The Hope PC

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Hope PC LogoHOPE is an education laptop personal computer. HOPE stands for Home Organized Personalized Education. HOPE is a portable school that includes education courses and lessons from preschool through high school. The instructions are self teaching, self testing and personalized for each students learning styles and learning needs. The mobile school will also include an Education Management System. The student will know what subjects they need to learn, know why they need to learn certain subjects, know when the best time to learn certain subjects, know how to learn and know the best way to learn certain subjects, and know where they will use the knowledge and information in real life situations. The goal of the curriculum is to develop intelligence and give the student the necessary skills that are needed to be prepared for the challenges of life. The education management system will also help students to be aware of how much they learned so far and how much more they still need to learn in order to graduate, or to continue their education in college, or in business, or in service. The student will learn at there own pace and speed, and they will always be aware of their personal progress. The hope pc will be the students personal education companion for life. Their education can also be backed up in the cloud, so that the student can access their education from almost any location on the planet, and also transfer their education to another laptop pc if the original laptop pc was damage or lost.

A computer that teaches. A computer that learns. A computer that tests your abilities and manages your education progress. A computer that communicates and translates. A computer that stores your favorite tools and media. A computer that stores educational knowledge and information. A computer like the one between your ears, the one with endless capabilities.

Hope PC is still in development as of 2024. More research and development is needed.

HOPE Meaning - Symbols of Hope - Quotes about Hope

Basic Knowledge 101 Personal Computer Portable School and Mobile Teacher - School in a Box or Backpack or Good Human Starter Kit. Education where and when you need it. Education Software that is self teaching and self testing with an Interactive Teaching Avatar that helps direct and manage a students education progress from preschool through high school. Education Software will include all the curriculum and interactive courses, videos as well as college ready courses. Avatar will help manage students time on the device so that the student is aware of the importance balancing school with the responsibilities of life, like eating healthy, exercising, resting, sleeping, reading, exploring, learning, communicating and measuring physical skills. The goal is to have the student learn self-regulation. Avatar will know the age of the student so that it can calculate the level of education and knowledge that the student should have, and also protect the student from things they might not yet understand. Students will learn the right things at the right times, and they will understand why prerequisites are important. Interactive teaching avatar can be personally customized by the student. An Avatar can be modified to be a man or a women and also change the clothes, skin color, hair style, voice and language. Student will type or say their name so that the Avatar will speak their name correctly when needed. Education Software will be most effective when used on a custom Laptop with touch screen, camera, microphone and stylus pen to will help analyze writing skills. Laptop will use encryption and have other safety features. Students will also learn skills on how to be safe. The software will have several modes to choose from. Learning Mode, Teaching Mode, Game Mode, Work and Responsibilities Mode, Test Mode, and a few other Custom Modes that can be personally modified to fit the students needs and unique learning styles. The student will also choose an interactive style that best fits their needs, creating an engaging learning environment. Setup Process and Student Account Information: Students name and other information is recorded and entered into the Avatars memory. Students information will also be backed up using portable memory and a cloud server. After initial setup of the Avatar, the computer will reboot, and when the computer turns back on and the system loads and the Avatar greets the student by their chosen name. Avatar can recommend choices for the student, or the student can choose for themselves from several options using Touchscreen, Mouse, Voice Recognition or a Search Box. Students will be paid for the information they share. As the student learns they will earn money for their personal needs, such as clean water, healthy food, clothes, energy, shelter, medicine and so on. Students will also choose the information they would like to share. (Opt out by Default). Students will be notified when and why their personal information was used and who has used it. Students will be paid for right answers they get and also get bonuses for progress and milestones. Education Software will have two versions: Free Version (students will be paid to learn) (funding provided from numerous resources). Advanced Version (price will vary depending on High Tech Sensors and Software installed).

Teaching Machine - Artificial Intelligent Teaching Avatar - Personalized Learning - Smart Phones - Using Technology

Students will never have to worry about missing class or worry about taking a few days off from school, because every Hope-PC student will always know where they left off and will always have the ability start learning again when they are ready to return. Learning loses will not happen because students will always be at a learning advantage. They will learn twice as fast, learn twice as much and learning will be twice as effective as other schools.

Decentralized high quality education reduces segregation, discrimination, manipulation and also reduces the knowledge gap.

Mission: Design education curriculum for children who don't have access to schools and teachers, using a touchscreen laptop computer that has an artificial intelligent teaching avatar that helps and guides the student to learn valuable knowledge and information and also how to understand everything on the computer. Eventually the student will be able to teach themselves without using a computer, so that every student is free to learn anywhere in the world and learn anything they want. Education Software will include a complete education curriculum for every level of education from preschool all the way through High School. Software that self teaches and self tests. The education software will exceed the current education standards, but will be much easier to learn and people will learn much faster. The Hope PC will augment the education process and make teachers jobs a lot easier.

Imagine a Laptop Computer filled with all the educational curriculum from Grades K through 14, with Courses and Tests. Now imagine that same laptop filled with information, audio and video lessons, books, textbooks, encyclopedias, documentary films, compressed movies, farming knowledge, sustainable living knowledge, nutrition knowledge, hygiene knowledge, eco-system knowledge, child development knowledge, human brain knowledge and so on. People can also test themselves with intelligence tests, skills tests, eye tests, hearing tests, video games, reading tests and so on. Part open source public education and part public domain knowledge base. And if there's internet service, people will also be able to search the Internet for more information and knowledge. Internet service will also give access to news, TV & entertainment, music, and libraries. And the best part of the internet is being able to give the student 24 Hours a day video assistance from tutors and educators, kind of like the mayday button from Kindle and information stations,   each laptop will have a smartphone and an instruction manual.

It will be like having a Life Tool Kit or human operators manual that doubles as an Education and Science Tool Kit, and as well as an Entertainment Tool Kit. 24/7 Assistance.

Turn on Computer - Setup and Customize Computer - Restart Computer - Based on your age and knowledge level the computer will create easy to follow lessons - Computer will also give you feedback and suggestions - Computer will Monitor your progress and save what you have learned so far and what tests you have taken - Computer will help you plan the things that you still need to learn. Earn as you Learn.

Personalized Learning

Personalized Learning - Tailored to each type of Learner - No need to worry about attendance.

Personalized Learning Advantages: Info-Graph - Info-Graph - Info-Graph - Info-Graph.

Personalized Learning Benefits - Home Schooling Advantages.

Personalization or customization, consists of tailoring a service or a product to accommodate specific individuals, sometimes tied to groups or segments of individuals. Learning Styles.

Anyone with the Hope PC could learn how to become a Scientist, learn how to become a Doctor, learn how to become a Journalist, learn how to become a Teacher, learn how to become a Electrician, a Computer Scientist, a Plumber, a Carpenter, learn how to be a Leader, learn how to be a Caregiver, learn how to be a Translator, learn how to be a Knowledge Keeper and a Library and Learn how to be Intelligent.

Why the Hope PC is Needed

57 Million Children Worldwide without access to Education, over one third lives in settings of conflict and fragility (UNESCO, 2015). Well over half of 1.4 million Syrian refugee children and adolescents are not in school (UNICEF, 2016). This does not include the Billions of people who are undereducated by an inadequate and dysfunctional education system.

Wars stops 13 million children from going to school in Middle East and north Africa, UN says.

Chronic Absenteeism. More than 6 million students are "chronically absent." students are way more likely to fall behind and eventually drop out.

Today, more than 263 million children and youth around the world are out of school and at least 330 million children are not learning basic skills. Of these, 61 million children remain out of primary school and 102 million teenagers are not attending secondary school, missing out on vital basic skills needed for future employment.

Children struggling at school entry more likely to face disadvantage at age 16-17. Children who were behind in their development at age 4-5 were almost three times as likely to have been out of education, employment, or training at age 16-17, analysis of pupil data has found.

International Network for Education in Emergencies INEE - Promoting access to quality, safe, and relevant education for all persons affected by crisis.

Education For All accelerating progress towards Quality Universal Primary Education. - 2015 Report (PDF) 

UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Contact

Unesco - Wikipedia - Videos - Blog

Education Initiative: Deliver the highest quality education to any one who wishes to learn, for any one who wishes to be highly educated and intelligent, for any one looking for a new skill, for any one looking to solve a problem, or make an improvement. We have the ability to put the most valuable knowledge and information in your hands.

Imagine holding in your hands the combined knowledge of millions of people. Imagine having an entire encyclopedia in your hands. Imagine the possibilities. Imagine being able to educate yourself about anything that you want to learn. CK-12. Imagine being able to modify and upgrade a computer, and adjusting a learning system to match your specific needs.

Home Organized Personalized Education. Auto-Configuration and Manual Configuration in the same device. (PDF)

Democratic Education is an educational ideal in which democracy is both a goal and a method of instruction. It brings democratic values to education and can include self-determination within a community of equals, as well as such values as justice, respect and trust. Democratic education is often specifically emancipatory, with the students' voices being equal to the teacher's.

The goal is to make a high quality education that is self directing, Plug and Play, or Plug and Learn. This way anyone can be a teacher, and anyone can be a student. Whether you're a high achieving student or a student who is struggling. And anyone can test themselves. So testing will not hold you back, testing will keep you moving forward. Learning at your own speed, learning in your own time, and learning in your own way. Testing will be only a guide, testing will not be used as a judgment of your potential. Testing is a tool to measure understanding, and testing is not a measurement of your ability to understand; So wrong answers are just temporary until you find the right answers. But just knowing the right answers does not mean that you have all the answers. So remember, testing is only a guide, it is not a judgment of your potential. Getting wrong answers is still progress, because you now know which answers are wrong, and why they are wrong. This is progress.

As soon as the student understands knowledge and information, they will never stop learning, because they will understand the benefits and the potential that comes from acquiring important knowledge and information. Increased intelligence will not just be a benefit to the student themselves, but they will also be a benefit everyone around them. 

Technology Warnings

Blitzscaling is what you do when you need to grow really, really quickly. It’s the science and art of rapidly building out a company to serve a large and usually global market, with the goal of becoming the first mover at scale.

Solar Powered Digital Libraries
Information Stations

How tablets, YouTube can empower people with intellectual disabilities

Having a computer connected to the internet is like having the combined intelligence of millions of people in your hand, a Lifetime of Education, it's like having the Whole World in your hands.

Knowledge Mobilization

We have the ability to create the most advanced education in the world and put our greatest school into peoples hands. This way no parent has to worry about finding the best school for their child, they can have the best school in the world delivered to them where ever they live. 

Purposes of Education - Accelerated Learning

Robots will never replace teachers but can Boost Children's Education.

Robots have power to significantly Influence Children's Opinions.

Equalizing the gap between the rich and the poor, and the haves and the have not's.

5 billion people, 70% of the world’s population, are still without access to personal as a backup, incase you don't have a computer or electricity.....How about the 21st Century New and Improved Composition Book (3 hole binder, held together with twine or 3 rings)  What's included. Microscope, Elements Chart, Measuring Scale, Ruler, Slide Rule, Pen, Pencil, Alphabet in 10 Languages, Weight and Size Conversions, Math Tables with Formulas and Equations, List of Languages, World Map, Star Map, First Aid Tips, Blank Pages to Write In, Animal and insect chart, Nutrition Knowledge and Information, Growing Food Tips, How to build a Shelter, How to make Energy, Emergency Phone Numbers, Problem Solving Tips, Diagram and Instructions on how to make Important Tools,  A plastic page with small pockets that can hold 50 jump drives or SD memory cards, which will hold encyclopedias, school subjects, movies, lessons and so on...

Once a child, parent, teacher or student learns how to use the computer they could then educate themselves and learn in their own chosen environment. Then of course anyone who learns how to operate the computer can eventually teach other people, children, teachers or parents on how to use the computer to educate themselves and others. Self replicating, self perpetuating, self regulating and constantly updating. And when a person learns how to build other similar computers from parts, then the delivery mechanism for information and knowledge will multiply. 

Open Source Curriculum

Each ultrabook Style Laptop will come with a solar charger so electricity will not be needed. Each laptop will have a protective cover that doubles as a solar panel. Each laptop will have wireless Internet capabilities, a Webcam, headphones and an external flash drive to store, share and back up material. The PC will also have an external CD and DVD-RW drive if the PC does not have one built in or if it fails. Each laptop will also have a built in solid state drive, which consumes less power, generates less heat, has no moving parts, is more durable and quieter, has faster boot times, has no more disk crashes and has a longer lifespan then a regular hard drive. The laptop can also be used as a digital book reader with a monitor that has a book reading power saving mode. Each laptop will come with 2 batteries so that one battery is always charging. And as silicon circuitry gets smaller, faster and less power-thirsty, and uses new advanced materials that speeds up processing, then the Hope PC will have the most Advanced Processor the world has to offer. Then your learning speed will not be hindered by a slow computer.

Each laptop will have the ability to change languages, teach languages and translate languages so that most people around the world would be able to use the laptops in almost any language. Each laptop will also have dual operating systems, with one operating system being Open Source

X Lion (wiki) - Top Coder - Git Hub - Stack Overflow

Brain Storming - Free BSD - Wiki

Improving Education is now my passion in life and my most important goal. There is nothing more important to this world then education. My whole life I have been searching. I have always been asking questions. Throughout my life I have met all kinds people and I have traveled to many distant places. I went through many changes and experienced many moments of despair. I have made many mistakes and I have made many bad decisions. I have flirted with death, so I am extremely fortunate, lucky and thankful to have lived this long. I have worked 100's of different jobs, but felt no real purpose. But it all changed in 2007 when I disconnected my TV. I started to educate myself. I finally became aware. I realized how little I knew of myself and how little I knew about this world. This was my epiphany. It all made sense. Everything in life is in someway connected to education. All my experiences now have meaning and purpose. And if it were not for the internet, and all who contributed to its vast resources of knowledge, I would have not been able to acquire the necessary knowledge and information that has enlightened me and inspired me to pursue this project. And of course the invention of the computer was the main vehicle that helped this realization happen. Making the internet and the computer the main catalysts that helped to spawn this epiphany. So it only makes sense that the PC and the internet will be major components of this project. This will be my life's work. I don't believe in retirement, I only believe in redefining purpose. You cannot deny destiny, you can only embrace it. 

Catalyst is something that causes an important event to happen. Reactions that occur faster and with less energy.

Since January 2009 I have started finding information and ideas on how to improve education that would make education more effective and comprehensive. I have also started putting together some Educational Resources and Websites to help accumulate the best knowledge and information that the world has to offer. It still shocks me that most students spend 12 years in school and come away with very little useful knowledge. 100's of millions of students desperately need a higher quality and a more thorough education. Education is not just a humans most important asset, education is the greatest instrument for Health, Happiness and Prosperity. The sheer lack of access to a higher quality and a more thorough education is the cause for most of the problems this world is faced with today. Mostly because people cannot make good decisions or make the right choices without correct sufficient knowledge. We cannot afford to wait for schools to improve and for our teachers to become good quality teachers. We have to use more then one way to fix this problem. We have to use all of our resources and abilities. Providing PC Laptops for people, filled with knowledge, is one way to accomplish this.

I love the One Laptop Per Child and the Class Mate PC but I want to take it to the next level. The One Laptop Per Child PC is great for children of ages from 3 to 6 years old. The Classmate PC is great for children ages of 6 to 10 years old. Both of these PC's have great qualities and have opened the door to some really great ideas on how a Laptop PC can help improve a child's educational experience. But I want to make sure that we have the next generation of Learning Laptop PC's ready. Laptops that are faster with more memory and more capabilities so that the students hunger for knowledge and learning are not hampered in anyway.

Teaching Technology - Bring Education to Liberia

Every Company, Government, Community and Person must have a cause that they are dedicated to. I see no other cause more important then education, and not the education that we have in our schools today, I'm talking about a more comprehensive education that gives every human the life skills and knowledge that is needed to live and be a positive influence. Health, Happiness and Prosperity is not a dream, it is a goal, and the main goal of a quality and thorough education.

The laptops will be expensive, but if we don't educate humans properly and effectively it will end up costing the world much more than money could ever buy. So this is totally worth the investment. Every Human has questions that need to be answered, and every answer needs to be explained in more then one way so that everyone can understand.


Sharing Knowledge with a Larger Audience  -  Classroom Teaching using One Laptop.

One Hope PC Laptop with a Micro Projectors or Digital Projection could help teach 30 kids or more a day. You could also Wirelessly Stream PC to a Big Screen TV so more kids can view the lessons and instructions.

Projector is an optical device that projects an image (or moving images) onto a surface, commonly a projection screen. Most projectors create an image by shining a light through a small transparent lens, but some newer types of projectors can project the image directly, by using lasers. A virtual retinal display, or retinal projector, is a projector that projects an image directly on the retina instead of using an external projection screen.

Video Projector is an image projector that receives a video signal and projects the corresponding image on a projection screen using a lens system. All video projectors use a very bright light to project the image, and most modern ones can correct any curves, blurriness, and other inconsistencies through manual settings.

Slide Projector is an opto-mechanical device for showing photographic slides.

Projection Screen is used for displaying a projected image for the view of an audience.

Overhead Projector is used to display images onto a projection screen or wall.

Projection is the shining of light through a film or electronic equivalent so that an enlarged version of an image is shown on a screen or wall. The representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular direction.

Screencast is a digital recording of computer screen output, also known as a video screen capture, often containing audio narration. The term screencast compares with the related term screenshot; whereas screenshot generates a single picture of a computer screen, a screencast is essentially a movie of the changes over time that a user sees on a computer screen, enhanced with audio narration.

Projection Mapping is a projection technique used to turn objects, often irregularly shaped, into a display surface for video projection. These objects may be complex industrial landscapes, such as buildings, small indoor objects or theatrical stages. By using specialized software, a two- or three-dimensional object is spatially mapped on the virtual program which mimics the real environment it is to be projected on. The software can interact with a projector to fit any desired image onto the surface of that object. This technique is used by artists and advertisers alike who can add extra dimensions, optical illusions, and notions of movement onto previously static objects. The video is commonly combined with, or triggered by, audio to create an audio-visual narrative. In recent years this technique has also been widely used in the context of cultural heritage as it has proved to be an excellent edutainment tool thanks to the combined use of a digital dramaturgy. Although the term "projection mapping" is relatively new, the technique dates back to the late 1960s, where it was referred to as the Madame Leota effect, video mapping, spatial augmented reality, or shader lamps. One of the first public displays of projections onto 3D objects was debuted in 1969, when Disneyland opened their Haunted Mansion attraction, which featured singing three-dimensional busts. The singers' faces were filmed on 16mm film and projected onto busts of their faces to make the busts appear animated. Another early example of projection mapping was in the 1967 TV movie Magical Mystery Tour during the Blue Jay Way scene, where images were projected onto George Harrison, including a cat's face and a headless male torso with the words "Magical Mystical Boy" written on its chest. After the object which will be projected on is chosen or created, software is used to map the corners of the video to the surfaces. First, one must choose the images or video to project. Then, place each video on to its designated surface. Alternatively, one may choose to map the entire scene in 3D and attempt to project and mask the image back onto its framework. The next step is defined as "masking," which means using opacity templates to actually "mask" the exact shapes and positions of the different elements of the building or space of projection. In 3D Mapping, coordinates need to be defined for where the object is placed in relation to the projector, the XYZ orientation, position, and lens specification of the projector have to result to a determined virtual scene. Projection Mapping is similar to video mapping and spatial augmented reality. Let’s say you plan on putting your projector on the sidewalk in front of your house and your sidewalk is 30 feet away. At that distance, a standard throw projector will produce an image about 20 feet wide. The resolution of the projector determines how sharp the projected image will be. A bright projector will make the difference between a murky, dark image, and a crisp clear one. We highly recommend that you go with a projector that has a traditional Halogen bulb rather than LED.

Spatial Augmented Reality is augmented reality based on projection, which is a new technology that can produce immersive contents by overlapping virtuality and real-world environment. It has been paid attention as the next generation digital contents in media art and human–computer interaction.

Wireless HDMI
LG Expo Mobile Projector
Aaxa Tech
Light Blue Optics
Nikon Coolpix S1000
Touchpico Touch Screen
Beam Labs
Touchjet Wave: Turn your TV into a Touchscreen.
Duet Display
sProjector - The first powerful Mini TV projector 1920x1080 / 1000 lumens projection / 5 Hours Battery life / 15,000 hours lamp life.
JmGO View Projector: A Theater In Your Backpack.
Beam Screw it in and have fun! The smart projector that fits in any light socket!
Rif 6 Cube Projector for phone, tablet or laptop with 120-inch display, LED & optical lens technology that lasts up to 20,000 hours.
SPUD - Spontaneous 24" Pop-Up Display that collapses & expands like an umbrella. Connect to any mobile device!
Egger: Interactive Learning Projector For Kids.
H1: Immersive Home Theater That Fits In Your Hands High-end theater experience w/5min setup | 1080p LED projector, Harman Kardon stereo & Android OS.
ODIN2: Projector - WiFi + Bluetooth with Camera and microphone to allow video and voice calls. 300 lumens of brightness with native HD resolution of 1280p x 720 and maximum resolution of 1080p. 37” screen size, and a 110” screen size from 3 yards.
Aiptek apex series 100 Pocket Projector.
Oracle High End Projector w/ 500 ANSI Lumens, 180” HD Display, Built-In Speakers, 4.5 Hours Battery & more.

As you go to sleep, use the projector to project words on the ceiling for things that you want to remember or learn.

Teacher Avatar - Personal Teaching Assistant - Education Manager

Each HOPE PC will have a Artificial Intelligent Virtual Animated Teaching Avatar that will guide the student through all the subjects and lessons, as well as help each student operate the computer programs when needed. The Teacher Avatar will encompass all the best qualities and skills that every teacher should possess. A teacher that is unbiased. The student may modify the avatar and choose male or female, body type, nationality and clothing styles. And if the student prefers a real person or a tutor to communicate with, then the student can do so with the built in webcam and an internet connection. The AI Teacher will monitor the students learning styles and select the most effective learning methods based on their previous measured learning success rate. The AI Teacher will also monitor the students best memory retention times, so that their learning schedule can be adjusted to fit the best times that they learn most effectively. The AI Teacher will also monitor the students progress and make recommendations on how to reach their education goals, allowing students to go at their own pace. The AI Teacher will periodically give feedback to the student and also recommend lessons based on the student's previous work and immediate needs. One of the main goals of the AI Teacher is to promote intelligence.

Earn as you Learn (incentives and motivation for learning) - Learning to Read and Write.

Intelligent Tutoring System is a computer system that aims to provide immediate and customized instruction or feedback to learners, usually without intervention from a human teacher.

A new role for intelligent tutors powered by AI in brain surgery. AI-guided feedback outperforms human instructors in neurosurgical training study. Researchers are designing real-time, intelligent tutors powered by AI. These systems mimic human surgical instructors in brain surgical training. Intelligent tutors help the learner acquire excellent skills by continuously assessing hand movements during simulated brain procedures and providing personalized verbal feedback.

Tutoring Online - Multi-Agent AI Systems - Human Interactions with Computers - Some People are More Comfortable Talking to Machines - Chat Bots

Expert System is a computer system emulating the decision-making ability of a human expert. Expert systems are designed to solve complex problems by reasoning through bodies of knowledge, represented mainly as if–then rules rather than through conventional procedural code.

Cognitive Tutor s a particular kind of intelligent tutoring system that utilizes a cognitive model to provide feedback to students as they are working through problems. This feedback will immediately inform students of the correctness, or incorrectness, of their actions in the tutor interface; however, cognitive tutors also have the ability to provide context-sensitive hints and instruction to guide students towards reasonable next steps.

Rational Agent - Intelligent Agent - Expert System - Machine Learning - Voice Activated

Domain-Specific AI Agent is an AI-powered system that's designed to perform specialized tasks within a specific industry or domain. These agents can be used to automate complex workflows, provide recommendations, or act as virtual assistants or chatbots. AI can help create educational materials and personalize learning experiences.

CK-12 Flexi is a powerful math and science AI Tutor for middle and high school students.

Adapting GenAI for the next generation of learning. A new study by learning analytics researchers presents key considerations for generative AI (GenAI) educational tools so they are carefully developed to support, rather than replace, human learning. Key considerations included understanding how to use GenAI to enhance human learning while fostering skills for critical thinking and self-reflection in humans to effectively partner with GenAI.

Adaptive Learning uses computers as interactive teaching devices, and to orchestrate the allocation of human and mediated resources according to the unique needs of each learner. Computers adapt the presentation of educational material according to students' learning needs, as indicated by their responses to questions, tasks and experiences. The technology encompasses aspects derived from various fields of study including computer science, education, psychology, and brain science.

PyTorch is a machine learning framework based on the Torch library, used for applications such as computer vision and natural language processing, originally developed by Meta AI and now part of the Linux Foundation umbrella.

if we can create an algorithm that can give you video suggestions based on your viewing history of the films you watched, then we can definitely create an algorithm that can give you subject suggestions to study based on what subjects you have already learned and been tested on. And the goal of the algorithm will always be to guide the student towards intelligence. So no matter what path the student takes using the education software, the student will still end up being intelligent after finishing all the courses.

Learning Pathway is described as the chosen route, taken by a learner through a range of e-learning activities, which allows them to build knowledge progressively. With learning pathways, the control of choice moves away from the tutor to the learner. Interactive courseware aids learners to access information and tools by which they can construct personalized transitions between the information to be accessed and their own cognitive structures. The process of navigation enables learners to experience the content of interactive courseware. Learning pathways also reveal the learning trails while learners traverse any interactive environment. Since learners have unique knowledge structures based upon their experiences and abilities, the ways that they choose to access, interact, and interrelate messages in interactive courseware also vary. Studies on pathways help us to explore and explain human behaviors during learning processes. Learning Path as the ideal sequence of learning activities that drives employees to reach proficiency in their job in the shortest possible time. In the Learning Paths methodology a Learning Path is created for the entire job done by an employee. By looking at learning as a complete process rather than a single event, a Learning Path enables employers and employees to find new ways to drive out time, waste and variability in training which leads to improved results and reduced costs.

Learning Management System is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, automation and delivery of educational courses, training programs, or learning and development programs. The learning management system concept emerged directly from e-learning. An LMS can help identify training and learning gaps, using analytical data and reporting, as well as, create automated assessments and assignments for learners, with dashboards to track student progress or user progress. Students will be able to exchange feedback with teachers and their peers. LMS allows developers to continually enhance the software and better adapt the software to their user base. LMS is adaptable and always improving, updating, learning new behaviors quickly, and adjusting to a changing society. LMS also provides students with disabilities better opportunity to access quality education. LMS can also create discussion groups to allow students feedback, share their knowledge on topics and increase the interaction in course. Students' feedback is an instrument which help teachers to improve their work, helps identify what to add or remove from a course, and ensures students feel comfortable. LMS delivers and manages all types of content, including videos, courses, workshops, and documents. teacher can add text, images, videos, pdfs, tables, links and text formatting, interactive tests, slideshows, etc. Moreover, they can create different types of users, such as teachers, students, parents, visitors and editors (hierarchies). It helps control which content students can access, track studying progress and engage students with contact tools. Teachers can manage courses and modules, enroll students or set up self-enrollment.

Educational Management refers to the administration of the education system in which a group combines human and material resources to supervise, plan, strategize, and implement structures to execute an education system. Education is the equipping of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, habits, and attitudes with learning experiences.

Application Performance Management is the monitoring and management of performance and availability of software applications. APM strives to detect and diagnose complex application performance problems to maintain an expected level of service.

Intelligent Software Assistant is a software agent that can perform tasks or services for an individual. These tasks or services are based on user input, location awareness, and the ability to access information from a variety of online sources (such as weather or traffic conditions, news, stock prices, user schedules, retail prices, etc.).

Improving AI's ability to identify students who need help. Researchers have designed an artificial intelligence model that is better able to predict how much students are learning in educational games. The improved model makes use of an AI training concept called multi-task learning, and could be used to improve both instruction and learning outcomes.

Robot helps students with learning disabilities stay focused. There is great potential for using robots in the public education system. Besides introducing the session, the robot set goals and provided self-regulating strategies, if necessary. If the learning process was getting off-track, the robot used strategies such as games, riddles, jokes, breathing exercises and physical movements to redirect the student back to the task.

Preschoolers prefer to learn from a competent robot than an incompetent human. Researchers at the Cognition and Language Development Lab tested three- and five-year-olds to see whether robots could be better teachers than people. Researchers found that preschoolers prefer learning from what they perceive as a competent robot over an incompetent human. This study is the first to use both a human speaker and a robot to see if children deem social affiliation and similarity more important than competency when choosing which source to trust and learn from.

Learning from superheroes and AI: Researchers study how a chatbot can teach kids supportive self-talk. Researchers created a new audio chatbot, Self-Talk with Superhero Zip, aimed to help children speak positively to themselves. This chatbot is 'a 'Sesame Street' experience for a smart speaker.'

Animal characters can boost young children's psychological development. A study has shown that iconic characters such as Peter Rabbit -- or Toad and Ratty from The Wind in the Willows -- can also play an important role in the development of children's theory of mind skills, which include the ability to read and predict social changes in the environment through tone of voice, choice of words, or facial expression. The study found that when faced with human characters, there was a clear age-related progression, with older children consistently outperforming their younger counterparts. In fact, Year 3 children performed better than the researchers had predicted in the tests featuring human characters. Writing in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, the researchers say the findings highlight the importance of both human and non-human characters for children's earliest development.

Out with the life coach, in with the chatbot. How AI can support an A1 lifestyle. Insufficient physical activity, excessive sedentary behaviour, poor diet and poor sleep are major global health issues and are among the leading modifiable causes of depression, anxiety and chronic diseases including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, cancers and increased mortality.

Meet 'Coscientist,' your AI lab partner. An artificial intelligence-driven system has autonomously learned about certain Nobel Prize-winning chemical reactions and designed a successful laboratory procedure to make them. The AI did so in just a few minutes and correctly on its first attempt. According to the authors, this is the first time that a non-organic intelligence planned, designed and executed this complex reaction that was invented by humans.

Better coaching to promote a person's growth. New research suggests more effective approach -- for managers, therapists, teachers and parents. What if there was a more effective way to coach and inspire your employees? Athletes? Students? Even your kids? A new study suggests there is. Their newly published work used neuroimaging to peer into the brains of participants as they responded to two different styles of coaching. The researchers wanted to see what happens in the brain that either helps people grow or causes them to resist change.

Trainee teachers made sharper assessments about learning difficulties after receiving feedback from AI. A trial in which trainee teachers who were being taught to identify pupils with potential learning difficulties had their work ‘marked’ by artificial intelligence has found the approach significantly improved their reasoning. A trial which used artificial intelligence to train new teachers to spot potential learning difficulties in pupils found that the approach significantly improved their assessment skills. 178 trainees assessed six fictionalised pupils for potential signs of conditions such as dyslexia and ADHD. Half received feedback in the form of a pre-written 'expert solution', while the others received feedback from AI. In a subsequent test of the quality of their reasoning when predicting potential learning difficulties in pupils, those who received the AI feedback scored 10 percentage points higher than the other group. The researchers suggest that AI may therefore be an effective substitute for close, personal feedback on teacher training programmes when training these skills, if one-to-one support is not available.

Q&A Technology - 24 - 7 Information Stations

High engagement, high return: The secret to student success. Researchers found that less than a third of teachers are engaging students in complex learning, limiting student opportunities for building critical thinking and problem solving.

Challenge-Response Authentication is a family of protocols in which one party presents a question ("challenge") and another party must provide a valid answer ("response") to be authenticated. The simplest example of a challenge–response protocol is password authentication, where the challenge is asking for the password and the valid response is the correct password.

When you turn on your PC laptop your Ai Avatar appears on computer screen. Avatar says, "How can I help you?" Person using the computer answers, "Who are you?" Avatar answers, "I'm an artificial intelligent avatar who's main program is to assist and teach anyone who uses this computer software. You can call me a mentor, a tutor, a teacher, a coach, a guide, or just a computer program, how you name me is your choice, though I do have some preferences. How can I help you?" (if the laptop front camera is on, the avatar will adjust appearance to mimic or match the user. Ai Conversations - Chabot's.

Robots can be useful as mental wellbeing coaches in the workplace -- but perception of their effectiveness depends in large part on what the robot looks like.

The avatar is a software tool that augments a persons abilities. The more the person learns, the more abilities they will have. One key feature of the avatar is that it teaches self management skills and adaptability skills. This will help each student become more independent and not become so overly dependent on the avatar. Based on previous interactions, the avatar will get to know you and will learn how to effectively guide you, and will learn how to provide the best service to you based on your current needs, your goals, and any other important requirements that you request.

Sculpting the brain using a novel approach to human learning through noninvasive manipulation of brain activity patterns. Researchers report that they have successfully tested a novel approach for teaching the human brain to learn through external manipulation and neuro-feedback -- what they call the 'sculpting' of brain activity patterns. Imagine being able to inscribe a new pattern of activity into a person's brain that would allow for faster learning. With our method not only can we nudge complex patterns around in the brain toward known ones, but also -- for the first time -- write directly a new pattern into the brain and measure what effect that has on a person's behavior. The scientists used real-time neuroimaging and second-by-second neurofeedback to modify how the brain represents and processes information about visual objects. One of the striking features of the study is that the neural responses and corresponding behavior to the new categories occurred without explicit awareness of those categories, showing that a long tradition of work in psychology on implicit processing -- that is, the ability to respond to information meaningfully outside of awareness -- also extends to the learning and formation of new neural representations. The immediate feedback given to the study participants here meant that the image stopped wobbling on their mirror once they successfully managed to represent the visual object more similarly to a brain activity pattern that the researchers had previously designated, instead of how the object would have been represented in their brains naturally. In other words, the scientists had developed a method that caused people to learn new categories of visual objects, not by teaching them what the categories were, but by changing how their brains worked when they looked at the individual objects in those categories. To ensure study participants were highly motivated to succeed, they were rewarded monetarily if they managed to stop the image wobble, which over six daily sessions could amount to a sizeable bonus.

Avatar Examples

Second Life - Teacher Avatar Example

Create AI-Powered Digital People or Synthetic Digital Person or Avatars.

Zoe (youtube) - Face Works (youtube) - Site Pal

HyperLand (youtube) - 1990 Douglas Adams documentary about the web before it was really there. MACH.

Virtual Reality - Kinect can also be used as education tool and training tool.

Computers are great tools because they can make a persons disability less intrusive, and less likely to impede learning.

This idea of course is not new. In 1954, B. F. Skinner talked about a Universal Teaching Machine and Programmed Learning. The concept has been proven but monopolies kept the teaching machine from developing and being produced. But we now have over 80% more knowledge and information then was available in 1954, and we also have more technological advances, so a learning and teaching machine would be even more advanced then originally intended. 

PLATO as a computer system was the first generalized computer assisted instruction system. Starting in 1960, it ran on the University of Illinois' ILLIAC I computer. By the late 1970s, it supported several thousand graphics terminals distributed worldwide, running on nearly a dozen different networked mainframe computers.

Speak & Spell Toy was introduced at the summer Consumer Electronics Show in June 1978 making it one of the earliest handheld electronic devices with a visual display to use interchangeable game cartridges. Speak & Spell line was a series of electronic hand-held child computers by Texas Instruments that consisted of a TMC0280 linear predictive coding speech synthesizer, a keyboard, and a receptor slot to receive one of a collection of ROM game. Learning Toys.

Q and A - 24/7 Assistants

Let Me Learn equips people of all ages with the tools they need to succeed in unlocking their potential to learn more effectively and efficiently. We do this by teaching them to use the innovative and transformational Let Me Learn Process, an Advanced Learning System.

Transforming Education is fostering the development of the whole child so that all students can thrive.

Programmed Instruction is learning material in a kind of textbook or teaching machine or computer. The medium presents the material in a logical and tested sequence. The text is in small steps or larger chunks. After each step, learners are given a question to test their comprehension. Then immediately the correct answer is shown. This means the learner at all stages makes responses, and is given immediate knowledge of results.

Reward-Based Learning

Computer-Based Learning is the term used for any kind of learning with the help of computers. Computer-based learning makes use of the interactive elements of the computer applications and software and the ability to present any type of media to the users. Computer-based learning has many benefits, including the advantage of users learning at their own pace and also learning without the need for an instructor to be physically present. (Ai Avatar - Remote Tutor) Computer-based learning is also known as computer-aided instruction. Computer-based learning can be used in Problem-solving training, Creative and instructional games, Simulation-based learning, training and Knowledge-based training and assessment. There are many advantages associated with computer-based learning. It provides more learning opportunity for people from disadvantaged environments. People can learn at a pace comfortable for them, unlike in a traditional classroom. Users need to spend only the required time to learn the subject in the case of computer-based learning, and it is also available all the time. Computer-based learning is cost effective in many ways, as it reduces travel time and also the same application can be used to teach new students or users. The learning also offers safety and flexibility as well as helps learners to track their progress. Another big advantage is in the reduction of overall training time.

Intelligent Tutoring System is a computer system that aims to provide immediate and customized instruction or feedback to learners, usually without intervention from a human teacher. ITS's have the common goal of enabling learning in a meaningful and effective manner by using a variety of computing technologies. Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction with Dialogue and Feedback.

Intelligent Tutoring Technology and Computerized Assessment (PDF)

Intelligent Tutor (avatar)

Educational Technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.

Computer-Based Training - Computerized Learning Systems

Virtual Learning Environment is a platform for the digital aspects of courses of study, usually within educational institutions. VLEs typically: allow participants to be organized into cohorts, groups and roles; present resources, activities and interactions within a course structure; provide for the different stages of assessment; report on participation; and have some level of integration with other institutional systems. Holo-Deck.

Games - Learning Methods

Researchers develop an efficient way to train more reliable AI agents. The technique could make AI systems better at complex tasks that involve variability. Researchers developed an efficient approach for training more reliable reinforcement learning models, focusing on complex tasks that involve variability. This could enable the leverage of reinforcement learning across a wide range of applications.

Audio-Visual - Computer Learning Advantages

Multi-Part Testing: First Determine Examinee's Skill Level and Education Level or Knowledge Level.
Beginner 1-14, Intermediate 1-14, Expert 1-14.
Verbal Test - Written Test - Physical Test (real testing in authentic environments).

E-Assessment or Technology Assessment to determine examinee's effective use of technological tools in learning. KM

Computerized Adaptive Testing is a form of computer-based test that adapts to the examinee's ability level and education level, which is based on what is known about the examinee from previous questions. The difficulty of the exam will automatically adjust to the examinee's skill level. For example, if an examinee performs well on an item of intermediate difficulty, they will then be presented with a more difficult question. Or, if they performed poorly, they will be presented with a simpler question.

International Association of Computerized Adaptive Testing

CDC Cyber used for modeling fluid flow, material science stress analysis, electrochemical machining analysis, probabilistic analysis, energy and academic computing, radiation shielding modeling, and other applications.

Learning Styles - Teaching Methods

e-Estonia e-School

Exclusive: Samsung's NEON Revealed - Leaked Trailer Looks Perfectly Human! (youtube) Digital Avatar - Artificial Human.

"Hi, I'm Avatar Howie, I have over 2 million words in my vocabulary in many different languages that can be used in thousands of different ways to communicate with you. My last update as 12/14/2015. How can I help you?"

Intelligent Tutor (teaching machine)

What if Alexa or Siri sounded more like you? Study says you'll like it better. Users seem to prefer voice assistants that match their personality, leading to higher service ratings and more careful assessment of information. They found a strong preference for extroverted VAs -- those that speak louder, faster and in a lower pitch. They also found that increasing personality similarity by automatically matching user and VA voice profiles encouraged users to resist persuasive information.

Schools are about having a place for learning for the people who live near the school. But every school has a limit to how many students that they can teach and be responsible for. And not every student attends school. Though most schools can be almost any size and be almost anywhere, schools are a designated physical location. And every school varies in quality and every school varies in teaching effectiveness. Every human on earth has the god given right to have a good education. And if for some reason a student can not get to a good school, then the school should come to that student. And this school should always be with the student where ever they are and this school should be with the student for as long as they want to be together. A laptop computer with an artificail intelligent teaching avatar would be a great tool for any student. And this digital school can also be be it's own social network. No one should feel lonely or feel alone when going to school. Learning should be a social experience as well as a personal journey. And learning should always be available to everyone, where ever they are.

Menu Sample

Menu for Water Menu sample on right shows one way to guide people to the information they seek. Interface that can be Customized.

Mind Map Style

Question & Answer Interface Styles

Just the beginning of the Education Axiom....

The Benefits of using Video as a Teaching Tool

Laptop Stand (makes the laptop eye level)

24-7 Information Operators - Decentralized Databases

The internet in a lot of ways already acts like a Central Database where you type in a question in your Search Engine Browser and you usually get an answer, that's if you know how to ask a question and know how to analyze the answers. That's why it would be necessary for the Central Database to have 24 Hr. Operator Assistance so that anyone who does not have experience Searching the internet can get the help they need. You already have people doing this type of work already.

Website Customer Service
Live Chat Operator for Website
24-7 Agents
E-Virtual Services
24/7 Virtual Assistants
Virtua Helper 24/7
Live Person
Virtual Phone Auto-Attendant
Tasks Every Day
Mayday button from Kindle (youtube)
Information Stations
Tutors (video conferencing)

Video Lessons about various subjects is a great teaching tool. Imagine a teacher video taping their best teaching methods on a particular subject. Now imagine other teachers watching this video and learning from these techniques, or even better, making a new video discussing how they found new ways to improve these same teaching methods. Video can be compressed to take up less space without sacrificing quality. So now we can make education available to more students and improve teaching methods and strategies at the same time.

Using Digital Technology for Education

Computer-Generated Virtual Human Interviewers find that soldiers are more likely to open up about post-traumatic stress when interviewed by a virtual interviewer, a safe way to get feedback anonymous.

It would be great to use something like the Popcorn Webmaker to add more information and knowledge about any subject that is being discussed in any film. Helping the viewer understand more about what is happening in the film, and also explain any misunderstandings or inaccuracy's that may be in the film that may have misinformation or not enough information. This way you can minimize the possibility of misleading the viewer into believing something that is inaccurate.

Music as a Teaching Tool

HyperLand (youtube)

Classroom of the future will be like Holodeck from Star Trek and the Loading Program from the Matrix. If you don't have four empty walls then you can have three totally white walls to project images on and play sound from, with the windows of the room at your back. Total submersion into a subject, interactive and adjustable, making learning an incredible and enjoyable journey. The room would also have a digital display that would show temperature, oxygen level, humidity and other environmental factors to guarantee that the student has a comfortable learning environment. 

Immersion (virtual reality) 

In conjunction with the building of the Hope PC the Complete Education System will also be created. So Curriculum Designers, Software Designers, Engineers and thousands of Teachers will also be used.

First Step is to build the first proto type PC. Open Design Make the first laptop a kit so that anyone can order the parts and build it themselves and give feedback on how to improve it. Via openbook.
Second Step will be perfecting this computer and all it's components, software and accessories. Components.
Third Step would be the manufacture setup. Once I have a Laptop that is a clear example of what this PC should have and how this PC should operate, I will then look for Investors and volunteers to help distribute the Laptops to everyone who needs them, starting with the less fortunate people who have limited means or have limited access to good schools, which happens to be almost every human on the planet. Sponsoring a child just took on a new definition. And if each person who receives the PC promises to share it with others we can help educate more people even faster.
Forth Step would be training thousands of teachers and people how to use and maintain each PC. Then those people would train other people how to use and maintain the PC. Each person who receives training would receive their own PC and repeat the process. A test, similar to a drivers license test would be used to determine if a person is allowed to operate and own this PC. Of course this is just a guideline to help deter theft and abuse and will most likely be modified depending on the needs of people. Each person who receives this PC must also fully understand the responsibilities that come with having an extremely important and powerful tool. Some of the first people to get these laptops will be teachers so they can use the PC as a teaching tool. Teachers would also be able to determine what students would benefit the most from having their own laptop. Mothers will also be first in line to receive these laptops. Mothers know the importance of education and deeply care about their children and their future. I will also work on a Pledge or a test that would help pick out the best candidates so that anyone with a thirst for knowledge can receive a laptop that would help advance their learning capabilities. But of course it will take more then a pledge or a promise for children to do the right thing because some children are already Incorrectly Educated and lack the abilities to learn or have no willingness to learn and possess very little Self-discipline. So children who are eager to learn and who possess self-discipline will be the most favorable candidates for these laptops, though it will not be a prerequisite.

Project Management Problem Solving.

Information Stations

Information Station Timely and Reliable Information 24 Hours a day replace over 7,500 pay phones across the five boroughs with new structures called Links. Each Link will provide superfast, free public Wi-Fi, phone calls, device charging and a tablet for access to city services, maps and directions.

Smart City 24x7 Protect started before 11/21/2012. Was not exactly what it should be, but it was close, the most important thing is that it showed Information Stations can be done.

Interactive kiosk is a computer terminal featuring specialized hardware and software that provides access to information and applications for communication, commerce, entertainment, and education.

Link NYC Information kiosk IPad style Touch screen with internet connection that is on 24 hours a day. Like a pay-phone that is placed in locations through a town or city where Residents and Tourists can quickly look up information, send e-mail, find directions, find phone numbers, look up events, times and dates for town meetings, city information, public transportation, find addresses of services, see the current issues that are plaguing the City, and view websites and so on. Similar to the Smart City 24x7 Protect, and the Instant Complaint Logging Internet Kiosk (ICLICK) in India, and the Hole in the Wall in India, and the Entune Infotainment System.

The information station can also have a 24 hour video operator to assist people like the Mayday button from Kindle, the operator will also see who they are talking to if needed. - ENGO Charging Station (video)

Information Attendants

24 - 7 Database Operators - Customer Service

Question & Answer Systems

Open Curriculum

Solarbox The Solar Box on the Right is also a good idea. A Personal Information Station, when occupied the windows automatically tints black.
When someone else wants to use it, they push a button to let the person on the inside know they have 10 minutes left. Then a digital clock on the inside and outside will count down the minutes left. The connection will only end when the door opens. The person inside will be able to see who's on the outside.

Portable Information Station Servers  -  Voice-Activated Assistants

Lantern is anonymous portable library that constantly receives free data from space.

Ezeecube Expandable Smart Media Centre Backup Photos, Videos and Documents, Send to and from any device.

Cubic Personal AI

Daplie: The Cloud System to Take Back the Internet freedom to privacy, ownership, and security with your own "plug & play" home server.

Amazon Echo (youtube)

Shae: Siri for Your Health Real-Time Health & Nutrition Advice Via Interactive Voice & Text On Your Phone, Watch or Computer.

ivee: Talking to Your Home is No Longer Sci-Fi

Smart Home Systems (monitoring - security)

RAID is a data storage virtualization technology that combines multiple physical disk drive components into a single logical unit for the purposes of data redundancy, performance improvement, or both.

Robots (robotics)

Flash Drives

Decision Making - Collaboration Tools

The information station will also be a website with the exact same features so that anyone can use it anywhere in the world and also be able to familiarize themselves with the interface. The IS can also have Speech Recognition that would recognize the language of the person who speaks in front of the Information station and then the IS would match the text, voice and symbols of that language. Have an Ai with Personality. Maybe have the IS ask questions like "How can I help you?"  And then show symbols like water, food, shelter, health, services and directions. You should also have the Information stations at bus stops and other public transportation areas. The IS could also have a solar panel roof so that it does not have to depend on external power, will also have a Battery Backup incase of power outages. The I.S. should also have a button to change the interface. The Information Station can also be a large 40" LCD Touch Screen that has a Digital Fish Tank or Digital Forest Animals or photo slide show, images of public art or even a short movie. The Screen will display a continues movie of fish swimming by, and when you touch a fish it will tell you its name and the locations where that fish can be found around the world. Also display estimated numbers. The same concept with animals. Where birds and other land animals walk by or fly by in slow motion and when you touch the animal it will tell you everything about the animal. We have to make information and knowledge available to everyone, so the key is in the delivery. Information input must have different starting points, information must also be in different mediums, so depending on the persons age and skill level they can easily self direct themselves. You then should have basic instructions on how this particular information is usually processed. Libraries should also have Information and Knowledge Stations for Self Education and Emergencies.

Information Graphics (visualization)
The Information Age - Social Education  

Information Card - Information Card are personal digital identities that people can use online.

World Monitoring System (beta)
Country Management
Digital Services
18 F
Chief Information Officers Council

Information Literacy - Open Collaborations
The Power of the Internet - Artificial Intelligence

Safecast global sensor network for collecting and sharing radiation measurements to empower people with data about their environments.

Laptops for Hospital Patients

Desktop Sample When I visited my father in the hospital a saw him watching TV and thought how depressing and wasteful it was. Instead of TV hospitals should offer laptops to patients so that they can educate themselves about their condition or disease and also keep learning, working and stay connected to family and friends. They can also watch their favorite program or movie at their own time without disturbing other patients. So Candy Stripers would bring more than just books, but PC's.

More than 40% of American seniors don’t use the internet at all. And they are missing out.

Hospitals with Internet Access
PC Pal
Bedside Geripads
Roll Top PC
I Got it Too
Apps For Seniors 

Laptops for Senior Citizens. There are many benefits of having a computer. Besides being an extension of our Working Memory and Short Term Memory, computers save us enormous amount of time by calculating things within seconds. And when computers are incorporated into a Robots, then we will have the best of both worlds.

What Computers can help you do..
Listen to Music.
Video chat with a friend or loved one.
Keep track of birthdays, appointments and special events.
Make a schedule, or review your schedule.
Make a list of things you want to do, review your goals for today.
Read your local newspapers.
Read news stories from around the world.
Get notifications on community events.
Watch a movie.
Look at photographs.
Research medications.
Review your medical history.
Write a letter or read a letter.
Read a book.
Listen to an audio book.
Make a phone call.
Make a list of all your important addresses and phone numbers.
Find a new friend using a dating website.
Write a book.
Learn something new.
Earn a College degree.
Start an online business.
Mentor or teach someone.
Find a new hobby.
Join a club or start a club.
Manage your finances.
Purchase products that you need.
Send flowers to someone.
Send and receive money.
Write or call your Representative or Senator.
Write or call your Local or Federal Government.
Report a crime.
Sign a Petition.
Keep track of time and dates.
Set alarm clock reminders.
And yes, you can Even Play Games.
Brain Games that can help keep cognition strong,
like learning something new everyday.

Things that Smartphones Can Do

"Learning to live in the moment will always have benefits. It keeps the old from dwelling to much in the past, and keeps the young from getting to lost in future dreams."

Your Life on a Jump Drive

Knowledge is Key Flash Memory Drive Now that you can carry portable memory with over a hundred gig of information on a key chain a person can literally carry their life’s work in their pocket where ever they go. A person can carry their diary, education, photos, favorite music, favorite movies, health information, family history, achievements, favorite activities, favorite sports, and anything else they can digitize. Of course the jump drive would be Encrypted with the password that is only known by close family members and friends. If all the knowledge and information that is contained on these flash drives were to be shared into a central database we could accumulate information and knowledge that could be used to make improvements. We can learn a lot from each other but only if we are given a way to share our thoughts and ideas.

Run Programs and Operating System from USB, or Smartphone.
Source Forge
Slax USB on Ubuntu
UNetbootin (wiki)
Intel Compute Stick
Insert your Xtra-PC into a USB port, restart your computer, hit the boot menu key, and go.

Ubiquitous Computing (ai)

Embedded System is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints.

PC Card is a configuration for computer parallel communication peripheral interface, designed for laptop computers. PCMCIA

Lego Brick Jump Drive If you can save everything on a your jump drive, even save your settings and preferred operating system, then any Hope PC can be your PC, no matter where you are in the world. That makes the HPC easy to share, and easy to replace. 

Neptune Suite: One Hub Infinite Possibilities
Xtra PC

Corsdrive World's Fastest USB 3.0 Mini Flash Drive New 512GB Micro thumb drive for Apple iPhone, Android, Mac and PC has USB 3.0 speed.

Verbatim TUFF 'N' TINY 32 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive (amazon)

USB Flash Drive is a data storage device that includes flash memory with an integrated USB interface. USB flash drives are typically removable and rewritable, and physically much smaller than an optical disc. Most weigh less than 30 grams (1.1 oz). (also variously known as a USB drive, USB stick, thumb drive, pen drive, jump drive, disk key, disk on key, flash-drive, memory stick or USB memory).

Non-Volatile Memory is a type of computer memory that can retrieve stored information even after having been power cycled (turned off and back on). The opposite of non-volatile memory is volatile memory which needs constant power in order to prevent data from being erased.

Flash Memory wears out after being programmed and erased about 10,000 times.

Tomorrow Land Hope PC Pin Jump Drive Memory Storage HOPE PC Tomorrow Land Jump Drive Pin Pendant
The Future is counting on You......Keep Learning
"Tomorrowland has been stolen from us, it's time to take back our future, it's time to control our own destinies, and not let ignorant and greedy corporations and government leaders drive us to into obliteration."

Klips: World's fastest flash drive for iphone ipad
Pocket Drive Hard Drive for iphone ipad android
Revault: world's first wearable private cloud
iShowFast: World's Fastest iPhone, iPad Flash Drive

An Elite College in your Hands.
There are also smaller Flash Memory Drives that the Main Educational Courses will be stored on. They are very durable and can hold Video Instructions, Images, Tests and Information about each subject in Basic Knowledge 101.

Cubans buy memory sticks, also known as flash drives or pen drives, because 95 % don't have internet connection. They use them to buy weekly ‘paquetes’ of foreign movies, music, or news, on the island’s black market.

Education on a Stick (the whole world in your hands)

Complete Education on Flash Memory Drives Flex Card: Universal Data Storage for all Devices

Portable Backup Systems - Knowledge Preservation

Our memories give us the ability to save information and knowledge and take it with us were ever we go, So it only makes sense to have the best knowledge and information that the world has to offer. Why carry useless information when you can carry the worlds most valuable information and knowledge.

Low-Current, Highly Integrable Spintronics Device Developed. Use of Ion Conducting Solid Electrolyte Created a Breakthrough. A Step toward Realization of Low-Current High-Capacity Memory Devices. A device capable of controlling magnetism at a lower current level than conventional spintronics devices.

Technology Warnings - Effective Uses

Technology is an incredible tool, and an amazing extension of our intelligence, but that's only when technology is used effectively and efficiently. Technology can save time, but technology can also waste time. Technology can connect us, but technology can also disconnect us. So the problem is not technology, the problem is education. We need an education that teaches students effective ways on how to use technology effectively, efficiently and productively. People need to understand what technology is, and what technology isn't. Remember ‘Technology’ is just a tool. The major problem with technology is that there are not enough qualified people who are skilled enough to know how to use technology effectively and efficiently or is there enough experienced people who have enough skills to teach others how to use technology effectively and efficiently. And of course this means that there are not enough knowledgeable people to fully understand the potential of technology, or know when to implement its use. Just like any tool, if it’s not used properly it will not help. And if you don’t teach people how to use tools properly, then those tools will be wasted just like every other tool in human history. We train and educate people so that they can drive cars safely and productively. So who’s training people how to use computers and cell phones safely and productively? And just because people are wasting technology or misusing technology and abusing technology, this does not mean that technology is not helping civilization. So technology by itself cannot fix our enormous problems like poverty, starvation and education. Incompetence is not the fault of technology, it is the fault of poorly educated humans. And to use technology to say that technology is not helping is not just contradictory, it’s completely ignorant. Don’t blame the tool or the technology. Blame our education system that fails to teach students basic skills, knowledge and proper behavior. A laptop can’t teach everything to a child, but it can help teach a child who has no teacher or no school, as long as they know how to use the PC effectively and efficiently. It boils down to maximizing our actions and fully understanding our best choices and using our tools effectively. So communicating this information and knowledge is extremely important. You have to be clear when showing people the ways they can help. And technology can definitely help speed up this process. This is why every HOPE PC will have instructions on how to use technology effectively and efficiently. The easy to understand instructions will be in a video format and in writing. One of the responsibilities that technology needs to have is to teach the person how to solve problems without using technology. Technology will give you the answer, but it should also show you how the answer was obtained. You don't want technology to replace your brain, because when the technology is gone or not working, then you will not have the necessary brain power to solve problems on your own, a problem that could save your life. Avoiding dependencies will make you less vulnerable. Using voice activated software to search the internet should also be secondary. Hearing words is not as effective as reading words because you can analyze words more carefully when reading them verses just listening to words. Plus you don't want to encourage people not to read and write. Some technology tools are more beneficial to people with disabilities, and less beneficial to people without disabilities.

Forbidding cellphone use in class shows how ignorant schools are. Schools don't want to teach young people about how to effectively use technology, or how to use technology productively. Schools would rather control student behavior with regulations, than provide education to students so they can learn how to control their own behavior, without being subjected to abusive regulations that do more harm than good. Trying to control ignorance with more ignorance, will leave everyone ignorant.

AI Fears - AI Warnings - Black Box

The Internet does not change the brain, it's how you use the internet that changes the brain, which could be good or bad depending how you use it, like everything else in the world.

People can remember their experiences, but they seldom remember what they have learned from those experiences. We gain knowledge all through our life, but most people choose to remember only their experiences, and they remember very little of what they have learned during and in between those experiences. We are not using our brains the way we should, just like when we misuse technology, it does more harm then good. You inadvertently reduce the benefits of having a brain, a brain with incredible memory capacity and processing abilities. If you are to teach only one thing to a student, it would have to be the power of learning. Our most prized asset is our mind. Schools need to seriously rethink what knowledge and skills students need to learn, and when they should be learning them.

Non Thinking Man with Smartphone Cognitive Offloading is the tendency to rely on things like the Internet as a memory-aid. Spending less time consulting our own memory to recall things could diminish our memory and the power of our own brain. Just like any dependency or addiction, there are consequences, with this one being diminishing brain power, which is extremely dangerous. But of course we can't remember everything or remember every little detail, especially things that are irrelevant. So not all offloading is bad.

"When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon." - Thomas Paine (wiki)

If I'm using my smartphone to look up useless information, then that's a good thing. It's when I have to look up valuable knowledge and information that I should already know and remember, now that's a bad thing. So technology is good, human ignorance is bad. Like the problems with standardized testing, because propaganda comes in all kinds of forms. And we also know that memory errors and memory flaws are nothing new. So it's all relative.

The Google Effect is an inclination to forget low valued information which we can easily find online, so there is no incentive to memorize it, but that all depends on the information of course. It's best to save important information and write down the most important information, becuase knowledge preservation is extremely important.

Digital Amnesia is when people tend to forget information that can be immediately retrieved from a digital device. Writing something down information will always help you to remember it, and writing something down will always help you if you forget it. Store the good stuff in your brain, and store important details on a reliable medium. "Just having your cellphone with you may reduce your brain power".

Brain Chip (implants) - Augmenting - Technology Revolution

Avoiding Information Overload - Don't Pretend to know more then you do.

Using smartphones could help improve memory skills. Using digital devices, such as smartphones, could help improve memory skills rather than causing people to become lazy or forgetful, finds a new study.

Distributed Cognition is when cognitive processes may be distributed across the members of a social group.

External Memory in psychology is the opposite of internal memory. When a person uses something beside his/her own internal memory tricks, traits, or talents to help him/her remember certain events, facts, or even things to do, the person is using an external memory aid. External memory aids are used every day. A large part of these aids come from technology; people use their smartphones to remind them when they have meetings and Facebook reminds people of their friends' birthdays. These aids also include taking notes in class, carrying a grocery list to the supermarket, or jotting down dates on a planner. Even people, or prompters, can be used as external memory aids. Try not to transfer your responsibilities.

Internet Culture is the culture that has emerged, or is emerging, from the use of computer networks for communication, entertainment, and business. Internet culture is also the study of various social phenomena associated with the Internet and other new forms of the network communication, such as online communities, online multi-player gaming, wearable computing, social gaming, social media, mobile apps, augmented reality, and texting, and includes issues related to identity, privacy, and network formation.

Technology and Society refers to cyclical co-dependence, co-influence, and co-production of technology and society upon the other (technology upon culture, and vice versa). This synergistic relationship occurred from the dawn of humankind, with the invention of simple tools and continues into modern technologies such as the printing press and computers. The academic discipline studying the impacts of science, technology, and society, and vice versa is called science and technology studies.

Critique of Technology is an analysis of adverse impacts of technologies. It is argued that, in all advanced industrial societies (not necessarily only capitalist ones), technology becomes a means of domination, control, and exploitation, or more generally something which threatens the survival of humanity.

Digital Literacy Project works with communities to expand access to technology through improved digital literacy. In Boston, we teach introductory computer science classes to middle school students. Technology Education.

Digital Literacy is the knowledge, skills, and behaviors used in a broad range of digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptops and desktop PCs, all of which are seen as network rather than computing devices.

21st Century Literacy - Web Literacy (PDF) IG

Technology Abuse (addiction) - Media Literacy - Comprehension 

When ignorant people do a study about how ineffective Computers are in the Classroom, they blame the Computer

Technophobia is the irrational fear or dislike of advanced technology or complex devices, especially computers.

Digital Native is educators failure to understand the needs of modern students.

Nomophobia (FOMO)

Just because you are given abilities does not guarantee that you will use them correctly. Computers can be incredibly fast and incredibly accurate, but computers can also be inaccurate and slow. Humans can be incredibly fast and accurate, but humans can also be inaccurate and slow. Computers are the most powerful when they are faster and more accurate then a human, Humans are more powerful when they are faster and more accurate then a computer. Using a computer in the right way and at the right time is extremely important. using your mind in the right way and at the right time is extremely important. Using your mind and a computer in the right ways and at the right times can help maximize the power of both, if not they can cancel each other out.

"I'm not against technology, Doctor. I'm against the men who deify it at the expense of human truth." Quote from the 1997 Film "Contact" - Deify is to consider something as a God or Godlike.

Humans make computers, computers don't make humans. Humans make mistakes, that means computers can also make mistakes. Computers are one of the greatest tools that we have ever developed, but computers are still under development. The human mind is one of the greatest tools ever developed, but the human mind is still under development. A computer can answer a question, but a computer does not know if the answer is right or wrong, that is a humans job.

Cell phones with Internet access are only a weak and limited alternative and definitely not a replacement for a laptop or a desktop computer. But smartphones are still an amazing tool, if used correctly. A smartphone could be a great ‘A Learning Tool’, but the most people are not using them that way. A cell phone is another way of connecting to the internet, but not very efficiently. If a laptop computer is a window to the world then the cell phone is a very small window to the world that only opens halfway. And just having an internet connection does not say that you will actually use it correctly or effectively. A Smart Phone will not make you smarter, it will most likely make you more of an idiot, mostly because people waste time thinking technology is just a play thing for entertainment purposes. Imagine if you used your Brain as a play thing just to play games, yes you would grow up to be a Idiot. And to think that a cell phone will somehow bridge the Digital Divide between people is to optimistic. Our technology is just a tool, and we have many tools. Advances in technology does not level the playing field between the rich and the poor. Our social connections are not our primary platform for learning in everyday lives. Relying on other people for knowledge and information is only affective and reliable when those other people are actually learning new knowledge and acquiring new information. "Knowing a lot of people is good, but knowing a few people who know a lot is much better." Having access to more information does not necessarily mean that people will be more educated. Increased communication between people using mobile Social Media also does not mean that people will be more educated or informed. The potential of the Internet will be defined by how we use all our knowledge and information to help educate people, and not by giving kids more cell phones. To say that these systems are not open enough to allow innovation and learning from street-level knowledge is only true when something is false, like bad information. I’m not saying that cell phones don’t have potential, or that cell phones are not a useful and valuable tool, I’m just saying that the sharing of knowledge and information should not be so reliant on these tools that we use, but more importantly, that our knowledge and information needs to be accurate, organized and available to everyone no matter if they have a tool or not. Having a particular digital device or just having more technology tools will not make you smarter. The only way you become smarter and more knowledgeable is by knowing how to use the most reliable and the most important tool that every human has, which is the Human Brain. The human brain can learn how to make tools and learn how to use tools. But more importantly when the human brain is educated properly, the human brain also knows how to make sense of it all. And one of the things that the human brain makes sense of, is that itself is the most important and the most powerful tool a person has in their possession, and Technology can be a great extension of our Brains. So wasting our resources will not make us smarter. We have to use our resources intelligently, appropriately, affectively and efficiently. But even then that is only one step in our education process. We have a long way to go. Simply providing technology tools to people will not make them more educated or make their life any better. Teaching people how to make use of all the tools that we have, especially the tool in their head, is the only sure way of educating people and improving life for everyone.

Estimated 1.6 million traffic accidents — nearly a third of all crashes — occur because a driver is talking on a cell phone or texting behind the wheel. People die from things that are avoidable.

The hammer by it self is just an object made of matter. What makes a hammer an amazing tool is the knowledge that explains how to use that hammer, that is what makes that hammer an amazing tool. But Knowledge is abstract. Knowledge cannot be placed in your hands. Knowledge must be learned and understood by the mind because knowledge can only exist in the mind. Knowledge can exist in matter, but if there is no mind to understand that knowledge, then that knowledge does not matter. A book is just an object made of matter. What makes the book special is the mind that could understand the knowledge within that book. With no mind, no matter matters and nothing matters to no one. Learn.

Affluent students were more likely to use computers for simulations or modeling. Low-income students were more likely to use computers for drill and practice exercises. Similar patterns of computer usage at home, where the academic benefits of home computers were greater for children from affluent families. 

Knowledge Gap - Teaching Technology

Is Technology just another word for Tool?

To say that technology does not replace teachers is a misleading and ignorant statement. That's like saying books don't replace teachers. But every student knows that education consists of reading a lot of books, and consists of reading a lot of papers and writings. And technology is just a nicer book because it's interactive, which increases learning speed, quantity and quality. Focus more on the knowledge and information and not just the tools that we use to transfer knowledge and information. Just because an ignorant society throws away millions of cell phones and computers every year does not mean that we are not benefiting from our technologies, all that says is that we are still ignorant in a lot of ways, even though we have the technologies that says we have intelligence. Education needs to improve. Bottom line.

"Being technologically mature will not save society, society has to be intellectually mature, then and only then will we succeed, because too many people look at computers as toys, when in fact, computers are one of the most powerful tools for learning."

"If a technology tool does not have a learning objective, or if it doesn't increase productivity beyond what it actually costs, then it's just a waste of time, people and resources. Everyone pays for stupid little gadgets even if you never buy one." 

Questions to ask when choosing a Computer, Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone?
Does the device play videos?
Does the device process Interactive Software?
Can the device be upgraded? Is the device repairable and recyclable?
Can the device use jump-drives and flash-drives so that the flow of information is not impeded in any way?
Do students know how to use technology effectively and efficiently?
But the bottom line is that technology is a total waste of money, time, people and resources if you only use technology to provide students with the same defective and dysfunctional curriculum that is destroying the minds of young people all over the world. Their Common core is just common crap. Ignorant people make horrible educators, thus they make horrible decisions, like buying over priced technology. Ignorant people are also easily corrupted by money, which is usually at the expense of everyone else. Kids need to be Activists when it comes to their future, because the idiots in charge don't care about the future of children. Most of them are just selfish scumbags.


What's inside a Cell Phone? Why It Takes 75 Elements To Make Your Cell Phone (youtube) we can use smartphones to teach students about the elements. What is a Mobile Phone? Mobile Device Management.

Modular Smartphone Phonebloks Update - Ara Prototype (youtube)
Fair Phone Modular Smartphone.
Saygus V Squared Smartphone looks like the type of smartphone that could come with each Hope PC.
Rugged Smartphone - Sonim XP7 - Durable Cellphone
NK Labs
Phone Bloks
Similar Design for Hope PC
Light Phone
Turing Phone

Pay as you Go Phone

Open Source Mobile Phones (wiki)
Alcatelone Touch
XS Powercard Smartphone Smart Charger
Bluewire Hands Free Call Recording
Blu Products
Cyanogenmod OS
Yotaphone Dual Screen Smartphone 

The Smartphone that comes with each Hope PC could also have a Credit Card Swipe and Bar Code Reader.

Calibration method improves scientific research performed with smartphone cameras. In The Optical Society (OSA) journal Optics Express, the multi-institutional group of researchers report their new standardized calibration method and database, called SPECTACLE (Standardized Photographic Equipment Calibration Technique And CataLoguE), which can be used for smartphones, digital single-lens reflex cameras and cameras aboard drones. The database allows users to upload calibration data from their cameras for others to use. The standardized calibration method was developed in response to a need that arose as Burggraaff and his Leiden Univ. colleagues were developing citizen science methods to measure optical water quality using a smartphone add-on called iSPEX (Spectropolarimeter for Planetary EXploration), they originally developed to measure air pollution. This add-on allows a smartphone camera to measure extra optical information such as hyperspectral and polarimetric data. SPECTACLE and iSPEX are part of MONOCLE (Multiscale Observation Networks for Optical monitoring of Coastal waters, Lakes and Estuaries), a project funded by the European Commission aimed at creating sustainable solutions for measuring optical water quality. DIY Science.

One billion cellphones are manufactured every year. There are roughly 6 billion active cell phones in the world, to bad they are not all top of the line Smartphones, but it clearly shows potential to get everyone access to information, knowledge, services and tools. 

More than 64 percent of Americans own smartphones. Nearly half of U.S. homes don't have a landline and rely on cellphones instead, according to a federal report in 2015.

Smartphone's are just incredible now, it's totally amazing all the different things they can do. Smartphones as Tools for Education - DIY Science.

Smartphone Basics

Send and Receive Telephone Calls - Push to Talk (wiki).
Telephone Number Directory for important phone numbers.
You can send and receive text messages and e-mail.
You can send and receive photos, documents and videos.
You can view websites on the world wide web.
You can search for information and services on the world wide web.
It's a Clock that tells the time, also in other time zones around the world.
It's an Alarm Clock.
It's a Music Player.
It's a Camera that takes photographs. Lensta Lens Professional Lens for your smart phone
It's a Video Camera that records videos. Klikr Modular Case with built-in 16 Megapixel Robotic Camera
Live cell imaging made cheap using smartphone and 3D printer
It has a Flash Drive to store documents, photos, videos, books, maps, information, knowledge, and so on.
It's a Photograph Viewer.
You can Watch Videos.
It's a Calculator.
It's a Voice Recorder. Titan Note accurately takes, summarizes, translates, shares and edits notes.
it's a Note Taker and Typewriter.
It's a Calendar.
It's a Stop Watch.
It's a Flashlight.
It's a Smart Home Monitor.
Artificial Intelligence

Smartphone Apps - Software that can do All Kinds of Things

It's a Language Translator.
It's a Translator for Spoken Words and Text.
It can understand Voice Commands - 50 Siri Voice Commands (youtube) - Google Voice - Ai.
It's a Dictionary.
It can Measure Heights and Distances of objects - iphone smart ruler.
It's a 3D Space Scanner when attached to your smartphone. The device calculates the distances between each corner to automatically generates 2D, 3D, and VR model in minutes.
It's a Wireless Computer Mouse.
it's a Bubble Level that uses the phones Gyroscope.
It's an Accelerometer, knows Up from Down and Motions Accelerometer.
It's an Astrology Tool.
It's an Anatomy Tool for 10 Systems of the Human Body.
it's a Compass.
It's a Unit Converter - Convert Everything.
It's a Scientific Calculator.
You can learn about 118 of the Elements from the Periodic Table.
You can look at the worlds largest Encyclopedia with more than 32 million articles in 280 languages.
You can Identify 821 species of Birds with in-depth descriptions, information on appearance, habitat, behavior, and more.
It's can Define Electronics Terms.
It can be a Night Vision Camera.
It can Recover Food Waste.
Apps that can help you to accomplish Goals.
Health Care Innovation by turning everyday smartphone cameras into powerful medical devices.
Treating Substance Abuse using Mobile Health App.

Smartphones Accessories - Smartphone Diagnostic Tools

You can Measure Blood Pressure - More Health Monitoring Apps.
It's a Heart Monitor  Heart Knowledge - Eko Stethoscope - Thinklabs One Digital Stethoscope.
It's a Glucose Meter   GluCase: World's First Smartphone Case Glucometer.
It's a Breathalyzer - (Gas Chromatography - Hydrogen Breath Test - Urea Breath Test) - Alcohoot Edge: Be The Smarter Drinker.
It's a tool for Testing Eye Sight - EyeQue Personal Vision Tracker to Test your Eyes.
White-Eye Detector App is and automatic detection of leukocoria (white-eye reflection) using software. It detects when a photo contains a white-eye reflection that may be an indication of a solid-tumor pediatric cancer called Retinoblastoma.
Wing - Measure Your Lungs. Manage your asthma.
Scanadu monitors health vital signs and tests for measuring the levels of chemicals in a urine sample. Sensors.
It's a Chemical Sensor - Ai Sensors.
It's a Handheld Spectral Analyzer Diagnostic Tool.
It's a Thermal Imager - Ryobi Tools - Walabot (see inside walls).
It's a Digital Microscope - HUD: Screen for Skin Cancer on your Smartphone - Turn Your Smartphone Into a Digital Microscope (youtube). The Smallest 400x Microscope for Smartphone - Dimensioning Instrument to capture dimensions and 3D curves - BLIPS: The Paper Thin Photo Microscopy Lens For All Devices.
Face2Gene Enhanced Patient Evaluation with Deep Phenotyping facial recognition software.
You can Turn your phone into a precision digital scale - Slate: The Ultimate Smart Scale for Your Nutrition.
It's a It's a GPS Travel Aid Navigator to give you Directions and Locations. Mountek GRIP Plus: Car mount for ANY mobile device.
It's a GPS Tracker so you can Finds Things that you Lose or Misplace.
It's a Advanced Walkie-Talkie that allows you to send text messages, images, audio recordings, and GPS coordinates quickly and easily using Long Range Radio Frequencies to other people with smartphones within 3 miles. You can communicate with your friends using your smartphones even when there is no signal coverage. Sonnet also has built-in offline maps. Gotenna.
It's a Credit Card Swipe to accept a credit card payment anytime, anywhere. In some places you can even pay for things using just your smartphone.
Signal software is an encrypted communications app for Android and iOS. A desktop version is also available for Linux, Windows, and macOS. It uses the Internet to send one-to-one and group messages, which can include files, voice notes, images and videos, and make one-to-one voice and video calls.
Lightning Network is a proposed implementation of Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) with bi-directional payment channels which allows payments to be securely routed across multiple peer-to-peer payment channels. This allows the formation of a network where any peer on the network can pay any other peer even if they don't directly have a channel open between each other.
Satellite Terminal with Wi-Fi Hotspot - Sky Roam - Somewear.
It can be a Stun Gun.
It can be a Radar Gun - SCOUTEE - World's 1st Smart Speed Radar Gun Record speed and videos, analyze results.
It's even a Portable Fish Finder (Depth Finder).
It can be a Bluewire Hands Free Call Recorder.
It's a Virtual Reality Machine.
It's a Universal Remote Control.

New method uses device cameras to measure pulse, breathing rate and could help telehealth.

Smartphone App performs better than traditional exam in Cardiac Assessment using Photoplethysmography and a smartphone application for assessment of ulnar artery patency. Do it Yourself Science.

2D material may enable ultra-sharp cellphone photos in low light. Novel device also combines light sensing, computing to save energy. A new type of active pixel sensor that uses a novel two-dimensional material may both enable ultra-sharp cellphone photos and create a new class of extremely energy-efficient Internet of Things or IoT sensors, according to researchers.

Dengue detection smartphone tech shows new hope for low-cost diagnostics.

Cellphone Technology developed to Detect HIV. A portable and affordable mobile diagnostic tool, utilizing a cellphone and nanotechnology, with the ability to detect HIV viruses and monitor its management in resource-limited regions. Utilizing nanotechnology, a microchip, a cellphone and a 3D-printed phone attachment, the researchers created a platform that can detect the RNA nucleic acids of the virus from a single drop of blood. The device detects the amplified HIV nucleic acids through on-phone monitoring of the motion of DNA-engineered beads without using bulky or expensive equipment. The detection precision was evaluated for specificity and sensitivity.

Photoplethysmogram is an optically obtained plethysmogram, a volumetric measurement of an organ. A PPG is often obtained by using a pulse oximeter which illuminates the skin and measures changes in light absorption. A conventional pulse oximeter monitors the perfusion of blood to the dermis and subcutaneous tissue of the skin.

Detecting single molecules and diagnosing diseases with a smartphone. Researchers show that the light emitted by a single molecule can be detected with a low-cost optical setup. Their prototype could facilitate medical diagnostics. Biomarkers play a central role in the diagnosis of disease and assessment of its course. Among the markers now in use are genes, proteins, hormones, lipids and other classes of molecules. Biomarkers can be found in the blood, in cerebrospinal fluid, urine and various types of tissues, but most of them have one thing in common: They occur in extremely low concentrations, and are therefore technically challenging to detect and quantify.Many detection procedures use molecular probes, such as antibodies or short nucleic-acid sequences, which are designed to bind to specific biomarkers. When a probe recognizes and binds to its target, chemical or physical reactions give rise to fluorescence signals. Such methods work well, provided they are sensitive enough to recognize the relevant biomarker in a high percentage of all patients who carry it in their blood. In addition, before such fluorescence-based tests can be used in practice, the biomarkers themselves or their signals must be amplified. The ultimate goal is to enable medical screening to be carried out directly on patients, without having to send the samples to a distant laboratory for analysis. Molecular antennas amplify fluorescence signals Philip Tinnefeld, who holds a Chair in Physical Chemistry at LMU, has developed a strategy for determining levels of biomarkers present in low concentrations. He has succeeded in coupling DNA probes to tiny particles of gold or silver. Pairs of particles ('dimers') act as nano-antennas that amplify the fluorescence signals. The trick works as follows: Interactions between the nanoparticles and incoming light waves intensify the local electromagnetic fields, and this in turn leads to a massive increase in the amplitude of the fluorescence. In this way, bacteria that contain antibiotic resistance genes and even viruses can be specifically detected.

Smartphone-based microscope rapidly reconstructs 3D holograms. Portable and affordable device enables 3D measurements that could be useful for medical diagnostics and education. Researchers developed a new smartphone-based digital holographic microscope that enables precision 3D measurements. The highly portable and inexpensive microscope could help bring 3D measurement capabilities to a broader range of applications, including educational uses and point-of-care diagnostics in resource-limited settings.

Pocket Tripod that works with Android and iPhone cases. This card-size tripod can adjust to any angle. More Tools.

Smartphones can Augment our Abilities

Besides learning something new every day, our hand held computers can help us become more and more intelligent each and every day. You can learn to live a better life. You can learn to expand your potential. You can learn to expand your awareness.  You can learn to expand your understanding of yourself and the world around you. There is so much that you can learn, but you have to initiate the process. Augmenting.

With a Smartphone...You can document things in your life by taking photos, videos and writing things down. You can store documents, Books and Dictionaries on your smartphone and read them anytime you want. You can bring information like maps and data about the places that you plan to visit. You can bring information and photos to the doctors office and learn more about your condition. You can bring information and photos of a product so that when you go the store you get the right item. You can access all kinds of information and Knowledge on the internet. You can use Apps that can do all kinds of diagnostics to monitor your body. You can use Apps to identify things in your environment, like plants, animals, insects. You can use Apps that can translate different languages so that you can communicate with almost every person on the planet. You can use a Smartphone to send and receive phone calls, emails and text messages.  Productivity Apps. You can make it a habit to read something new every day, read information or knowledge that would benefit you. You can use a Smartphone to take a college course, read manuals and text books, learn a new word, learn a new language, learn a new skill, learn more about yourself and the world around you. And if you do this daily for 30 minutes, or 4 hours a week, or 16 hours a month, that would be equal to taking a college course part time. And of course if you do this on a computer you can do it faster and more often. A smartphone can even be a laser pointer ipin laser presenter for iphone ios android.

What a 30 minute video could give you: Someone could explain to you a method that took them hundreds of experiences and years of studying in order to perfect this method. That saves people a tremendous amount of time and effort. And that is our greatest strength. We can learn, and learn fast. That means, more control, less struggling and a lot more time to enjoy ourselves, while we explore our world and our universe. Audio-Visual  But just knowing methods does not guarantee that you will use them when needed.  Interactive - Interface.

Smartphone Productivity Tools

You can download information for offline viewing, so if you are not connected to the internet you can still learn and educate yourself. You can have a tutorial video or a lecture on your phone that you can watch anytime. Learn languages, learn exercises, learn new words, learn new skills, read a book, read a research paper, or read an informative article. You can study subjects that would add value to your knowledge base. You can write a "Things To Do List", reminders, write down goals, ideas and thoughts. (Ubiquitous Capture) Time Management  You can review your calendar showing events and other important things that are happening this day, this month, next month, and next year. You can review projects and update their status, and find ways to do things for your project while you're away. You can document and record things that are in your environment that can be used for educational purposes. You can use Apps effectively that produce positive outcomes. 

Technological Convergence

Modr: The world 's most powerful modular smartphone case accessory

And I can have all this information backed up on a server and a memory card. So if I lose my smartphone, I just get another one.

You could eventually become so smart that you wouldn't even need a smartphone anymore, you would only carry it for convenience. And for the first time ever, a convenience that would actually become a valuable asset instead of just being an accessory. 

Charging Battery Tools for Portable Technology

What Cellphones looked like Hyper-Charging
Crankcase Power your Devices from your Motion
Solar Nano Smartphone Charger
Culcharge: The Smallest Wearable 3-in-1 Powerbank
Asmo Charger 
Beacon Box: Phone Case Power Bank
Line Dock: Thinnest and Smartest Laptop Power Bank built-in SSD, Universal Hub, Active Cooling & Wireless Charging.
PowerMe - turn any device into a power source
Slimger PRO - Charges Magnetically
NiftyX:LifeSaving Leather Charging Cable Bracelet
Chocolate Hub: Connecting your USB-C & Thunderbolt 3 laptop with the devices you use everyday. Qi inductive technology, the industry’s standard for wireless device charging. Pl 4K ready HDMI port. SuperSpeed USB 3.0 ports and a SD 3.0 Card Reader. The USB Ports are compatible with USB 3.0, USB 2.0, USB 1.1 and USB 1.0.
Solar Charging
Batteries - Rechargeable
Wireless Charging

Computers for Senior Citizens

You can actually hear Captain Kirk saying, Wow! That's an amazing Tricorder you have.

By 2020, more people in the world will have a smartphone than running water, So it makes sense that the smartphone should be able to help people fix that problem.

It takes around 75 different elements to make a cell phone.

Technology has made a lot of our manual tasks a whole lot easier to do and has also made them a lot less time consuming. We can not deny how Technology has benefited us in many different ways. But until everyone is educated enough to use technology effectively and efficiently we will continue to cause more damage to ourselves and the world around us. Technology is supposed to benefit mankind, it is not supposed to hurt mankind. And this hurt comes in many forms.

"Smartphones are a convenient way of transporting and transferring information and knowledge, but sadly they're not always used correctly or effectively." 

Utilitarianism is when the best moral action is the one that Maximizes Utility.

Cell Phone Addiction - Many Cities Cellphone Use Data

Technology is a direct result of Learning. When people have more access to more information and more knowledge, it generates more information and more knowledge, so we learn more and we do more, Moore's Law, or is it 'More is Law? So today we not only have more knowledge and more information then any other time, we also have more people who have more access to more knowledge then any other time, and we also have more people generating more knowledge and information then any other time. That means if Moore's Law is correct, and looking at the last 100 years, Doubling Time, we have arrived at an Exponential Growth of knowledge and information that is so big that we can no longer ignore how much we know. This will be like the great awakening, because the Power of knowledge is just now coming into focus. We have always knew about our potential, but we just couldn't focus enough to fully see what our lack of wisdom kept has us from seeing. This will be a huge celebration, but it will also be a lot of work, because even though we have more knowledge and more information, we also have more people who don't have access to more knowledge and more information, this has been our blind side, our Exponential Decay, our lost potential, the thing that we couldn't fully bring into focus. The speed on which we succeed will be directly related to how fast we can deliver information and knowledge to the people who have no access. Of course this type of sharing will not be easy or be without problems, but at least we'll be working on solving our problems, so this will just be one more problem to solve. Are you ready?

"Technology does not say how intelligent humans are, technology only says how technologically advanced we are."

"If you're not learning and progressing, then you're most likely degrading and digressing. So you are either improving life, or you're deteriorating life. Life depends on you knowing."

"The sound of hard drives spinning have given rise to the silence of solid state drives. Matter come full circle. The less energy we waste the more effective we'll be."

"In 2015 More people have died from selfies than shark attacks this year, 12 by selfies, 8 deaths caused by shark attacks."

Some day I would like to see everyone have a Smartphone. They are a great tool if used correctly. And with all the new Apps and other features, everyone can have a chance to be productive.

dokiWatch: World's Most Advanced Kids' Smartwatch.

In visual memory, size matters. Study shows that the larger an image, the better we remember it. New research shows that in natural vision, visual memory of images is affected by the size of the image on the retina. The findings can have many implications, including on the use of different types of electronic screens and the quality of information processing when we rely on large vs. small screens. most images were better remembered when they were presented as bigger relative to when they were presented as smaller.

Software Examples for HOPE PC

These are examples of what kind of software will come with each Hope Laptop PC. The Goal is to have 20,000 Hrs. worth of Educational Courses and Knowledge installed on each PC Starting from Childbirth, K through 12, College Level Courses with Tests and Information. Flash Drives will also be used to store each subject and course material separately with each flash drive storing each years knowledge requirements or particular subject material. Having education stored on Flash Drives gives the option to use any computer to learn.

Always back up your School Work and Data with a Flash Drive or External Hard Drive (amazon)

Student Home Learning System (DVD & CD-Rom) (Win/Mac) [Old Version] (amazon)

Academic Fitness Elementary School (Weekly Reader) (amazon)

101 Languages of the World (amazon)

Sandisk Extreme SDSDRX3128GA21 128GB SDXC UHS-1 Memory Card (amazon)

Seagate - Cloud

Each Laptop will also come with it's own Cell Phone (Smartphone) that has a Digital Camera that also shots Video. Each Cell Phone will be customizable, expandable, durable, versatile, recyclable and easily repairable just like the PC. Each cell phone will have a built in flash drive, an AM and FM Radio, a Walkie-talkie feature and Satellite Capabilities. Each cell phone will have a protective cover that doubles as a solar charger.

Cellphone Info

NexDock: Turn your Smartphone into a Laptop transforms Windows 10 smartphones, mini PCs, tablets and more into a Laptop.

Connect to a Raspberry Pi computer and create the world’s most affordable full-size laptop. Thanks to USB Type-C, better integrated mini PCs with a range of processors and operating systems. A computer that one day you can use as Chromebook, and the next day as an Ubuntu developer laptop. Imagine a longer lasting computer that you can easily upgrade and customize to become a powerful Windows gamer laptop.

Each Laptop and Cell Phone, or any other accessories, will not have planned obsolescence incorporated into its design. Everything will be manufactured using the cradle to cradle design and will be built to last like the centennial light bulb. The laptops will have the ability to be manufactured in each country where they are used. This way people will have quick deliveries and quick repairs when needed. This will also create manufacturing jobs and technician jobs in each country. Manufacturing most of the PC components in each country will also save on shipping. Will be able to use 3-D printers to make some of its parts if needed. This open source laptop with open source operating system will be designed so that it is easily upgradable, made from abundant resources with almost zero environmental impacts, recyclable, reusable, easily repairable and long lasting from cradle to cradle. The laptop can be mass produced and assembled or sold as a kit, with all the necessary instructions to build your own Hope PC, and make your own upgrades or repairs. 

The End of Ownership (VPRO Backlight, 47:52)

Product Sabotage is a practice used to encourage the customer to purchase a more profitable product or service as opposed to cheaper alternatives. It is also the practice where a company attempts to aim different prices at different types of customer.

Each PC will have the PI (π) symbol because it represents one of the most important mathematical constants, and this PC will be constantly improving, just like its operators.

We want a Librem Tablet that Does Not Track You, but we also need to locate stolen laptops, so we need a way to do this without tracking. People can turn off tracking but if the PC is stolen, the locator can be turned on.

Hardware Examples for HOPE PC

Laptop PC Interface These are examples of some of the Hardware that will come with each Hope Laptop PC. Laptop examples of ultimate convertible touchscreen computers.

Dell XPS 12 Convertible Touch Ultrabook
Dell Latitude XT2 XFR
Panasonic Toughbook 18 Tablet PC (amazon)
ASUS T91 (amazon) - Netbooks (amazon)
Durabook - Getac

The HP TX2-1270US if they made this more durable with a flash drive or Solid-State Drive.

If you make the Smart Phone act like a Mouse and a Remote you can use the External Mouse bay for something else, like a Multi-tool or an extra Battery. A flat Apple's Magic Mouse would work too.

Foldable Mouse with Bluetooth

Turn Your Smartphone Into a Laptop

Computer Mouse or Touch Screen?
Mouse vs Fingers Input Device
can Wireless Scanner Mouse

Atmel Touch Solutions Sensor Hub
Lenovo Thinkpad Twist Series
Mobile Mouse
Duopad Trackpad
Moky Invisible Touchpad Keyboard

The Stylus Pen is for Onscreen Drawing and writing. Can also write on paper.
01: World's First Dimensioning Instrument capture dimensions of any object. (pen, pencil or stylus).

Custom Controls - Live Scribe Wifi Smart Pen

Time Management feature will tell you how long you have been in each PC category  so that you are aware of how you are balancing your time on the PC and away from the PC. Rescue Time.

Touch Screen - The PC will also have Touch Screen Tablet PC capabilities so that people can practice hand writing and sketching without having to depend on paper. Screen Function for reading in low power. 

Pixel Qi - Reusable Whiteboard Planner, Notebook, Sketchbook

Durable Computer Display Screen - Shatter Proof Screen Protector. SiO2 ultra-thin layering spray-on liquid glass is transparent, non-toxic, and can protect virtually any surface against almost any damage from hazards such as water, UV radiation, dirt, heat, and bacterial infections. The coating is also flexible and breathable, which makes it suitable for use on an enormous array of products. (FillGlass Nanotechnolgy). Syndiant.

Sapphire Crystal (youtube) - Sapphire measures nine on the Mohs scale, just behind diamond. So expect Sapphire-clad devices to fare better in your purse or occupied pocket than gorilla glass or dragontrail.

Gorilla Glass is a brand of chemically strengthened glass developed and manufactured by Corning, now in its sixth generation, designed to be thin, light and damage-resistant. Gorilla Glass and Dragontrail glasses are both alkali-aluminosilicate glasses, both very hard and tough glasses. Both these glasses are scratch resistant and are very difficult to break.

Dragontrail is an alkali-aluminosilicate sheet glass engineered for a combination of thinness, lightness and damage-resistance, similar to Corning's proprietary Gorilla Glass. The material's primary properties are its strength, allowing thin glass without fragility; its high scratch resistance; and its hardness – with a Vickers Hardness Test Rating of 595 to 673.

Chemically Strengthened Glass has increased strength as a result of a post-production chemical process. When broken, it still shatters in long pointed splinters similar to float glass. For this reason, it is not considered a safety glass and must be laminated if a safety glass is required. However, chemically strengthened glass is typically six to eight times the strength of float glass.

Printing plastic webs to protect the cellphone screens of the future. A spider web-inspired solution made possible using 3D printing. Follow the unbreakable bouncing phone! A team recently demonstrated that a fabric designed using additive manufacturing absorbs up to 96% of impact energy -- all without breaking.

Liquid Metal (wiki)
Kyocera Brigadier
I Cracked Repair
Nushield eliminates glare and reflections. 
Paper Like: World’s First E Ink Monitor - 13.3”
Nano Structures
Durable new omniphobic coating repels just about every known liquid.

Rugged Computer is a computer specifically designed to operate reliably in harsh usage environments and conditions, such as strong vibrations, extreme temperatures and wet or dusty conditions. They are designed from inception for the type of rough use typified by these conditions, not just in the external housing but in the internal components and cooling arrangements as well. In general, ruggedized and hardened computers share the same design robustness and frequently these terms are interchangeable. Typical environments for rugged laptops, tablet PCs and PDAs are public safety, field sales, field service, manufacturing, retail, healthcare, transportation/distribution and the military. They are used in the agricultural industries, and by individuals for outdoor recreation activities.

Keyboard - Each laptop will have a Washable Keyboard that has Multi-Colored Keys. The number pad can be removed and used as a Gaming Console or a hand held CalculatorCrumple up this keyboard and stick it in your pocket. Deep-Learning Technique to Convert a Crude Piezoresistive Carbon Nanotube-Ecoflex Composite Sheet into a Smart, Portable, Disposable, and Extremely Flexible Keypad. Water Proofing - Liquipel Casio.

Ergodox-ez Mechanical Keyboard 
COMET: World's First Floating Smartphone
Moky: Invisible Touchpad Keyboard
Keyboard Science
How to use a Keyboard
Science Kits

Case and Body - Will be made by Molding, Injection Molding or Casting from Biodegradable Plastic
Synthetic Resin
Thermosetting Polymer
Resin Casting
3-D Printing
Engineering Knowledge

Maintenance - Each laptop will be customizable, Expandable, durable, versatile, recyclable, biodegradable, will have backward compatibility, and forward compatibility and be easily repairable. 

i fix it - Repair Clinic - Fixya - Repair Cafe - Fix - DIY Resources

Do You Have a Right To Repair Your Phone? The Fight Between Big Tech and Consumers (youtube)

Ending Planned Obsolescence

Americans spent more than $23.5 billion repairing and replacing broken smartphones between 2007 and 2014. In 2013, an analyst reported that Apple hoped to save $1 billion by repairing broken iPhones instead of replacing them.

Reusing Old Electronics - How To Make Phones Without So Much Waste (Circular Cellular) (video) - Fair Phone - Maintain - Computer Knowledge

'Unauthorized' Repairman Fixes A Macbook With Simple Logic, Explains Why Apple Repair Is A Massive Joke. How unauthorized idiots repair Apple laptops. (youtube)

Vinay Venkatraman: Technology Crafts (video) - Solar Mamas (youtube)

Each HOPE PC Laptop will also come with an assembly manual, schematic, parts list, trouble shooting guide and an operators manual or instruction manual. It will also be installed digitally so that it may be reviewed and printed out anytime in the language of their choice. Software updates and hardware upgrades will be done by the owner of the laptop or by a qualified technician when needed, and of course it will be free with each laptop.

Computer Hardware Resources

Arrow Electronics Components
Electronic Components (derf)
Building and Open Source Laptop
Open Source Computing
Open Source Software
Flash Drive OS

Surplus Used Computers
Public Surplus
Liquidation Wholesale Computers
Outlet PC
Pacific Geek
Gov Liquidation
Guy Builds A $70 Hackintosh That Outperforms The $1,300+ 2016 Macbook Pro (youtube)
Electronics Recycling (E-Waste)

Single Board Computers
Parallella 18-core credit card sized computer, 1GB SDRAM, Open source design files. Video  Video
Parallel Computing is when calculations are carried out simultaneously. Multitasking
Parallel Computation Provides Deeper Insight into Brain Function.
Princeton Piton Processor is scalable from a dozen processing units (called cores) to several thousand.
UDOO X86 Arduino 101-compatible platform. Quad Core 64-bit new-generation x86 processors made by Intel.
Pine64 is a 64-Bit expandable single board computer
Lattepanda Windows 10 computer on a single board.
Black Swift powerful CPU, integrated Wi-Fi and USB interface, Programming languages from C/C++ to PHP and Python
64 MB DDR2 RAM and 16 MB NOR flash. Over 25 GPIO's.
Raspberry Pi Laptop you build yourself
Raspberry Pi
Pi-2 Model B
Pi-TopCeed 99 Dollar Raspberry Pi-Laptop PC
Kano (Computer Building Kit)
Mi-World Portable Computing
Ockel Sirius A: Mini PC with Windows 10
VoCore2: $4 Coin-sized Linux Computer with WiFi.
Get Chip
9 Dollar Computer
Chip: 9 Dollar Computer
Everyone who gets a computer should know how it works, know to build one and how to write the code.
Three Dimensional Integrated Circuit 3D Chip Stacking.
Reduced Instruction Set Computing
ARM Architecture reduced instruction set computing.
Batch Processing the execution of a series of programs each on a set or "batch" of inputs, rather than a single input.
Principles of Grid Generation
Legacy System
MATRIX Voice Recognition: Board Designed for the Raspberry Pi or Stand-alone with ESP32 (WiFi/BT/MCU).

Future Electronic Components to be Printed like Newspapers. A new manufacturing technique uses a process similar to newspaper printing to form smoother and more flexible metals for making ultrafast electronic devices.

Eve V: The First-Ever Crowd Developed Computer. Developed By The End Users, over 1000 people have collaborated. Supreme Hardware. Scandinavian Design. Items included: V Core i7, 16GB RAM, 512GB ROM..V Pen...Alcantara Keyboard.

Teres-A64-Black Do It Yourself Open Source Hardware and Software Hacker's friendly Modular Laptop.

Chuwi SurBook: Affordable 2-in-1 Intel PC Tablet. High Performance w/ WIN10. 6GB RAM + up to 128GB ROM. 1,024 pressure levels pen & portable keyboard.

Turn any TV into a Computer
Wio Link Deluxe Plus Kit
Hax Hardware Accelerator

VoCore is open hardware and that runs OpenWrt. It has WIFI, USB, UART, 20+ GPIOs but is only one inch square. Full hardware design including schematic, circuit board, bill of materials; full source code (including boot loader), operating system (openwrt) and applications.

Novena Open Source Motherboard
Rush PCB 
3D Printed Circuit Boards
The EX1 Rapid 3D Printing of Circuit Boards
3-D Printers
Circuit Board Components

PCB Software is a free and open-source software suite for electronic design automation (EDA) - for printed circuit boards (PCB) layout. It uses GTK+ for its GUI widgets.

Computer Parts
Parts Express
Altium PC Board Design Software
Parts & Tools
Inter Digital
Clear view Audio - Blog 
Electrical Components
Biodegradable, wood-based computer chips 
Nanocellulose (nano technology)
Solid State Drive
My Digital Discount
Conflict Mineral Free
Nvidia Tegra-4
Batteryless Chips
Computer Knowledge
Science Tools
Samsung Techwin

Pick and Place Machines to add electronic components to printed circuit boards. SMT Placement Equipment are robotic machines which are used to place surface-mount devices (SMDs) onto a printed circuit board (PCB). They are used for high speed, high precision placing of broad range of electronic components, like capacitors, resistors, integrated circuits onto the PCBs which are in turn used in computers, consumer electronics as well as industrial, medical, automotive, military and telecommunications equipment.

Samsung SM482 Flexible, SMART Pick & Place Machine (youtube)

Surface-Mount Technology is a method for producing electronic circuits in which the components are mounted or placed directly onto the surface of printed circuit boards (PCBs). An electronic device so made is called a surface-mount device (SMD). In the industry it has largely replaced the through-hole technology construction method of fitting components with wire leads into holes in the circuit board. Both technologies can be used on the same board, with the through-hole technology used for components not suitable for surface mounting such as large transformers and heat-sinked power semiconductors. An SMT component is usually smaller than its through-hole counterpart because it has either smaller leads or no leads at all. It may have short pins or leads of various styles, flat contacts, a matrix of solder balls (BGAs), or terminations on the body of the component.

Heller Industries SMT Reflow Oven is a machine used primarily for reflow soldering of surface mount electronic components to printed circuit boards (PCB).

Each laptop would also have video and audio instructions on how to use the laptop incase the person has no computer skills. The PC will also have an easy to use interface that can be easily customized for each skill level and age. Interaction Design.

GPD Pocket: 7.0' UMPC-Laptop 'Ubuntu or WIN 10 OS' More than just thin but also small, small to fit in your pocket! Gemini PDA Android & Linux keyboard mobile device

H.O.P.E. PC - Acronym Meaning

ome Organized Personalized Education

Home is where you live at a particular time. Your center. Your heart. Your origin. Your family.

Organized is to arrange by systematic planning and united effort. Bring order to. Methodical and efficient in arrangement or function. Create. Cause to be structured or ordered, or operating according to some principle or idea. Formed into a structured or coherent whole.

Personalized is to adjusted something to an individuals needs and to alter something to accommodate certain requirements. To make something personal and particular to a given individual. Doing something concerning a person's physical being or concerning or affecting a particular person, or his or her private life and personality.

Education are the activities that impart knowledge, skills, training and development by way of educating, instructing and teaching. Knowledge acquired by learning and instruction. The gradual process of acquiring knowledge. A good upbringing.


Hope is having confidence that things will eventually improve and get better, just as long as you keep trying. Hope is wishing for a better future and having an optimistic attitude for a positive outcome. Hope is avoiding stress that is caused by negativity. Hope is making the best use of a situation and being as great as possible even when things are difficult. Believing that things will get better is not as effective as making things get better and being involved in the process of progress.

Hope for the best, but always be prepared for the worst. Don't expect things to happen or except things if they do happen, just make the best of what ever happens. Do or die situations rarely happen. So if something hinges on just one thing happening, then you clearly don't have a well thought out plan. Hope is only a small part of a plan, the rest of the plan is all up to you. Success is your responsibility. Hang In There or Hang On is to encourage someone to keep trying and not to give up even though something is very difficult. Buckle Up is to prepare oneself for something exciting, intense or challenging. To Get Ready. You'll Get Through It means that even though a devastating tragedy has occurred, you will eventually recover and heal and get better. You'll Get Over It means that you will eventually stop worrying about a bad moment in time an stop feeling stressed about a unfortunate moment, and perceive that moment to be less painful and less disturbing. Have faith, but don't let faith stop you from being resilient or stop you from exploring your abilities to adapt.

You should always have hope, but you should also have a plan, because hope won't prepare you for a worst case scenario.

Don't put all your Eggs in one Basket. It's best to play the odds even when there's no guarantees. If Plan A doesn't work, than you should have a Plan B or Back Up Plan. May the force be with you, may God be with you, may the angels be watching over you. No Regrets. Live, Love, Learn and Progress.

You should have and hope, but not so much that faith and hope make you gullible or passive. Don't lose your faith, but more importantly, don't lose your mind because of your faith. You still have a responsibility to the world and a responsibility to your fellow humans. So don't let your beliefs keep you in the dark or stop you from protecting the earth or stop you from protecting all people who inhabit this beautiful planet.

Wonderwall is a song about an imaginary savior that helps someone through their struggles. Sometimes you never how important someone is. The person who you least expect, may be the most valuable person to help you get you through a hard time. Never assume that someone is incapable of understanding your situation. Even if that person is not on the same level as you that you were hoping for, at least they were there that one time when you needed someone the most. "Because maybe, you're gonna be the one that saves me, and after all, you're my wonderwall".

Don't confuse hope with wishful thinking or fantasies, or confuse hope with over confidence, or confuse hope with with the lies that people tell themselves or the lies that people tell others. Hope is the underlying promise to yourself that says that I will never stop trying and I will never stop learning, and I will never fall into despair even when things get difficult. Hope is standing up to life even when life knocks you down. I am here for a reason and I am here for a purpose, and God willing, I will find out why.  Hope is "Harmony Overcomes Perceived Experience.

Hope Symbol Letters Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, equal to 3.14159.
Golden Ratio of two quantities are the same as the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. ≈ 1.61803 Phi
- (Zero and One)
Prime Number is a natural number greater than 1 that cannot be formed by multiplying two smaller natural numbers. Prime as a symbol - Plastic Number is a mathematical constant which is the unique real solution of the cubic equation. ≈ 1.32471. - Planck Length is equal to 1.616229(38)×10−35 metres.
E is a mathematical constant approximately equal to 2.71828 - Summation is the addition of a sequence of numbers; the result is their sum or total. If numbers are added sequentially from left to right, any intermediate result is a partial sum, prefix sum, or running total of the summation. Sigma is the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet, it has a value of 200.

HOPE on the Telephone Key Pad is 4673  (4+6=10 , 7+3=10)  1010 is Binary.

Basic Knowledge 101 Name Origin.

Quotes about Hope

Golden Ration Symbol with Tetrahedrons "Hope is the Light that Shines Internally, and You are the Light that Shines Externally through the Darkness."

"Out of the Mountain of Despair, a Stone of Hope" ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Where there is Life, there is Hope".

"Hope is the Beacon which points to Prosperity".

"Once you choose Hope, anything's Possible".

"Where there is no vision, there is no hope." George Washington Carver (wiki).

"Hope sees the invisible, feels the intangible and achieves the impossible." Charles  Caleb Colton (wiki)

You are the Light of the World. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house...Let your light shine.

There is Light at the End of the Tunnel. The Tunnel Represents what is unknown to you, and the Light Represents all the things that can be Known to you. Don't be Kept in the Dark, Seek the Light. Keep Learning.

"No matter what sort of difficulties that we face, or how painful the experiences that we endure, if we lose our Hope, that's our real disaster. ~ Dalai Lama.

"We still have to try"

Glimmer of Hope is the belief that there is a slight chance that something positive will happen.

“Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a Private Hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.” (John F. Kennedy).

Hope is the moonlight filtering through the trees,
Hope is the silent prayer that we make in distress,
Hope is the promise that we make to ourselves,
Hope is the happiness that we visualize,
Hope is the horizon that we reach, if we try!
― Balroop Singh.

Hope for Life

"Hope, it is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness." (Quoted from the program's Architect in the movie Matrix 2).

"Hope isn't a plan. Hope does not release you from trying or stop you from thinking about new ideas. Hope is a wish for good luck, so the rest is up to you."

"Give me Hope, Help me Cope, with this Heavy Load" ~ George Harrison-Give Me Love (Give Me Peace On Earth).

In Russia there's a saying "Hope Dies Last". Probably it's the reference to the need of human to hope for good even in darkest hour.

When Pandora's box was opened, it released all the evils of humanity, leaving only Hope inside once it had closed again.

Keep your Fingers Crossed Keep your Fingers Crossed is to put one finger across another as a sign of hoping for good luck and hoping that someone or something will be successful.

You Never Know is to indicate that something is not definite or certain about what will happen in the future. This idiom is used to say that it's impossible to be sure about what will happen, and suggests that there is some hope that things will turn out well. There is a possibility that something good might happen and that there is some hope that things will turn out right, even though it is highly improbable.

"The future does have a name, and its name is Hope. Feeling hopeful does not mean to be optimistically naïve and ignore the tragedy humanity is facing. Hope is the virtue of a heart that doesn't lock itself into darkness, that doesn't dwell on the past, does not simply get by in the present, but is able to see a tomorrow. Hope is the door that opens onto the future. Hope is a humble, hidden seed of life that, with time, will develop into a large tree. It is like some invisible yeast that allows the whole dough to grow, that brings flavor to all aspects of life. And it can do so much, because a tiny flicker of light that feeds on hope is enough to shatter the shield of darkness. A single individual is enough for hope to exist, and that individual can be you. And then there will be another "you," and another "you," and it turns into an "us." And so, does hope begin when we have an "us?" No. Hope began with one "you." When there is an "us," there begins a revolution." Pope Francis.

"Never give up Hope, unless of course if someone wants to borrow your Hope, then that's OK, because once you have Hope you can always get more Hope."

"If someone gives you Hope, all we ask is that you must promise to share Hope with others, and that you must also understand that receiving Hope is a big responsibility, because you will now be the keeper of Hope for the rest of your life. Hope is a gift that you will always have no matter where you are. There is no way of losing Hope. The only way Hope is lost is when you let it go. And if you want to share Hope with others, you mustn't lose Hope, not never, not ever. "

"A life without cause is a life without effect" What's your Goals?

The Hope Diamond is one of the most famous jewels in the world, with ownership records dating back almost four centuries. Its much-admired rare blue color is due to trace amounts of boron atoms. Weighing 45.52 carats, its exceptional size has revealed new findings about the formation of gemstones. Also know as The King's Jewel.

A Different Kind of Climate Change for our Country. History repeats itself. (youtube) - A Leigh French clip from the April 20th, 1969 episode of the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour. (changing hate to hope).

Come Sail Away - Styx (youtube) - We live happily forever so the story goes, But somehow we missed out on that pot of gold, But we'll try best that we can to carry on, A gathering of angels appeared above my head, They sang to me this song of hope and this is what they said. They said come sail away come sail away, Come sail away with me.

What's Up - 4 Non Blondes (youtube) - Twenty-five years and my life is still trying to get up that great big hill of hope for a destination.

High Hopes - Frank Sinatra (youtube)
Next time your found, with your chin on the ground
There a lot to be learned, so look around
Just what makes that little old ant
Think he'll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant, can't
Move a rubber tree plant
But he's got high hopes, he's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie, in the sky hopes
So any time your gettin' low
'stead of lettin' go
Just remember that ant
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant
When troubles call, and your back's to the wall
There a lot to be learned, that wall could fall
Once there was a silly old ram
Thought he'd punch a hole in a dam
No one could make that ram, scram
He kept buttin' that dam
'Cause he had high hopes, he had high hopes
He had high apple pie, in the sky hopes
So any time your feelin' bad
'stead of feelin' sad
Just remember that ram
Oops there goes a billion kilowatt dam
All problems just a toy balloon
They'll be bursted soon
They're just bound to go pop
Oops there goes another problem kerplop.

Somewhere Over The Rainbow - Judy Garland 1939 (youtube)
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
High above the chimney tops,
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?
Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high
There's a land that I've heard of once in a lullaby.
Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.
Someday I'll wish upon a star
And wake up where the clouds are far behind me.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
High above the chimney tops,
That's where you'll find me.
Somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly
Birds fly over the rainbow
Why then, oh why can't I?
If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow
Why, oh why can't I?

Somewhere over the Rainbow - Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwo'ole.

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The Thinker Man