Tools for a Healthy Environment - Energy Saving Tools
The age
restoration has begun
Reconstruction 2.0

Energy Independence - The Greening of America.
A step by step
process that is done
simultaneously with other improvements. Continually learning and
continually improving.
Energy Monitoring -
Efficiency -
Heat -
Cellphones -
Noise -
Air Quality (indoor)
Light Communication -
Li-Fi -
Green Building -
Environmental Education
Eco-Initiatives (actions you can take)
Green Products -
Ideas -
Environmental Awareness Books -
Sayings about the Environment
Environmental Quotes
Efficient Energy Use
Before you buy
energy saving devices or
clean energy producing products you
should first have your home inspected by a
building analyst who
could perform an
energy audit to determine
building performance so that you are aware of the
improvements that you can make to your house in order for it to
be energy
efficient as possible.
Big 5 Needs -
Energy -
Electrical Power -
Energy Efficient Appliances -
Passive Design
Building Analyst
performs a comprehensive energy audit and whole-home assessments to
identify problems at the root cause and prescribes and prioritizes solutions based on
building science. which is the collection of scientific knowledge and
experience that focuses on the analysis and control of the physical
phenomena affecting buildings and architecture. It traditionally includes
areas such as building materials, building envelope, heating, ventilation
and air conditioning systems, natural and electrical lighting, acoustic,
indoor air quality, passive strategies, fire protection, and renewable
energies in buildings. In Europe, building physics and applied physics are
terms used for the knowledge domain that overlaps with building science.
The practical purpose of building science is to provide predictive
capability to optimize the building performance of new and existing
buildings, understand or prevent building failures, and guide the design
of new techniques and technologies.
Building Codes -
Conservation -
Location -
Architectural Lighting Design
Energy Audit is an inspection, survey and analysis of
flows, for energy conservation in a building, process or system to reduce
the amount of energy input into the system without negatively affecting
the output(s). In commercial and industrial real estate, an energy audit
is the first step in identifying opportunities to reduce energy expense
and carbon footprints.
Building Performance
is the efficiency of
functioning of buildings and the
industry, its impact on natural environment, urban environment and its
users. It is achieved through means such as architectural design values,
building science,
architectural engineering, efficient energy use and
Building Envelope -
LEED Rating System
is a framework for healthy, efficient, carbon and cost-saving green
LEED Certification is a globally recognized symbol of sustainability
achievement and leadership.
Energy Savings Performance Contract also known as Energy Performance
Contracts, are an alternative financing mechanism authorized by the United
States Congress designed to accelerate investment in cost effective energy
conservation measures in existing Federal buildings.
Smart Homes
Conservation is the effort made to reduce the
consumption of energy by using less of an energy service. This can be achieved either by
using energy more efficiently (using less energy for a constant
service) or by reducing the amount a service used (for example, by driving less).
Derating is the operation of a device at less than its rated maximum
capability in order to
prolong its life.
Typical examples include operation below the maximum power rating, current
rating, or voltage rating.
Safe Operating Area is defined as the voltage and current conditions
over which the device can be expected to
operate without self-damage.
Underclocking is modifying a computer or electronic circuit's timing
settings to run at a lower clock rate than is specified. Underclocking is
used to
reduce a computer's power consumption,
increase battery life, reduce heat emission, and it may also increase the
system's stability and compatibility. Underclocking may be implemented by
the factory, but many computers and components may be underclocked by the end user.
Energy Monitoring
Install an Energy Monitor so that you are fully aware how of much energy
you use and what Appliances and Devices are using the most
energy. You should also have a monitor that measures
Pressure and
Carbon Monoxide.
Energy Use Monitor (amazon)
Whole House Energy Monitors
Smart Homes
Home Energy Monitor
The Parce
ALYT, Self-learning, DIY installation, smart home & security
Energy Detective
Energy Efficiency Programs
Home Energy
Home Energy Assessment
Learn how to Measure your Energy use and Energy Costs
Energy Management System is a system of computer-aided tools
used by operators of electric utility grids to monitor, control, and
optimize the performance of the generation and/or transmission system.
Energy Monitoring and Targeting is an energy efficiency technique
based on the standard management axiom stating that “you cannot manage
what you cannot measure”. M&T techniques provide energy managers with
feedback on operating practices, results of energy management projects,
and guidance on the level of energy use that is expected in a certain
period. Importantly, they also give early warning of unexpected excess
consumption caused by equipment malfunctions, operator error, unwanted
user behaviours, lack of effective maintenance and the like. The
foundation of M&T lies in determining the normal relationships of energy
consumptions to relevant driving factors (HVAC equipment, production
though puts, weather, occupancy available daylight, etc.) and the goal is
to help business managers: Identify and explain excessive energy use.
Detect instances when consumption is unexpectedly higher or lower than
would usually have been the case. Visualize energy consumption trends
(daily, weekly, seasonal, operational…). Determine future energy use and
costs when planning changes in the business. Diagnose specific areas of
wasted energy. Observe how changes to relevant driving factors impact
energy efficiency. Develop performance targets for energy management
programs. Manage energy consumption, rather than accept it as a fixed
cost. The ultimate goal is to reduce energy costs through improved energy
efficiency and energy management control. Other benefits generally include
increased resource efficiency, improved production budgeting and reduction
of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Some Electronic Energy Meters can give False Readings that are up to 582%
Higher than Actual Energy Consumption.
Units of Energy is defined via work, the SI unit for
energy is the same as the unit of
work – the joule (J).
Electricity Meter is a device that measures the amount of
electric energy consumed by a residence, a business, or an electrically
powered device.
Power Usage Effectiveness is a measure of how efficiently a
computer data center uses energy; specifically, how much energy is used by
the computing equipment (in contrast to cooling and other overhead).
Voltage Sweet Spot is when appliances use as little energy as
possible. Like when you drive your car between 10mph to 90mph, it operates
most efficiently at 50mph.
Power Analysis is a form of side channel attack in which the
attacker studies the power consumption of a cryptographic hardware device
(such as a smart card, tamper-resistant "black box", or integrated
circuit). The attack can non-invasively extract cryptographic keys and
other secret information from the device.
Energy Use of Appliances and Estimating Energy Consumption
Energy Saver
Home Improvement Audits
Energy Hub
Nest Learning
Control 4
Eco Smart Outlet
Energy Alternatives
Green Living Ideas
Monitors for Elderly
Sense installs in your
home's electrical panel and provides insight into your energy use and home
activity through our free iOS/Android apps.
The Contros: Control your Appliances from Anywhere.
Ecoisme: Intelligent Energy Monitoring System.
Intelligent Energy Systems - Stanford University (PDF)
Location, Location, Location
CURB is a home energy monitoring system that helps you take
control of your home and all the energy it uses.
P3 P4400 Kill A Watt Electricity Usage Monitor (amazon)
Neur Home Energy
Smart Strip LCG5 Energy Saving Power Strip with Auto-Switching
Technology and Modem/Coaxial Surge Protection (amazon)
Blue Line Innovations BLI 28000 PowerCost Monitor (amazon)
Noria: window air conditioner designed entirely with you
in mind
for Monitoring and Measuring Energy -
Joulebug -
Leafully -
Kill ur Watts -
Green-button -
Things Control Apps -
The Internet of Things
Connect Pays you for saving energy at specific times. Save Energy. Get
Watt Rebate search by zip code to find loans or tax rebates
for becoming more energy efficient by state.
Watt -
Solar Power -
Human Energy -
Sleep Monitoring
In 2010, the average annual
electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer
was 11,496 kWh a year, an average of 958
Kilowatt Hours (kWh) per month. Tennessee had the highest
annual consumption - 16,716 kWh.
Maine the lowest at 6,252 kWh.
Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio of a unit is the cooling output
during a typical cooling-season divided by the total electric energy input
during the same period. The higher the unit's
rating the more energy efficient it is. In the U.S., the SEER is the ratio
of cooling in British thermal unit (BTU) to the energy consumed in
watt-hours. The coefficient of performance (COP), a more universal
unit-less measure of efficiency, is discussed in the following section.
The annual total cooling output would be:
5000 BTU/h × 8 h/day × 125
days/year = 5,000,000 BTU/year. With a SEER of 10 BTU/W·h, the annual
electrical energy usage would be about: 5,000,000 BTU/year / 10 BTU/(W·h)
= 500,000 W·h/year. The average power usage may also be calculated more
simply by: Average power = (BTU/h) / (SEER) = 5000 / 10 = 500 W. If your
electricity cost is 20¢/kW·h, then your cost per operating hour is: 0.5 kW
* 20¢/kW·h = 10¢/h.
Weather Monitors
WeatherFlow Smart Weather Stations: AIR detects lightning
and warns you of approaching storms. AIR also measures
temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure, wind speed and
direction, measure sunlight (including UV Index), Rain
(haptic rain sensor), WiFi and Bluetooth, Low Energy
connectivity, Long Battery Life.
Lightning-Prediction System detects atmospheric
conditions likely to produce lightning strikes and sounds an alarm,
warning those nearby that lightning is imminent and giving them the chance
to find safety before the storm arrives in the area. Lightning protection
systems are often installed in outdoor areas which are often congested
with people, lack sufficient shelter, and are difficult to evacuate
quickly (such as water parks, college campuses, and large swimming pool or
athletic field complexes). These locations are particularly dangerous
during lightning storms. Prediction systems are prone to false alarms as
they respond to conditions that are not always attributed to a developing
thunderstorm. Electric field data is typically used in conjunction with
detection information to limit false positives.
Acurite Weather Station
WeatherAtPoint - World's Smallest Weather Station Real-time, accurate
weather measurements straight to your mobile device at the blink of an
eye. Temperature, humidity, UV, atmospheric pressure and ambient light to
your mobile device without a battery or internet connection, to help
you go through your day without any weather surprises.
Indoor Weather Monitor (amazon)
WeatherFlow-Tempest - AI-Powered Weather App With Guaranteed Accuracy.
Weather (world) -
Atmosphere -
Weather Effects on Mood
OVAL smart sensor system for your home or office. Each sensor monitors
motion, light, temp, moisture, proximity & flood - sending you instant
Radiant Barrier are a type of thermal (
heat) insulations that prevents
heat transfer by
Thermal Radiation.
Thermal Energy may also be transferred
Conduction, which is
the transfer of heat (internal energy) by microscopic collisions of
particles and movement of electrons within a body. Or
which is the heat transfer due to bulk movement of molecules within fluids
such as gases and liquids, including molten rock (rheid). Convection takes
place through advection, diffusion or both, however, and radiant barriers do not
necessarily protect against
Transfer via conduction (without airspace
facing the heat source) or convection (perforated). There are many
definitions of thermal/heat insulation and it is commonly misinterpreted
as “Bulk/Mass/Batt Insulation”, which is actually used to resist
conduction heat transfer with certain
R-values. Heat/thermal insulation is
a barrier material which resists/blocks/reflects
heat energy (either one
or more of conduction, convection or radiation) to prevent its transfer
through the boundary between two systems which are at different
temperatures. Heat transfer always occurs from a region of higher
temperature to one of lower temperature. Radiant barrier (or reflective)
insulation is heat/thermal insulation which reflects radiation heat
(radiant heat), preventing transfer from one side to another due to a
reflective (or low emittance) surface. As such materials reflect radiant
heat with negligible “R-values” they should also be classified as
thermal/heat insulation.
Thermal Bridge is an area or component of an object which has higher
thermal conductivity than the surrounding materials, creating
a path of least resistance for heat transfer.
Thermal bridges result in an overall reduction in thermal resistance of
the object. The term is frequently discussed in the context of a
building's thermal envelope where thermal bridges result in heat transfer
into or out of conditioned space. Thermal bridges in buildings may impact
the amount of energy required to
heat and cool a space, cause condensation
(moisture) within the building envelope, and result in thermal discomfort.
There are strategies to reduce or prevent thermal bridging, such as
limiting the amount of building members that span from unconditioned to
conditioned space and applying continuous insulation materials to create
thermal breaks.
Thermal Break is
an element of low
thermal conductivity placed in an assembly to
reduce or prevent the
flow of thermal energy between conductive materials. The opposite of a
thermal barrier is a thermal bridge. In architecture and building
construction some examples include the following: A thermal break is also
a load-bearing thermal insulation system used in reinforced concrete
structures to form a thermal break between cantilever structures and
internal floor. Insulated glazing – the air or gas between the panes stops
the conductive thermal energy from passing through the glass. Metal window
or curtain wall framing – a separator material is used between the inner
and outer frames to prevent the temperature transfer through the frame and
condensation on the inside frame. Concrete work – a single row of concrete
masonry units (CMU block) is commonly set between the inner concrete slab
and exterior concrete work to prevent the transfer of heat or cold through
the slab. Garage doors – in some doors that have high R-rating insulation,
a vinyl thermal break is used along the edges of each segment instead of
rolled steel. Metal and wood framed buildings - an insulation material
installed on the roof, walls and floor prevents thermal short circuit
creating the heat transfer through the framing material and controls when
desired (winter/summer)resulting in energy savings. Metal windows and
doors (Aluminium, Steel etc.) - separating the frame into two separate
interior and exterior pieces joined with a less conductive material
reduces temperature transfer. Thermal breaks (made of substantially rigid,
low thermal conductive polyamide or polyurethane which is mechanically
locked in aluminum window framing can be more than a thousand times less
conductive than aluminum and a hundred times less than steel. In addition
thermal breaks can have the added benefit of reducing sound transmittance
by dampening vibration. With outstanding thermal breaks, aluminium frames
are able to be used for passive houses. The geometry and material of
thermal breaks are aimed to decrease heat loss because of conduction,
convection and radiation. Conduction is decreased by using materials with
minimum lambda values and also using profiles with hollow chambers.
Convection is decreased by using flags on insulation profiles. And
radiation is decreased by using low-e folio (e.g. insulbar LEF) on these
is a synthetic porous ultralight material derived from a gel, in which the
liquid component for the gel has been replaced with a gas. The result is a
solid with extremely low density and low thermal conductivity. Nicknames
include frozen smoke, solid smoke, solid air, solid cloud, blue smoke
owing to its translucent nature and the way light scatters in the
material. It feels like fragile expanded polystyrene to the touch.
Aerogels can be made from a variety of chemical compounds.
By making tube aerogel out of carbon tubes, we can design an analogous
elastic and lightweight material that traps heat without degrading
noticeably over its lifetime.
Expansion Joint is an assembly designed to
safely absorb the
temperature-induced expansion and contraction of construction materials,
to absorb vibration, to hold parts together, or to allow movement due to
ground settlement or earthquakes. They are commonly found between sections
of buildings, bridges, sidewalks, railway tracks, piping systems, ships,
and other structures. Building faces, concrete slabs, and pipelines expand
and contract due to warming and cooling from seasonal variation, or due to
other heat sources. Before expansion joint gaps were built into these
structures, they would crack under the stress induced.
Heat Recovery Ventilation also known as mechanical ventilation heat
recovery (MVHR), is an energy recovery ventilation system using equipment
known as a heat recovery ventilator, heat exchanger,
air exchanger, or
air-to-air heat exchanger which employs a cross flow or counter-flow heat
exchanger (countercurrent heat exchange) between the inbound and outbound
air flow. By recovering the residual heat in the exhaust gas, the fresh
air introduced into the air conditioning system is pre-heated
(pre-cooled), and the fresh air enthalpy is increased (reduced) before the
fresh air enters the room or the air cooler of the air
conditioning unit performs heat and
moisture treatment.
A typical heat recovery system in buildings consists of a core unit,
channels for fresh air and exhaust air, and blower fans. Building exhaust
air is used as either a heat source or heat sink depending on the climate
conditions, time of year and requirements of the building. Heat recovery
systems typically recover about 60–95% of the heat in exhaust air and have
significantly improved the
energy efficiency of
Energy Recovery Ventilators
are closely related; however, ERVs also transfer the
humidity level of the
exhaust air to the
intake air.
Heat Exchanger is a device used to
transfer heat between two or more
fluids. The fluids may be separated by a solid wall to prevent mixing or
they may be in direct contact. They are widely used in space heating,
refrigeration, air conditioning, power stations, chemical plants,
petrochemical plants, petroleum refineries, natural-gas processing, and
sewage treatment. The classic example of a heat exchanger is found in an
internal combustion engine in which a circulating fluid known as engine
coolant flows through radiator coils and air flows past the coils, which
cools the coolant and heats the incoming air. Another example is the heat
sink, which is a passive heat exchanger that transfers the heat generated
by an electronic or a mechanical device to a fluid medium, often air or a
liquid coolant.
Passive Heating and
Cooling -
Stoves -
House Heating
Pump is a device that transfers heat energy from a source of heat to a
destination called a "
heat sink". Heat pumps are designed to move thermal
energy in the opposite direction of spontaneous heat transfer by absorbing
heat from a cold space and releasing it to a warmer one. A heat pump uses
a small amount of external power to accomplish the work of transferring
energy from the heat source to the heat sink. While air conditioners and
freezers are familiar examples of heat pumps, the term "heat pump" is more
general and applies to many
HVAC (heating,
ventilating, and
air conditioning) devices used for space heating or space
cooling. When a heat pump is used for heating, it employs the same basic
refrigeration-type cycle used by an air conditioner or a refrigerator, but
in the opposite direction - releasing heat into the conditioned space
rather than the surrounding environment. In this use, heat pumps generally
draw heat from the cooler external air or from the ground. In heating
mode, heat pumps are three to four times more effective at heating than
simple electrical resistance heaters using the same amount of electricity.
The typical installation cost of a heat pump is about 20 times greater
than that of resistance heaters.
AI-Designed Heat Pumps compressors consume 25% less energy using a
machine-learning process called
regression to come up with simple equations for quickly calculating
the optimal dimensions of a
turbocompressor for a given heat pump.
Energy Quest USA (youtube) -
Earth The Operators Manual
District Heating is a system for distributing heat generated in a
centralized location through a system of insulated pipes for residential
and commercial heating requirements such as space heating and water heating.
Coefficient of Performance of a heat pump, refrigerator or air
conditioning system is a ratio of useful heating or cooling provided to
work required. Higher COPs equate to lower operating costs. The COP
usually exceeds 1, especially in heat pumps, because, instead of just
converting work to heat (which, if 100% efficient, would be a COP of 1),
it pumps additional heat from a heat source to where the heat is required.
For complete systems, COP calculations should include energy consumption
of all power consuming auxiliaries. COP is highly dependent on operating
conditions, especially absolute temperature and relative temperature
between sink and system, and is often graphed or averaged against expected
conditions. Performance of Absorption refrigerator chillers is typically
much lower, as they are not heat pumps relying on compression, but instead
rely on chemical reactions driven by heat.
Thermal Energy.
Heating Seasonal Performance Factor is a term used in the heating and
cooling industry. HSPF is specifically used to measure the efficiency of
air source heat pumps. HSPF is defined as the ratio of heat output
(measured in BTUs) over the heating season to electricity used (measured
in watt-hours). It therefore has units of BTU/watt-hr. The higher the HSPF
rating of a unit, the more energy efficient it is. An electrical
resistance heater, which is not considered efficient, has an HSPF of 3.41.
Depending on the system, an HSPF = 8 can be considered high efficiency and
worthy of a US Energy Tax Credit.
Usage Effectiveness is a ratio that describes how efficiently a
computer data center uses energy; specifically, how much energy is used by
the computing equipment (in contrast to cooling and other overhead). PUE
is the ratio of total amount of energy used by a computer data center
facility to the energy delivered to computing equipment. PUE is the
inverse of data center infrastructure efficiency (DCIE).
Insulation is a material that reduces or prevents the transmission of
heat or
sound or
electricity. The act of protecting something by surrounding it with
material that reduces or prevents the transmission of sound or heat or
Building Insulation is any object in a building used as insulation for
any purpose. While the majority of insulation in buildings is for thermal
purposes, the term also applies to acoustic insulation, fire insulation,
and impact insulation (e.g. for vibrations caused by industrial
applications). Often an insulation material will be chosen for its ability
to perform several of these functions at once.
Building Insulation Materials (wiki).
Thermal Insulation is the reduction of heat transfer (i.e. the
transfer of thermal energy between objects of differing temperature)
between objects in thermal contact or in range of radiative influence.
Thermal insulation can be achieved with specially engineered methods or
processes, as well as with suitable object shapes and materials. Heat flow
is an inevitable consequence of contact between objects of different
temperature. Thermal insulation provides a region of insulation in which
thermal conduction is reduced or thermal radiation is reflected rather
than absorbed by the lower-temperature body. The insulating capability of
a material is measured as the inverse of thermal conductivity (k). Low
thermal conductivity is equivalent to high insulating capability
(Resistance value). In thermal engineering, other important properties of
insulating materials are product density (ρ) and specific heat capacity
Vacuum Insulated Panel is a form of thermal insulation consisting of a
gas-tight enclosure surrounding a rigid core, from which the air has been
evacuated. It is used in building construction, refrigeration units, and
insulated shipping containers to provide better insulation performance
than conventional insulation materials.
Building Envelope is the physical separator between the conditioned
and unconditioned environment of a building including the resistance to
air, water, heat, light, and noise transfer.
Windows (double pane or triple pane?) -
Smart Home
is the process of preparing something for winter.
Weatherization Assistance Program helps lowering energy costs for
700,000 low-income U.S. households over the next five years.
Weatherization Assistance Program Improvements Act of 2022 - S.3769.
R-Value in insulation is a
measure of thermal resistance, or ability of
heat to transfer from hot to cold, through materials (such as insulation)
and assemblies of materials (such as walls and floors).
Higher the
the Greater the Insulating Effectiveness and the more a material prevents heat transfer.
The R-value depends on the type of insulation,
its thickness, and its
density, it also depends on
materials' resistance to heat conduction, as well as the thickness and
(for loose or
porous material) any heat losses due to convection and
radiative heat transfer. However, it does not account for the radiative or
convective properties of the material's surface, which may be an important
factor for some applications. R varies with temperature, but in
construction it is common to treat it as being constant for a given
material (or assembly). It is closely related to the thermal transmittance
(U-value) of a material or assembly, but is easier to manipulate in some
calculations, since it can be simply added for materials and assemblies
that are arranged in layers, or scaled proportionately if the thickness of
a material changes. R-values expressed in United States customary units
are about 5.68 times larger than those expressed in metric (SI) units.
R-Value of 50 is considered to be Good and
Super-Insulating Aerogel for Windows and Mars. A new gel could
increase energy efficiency in skyscrapers and help scientists to build
habitats on Mars. The gel looks like a flattened plastic contact lens, is
so resistant to heat that you could put a strip of it on your hand and a
fire on top without feeling a thing. But unlike similar products on the
market, the material is mostly see-through. Aerogels are at least 90
percent gas by weight. Their thin films are made up of crisscrossing
patterns of solid material that trap air inside billions of tiny pores,
similar to the bubbles in bubble wrap. It's that trapping capacity that
makes them such good insulators. We're envisioning a retrofitting product
that would basically be a peel-and-stick film that a consumer would buy at
Home Depot.
How much Energy do Appliances use -
Efficient Appliances -
Keep House Cool Tips -
Cool Yourself
Water Saving Tools -
Thermal Energy
Organic Window Caulking -
PCB's in Caulk -
Organic Building
Organic Spray Foam Insulation
5 Green Insulation Options
Sustainable Sources
This Old House
Green Alternative Insulation Materials
M-D Building Products 71548 Replaceable Cord Weatherstrip, 90
Feet, Gray (amazon)
W. J. Dennis MJ Replacement Steel Door Bottom Weatherstrip (amazon)
Red Devil 0876 Window & Door Siliconized Acrylic Clear Caulk
10.1 Oz. Cartridge (amazon)
Duck Brand 281504 Indoor 5-Window Shrink Film Kit,
62-by-210-Inch (amazon)
Organic Insulation
Materials may not have as high an
R-value per inch as
Polystyrene and
Fiberglass, but when they are used in sufficient quantity,
they can provide sufficient insulation. You need to consider the other
advantages of organic materials, in that they breathe, they absorb and
give off moisture, they are non-toxic, fire proof, insect proof, they take
very little energy to process, they can be easily recycled, and they store
Phase-Change Material is a substance which releases/absorbs sufficient
energy at phase transition to provide useful heat/cooling. Generally the
transition will be from one of the first two fundamental states of matter
- solid and liquid - to the other. The phase transition may also be
between non-classical states of matter, such as the conformity of
crystals, where the material goes from conforming to one crystalline
structure to conforming to another, which may be a higher or lower energy
state. The energy released/absorbed by phase transition from solid to
liquid, or vice versa, the heat of fusion is generally much higher than
the sensible heat. Ice, for example, requires 333.55 J/g to melt, but then
water will rise one degree further with the addition of just 4.18 J/g.
Water/ice is therefore a very useful phase change material and has been
used to store winter cold to cool buildings in summer since at least the
time of the Achaemenid Empire. By melting and solidifying at the phase
change temperature (PCT), a PCM is capable of storing and releasing large
amounts of energy compared to sensible heat storage. Heat is absorbed or
released when the material changes from solid to liquid and vice versa or
when the internal structure of the material changes; PCMs are accordingly
referred to as latent heat storage (LHS) materials. There are two
principal classes of phase change material: organic (carbon-containing)
materials derived either from petroleum, from plants or from animals; and
salt hydrates, which generally either use natural salts from the sea or
from mineral deposits or are by-products of other processes. A third class
is solid to solid phase change. PCMs are used in many different commercial
applications where energy storage and/or stable temperatures are required,
including, among others, heating pads, cooling for telephone switching
boxes, and clothing. By far the biggest potential market is for building
heating and cooling. PCMs are currently attracting a lot of attention for
this application due to the progressive reduction in the cost of renewable
electricity, coupled with limited hours of availability, resulting in a
misfit between peak demand and availability of supply. In North America,
China, Japan, Australia, Southern Europe and other developed countries
with hot summers peak supply is at midday while peak demand is from around
17:00 to 20:00. This creates a lot of demand for storage media.
Solid-liquid phase change materials are usually encapsulated for
installation in the end application, to contain in the liquid state. In
some applications, especially when incorporation to textiles is required,
phase change materials are micro-encapsulated. Micro-encapsulation allows
the material to remain solid, in the form of small bubbles, when the PCM
core has melted.
Thermal Efficiency is a dimensionless performance measure of a device
that uses
thermal energy, such
as an internal combustion engine, a steam turbine or a steam engine, a
boiler, furnace, or a refrigerator for example. For a heat engine, thermal
efficiency is the fraction of the energy added by heat (primary energy)
that is converted to net work output (secondary energy). In the case of a
refrigeration or heat pump cycle, thermal efficiency is the ratio of net
heat output for heating, or removal for cooling, to energy input (the
coefficient of performance).
Mold - Air Barriers
Indoor Mold should
be avoided. Mold reproduce by means of tiny
spores. The spores
are like seeds, but invisible to the naked eye, that float through the
air. Mold may begin growing indoors when spores land on moist surfaces.
There are many types of mold, but all require moisture and a food source
for growth. It may be found behind wallpaper or paneling, on the inside of
ceiling tiles, the back of drywall, or the underside of carpets or carpet
padding. Piping in walls may also be a source of mold, since they may leak
(causing moisture and condensation). Mold is detectable by smell and signs
of water damage on walls or ceiling and can grow in places invisible to
the human eye. It may be found behind wallpaper or paneling, on the inside
of ceiling tiles, the back of drywall, or the underside of carpets or
carpet padding. Piping in walls may also be a source of mold, since they
may leak (causing moisture and condensation).
Spores need three things to grow into mold: nutrients - cellulose
(the cell wall of green plants) is a common food for indoor spores;
moisture - To begin the decaying process caused by mold; time -mold growth
begins from 24 hours to 10 days after the provision of growing conditions.
Mold colonies can grow inside buildings, and the chief hazard is the
inhalation of mycotoxins. After a flood or major leak, mycotoxin levels
are higher even after a building has dried out. Food sources for mold in
buildings include cellulose-based materials such as wood, cardboard and
the paper facing on drywall and organic matter such as soap, fabrics and
dust-containing skin cells. If a house has mold, the moisture may
originate in the basement or crawl space, a leaking roof or a leak in
plumbing pipes. Insufficient ventilation may accelerate moisture buildup.
Visible mold colonies may form where ventilation is poorest and on
perimeter walls (because they are nearest the dew point). If there are
mold problems in a house only during certain times of the year, the house
is probably too airtight or too drafty. Mold problems occur in airtight
homes more frequently in the warmer months (when humidity is high inside
the house, and moisture is trapped), and occur in drafty homes more
frequently in the colder months (when warm air escapes from the living
area and condenses). If a house is artificially humidified during the
winter, this can create conditions favorable to mold. Moving air may
prevent mold from growing, since it has the same desiccating effect as low
humidity. Mold grow best in warm temperatures, 77 to 86 °F (25 to 30 °C),
although growth may occur between 32 and 95 °F (0 and 35 °C). Removing one
of the three requirements for mold reduces (or eliminates) new mold
growth: moisture; food for the mold spores (for example, dust or dander);
and warmth since mold generally does not grow in cold environments. HVAC
systems can produce all three requirements for mold growth. The air
conditioning system creates a difference in temperature, encouraging
condensation. The high rate of dusty air movement through an HVAC system
may furnish ample food for mold. Since the air-conditioning system is not
always running, warm conditions are the final component for mold growth.
Mold is part of the natural environment.
Mold play an important part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter
such as fallen leaves and dead trees.
Space station mold survives high doses of ionizing radiation.
Vapor Barrier is
any material used for damp proofing, typically a plastic or foil sheet,
resists diffusion of moisture through wall, ceiling and floor
assemblies of buildings to prevent interstitial condensation and of
packaging. Technically, many of these materials are only vapor retarders
as they have varying degrees of permeability.
Moisture or water vapor
moves into building cavities in three ways: 1) With air currents, 2) By
diffusion through materials, 3) By heat transfer. Of these three, air
movement accounts for more than 98% of all
water vapor movement in
building cavities. A vapor retarder and an air barrier serve to
reduce this problem, but are not necessarily interchangeable. Vapor
retarders slow the rate of
vapor diffusion into the thermal envelope of a
structure. Other
mechanisms, such as wind-borne rain, capillary wicking of ground
moisture, air transport (infiltration), are equally important.
Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate is a measure of the passage of water
vapor through a substance. Vapor should open and
close when needed.
Vapor Retarders in
brick, concrete, stucco walls | Everything you need to know (youtube -
Belinda Carr)
What are Vapor Barriers, Vapor Retarders & Perm Ratings? (youtube -
Belinda Carr)
Climate Zone Building Guide (
Inside vapor barrier or
Outside vapor
barrier?) (Water - Air - Vapor - Thermal)
Air Barrier
air leakage into and out of the building envelope. Air barrier
products may take several forms: Mechanically-attached membranes, also
known as housewraps, usually a polyethylene-fiber or spun-bonded
polyolefin, such as Tyvek is a generally accepted moisture barrier and an
air barrier (ASTM E2178). Self-adhered membranes, which are typically also
a water-resistant barrier and a vapor barrier. Fluid-applied membranes,
such as heavy-bodied paints or coatings including polymeric based and
asphaltic based materials. Closed-cell medium density spray-applied
polyurethane foam, which typically provides insulation as well. Some
open-cell spray-applied polyurethane foam that are of high density.
Boardstock, which includes 12 mm plywood or OSB, 25 mm extruded
polystyrene, etc. Air barriers are divided into air barrier materials, air
barrier accessories, air barrier components, air barrier assemblies and
air barrier systems. Air barrier materials – Building materials that are
designed and constructed to provide the principal plane of airtightness
through an environmental separator, which has an air permeance rate no
greater than 0.02 L/(s•m²) at a pressure difference of 75 Pa when tested
in accordance with ASTM E 2178. Air barrier materials meet the
requirements of the CAN/ULC S741 Air Barrier Material Specification. The
air barrier materials are typically the "big" pieces of material used in
an air barrier assembly. Air barrier accessories – Products designated to
maintain air tightness between air barrier materials, assemblies and
components, to fasten them to the structure of the building, or both
(e.g., sealants, tapes, backer rods, transition membranes, nails/washers,
ties, clips, staples, strapping, primers) and which has an air permeance
rate no greater than 0.02 L/(s•m²) at a pressure difference of 75 Pa when
tested in accordance with ASTM E 2178. Air barrier components are used to
connect and seal air barrier materials and/or air barrier assemblies
together. Air barrier components – Pre-manufactured elements such as
windows, doors and service elements that are installed in the
environmental separator and sealed by air barrier accessories and which
have an air leakage rate no greater than 0.20 L/(s•m²) at a pressure
difference of 75 Pa when tested in accordance with ASTM E 2357. Air
barrier assemblies – Combinations of air barrier materials and air barrier
accessories that are designated and designed within the environmental
separator to act as a continuous barrier to the movement of air through
the environmental separator and which has an air leakage rate no greater
than 0.20 L/(s•m²) at a pressure difference of 75 Pa when tested in
accordance with ASTM E 2357. Air barrier systems – Combinations of air
barrier assemblies and air barrier components, connected by air barrier
accessories, that are designed to provide a continuous barrier to the
movement of air through an environmental separator, which has an air
leakage rate no greater than 2.00 L/(s•m²) at a pressure difference of 75
Pa when tested in accordance with ASTM E 779 or CAN/CGSB 149.10 or CAN/CGSB
149.15. Air barriers and water vapor. Some air barriers may be water vapor
permeable, while others perform the function of a vapour barrier. This is
because water fits through narrower pores than the other main constituents
of air, oxygen(O2) and nitrogen. Air and moisture can be forced into
wall and ceiling cavities where
water vapor condenses
and fosters the growth of mold. Warm air exiting the top of the house
can draw in cold air to replace it, wasting heat and energy.
Home Ventilation.
Fresh Air System (reduce indoor air pollutants) -
Mold -
Air Conditioning
Airtightness can be defined as the resistance to inward or outward air
leakage through unintentional leakage points or areas in the building
envelope. This air leakage is driven by differential pressures across the
building envelope due to the combined effects of stack, external wind and
mechanical ventilation systems. Airtightness is the fundamental building
property that impacts
infiltration and exfiltration (the uncontrolled inward and outward
leakage of outdoor air through cracks, interstices or other unintentional
openings of a building, caused by pressure effects of the wind and/or
stack effect). An airtight building has several positive impacts when
combined with an appropriate ventilation system (whether natural,
mechanical, or hybrid):
Lower heating bills due to less heat loss, with potentially smaller
requirements for heating and cooling equipment capacities. Better
performing ventilation system. Reduced chance of mold and rot because
moisture is less likely to enter and become trapped in cavities. Fewer
drafts and thus increased thermal comfort. Leakage typically occurs at the
following locations on the building envelope: Junctions between walls and
other walls or floors.
Junctions between window frames and walls. Electrical equipment.
Access doors and other wall penetrations.
houses need mechanical ventilation to ensure a supply of fresh air
to keep people healthy; and existing houses should not be tightened
without assessing whether the existing combustion appliances have an
adequate source of combustion makeup air.
Securock ExoAir Air Barrier System using gypsum sheathing panel
integrated with a pre-applied fluid air-barrier membrane that controls
air, water and vapor in a very efficient way.
Sheathing is a
protective casing or covering.
Joint Sealant.
Membrane is a pliable
or flexible sheet like structure acting as a boundary, lining, or
partition in an organism. A selective barrier that allows some things to
pass through but stops others. Such things may be molecules, ions, or other small particles.
Air Quality - Clean Air
Indoor Air Quality
refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures,
especially as it relates to the health and comfort of building occupants.
IAQ can be affected by gases (including
carbon monoxide, radon,
organic compounds), particulates, microbial contaminants (mold, bacteria),
or any mass or energy stressor that can induce adverse
health conditions.
Source control, filtration and the use of ventilation to dilute
contaminants are the primary methods for improving indoor air quality in
most buildings. Residential units can further improve indoor air quality
by routine cleaning of carpets and area rugs. Determination of IAQ
involves the collection of air samples, monitoring human exposure to
pollutants, collection of samples on building surfaces, and computer
modeling of air flow inside buildings. IAQ is part of indoor
environmental quality (IEQ), which includes IAQ as well as other physical
and psychological aspects of life indoors (e.g., lighting, visual quality,
acoustics, and thermal comfort). Indoor
air pollution in developing
nations is a major
health hazard. A major source of indoor air pollution
in developing countries is the
burning of biomass (e.g. wood, charcoal,
dung, or crop residue) for heating and
cooking. The resulting exposure to
high levels of
particulate matter resulted in between 1.5 million and 2
million deaths in 2000.
The average human spends
40 years of their life indoors.
Environmental Assessment
Indoor Air Quality
Services -
Importance of Indoor Air Quality
Industrial Hygiene -
Services -
Ozone -
Americans, on average,
spend approximately 90 percent of their time
indoors, where the concentrations of some pollutants are often 2 to 5
times higher than typical outdoor concentrations. People who are often
most susceptible to the adverse effects of pollution (e.g., the very
young, older adults, people with cardiovascular or respiratory disease)
tend to spend even more time indoors. Indoor concentrations of some
pollutants have increased in recent decades due to such factors as
energy-efficient building construction (when it lacks sufficient
mechanical ventilation to ensure adequate air exchange) and increased use
of synthetic building materials, furnishings, personal care products,
pesticides, and household cleaners.
or Formaldehyde indoor levels - 0.000–0.008 mg/m3 100 ppb (parts per
billion) (0.1 mg/m3) for 30 minutes.
or Total Volatile Organic Compounds - indoor levels should be less than
0.3 milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m3) - Acceptable: 0.3–0.5 mg/m3 -
Potentially dangerous: 0.5–1 mg/m3 - Highly dangerous: 1–3 mg/m3
PM2.5 indoor levels - should be
below 12 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3), with occasional spikes not
exceeding 35 µg/m3; meaning levels under 12 µg/m3 are considered safe,
while prolonged exposure above 35 µg/m3 can be unhealthy, especially for
vulnerable populations like children and those with respiratory issues.
PM10 indoor levels maximum exposure of
20 micrograms per cubic meter (μg/m3)
or Carbon Monoxide indoor levels below 9 parts per million (ppm) for an
8-hour period and below 25 ppm for a 1-hour period.
CO2 or Carbon Dioxide levels should be kept
below 1,000 parts per million (ppm).
House Dust particles include paint,
clothing fibers, organic fibers, mold, hair, pets, building materials,
books, carpet, rugs, upholstered furniture, pollen, bacteria, viruses,
insect body parts, flakes of skin, ash, soot, smoke, exhaust, fireplaces,
minerals, and bits of soil, sand and dirt. The average home in the United
States collects 40 pounds of dust each year.
60% of the components of the dust came from indoors, and 40% came from
dirt and other materials tracked in from outside. The average person
creates 1/3 ounce of dead skin each week, which is about the weight of a
car key.
Office air quality may affect employees’ cognition, productivity. The
air quality within an office can have significant impacts on employees'
cognitive function, including response times and ability to focus, and it
may also affect their productivity, according to new research. increased
concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and lower ventilation
rates (measured using carbon dioxide (CO2) levels as a proxy) were
associated with slower response times and reduced accuracy on a series of
cognitive tests. The researchers noted that they observed impaired
cognitive function at concentrations of PM2.5 and CO2 that are common
within indoor environments.
Indoor air quality experiments show exposure risks while cooking and
Aerosol pollutants from cooking may last longer in the atmosphere. New
insights into the behavior of aerosols from cooking emissions and sea
spray reveal that particles may take up more water than previously
thought, potentially changing how long the particles remain in the
atmosphere. They used a technique called Small-Angle X-ray Scattering to
chart the relationship between the structure inside the particle and both
its ability to absorb water and its reactivity.
Filter is a device composed of fibrous or
porous materials which removes
solid particulates such as dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria from the air.
Filters containing an
or catalyst such as charcoal (carbon) may also remove odors and
pollutants such as volatile organic compounds or ozone. Air filters
are used in applications where air quality is important, notably in
building ventilation systems and in engines.
Asthma Allergies.
Purifier is a device which
removes contaminants from the air in a
room. These devices are commonly marketed as being beneficial to allergy
sufferers and asthmatics, and at reducing or eliminating second-hand
tobacco smoke.
HEPA stands for
A HEPA filter is a type of mechanical air filter; it works by forcing air
through a fine mesh that traps harmful particles such as pollen, pet
dander, dust mites, and tobacco smoke. Selecting and Using an Air Filter.
You can find HEPA filters in most air purifiers. To qualify as HEPA by
industry standards, an air filter must remove (from the air that passes
through) 99.97% of particles that have a size greater-than-or-equal-to 0.3
Gas Mask -
Breathing -
Choking or Not Breathing
Sanitizer is a sanitizer that acts on airborne microbiological
organisms or microorganisms. In the United States, a sanitizer is a
disinfectant that is intended to disinfect or sanitize, reducing or
mitigating growth or development of microbiological organisms including
bacteria, fungi or viruses on inanimate surfaces in the household,
institutional, and/or commercial environment and whose labeled directions
for use result in the product being discharged to publicly owned treatment
works (POTWs).
Ionizer is a device that uses high voltage to ionise or electrically
charge air molecules. Negative
ions, or anions, are particles with one or
more extra electron, conferring a net negative charge to the particle. Cations are positive
missing one or more electrons, resulting in a net positive charge. Some
commercial air purifiers are designed to generate negative ions. Another
type of air ioniser is the
electrostatic discharge ioniser (balanced ion generator) used to
neutralise static charge. In 2002, in an obituary in The Independent
newspaper, Cecil Alfred 'Coppy' Laws was credited with being the inventor
of the domestic air ioniser. Air ionisers have been used to eliminate the
occurrence of air-borne bacterial infections and to reduce static
electricity buildup in electronics.
Cold Plasma can Kill 99.9% of Airborne Viruses. Dangerous
airborne viruses
are rendered harmless on-the-fly when exposed to energetic, charged
fragments of air molecules. Non-thermal plasma device that has previously
been proven to achieve greater than 99% inactivation of an airborne viral
surrogate, MS2 phage, a virus that infects E.coli bacteria.
New material can 'capture toxic pollutants from air. A new material is
capable of capturing trace amounts of benzene, a toxic pollutant, from the
air and crucially use less energy than existing materials to do so. The
sponge-like porous material could revolutionize the search for clean air
and have a significant impact in the battle against climate change, the
researchers believe.
Ventilation in architecture is
the intentional introduction of ambient
air into a space and is mainly used to control indoor air quality by
diluting and displacing indoor pollutants; it can also be used for
purposes of thermal comfort or dehumidification. The correct introduction
of ambient air will help to achieve desired indoor comfort levels although
the measure of an ideal comfort level varies from individual to
individual. The intentional introduction of outdoor air can be categorized
as either mechanical ventilation, or natural ventilation. Mechanical
ventilation uses fans to drive the flow of outdoor air into a building.
This may be accomplished by pressurization (in the case of positively
pressurized buildings), or by depressurization (in the case of exhaust
ventilation systems). Many mechanically ventilated buildings use a
combination of both, with the ventilation being integrated into the HVAC
system. Natural ventilation is the intentional passive flow of outdoor air
into a building through planned openings (such as louvers, doors, and
windows). Natural ventilation does not require mechanical systems to move
outdoor air, it relies entirely on passive physical phenomena, such as
diffusion, wind pressure, or the stack effect. Mixed mode ventilation
systems use both mechanical and natural processes. The mechanical and
natural components may be used in conjunction with each other or
separately at different times of day or season of the year. Since the
natural component can be affected by unpredictable environmental
conditions it may not always provide an appropriate amount of ventilation.
In this case, mechanical systems may be used to supplement or to regulate
the naturally driven flow. In many instances, ventilation for indoor air
quality is simultaneously beneficial for the control of thermal comfort.
At these times, it can be useful to increase the rate of ventilation
beyond the minimum required for indoor air quality. Two examples include
air-side economizer strategies and ventilative pre-cooling. In other
instances, ventilation for indoor air quality contributes to the need for
- and energy use by - mechanical heating and cooling equipment. In hot and
humid climates, dehumidification of ventilation air can be a particularly
energy intensive process. Ventilation should be considered for its
relationship to "venting" for appliances and combustion equipment such as
water heaters, furnaces, boilers, and wood stoves. Most importantly, the
design of building ventilation must be careful to avoid the backdraft of
combustion products from "naturally vented" appliances into the occupied
space. This issue is of greater importance in new buildings with more air
tight envelopes. To avoid the hazard, many modern combustion appliances
utilize "direct venting" which draws combustion air directly from
outdoors, instead of from the indoor environment. Natural ventilation can
also be achieved through the use of operable windows, this has largely
been removed from most current architecture buildings due to the
mechanical system continuously operating. The United States current
strategy for ventilating buildings is to rely solely on mechanical
ventilation. In Europe designers have experimented with design solutions
that will allow for natural ventilation with minimal mechanical
interference. These techniques include: building layout, facade
construction, and materials used for inside finishes. European designers
have also switched back to the use of operable windows to solve indoor air
quality issues. "In the United States, the elimination of operable windows
is one of the greatest losses in contemporary architecture.
Building Airtightness -
Air Barrier -
Heat Exchanger
Natural Ventilation is the process of supplying air to and removing
air from an indoor space without using mechanical systems. It refers to
the flow of external air to an indoor space as a result of pressure
differences arising from natural forces. There are two types of natural
ventilation occurring in buildings: wind driven ventilation and
buoyancy-driven ventilation. Wind driven ventilation arises from the
different pressures created by wind around a building or structure, and
openings being formed on the perimeter which then permit flow through the
building. Buoyancy-driven ventilation occurs as a result of the
directional buoyancy force that results from temperature differences
between the interior and exterior. Since the internal heat gains which
create temperature differences between the interior and exterior are
created by natural processes, including the heat from people, and wind
effects are variable, naturally ventilated buildings are sometimes called
"breathing buildings".
Balanced Ventilation System usually has two fans and two duct
systems. Fresh air supply and exhaust vents can be installed in every
room, but a typical balanced ventilation system is designed to supply
fresh air to bedrooms and living rooms where occupants spend the most
Negative Room Pressure is an isolation technique used in hospitals and
medical centers to
prevent cross-contaminations from room to room. It
includes a ventilation that generates negative pressure to
allow air to
flow into the isolation room
but not escape from the room, as air will
naturally flow from areas with higher
pressure to areas with lower
pressure, thereby preventing contaminated air from escaping the room. This
technique is used to isolate patients with airborne contagious diseases
such as tuberculosis, measles, or chickenpox.
Positive Pressure is a
pressure within a
system that is greater than the environment that surrounds that system.
Consequently, if there is any leak from the positively pressured system it
will egress into the surrounding environment. Use is also made of positive
pressure to ensure there is no ingress of the environment into a supposed
closed system. A typical example of the use of positive pressure is the
location of a habitat in an area where there may exist flammable gases
such as found on an oil platform or laboratory cleanroom. This kind of
positive pressure is also used on operating theaters and in vitro
fertilisation (IVF) labs. Hospitals may have positive pressure rooms for
patients with compromised immune systems. Air will flow out of the room
instead of in, so that any airborne microorganisms (e.g., bacteria) that
may infect the patient are kept away. This process is important in human
and chick development. Positive pressure, created by the closure of
anterior and posterior neuropores of the neural tube during neurulation,
is a requirement of brain development. Amphibians use this process to
respire, whereby they use positive pressure to inflate their lungs.
Register is a
grille with moving parts,
capable of being opened and closed and the air flow directed, which is
part of a building's heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC)
system. The placement and size of registers is critical to HVAC
Register dampers are also
important, and can serve a safety function.
Window Screen is designed to cover the opening of a
window. It is usually a
mesh made of plastic wire, or other pieces of plastic and stretched in a
frame of wood or metal. It serves to keep leaves, debris, spiders,
insects, birds, and other animals from entering a building or a screened
structure such as a porch, without blocking fresh air-flow.
Ventilation Mitigation Strategies Aim for 5 Air Changes per Hour can
be achieved through any combination of central ventilation system, natural
ventilation, or additional devices that provide equivalent ACH (eACH†) to
your existing ventilation. Supplying or exhausting an amount of air (use
the larger of the two values but do not add them together) that is equal
to all the air in a space is called an air change. Multiplying that amount
by 5 and delivering it over one hour results in 5 ACH. Determine (or
measure) the airflow through the system in cubic feet per minute (cfm).
Determine the area of the room = length (ft) x width (ft). Determine the
height of the room (ft). Calculate ACH: ACH=cfm×60 over Area×Height. When
multiple strategies are used, repeat the ACH calculation for each system
then add together for a total ACH value (which could be compared to the
minimum 5 ACH recommendation).
Infiltration is the unintentional or accidental introduction of
outside air into a building, typically through cracks in the building
envelope and through use of doors for passage. Infiltration is sometimes
called air leakage. The leakage of room air out of a building,
intentionally or not, is called exfiltration. Infiltration is caused by
wind, negative pressurization of the building, and by air buoyancy forces
known commonly as the
effect, which is the movement of air into and out of buildings,
chimneys, flue-gas stacks, or other containers, resulting from air
buoyancy. Buoyancy occurs due to a difference in indoor-to-outdoor air
density resulting from temperature and moisture differences. The result is
either a positive or negative buoyancy force. The greater the thermal
difference and the height of the structure, the greater the buoyancy
force, and thus the stack effect. The stack effect helps drive natural
ventilation, air infiltration, and fires (e.g. the Kaprun tunnel fire and
King's Cross underground station fire).
is a powered machine used to create flow within a fluid, typically a gas
such as air. A fan consists of a rotating arrangement of vanes or blades
which act on the air. The rotating assembly of blades and hub is known as
an impeller, a rotor, or a runner. Usually, it is contained within some
form of housing or case. This may direct the airflow or increase safety by
preventing objects from contacting the fan blades. Most fans are powered
by electric motors, but other sources of power may be used, including
hydraulic motors, handcranks, internal combustion engines, and solar
power. A
Fan is not bladeless. Its vanes are hidden in its base and directs the
collected airflow through a hollow tube or toroid, blowing a thin
high-velocity smooth airflow from holes or a continuous slot across the
surface of the tube or toroid. A bladeless fan blows air from a ring with
no external blades.
Dedicated Outdoor Air System is a type of heating, ventilation and
air-conditioning or
HVAC system that consists of two parallel systems: a
dedicated system for delivering outdoor air ventilation that handles both
the latent and sensible loads of conditioning the ventilation air, and a
parallel system to handle the (mostly sensible heat) loads generated by
indoor/process sources and those that pass through the building enclosure.
Occupational Hygiene is the anticipation, recognition,
evaluation, control and
prevention of hazards from work that may result in
injury, illness, or affect the well being of workers. These hazards or
stressors are typically divided into the categories biological,
physical, ergonomic and
psychosocial. The risk of a health effect from a given stressor is a
function of the hazard multiplied by the exposure to the individual or
group. For
chemicals, the hazard
can be understood by the dose response profile most often based on
toxicological studies or models. Occupational hygienists work closely with
toxicologists for
understanding chemical hazards,
physicists for physical hazards, and
physicians and
microbiologists for biological
hazards. Tropical medicine Infection) Environmental and occupational
hygienists are considered experts in exposure science and exposure
risk management. Depending
on an individual's type of job, a hygienist will apply their exposure
science expertise for the protection of workers, consumers and/or communities.
Sick Building Syndrome is used to describe a situation in which the
occupants of a building experience acute health- or comfort-related
effects that seem to be linked directly to the time spent in the building.
No specific illness or cause can be identified.
Breathing -
Air -
Mold -
Air Quality Reports
Household air cleaners improve heart health among individuals with
COPD, researchers find. Researchers had trained technicians take air
samples of indoor particulate matter of varying sizes from participants'
homes. These indoor air pollutants are composed of such things as mold and
pet dander. One of the tiniest kinds of particulate matter, PM 2.5 --
smaller than the diameter of a human hair -- can be detrimental to
respiratory and heart health by infiltrating the bloodstream through the
lungs and causing inflammation. The level of PM 2.5 indoors should stay at
or below 12 micrograms per cubic foot for the air to be considered healthy
to breathe. Participants' homes had an average of 13.8 micrograms per
cubic foot of PM 2.5.
Indoor Air Chemistry. People generate their own oxidation field and
change the indoor air chemistry around them. High levels of
hydroxyl radicals can be generated indoors, simply due to the presence
of people and
ozone. People typically spend 90 percent of their lives inside, at
home, at work, or in transport. Within these enclosed spaces, occupants
are exposed to a multitude of chemicals from various sources, including
outdoor pollutants penetrating indoors, gaseous emissions from building
materials and furnishings, and products of our own activities such as
cooking and cleaning. In addition, we are ourselves potent mobile emission
sources of chemicals that enter the indoor air from our breath and skin.
How architects can
stop COVID-19 from spreading indoors. Introduce more outside air,
increase air exchange, maintain relative humidity of 40% to 60%, open
windows to provide natural ventilation and flush out indoor spaces,
increase access to daylight, and implement targeted disinfection
techniques, such as UV-C light in healthcare settings.
Pollution Absorbing Buildings (green building)
Sustainable Building Design Software
Building Design Guide -
Green Building -
Motor Vehicle Emissions usually constitute the most Significant Source of
Ultrafine Particles (diameter <0.1 microm) in an urban environment,
particle number concentration and size distribution in the size range from
6 to 220 nm were measured by a condensation particle counter (CPC) and a
scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS). Each spherical aerosol particle
has a density of 2 grams/cm3. If the
particle has a diameter of 20 nanometers, how much mass is in a single
soot particle.
Condensation Particle Counter is a
particle counter that detects and counts aerosol particles by first
enlarging them by using the particles as nucleation centers to create
droplets in a supersaturated gas.
Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer is an analytical instrument that
measures the size and number concentration of
aerosol particles with
diameters from 2.5 nm to 1000 nm. They employ a continuous, fast-scanning
technique to provide high-resolution measurements.
is a suspension of
fine solid particles or liquid droplets, in air or
another gas. Aerosols can be natural or anthropogenic. Examples of natural
aerosols are fog, dust, forest exudates and geyser steam. Examples of
anthropogenic aerosols are haze,
particulate air pollutants and smoke.
Bioaerosol are a subcategory of particles released from terrestrial
and marine ecosystems into the atmosphere. They consist of both living and
non-living components including organisms, dispersal methods of organisms,
and excretions.
Particulates are microscopic solid or liquid matter suspended in the
atmosphere of Earth. The term aerosol commonly refers to the
particulate/air mixture, as opposed to the
particulate matter alone. Sources of
particulate matter can be natural
or anthropogenic. They have impacts on climate and precipitation that
adversely affect human health. Particle pollution
includes: PM10 : inhalable particles, with diameters that are
generally 10 micrometers and smaller; and PM2.5 : fine inhalable
particles, with diameters that are generally 2.5 micrometers and smaller.
How small is 2.5 micrometers? Think about a single hair from your head.
The average human hair is about 70 micrometers in diameter – making it 30
times larger than the largest fine particle.
Particulate Matter contains microscopic solids or liquid droplets that
are so small that they can be inhaled and cause serious health problems.
Particles less than
10 micrometers in diameter pose the greatest problems,
because they can get deep into your lungs, and some may even get into your
Road Dust is made up of components such as exhaust emissions from
vehicles, tire tread particles, debris from the road itself, and runoff
from nearby parks and yards.
Contaminants in
road dust react with singlet oxygen, that means that sunlight could change
the lifetime and potency of those contaminants in ways we don't yet
understand. One group of chemicals that could react with
singlet oxygen are a set of
toxic components
of combustion emissions, known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Toxins (out-gassing)
Cleaning supplies,
paints, insecticides, and other commonly used products introduce many
different chemicals, including volatile organic compounds, directly into
the indoor air. Cleaning supplies that can release pollutants like
formaldehyde, benzene and other volatile organic compounds. Chemical
off-gassing from pressed wood products. Outdoor air pollutants can enter
buildings through open doors, open windows, ventilation systems, and
cracks in structures.
Chemical Pollutants and Environmental Contaminants found in the home
and diet have the same adverse effects on Male Fertility in both humans and in domestic dogs.
Radon is an odorless, invisible, radioactive gas naturally released
from rocks, soil, and water. Radon can get into homes and buildings
through small cracks or holes and build up in the air. Over time,
breathing in high levels of radon can cause lung cancer.
Air Quality Testing
Outdoor Air Quality Reports
is your one-stop source for
air quality
data. A new interactive map even lets you zoom out to get the big
picture or drill down to see data for a single air quality monitor.
Current and forecast air quality maps and data for more than 500 cities
across the U.S.. Current and historical data for U.S. Embassies and
Consulates around the world. Current fire conditions including fire
locations, smoke plumes, and air quality data from permanent and temporary
air quality monitors. Air quality data for Canada and Mexico. Enviroflash
emails, apps, widgets, and an API. Health and air quality information for
the public, healthcare professionals, teachers and students,
weather reporting.
Air Testing -
Air Quality Index -
Air Quality Monitoring -
Guide -
Air Quality Report.
The EPA maintains a repository of air quality data through the
Air Quality System stores data from over
10,000 monitors in the United States. Monitors for all criteria
pollutants (CO, Pb, NO2, Ozone, PM10, PM2.5, and SO2). PM2.5 Chemical
Speciation. Network monitors. IMPROVE (Interagency Monitoring of PROtected
Visual Environments) monitors. NATTS (National Air Toxics Trends
Stations). NCORE (Multipollutant Monitoring Network). Nonattainment areas
for all criteria pollutants. Tribal areas. Federal Class I areas (national
parks and wilderness areas). While use of these sensors was expensive in
the past, the 2010s saw a recent trend towards the development of cheaper
portable air-quality sensors that can be worn by individuals to monitor
local air quality levels. These sensors, can then, in turn, help measure
the spatiotemporal coverage and variety of chemical species, and empower
individuals and communities to better understand their exposure
environments and risks from air pollution. A research group led by William
Griswold at UCSD handed out portable air pollution sensors to 16
commuters, and found "urban valleys" where buildings trapped pollution.
The group also found that passengers in buses have higher exposures
compared to those in automobiles.
Pollen Count Forecast.
Pollution Sensor are devices that monitor the presence of air
pollution in the surrounding area. They can be used for both indoor and
outdoor environments. These
sensors can
be built at home, or bought from certain manufactures. Although there are
various types of
pollution sensors, and some are specialized in certain aspects, the
majority focuses on five components: ozone, particulate matter, carbon
monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrous oxide. The sensors were very
expensive in the past, but with technological advancements these sensors
are becoming more affordable and more widespread throughout the
population. These sensors can help serve many purposes and help bring
attention to environmental issues beyond the scope of the human eye.
Water Quality.
Air Quality
Index is used by government agencies to communicate to the public how
polluted the air currently is or how polluted it is forecast to become.
Public health risks increase as the AQI rises. Different countries have
their own air quality indices, corresponding to different national air
quality standards. Some of these are the Air Quality Health Index
(Canada), the Air Pollution Index (Malaysia), and the Pollutant Standards
Index (Singapore).
Air Pollution Test Kit (amazon)
Cube Sensors -
Speck Air
Quality Monitor.
Flow, by Plume
Labs - The First Smart Air Quality Tracker.
Quality Monitoring Tools -
Dust Measuring Device.
Comparison of five methods for measuring particulate matter concentrations
in cold winter climate.
Air Labs Clean Air Bench
Pollution in Public Spaces.
Cleanout Guide for Safe Disposal of Household Chemicals
Air Check -
Healthy Products -
Environmental Hazards
Tzoa wearable enviro-tracker
Atmotube: The Portable Air Pollution Monitor
Kanomax 2211 Indoor Air Quality Monitor
Carbon Monoxide Detector is a device that detects the presence of the
monoxide (CO) gas in order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. CO is
a colorless, tasteless and odorless compound produced by incomplete
combustion of carbon-containing materials. It is often referred to as the
silent killer" because it is virtually
undetectable by humans without using detection technology. Sixty percent
of Americans can not identify any potential signs of a CO leak in the
Capnography is the monitoring of the concentration or partial pressure
dioxide in the respiratory gases. Its main development has been as a
monitoring tool for use during anesthesia and intensive care.
Smell Reports reveal the need to expand urban air quality monitoring,
say researchers. Researchers have uncovered surprising insights into the
Vancouver region's 'smellscape' using data from the Smell Vancouver app.
Analyzing 549 reports from one year of app data, they discovered that
'rotten' and 'chemical' odours dominated, making up about 65 per cent of
submissions. These unpleasant smells were linked to self-reported health
issues like headaches and anxiety, leading some residents to change their
behaviors, like closing windows even in stifling-hot weather.
Air Purifying Technology
Airdog X5 Air cleaner for your Home using reusable filter that's
easy-to-wash in a dishwasher or by hand.
Evapolar Personal Air Conditioner cools, humidifies
and cleans the air creating your local perfect microclimate.
Emerald Air: The Smartest Sensor and Air Purifier
Get rid of viruses, allergens and airborne threats.
Filters up odors, smoke, PM2.5, VOCs and allergens.
iBaby Air Smart Air Quality Monitor & Ion Purifier
Smart Wi-Fi air monitor that detects VOCs & purifies the
air for a healthier life.
Clairy Natural Air Purifier that combines the power of nature and
technology to eliminate indoor pollution and analyze it.
Wynd - Air Purifier
Coway AP-1512HH Mighty Air Purifier with True HEPA and Eco Mode
Molekule air purifier breaks down harmful microscopic pollutants like
allergens, mold, bacteria, viruses and even airborne chemicals.
Dyson Air Treatment Purifiers
World's Best HEPA Air Purifier Systems - IQAir
Build a
Do-It-Yourself Air Purifier for about $25 (youtube) - Using a
HEPA Filter
for a furnace and a Box fan the same size as the filter.
Researchers develop artificial plants that purify indoor air, generate
electricity. Plants achieve a 90% reduction in carbon dioxide levels.
Scientists are repurposing their research about bacteria-powered
biobatteries into a new idea for artificial plants that can feed off
carbon dioxide, give off oxygen and even generate a little power.
Natural Air Purifiers - Mother Natures Plants
Houseplant is a
Plant that is grown indoors in places such as
residences and offices. Houseplants are commonly grown for decorative
purposes, but studies have also shown them to have
positive psychological
effects. Houseplants also help with
indoor air purification. Plants used
in this fashion are most commonly, though not always, tropical or
semi-tropical epiphytes, succulents or cacti. Houseplants need the correct
moisture, light levels, soil mixture, temperature, and humidity. As well,
houseplants need the proper fertilizer and correct-sized pots.
Indoor Farming -
Using the right plants can reduce indoor pollution and save energy.
Home have potentially toxic gases, including carbon monoxide, ozone, and
volatile organic
compounds, from sources such as furniture, paints, carpets, and office
equipment accumulate.
Plants absorb
toxins and can improve indoor air quality. Integrating plants with
smart sensors
networks and other computerized technologies could make those air cleaning
more cost-effective and sustainable.
NASA Clean
Air Study results suggest that certain common indoor plants may
provide a natural way of removing toxic agents such as benzene,
formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air, helping neutralize the
effects of sick building syndrome. The first list of air-filtering plants
was compiled by NASA as part of a clean air study published in 1989, which
researched ways to clean air in space stations. As well as absorbing
carbon dioxide and releasing
oxygen, as all plants do, these plants also
eliminate significant amounts of benzene, formaldehyde and
trichloroethylene. The second and third lists are from B. C. Wolverton's
book and paper and focus on removal of specific chemicals. NASA
researchers suggest efficient air cleaning is accomplished with at least
one plant per 100 square feet of home or office space. While the original
study only considered plants grown hydroponically (ie without soil), more
recent research has shown that micro-organisms in the potting mix (soil)
of a potted plant remove benzene from the air, and that some plant species
also contribute to removing benzene.
House Plants that improve indoor Air Quality
Plants that Purify Indoor Air
Neo Plants are
designed genetically modified houseplants so that they can absorb air
bioengineered to fight air pollution.
How To Be An Adult:
Choosing The Perfect Plant For Your Home (youtube)
Houseplants could one day monitor home health as a Biosensor and Phytosensor.
5 Indoor Plants that are easy to take care of
ZZ plant
Ripple Peperomia
Peperomia caperata
Epipremnum aureum
Snake plant
Sansevieria trifasciata
Bird's Nest Fern
How To Repot A
Houseplant (youtube) - 1 to 2 inches larger pot in diameter and
Add fresh potting soil to the bottom of the new pot, packing it
well around the drainage hole that has a drain cover. Then transfer the
plant to the new pot. Adjust the amount of soil mix so that the plant is
at the same level as it was in the old pot. Loosen the roots on the plant.
Position the plant, add soil mix to fill and pack tightly around the plant
roots, and then water plant thoroughly.
Plant Diseases.
Landscaping Sustainably -
Sustainable Landscape
Instructions for taking care of plants are similar
in ways to the instructions needed to take care of yourself in Life.
Plants need clean water, and so does life. Just enough, but not too much or too
little. Plants need clean food, and so does life. Just enough, but not too
much or too little. Plants need light, and so does life. Just enough,
but not too much or too little. Plants need room to grow, and so does life.
Just enough, but not too much or too little. Plants need protection from
harsh environments, and so does life. Just enough, but not too much or too
little. Plants need love and so does life. Just enough, but not too much or too little.
Transitions - Adapting
We need to
old homes and cities so that we can help maximize this
transition and make it easy for everyone during these improvements. And of
course we have to come up with a way to educate people so that these
improvements are clearly understood by everyone and why we need to make
these improvements as quick as possible.
is supporting steps to increase energy efficiency in buildings, with
subsidies and incentives worth 6 billion euros ($7.2 billion) this year in
2021, the economy minister said on Monday. Modernize existing buildings
with better insulation and more efficient heating.
Future Cities
Electric Cars -
Advancing -
Progressing -
AdaptingWe must also
change the laws so that building energy wasting
houses, buildings, cars and products is illegal. Buildings must be able to
have multiple uses too incase the original use is no longer necessary.
People should also know how to retrofit or modify buildings for other
Major Cities only take up 2% of the usable land on earth.
But Major Cities are home to 50% of the worlds population,
consume 75% of the worlds energy and emit 80% of
CO2 Carbon Dioxide.
So fixing cities are a good place to start.
Energy Saving Building Designs -
Green Products -
Building -
Basic Knowledge 101
Transition is the act of passing from one state or place to the next.
Enjoy your soon to be new and invigorating planet. What will we think of next?
Retrofit gas saving devices in all
cars, trucks, lawn mowers and machines.
boats run on
biodiesel fuel. Add a natural and proven safe
weed killer to the fuel if the lake has a
weed problem.
Next step is to show people how
to have
maintenance homes and possibly a Maintenance-Free House.
Environmental Tools -
Earth Easy
We must improve education in
every way possible, because a poor education is the root of all
Electromagnetic Radiation
Trifield Meter
can detect and measure
Electromagnetic Radiation Field and Radio/Microwaves from
Appliances and Power Lines.
Trifield Gauss Meters
and Magnetometers.
Electro Magnetic Field -
Magnetometer is an instrument that measures
magnetism—either magnetization of magnetic material like a ferromagnet,
or the strength and, in some cases, direction of the magnetic field at a
point in space.
Compass -
Geophysical Surveys.
Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity is a claimed sensitivity to
electromagnetic fields, resulting in negative symptoms.
Biofield is the field of energy and
information that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body. It is
composed of both measurable electromagnetic energy and hypothetical subtle
energy, or
Bio-Battery -
Human Energy -
Life Force.
Biomodulator is a portable neurostimulation device that contains
unique frequencies to produce microcurrent, electrical impulses that are
transmitted by electrodes in the device through the skin to interface with
the body’s internal
peripheral nervous system.
Magnetoception (born
to use magnetism to navigate) -
Dangers -
Microwave News
High Exposure to Radiofrequency Radiation linked to tumor malignant
schwannomas activity in male rats.
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Aura -
Human Energy -
BrainSolar plexus, torsion field,
manifestation, make the subconscious conscious.
Optical magnetic field sensor can detect signals from the
nervous system.
Electrical Conduction System of the Heart is the normal
electrical conduction in the
Heart that allows the
impulse that is generated by the sinoatrial node (SA node) of the heart to
be propagated to, and stimulate, the cardiac muscle (myocardium). The
myocardium contracts after stimulation. It is the ordered, rhythmic
stimulation of the myocardium during the cardiac cycle that allows
efficient contraction of the heart, thereby allowing blood to be pumped
throughout the body.
Faraday Cage (Electromagnetic Radiation Protection)
is when in the radio frequency spectrum, is a disturbance
generated by an external source that affects an electrical circuit by
electromagnetic induction, electrostatic coupling, or conduction. The
disturbance may degrade the performance of the circuit or even stop it
from functioning. In the case of a data path, these effects can range from
an increase in error rate to a total loss of the data. Both man-made and
natural sources generate changing electrical currents and voltages that
can cause EMI: automobile ignition systems, cell phones, thunderstorms,
the Sun, and the Northern Lights. EMI frequently affects AM radios. It can
also affect cell phones, FM radios, and televisions. EMI can be used
intentionally for radio jamming, as in electronic warfare.
Electromagnetic Pulse
The Hum
a phenomena involving widespread reports of a persistent and
invasive low-frequency humming, rumbling, or droning noise not audible to
all people.
Extremely Low Frequency is the ITU designation for
electromagnetic radiation (radio waves) with frequencies from 3 to 30 Hz,
and corresponding wavelengths of 100,000 to 10,000 kilometers,
respectively. (ELF).
Havana Syndrome
is a wide range of only partly overlapping unspecific medical symptoms
with unknown causes experienced mostly abroad by U.S. government officials
and military personnel. The symptoms range in severity from pain and
ringing in the ears to
cognitive difficulties and were first reported in 2016 by U.S. and
Canadian embassy staff in Havana, Cuba. Some, including the CIA and the
affected people, claim or fear that some of the symptoms are caused by
targeted attacks by unknown adversaries. Beginning in 2017, more people,
including U.S. intelligence and military personnel and their families,
reported having these symptoms in other places, such as China, Europe, and
Washington D.C. diplomats appear to have sustained injury to widespread
brain networks.
Pain-related white matter tract abnormalities in mild traumatic brain
injury patients with persistent headache.
Fluorescent Light Bulbs
Electromagnetic Radiation
Electrical Generator
Magnetic Field
Electromagnetic Field
Electronics Knowledge
is a polyhedron with 8 triangular faces and 6 square faces. A
cuboctahedron has 12 identical vertices, with 2 triangles and 2 squares
meeting at each, and 24 identical edges, each separating a triangle from a
square. As such, it is a quasiregular polyhedron, i.e. an Archimedean
solid that is not only vertex-transitive but also edge-transitive.
is a cross-disciplinary science that combines
biology and
acoustics. Usually it refers to
the investigation of sound production, dispersion and reception in animals
(including humans). This involves neurophysiological and anatomical basis
of sound production and detection, and relation of acoustic signals to the
medium they disperse through. The findings provide clues about the
evolution of acoustic mechanisms, and from that, the evolution of animals
that employ them.
(luminescence) -
Morphic-Resonance is a process whereby self-organising
systems inherit a memory from previous similar systems. In its most
general formulation, morphic resonance means that the so-called laws of
nature are more like habits.
Light -
are words that evoke an idea in
sound, often a vivid impression of certain sensations or
sensory perceptions,
e.g. sound, movement, color, shape, or action. Ideophones are found in
many of the world's languages, though they are claimed to be relatively
uncommon in Western languages.
Cellphone Technology
All cellphones have a
warning inside that tells the
minimum separation distance a cellphone should be held from the head and body. The Federal Communication Commission
recommends keeping your phone
5 to 25 mm away from head and body. Use speaker phone or earplugs.
Mobile Phone Radiation and Health (wiki)
Cellphones and Cancer Risk - Cordless Phones Too.
Directed-Energy Weapon.
Glioma is a type of
tumor that starts in the brain or spine. It is called a glioma because
it arises from glial cells. The most common site of gliomas is the brain.
Gliomas make up about 30% of all brain and central nervous system tumors
and 80% of all malignant brain tumors.
Acoustic Neuroma.
13 ways to Reduce
Cell Phone Radiation.
Communication -
Radio Waves
(uses) -
Wave Lengths
Brain WavesAll
Wireless Devices from
to wireless laptops to baby monitors come
with FCC warnings that they are
not safe to use
if held directly on the
body because the
radio frequency emissions can exceed government limits.
Very importantly, if you place a cell phone at body contact, you can
exceed radiation limits up to 9 times US FCC limits according to reports
of the French government after testing hundreds of cell phones.
Dr. Hugh Taylor Chief of
OB GYN at Yale has shown that pregnant mice exposed to this radiation have
offspring with increased hyperactivity, decreased memory and altered brain
development. Cell Phone Microwave Radiation To Cancer, Low Birth Weight
and Sperm Damage.
Electromagnetic Radiation Safety- 5G Wireless Technology- Is 5G Harmful to
Our Health-It's the non-thermal effects and not the thermal.
2.4 GHZ- 5 GHZ - 60 GHZ.
5GHz provides faster data rates at a
shorter distance. 2.4GHz offers coverage for farther distances, but may
perform at slower speeds.
Boeing and Airbus are
warning against a plan to deploy new 5G wireless
networks starting next month in January 2022, saying interference
from the upgrade could pose a danger to vital aircraft systems.
Assessment of C-Band Mobile Telecommunications Interference Impact on Low
Range Radar Altimeter Operations.
Hertz is the unit of
frequency; one hertz has a periodic interval of one second.
Beamforming is a technique that focuses a wireless signal towards a
specific receiving device, rather than having the signal spread in all
directions from a
broadcast antenna, as it normally would. The resulting
more direct connection is faster and more reliable than it would be
without beamforming.
Extremely High Frequency the band of radio frequencies in the
electromagnetic spectrum from 30 to 300 gigahertz (GHz). It lies between
the super high frequency band, and the far infrared band, the lower part
of which is also referred to as the terahertz gap. Radio waves in this
band have wavelengths from ten to one millimetre, so it is also called the
millimetre band and radiation in this band is called millimetre waves,
sometimes abbreviated MMW or mmW. Millimeter waves propagate solely by
line-of-sight paths. They are not reflected by the ionosphere nor do they
travel along the Earth as ground waves as lower frequency radio waves do.
At typical power densities they are blocked by building walls and suffer
significant attenuation passing through foliage. Absorption by atmospheric
gases is a significant factor throughout the band and increases with
frequency. However, it is maximum at a few specific absorption lines,
mainly those of oxygen at 60 GHz and water vapor at 24 GHz and 184 GHz.
There are tentative plans to use millimeter waves in future
5G Mobile Phones. With Raytheon the U.S.
Air Force has developed a
nonlethal weapon system
Active Denial System (ADS) which emits a beam of radiation with a
wavelength of 3 mm. The weapon is reportedly not dangerous and causes no
physical harm, but is extremely painful and causes the target to feel an
intense burning pain, as if their skin is going to catch fire. The ranged
weapon damages its target with highly focused energy, including laser,
microwaves and particle beams. Potential applications of this technology
include weapons that target personnel, missiles, vehicles, and optical
Millimeter Wave Scanner is a whole-body imaging device used for
detecting objects concealed underneath a person’s clothing using a form of
electromagnetic radiation.
Roughly 21 Million Adult Americans
Don't Own a Cellphone.
or Wireless
Fidelity, is technology for
radio wireless
local area networking
of devices based on the IEEE 802.11 standards. Wi‑Fi is a trademark of the
Wi-Fi Alliance, which restricts the use of the term Wi-Fi Certified to
products that successfully complete interoperability certification
testing. Wi-Fi most commonly uses the
2.4 gigahertz (12 cm) UHF and 5.8
gigahertz (5 cm) SHF ISM radio bands, these bands are subdivided into
multiple channels.
Wireless Communication.
Wi-Fi is an important threat to human health. Established Wi-Fi
effects, include apoptosis, oxidat. testis/sperm dysfunct; Neuropsych; DNA
impact; hormone change; Ca2+ rise. Wi-Fi is thought to act via
voltage-gated calcium channel activation. Claims of no Wi-Fi effects was
found is deeply flawed.
Mobile Phone Radiation and Health. Mobile phones use
electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range (450–3800 MHz). If you
carry or use your phone in a pants or shirt pocket or tucked into a bra
when the phone is ON and connected to a wireless network, you may exceed
the federal guidelines for exposure to RF radiation. Use hands-free to
decrease the radiation to the head. Keep the mobile phone away from the
body. Do not use telephone in a car without an external antenna.
Wireless Warfare
Exposed - Declassified Military Doc Proves Smart Phones Are Killing
Mankind (youtube)
Cellular Phone Towers and Cancer -
Task Force.
wi-fi a mini cell phone tower? -
Cell-Phone Towers, the invisible
Resonance Beings of
Frequency (youtube)
History of Radar (wiki)
Hollow Air Tube Anti-Radiation Headset Stereo Model EMF Protector
Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)
How to
turn on or turn off Bluetooth and WIFI in Windows (youtube)
Ionization of Atoms and Molecules
Microwaves are a form of
electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths
ranging from one meter to one millimeter; with frequencies between 300 MHz
(100 cm) and 300 GHz (0.1 cm).
Terahertz wave activates filamentation of actin. Researchers have
discovered that
Terahertz (THz) wave
irradiation activates the filamentation of actin protein. The discovery
offers a new possibility for the manipulation of cellular functions.
Terahertz Radiation can Disrupt Proteins in Living Cells. This finding
implies that terahertz radiation, which was long considered impractical to
use, may have applications in manipulating cell functions for the
treatment of cancer, for example, but also that there may be safety issues
to consider. Terahertz radiation is a portion of the electromagnetic
spectrum between microwaves and infrared light, which is often known as
the "terahertz gap" because of the lack so far of technology to manipulate
it efficiently. Because terahertz radiation is stopped by liquids and is
non-ionizing -- meaning that it does not damage DNA in the way that x-rays
do -- work is ongoing to put it to use in areas such as airport baggage
inspections. It has generally been considered to be safe for use in
tissues, though some recent studies have found that it may have some
direct effect on DNA, though it has little ability to actually penetrate
into tissues, meaning that this effect would only be on surface skin
There are No Publicly Available Maps
for Cell Phone Towers in NYC. FCC and the FAA publish information about
antenna registrations, and the NYC Department of buildings maintains a
current record of building permits associated with mobile phone
Environmental Health Trust carries out cutting edge research to
understand and reduce environmental health risks.
Electromagnetic Radiation Intrusion is the
intentional insertion of electromagnetic energy into transmission paths in
any manner, with the objective of deceiving operators or of causing
Infrastructure Intrusion.
Effect of a
Nighttime Magnetic Field Exposureon
Sleep Patterns in Young
Women. Since
poor sleep
quality is associated with multiple health problems, it is important
to understand factors that may
sleep patterns. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect
of a continuous, 60-Hz, nighttime magnetic field exposure on sleep
outcomes in young women sleeping at home. The study was a randomized
crossover trial, comparing intervention (0.5–1.0 µT above ambient levels)
with ambient magnetic field levels, during two 5-night measurement
periods. Subjects lived in the Seattle, Washington, area and were 20–40
years of age, had regular menstrual cycles, were not taking oral
contraceptives, and had not breastfed or been pregnant during the previous
year. The study was conducted between March and September of 2001. Sleep
outcomes were measured via actigraphy. The range of magnetic field
exposure was 0.001–0.50 µT during the ambient period and 0.41–1.21 µT
during the intervention period. Sleep outcomes were not significantly
different between the intervention and the ambient measurement periods.
The intervention magnetic field had no effect on sleep patterns,
suggesting that this exposure may not be an important factor in predicting
sleep of young women who sleep at home.
The effects of
extremely low-frequency magnetic fields on
melatonin and
cortisol, two marker rhythms of the
circadian system. In the past 30
years the concern that daily exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic
fields (ELF-EMF) (1 to 300 Hz) might be harmful to human health (cancer,
neurobehavioral disturbances, etc) has been the object of debate, and has
become a public health concern. This has resulted in the classification of
ELF-EMF into category 2B, ie, agents that are “possibly carcinogenic to
humans” by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Since
melatonin, a neurohormone secreted by the pineal gland, has been shown to
possess oncostatic properties, a “melatonin hypothesis” has been raised,
stating that exposure to
EMF might
decrease melatonin production and therefore might promote the
development of breast cancer in humans. Data from the literature
reviewed here are contradictory. In addition, we have demonstrated a lack
of effect of ELF-EMF on melatonin secretion in humans exposed to EMF (up
to 20 years' exposure) which rebuts the melatonin hypothesis. Currently,
the debate concerns the effects of ELF-EMF on the risk of childhood
leukemia in children chronically exposed to more than 0.4 μT. Further
research is thus needed to obtain more definite answers regarding the
potential deleterious effects of ELF-EMF.
Infrasound or
low status sound, describes sound waves
with a frequency
below the lower limit
of human audibility (generally 20 Hz). Hearing becomes gradually less
sensitive as frequency decreases, so for humans to perceive infrasound,
the sound pressure must be sufficiently high. The ear is the primary organ
for sensing low sound, but at higher intensities it is possible to feel
infrasound vibrations in various parts of the body. The study of such
sound waves is sometimes referred to as infrasonics, covering sounds
beneath 20 Hz down to 0.1 Hz (and rarely to 0.001 Hz). People use this
frequency range for monitoring earthquakes and volcanoes, charting rock
and petroleum formations below the earth, and also in ballistocardiography
and seismocardiography to study the mechanics of the heart. Infrasound is
characterized by an ability to get around obstacles with little
dissipation. In music, acoustic waveguide methods, such as a large pipe
organ or, for reproduction, exotic loudspeaker designs such as
transmission line, rotary woofer, or traditional subwoofer designs can
produce low-frequency sounds, including near-infrasound. Subwoofers
designed to produce infrasound are capable of sound reproduction an octave
or more below that of most commercially available subwoofers, and are
often about 10 times the size.
infrasonics, vibrational or stress
waves in elastic media, having a frequency below those of sound waves that
can be detected by the human ear—i.e., below 20 hertz. The range of
frequencies extends down to geologic vibrations that complete one cycle in
100 seconds or longer.
Magnetic Flux is a measurement of the total magnetic field which
passes through a given area. It is a useful tool for helping describe the
effects of the magnetic force on something occupying a given area.
The measurement of magnetic flux is tied to the particular area
Electric fields can affect a body in three different ways:
weak currents can be induced in the body, electric charges can build up on
the surface of your skin and hair, and the body's voltage can increase.
... As a result, the field produces weak electric currents in the body.
Radio Waves
(uses) -
Wireless Communication
Ground Wave Propagation is a method of radio wave
propagation that uses the area between the surface of the earth and the
ionosphere for transmission. The ground wave can propagate a considerable
distance over the earth's surface particularly in the low frequency and
medium frequency portion of the radio spectrum. Ground wave radio
propagation is used to provide relatively local radio communications
Skywave refers to the propagation of radio waves reflected
or refracted back toward Earth from the ionosphere, an electrically
charged layer of the upper atmosphere. Since it is not limited by the
curvature of the Earth, skywave propagation can be used to communicate
beyond the horizon, at intercontinental distances. It is mostly used in
the shortwave frequency bands.
An experiment by a
handful of high school students in Denmark has sparked some
serious international interest in the scientific community. They
placed six trays of garden cress seeds next to Wi-Fi routers
that emitted roughly the same microwave radiation as a mobile
phone. Then they placed six more trays of seeds in a separate
room without routers. The girls controlled both environments for
room temperature, sunlight and water. After 12 days, they found
the garden cress seeds in the routerless room had exploded into
bushy greenery, while the seeds next to the Wi-Fi routers were
brown, shriveled, and even mutated. Did the test twice with the
same results. They were Painstakingly careful in keeping the
conditions for both groups similar. The cress seeds in both
groups were kept sufficiently moist during the whole experiment,
and the temperature were controlled thermostatically.
Frequency RF Radiation from Cordless Phones (youtube) -
EMF Safety Network
Circling Phone - Mysterious video of ants circling an iPhone -Ameisen
umkreisen 7 (youtube)
Chi-O Phi: A Revolution of Active Jewelry Design protect
yourself from unsettling EMF with this revolution of Active
Active Scalar Frequencies, Integrated Hologram Chip Technology,
Radionic Imprinting, Bio-Friendly Frequencies.
Radiometer is a radiometer that measures energy emitted at
sub-millimetre-to-centimetre wavelengths (at frequencies of 1–1000 GHz)
known as microwaves. Microwave radiometers are very sensitive receivers
designed to measure thermal electromagnetic radiation emitted by
atmospheric gases. They are usually equipped with multiple receiving
channels in order to derive the characteristic emission spectrum of the
atmosphere or extraterrestrial objects. Microwave radiometers are utilized
in a variety of environmental and engineering applications, including
weather forecasting, climate monitoring, radio astronomy and radio
propagation studies.
Hf35c Rf Analyze (800mhz - 2.5 Ghz) - Perfect for Smart Meters Detection
Acoustimeter RF Meter Model AM-10 Radio Frequency Microwave Detection Meter EMF Protection
Cryptochrome are a class of flavoproteins that are sensitive
to blue light. They are found in plants and animals. Cryptochromes are
involved in the circadian rhythms of plants and animals, and in the
sensing of magnetic fields in a number of species. The name cryptochrome
was proposed as a portmanteau combining the cryptic nature of the
photoreceptor, and the cryptogamic organisms on which many blue-light
studies were carried out.
Theta Waves in the Body
Specific Absorption Rate is a measure of the rate at which
energy is absorbed by the human body when exposed to a radio
frequency (RF) electromagnetic field.
Green Bank, West Virginia is a 13,000-square mile
Radio Quiet Zone
which is an area where radio transmissions are restricted in order to
protect a
Radio Telescope or a communications station from radio frequency
interference. Equipment that can cause interference includes mobile
phones, television transmitters, and CB radios, as well as other
electrical equipment.
National Radio Quiet Zone in which radio transmissions are heavily
restricted by law to facilitate scientific research.
National Radio Quiet Zone.
Silence Benefits.
Millions of
Humans are being Bombarded with Radio Waves
and Microwaves continually everyday, and these waves all contain
information. And if you had a radio receiver or a cellphone you can
receive these messages being transmitted. But maybe humans don't need
technology to receive the signals that are being transmitted by us and to
us everyday, after all, human brains receive messages from several
senses already. And I'm sure that the brain is capable of tuning in, it
just hasn't learned how, just yet.
Technology is just a stepping stone to discovering our own abilities.
New Technology Uses Wi-Fi Signals To See Through Walls.
The device works by transmitting wireless signals that traverse
the wall and reflect off a person’s body back to the device.
(The emitted radiation is approximately 1/10,000 the amount
given off by a standard cellphone.)
The device captures these reflections and analyzes them in order
to see the person’s silhouette.
Multiplexing Data
carried on Terahertz Waves. Multiplexing is the ability to send
multiple signals through a single channel, An international research team
has demonstrated for the first time a method for multiplexing data carried
on terahertz waves, high-frequency radiation that may enable the next
generation of ultra-high bandwidth wireless networks. In
The Journal Nature Communications, the researchers report the
transmission of two real-time video signals through a terahertz
multiplexer at an aggregate data rate of 50 gigabits per second,
approximately 100 times the optimal data rate of today's fastest cellular
network. Signals in terahertz
networks will propagate as directional beams, not omnidirectional
broadcasts like in existing wireless systems. This directional
relationship between propagation angle and frequency is the key to
enabling mux/demux in terahertz systems. A user at a particular location
(and therefore at a particular angle from the multiplexing system) will
communicate on a particular frequency. Researchers encoded two
high-definition television broadcasts onto terahertz waves of two
different frequencies: 264.7 GHz and 322.5 GHz. They then beamed both
frequencies together into the multiplexer system, with a television
receiver set to detect the signals as they emerged from the device. When
the researchers aligned their receiver to the angle from which 264.7 GHz
waves were emitted, they saw the first channel. When they aligned with
322.5 GHz, they saw the second.
Further experiments showed that transmissions were error-free up to 10
gigabits per second, which is much faster than today's standard Wi-Fi
speeds. Error rates increased somewhat when the speed was boosted to 50
gigabits per second (25 gigabits per channel), but were still well within
the range that can be fixed using forward error correction, which is
commonly used in today's communications networks. When a terahertz wave is
modulated to encode data—meaning
turned on and off
to make zeros and ones—the main wave is accompanied by sideband
frequencies that also must be detected by a receiver in order to transmit
all the data. The research showed that the angle of the detector with
respect to the sidebands is important to keeping the error rate down.
Terahertz Radiation THz – consists of electromagnetic waves within the
ITU-designated band of frequencies from 0.3 to 3 terahertz (THz; 1 THz =
1012 Hz). Wavelengths of radiation in the terahertz band correspondingly
range from 1 mm to 0.1 mm (or 100 μm).
Terahertz radiation occupies a
middle ground between microwaves and infrared light waves known as the
terahertz gap, It represents the region in the electromagnetic spectrum
where the frequency of electromagnetic radiation becomes too high to be
measured digitally via electronic counters, so must be measured by proxy
using the properties of wavelength and
A trick for taming terahertz transmissions. Researchers have invented
a wireless communication receiver that can operate in the terahertz
frequency band. By increasing the sensitivity 10,000-fold, they achieved
the fastest Researchers invent a new receiver for terahertz-frequency
radiation -- by implementing coherent detection, they achieve record
transmission rates -- this work may lead to much faster wireless data
speeds using less power. Real-time error-free transmission rates ever
recorded. This work may be crucial for next generation cell phone
standards and novel remote sensors.
Frequency-Hopping Spread Spectrum is a method of transmitting
radio signals by
rapidly switching a carrier among many frequency channels, using a
pseudorandom sequence known to both transmitter and receiver. It is used
as a multiple access method in the
code division multiple access (CDMA) scheme frequency-hopping code
division multiple access (FH-CDMA). FHSS is a wireless technology that
spreads its signal over rapidly changing frequencies. Each available
frequency band is divided into sub-frequencies. Signals rapidly change
("hop") among these in a pre-determined order. Interference at a specific
frequency will only affect the signal during that short interval. FHSS
can, however, cause interference with adjacent direct-sequence spread
spectrum (DSSS) systems. A sub-type of FHSS used in Bluetooth wireless
data transfer is adaptive frequency hopping spread spectrum (AFH).
White Space.
Microwaves are a form of low
electromagnetic radiation. Unlike x-rays or ultraviolet light, they don't
have enough energy to
chemical bonds. They do, however, have the ability to interact with
molecules that have positive and negative regions. WiFi wireless routers
transmit at full power
around 100mW on 2.4GHz. A Microwave oven is around 500 watts at the same
frequency of 2 Ghz. The difference is the constant exposure to microwaves
over long periods of time.
How Many Wireless Signals in Hospitals?
There are
more than 10 wireless devices in every
patient room (i.e., heart monitors, telemetry, nurse call systems,
and access control systems). All of them will rely on upgraded wireless
networks. We need to strike a balance between convenience and safety —
limiting wireless device usage within a specific distance from medical
equipment and prohibiting their use in patient care areas where medical
equipment is heavily used, while allowing their use in hospital waiting
areas, lounges, private offices, and cafeterias. CADTH’s Rapid Response
service undertook a review of the available evidence on the use of
wireless devices in health care environments. The studies looked at
several types of wireless devices — ultra-high frequency radios, various
mobile phones, and a variety of Bluetooth-enabled devices — using a broad
range of transmission technologies such as code division multiple access
(CDMA), general packet radio service (GPRS), global system for mobile
communication (GSM), Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA), universal mobile
telecommunications system (UMTS), wireless local area network (WLAN) and
analog. The effect of these devices on the performance of several types of
medical equipment was investigated in the studies, including
defibrillators, ventilators, brain stimulators, pumps, and ophthalmic
equipment. The CADTH review found that electromagnetic emissions from
wireless devices do frequently cause interference with medical equipment.
This interference manifests itself in several ways — noises, screen
distortions, false alarms, complete stoppages, and malfunctions in output
parameters. Equipment is more likely to be affected if the wireless device
is using the same radio frequency, transmitting a strong signal, or in
close proximity to the equipment. Incidences of the interference affecting
medical equipment to such an extent that it compromised patient safety
were, however, found to be uncommon. Some hospitals have implemented Wi-Fi
incrementally to support specific applications or areas within the
facility — designs once were sufficient but now contribute to a fragmented
WLAN infrastructure. Many other hospitals have poorly designed WLANs that
are simply incapable of meeting the demands of the medical environment.
Wireless LAN is a wireless computer
network that links two or more devices using wireless communication to
form a local area network within a limited area such as a home, school,
computer laboratory, campus, or office building. LAN stands for
EMP - E-Bomb - High Energy Pulse
Electro-Magnetic Pulse is a
short burst of electromagnetic energy. Such a pulse's origination may be a
natural occurrence or man-made and can occur as a radiated, electric or
magnetic field or a conducted
electric current, depending on the source.
Electronic Warfare is any action
involving the use of the electromagnetic spectrum or directed energy to
control the spectrum, attack of an enemy, or impede enemy assaults via the spectrum.
Electromagnetic Weapon (wiki)
Nuclear Electromagnetic Pulse is a burst of electromagnetic radiation
created by a nuclear explosion. The resulting rapidly varying electric and
magnetic fields may couple with electrical and electronic systems to
produce damaging current and voltage surges. The specific characteristics
of a particular nuclear EMP event vary according to a number of factors,
the most important of which is the altitude of the detonation. The term
"electromagnetic pulse" generally excludes optical (infrared, visible,
ultraviolet) and ionizing (such as X-ray and gamma radiation) ranges. In
military terminology, a nuclear warhead detonated tens to hundreds of
miles above the Earth's surface is known as a high-altitude
electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) device. Effects of a HEMP device depend on
factors including the altitude of the detonation, energy yield, gamma ray
output, interactions with the Earth's magnetic field and electromagnetic
shielding of targets.
Effects of Nuclear Explosions
Directed-Energy Weapon is a ranged weapon system that inflicts damage
at a target by emission of highly focused energy, including laser,
microwaves and particle beams. Potential
applications of this technology include anti-personnel weapon systems,
missile defense system, and the disabling of lightly armored vehicles or
mounted optical devices.
Havana Syndrome
is a set of medical signs and symptoms experienced by United States and
Canadian embassy staff in Cuba.
Diplomats experienced some form of
brain injury, but did not determine the cause of the injuries. A co-author
of the JAMA study considered
microwave weapons to be "a main suspect" for the phenomenon
Active Denial System is a millimeter wave source that heats the water
in a human target's skin and thus causes incapacitating pain.
Vigilant Eagle is a proposed airport defense system that directs
high-frequency microwaves towards any projectile that is fired at an
Bofors HPM Blackout is a high-powered microwave weapon that is said to
be able to destroy at short distance a wide variety of commercial
off-the-shelf (COTS) electronic equipment and is purportedly non-lethal.
AESA radars mounted on fighter aircraft have been slated as directed
energy weapons against missiles.
Counter-electronics High Power Microwave Advanced Missile Project
WIFI + Cell Phones
Cause 100% Damage to Human Eggs. (DNA) (youtube) - Human immature eggs
have ABSOLUTELY NO protection from microwave radiation. Damage/birth
defects will be first apparent in the 3rd generation of a family regularly
exposed to microwave radiation.
Recent advances in the effects of microwave radiation on brains. The
brain has been recognized as one of the organs that is most vulnerable to
microwave radiation.
Effect of Microwave Exposure on the Ovarian Development of Drosophila
Electromagnetic Interference
Electromagnetics -
WiFi -
Cell Phones
Coronal Mass Ejection (solar
storms) -
Geomagnetic Storm
Electronic Counter Countermeasures
is a part of electronic warfare which includes a variety of practices
which attempt to reduce or eliminate the effect of electronic
countermeasures (ECM) on electronic sensors aboard vehicles, ships and
aircraft and weapons such as missiles. ECCM is also known as electronic
protective measures (EPM), chiefly in Europe. In practice, EPM often means
resistance to jamming.
Faraday Cage is an enclosure used to block
electric fields.
It is formed by conductive material or by a mesh of such materials.
EMR Shielding Solutions has bed canopies that act like Faraday Cages.
Static Electricity
EMF (electro magnetic frequencies)
Voltage Spike are fast, short duration
electrical transients in
voltage (voltage spikes),
current (current spikes), or transferred energy (energy spikes) in an
electrical circuit. Fast, short duration electrical transients (overvoltages)
in the electric potential of a circuit are typically caused by Lightning
strikes, Power outages, Tripped circuit breakers, Short circuits, Power
transitions in other large equipment on the same power line, Malfunctions
caused by the power company,
Electromagnetic pulses
with electromagnetic energy distributed typically up to the 100 kHz and 1
MHz frequency range. Inductive spikes. In the design of critical
infrastructure and military hardware, one concern is of pulses produced by
nuclear explosions, whose nuclear electromagnetic pulses distribute large
energies in frequencies from 1 kHz into the gigahertz range through the
atmosphere. The effect of a voltage spike is to produce a corresponding
increase in current (current spike). However some voltage spikes may be
created by current sources. Voltage would increase as necessary so that a
constant current will flow. Current from a discharging inductor is one
example. For sensitive electronics, excessive current can flow if this
voltage spike exceeds a material's breakdown voltage, or if it causes
avalanche breakdown. In semiconductor junctions, excessive electric
current may destroy or severely weaken that device. An avalanche diode,
transient voltage suppression diode, varistor, overvoltage crowbar, or a
range of other overvoltage protective devices can divert (shunt) this
transient current thereby minimizing voltage. Voltage spikes, also known
as surges, may be created by a rapid buildup or decay of a magnetic field,
which may induce energy into the associated circuit. However voltage
spikes can also have more mundane causes such as a fault in a transformer
or higher-voltage (primary circuit) power wires falling onto lower-voltage
(secondary circuit) power wires as a result of accident or storm damage.
Voltage spikes may be longitudinal (common) mode or metallic (normal or
differential) mode. Some equipment damage from surges and spikes can be
prevented by use of surge protection equipment. Each type of spike
requires selective use of protective equipment. For example, a common mode
voltage spike may not even be detected by a protector installed for normal
mode transients. Power increases or decreases which last multiple cycles
are called swells or sags, respectively. An uninterrupted voltage increase
that lasts more than a minute is called an overvoltage. These are usually
caused by malfunctions of the electric power distribution system.
Overcurrent is a situation where a larger than intended electric
current exists through a conductor, leading to excessive generation of
heat, and the risk of fire or damage to equipment. Possible causes for
overcurrent include short circuits, excessive load, incorrect design, an
arc fault, or a ground fault. Fuses, circuit breakers, and current
limiters are commonly used overcurrent protection (OCP) mechanisms to
control the risks.
Circuit breakers and
fuses protect circuit wiring from
damage caused by overcurrent.
Short Circuit is an electrical circuit that allows a current to travel
along an unintended path with no or very low electrical impedance. This
results in an excessive current flowing through the circuit, which could
damage electronics
or cause an open circuit and be disconnected with
no external electrical current
flowing between the terminals, which could cause the electronic device
not work because of an
resistance between two nodes.
Ground Fault or Earth Fault
is any failure that allows unintended connection of power circuit
conductors with the earth.
Just like with
lightning strikes, things that
are plugged in will get damaged from
power surge
voltage spike.
And if you are very close to a
EMP, even some things
that are not plugged in that are
sensitive to
static electricity like
integrated circuit chips (IC),
transistors, resistors, could be
damage by
compton scattering. An EMP surge
is also “
front loaded.” meaning that
it doesn’t do a build up for a
couple of micro-seconds, which would
allow enough time for the circuit
breaker to “read” that trouble is on
the way and shut down. This is why a
surge protector may not give you
the protection that you need. So certain
appliances will need to be
repaired or need to be replaced. The
main damage from EMPs comes from collapsing magnetic field across the
metal in electronics and cause shorts. Being unplugged has the advantage
that you aren't vulnerable to surges coming in on long lines such as the
AC mains or any sort of telecommunications wire. Dedicated suppression
components such as fuses and MOVs are likely to fail first, and in a way
that stops further energy flow (fuses blow, MOVs fail short) -- these
sacrificial failures may help by absorbing the brunt of the surge energy
incoming to the device, especially if it's being conducted in by long
lines. Spare boards may be less prone than live equipment to exhibiting
certain destructive failure modes that require an existing energy source.
ICs are almost universally equipped with I/O protection structures on
their pads, which will absorb the brunt of the surge energy and fail
first, usually as opens or dead shorts. This makes it possible to
"go/no-go" test the ICs for surge damage by testing all the I/O protection
Electrometric burst will disrupt services and certain electronics, and our
lack of computer
systems will leave us extremely vulnerable, but life will go
on. A lot of things like
electrical appliances are
a quality of life luxury, they are
not totally necessary for survival, unless the
power grid and
fail, then just like any
emergency, you need
good planning, and you also need to
know your options.
Li-Fi - The Power of Light

There has to be a Safer and more Healthier way of
transmitting data without radiation and microwaves from Cellular
Towers, Wi-Fi and
Wireless Phones?
Li-Fi or
Light Fidelity
is a bidirectional, high-speed and fully
networked wireless communication
technology similar to Wi-Fi. a form of
visible light communication and a
subset of optical wireless communications (OWC) and could be a complement
to RF communication (Wi-Fi or
cellular networks), or even a replacement in
contexts of data broadcasting.
Harald Haas: Wireless Data from Every Light Bulb (video)
Visible Light Communication is a data communications variant
which uses visible light between 400 and 800 THz (780–375 nm). VLC is a
subset of optical wireless communications technologies.
Squeezing Light into a Tiny Channel brings Optical Computing a step closer.
Developing technologies that run on light. Researchers are designing a
nanoscale photon diode, a necessary component that could bring us closer
to faster, more energy-efficient computers and communications that replace
electricity with light.
Scientists develop a more efficient way to transmit data between our
devices. The use of electric waves, rather than electromagnetic waves,
for a low-power way to transmit data at close range, while maintaining the
high throughput needed for multimedia applications. Bluetooth, Wifi, and
5G currently rely on electromagnetic modulation, a form of wireless
technology which was developed over 125 years ago. By contrast, electric
field modulation uses short-range electric waves, which consumes much less
power than Bluetooth. Electric current is the movement of electric charge
through a conductor. For example, an electric charge carried by electrons
through a wire. An electromagnetic wave does not require a conductor.
Electromagnetic waves are created by moving electric charges, but once
created, they can propagate through a vacuum.
Next-generation wireless technology may leverage the human body for energy.
One of the most promising breakthroughs in 6G telecommunications is the
possibility of Visible Light Communication or VLC, which is like a
wireless version of fiberoptics, using flashes of light to transmit
information. Now, a team has announced that they have invented a low-cost,
innovative way to harvest the waste energy from VLC by using the human
body as an antenna. This waste energy can be recycled to power an array of
wearable devices, or even, perhaps, larger electronics.
Optical Computing uses
photons produced by lasers or diodes for computation. For decades,
photons have promised to allow a
higher bandwidth than the
electrons used in conventional computers. Most research projects focus on
replacing current computer components with optical equivalents, resulting
in an optical digital computer system processing binary data. This
approach appears to offer the best short-term prospects for commercial
optical computing, since optical components could be integrated into
traditional computers to produce an optical-electronic hybrid. However,
optoelectronic devices lose 30% of their energy converting electronic
energy into photons and back; this conversion also slows the transmission
of messages. All-optical computers eliminate the need for
optical-electrical-optical (OEO) conversions, thus lessening the need for
electrical power. Application-specific devices, such as synthetic aperture
radar (SAR) and optical correlators, have been designed to use the
principles of optical computing. Correlators can be used, for example, to
detect and track objects, and to classify serial time-domain optical data.
Engineering is the field of study that focuses on applications of
optics. Optical engineers design components of optical instruments such as
lenses, microscopes,
telescopes, and other equipment that utilizes the properties of light.
Other devices include optical sensors and measurement systems, lasers,
fiber optic communication systems, optical disc systems (e.g. CD,
DVD), etc.
LED's -
Light -
Wireless Energy -
Blue Light -
Sleep Lights -
Light Therapy
First demonstration of quantum teleportation over busy Internet cables.
Advance opens door for lightning-fast quantum applications without
specialized infrastructure.
Quantum teleportation could provide near-instant communication over
long distances. But, inside Internet cables, photons needed for
teleportation are lost
within the millions of light particles required for classical
communications. A new study quantified light scattering to find exact
areas to place photons to keep them safe from other particles. The
approach successfully worked in experiments carrying regular Internet
Quantum teleportation.
is the branch of physics which involves the behaviour and
properties of light, including
its interactions with matter and the construction of instruments that use
or detect it. Optics usually describes the behavior of visible,
ultraviolet, and infrared light. Because light is an electromagnetic wave,
other forms of electromagnetic radiation such as X-rays, microwaves, and
radio waves exhibit similar properties.
Do you See the
Li-Fi will eventually be used for
transmitting information
directly into the brain. It would most likely go
directly to the
brains memory first and then from there it would have to be
sorted using the brains preferred processes for learning. The
person receiving the information would need training first, and
would also need to be an adult with
a brain
that's fully developed.
We already take in information through light by what we see,
things like pictures, text, and by way of video, computer
screens and TV, which some of it is mostly
subliminal without much benefit, unless you can
deconstruct it
Lawn Mower Man (AI).
Researchers demonstrate noise-free communication with structured light.
A new approach to optical communication that can be deployed with
conventional technology.
Scientists used a new invariant property of
vectorial light to encode information. This quantity, which the team call
'vectorness', scales from 0 to 1 and remains unchanged when passing
through a noisy channel.
Light it up: Reimagining the optical diode effect. A research group
has discovered significant nonreciprocal optical absorption of LiNiPO4,
referred to as the
optical diode effect, in which divalent nickel (Ni2+) ions are
responsible for
by passing light at shortwave infrared wavelengths used in optical
communications. Furthermore, they have uncovered that it is possible to
switch the optical diode effect by applying a magnetic field. This is a
step forward in the development of an innovative optical isolator that is
more compact and can control light propagation, replacing the conventional
optical isolators with complex structures.
Photonics - Optogenetics
Photonics is the science of light generation,
detection, and manipulation through emission, transmission,
signal processing, switching, amplification, and detection/sensing.
Nanophotonics is the study of the behavior of
Light on the
nanometer scale, and of the
interaction of nanometer-scale objects with light. It is a branch of
optics, optical
engineering, electrical engineering, and nanotechnology. It often (but not
exclusively) involves metallic components, which can transport and focus
light via surface plasmon polaritons.
A new approach to trapping light in artificial photonic materials
could lead to a tremendous boost in the transfer speed of data online.
Photon is an elementary
particle, the
quantum of all forms
electromagnetic radiation
Waveguide is a structure that guides waves, such as
electromagnetic waves or sound waves. They enable a signal to propagate
with minimal loss of energy by restricting expansion to one dimension or
Biophoton are photons of light in the
ultraviolet and
low visible light range that are produced by a biological system. They
are non-thermal in origin, and the emission of biophotons is technically a
type of
bioluminescence, though bioluminescence is generally reserved for
higher luminance luciferin/luciferase systems. The term biophoton used in
this narrow sense should not be confused with the broader field of
biophotonics, which studies the general interaction of light with
biological systems.
denotes a combination of
biology and photonics, with photonics being the
science and technology of generation, manipulation, and detection of
photons, quantum units of light. Photonics is related to electronics and
photons. Photons play a central role in information technologies such as
fiber optics the way electrons do in electronics.
Physicists score double hit in LED research. In 2 breakthroughs in the
realm of photonics, researchers are reporting the successful demonstration
of an LED (light-emitting diode) based on half-light half-matter
quasiparticles in atomically thin materials. This is also the first
successful test of an electrically driven light emitter using atomically
thin semiconductors embedded in a light trapping structure (optical
Polarization Waves
Luminescence -
Chemical Energy
Time Crystals
Evidence builds for near infrared light treatment in traumatic brain
injury. Birmingham scientists have shown light therapy delivered
transcranially (though the skull) can aid tissue repair after mild
traumatic brain injury (mTBI).
Eyes -
Blue Light -
Sleep Lights
Light Therapy -
Sound Waves -
Brain Stimulation
Using light to manipulate neuron excitability. A new optogenetics-based
tool allows researchers to control how neurons respond to electrical
input, they can use light exposure to change the electrical capacitance of
the neurons' membranes, which alters their excitability (how strongly or
weakly they respond to electrical signals).
Turning brain cells on using the power of light. Rochester researchers
have refined the noninvasive method of bioluminescent optogenetics to
activate parts of the brain. University of Rochester researchers have
demonstrated a noninvasive method using BL-OG, or bioluminescent
optogenetics, that harnesses light to activate neurons in the brain. The
ability to regulate brain activation could transform invasive procedures
such as deep brain stimulation that are used to treat Parkinson's disease
and other neurological conditions.
and Photonics Research -
Optics Info Base.
Using light to precisely control single-molecule devices. Researchers
flip the switch at the nanoscale by applying light to induce bonding for
single-molecule device switching. In a new Nature Communications study,
Columbia Engineering researchers report that they have built highly
conductive, tunable single-molecule devices in which the molecule is
attached to leads by using direct metal-metal contacts. Their novel
approach uses light to control the electronic properties of the devices
and opens the door to broader use of metal-metal contacts that could
facilitate electron transport across the single-molecule device.
Photopharmacology: Using light to control cold sensors. Researchers
have developed a molecule that allows an important ion channel to be
regulated -- a breakthrough with therapeutic potential. The researchers
have developed an innovative molecule called azo-menthol, which is able to
precisely control TRPM8 channels using light.
Light stimulates a new twist for synthetic chemistry. Molecules that
are induced by light to rotate bulky groups around central bonds could be
developed into photo-activated bioactive systems, molecular switches, and
Two beams are better than one. Adding two lasers together as a sort of
optical 'it couple' promises to make wireless communications faster and
more secure than ever before.
New photonic chip for isolating light may be key to miniaturizing quantum
devices. Researchers have designed a simple, compact photonic circuit
that uses sound waves to rein in light. The team's measurements show that
their approach to isolation currently outperforms all previous on-chip
alternatives and is optimized for compatibility with atom-based sensors.
Pulsed Light is a technology used by cosmetic and medical
practitioners to perform various skin treatments for aesthetic and
therapeutic purposes, including hair removal, photorejuvenation (e.g. the
treatment of skin pigmentation, sun damage, and thread veins) as well as
to alleviate dermatologic diseases such as acne.
Advance in intense pulsed light sintering opens door to improved
electronics manufacturing. Intense pulsed light sintering allows
for faster densification – in a matter of seconds – over larger areas
compared to conventional sintering processes such as oven-based and
laser-based. IPL can potentially be used to sinter nanoparticles for
applications in printed electronics, solar cells, gas sensing and
Photocatalysis is the acceleration of a photoreaction in the presence
of a catalyst. In catalysed photolysis, light is absorbed by an adsorbed
substrate. In photogenerated catalysis, the photocatalytic activity (PCA)
depends on the ability of the catalyst to create electron–hole pairs,
which generate free radicals (e.g. hydroxyl radicals: •OH) able to undergo
secondary reactions.
Densification is to
impregnate (wood) with additives under heat and pressure in order to
achieve greater density and hardness.
Absorption of electromagnetic radiation is
the way in which the energy of a photon is taken up by matter, typically
the electrons of an atom. Thus, the electromagnetic energy is transformed
into internal energy of the absorber, for example thermal energy. The
reduction in intensity of a light wave propagating through a medium by
absorption of a part of its photons is often called attenuation. Usually,
the absorption of waves does not depend on their intensity (linear
absorption), although in certain conditions (usually, in optics), the
medium changes its transparency dependently on the intensity of waves
going through, and saturable absorption (or nonlinear absorption) occurs.
Computing at the Speed of Light, shuttle photons instead of
electrons using ultra-compact
Beam Splitters. Mobile devices such as smartphones or
tablets built with this technology would consume less power,
have longer battery life and generate less heat than existing mobile devices.
Lightmatter photonic chips.
Optoelectronics is the study and application of electronic devices and
systems that source, detect and control
Light, usually considered a sub-field of
Solar Panels.
Tunable Optical Chip paves way for new Quantum Devices. Researchers
have created a silicon carbide
photonic integrated chip that can be
thermally tuned by applying an electric signal.
Atoms, molecules or even living cells can be manipulated with light beams.
Controlling light with a material three atoms thick. Thin structures
made of black phosphorus can tune the properties of light, with
implications for science and technology.
New ways to modulate cell activity remotely. Researchers use
temperature to guide cellular behavior, promising better diagnostics and
targeted therapies. Controlling cellular behavior with light -- a field
known as optogenetics -- has been a game-changer in biology since its
development almost two decades ago.
Across the spectrum: Researchers find way to stabilize Color of Light in
next-gen Material. Researchers believe this could be the basis for
efficient and more cost-effective optoelectronic technologies that can
turn light into electricity or vice versa.
When AI and Optoelectronics meet: Researchers take control of Light
Properties. Researchers customize the properties of broadband light
sources using an
AI algorithm
and a photonic chip. Spectro-temporal representation of femtosecond pulse
patterns, prepared by a photonic chip to seed the generation of
supercontinuum. The patterns are optimized via machine-learning to select
and enhance desired properties in the output supercontinuum. Here, the
pulses are separated by 1 picosecond, and measured experimentally via
frequency-resolved optical gating (FROG). Using
machine-learning and an integrated photonic chip, researchers from
INRS (Canada) and the University of Sussex (UK) can now customize the
properties of broadband light sources. Also called "supercontinuum," these
sources are at the core of new imaging technologies and the approach
proposed by the researchers will bring further insight into fundamental
aspects of light-matter interactions and ultrafast nonlinear optics.
Silicon Photonics
is the study and application of photonic systems which use silicon as an
optical medium.
Parylene photonics enable future optical biointerfaces. Scientists
have invented an optical platform that will likely become the new standard
in optical
biointerfaces. They labeled this new field of optical technology 'Parylene
photonics.' Chamanzar's design was created with neural stimulation in
mind, allowing for targeted stimulation and monitoring of specific neurons
within the brain. Crucial to this, is the creation of 45-degree embedded
micromirrors. While prior optical biointerfaces have stimulated a large
swath of the brain tissue beyond what could be measured, these
micromirrors create a tight overlap between the volume being stimulated
and the volume recorded. These micromirrors also enable integration of
external light sources with the Parylene waveguides.
Programming light on a chip. Research opens doors in photonic quantum
information processing, optical signal processing and microwave photonics.
Researchers have developed a new integrated photonics platform that can
store light and electrically control its frequency (or color) in an
integrated circuit.
Nanophysicists developed a high-performance Organic Phototransistor.
Converting light into electrical signals is essential for a number of
future applications including imaging, optical communication and
biomedical sensing. Researchers have now developed a new molecular device
enabling to detect light and translate it with high efficiency to
detectable electronic current.
Phototransistor is a device that
is able to sense light levels and alter the current flowing between
emitter and collector according to the level of light it receives.
Physicists Write, Read and Erase using Light. A team of physicists has
developed a new method of storing information in fully transparent plastic
5000 times faster than a computer. Interatomic light rectifier
generates directed electric currents. The absorption of light in
semiconductor crystals without inversion symmetry can generate electric
currents. Researchers have now generated directed currents at terahertz
(THz) frequencies, much higher than the clock rates of current
electronics. They show that electronic charge transfer between neighboring
atoms in the crystal lattice represents the underlying mechanism.
Quantum manipulation and control of light. Creating different kinds of
light with manipulable quantum properties.
Visible Light and Nanoparticle catalysts produce desirable Bioactive
Molecules. Simple
photochemical method takes advantage of
quantum mechanics. Quantum
dots behave more like organic molecules than metal nanoparticles. The
nanoparticle catalysts use energy from visible light to activate
molecules on their surfaces and fuse them together to form larger molecules in
configurations useful for biological applications. The larger molecule
then detaches easily from the nanoparticle, freeing the nanoparticle to be
used again in another reaction cycle.
Internet Connection Types
Researchers develop new way to break reciprocity law by changing
material properties periodically in time. The breakthrough could help to
create efficient nonreciprocal devices, such as compact isolators and
circulators, that are needed for the next generation of microwave
technology by eliminating the need for bulky magnets, and in photonics or
optical communications systems. When we look through a window and see our
neighbor on the street, the neighbor can also see us. This is called
reciprocity, and
it is the most common physical phenomenon in nature.
The Story
of Light - Bell Labs - Future Impossible (youtube)
Spatial Multiplexing is a transmission technique in MIMO
wireless communication to transmit independent and separately encoded data
signals, so-called streams, from each of the multiple transmit antennas.
Therefore, the space dimension is reused, or multiplexed, more than one
Moonlight is 500,000 times less bright than the sun, but light cast by
the moon has different
properties than the Sun.
Moonlight reflected from the sun presents a distinctive spectrum
composed of more reds and yellows, and possesses a different frequency
than sunlight. This specific light spectrum has never been artificially
duplicated. Different tissue and cell types in the body each have their
own particular light absorption dispositions (they will only absorb light
of a specific wavelength); therefore
different frequencies of light
have distinct benefits and applications. Extensive research has shown that
different wavelengths of light have beneficial therapeutic effects at the
cellular level.
Electronic chip mimics the brain to make memories in a flash.
Engineers have mimicked the human brain with an electronic chip that uses
light to create and modify memories. Researchers from RMIT University drew
inspiration from an emerging tool in biotechnology -- optogenetics -- to
develop a device that replicates the way the brain stores and loses
Optogenetics allows scientists to delve into the body's
electrical system with incredible precision, using light to manipulate
neurons so that they can be turned on or off.
Optogenetics is a
biological technique which involves the use of
light to control cells
in living tissue, typically
neurons, that have been
genetically modified to express
light-sensitive ion channels.
Light flips genetic switch in bacteria inside transparent worms.
Light-controlled genes could reveal how gut bacteria impact health.
Researchers have shown that colored light can both activate and deactivate
genes of gut bacteria in the intestines of worms. The research shows how
optogenetic technology can be used to investigate the health impacts of
gut bacteria.
Light can be used as an accurate method to control gene expression
shows groundbreaking optogenetics study by University of Colorado, Duke
University and University of Helsinki researchers.
Switching DNA functions on and off by means of light. Biochemists use
protein engineering to transfer photocaging groups to DNA. Biochemists
have developed a new strategy for controlling the biological functions of
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) by means of light and therefore provide a tool
to investigate processes which take place in cells. The cell's functions
depend on special molecules, the enzymes. Enzymes are proteins, which
carry out chemical reactions in the cell. They help to synthesize
metabolic products, make copies of the DNA molecules, convert energy for
the cell's activities, change DNA epigenetically and break down certain
Luminescence -
Light Therapy -
Photoreceptor Protein are light-sensitive proteins involved
in the sensing and response to light in a variety of organisms.
Photocurrent is the electric current through a
photosensitive device, such as a photodiode, as the result of exposure to
radiant power.
Researchers "Reprogram" Network of Brain Cells with Thin Beam of
Scientists invent
new way to sort cells by type using light. Label-free, nondestructive
technique could be useful for many biomedical applications. Researchers
have developed and demonstrated a new method for high-throughput
single-cell sorting that uses stimulated Raman spectroscopy rather than
the traditional approach of fluorescence-activated cell sorting. The new
approach could offer a label-free, nondestructive way to sort cells for a
variety of applications, including microbiology, cancer detection and cell
Light regulates structural conversion of chiral molecules. A team of
chemists have developed a novel concept in which a mixture of molecules
that behave like mirror images is converted to a single form. To this end,
they use light as external energy source. The conversion is relevant e.g.
for the preparation of drugs. Just like our hands, certain organic
molecules relate to each other like an image and its reflection -- a
phenomenon that chemists call "chirality" or "handedness." The two mirror
images of the same molecule, namely both enantiomers, often possess
different biological properties. For example for drug discovery, many
times only one of the structures is relevant. However, chemical synthesis
methods often create a 1:1 mixture of both forms. Therefore, the selective
conversion of these mixtures into one selected form is of great
Integrated Control of Predatory Hunting Circuits by the Central Nucleus of
the Amygdala. Mice became aggressive predators when two sets of
neurons in the
were activated with laser light.
UNC-Chapel Hill researchers use light to launch drugs from red blood cells.
Scientists use light to control the logic networks of a cell in a
breakthrough technique that uses light to activate a drug stored in
circulating red blood cells so that it is released exactly when and where
it is needed.
is a collective excitation in a periodic, elastic arrangement of atoms or
molecules in condensed matter, specifically in solids and some liquids. A
type of quasiparticle, a phonon is an excited state in the quantum
mechanical quantization of the modes of vibrations for elastic structures
of interacting particles. Phonons can be thought of as
quantized sound waves,
similar to photons as quantized light waves. However, photons are
fundamental particles that can be individually detected, whereas phonons,
being quasiparticles, are an emergent phenomenon.
Phonon Polariton is a type of quasiparticle that can form in a
diatomic ionic crystal due
to coupling of transverse optical phonons and photons. They are particular
type of polariton, which behave like bosons. Phonon polaritons occur in
the region where the wavelength and energy of phonons and photons are
similar, as to adhere to the avoided crossing principle.
Photon-phonon interaction in photonic crystals.
Photons and phonons are two of the fundamental carriers of thermal
energy in and between materials. At the quantum scale, they behave as
waves: photons are waves of electromagnetic fields, while phonons are
waves of oscillatory atomic vibrational energy. When you get enough of
them all together, they act like particles and give rise to the more
familiar macroscopic phenomena of heat conduction and thermal radiation.
By leveraging a fundamental understanding of the behavior of photons and
phonons from the nano-scale up, we are developing technologies that can
transport energy and convert it from one form into another with new levels
of control and efficiency
is an elementary particle that is a quantum of the electromagnetic field,
including electromagnetic radiation such as light and radio waves, and the
force carrier for the electromagnetic force. Photons are massless, so they
always move at the speed of light when in vacuum.
Stereotactic Surgery is a minimally invasive form of surgical
intervention that makes use of a three-dimensional coordinate system to
locate small targets inside the body and to perform on them some action
such as ablation, biopsy, lesion, injection, stimulation, implantation,
radiosurgery (SRS), etc
Radiosurgery is surgery using radiation, that is, the destruction of
precisely selected areas of tissue using ionizing radiation rather than
excision with a blade. Like other forms of radiation therapy (also called
radiotherapy), it is usually used to treat cancer. In stereotactic
radiosurgery the word "stereotactic" refers to a three-dimensional
coordinate system that enables accurate correlation of a virtual target
seen in the patient's diagnostic images with the actual target position in
the patient. Stereotactic radiosurgery may also be called stereotactic
body radiation therapy (SBRT) or stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR)
when used outside the central nervous system (CNS).
Noninvasive Light-Sensitive Recombinase for Deep Brain Genetic
Manipulation. A research team presents a noninvasive light-sensitive
photoactivatable recombinase suitable for genetic manipulation in vivo.
The highly light-sensitive property of photoactivatable Flp recombinase
will be ideal for controlling genetic manipulation in deep mouse brain
regions by illumination with a noninvasive light-emitting diode. This
easy-to-use optogenetic module will provide a side-effect free and
expandable genetic manipulation tool for neuroscience research.
SLAC Study: Light Can Switch On Topological Materials. Computer
Simulations Show How Light Pulses Can Create Channels that Conduct
Electricity with No Resistance in Atomically Thin Semiconductors.
LumiWave: Delivers the power of 200 LEDS (light emitting diodes)
deep-tissue, infrared-light therapy device wavelength, in a lightweight,
portable and affordable package. Stimulating effect of photon penetration
and cell absorption.
Depth is a measure of how deep light or any electromagnetic radiation
can penetrate into a material. It is defined as the depth at which the
intensity of the radiation inside the material falls to 1/e (about 37%) of
its original value at (or more properly, just beneath) the surface. When
electromagnetic radiation is incident on the surface of a material, it may
be (partly) reflected from that surface and there will be a field
containing energy transmitted into the material. This electromagnetic
field interacts with the atoms and electrons inside the material.
Depending on the nature of the material, the electromagnetic field might
travel very far into the material, or may die out very quickly. For a
given material, penetration depth will generally be a function of
Using a Laser to Wirelessly Charge a Smartphone safely across a room -
Wireless Energy
Photodielectric Detector using a Superconducting Cavity.
Implanted Computer Chip -
Fragmented -
Brain Knowledge
Plasmonics are unique light-matter interactions in the nanoscale regime.
Now, a team of researchers has highlighted advances in shadow growth
techniques for plasmonic materials, which have the potential to give rise
to nanoparticles with diverse shapes and properties. They also introduce a
method for large-scale production of nano-rotamers of magnesium with
programmable polarization behavior, opening avenues for novel research
applications. Plasmonics are special optical phenomena that are understood
as interactions between light and matter and possess diverse shapes,
material compositions, and symmetry-related behavior. The design of such
plasmonic structures at the nanoscale level can pave the way for optical
materials that respond to the orientation of light (polarization), which
is not easily achievable in bulk size and existing materials.
Plasmonics or nanoplasmonics refers to the generation, detection, and
manipulation of signals at optical frequencies along metal-dielectric
interfaces in the nanometer scale. Inspired by photonics, plasmonics
follows the trend of miniaturizing optical devices (see also nanophotonics),
and finds applications in sensing, microscopy, optical communications, and
New organic molecule shatters phosphorescence efficiency records and paves
way for rare metal-free applications. A team has discovered that the
new organic molecule thienyl diketone exhibits high-efficiency
achieving a rate over ten times faster than traditional materials. This
breakthrough provides new guidelines for developing rare metal-free
organic phosphorescent materials, promising advancements in applications
like organic EL displays, lighting, and cancer diagnostics.
genetic algorithm for phononic crystals. Researchers tested phononic
nanomaterials designed with an automated genetic algorithm that responded
to light pulses with controlled vibrations. This work may help in the
development of next-generation sensors and computer devices.
Controlling Light with Light. Researchers develop a new platform for
all-optical computing. Researchers developed a fundamentally new material
that uses reversible swelling and contracting in a hydrogel under low
laser power to change the refractive index. The hydrogel is composed of a
polymer network that is swollen with water, like a sponge, and a small
number of light-responsive molecules known as spiropyran (which is similar
to the molecule used to tint transition lenses). When light is shone
through the gel, the area under the light contracts a small amount,
concentrating the polymer and changing the refractive index. When the
light is turned off, the gel returns to its original state. When multiple
beams are shone through the material, they interact and affect each other,
even at large distances. Beam A could inhibit Beam B, Beam B could inhibit
Beam A, both could cancel each other out or both could go through --
creating an optical logic gate. Not only can we design photoresponsive
materials that reversibly switch their optical, chemical and physical
properties in the presence of light, but we can use those changes to
create channels of light, or self-trapped beams, that can guide and
manipulate light.
Fiber Optics
Optical Fiber is a flexible, transparent fiber made by drawing glass
(silica) or plastic to a diameter slightly thicker than that of a human
hair. Optical fibers are used most often as a means to
transmit light
between the two ends of the fiber and find wide usage in fiber-optic
communications, where they permit transmission over longer distances and
at higher bandwidths (data rates) than wire cables. Fibers are used
instead of metal wires because
signals travel along them with lesser
amounts of loss; in addition, fibers are also immune to electromagnetic
interference, a problem from which metal wires suffer excessively. Fibers
are also used for illumination, and are wrapped in bundles so that they
may be used to carry images, thus allowing viewing in confined spaces, as
in the case of a fiberscope. Specially designed fibers are also used for a
variety of other applications, some of them being fiber optic sensors and
fiber lasers.
Using Light for Communications was originally thought of over a
100 years ago.
Fiber Optic
Sensor is a
that uses optical fiber either as the sensing element ("intrinsic
sensors"), or as a means of
relaying signals from a remote sensor to the
electronics that process the signals ("extrinsic sensors").
Fiber Optic Super-Fast Internet by Harnessing Twisted Light Beams.
say they have developed tiny readers that can detect information in light
spirals to carry more data and process it faster. Fiber optic cables use
pulses of light to transmit information, but currently information can
only be stored through the
color of the
light, and whether the wave is horizontal or vertical. By twisting
light into a spiral, engineers effectively create a
third dimension for light
to carry information: the level of orbital
angular momentum, or
spin. It’s like DNA, if you look at the double helix spiral, the more you
can use angular momentum the more information you can carry.
gigabits per second (1 gigabit = 1 billion
bits) -
Super Computers.
Putting on the pressure improves glass for fiber optics. Rapid,
accurate communication worldwide is possible via fiber optic cables, but
as good as they are, they are not perfect. Now, researchers suggest that
the silica glass used for these cables would have less signal loss if it
were manufactured under high pressure. Signal loss means that we have to
use amplifiers every 80 to 100 kilometers (50 to 62 miles). Simulations
showed that using pressure quenching of the glass, the
Rayleigh scattering loss
could be reduced by more than 50%.
Navigation using Light
Light-Field Camera captures
information about the light field
emanating from a scene; that is, the intensity of light in a scene, and
also the direction that the light rays are traveling in space. This
contrasts with a conventional camera, which records only light intensity.
One type of light field camera uses an array of micro-lenses placed in
front of an otherwise conventional image sensor to sense intensity, color,
and directional information. Multi-camera arrays are another type of light
field camera. Holograms are a type of film-based light field image.
Lidar is
a surveying method that measures distance to a target by illuminating that
target with a pulsed
laser light,
and measuring the reflected pulses with a
Differences in laser return times and
wavelengths can then be used
to make digital
of the target. The name lidar, sometimes considered an acronym of Light
Detection And Ranging (sometimes Light Imaging, Detection, And Ranging)
(also called LIDAR, LiDAR, and LADAR), was originally a
portmanteau of light and
which is an object-detection system that uses radio waves to determine the
range, angle, or velocity of objects.
Noise Control - Sound Pollution
Noise Pollution is the
disturbing or
excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of
human or animal life. The source of most outdoor noise worldwide is mainly
caused by machines and transportation systems, motor vehicles, aircraft,
and trains.
Nuisance Crime -
Noise Pollution
Music Disorders -
Sensory Disorders -
Tinnitus -
Amygdala -
Voice Humming -
Road Noise makes your blood pressure rise -- literally. Study shows
the sound of traffic is associated with increased risk of hypertension,
calls for public health measures to reduce noise exposure.
Even slight Traffic Noise has a negative impact on work performance.
As cities are densified at a fast pace, there is now construction very
close to roads and thoroughfares. It is already known that noise can have
a negative impact on human health, but new research shows that as little
as 40 decibels of traffic noise -- the typical level of background noise
in an office environment or kitchen -- has a detrimental effect on
cognitive performance.
Studies have shown that people
living near
airports have a higher risk of developing hypertension and other
cardiovascular problems due to
noise-induced stress.
The impact of human-caused Noise Pollution on Birds. Anthropogenic
noise pollution is a globally invasive phenomenon impacting natural
systems, but most research has occurred at local scales with few species.
Researchers in this study investigated continental-scale breeding season
associations with ANP for 322 bird species to test whether local-scale
predictions are consistent at broad spatial extents for an extensive group
of North American bird species in the continental United States.
Outdoor Recreation Noise affects wildlife behavior and habitat use,
study finds. We may go to the woods seeking peace and quiet, but are we
taking our noise with us? A recent study indicates that the answer is yes
-- and that this noise can trigger a fear response, as if escaping from
predators. This new science calls into question whether otherwise
high-quality habitat truly provides refugia for wildlife when
recreationists are present and underscores the challenges land managers
face in balancing outdoor recreational opportunities with wildlife
Anthropogenic Noise in the marine
environment can be generally classed as either acute or chronic.
Chronic noise refers to long term, low
intensity noise, for example from shipping and industrial activity. Both
have the potential to impact on cetacean behaviour and physiology.
Effects of Living in a Noisy World. Worldwide, noise-induced hearing
impairment is the most prevalent irreversible occupational hazard, and it
is estimated that
120 million
people worldwide have disabling hearing difficulties. Brief exposure
to sound levels exceeding
120 dBA
without hearing protection may even cause physical pain.
Loud Noise Sensitivity
Misophonia is when people
by certain sounds or have strong negative feelings,
sensitivities, thoughts, and
reactions to specific
sounds, which the literature calls "
trigger sounds". These sounds
can be soft or loud. One study found that around 80%
of the sounds were related to the mouth, like someone eating, slurping, chewing or
popping gum, whispering, etc., and around 60% were repetitive. A visual
trigger may develop related to the
trigger sound. It also
appears that a misophonic reaction can occur in the absence of an actual sound.
Auditory Hallucination -
Sensory Disorders -
Pitch Perception -
Alarm Fatigue -
Electronic Noise -
Quiet Silence
Hyperacusis is a highly debilitating rare
hearing disorder characterized by
increased sensitivity to certain frequencies
and volume ranges of sound (a collapsed tolerance to usual
environmental sound). A person with severe peracusis has difficulty
tolerating everyday sounds, which become painful or loud. Hyperacusis is
often coincident with tinnitus. Both conditions have a prevalence of about
10–15% and hearing loss as a major risk factor. However, there also appear
to be important differences between the mechanisms involved in
and hyperacusis.
Psychoacoustics is the branch of psychophysics involving the
scientific study of
sound perception a and audiology—how humans perceive
various sounds. More specifically, it is the branch of science studying
the psychological responses associated with sound (including noise,
speech, and music). Psychoacoustics is an interdisciplinary field of many
areas, including psychology, acoustics, electronic engineering, physics,
biology, physiology, and computer science.
Prolonged exposure to loud noise alters how the brain processes
speech, potentially
increasing the
difficulty in distinguishing speech sounds.
Acute High-Intensity Noise induces rapid Arc protein expression
butfails to rapidly change GAD expression in amygdala and hippocampusof
rats: Effects of treatment with D-cycloserine.
Background Noise is any
other than the sound being monitored (primary sound).
Why is the Brain disturbed by Harsh Sounds? Their results showed that
the conventional sound-processing circuit is activated but that the
cortical and sub-cortical areas involved in the processing of salience and
aversion are also solicited. This explains why the brain goes into a state
of alert on hearing this type of sound. Researchers from UNIGE and HUG
played repetitive sounds of between 0 and 250 Hz to 16 participants closer
and closer together in order to define the frequencies that the brain
finds unbearable. The scientists were able to establish that the upper
limit of sound roughness is around 130 Hz. Above this limit the
frequencies are heard as forming only one continuous sound. The sounds
considered intolerable were mainly between 40 and 80 Hz, i.e. in the range
of frequencies used by alarms and
human screams, including those of a
baby. . when the repetitions are spaced less than about 25 milliseconds
apart, the brain cannot anticipate them and therefore suppress them. It is
constantly on alert and attentive to the stimulus. When the sound is
perceived as continuous (above 130 Hz), the auditory cortex in the upper
temporal lobe is activated. But when sounds are perceived as harsh
(especially between 40 and 80 Hz), they induce a persistent response that
additionally recruits a large number of cortical and sub-cortical regions
that are not part of the conventional auditory system. "These sounds
solicit the amygdala, hippocampus and insula in particular, all areas
related to salience, aversion and pain. This explains why participants
experienced them as being unbearable.
That just sounds wrong. New study shows how our brains tell us when a
sound is off. From closing car doors to kicking a football to composing
music, the brain knows how to distinguish 'right' from 'wrong'. Whether
it's a car door not properly closed, a shanked kick in football, or a
misplaced note in music, our ears tell us when something doesn't sound
right. A team of neuroscientists has recently uncovered how the brain
works to make distinctions between 'right' and 'wrong' sounds -- research
that provides a deeper understanding of how we learn complex audio-motor
tasks like speaking or playing music.
One of the crowd or one of a kind? New artificial intelligence
research indicates we're a bit of both.
Prepulse Inhibition is a
neurological phenomenon in which a weaker prestimulus (prepulse)
inhibits the reaction of an organism to a subsequent strong
reflex-eliciting stimulus (pulse), often using the
startle reflex. The
stimuli are usually
acoustic, but tactile stimuli (e.g. via air puffs onto the skin) and light
stimuli are also used. When prepulse inhibition is high, the corresponding
one-time startle response is reduced. The reduction of the amplitude of
startle reflects the ability of the
nervous system to
temporarily adapt to a
strong sensory stimulus when a preceding weaker signal is given to
warn the organism. PPI is detected in numerous species including mice and
humans. Although the extent of the adaptation affects numerous systems,
the most comfortable to measure are the muscular reactions, which are
normally diminished as a result of the nervous inhibition. Deficits of
prepulse inhibition manifest in the inability to filter out the
unnecessary information; they have been linked to abnormalities of sensorimotor gating.
The Hum is a name often given
to widespread reports of a persistent and invasive low-frequency humming,
rumbling, or droning noise audible to many but not all people. Hums have
been reported all over the world, including the United States, the United
Kingdom, Australia and Canada. They are sometimes named according to the
locality where the problem has been particularly publicized, such as the
Taos Hum" in New Mexico and the "Windsor Hum" in Ontario.
Natural Gas Pipeline Humming Noise.
Gas lines in particular produce a phenomenon of low and extra-low
frequency sound waves. They occur due to the transmission of high pressure
natural gas through the set ups. These noises are referred to as flutter
and hum.
Flutter is a persistent pulsating airborne pressure wave. It
radiates from pipelines. The big issue is the sound can penetrate houses
and feels like a vibration in your ears and head. Another place where you
can feel flutter is outside as a discomfort because of interior organ
resonance. This is an invasive and persistent low frequency droning,
rumbling, or humming. It is not audible to everyone. It tends to resonate
in enclosed structures, causing vibrations/sounds between 1 and 50 hertz.
Hum waves can move over 25 miles from their origin and expand over an
area. The hum is usually felt more than heard because it is a sputtering
tonal noise. It is also an accompanying
vibrotactile sensation. People
often describe it like numerous intensities of idling diesel engines that
are always operating outside their property. Little is known about hum,
making it the more unsettling of the two.
Havana Syndrome
affected individuals who reported an acute onset of symptoms associated
with a perceived localized loud sound, followed by chronic symptoms that
lasted for months, such as balance and cognitive problems, insomnia, and
headaches. various U.S. officials blamed the reported symptoms on a
variety of unidentified and unknown technologies, including ultrasound or
microwave weapons. The U.S. intelligence services could not determine
the cause of the symptoms; however, U.S. intelligence and government
officials expressed suspicions to the press that Russian military
intelligence was responsible.
Occupational Noise is the amount of acoustic energy received by an
employee's auditory system when they are working in the industry.
Industrial noise comes from a huge variety of sources. Occupational noise,
or industrial noise, is often a term used in occupational safety and
health, as sustained exposure can cause permanent hearing damage.
Occupational noise is considered an occupational hazard traditionally
linked to loud industries such as ship-building, mining, railroad work,
welding, and construction, but can be present in any workplace where
hazardous noise is present.
Noise Reduction Tools
Noise Regulation includes statutes or guidelines relating to
transmission established by national, state or provincial and municipal
levels of government. After the watershed passage of the United States
Noise Control Act of 1972, other local and state governments passed
further regulations.
Noise Pollution.
Interactive Map of Road and Aviation Noise Pollution in the United States.
Sound Reduction Index is used to measure the level of sound insulation
provided by a structure such as a wall, window, door, or ventilator. It is
defined in the series of international standards ISO 16283 (parts 1-3) and
the older ISO 140 (parts 1-14), or the regional or national variants on
these standards.
Architectural Acoustics
is the science and engineering of achieving a
good sound within a building
and is a branch of acoustical engineering.
Acoustical Engineering is the branch of
engineering dealing
with sound and vibration. It is the application of acoustics, the science
sound and vibration, in technology. Acoustical engineers are typically
concerned with the design, analysis and control of sound.
One goal of acoustical engineering can be the reduction of unwanted noise,
which is referred to as noise control. Unwanted noise can have significant
impacts on animal and human health and well-being, reduce attainment by
students in schools, and cause hearing loss. Noise control principles are
implemented into technology and design in a variety of ways, including
control by redesigning sound sources, the design of noise barriers, sound
absorbers, suppressors, and buffer zones, and the use of hearing
protection (earmuffs or earplugs).
Noise Consultants.
Hierarchy of
Hazard Controls is a system used in industry to prioritize
possible interventions to minimize or eliminate exposure to hazards.
How to Make High Performance Sound
Absorption Panels for $5
(youtube) -
EcoScapes Sound Absorption Wall Panels.
Ambient Noise Level is the
sound pressure level at a given location, normally specified as
a reference level to study a new
intrusive sound source.
Ambient sound levels are often measured in order to map sound conditions
over a spatial regime to understand their variation with locale. In this
case the product of the investigation is a sound level contour map.
Alternatively ambient noise levels may be measured to provide a reference
point for analyzing an intrusive sound to a given environment. For
example, sometimes aircraft noise is studied by measuring ambient sound
without presence of any overflights, and then studying the noise addition
by measurement or computer simulation of overflight events. Or roadway
noise is measured as ambient sound, prior to introducing a hypothetical
noise barrier intended to reduce that ambient noise level. Ambient noise
level is measured with a sound level meter. It is usually measured in dB
relative to a reference pressure of 0.00002 Pa, i.e., 20 µPa (micropascals)
in SI units. A pascal is a newton per square meter. The
centimeter-gram-second system of units, the reference sound pressure for
measuring ambient noise level is 0.0002 dyn/cm2. Most frequently ambient
noise levels are measured using a frequency weighting filter, the most
common being the A-weighting scale, such that resulting measurements are
denoted dB(A), or decibels on the A-weighting scale.
Active Noise Control is a method for reducing unwanted
sound by the
addition of a second sound specifically designed to cancel the first.
Sound is a
pressure wave, which consists of alternating periods of
compression and
A noise-cancellation speaker emits a
sound wave with the same
but with inverted phase (also known as
antiphase) to the original
sound. The waves combine to form a new wave, in a process called
interference, and
effectively cancel each other out – an effect which is called destructive
interference. Modern active noise control is generally achieved
through the use of analog circuits or digital signal processing.
Adaptive algorithms are designed to analyze the waveform of the
background aural or nonaural noise, then based on the specific
algorithm generate a signal that will either phase shift or invert the
polarity of the original signal. This inverted signal (in antiphase) is
then amplified and a transducer creates a sound wave directly
proportional to the amplitude of the original waveform, creating
destructive interference. This effectively reduces the volume of the
perceivable noise. A
noise-cancellation speaker may be co-located with
the sound source to be attenuated. In this case it must have the same
audio power level as the source of the unwanted sound. Alternatively,
the transducer emitting the cancellation signal may be located at the
location where sound attenuation is wanted (e.g. the user's ear). This
requires a much lower power level for cancellation but is effective only
for a single user. Noise cancellation at other locations is more
difficult as the three-dimensional wavefronts of the unwanted sound
and the cancellation signal could match and create alternating zones
of constructive and destructive interference, reducing noise in some spots while doubling
noise in others. In small enclosed spaces (e.g. the passenger
compartment of a car) global noise reduction can be achieved via
multiple speakers and feedback microphones, and measurement of the
modal responses of the enclosure.
Noise Control is a set of strategies to reduce noise pollution or to
reduce the impact of that noise, whether outdoors or indoors.
Atmospheric Sounding is a measurement of vertical distribution of
physical properties of the atmospheric column such as pressure,
temperature, wind speed and wind direction (thus deriving wind shear),
liquid water content, ozone concentration, pollution, and other
properties. Such measurements are performed in a variety of ways including
remote sensing and in situ observations. The most common in situ sounding
is a radiosonde, which usually is a weather balloon, but can also be a
rocketsonde. Remote sensing soundings generally use passive infrared and
microwave radiometers: airborne instruments, surface stations,
Earth-observing satellite instruments such as AIRS and AMSU, observation
of atmospheres on different planets, such as the Mars climate sounder on
the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter.
Sound Level Meter is used for measuring acoustic sound that travels through
air. It is commonly a hand-held instrument with a
microphone. The diaphragm of the
microphone responds to changes in air pressure caused by sound waves.
That is why the instrument is sometimes referred to as a Sound Pressure
Level (SPL) Meter. This movement of the diaphragm, i.e. the sound pressure
deviation (pascal Pa), is converted into an electrical signal (volts V).
While describing sound in terms of sound pressure (Pascal) is possible, a
logarithmic conversion is usually applied and the sound pressure level is
stated instead, with 0 dB SPL equal to 20 micropascals. A microphone is
distinguishable by the voltage value produced when a known, constant sound
pressure is applied. This is known as the microphone sensitivity. The
instrument needs to know the sensitivity of the particular microphone
being used. Using this information, the instrument is able to accurately
convert the electrical signal back to a sound pressure, and display the
resulting sound pressure level (decibels dB SPL). Sound level meters are
commonly used in noise pollution studies for the quantification of
different kinds of noise, especially for industrial, environmental, mining and aircraft noise. The current international standard that
specifies sound level meter functionality and performances is the IEC
61672-1:2013. However, the reading from a sound level meter does not
correlate well to human-perceived loudness, which is better measured by a
loudness meter. Specific loudness is a compressive nonlinearity that
depends on level and also frequency, which can be calculated in a number
of different ways.
Noise Meter /
Sound Meter.
Sound Pressure is the local pressure deviation from the ambient
(average or equilibrium) atmospheric pressure, caused by a sound wave. In
air, sound pressure can be measured using a microphone, and in water with
a hydrophone. The SI unit of sound pressure is the pascal (Pa).
Sound Pressure Level is a logarithmic measure of the effective
pressure of a sound relative to a reference value.
Acoustical Society
promotes the knowledge and practical applications of acoustics.
Quite Rock Sound
Proofing Material -
Echo Absorber
Acoustic Panel -
Insulation -
Acoustimac -
Acoustical Surfaces
Sound Transmission Class is an integer rating of how well a building
partition attenuates airborne
sound. In the US, it is widely used to rate
interior partitions, ceilings/floors, doors, windows and exterior wall
configurations (see ASTM International Classification E413 and E90).
Outside the US, the Sound Reduction Index (SRI) ISO index or its related
indices are used. As of 2012, these are defined in the ISO - 140 series of
standards (under revision). The STC rating figure very roughly reflects
the decibel reduction in noise that a partition can provide. Structurally
decoupling the gypsum wallboard panels from the partition framing can
result in a large increase in sound isolation when installed correctly.
Examples of structural decoupling in building construction include
resilient channels, sound isolation clips and hat channels, and staggered-
or double-stud framing. The STC results of decoupling in wall and ceiling
assemblies varies significantly depending on the framing type, air cavity
volume, and decoupling material type. Great care must be taken in each
type of decoupled partition construction, as any fastener that becomes
mechanically (rigidly) coupled to the framing can short-circuit the
decoupling and result in drastically lower sound isolation results.
Sound Proofing is
any means of reducing the
sound pressure with respect to a specified sound
source and receptor. There are several basic approaches to reducing sound:
increasing the distance between source and receiver, using noise barriers
to reflect or absorb the energy of the sound waves, using damping
structures such as sound baffles, or using active antinoise sound generators.
Noise Reducing Window Treatments
Noise Reducing window Blinds - A triple pane window can eliminate
15-20% more noise.
Sound-Suppressing Silk can create quiet spaces. Researchers
developed a silk fabric, which is barely thicker than a human hair, that
can suppress unwanted noise and reduce noise transmission in a large room.
In one, the vibrating fabric generates sound waves that interfere with an
unwanted noise to cancel it out, similar to noise-canceling headphones,
which work well in a small space like your ears but do not work in large
enclosures like rooms or planes. In the other, more surprising technique,
the fabric is held still to suppress vibrations that are key to the
transmission of sound. This prevents noise from being transmitted through
the fabric and quiets the volume beyond. This second approach allows for
noise reduction in much larger spaces like rooms or cars. Their
experiments also revealed that both the mechanical properties of a fabric
and the size of its pores affect the efficiency of sound generation. While
silk and muslin have similar mechanical properties, the smaller pore sizes
of silk make it a better fabric loudspeaker. But the effective pore size
also depends on the frequency of sound waves. If the frequency is low
enough, even a fabric with relatively large pores could function
dissipates vibrational energy before it can build up and radiate as sound.
Absorption is trapping the sound waves.
Anechoic Chamber is a room designed to completely absorb reflections
of either sound or electromagnetic waves. They are also often isolated
from waves entering from their surroundings. This combination means that a
person or detector exclusively hears direct sounds (no reverberant
sounds), in effect simulating being inside an infinitely large room.
Anechoic chambers, a term coined by American acoustics expert Leo Beranek,
were initially exclusively used to refer to acoustic anechoic chambers.
Recently, the term has been extended to RF anechoic chambers, which
eliminate reflection and external noise caused by electromagnetic waves.
Anechoic chambers range from small compartments the size of household
microwave ovens to ones as large as aircraft hangars. The size of the
chamber depends on the size of the objects and frequency ranges being
Noise Cancelation Headphones
Masking occurs when the perception of one
sound is affected by the
presence of another sound. Auditory masking in the frequency domain is
known as simultaneous masking, frequency masking or spectral masking.
Auditory masking in the time domain is known as temporal masking or
non-simultaneous masking. Simultaneous masking occurs when a sound is made
inaudible by a noise or unwanted sound of the same duration as the
original sound. For example, a powerful spike at 1 kHz will tend to mask
out a lower-level tone at 1.1 kHz. Also, two sine tones at 440 and 450 Hz
can be perceived clearly when separated. They cannot be perceived clearly
when presented simultaneously.
Masking Threshold
White Noise -
Smell Masking -
Synesthesia -
Sound Perception -
Sound Masking is
the addition of natural or artificial
sound (commonly, though
inaccurately, referred to as "white noise" or "pink noise") into an
environment to cover-up unwanted sound by using auditory masking. This is
in contrast to the technique of active noise control. Sound masking
reduces or eliminates awareness of pre-existing sounds in a given area and
can make a work environment more comfortable, while creating speech
privacy so workers can better concentrate and be more productive. Sound
masking can also be used in the out-of-doors to restore a more natural
ambient environment.
Informational Masking is broadly
defined as a degradation of auditory detection or discrimination of a
signal embedded ina context of other similar sounds.
Energetic Masking occurs when the neural
excitation evoked by the competing speech exceeds the excitation produced
by the target speech. It is largely a matter of the relative energies in
the two signals. Energetic masking is caused by physical interactions
between signal and masker.
Noise without ear-blocking headphones using a behind-the-ear device
that still achieves noise cancellation as good as the best
available today. It involves combining wireless IoT networks with noise
cancellation. A microphone is placed in the environment that senses sounds
and sends them over wireless signals to an earpiece. Since wireless
signals travel a million times faster than sound, the earphone can receive
the sound information much faster than the actual sound itself. This is
similar to lightning and thunder -- the lightning arrives much before the
thunder, allowing people to prepare for the loud rumble, how this
technology would work: The person who wants to cancel noise (Alice) would
place the IoT microphone away from her, say on her office door. The noise
from her coworkers' conversation in the hallway is picked up by this IoT
device and transmitted to Alice's earpiece over a wireless connection. The
actual sound arrives at the earpiece later, and because of this lead time,
the noise can be fully canceled. As a result, it is no longer necessary to
block the ear canal. Has a few limitations. The IoT microphone needs to be
between the noise source and Alice. If noise is coming at her from all
directions, a couple more IoT devices would need to be placed around her.
Noise (electronic errors)
Sound -
When does Noise become a Meaningful Message? Background noise is
usually regarded as a nuisance that masks important sounds. But noise can
convey information about important environmental conditions and allow
animals to make informed decisions.
Silence is Good for You.
Pingpong Balls score big as sound absorbers. Low-frequency noise is
bad for health, but a pingpong ball acoustic metasurface can stop it.
Researchers describe an acoustic meta-surface that uses pingpong balls,
with small holes punctured in each, as Helmholtz resonators to create
inexpensive but effective low-frequency sound insulation. The coupling
between two resonators led to two resonance frequencies, and more resonant
frequencies meant the device was able to absorb more sound. At the success
of two coupled resonators, the researchers added more, until their device
resembled a square sheet of punctured pingpong balls, multiplying the
number of resonant frequencies that could be absorbed. Low-frequency noise
is ubiquitous in cities, near roads, and by airports. Though potentially
heard as background in the acoustic landscape, it can trigger earaches,
respiratory impairment, irritability, and other long-term adverse effects.
Because it is produced by a range of sources and is less affected by
structures than higher-frequency sound, low-frequency noise can be
challenging to avoid.
Tumult is a state of commotion and noise
and confusion. The act of making a noisy disturbance. Violent agitation.
Tumultuousness is a state of commotion
and noise and confusion.
Turmoil is
a violent disturbance. Violent agitation.
Ruckus is the act of making a noisy disturbance.
Uproar is a state of commotion and noise
and confusion. Loud confused noise from many sources.
How to 3-D Print Your Own Sonic Tractor Beam.
Acoustic Camera -
Sound Localization -
Acoustic Location
Microphone Array is any number of
microphones operating in tandem. There are many applications: Systems
for extracting voice input from ambient noise (notably telephones, speech
recognition systems, hearing aids). Surround sound and related
technologies. Binaural recording. Locating objects by sound: acoustic
source localization, e.g., military use to locate the source(s) of
artillery fire. Aircraft location and tracking. High fidelity original
recordings. Environmental Noise Monitoring. An omnidirectional (or
nondirectional) microphone's response is generally considered to be a
perfect sphere in three dimensions. In the real world, this is not the
case. As with directional microphones, the polar pattern for an
"omnidirectional" microphone is a function of frequency. The body of the
microphone is not infinitely small and, as a consequence, it tends to get
in its own way with respect to sounds arriving from the rear, causing a
slight flattening of the polar response. This flattening increases as the
diameter of the microphone (assuming it's cylindrical) reaches the
wavelength of the frequency in question. Therefore, the smallest diameter
microphone gives the best omnidirectional characteristics at high
Radio Astronomy is a subfield of astronomy that studies celestial
objects at
frequencies. The first detection of radio waves from an astronomical
object was in 1932, when Karl Jansky at Bell Telephone Laboratories
observed radiation coming from the
Milky Way.
Very Large Array is a centimeter-wavelength radio astronomy
observatory located in central New Mexico on the Plains of San Agustin,
between the towns of Magdalena and Datil, ~50 miles (80 km) west of
Socorro. The VLA comprises twenty-seven 25-meter
radio telescopes deployed
in a Y-shaped array and all the equipment, instrumentation, and computing
power to function as an interferometer. Each of the massive telescopes is
mounted on double parallel railroad tracks, so the radius and density of
the array can be transformed to adjust the balance between its angular
resolution and its surface brightness sensitivity. Astronomers using the
VLA have made key observations of black holes and protoplanetary disks
around young stars, discovered magnetic filaments and traced complex gas
motions at the Milky Way's center, probed the Universe's cosmological
parameters, and provided new knowledge about the physical mechanisms that
produce radio emission.
Books about Environmental Awareness - Impacts - Solution
Some of the reading material and tools for the
Environmental Education and Environmental Awareness Curriculum.
Understanding Environment Paperback – December 8, 2004
Protecting Public Health and the Environment: Implementing The
Precautionary Principle Paperback – June 1, 1999 (amazon)
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Green Living Paperback – September
4, 2007 (amazon)
The Self-sufficient Life and How to Live It Hardcover – March
17, 2003 (amazon)
The Ecology of Commerce: A Declaration of Sustainability
Paperback – June 3, 1994 (amazon)
Green to Gold: How Smart Companies Use Environmental Strategy to
Innovate, Create Value, and Build Competitive Advantage
Paperback – January 9, 2009 (amazon)
The Sustainability Revolution: Portrait of a Paradigm Shift
Paperback – June 1, 2005 (amazon)
Living Without Electricity: People's Place Book No. 9 Hardcover
– February 1, 1990 (amazon)
Easy Green Living: The Ultimate Guide to Simple, Eco-Friendly
Choices for You and Your Home Paperback – April 1, 2008
Complete Guide to Reducing Energy Costs (Consumer Reports
Complete Guide To...) Paperback – October 17, 2006
Earthship: How to Build Your Own, Vol. 1 Paperback – September,
1990 (amazon)
The Geography of Nowhere: The Rise and Decline of America's
Man-Made Landscape Paperback – July 26, 1994
The Carbon Buster's Home Energy Handbook: Slowing Climate Change
and Saving Money Paperback – November 1, 2006
How to Live a Low-Carbon Life: The Individual's Guide to
Stopping Climate Change Paperback – March 30, 2007
The Carbon-Free Home: 36 Remodeling Projects to Help Kick the
Fossil-Fuel Habit Paperback – July 15, 2008
Green from the Ground Up: Sustainable, Healthy, and
Energy-Efficient Home Construction (Builder's Guide) Paperback –
April 1, 2008
Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things Paperback –
April 22, 2002 (amazon)
Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature Paperback – September
17, 2002 (amazon)
Green Books
Related Pages -
Green Car Ideas and Websites
Eco-Initiatives -
Environmental Education -
Recommended Documentaries and Films -
Inspiration 101 -
Green Building
Information Websites.
Environment Awareness Quotes - Sayings about the Environment

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors,
we borrow it from our children." (
Native American Proverb)
"Don't blow it - good
planets are Hard to find." (Quoted in Time)
Seven Generations -
Long Term Thinking
Nature provides a free lunch, but only if we
control our appetites.
William Ruckelshaus
Business Week, 18 June 1990).
All of humanity now has the option to
"make it" successfully and
sustainably, by virtue of our
having minds, discovering
principles and being able to
employ these principles to do more with less.
Buckminster Fuller)
I think the environment should be put in the category of our
national security. Defense of our resources is just
as important as defense abroad. Otherwise what is there to defend? (
Robert Redford,
Yosemite National Park dedication, 1985)
Live within your Means -
Living Modestly
The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power
on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative
authority of man, but to have only the law of nature for his
rule. (
John Locke)
What would be more inspiring then to begin the age of
restoration, reweaving the wondrous diversity
of life that still surrounds
us? (
O. Wilson)
may think your actions are
meaningless and that they won't
but that is no excuse, you must
still act.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi)
only what you need and leave the
land as you found it. (
are made from Mother Earth and
we go back to Mother Earth. (
wilderness is not just a home for every living thing on planet, it is
everything that makes us human, it's our whole existence, and it's more
than just a part of us, it is us.
So bleak is the picture... that
the bulldozer and not the atomic
bomb may turn out
to be the most destructive
invention of the 20th century.
New York Times Magazine, 4 June
Opie, you haven't finished your
milk. We can't put it back in
the cow, you know.
Aunt Bee Taylor, The Andy Griffith
The activist is not the man who
says the river is dirty.
The activist is the man who
cleans up the river. (
is horrifying that we have to
fight our own
government to save the
environment. (
Ansel Adams)
nothing but pictures.
Leave nothing but footprints.
Kill nothing but time.
of the Baltimore Grotto, a
caving society)
Humankind has not woven the web
of life. We are but one thread
within it.
Whatever we do to the web, we do
to ourselves.
All things are
bound together.
All things connect. (
Every day is Earth Day. To
demoralize the importance of
protecting mother earth into an
annual holiday is really
ignorant. We have to except the
fact that Every day is Earth
Day, and not some holiday that
makes you temporally aware.
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately and to front
only the essential facts of life and learn what it had to teach, and did
not want to wait till the end of my life just to discover that I had not
lived. (
David Thoreau)
"Be the change you wish to see
in the world." (
If the
success or failure of this
planet, and of human beings,
depended on how I am and what I
do, how would I be?
What would I do? (
It is
now highly feasible to take care
of everybody on Earth at a
‘higher standard of living than
any have ever known.’ It no
longer has to be you or me.
Selfishness is unnecessary and
henceforth unrationalizable as
mandated by survival.
Humanity has the option to
become successful on our planet
if we reorient world production
away from weaponry-- from
killingry to livingry. Can we
convince humanity in time?
Some men see things as they
are and say why?
I dream of things that never
were and say why not?
The time is out of joint: O
spite, That ever I was
born to set it right!
If you want
things to improve in the world the first thing you have to do is
make improvements in yourself, there is no other way. If you
can’t be what you want the world to be you will never see
Interpersonal intelligence.
Never doubt that a small group
of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed,
it is the only thing that ever has. (
A human being is
part of the whole, called by
us "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself,
his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest - a kind of
optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison
for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few
persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison
by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and
the whole [of] nature in its beauty. (
Einstein 1950)
"Creation manifests when
balance is perfected between the opposites. By applying higher Law against
lower laws, the Creation becomes divine."
Give a man a fish, and he can
eat for a day. But teach a man
how to fish, and he'll be dead
mercury poisoning inside of
three years. (Charles Haas)
“When it occurs to a man that nature does
not regard him as important, and
that she feels she would not
maim the universe by disposing
of him, he at first wishes to
throw bricks at the temple, and
he hates deeply the fact that
there are no bricks and no
temples.” -- Stephen Crane, "
Open Boat".
last 100 years has mostly
been about exploration, but the
next 100 years will be mostly
about restoration. We have tried
a million different things in a
million different ways, and we
will continue to use our
creativity and our knowledge to
advance our world, but now It's
time choose the best of what we
have accomplished and learned
and stop wasting what the earth
has given us on things that do
not matter or things that do not
provide us with stability. We
can't continue to take more then
we give. Because we now know
that death and destruction will
soon accelerate out of control
and if we don't act
appropriately and quickly,
everything we ever cherish will
die. -
Liberation, Reservation,
U.S. consumers and industry
dispose of enough aluminum to
rebuild the commercial air fleet
every three months; enough iron
and steel to continuously supply
all automakers; enough glass to
fill New York's World Trade
Center every two weeks.
(Environmental Defense Fund
advertisement, Christian Science
Monitor, 1990).
You go into a community and they
will vote 80 percent to 20
percent in favor of a tougher
Clean Air Act, but if you ask
them to devote 20 minutes a year
to having their car emissions
they will vote 80 to 20 against
it. We are a long way in this
country from taking individual
responsibility for the
environmental problem.
, former EPA administrator,
New York Times, 30 November
We never know the worth of water
'til the well is dry."
"The frog does not drink up the
pond in which he lives". (
"Thousands have lived without
love, not one without water"
have to learn to understand the
soil, what it needs and what it
The earth is our
and she’s the reason why we are
all here.
Take care of her and she’ll take
care of you.
And please don’t mind the
occasional outbursts from
she’s just reminding us that we
should never take Life for
Thank You Mom...(Howard Polley)
American Indians don't have a word for ownership.
The Earth is
the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon
it..." - White Elk. Heinmot Tooyalaket.
Native Americans, did not
appreciate the notion of land as a commodity, especially not in terms of
individual ownership. In 1626 Indians did everything by trade, and they
did not believe that land could be privately owned, any more than could
water, air, or sunlight. But they did believe in giving gifts for favors
done. The Lenape—one of the tribes that lived on the island now known as
Manhattan—interpreted the trade of goods as gifts given in appreciation
for the right to share the land. To Europeans, land was a commodity, an
item which could be bought and sold and assigned to an individual owner.
Native Americans, did not appreciate the notion of land as a commodity,
especially not in terms of individual ownership. As a result, Indian
groups would sell land, but in their minds had only sold the rights to use
the lands. It seems, in fact, that when they sold land to the Dutch they
did not give up their right to occupy it either. The famous purchase of
Manhattan Island for sixty guilders loses some of its impact as a great
real estate deal when one considers that the Indians probably never
intended to give it up, but rather to “lease” it for Dutch use while they
continued to occupy it.
Personal Boundaries
Space -
Walls"Go forward with
courage. When you are in doubt, be still, and wait; when doubt no longer
exists for you, then go forward with courage. So long as mists envelop
you, be still; be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the
mists – as it surely will. Then act with courage." - Chief White Eagle,
Ponca Chief
"Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but
one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All
things are bound together. All things connect." - Chief Seattle, Duwamish
"I do not think the measure of a civilization is how tall its
buildings of concrete are, but rather how well its people have learned to
relate to their environment and fellow man." - Sun Bear, Chippewa
"We must protect the forests for our children, grandchildren and children
yet to be born. We must protect the forests for those who can't speak for
themselves such as the birds, animals, fish and trees." - Qwatsinas
(Hereditary Chief Edward Moody), Nuxalk Nation
"I have seen that in
any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon
himself." - Lone Man (Isna-la-wica), Teton Sioux
"Let me be a free
man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I
choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers,free to
think and talk and act for myself, and I will obey every law, or submit to
the penalty." - Heinmot Tooyalaket (Chief Joseph), Nez Perce Leader
"May the stars carry your sadness away, May the flowers fill your
heart with beauty, May hope forever wipe away your tears, And, above all,
may silence make you strong." - Chief Dan George, Tsleil-Waututh Nation
"It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in
the hand." - Apache Tribe
"All dreams spin out from the same web."
- Hopi Tribe
What we can tell so far is that
Life is a Continuum and that we
are all part of something really
incredible. And Life, in a lot
of ways, is not easily
explainable. But one thing we do
know is that humans have been
blessed to have been given these
amazing brains. So if we are
ever going to understand all
that we are, we would have to
start using our brains. Brains
are most likely the reason why
humans have lasted so long on
this earth. And
brains will most
likely be the reason why humans
may ultimately avoid going
extinct like the millions of
other species who have lived
before us.
Even if we are not the major
contributor to this
Mass Extinction, or to put
it lightly "
Change", we can certainly
counter act and possibly slow it
down or even reverse some of the
damage that has been done. We
can also prepare ourselves for
these changes instead of just
sitting around watching 100's of
millions of people die right in
front of us. As all life forms
have done before us, we will
fight for our lives and we
will not go down without a
fight. It's time to start
training our young, our survival
depends on it. And we can start
right now by spreading the word
and informing people about the
facts. People have always wanted
to do what's right, but people
need the necessary information
and knowledge that will help
them understand what is right.
Luckily with all the Phones,
TV's, Radios and News Papers
that we have, we
can communicate on a massive
The number of major
extinctions in the last 540
million years range from as few
as five to more than twenty.
With the
Permian Triassic Extinction
Event taking up to 10
million years for the world to
fully recover.
"As we have witnessed throughout our history, and also by
learning how other animals
survive, if we all
live within
our needs or means, we will,
most of the time, have
everything we need. And having
everything you need for your
entire life sounds pretty

Every single little thing that you do in your life has an affect on the world, all your
actions causes something else to happen, that is what we call
cause and effect, that is life, that is science, that is
physics, that is a fact. Even the simple action of eating
food, if you consume
unhealthy food regularly, over time you will experience
negative effects, either reduced productivity, physical or mental
disabilities, disease or early death. Even if you live, the
fact that you supported an action that produced negative
effects throughout society and the world, you will still have
blood on your hands, and not just your own blood, but other
peoples blood as well. Your not just slowly killing yourself,
you are killing other people now and killing more people in the
future. Everyone needs to be aware of this Cause and effect
so that we can all stop treating ourselves and each other so
disrespectfully. There is no need for this. We can fix this. Let's get started.
I Love the Wind
I love those cool gentle breezes
on a hot summer day.
I love how the
wind gives me
that feeling of motion even when
I'm standing still.
I love how the wind brushes
against my skin, like mother
nature is caressing me.
I love strong winds too, they
seem to fill me with energy and
enthusiasm, as if the wind is
full of energy.
I love the wind.....except when it
blows down my house of course.
Mercy Mercy Me (The
Ecology) - Marvin Gaye (youtube) - Woah, ah, mercy, mercy me. Ah,
things ain't what they used to be (ain't what they used to be). Where did
all the blue skies go? Poison is the wind that blows. From the north and
south and east. Woah mercy,
mercy me, yeah. Ah, things ain't what they used to be (ain't what they
used to be). Oil wasted on the ocean and upon our seas. Fish full of
mercury. Oh Jesus, yeah, mercy, mercy me, ah. Ah, things ain't what they
used to be (ain't what they used to be). Radiation underground and in the
sky. Animals and birds who live nearby are dying. Hey, mercy, mercy me, oh.
Hey, things ain't what they used to be. What about this overcrowded land?
How much more abuse from man can she stand? Oh, na, na, na. Oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh. Hey, ooh, woo
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