again. But when you do realize that you are
making a mistake, repeating this realization that you are making a mistake
will eventually end the mistake. This is where repetition works.
Learning Styles
So if someone asks you to open
that door again, like someone asking you to do something that
you know is wrong, you simply tell them that that door is closed
and that you now use other doors that have much more to offer
and have way less risk and way less debilitating side effects.
You have to feed the brain.
Humans must learn in gradual
stages. Each stage of knowledge should be taught at the
appropriate time in their life based on the person’s age and
educational experience. More details of understanding must be
taught so that each stage of knowledge has multiple ways of
explaining. Procedures will be written to document and perfect
all teaching methods. This way there will be less confusion and
fewer misunderstandings caused by people’s personal
interpretations. Each subject in Basic Knowledge 101 will be
explained why this particular subject is important, where this
knowledge is used and how this particular knowledge is part of
other areas of study.
Learning Stages
It’s more about increasing a
person’s odds by giving more knowledge and information about the
facts of reality, facts that are based on enormous amounts of
data and the real life experiences that have been documented by
millions of humans.
The more knowledge and information a person has before making a
choice or a decision the more favorable the outcome will be, or
at least, they will have a significant increase in their chances
in making a good choice.
We are all perfectly flawed.
Everyone has perceived imperfections. I say perceived because not all imperfections are
defective. Some imperfections are actually very effective.
Certain forms of attention, weather it be appreciation or
praise, can be very bad for you, so understanding their
intentions and worth is extremely important. Never look at
things one way. When you compare one thing to another, you have
to always know all the positives and the negatives of what you
are comparing. If you compare two things, based on only two
characteristics, then you will not fully understanding the whole
picture. You cannot have an opinion base on insufficient data or
have an opinion base on personal preferences or assumptions,
especially knowing there are still more questions to be
answered. This is one of our major problems, because people actually
believe that there are no other questions to be answered, so
they become delusional and that they believe that they have
enough information to base an opinion or make a decision.
Make your Baton Count -
Human Operating System - April 22, 2010
Artificial Intelligence
Humans are Not Being Fully Educated
June 26, 2010
Our education system has no definitive purpose or goals.
This is why Humans never become fully educated or become aware
of their potential or their responsibility. If you can't realize
or understand this then you are blinded by your own ignorance
that you unknowingly received from a defective education system.
This is why Humanity itself has no definitive purpose or goals.
There is no consensus or communicative effort. This is one of
the main reasons why Humans suffer from the numerous problems
that we are continually plagued with.
This is why we need an Education Revolution that has definitive
purpose and goals with a consensus and a communicative effort by
everyone. Life without purpose or goals is what you see today. 10's of
thousands dying unnecessarily everyday and 100's of millions
without the basic necessities like clean water, food, shelter,
education and medical access.
If Humanity itself has no definitive purpose or goals then the
individual will also have no definitive purpose or goals. Even
if a person believes that they have definitive purpose and
goals, if they are not inline with the world’s definitive
purpose and goals, then they will most likely be wasting time,
resources and also at the same time not helping the world
accomplish what is needed by humanity in order to progress and
survive. This is why we need to define the world’s purpose and
This way everyone knows and everyone has clear understanding
what the world is trying to accomplish. This way we can all come
together and discus what our priorities are and also agree how
we will eventually accomplish them. And when we define our
purpose and goals then every human will be working. There will
be no unemployment. There will only be jobs waiting to be
If the UN and all the world leaders would just agree on this one
extremely important factor, that education is our number one
priority, we will make progress and positive changes that the
world has never experienced in it's entire history.
Teachers have a hard time
explaining why they are teaching a particular subject and what
the end result is supposed to be.
The True Purpose of Education
The human form is a
perfect combination of mind and body that gives humans more
freedoms and choices then any other animal on the planet. These
abilities also give humans many different ways of interacting
with the environment and experiencing numerous emotions and
feelings like no other animal species. But humans have one major
vulnerability. Education and knowledge is not a genetic trait
that is passed on to newborns. Our most important information
and knowledge, of the world and of ourselves, needs to be
manually inputted into the brain by using our eyes, ears, taste,
smell and touch. Humans are a brain-based species. Everything
needs to be learned from beginning to end in order for any human
to react with the world in a positive and sustainable way while
at the same time avoid suffering and avoid causing the suffering
of other humans and species. Though Humans are born with
instincts and automatic physical functions, like our animal and
plant counterparts, we still need to acquire knowledge and
information so that we may flourish and not suffer from our own
ignorance, which is the cause of 90% of our problems.
Top of Page
Testing -
Examinations -
Wikipedia and Information Sources
- The Hymn of the internet - July 23, 2010
October 3, 2010
Defining what education is supposed to be is critical. This will end a lot of the
confusion and ignorance that people have. Better teachers,
higher test scores and more kids going to college will not
improve education or the world. Those improvements will only
conceal the real problem and continue the ignorance that is
decaying our world. We have to define the
true purpose of education
and make the necessary changes before we can even start to
improve education or our world.
Having better results with
something that is broken will not fix the problem because it's
still broken. You are either ignoring the broken education
system or you are totally blind and clueless. And knowing that
90% of humans come from a broken education system, it would be
safe to say that most of us are totally clueless.
We cannot be clueless about
the single most important tool that humans have.
The question is, can a complete
and thorough education protect a human from illogical abnormal
and corrupt behavior?
Look around you, why are so many people
intentionally doing the wrong thing?
There’s ‘right’ and there’s ‘wrong’. You cannot deny the
definitions of these two words. So how does an ignorant person
go about redefining the meanings of
right and wrong? It has to
be more then just not having a
conscience. It’s more about
missing key information and knowledge that ultimately creates a
conscience. So can a complete and thorough education give you a
Yes it should, if it isn't then the education system must be
A broken education system creates criminals and gives birth to
greed and corruption.
We have more fraud, more corruption and more people in
then any other country in the world.
Today's education is not about bestowing knowledge or wisdom,
it's more about creating unconscious living, dependency and
control, which is not the intent of education but only its end
result. Some teachers are saying, “Gee I taught that person
English, Math and Science, so what happened? Dah! You can give a
person the greatest quality education money could by and they
can still turn out to be a scumbag. So I guess you can say that
there is something wrong with education. Dah. Are you getting
it? No surprise if you’re not.
Ignorance is the worlds number
one killer, and one the reasons why you don’t know this is
because you’re ignorant.
Finland has the world’s highest graduation rate. Mostly
because they use only highly educated people for teachers, which
makes sense of course. But more students graduating does not
mean that students are more educated. It just means that more
students are finishing school.
Being schooled and being educated are two different things.
Education is a plan. A plan
you should understand.
Prisons -
Punishment -
Solitary Confinement -
Death Penalty -
Forgiveness -
Mental Illness -
Education for Prisoners -
Films about Prisons -
Justice System.
Freedom does not mean that you have the right to be stupid at other
peoples expense.
Obviously having only a few people in control does not work. The
perception that people need to be controlled and governed is a
lie, and a very costly lie. All humans must be involved in one
way or another with the responsibility of our planet and fully
understand how everything and everyone has an impact. And the
only way this could be done is by educating everyone.
Rogue cells are not supposed to be given powers
that put the entire system at risk, no life form has ever survived that way.
Patsy is another word for a politician.
"The needs of the many outweigh
the wants of the few." -
Political Corruption
Money -
Power -
Politics -
Social Abuses -
No one should be a
Slave and no
one should be a
Puppet. True freedom will never be understood or
achieved if our education system never teaches the necessary
knowledge and skills that are needed to protect, and fully
understand, what
Freedom and
Liberty is all about. All humans have inherited an incredible
responsibility that needs our full attention and understanding.
This is a small price to pay if you think about all the amazing
benefits and pleasures that could come from a good life. I
always thought that longevity was a Godsend because if you lived
long enough you would have a greater chance to figure stuff out.
But if that were to be true then all senior citizens would be
geniuses. So sadly living a long life does not mean that you
will eventually become wiser. The only way that human
Longevity will help humanity is that we teach people to
Learning and teach them what to learn and why they should
learn particular things.
“Education is the best provision for the journey to old age.” (
More Education Quotes
Since we are on this subject…I
recently read a news article that listed all the corrupt nations
in the world. It’s clear that this is an epidemic and one of the
main reasons why things don’t improve.
Of course America was on the list
of corrupt nations. The American Government is pretty much a
Crime Syndicate and the crime bosses, who are actually in
charge, are
working behind the scenes with their identities concealed
from the public.
This makes it almost impossible to know who's making the
decisions and why they are making them. 261 Members Of Congress Are
Millionaires, nearly 1 In 2 Lawmakers. Our political system is not just
corrupt it's also very ignorant and incompetent.
Fascism believes that liberal democracy is obsolete, and
they regard the complete mobilization of society under a totalitarian
one-party state as necessary to prepare a nation for armed conflict and to
respond effectively to economic difficulties. Such a state is led by a
strong leader—such as a dictator and a martial government composed of the
members of the governing fascist party.
Corporatism is the sociopolitical organization of a society
by major interest groups, or corporate groups, such as agricultural,
business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations,
on the basis of common interests. It is theoretically based on the
interpretation of a community as an organic body. The term corporatism is
based on the Latin root word "corpus" (plural – "corpora") meaning "body".
Political Systems
of Government is the principle of establishing defined
procedures that allow a government to continue its essential operations in
case of nuclear war or
other catastrophic events.
Anything that can be Corrupted will be Corrupted
Our Government is almost 90%
Organized Crime and just to think that they manage our
country is crazy. And most Government officials will agree that
there is rampant corruption in government.
Our Government also has the same elements of being a
Cult. The Media were supposed to be our people on the
inside. They were supposed to inform us of these atrocities and
let us know who was behind these criminal actions. But 90 % of
the media are
Accessories to the crime.
A sacred trust destroyed. This is Not to say that all
Journalists are corrupt because most are brave and good at
what they do, its just that 90% of their bosses are criminals.
Dysfunctional Government -
Abramoff: The lobbyist's Playbook (youtube)
"Most Politicians know how to talk but they never say anything. Mostly speaking empty words,
just like the
"Most Politicians are just
Corporate Whores."
The Young Turks: Cenk Uygur -
Why is Profanity Bad?
Politicians talk a lot but they hardly never say
anything important, honest or insightful. And yes you are a
because if you say something that you purposely want to be
Interpreted in the wrong way, then you are a liar.
(Baseless Claims) And you are also a scumbag because you also waste peoples time
while you're exploiting their cognitive limitations. You take the
money and the benefits but you don't want to do the work that's
needed. You Suck! And on top of that when you ask a politician a
question you always get the Runaround Deceitful Evasive
Question Dodging
Pivot Bullshit. Thanks for nothing
It seems like Politicians and the
Media are the same thing.
Ignorant psychopathic criminals who believe that murder is
just a byproduct." And yes there is a chance that you don't know any better, after
all you were subjected to our crappie education system.
I apologize for these
harsh words, but if there were other words
more suitable that would convey the importance and seriousness
of our situation then of course I would use them. The reason why
politicians try to refrain from calling another politician a
liar is because they are both lying and they don't want to bring
any more attention to the fact that they are liars. You are not
public servants that
represents the people, you are puppets and corporate whores.
The only thing you
represent is everything that is evil, disgusting and wrong.
When politicians talk they are just exploiting the
uniformed public so that they can continue to keep the
public uninformed. Politicians should Represent the Truth,
the Facts, Represent Life, Represent the Human Spirit,
Represent Compassion
If you try it, you'll like it.
Ambiguous Open to two or
more interpretations, intended to mislead. Having more than one
possible meaning.
Unclear or inexact because a choice between alternatives has not
been made.
Most politicians need to be behind bars and not behind a desk"
Conformity -
Media Manipulations -
Lunatics are running the
Asylum. So how do you communicate with lunatics? Learn to be
your own doctor of course.
"I don't see politicians or corporations as the source of all
our problems, they are just some of our major contributors, and there are
many contributing factors when it comes to fully understanding our
Social Communication
Just pointing out ignorance
is not enough. You have to be able to explain the reasons why
something is ignorant. But even then, if the person still can't
understand why something is ignorant, then you have to give them
necessary skills and knowledge that's needed in order for them
to see the ignorance. And if they still can't see the ignorance,
then they are either mentally impaired or criminally insane.
Because 99 % of the time, people who understand the facts, will
always do the right thing. And the 1% who are wrong, is
attributed to human error. So it's not a guarantee but 99% is
some really good odds. That's one of the reasons why humans have
survived for so long, that and also a lot of luck. I have
enormous amount of faith in people, I just don't have faith in
the current education system. If we don't improve education, we
will never improve fast enough in order to face the growing
challenges that life will throw at us in the 21st century and beyond.
“People think that a liar
gains a victory over his victim. What I've learned is that a lie
is an act of self-abdication, because one surrenders one's
reality to the person to whom one lies, making that person one's
master, condemning oneself from then on to faking the sort of
reality that person's view requires to be faked.” (
Atlas Shrugged (Part 3, Chapter 3, Page 859).
Some of our world leaders may believe that they are from a
different world, but they are certainly not from another
Dimension. We all occupy the same space and time, so welcome
to planet
The feeling of separation is just an
My Country, 'Tis of Thee
Luke 11:17
"Any kingdom
divided against itself will be ruined, and a
house divided against itself will fall."
Mark 11:17 "Then he taught them by
saying, "Scripture says, 'My house will be called a house of
prayer for all nations, but you have turned it into a gathering place for thieves."
Proverbs 11:17
"A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts
November 17
Quoting Scripture
Felony means a serious crime.
Federal Crime (wiki) -
Abuse -
Corporate Crimes
Why do we have to continue to suffer from
other people’s ignorance and incompetence?
Corruption is not an excuse or a reason to create more
corruption. You can’t use a corrupt and ignorant law or a
regulation as a reason to have more corruption and more
ignorance. If you can’t even tell how ignorant and corrupt your
actions are, then you are not qualified to work in a position of
authority, especially when some of the decisions that you make
can adversely affect other people’s lives. So your incompetence
has been noted. Please resign from your position of authority so
that we may replace you with a more competent and intelligent
person. And until you can prove that you are no longer corrupt
and ignorant, you will be barred from working in any position of
authority that is in any way connected to the general public.
You are free to go.
It's either there are not enough people for the job or
someone is not doing their job?
And if someone is not doing their job it's either that the
person is too ignorant to know what their job is or that they
know what their job is but they don't do their job because
they're corrupt. Either way it's all related to ignorance. So we
must fix our education system at the bottom and at the same time
fix the top by removing corruption and ignorance.
Our Government controls millions
of people and the people are never told why they are being
controlled or even know how they are being controlled.
Media Literacy. And the sad
part is that most of these criminals, or politicians, get voted
into their positions by the same people they rob and control.
Don't Do what I Do, Just
Do what I Say!
illogical with an emphasis on "ill"
illogical is unreasonable
judgment, Lacking correctness.
ill is affected by an impairment of normal
physical or mental function.
Baffled or Bewilderment is confusion resulting from failure to
understand. A mental state characterized by a lack of clear
and orderly thought and behavior. Mentally confused; unable to
think with clarity or
act intelligently. Poorly stated or described.
Not clear to the mind or easily deciphered.
It's obvious to see that
human nature is proof that all humans are naturally born to
be good and naturally born to be nice people, that is our true
nature. What's unnatural for a human is corrupt behavior,
selfishness and violence. Those types of negative behaviors are
related to a horrible inadequate education and a bad upbringing.
But even then, humans are still inclined to grow up to be good
and nice. It's just that most of the humans that go
some how find their way into power.
And that's when evil people exploit all the good and nice people
and cause horrible suffering.
That means good and nice people need more then just good nature,
they need a willingness to protect what is right. The
Nice Guy does not have to finish last, the nice guy has to
take charge and understand that nice and good is a
responsibility and a priority. Start by improving education and
at the same time change the laws that protect corrupt people in
power. The Triumph of Good over Evil is not a fairy tail, it's a
job and a responsibility.
To Do Nothing is to Be Nothing.
Unions - Organized Labor
Union is an organization of
workers who have
come together
achieve common goals such as
protecting the integrity of its trade,
improving safety standards, achieving
higher pay and benefits such as
health care and
retirement, increasing the number of
employees an employer
assigns to complete the work, and better working conditions. The trade
union, through its leadership, bargains with the employer on behalf of
union members (rank and file members) and negotiates labour contracts
(collective bargaining) with employers. The most
common purpose of these
associations or unions is "maintaining or improving the conditions of
employment". This may include the negotiation of wages, work rules,
complaint procedures, rules governing hiring, firing and promotion of
benefits, workplace
safety and policies. Unions may organize a
particular section of skilled workers (
craft unionism), a cross-section of
workers from various trades (general unionism), or attempt to organize all
workers within a particular industry (
industrial unionism). The agreements
negotiated by a union are binding on the rank and file members and the
employer and in some cases on other non-member workers. Trade unions
traditionally have a constitution which details the governance of their
bargaining unit and also have governance at various levels of government
depending on the industry that binds them legally to their negotiations
and functioning. Originating in Great Britain, trade unions became popular
in many countries during the Industrial Revolution. Trade unions may be
composed of individual workers, professionals, past workers, students,
apprentices or the unemployed. Trade union density, or the percentage of
workers belonging to a trade union, is highest in the Nordic countries.
International Labor Organization.
Worker Rights -
Safe Working Conditions -
Living Wage -
Basic Income -
Standard of Living -
Quality of Life -
Benefits -
Debt Bondage -
Slavery -
Abuse -
Wealth Divide -
Tenant Unions
Boycotts -
Strikes -
Activism -
Labor Unions in the United States are organizations that represent
workers in many industries recognized under US labor law since the 1935
enactment of the National Labor Relations Act. Their activity today
centers on collective bargaining over wages, benefits, and working
conditions for their membership, and on representing their members in
disputes with management over violations of contract provisions. Larger
trade unions also typically engage in lobbying activities and
electioneering at the state and federal level. Most unions in the United
States are aligned with one of two larger umbrella organizations: the
AFL-CIO created in 1955, and the Change to Win Federation which split from
the AFL-CIO in 2005. Both advocate policies and legislation on behalf of
workers in the United States and Canada, and take an active role in
politics. The AFL-CIO is especially concerned with global trade issues.
The percentage of workers belonging to a union (or total labor union
"density") varies by country. In 2019 it was 10.3% in the United States,
compared to 20.1% in 1983. There were 14.6 million members in the U.S.,
down from 17.7 million in 1983.Union membership in the private sector has
fallen to 6.2%, one fifth that of public sector workers, at 33.6%. Over
half of all union members in the U.S. lived in just seven states
(California, New York, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, and
Washington), though these states accounted for only about one-third of the
workforce. From a global perspective, in 2016 the US had the fifth lowest
trade union density of the 36 OECD member nations. In the 21st century,
the most prominent unions are among public sector employees such as city
employees, government workers, teachers and police. Members of unions are
disproportionately older, male, and residents of the Northeast, the
Midwest, and California. Union workers average 10-30% higher pay than
non-union in the United States after controlling for individual, job, and
labor market characteristics. Although much smaller compared to their peak
membership in the 1950s, American unions remain a political factor, both
through mobilization of their own memberships and through coalitions with
like-minded activist organizations around issues such as immigrant rights,
trade policy, health care, and living wage campaigns. Of special concern
are efforts by cities and states to reduce the pension obligations owed to
unionized workers who retire in the future. Republicans elected with Tea
Party support in 2010, most notably former Governor Scott Walker of
Wisconsin, have launched major efforts against public sector unions due in
part to state government pension obligations (even though Wisconsin's
state pension is 100% funded as of 2015) along with the allegation that
the unions are too powerful. The academic literature shows substantial
evidence that labor unions reduce economic inequality. Research indicates
that rising income inequality in the United States is partially
attributable to the decline of the labor movement and union membership.
Brotherhood -
United -
Working Together
Worker Cooperatives
Employee Owned Companies -
Benefit Corporations
Syndicalism is a revolutionary current within the labor movement that
seeks to unionize
workers according to industry and
advance their demands through strikes with the eventual goal of gaining
control over the means of production and the economy at large. Major
syndicalist organizations included the General Confederation of Labor in
France, the National Confederation of Labour in Spain, the Italian
Syndicalist Union, the Free Workers' Union of Germany, and the Argentine
Regional Workers' Federation. Although they did not regard themselves as
syndicalists, the Industrial Workers of the World, the Irish Transport and
General Workers' Union and the Canadian One Big Union are considered by
most historians to belong to this current. A number of syndicalist
organizations were and still are to this day linked in the International
Workers' Association, but some of its member organizations left for the
International Confederation of Labor, formed in 2018.
Workplace Democracy is the application of
democracy in the
workplace in various forms including
democratic structuring,
due process,
adversarial process, and systems of appeal. It can be implemented in a
variety of ways, depending on the size, culture, and other variables of an
Unions are Relative. If a company treats
its employees good, there is no need to unionize. On top of that, unions
require winning elections and negotiations, which can drag on for years.
Mentioning unions can also be a non-starter when recruiting support,
especially in places like the South — a region that historically hates
unions because of their love for slavery and low wage workers. Unions do
have one big advantage over other labor groups, which is
bargaining. Once unions agree to unionize, employers are
required by law
to negotiate with the union in good faith, but that means winning an
election, which can take years.
During the
2000's, Google, Apple, Adobe, Intel, and several other
mega corporations had a
mutual agreement not to hire each other's employees in order to keep
salaries low. This led to a 400 mil class action lawsuit.
Why Amazon workers
in Alabama voted not to unionize (youtube).
With unions being
attacked by republicans,
workers are turning to new approaches to argue not just for wages and
benefits, but for a say in supply chains, contract work, and more.
Step Up Louisiana, along
with our sister organization
Step Up for
Action, is a community based organization committed to building power
to win education and economic justice for all. We work with multiracial
and intergenerational Louisianans to “Step Up” by campaigning, organizing
from a racial justice perspective, and holding public officials
accountable. We organize with parents, workers, students, and community
members to disrupt systemic oppression in our schools and workplaces
through voter education, advocacy, and action.
Workers United is
a labor union built upon a foundation of social justice.
National Labor Relations Act of 1935 is a foundational statute of
United States labor law that guarantees the right of private sector
employees to organize into trade unions, engage in collective bargaining,
and take collective action such as strikes. Central to the act was a ban
on company unions. The act was written by Senator Robert F. Wagner, passed
by the 74th United States Congress, and signed into law by President
Franklin D. Roosevelt. The policy of the United States is to encourage
collective bargaining by protecting workers’ full freedom of association.
The NLRA protects workplace democracy by providing employees at
private-sector workplaces the fundamental right to seek better working
conditions and designation of representation without fear of retaliation.
Protecting the Right to Organize Act is for the purpose of expanding
"various labor protections related to employees' rights to organize and
collectively bargain in the workplace". It would prevent employers from
holding mandatory meetings for the purpose of counteracting labor
organization, and would strengthen the legal right of employees to join a
labor union. The bill would also permit labor unions to encourage
secondary strikes. The PRO Act would weaken "right-to-work" laws, which
exist in 27 U.S. states. It would allow the National Labor Relations Board
to fine employers for violations of labor law, and would provide
compensation to employees involved in such cases.
Captive Audience Law is to protect
employees from being subjected to
propaganda from their employers who want to discourage unionizing. A
captive audience refers to a situation in which an anti-union employer
gives speeches that discourage employees from joining a union.
Captive Audience Meeting is a mandatory meeting organized during
working hours by an employer with the purpose of discouraging employees
from organizing or joining a labor union. It is considered a union busting
tactic. Critics allege that captive audience meetings are used to
intimidate workers and
spread misinformation;
employees can be fired for failing to participate in the meeting or for
asking questions.
Captive Audience is when
listeners or onlookers who have no choice but to attend. It's when a
person or people are unable to leave a place and are thus forced to listen
to what is being said.
History of Union Busting in the United States is a long one.
Race to the Bottom is the lowering or deterioration of standards in
business as a result of the pressure of
that compromises the public good by lowering labor pay rates. Government
deregulation of the business environment or reduction in corporate tax
rates and lowering the cost of business, in order to attract or retain
economic activity in their jurisdictions, is usually
at the expense of workers
and their families and the environment.
Check or
majority sign-up is a method
for employees to organize into a labor union in which a majority of
employees in a bargaining unit sign authorization forms, or "cards",
stating they wish to be represented by the union.
Labor Law sets the rights and duties for
employees, labor unions, and
employers in the United States. Labor law's basic aim is to remedy the
"inequality of bargaining power" between employees and employers,
especially employers "organized in the corporate or other forms of
ownership association". Over the 20th century, federal law created minimum
social and economic rights, and encouraged state laws to go beyond the
minimum to favor employees. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 requires
a federal minimum wage, currently $7.25 but higher in 28 states, and
discourages working weeks over 40 hours through time-and-a-half overtime
pay. There is no federal law requiring paid holidays or paid family leave,
and limited state laws. The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 creates a
limited right to 12 weeks of unpaid leave in larger employers. There is no
automatic right to an occupational pension beyond federally guaranteed
social security, but the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974
requires standards of prudent management and good governance if employers
agree to provide pensions, health plans or other benefits. The
Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 requires employees have a safe
system of work.
Organized Labor is for workers to form "a continuous
association of wage-earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving
the conditions of their employment". This is primarily achieved by use of
the technique of collective bargaining, where labour organizations
negotiate wages and working conditions with employers. Closely related is
the concept of industrial action, in which an organization will call
strikes and resist lockouts. Another characteristic of labour
organizations are the provision of benefits for members, such as
unemployment insurance, health insurance, pensions, funeral expenses, job
training, and legal services. Organizations also often carry out political
campaigns, lobbying, and support political candidates or parties.
Operating costs are covered by the payment of dues and fees by members,
with the expectation that the money be spent to benefit the membership.
Working Class
Divide -
Living Wage -
Basic Income
Industrial Workers of the World or
IWW, "Wobblies", is an international
labor union that was founded in 1905 in Chicago, Illinois in the United
States of America.
"Workers of the world unite, you have nothing
to lose but your chains."
Films about Labor Movements
- How the American Government and Corporations got away with murdering
Labor Rights Activists.
Bargaining is a process of
between employers and a group of
employees aimed at
agreements to regulate working salaries, working conditions, benefits, and
other aspects of workers' compensation and rights. The interests of the
employees are commonly presented by representatives of a trade union to
which the employees belong. The collective agreements reached by these
negotiations usually set out wage scales, working hours, training, health
and safety, overtime, grievance mechanisms, and rights to participate in
workplace or company affairs. The union may negotiate with a single
employer (who is typically representing a company's shareholders) or may
negotiate with a group of businesses, depending on the country, to reach
an industry-wide agreement. A
agreement functions as a labour contract between an employer and one
or more unions. Collective bargaining consists of the process of
negotiation between representatives of a union and employers (generally
represented by management, or, in some countries such as Austria, Sweden
and the Netherlands, by an employers' organization) in respect of the
terms and conditions of employment of employees, such as wages, hours of
work, working conditions, grievance procedures, and about the rights and
responsibilities of trade unions. The parties often refer to the result of
the negotiation as a collective bargaining agreement or CBA, or as a
collective employment agreement or CEA.
Taking away collective bargaining is a criminal act.
Union Busting: Last
Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube) - Many corporations fend
off labor organizing through intimidation and threats.
Your Right to Form a Union. If a majority of workers wants to form a
union, they can select a union in one of two ways: If at least 30% of
workers sign cards or a petition saying they want a union, the NLRB will
conduct an election. If a majority of those who vote choose the union, the
NLRB will certify the union as your representative for collective
bargaining. An election is not the only way a union can become your
representative. Your employer may voluntarily recognize a union based on
evidence - typically signed union-authorization cards - that a majority of
employees want it to represent them. Once a union has been certified or
recognized, the employer is required to bargain over your terms and
conditions of employment with your union representative. Special rules
apply in the construction industry.
Twitter account
that supports unionizing workers at the company.
Day honors the
American Labor
Movement and the contributions that workers have made to the strength,
prosperity, laws, and well-being of the country. It is the Monday of the
long weekend known as Labor Day Weekend. It is recognized as a federal
holiday. Beginning in the late 19th century, as the trade union and labor
movements grew, trade unionists proposed that a day be set aside to
celebrate labor. "Labor Day" was promoted by the Central Labor Union and
the Knights of Labor, which organized the first parade in New York City.
In 1887, Oregon was the first state of the United States to make it an
official public holiday. By the time it became an official federal holiday
in 1894, thirty states in the United States officially celebrated Labor
Day. Canada's Labour Day is also celebrated on the first Monday of
September. More than 80 countries celebrate International Workers' Day on
May 1, and several countries have chosen their own dates for Labour Day.
May 1 was chosen by a pan-national organization of socialist and communist
political parties to commemorate the general strike and events that took
place around the Haymarket affair, which occurred in Chicago on May 1
through 4, 1886.
May Day
is a public holiday, in some regions, usually celebrated on 1 May or the
first Monday of May. It is an ancient festival of spring and a current
traditional spring holiday in many European cultures. Dances, singing, and
cake are usually part of the festivities. In 1889, May Day was chosen as
the date for International Workers' Day by the Socialists and Communists
of the Second International to commemorate the Haymarket affair in
Chicago. International Workers' Day is also called "May Day", but it is a
different celebration from the traditional May Day.
International Workers' Day also known as Labour Day in most countries
and often referred to as May Day, is a celebration of labourers and the
working classes that is promoted by the international labour movement and
occurs every year on May Day (1 May).
Labour Movement consists of two main wings: the trade union movement
(British English) or labor union movement (American English), also called
trade unionism or labor unionism on the one hand, and the political labour
movement on the other. he trade union movement consists of the collective
organisation of working people developed to represent and campaign for
working conditions and treatment from their employers and, by the
implementation of labour and employment laws, from their governments. The
standard unit of organisation is the trade union. The political labour
movement in many countries includes a political party that represents the
interests of employees, often known as a "labour party" or "workers'
party". Many individuals and political groups otherwise considered to
represent ruling classes may be part of, and active in, the labour
movement. The labour movement developed in response to the depredations of
industrial capitalism at about the same time as socialism. However, while
the goal of the labour movement is to protect and strengthen the interests
of labour within capitalism, the goal of socialism is to replace the
capitalist system entirely.
Workers of the World, Unite! is one of the rallying cries from the The
Communist Manifesto in 1848.
Strikes are workers refusing to work in an attempt to change their
conditions in a particular industry or an individual workplace, or in
solidarity with those in another particular workplace and general strikes,
widespread refusal of workers to work in an organized political campaign
on a broader national or international level.
The Communist Manifesto is an 1848 pamphlet by German philosophers
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels concerning the nature of society and
politics, namely that in their own words "[t]he history of all hitherto
existing society is the history of class struggles". It also briefly
features their ideas for how the capitalist society of the time would
eventually be replaced by socialism. In the last paragraph of the
Manifesto, the authors call for a "forcible overthrow of all existing
social conditions", which served as a call for communist revolutions
around the world.
Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist,
political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary. Born in Trier,
Germany, Marx studied law and philosophy at university. He married Jenny
von Westphalen in 1843. Due to his political publications, Marx became
stateless and lived in exile with his wife and children in London for
decades, where he continued to develop his thought in collaboration with
German thinker Friedrich Engels and publish his writings, researching in
the reading room of the British Museum. His best-known titles are the 1848
pamphlet The Communist Manifesto and the three-volume Das Kapital
(1867–1883). Marx's political and philosophical thought had enormous
influence on subsequent intellectual, economic and political history. His
name has been used as an adjective, a noun, and a school of social theory.
Marxism is a method of socioeconomic analysis that uses a materialist
interpretation of historical development, better known as historical
materialism, to understand class relations and social conflict as well as
a dialectical perspective to view social transformation. It originates
from the works of 19th-century German philosophers Karl Marx and Friedrich
Engels. As Marxism has developed over time into various branches and
schools of thought, there is currently no single definitive
Marxist theory.
Working Class comprises those engaged in waged or salaried labour,
especially in manual-labour occupations and industrial work. Working-class
occupations (see also "Designation of workers by collar color") include
blue-collar jobs, some white-collar jobs, and most pink-collar jobs.
Members of the working class rely exclusively upon earnings from wage
labour; thus, according to more inclusive definitions, the category can
include almost all of the working population of industrialized economies,
as well as those employed in the urban areas (cities, towns, villages) of
non-industrialized economies or in the rural workforce.
Labor History in the United States describes the history of organized
US labor law, and more general history of working people, in the
United States. Beginning in the 1930s, unions became important components
of the
Democratic Party.
However, some historians have not understood why no Labor Party emerged in
the United States, in contrast to Western Europe.
Solidarity Forever, Solidarity forever,
Solidarity forever,
For the union makes us strong, When the union's inspiration through
the workers' blood shall run, There can be no power greater anywhere
beneath the sun, Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble
strength of one, But the union makes us strong, Solidarity forever,
Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For the union makes us strong, It
is we who plowed the prairies, built the cities where they trade, Dug the
mines and built the workshops, endless miles of railroad laid, Now we
stand outcast and starving midst the wonders we have made, But the union
makes us strong, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever,
Solidarity forever, For the union makes us
strong, They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn,
But without our brain and muscle not a single wheel can turn, We can break
their haughty power, gain our freedom when we learn, That the union makes
us strong, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, For
the union makes us strong, In our hands is placed a power greater than
their hoarded gold, Greater than the might of atoms, magnified a thousand
fold, We can bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old, For the
union makes us strong, Solidarity forever, Solidarity forever, Solidarity
For the union makes us strong.
We should not organize for the piece of the action. We
should only organize to be part of the
decision-making process
and make the decisions
that matter. Deciding what's right and what is good for everyone, and not just
for the people involved. Be aware, you don't want the same
greedy ignorant scumbags running the union that were running the
I always thought that
labor unions were a good thing because they cared about
workers rights and their wages. But it seems that some unions
are just saying that "if we are going to work for a
organization, then we want a piece of the action", which is
organizing for the wrong reasons and basically being an
accessory to a crime. But
it's not just the unions, it is also every person who is not
aware of what their own employer is really doing, or what's
happening in their own government.
Wakeup Call
Now that some unions are losing their
Collective Bargaining Rights they will now know how the rest
of the country feels every day. State governments attacking
unions is a good thing because now everyone is in the same boat.
Hopefully now we can all get together and take on our government
and make the
Necessary Changes that are
needed to protect everyone. Why do people wait till their money
and privileges are gone before they make a stand. Money is not
just a distraction,
distorts reality and manipulates values. Money and privileges
also alienates you from other people and your own planet. So we
either rid the world of money and create a better system or we
educate everyone so that they are fully protected against the
poisoning effects of money. "
is the Root of all Evil" may not be fully understood or
correct, but we can now say that money clearly has damaging psychological
effects. Money distorts reality and causes a disconnect between humans and the world around us.
2022 - The two largest rail unions
split on contract vote. SMART Transportation Division and the Brotherhood
of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen. The deal gave workers a 24% raise
over five years, an additional personal day and caps on health care costs.
It also includes some modifications to the railroads' strict attendance
policies, allowing workers to attend to medical needs without facing
penalties for missing work. The railroads called it the most generous
contract in modern history and noted that upon ratification, workers would
see an average payout of $16,000 in back raises and bonuses. The
Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen, representing roughly
23,000 workers, voted to ratify the deal with 53.5% of the vote. But SMART
Transportation Division, representing 28,000 conductors, brakemen, yardmen
and others, rejected the agreement, with 50.87% voting no. Should there be
a strike, Congress would likely intervene within hours. The Railway Labor
Act allows Congress to take any number of measures to get trains running
again — including imposing some version of the contract or extending the
status quo, kicking any decision to the next congress.
busters are communist loving fascists who lack of empathy towards humans
and become psychopaths when given power."
93 Films about the Labor Movements (wiki) -
Activist Films -
Rae is a 1979 American drama film based on the true story of
Crystal Lee Sutton, a factory worker with little formal education in
North Carolina who, after her and her co-workers' health are compromised
due to poor working conditions, becomes involved in trade union activities
at the textile factory where she works.
On the Waterfront is a 1954 American crime drama film that focuses on
union violence and corruption amongst longshoremen, while detailing
widespread corruption, extortion, and racketeering on the waterfronts of
Hoboken, New Jersey.
Alice's Egg Plant is a 1925 film which depicts a pointedly Soviet
"Little Red Henski," fresh off a train from Moscow, inciting a strike
among Alice's previously happy hens.
Salt of the Earth is a 1954 film about the
Empire Zinc strike, also known as the Salt of the Earth strike, was a
15-month-long miners' strike in Grant County, New Mexico against the
Empire Zinc Company for its discriminatory pay. The strike drew national
attention, and after it was settled in 1952.
Blue Collar is a 1978 American crime drama film that was a critique of
union practices and an examination of life in a working-class Rust Belt
Clubs - Partisan
Fraternity is a social club for male undergraduates. Friendship and
mutual support within a group of people.
Sorority is a social club for female undergraduates.
Club is a group of people or the place where they meet, generally
formed around a common interest, occupation, or activity.
Partisan in
Politics. Sometimes banding together in groups can actually separates us.
Fraternities and
sororities is when sharing common interests
you from others who don't.
Power -
Experiment -
is the practice of
rituals, challenges, and other activities involving
abuse or humiliation used as a way of initiating a person into
a group including a new fraternity, sorority, team, or club.
Initiation is a
rite of passage marking entrance or acceptance into a group or society.
Torture is the act
of deliberately inflicting physical pain or
psychological pain on an organism
in order to fulfill some desire of the torturer or compel some action from
the victim. Torture, by definition, is a knowing and intentional act;
deeds which unknowingly or negligently inflict pain without a specific
intent to do so are not typically considered torture.
Sometimes Unions attack the rights
of others.
It's good to recognize members, but when when you
exclude others you can create prejudice and racism just because someone is in a different class, or a different religion, or a different race, or a
different education. When we expect privileges because we are a part of
a group, we alienate ourselves.
Social Alienation is a low degree of integration or common values and
a high degree of distance or
between individuals, or between an individual and a group of people in a
community or work environment". The concept has many discipline-specific
uses, and can refer both to a personal psychological state (subjectively)
and to a type of social relationship (objectively).
Conformity - "We
need to stick together without separating ourselves from the whole".
Forces (the war machine is a racket)
Waking up is not just what you do after you sleep, it's also what you do after you realize
you were never fully awake.
Most people
hope for change but just hoping for change does not always work.
Don’t wait for Change, Make the Change, Be part of the Change.
Waiting for that day when the TV says “People we have made some
very important changes and improvements are coming”..That day
will not happen unless you are the one giving that announcement.
Too many people assume that
because there are smart people in the world, that naturally,
these smart people must be the ones who are in charge and who
control our most important services. Sadly these so-called smart
people are as ignorant as you and me. This is not to say that
these smart people have no intelligence, it’s that their minds
have been corrupted and their reasoning has been distorted and
manipulated. Most every person on the planet understands how
Power & Money corrupts the
human mind and distorts reality. And smart people are not immune
from this infection. So you have to ask yourself, “who is in
control? The money or the man?" The only way that the general
public will ever have any control or understanding of their
lives is when they decide to take part in this responsibility of
knowing who is in charge and who is corrupted.
Showing up at a voting both once a year will not change or improve a single
thing. Educating yourself on what actions you must take everyday
will definitely help to improve the lives and the future of
Complacent and content
are delusions of an ignorant person who has become unattached
from reality.
You can be
happy and you can be thankful, just don’t be blind.
Managing bad habits that we
refuse to give up.
If you don't define your
priorities you will never be defined. Your life will be random,
easily distracted and unfocused. You will be constantly confused
by your own misconceptions and at the same time create a false
sense of security. All this happens because you never learned
the importance of continually acquiring knowledge and learning
the importance of defining your priorities based on that
We spend too much time managing
insignificant bad ideas instead of optimizing our time managing
good ideas. Good ideas produce the best results and would
actually by default, fix all the other insignificant bad ideas.
So if you don't have any priorities then your first priority
would be to..."Define your Priorities"…short term and long term.
Either you are part of the
solution or you are
part of the problem.
We have proven that voting is the
fairest way to decide, but
voting is not a guarantee that the
majority of voters fully understand what their vote really
means. The public only votes for politicians and only votes on a
few issues and then the rest of the decision-making is done
behind their backs. This is not democracy; this is clearly a
fascist Capitalistic society. If the public is not voting at
least once a week on the issues that directly impact their lives
then they are most likely unaware of the issues and unable to do
anything to help improve their community. Schools, colleges,
businesses and local governments must all play a role in helping
the public vote on a regular basis as well as help educate the
public about the serious problems that plague our society.
Education is everyone’s responsibility.
Your brain will never function
properly without the necessary knowledge and information that is
needed everyday to manage the enormous amounts of messages
received from our numerous senses. Everything that the human
brain needs to process must be understood.
You have to learn how to process human emotions, physical and
mental changes, interaction with the planet, interaction with
other living species and so on and so on. Your brain is the most
important tool. But it doesn’t teach itself. So it’s up to you
to make sure it gets the necessary amounts of knowledge
everyday. A tool that can make more tools is a gift, and it’s
the only gift that will ever make a difference in your life.
Your brain needs you. And if you let your brain down it will let
you down. Cause and effect.
The Human Brain
Knowledge will always be this
one thing that will always have an influence on everything that
you do in your entire life.
Education is connected to
everything. Our perceptions, our actions, our feelings, our
soul, everything is connected to education. Knowledge is the
path that intersects all
One of our greatest inventions
for communication is the
TV. But sadly corporations have
hijacked the TV for their own selfish motives, with one motive
being money the other being propaganda.
And even sadder then that is that people don’t do anything about
it. And the main reason that people don’t do anything about it
is that people just don’t know any better in order to stop it.
The channels of communication are not to be owned, the channels
of communication should only be shared. Yes we get entertainment
from TV, but there has to be a balance. For every hour of
entertainment on TV there should be an hour of Education on TV.
For every hour of commercials there should be an hour of
Education and public service announcements. People have a voice.
Freedom of Speech is not just a right it’s absolutely necessary.
If we’re not able to communicate with each other then we are
just ignorantly throwing away the greatest ability that we have
for our survival.
Sharing TV Channels -
Time Management
It’s definitely all about
education. Just think about it, how can it be anything else?
Remember when you were young and
you learned something new for the very first time. Remember how
incredible that felt. Witnessing your mind and body come
together to perform an incredible skill, a skill that you were
not so good at just hours before or even days before. That
moment creates an incredible feeling of awareness. You are
finally sensing the incredible abilities that you possess.
You are an incredible machine. Sensing your abilities reveals
more options and more choices.
It produces self-pride and a surge of positive energy. It's
truly amazing when you begin to understand just how incredible
the mind and body truly is. But for some strange reason as we
get older that joy of learning decreases. Why? Is it that what
you are learning doesn't matter? Or is it that you never learned
what mattered? So what matters? What matters to you? What
matters to others?
What Matters to the
world? These are some of the questions that we should be asking
ourselves at least once a day. If you have stopped being
excited about learning then something has changed. And this
change is creating a real disadvantage and putting you at risk.
If everyone becomes a positive
contributor to the human evolution our evolution will be
Instead of Mandatory Military
Service they should have
Mandatory Education Service.
A human shouldn’t be learning how to kill in the most important
and influential time in their young life. They should be
learning the importance of education and the importance of
teaching. Having a strong military is necessary but not at the
expense of a countries future and stability. If you spend all
your time and energy protecting yourself from violence you will
never do away with violence. Violence does not defeat violence
it only creates more violence, and this cycle of violence has no
end. If you truly want to do away with violence you have to stop
feeding violence and stop promoting violence as the only way to
react to conflict. Educated people will always seek intelligent
solutions because they know that war is only a temporary fix.
But if you never educate people, those intelligent solutions
will never be known. And when I say Mandatory Education Service
I’m not talking about
Compulsory Education, we are not forcing people into a fixed
and limited form of education like they have in public schools.
We’re talking about an education that is
the full realm of knowledge and
information that the human race has accumulated during its
entire existence. And
the only requirement of this education is that you help add to
it. There is no passing, there is no failing, there is just
helping. Helping to educate, helping to organize and helping to
learn. If you are going to have any type of peace talks, you
have to have an agreement on education, because if you don’t
understand the importance and power of education you will never
have peace.
If you were in charge of
preparing a human to live in the 21
st century, what
would be the number one most important thing that you could
offer a human that would provide the most important skills all
humans should possess? Yes education.
So what’s the problem? The
problem is that people don't know what the problem is...
There is always going to be someone who
knows something that you don't know.
I don't consider myself smart or
even intelligent, not yet anyway. I have an average memory and an average
awareness. It's just that I'm
inquisitive and I'm a big fan of
logic. So I guess I'm mostly just
trying to be as smart as I
can, but not necessarily smart as I should be. Yes there are
people who have more knowledge then I do, there are people who have a
larger vocabulary then I do, there are people who have better
communication skills then I do and there are people who have better
writing skills then I do. But I wouldn't consider a person with these
skills smarter, I would just consider them
more schooled in a
particular area of knowledge. Having a great
education is one thing, getting the right knowledge at the right time and
in the right environment and then fully understanding it all is another.
There's a big difference between doing good in school and doing good in
life, because
are many different skills that help define intelligence, many of which
we are now just discovering.
Howard Polymath
Being a Benefit to Others is my Guiding Principle
Just because I know a lot of things does not
mean that I know everything. There are still a lot of things
that I do not know.
So yes, I can look
stupid at times, but at least now I'm more aware of how
stupid or how ignorant that I am about something's.
I also don't feel embarrassed anymore when I find out that I
don't know something, mostly because I know that I can easily
learn something if needed. So I don't worry, I just
Live and
Learn...You want confidence, be
confident that
you can learn
anything you want. But you have to be realistic in knowing that
everything that you do learn is not always going to be good,
right or positive. But that is the beauty of learning, the
ability to make better choices, because now you know that you
have choices, all because you decided to learn what your
are. You want a better world, then start making one, because
things don't improve all by themselves, you have to be part of
it. And what I mean by being only part of it, is that you will
not be able to improve something's all by yourself, you will need
help. So one of the first things you need to do is start making
friends and start building relationships that are positive and
supportive, because making
improvements needs
the support of others in order to succeed. And it all starts with you.
Trust me I'm
still stupid, I'm just
less stupid then I was before. And I’m less stupid then the time
before that and so on and so on. I doubt that I could ever
become free of stupidity. Then again I wouldn't want to. There’s
still a lot of good stupidity that is
funny and not damaging to
my surroundings. It’s not like I planned to be stupid. It’s just
that it took a long time for me to figure it out. Some people
are in denial that they're stupid. I just wasn't aware that I
was stupid, which is a big difference because I can improve and
correct myself.
can never correct itself. I still have a lot of catching up
to do.
"I'm not smart, I'm just a lot less dumber then I was before"
One of the nice things about learning is
that you realize how stupid you are. And when you finally do
realize how stupid you are, you can now make better choices.
So how do you make others realize how stupid they are?
I was once incredibly ignorant, but because of the
internet, and my
desire to learn, I am now for the first time in
my life a lot more knowledgeable of myself and the world around
me. And to prove it, I've
almost everything that I learned and seen
on the internet for the last 15 years since 1998. I then placed everything
into two websites. Categorized and organized. Two personal
databases, one for adventure and the other for knowledge. The
next step is to create several navigation structures that can be
modified for each level of knowledge and each age group. I'm 52
years old and I'm just getting started, I definitely don't feel
like I'll be slowly walking into the sunset, I feel more like
I'm gradually ascending into the universe, with each year
learning and understanding more and more. So by the time I die I
will transcend into something beyond comprehension, where life
and death will will take on a whole new meaning. Wonderful ! (2. 2.13)
I'm always saying
that I'm the luckiest man alive, mostly because of being
fortunate to have lived this long and being fortunate to have
learned so many things. And one of those things that I learned
was about luck itself. Good luck could end up being bad luck,
and bad luck could end up being good luck. So when I say that
I'm the luckiest man alive, I'm saying that I had bad luck, good
luck, no luck and all the luck, all mixed together perfectly.
You can't get any luckier then that.
(11.15.14 )
For what ever reason, or reasons, my brain
just happened to be perfectly suited for
finding information and
knowledge on the internet. I was also good at organizing and
categorizing information and knowledge. I was also good at
referencing information and knowledge, showing how things
in our world are related in some way to other things. And these
associations create a better understanding of knowledge and
information. And these associations also create a more reliable
memory of the things that you have learned. So you gradually
make fewer mistakes and you gradually make better decisions.
awareness becomes incredible
and life becomes a constant flow
of discovery.
"My life was far from
perfect, I guess that's why I feel incredibly lucky."
"My life was far from perfect, but it
was perfect enough for me."
"My parents were not perfect, but they were perfect enough
for me."
It saddens me to know that over
90% of
the people who read some of the things that I have written will not
understand it enough to grasp its true meaning. But what’s great
about the written word is that it could last for thousands of
years long after I’m gone, which should give people plenty of
time to figure out what I have written, not to say that it will
actually take that long.
In a way the written word is like immortality. Lasting a lot
longer then the people who repeated the words creatively.
"It's like trying to explain what
something looks like to a blind person. Ignorance is blindness,
and the worst part is that people don't even know they're
"It's like I've traveled through
space and visited another planet, and now I'm trying to explain
to you this journey that I have taken through space, except
that, the space we're really talking about is the space between
your ears, and the planet that I've visited is actually our
consciousness. So since I'm telling you our story, where
would you like for me to begin? I figure you would like for me
to start, where I or you, left off?"
almost impossible to explain the enormous potential that
specialized knowledge and information can give a person.
This is
a problem that we must solve."
"I'm out there, because I have to be, I'm
outside my mind exploring the possibilities, while you're inside
your closed mind that will never develop into anything valuable
or important. So I would rather be out there then in there."
My only concern is, will our most important information and
knowledge stand the test of time?
Knowledge Preservation.
When you Find Better Words, you make a Better You...
Of course I reedit stuff that I have already written and posted, don’t you?
Revision is the process of changing
beliefs to take into
account a
new piece of information. The
logical formalization of belief
revision is researched in
philosophy, in databases, and in artificial
intelligence for the design of rational agents.
Metanoia is changing one's mind.
Reassess is to revise or renew one's
Retraction is a
public statement made about an earlier
statement that withdraws, cancels, refutes, or reverses the original
statement or ceases and desists from publishing the original statement.
Errata is an error in printing or writing.
A list of corrected errors appended to a book or published in a subsequent
issue of a journal. A list of errors in a printed work discovered after
printing and shown with corrections.
in computing is a piece of software designed to update a
computer program or its
supporting data, to fix or improve usability or performance.
Re-Programming Thoughts.
Second Edition includes all copies of a book printed “from
substantially the same setting of type,” including all minor typographical
variants. The numbering of book editions is a special case of the wider
field of revision control.
Version Control is the management of changes to documents, computer
programs, large web sites, and other collections of information. Changes
are usually identified by a number or letter code, termed the "revision
number", "revision level", or simply "revision". For example, an initial
set of files is "revision 1". When the first change is made, the resulting
set is "revision 2", and so on. Each revision is associated with a
timestamp and the person making the change. Revisions can be compared,
restored, and with some types of files, merged.
Editing Help -
Reading -
BlindnessThese are not my final words,
these are just the words that I have so far based on the current level of
knowledge and information that has been collected and processed. When more
knowledge and information is collected and processed, then things will be
either updated or confirmed.
It’s not just because I can reedit, I do it because I have to,
it’s called learning. I rarely get it right the first time,
which is not important. What’s important is that I learn. “
learn” there for I reedit and I
update. If you are not
reediting or updating past statements, writings, feelings,
beliefs or
thoughts then you have learned nothing new, which is not
impossible, it's just highly improbable. Ask anyone who's made
a statement some time ago and ask him or her if they would still
say the same thing.
I guarantee you that if they don’t have a reedited or updated
version of what they have said, then they are either lying, or
they have learned nothing new, or they have
or they actually got it right the first time, which would be
amazing and hard to prove.
This is not an
edit war, it's just
amending, refining,
cutting, copying, and pasting
changing my mind.
BK101 started out as links with
some writing, and then grew from there. Collecting knowledge and
information and then organizing it all on a website. And then sometimes I
would write brief messages about some of the knowledge and information
that I collected. So I wrote a lot of Notes in the
Notes in the
Margin or Writing in the Margins.
Similar to
Dictionary Usage Notes
Special Usage Labels or like
having a
Dictionary with Context.
are marks made in the margins of a book or other document. They may be
comments, glosses (annotations), critiques, doodles, or
Annotation is extra information associated with a particular point in
a document or other piece of information. It can be a note that includes a
comment or explanation. Annotations are sometimes presented in the margin
of book pages. For annotations of different digital media, see web
annotation and text annotation.
Notation is a
system of graphics or symbols, characters and abbreviated expressions,
used in artistic and scientific disciplines to represent technical facts
and quantities by convention. Therefore, a notation is a collection of
related symbols that are each given an arbitrary meaning, created to
communication within a
domain knowledge or field of study.
It seems
that definitions and
are extremely important to human communication. And when you add context,
it helps us increase the accuracy of our communications. And when you add
links, you can now
communicate even more with layers of information that can be adjusted for
different levels of understanding. Making most computers the
Ultimate Education Tool for Learning.
Going on 14 years since 2008, and I'm just getting started.
Over 50,000 hours so far. The bulk of
my work is almost done. But the final editing and upgrades
will take some more time.
Reference Book
is a book to which one can refer for information. The
information is
intended to be found quickly when needed. Reference works are usually
referred to for particular pieces of information, rather than read
beginning to end. The writing style used in these works is informative;
the authors avoid use of the first person, and emphasize facts.
Court Case Decisions.
Index in publishing is a list of words or phrases ('headings') and
associated pointers ('
locators') to where useful material relating to that
heading can be found in a document or
collection of
Human Manual
I love looking back on things that I have written years ago.
My original observations are sometimes ignorant and embarrassing. But
thank God for learning, because original
observations are not my final
Correcting of Truth
Correction is the act of offering an
improvement to replace a
mistake; setting right.
A quantity that is added or subtracted in order to increase the
accuracy of a scientific measure.
A rebuke for making a mistake. Something substituted for
an error.
Updating is the act of changing
something to bring it
up to date usually by adding something or supply
with more recent information.
Improve is to
make better. Make something superior in
quality or condition
or effect. Most suitable or
right for a particular
purpose. Having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable
for a thing specified. Promoting or enhancing well-being.
Revision is the act of revising or altering involving reconsideration and
modification. The act of rewriting something. Something that has
been written again.
Reboot -
Editing -
Editors -
Editing Resources
"I like to write down answers to questions
and see how the answer changes over time. knowledge evolves and
so does the answers to our most important questions. Yesterdays
answer may not be the same answer you have tomorrow. Learning is
a wonderful thing."
Searching for Meaning
What's the Point?
"Judge me more for what I am
saying now and not so much for the stupid things that I've
said in the past".
February 27, 2011
"How do I know what I mean until I see what I say?" People think that because I'm capable of doing
so many things that I actually should be doing
all these things. I can't do everything. Though I try to do as
many things that I can I know that I can't do everything. I'm not saddened by this fact or
even stressed by this fact because that is reality. There are only so many things that a human can
accomplish over an average
human lifespan. So it is extremely important that my priorities
are logical and that I manage my time efficiently, effectively and with balance. And I'm not
saying that I have thought of everything.
I know that it's almost impossible to think of everything.
But that is the kind of challenge that I Love.
I love asking questions and I love hearing people say
you ever asked this question?"
Define your priorities, define your responsibilities,
Define your Goals, define your
things to
do, define your dreams, define yourself.... Yes there are no
guarantees in life and yes things will change.
But if you never
define these things you will never be....
What have I been doing?
Organizing the Internet and asking questions and defining the
answers and then retaining that knowledge in my mind and on my
website. The more questions that you can answer is incredibly
important. Having the answers to questions helps protect you from confusion
and helps protect you from making horrible mistakes that would
considerably slow down progress, waste time and make your life
an awful struggle. But it's not just knowing the answers to questions, it's also
knowing all the other questions to ask that helps define the
answers. Then you have to fully understand how to formulate
answers and fully understand where in the mind this knowledge
should be stored. Then you have to fully understand when this
knowledge should be used to process future questions and when
this knowledge should be used to analyze future problems.
If you don't fully understand your knowledge then you are just
another Jeopardy contestant, and life is not a game show, for if
it were, 90 percent of humans would be losers. And the main
reason why we are losers is because our worlds education system
is inadequate and incompetent. Where in the education system
does a human learn to use their mind and learn to formulate
First collect it all and then sort it
out later...I spend most of my
time extracting information and knowledge, so I do not have
enough time to process it all. But I will soon in 2017, when I
start creating the curriculum.
"I'm still picking
the crops, and the first harvest is almost complete. The food
will be delivered soon. You have tasted the free samples, now
its time for the main course."
I’m not the one who should be given credit.
90% of all the knowledge and information that I acquired is from
other people, some living and some no longer living. I then
formulate my understanding of that knowledge and information in
a way that shines light on a problem that needs more attention
and needs more understanding.
I'm Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Pass the Baton
Transform Combine (youtube)
"Don't thank me, thank the millions of people who have contributed to
human knowledge and development. The same millions who I
benefited from, who helped educate me into the person that I am
today. The only thing that I did on my own was share everything
that I have learned, which is mostly from the 100's of millions
of people who have lived and died before me."
"Because sometimes asking the right questions is the answer."
I don’t analyze everything. I just analyze the things that need analyzing. And the first thing that you have to do when analyzing something
is you have to find out what are the essential questions that
you need to ask? So how do you go about finding these essential
questions? You have to learn them. And one of the most effective
and most efficient ways to find and learn these essential
questions is through research and open discussions.
And this is why the Internet is so extremely important.
The best way to
fully understand something is to know what questions to ask.
Especially when you are trying to understand yourself. What am I
doing and Why am I doing it?
This website is a combination of my insatiable
quest for wanting to know things, and most likely, some other
force of nature that is outside the realm of my understanding. "
am I Here" is just too big of a question to take on at this
time. I hope to answer that question much later in my life if I
can. Right now I'm more focused on answering the questions that
I have a better chance of understanding.
And as long as I'm here, I might as well do it while I'm
here, why waste the trip?
Ask me how I’m doing? Well it
depends on how you look at it of course. In one hand I’m doing
and in the other hand, not so well.
My website is like having a hundred different discussions all at
once. Every time I hear a word or phrase, whether from other
sources or within my own thoughts, 90% of the time I know
exactly what page and in what paragraph that particular word or
phrase relates to on my website. So I update that particular
discussion. This is like a daily ritual. Even when I’m not in
front of my computer I’m still working because mostly everything
in my life now is related to a discussion or concept that I am
currently working on somewhere in my website. And as I organize
all the subject material and knowledge that I have acquired on
my website, I realize that this is just one of many steps to
organizing all the subject material and knowledge that's now in
my brain.
There are very few people in the world that could be more
efficient or more productive then I am working on this
Not just because of my
skills, but mostly because I understand this project and know
where everything is. The only way to see where it’s going is to
see where it goes.
It’s really difficult to explain to the average person exactly
what I’m doing. I could name ten different skills that I use to
earn money. But I use a combination of many different skills to
work on one particular project. Usually averaging 50 hours a
week, but offering very little compensation.
is work, right?
Volunteering is considered
work. So work is not just about the
it’s more about the
Value of your actions. Then on top of that in the last ten
years I have created a
Human Search Engine.
I solve
problems all day. Some problems are small and insignificant, and
other problems are big and really significant.
The biggest
problem that I’m working almost everyday is how to improve
education and how to make it available to as many people as
possible. The trick is learning how to balance your problem
solving with this thing we call life. Maintenance does have it's
responsibilities after all.
I just needed some time to think, I had
no idea that it would take all these years, but it did, I
thought that eventually that I would say "ok that's enough
thinking, lets start doing". But the doing was the thinking. And
as long as I keep writing, and keep learning, and keep living
life, I will keep making progress. This journey is never ending,
and I'm ok with that."
It's not like it was the only way, it was just the way that it happened.
I didn't really choose a way, so I didn't mean for it to happen
that way It was more that I adjusted to what was happening, and
not all the adjustments were accurate. I would also not say that
I had to go it alone, It just happened that I was alone, but I
was not lonely because no one is truly ever alone."
I wouldn't say that I'm normal, or I would not say that I'm not normal,
what I would only say is "what ever normal is, it is only an
opinion of the observer, and the observer themselves may or may
not be normal themselves. So you see, in order to define what
normal is, you must first define one thing, and only one thing
at a time. Because you can never define the whole by knowing
just a few of its parts. The only way to fully understand the
whole, is to understand all the pieces. Even when things can be
quantified, you still have the individual. So parameters can
vary. And if you are the observer, then your parameters can also
vary. This is where collaborations or group therapy might have
an advantage in certain cases. Group therapy using several
doctors with several patients,
collaborating, analyzing and researching together. Making
sure you are seeing things through everyone else's eyes and not
just your own eyes."
"Sometimes when I think that
there's something wrong with people, it
usually turns out to be that
there's something wrong with me.
Because in order to correctly analyze someone else you must
first correctly analyze yourself. You must always verify the
calibration of the testing equipment before a test, so that
what you learn is more accurate."
Most people mean
well, it’s just that sometimes, people don’t know what they
Good intentions are not always good or easily understood by the
giver or the receiver.
We don't always say what we mean or mean what we say. Prone to
People can learn, it’s just that sometimes people only want to
learn when they feel it’s
personally suitable or
to be important. How many different types of
learning disabilities
are there? Can teaching and learning
information literacy help solve
this problem?
You should never feel
insecure about what you don't know or should you ever be
afraid of saying something stupid. As long as you are asking
whether the question is stupid or not, you will never be
to anyone or pretending to know something that you are not sure
of, which in some cases can cause someone else to make a
mistake. There is no
shame in saying I don't know, the only shame that there is
comes from not wanting to seek
knowledge about the
I'm not here to direct you, unless you are in
need of direction. I'm here mostly to make you aware that there
are a lot of questions that you need to answer.
You Think You Know Everything
October 6, 2012
It's funny when you see kids and teenagers act like
they think they know everything, I was that same way.
I didn't how ignorant I was until I started to educate myself. This is why
most kids
rebel against their parents. And it's not just that
the kids are thinking that they know everything, it's also the
parents. Because most parents still believe that they think they know
everything. First of all,
you can't know everything, it's
paradoxical, and it's also impossible.
And on top of that, you have no way of proving the knowledge and
information that you have is adequate or even more important than
someone else's knowledge and information. All you can say is "
this is what I know", it
might not be right, it might not be enough, it might not be
important, and it might not be the same knowledge as yours.
should be based on
the sharing
of information, and not just based on
your personal beliefs or your
personal perception. This is why
there has to be a balance between
listening and speaking. And
you really have to listen and not just be waiting to talk again,
because that's not listening, your just thinking about what
you're going to say next and not listening to what the other
person is actually saying. This is why we need to teach
effective communication in schools.
How would you be able to figure out what knowledge and information you're missing?
How would you be able to define What knowledge and information
is the most important?
Know it All - The dangers of thinking that you know it all. People who think
they know everything are fools, because knowing everything is
impossible. It all comes down to what you know, exactly. And
that you have confirmed that what you know is correct and
up to
Know-it-all is a person who constantly presents their input
as though they were professionally trained, schooled or have firsthand
insight into subjects when it is evident this is not the case. A
know-it-all will
quickly reject opinions, suggestions, thoughts and
commentary from others as incorrect, nonsensical and disruptive.
I know
"The world ain't what it
seems....the moment you think you got it figured, your wrong."
My plate always full, and my plate is always getting bigger.
As I learn more, I learn that I can do
more, so not only is my plate always full, my plate is always
getting bigger. I'm not trying to do everything, I'm just trying
to do everything that matters. The highest priority will always
be about building a complete
high quality education curriculum that everyone has access to.
2nd highest would be
which is also part of another project called
information stations. 3rd highest would be the hope pc. then
all the other responsibilities fall behind those 3. one being
continue to learn and research education improvement ideas,
update the education database
BK101, help manage other websites, learning new software and
so on and so on.
Top of Page
May 3, 2013
Every problem this world has can be solved by improving
education. But these improvements must be done on all levels.
The curriculum must be expanded and all teaching methods must be
utilized. And these improvements must be made by intelligent people who understand information and knowledge, and
how information and knowledge works in the human brain, because
these problems cannot be solved by the same people who created
them. I always knew that there was something just not right with
the world. For an intelligent species we have way too many
problems. It took me almost 50 years to figure it out that all
our problems are related to someone not having enough
information and knowledge. Whether the lack of information and
knowledge was at the personal level or at the state level, the
results were always the same, premature deaths,
destruction, crime, waste and abuse.
I didn't want a job that didn't make a difference, or a job that
was just adding to our problems, our a job that was
unsustainable, or unethical. I didn't want to conform to a
system that was corrupt and abusive and be part of the problem,
I wanted to be part of the solution. I didn't want a job just
for the money, I wanted a job that was improving the world and
solving our problems.
I didn't want a job that would just keep me blind to the damage
that I was doing to myself and the world around me. I didn't
want a job just to make money just to pay my bills, bills for
services that were just contributing to my wasteful and
unsustainable lifestyle. There is just too little awareness and
not enough accountability. I just didn't want to do things to
make me feel good about myself or do nice things to look good or
give the impression that what I was actually solving a problem,
I wanted to do something that would make a difference, something
that I can easily give to other people, something that anyone
can do, something that anyone could repeat or copy. And that
thing is education. So I decided to start working on improving
education. The one thing I know that makes a difference. So I
created an open website were anyone who is connected to the
internet can see my research. And see how much information and
knowledge that millions of people have contributed to. Yes it is
far from finished, but at least I got started, which is the fist
step to solving any problem.
Improving Education is the
Elephant in the Room.
Most of the time my work and life is
balanced but it is definitely not structured or managed
Asynchronous System.
I do allow time to be spontaneous and random, this
way I can follow information naturally where ever it takes me.
But I am finding the need for
more structure. I need to maximize
my time and effort better so that I can avoid wasting valuable
time, which is really easy to do, and not just from not doing
enough, but from doing the wrong things too. I'm still managing
and building one of the the worlds biggest websites for
adventure travel and recreation, called Looking for (which is 15 years in the making, mostly working
on it part time since 1998). And in 2008, working full time, I
started building and managing a new website for knowledge and
information, which is the website you're on, called Basic
Knowledge, which has several purposes, with the two main
purposes being..One: A knowledge and information database that
will be used to build a complete high quality education that
everyone can have access to. Two: A knowledge and information
database that can be used to inform the public about important
issues by placing
public information stations that can be
displayed in public spaces in towns and cities so that everyone
can have access to the most important information and knowledge
that is available. This information hub can also be accessed
from anywhere in the world using a computer or smart phone that
has an internet connection.
I'm always acquiring more information and
knowledge that is relevant to the current subject matter.
R&D is a continuous process for learning, which is essential
to any project that needs to be aware of the current environment
in order to survive.
There's progress on many levels and on many subjects. Moving
forward from many directions.
"The worlds accumulated knowledge and
information can be used to solve almost every problem we have in
our world,
and we have only just begun."
For the first time millions of humans
have access to incredible amounts of knowledge and information.
More information and knowledge then any other time in our
history. And this information and knowledge is being delivered
so fast that we no longer have to wait for it. This speeds up
our learning abilities tremendously. And in return our potential
becomes limitless. But sadly we have not yet defined the entire
process or all the programs, or have we ensured that everyone
has access to the most important information and knowledge, and
the worst of all, we have not yet defined a way to give people a
clear understanding just how extremely important information and
knowledge is. There is no picture, there is no diagram, there is
no group of words that could simplify the meaning of information
and knowledge as a whole, so there is no shortcut to
understanding it. If you want to experience other people in
other countries you have to physically travel there and be
there. There is no shortcut for experience. So if you want to
understand information and knowledge you have to be searching
for it and you have to be learning what it is. It's not going to
present itself and it's not going to happen over night. It can
take an average person years to correctly formulate what
information and knowledge means as a whole. You
also have to learn how to
filter out useless and irrelevant
information so that you wont be distracted or misinformed. You
also have to learn how to use the
tools and techniques of
acquiring the most important information and knowledge that you
need, and, you also have to know the right time to acquire
needed information and knowledge, because there is a process.
is a particular course
of action intended to achieve a result.
As of lately BK101 is using most of my
processing power, whether that's by choice or design, I'm not
sure? I try to balance my time and priorities as best as I can,
but I find myself making sacrifices everyday. But I'm not that
worried because the sacrifices seem needed in order to keep the
education project moving forward. Is the information pulling me
forward or am I pushing it? Maybe it's symbiotic? If it is, then
it's most likely one of the most important relationships that
you will have in your life, the one between you and all that is
known in the universe. The information is there, it's all about
discovering it. And if you're not searching for answers then you
will never find them. Just think about all the discoveries that
we have had so far. Our searches have discovered so much in such
a short time. Information is definitely
speeding us up in a sense, but what I think is really
happening is that we're finally catching up to our normal
operating speed, wow!
So who's responsible for this, science?
But science is not a person, so what's the persons name?
April 13th, 2014
"Not every word is mine, after all, no one
really owns words. Words are
borrowed and words are
used. To
accuse a person of complete
ownership of words is to neglect
every person that ever lived. Words are an accumulation of human
history. I speak only what has been given to me.
Passed down
from the billions of people who have lived and died before I was
even born. So in a way I speak for them, for those who no longer
have a voice, for those who gave me my voice."
"We know we can make better choices, so
it's time we start making better decisions. We cannot ignore the
damage and neglect, we are infected, but luckily we have the
cure in our hands, which is our knowledge. All humans are very
capable of learning, so that makes every human very capable of
solving problems and improving life. But humans can't learn
these skills if they never have access to a high quality
education that has the worlds most valuable knowledge and
information, up to date. It's time to unleash the potential of
every human on the planet."
Back to Square One, not to start over, just to mark another
100 man years is equal to 100 people working 40 hours a week for
1 year.
Man Hour is the amount of
work performed by the average
worker in one
It bothers me that I spend most of my
time correcting problems that I didn't create. And I'm not the
only one who spends most of their time correcting problems that
other people created. There are millions of people doing this.
So I figured, since I'm going to spend most of my time solving
problems, I should at least try to find out why these problems
even exist. So I can work on the cure and not just the
treatment. And what I have observed is that problems exist
because too many people don't have enough knowledge and
information that would make them aware enough so that they can
see that they are creating problems. So people need access to
the right knowledge and right information that would make them
more informed about themselves and the world around them. And
the best way to do this is by creating an extremely high quality
education that would be available to every man, women and child
on the planet. And we can easily do this by using computer
software. The internet
connects more then just computers, the internet connects
minds. And when people finally do understand this ability, the saying "the word travels fast" will
be an understatement."
"The world is moving so fast these days that the man who says it can't be done is generally interrupted
by someone doing it."
The Word - Language Development
Deb Roy:
The Birth of a Word (youtube) -
The Birth of a Word: Deb Roy (video and interactive text)
Human Speechome Project is an effort to observe and computationally
model the
longitudinal language development of a single child at an
unprecedented scale. To achieve this, we are recording, storing,
visualizing, and analyzing communication and behavior patterns in over
200,000 hours of home video and
speech recordings. The
tools that are being developed for mining and learning from hundreds of
terabytes of multimedia data offer the potential for breaking open new
business opportunities for a broad range of industries from security to
Internet commerce.
Machine Language of the Human Brain -
Babies First Words -
Word Games -
Learning to Speak
New insights on infant word learning. Psychology researchers provide a
fresh perspective on how infants connect names with objects, a critical
skill for language development. Before they can speak, infants between the
ages of 7 and 11 months begin to pair the words they hear with the
everyday objects in their surroundings. To explain this phenomenon, the
field of developmental psychology has focused on "naming moments," when
the names and objects are presented to the infant at the same time.
However, the names of objects are rarely spoken in tandem with the
objects, and the brain's hippocampal memory system, which can form strong
memories from singular events, may not be mature enough in infants for
them to form durable memories of those rare direct co-occurrences between
objects and names. Early language learning may be tied to memory
representations that build up over time, rather than to repeated
connections between words and objects. This broader view of object name
learning ultimately aligns with a memory system operating in the brain's
neocortex that is known to be functional in infancy and builds up memory
representations over long stretches of time, Smith said. Well-established
memories are re-activated by new information, the new information is
rapidly integrated into the existing memory. A single instance of hearing
the word "table," for example, will make sense when it is heard in the
context of visual memories of a table. It's across these two "timescales
of experience" -- and the workings of the neocortical memory system --
that the researchers assert infants make their first links between words
and objects. "The idea is that over long periods of time, traces of memory
for visual objects are being built up slowly in the neocortex," Clerkin
said. "When a word is spoken at a specific moment and the memory trace is
also reactivated close in time to the name, this mechanism allows the
infants to make a connection rapidly."
Properties of 'baby talk' similar across many languages. A study by
the University of York and Aarhus University has revealed that baby talk
displays similar properties across 36 languages. '
talk' or
directed speech or IDS refers to the way caregivers talk to young
infants, and generally includes a high-pitched, slow-paced, animated
speech. This spontaneous, automatic and intuitive way of speaking has been
studied for decades to understand why human beings communicate in this way
with infants and what it might suggest about child development. The York
and Aarhus team addressed the question of whether IDS had a universal
quality -- does it, for example, have the same properties in English as it
does in other languages? They also addressed whether this changes as the
child's grasp on language and speech increases. Using a meta-analytic
method, they examined all previous studies that investigated sound
properties of IDS and asked what these revealed about its function in
child language development. They found that certain features of IDS, such
as pitch, melody, and articulation rates have the same properties across
most of the world's languages. How much caregivers exaggerate the
differences between vowel sounds, however, was markedly different across
the languages.
Parents talk more to toddlers who talk back. Girls babble their way to
bigger vocabularies sooner than boys, but it's not because parents talk to
them more. These are just a few of the thousands of words scientists
painstakingly decoded from over 2,100 hours of recorded conversations to
determine if the amount of language kids hear explains why girls have
bigger vocabularies early in life. It doesn't. Instead, the scientists
found that caregivers just talk more to toddlers after they say their
first word, which suggests that children actively influence their own
language development.
Baby Ryan "Sings"
Thunderstruck (youtube) - I recorded my son making
baby noises,
figured out the notes he made, and arranged them into "Thunderstruck" by
Enabling human-machine collaborations for listening, learning and engaging
across communities
Word (by Definition)
is a single distinct meaningful element of speech or
writing, used
with others (or sometimes alone) to form a
sentence and
typically shown with a space on either side when written or
printed. A unit of
language that native speakers can identify.
Choose and use particular words in order to say or write
(something). A brief statement. A verbal command for action.
Put into words or an expression. Information about recent and
important events. An exchange of views on some topic.
A promise. A word is a string of bits stored in computer memory.
secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group.
The sacred writings of the Christian
religions. The divine word
of God; the second person in the Trinity.
Trinity is the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one
Three people considered as a unit.
Cardinal Number is the number of elements in a mathematical. set; denotes a
quantity but not the order.
Word as an exclamation, informal
used to express agreement.
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Words (reading)
War of Words
is an argument in which people or groups criticize and disagree with each
other publicly and repeatedly for usually a long time.
Word Up is a slang phrase used to say that
you agree with a statement, or a term of mutual approval and agreement
between associates.
Word is to speak
out and to tell the truth and say something meaningful.
What is the one word that you can use
to describe you?
Just because its on TV does not make
it relevant or make it important. Once we create education channels on TV that run 24 hours a day, Deb Roy
can use the same tools used in the video above
to analyze things that are important and relevant, like what people want
to learn, and how they prefer to learn.
Media Literacy.
"The Word Travels Fast"
The Word"
The Beatles (youtube)
Say the word and you'll be free
Say the word and be like me
Say the word I'm thinking of
Have you heard the word is love?
It's so fine, it's sunshine
It's the word, love
In the beginning I misunderstood
But now I've got it, the word is good

Spread the word and you'll be free
Spread the word and be like me
Spread the work I'm thinking of
Have you heard the word is love?
It's so fine, it's sunshine
It's the word, love
Everywhere I go I hear it said
In the good and bad books that I have read
Say the word and you'll be free
Say the word and be like me
Say the word I'm thinking of
Have you heard the word is love?
It's so fine, it's sunshine
It's the word, love
Now that I know what I feel must be right
I'm here to show everybody the light
Give the word a chance to say
That the word is just the way
It's the word I'm thinking of
And the only word is love
It's so fine, it's sunshine
It's the word, love
Say the word, love
Say the word, love
Say the word, love
Say the word,
"I know you can't keep up with all the updates, or decipher them
correctly or accurately. I will explain everything soon enough,
in the mean time, keep reading."
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