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Women Reading a News Paper Before you listen to the news or read the news, you should first learn how to understand what information is and what it isn't. There are numerous vague portrayals of information in the media, so being aware of the important facts is not easy. Even using the internet is not without risk, because certain information is not always protected from manipulation, or is information accurately understood by the average person.

Information Bubble is when a person passively listens to only the information that they agree with, and they like this information without confirming if the information is actually true or totally factual. The person will also reject information just because they don't agree with it or don't like it, and not because they have proven that the information is false or in error. The person is basically cherry picking data and censoring information without recognizing distinctions and without getting a second opinion. And the person will also seek out like minded people in the belief that it confirms their opinion, which it doesn't. In order to receive reliable information, you have to know someone who is confirmed to be trustworthy, someone who provides factual information and has the knowledge needed to use that information effectively, and as well as, they are able to explain information simply enough to be understood well enough. You have to know someone who has also done the research and who has done the necessary investigations. Some people can be extremely lazy and not put the needed effort that is necessary to learn something valuable. Some people just find it easier to pretend they know something than actually learning about something. This can create a knowledge divide that most people are not even aware of. This type of isolation can be very damaging to peoples thinking. Some people can even misremember numerical facts just because those made up numbers fits their personal biases.

Technology Abuse - Brainwashing - Radicalized - Extremism - Popping the Information Bubble (youtube) - Sorry to Burst Your Bubble - Scumbags in power love to make Bubbles - Knowledge Bubble - Information Vacuum - Conformity Influence

Filter Bubble is when you watch the same TV programs or visit the same websites, which keeps you from seeing the whole picture, and also keeps you from thinking outside the box, or thinking outside the bubble you're in. A filter bubble is similar to witness tampering, where you only listen to the witnesses that you like, and you never listen to the other side of the story. A filter bubble can also be created when search engines control what you see using your personal meta data such as your location, past websites you visited and your search history. This causes users to become more separated from information that disagrees with their viewpoints, effectively isolating them in their own cultural or ideological bubbles. With most internet searches, the choices made by algorithms are not transparent. They are filtering information just like the TV does, and it's mostly for corporate benefit and not yours. Website Algorithms are programmed to selectively guess what information a user would like to see based on information about the user, such as location, past click-behavior and search history. As a result, users become separated from information that disagrees with their viewpoints, effectively isolating them in their own cultural or ideological bubbles. The choices made by these algorithms are not transparent. Prime examples include Google Personalized Search results and Facebook's personalized news-stream. A Filter Bubble or ideological frame is a state of intellectual isolation that can result from personalized searches, recommendation systems, and algorithmic curation.

Selective Exposure Theory refers to individuals' tendency to favor information which reinforces their pre-existing views while avoiding contradictory information. Selective exposure has also been known and defined as "congeniality bias" or "confirmation bias" in various texts throughout the years.

Invalid Argument - Prompts

Evaluating the truthfulness of fake news through online searches increases the chances of believing misinformation. Conventional wisdom suggests that searching online to evaluate the veracity of misinformation would reduce belief in it. But a new study by a team of researchers shows the opposite occurs: Searching to evaluate the truthfulness of false news articles actually increases the probability of believing misinformation. Search results are tailored to you. low return of credible information or, more alarming, the appearance of non-credible information at the top of search results.

Speech Community is a group of people who share a set of linguistic norms and expectations regarding the use of language. They interact frequently and share certain norms and ideologies. Such groups can be villages, countries, political or professional communities, communities with shared interests, hobbies, or lifestyles, or even just groups of friends. Speech communities may share both particular sets of vocabulary and grammatical conventions, as well as speech styles and genres, and also norms for how and when to speak in particular ways.

Inoculating millions of users against misinformation using a social media experiment. Briefly exposing social media users to the tricks behind misinformation boosts awareness of harmful online falsehoods -- even amid intense 'noise' of the world's second-most visited website. Google is set to deploy an anti-disinformation campaign based on the findings. Google Jigsaw exposed around 5.4 million US YouTubers to an inoculation video, with almost a million watching for at least 30 seconds. The platform then gave a random 30% of users that watched a voluntary test question within 24 hours of their initial viewing.

Social media algorithms exploit how humans learn from their peers. Algorithms are usually selecting information that boosts user engagement in order to increase advertising revenue. This means algorithms amplify the very information humans are biased to learn from, and they can oversaturate social media feeds with what the researchers call Prestigious, Ingroup, Moral, and Emotional or PRIME information, regardless of the content's accuracy or representativeness of a group's opinions. As a result, extreme political content or controversial topics are more likely to be amplified, and if users are not exposed to outside opinions, they might find themselves with a false understanding of the majority opinion of different groups. In prehistoric societies, humans tended to learn from members of our ingroup or from more prestigious individuals, as this information was more likely to be reliable and result in group success. However, with the advent of diverse and complex modern communities -- and especially in social media -- these biases become less effective. For example, a person we are connected to online might not necessarily be trustworthy, and people can easily feign prestige on social media. Now, a group of social scientists describe how the functions of social media algorithms are misaligned with human social instincts meant to foster cooperation, which can lead to large-scale polarization and misinformation. Humans are biased to learn from others in a way that typically promotes cooperation and collective problem-solving, which is why they tend to learn more from individuals they perceive as a part of their ingroup and those they perceive to be prestigious. In addition, when learning biases were first evolving, morally and emotionally charged information was important to prioritize, as this information would be more likely to be relevant to enforcing group norms and ensuring collective survival. Black Box.

This is another good reason why this website is extremely valuable, especially knowing that you can create your own false information if you never have access to the facts. But not all search engine results are bad, but how would you know? Search engines also collect information about the user, which can then be sold to second and third parties without the persons consent. And money from corporations is also used to manipulate search results that you see. So the facts can sometimes be hard to find, but not impossible. Be aware of the click bait, and try not to be a spoiled brat and act privileged.

Echo Chamber is a metaphorical description of a situation in which information, ideas, or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a defined system, such as a group or organization where the members only listen to what the group says, or because of corporate controlled media that repeats the same propaganda on hundreds of news outlets that they own and control. This gives people the illusion of consensus. So there is no second opinion, no oversight, no transparency, no accountability, it's just the same scumbag telling people the same lie over and over again. Inside a figurative echo chamber, official sources often go unquestioned and different or competing views are censored, disallowed, or otherwise underrepresented. The echo chamber effect reinforces a person's own present world view, making it seem more correct and more universally accepted than it really is. Echo Chamber can also be a metaphor that describes a person who only hears what they speak, as if they're hearing their own echo's and only listening to themselves, or, hearing other people speak the same words that they think.

Echolalia (rumors) - Bias - Prejudice - Delusions - Seeing the Same Stars

You're Staring at the Wall means that you are not learning anything and basically just watching nothing informative. The wall keeps you closed in and closed minded. That is what most of the media is like. You're probably better off staring at a real wall.

Priming in the media states that media images stimulate related thoughts in the minds of audience members.

Political Media Priming is the process in which the media attend to some issues and not others and thereby alter the standards by which people evaluate election candidates.

Priming in psychology is a phenomenon whereby exposure to one stimulus influences a response to a subsequent stimulus, without conscious guidance or intention.

Framing in social sciences comprises a set of concepts and theoretical perspectives on how individuals, groups, and societies, organize, perceive, and communicate about reality. Narrow-Minded.

Influence of Mass Media has an effect on many aspects of human life, which can include voting a certain way, individual views and beliefs, or skewing a person's knowledge of a specific topic due to being provided false information. The overall influence of mass media has increased drastically over the years, and will continue to do so as the media itself improves.

Misleading Subtle Comments are quick messages, but still noticeable, especially to the sub-conscious mind. Secret encoded messages are everywhere, you just have to know how to listen and know when to filter out the bad information.

We want certain information to be personalized and individualized at times depending on a persons needs, but not so much that the information becomes isolated or polarized. Even a social network can be a type of filter bubble when your friends all think alike. So your Sphere of influence may be blinding you.

The worst type of bubble is the knowledge bubble, where a persons lack of knowledge keeps a person blind to everything beyond the bubble. Learning valuable knowledge can pop that bubble and reveal a world that you never knew existed.

Translation Tools - Secret Code - Media Literacy

What is the News Supposed to Be Like? - Free Speech Zone.

3 Ways to Fix a Broken News Industry: Lara Setrakian (video and interactive text)

Interventions against misinformation also increase skepticism toward reliable sources. Efforts to tackle false information through fact-checking or media literacy initiatives increases the public's skepticism toward 'fake news'. However, they also breed distrust in genuine, fact-based news sources.

Information is layered, so you need to see beyond the surface of words and images. You need to see the whole picture and visualize all the layers underneath. Then you can accurately filter what information is needed, and avoid being distracted by irrelevant details and misinformation.

There is a serious problem with how people receive information and how people process information. You can ask two people the same question and get two different answers. How can that be? How can two judges who have access to the same information come up with two different answers? How can the Supreme Court Judges be split when they see the same information? There is no universal education standard or universal media standard that delivers facts and information that are consistent, reliable and accurate. We have math standards so that the equation 2+2=4  is the same for everyone. But when people can make up their own answers and say that 2+2=13, then you have lots of problems like crimes and corruption. So the human race is in desperate need of a universal communication standard that guarantees that everyone has the same facts and has the same procedure on how to process those facts effectively, efficiently, and accurately. Life exists because DNA has the instructions on how to develop. But humans don't have an instruction book for life, or a book that explains how to develop as a person. Group Decision Making - Conformity.

Sorry to Burst your Bubble is a saying that means when you have to tell someone an unpleasant truth about something. To give someone information that will probably disappoint them. To give someone bad news that ruins their expectations and reveals that their beliefs about something were wrong. This enlightenment metaphorically bursts the bubble that a person lived in, and now that the bubble has burst, they can finally see what they could not see before, the lies and the deceit that they were blind to, all because they lived in a bubble, and that bubble was their fantasy world.

Informing the Public - Briefed - Updated - Know What's Going On

Inform is to impart or communicate information or knowledge. To give or tell someone facts or information. Give an essential or formative principle or quality to someone. A speech act that conveys information or predictions. Teaching.

Informed is having enough knowledge of a particular subject or situation. A good education.

Conversant is being well informed about or knowing thoroughly. To be familiar with something or knowledgeable about something.

Shed Light on Something is to help to explain something by providing further information about it. To make it possible to understand or know more about something. To make something more clear by shining more light on it, with light being a metaphor for more information.

Up to Speed is when you have all the latest and most recent information about a subject or activity and are able to understand or to do something well.

Public Service Announcement or PSA is a message in the public interest that is disseminated without charge, with the objective of raising awareness of a problem, as well as, changing public attitudes and behavior towards a social issue.

Public Health Policy is defined as evidence-based health information in the form of laws or regulations that can help prevent disease, harm and abuse by promoting healthy behaviors and better decision making such as eating healthy, exercising, avoiding harmful drugs, avoiding foods with pesticides, avoiding tainted water, avoiding products with harmful chemicals, avoiding risky behaviors such as greed, abuse, lying, and avoiding things that are known to be bad or harmful to others and not just yourself.

Science Awareness - News Worthy - Public Information Officer - Information Stations - Freedom of Information

Situation Awareness is the understanding of an environment, its elements, and how it changes with respect to time or other factors. Situational awareness is important for effective decision making in many environments. Defined as the perception of the elements in the environment within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future. Spatial Awareness.

Situated Cognition is a theory that posits that knowing is inseparable from doing by arguing that all knowledge is situated in activity bound to social, cultural and physical contexts. Situativity theorists suggest a model of knowledge and learning that requires thinking on the fly rather than the storage and retrieval of conceptual knowledge. In essence, cognition cannot be separated from the context. Instead knowing exists, in situ, inseparable from context, activity, people, culture, and language. Therefore, learning is seen in terms of an individual's increasingly effective performance across situations rather than in terms of an accumulation of knowledge, since what is known is co-determined by the agent and the context.

Enactivism is a position in cognitive science that argues that cognition arises through a dynamic interaction between an acting organism and its environment. It claims that the environment of an organism is brought about, or enacted, by the active exercise of that organism's sensorimotor processes. Activism.

Action-Specific Perception is a psychological theory that people perceive their environment and events within it in terms of their ability to act. This theory hence suggests that a person's capability to carry out a particular task affects how they perceive the different aspects and methods involved in that task.

Evident is something clearly revealed to the mind or to the senses or judgment. Capable of being seen or noticed.

Proclaim is to declare publicly and make widely known. To state or announce.

Proclamation to make public by announcement. An official declaration issued by a person of authority to make certain announcements known. Proclamations are currently used within the governing framework of some nations and are usually issued in the name of the head of state.

Declare is to announce publicly or officially. To state firmly that something is true. To judge or state to be. To state emphatically and authoritatively. To proclaim one's support for something or to be against something.

Impart is to transmit knowledge or skills. To serve as the medium for transmission. To allow movement of information. To Teach.

Signify is to make something known with a word or a signal or by expressing the meaning something.

Denote is to make something known or to give something meaning. Knowledge with a Purpose.

Convey is to make things known and to pass on information or transfer information to another or others.

Disseminate is to cause something to become widely known. Disseminator is someone who spreads the news or communicates information.

Mass Communication is the process of imparting and exchanging information through mass media to large segments of the population. It is usually understood for relating to various forms of media, as its technologies are used for the dissemination of information, of which journalism and advertising are part.

Mass Collaboration - Progress Report - Public Relations - Diplomacy

Informer is one who reveals confidential information to the police or other authority. A source of enlightenment.

Crisis Management - Journalism - Whistle Blowing - Activism - Learning

Tell It Like It Is means for someone to describe the facts of a situation no matter how unpleasant they may be.

Tell It To Me Straight is to ask someone to speak bluntly, directly, and truthfully without giving a watered down version of the facts and without beating about the bush. It is to give someone just the facts that are straightforward and in a direct way. Blunt is characterized by directness in manner or speech without being subtle and without evasion. Evasion is a statement that is not literally false but that cleverly avoids an unpleasant truth. Simplifying Messages.

Don't Pull Any Punches is to speak very bluntly and directly, without regard to whether one's words may upset someone. To behave unrestrainedly, hold nothing back or to act without restraint or limitations. Just remember that the truth is debatable.

The Genie is out of the Bottle is to make information known to everyone that causes a situation to change, so that it is no longer possible to go back to an earlier state because the truth is known.

Substance is the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience. The idea that is intended. What a communication is about; the information conveyed or area of interest. The real physical matter of which a person or thing consists. Gist of It.

Disclosure is the speech act of making something evident or clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment. Capable of being seen or noticed.

Full Disclosure
is to fully disclose evidence of proven factual information gathered and present it to an individual or group. Full disclosure is the acknowledgement of possible conflicts of interest in one's work. Full disclosure is the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's requirement that publicly traded companies release and provide for the free exchange of all material facts that are relevant to their ongoing business operations. No secrecy and no withholding of important information.

Explaining Risk - Consumer Education - Advising - Priorities - Information Extraction

Open Knowledge promotes and shares information at no charge, including both content and data. Open Source Curriculum.

Media Transparency is determining how and why information is conveyed through various means. Open - Transparent - Information Stations.

Briefing or Being Briefed is a condensed summary of relevant facts that outlines important matters and information that is needed to be prepared for the actions that have to be taken that would help maintain stability and also improve the quality of life by becoming more effective and more efficient. A briefing helps to explain your priorities and the most important responsibilities that you have. Things that you have to do, but it does not include everything that you can do. You still have other options and other choices that you have to make during the day. The briefing is just the beginning. May the force be with you. To Do List.

Citizens need their Briefing too. What if you can't understand an intelligence briefing?

Psychological Debriefing is broadly defined as a set of procedures including counseling and the giving of information aimed at preventing psychological morbidity and aiding recovery after a traumatic event. Debriefing is the act of informing participants about the intentions of the study in which they just participated; during this process, researchers reveal any deceptions that occurred and explain why deception was necessary. Debriefing typically occurs at the conclusion of participants' study involvement.

Debriefing is a report of a mission or project or the information so obtained. It is a structured process following an exercise or event that reviews the actions taken. As a technical term, it implies a specific and active intervention process that has developed with more formal meanings such as operational debriefing. It is classified into different types, which include military, experiential, and psychological debriefing, among others.

President's Daily Brief is a top secret document produced and given each morning at 07:45 to the President of the United States, and is also distributed to a small number of top-level US officials who are approved by the president, and includes highly classified intelligence analysis, information about covert operations of the US Central Intelligence Agency or CIA and reports from the most sensitive US sources or those shared by allied intelligence agencies. Intelligence briefing is the highly classified summary of the nation's secrets. Whether ex-presidents get intel briefings is entirely up to the sitting president. As a courtesy, former presidents are typically assured continued access to the country’s secrets when they request it, except for trump. Trump was not known to fully or regularly read the President's Daily Brief when he was in office. He was instead orally briefed two or three times a week by his intelligence officials, CNN has reported.

Situation Room is an intelligence management center to monitor and deal with crises at home and abroad and to conduct secure communications with outside (often overseas) persons. The Situation Room has secure, advanced communications equipment for the president to maintain command and control of U.S. forces around the world. The Situation Room staff is about 130 people, including five watch teams, which monitor domestic and international events; a travel support team; video operators; and communications technicians. Each watch team includes six duty officers, a communications assistant, and a senior intelligence analyst, though the number and composition of the teams may vary, depending on shift requirements and workload. The teams are staffed from a pool of senior personnel from agencies in the intelligence community and from the military. These members are chosen from heavily vetted nominations made by their parent agencies and are apolitical. They stand watch round the clock, monitoring world events and keeping senior White House staff apprised of significant incidents.

Defense Intelligence Agency informs national civilian and defense policymakers about the military intentions and capabilities of foreign governments and non-state actors. It also provides intelligence assistance, integration and coordination across uniformed military service intelligence components, which remain structurally separate from DIA. The agency's role encompasses the collection and analysis of military-related foreign political, economic, industrial, geographic, and medical and health intelligence. DIA produces approximately one-fourth of all intelligence content that goes into the President's Daily Brief.

Intelligence Assessment is the development of forecasts of behavior or recommended courses of action to the leadership of an organization, based on a wide range of available information sources both overt and covert. Assessments are developed in response to requirements declared by the leadership in order to inform decision making. Assessment may be carried out on behalf of a state, military or commercial organization with a range of available sources of information available to each. Business Intelligence.

Intel is short for intelligence that means useful information concerning a subject of interest, or information of military or political value.

Open Source Intelligence is the collection and analysis of data gathered from open sources (covert and publicly available sources) to produce actionable intelligence.

Intelligence Cycle is the fundamental cycle of intelligence processing in a civilian or military intelligence agency or in law enforcement as a closed path consisting of repeating nodes. The stages of the intelligence cycle include the issuance of requirements by decision makers, collection, processing, analysis, and publication of intelligence. The circuit is completed when decision makers provide feedback and revised requirements. The intelligence cycle is also called the Intelligence Process by the U.S. Department of Defense and the uniformed services. The intelligence cycle is an effective way of processing information and turning it into relevant and actionable intelligence.

Essential Elements of Information is any critical intelligence information required by intelligence consumers to perform their mission.

Vital Intelligence can be obtained by combining two pieces of Strategic Information, or through intelligence networks.

Intelligence Collection Management is the process of managing and organizing the collection of intelligence from various sources. Knowledge Management.

Need to Know is having access to information that is necessary for one to conduct one's official duties. Certain information can be restrictive because it is considered to be very sensitive, so only a few people may have access to the information because they are on a need to know basis.

Right to Information - Inside Job - Knowledge Gap

Right to know is the legal principle that the individual has the right to know the chemicals to which they may be exposed in their daily living. It is embodied in federal law in the United States as well as in local laws in several states. "Right to Know" laws take two forms: Community Right to Know and Workplace Right to Know. Each grants certain rights to those groups. Pretend to Know.

Insight is the understanding of a specific cause and effect within a particular context. The term insight can have several related meanings: A piece of information. The act or result of understanding the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively or noesis. An introspection. The power of acute observation and deduction, discernment, and perception, called intellection or noesis. An understanding of cause and effect based on identification of relationships and behaviors within a model, context, or scenario. An insight that manifests itself suddenly, such as understanding how to solve a difficult problem, is sometimes called by the German word Aha-Erlebnis. The term was coined by the German psychologist and theoretical linguist Karl Bühler. It is also known as an epiphany, eureka moment or the penny dropping moment. Sudden sickening realizations identifying a problem rather than solving it, so Uh-oh rather than Aha moments are further seen in negative insight. A further example of negative insight is chagrin which is annoyance at the obviousness of a solution missed up until the point of insight, an example of this being the Homer Simpson's D'oh!

Inside Information is information that is only available to people within an organization or for people who have contacts within an organization.

Secrecy - Insider Trading - Knowledge Divide - Treason

State of Affairs is a situation or set of circumstances that are happening at a particular time within a society or group. Usually things that are important and require attention.

When it comes to the state of affairs, an accurate determination of the facts can often be misunderstood when personal beliefs and biases are incorporated into the message, which would cause information to be subjective. You need a lot of knowledge and information if you want to see the whole picture accurately enough.

Situation Report is a a report on a situation containing verified, factual information that gives a clear picture of the "who, what, where, when, why and how" of an incident or situation. Many organizations use situation reports to give superiors the input and information they require to make correct and appropriate decisions. Emergency management organizations, government agencies, armed services, businesses, law enforcement agencies, humanitarian nongovernmental organizations and diplomats all rely on situation reports. White House Situation Room.

Matter at Hand is the issue, topic, or task that is currently being discussed or is the current priority.

Fill Someone In is to give them the necessary information or recently acquired information. Fill me in, what's happening? What's the latest? Give me an update.

Giving Someone a Heads-Up is to tell someone that something is going to happen or to warn someone about something that is going to happen. To look up because of possible danger. To be alert and have attention, and to look ahead.

Scope is an estimate or a determination of the nature, value, quality, ability, extent, or the significance of something. The state of the environment in which a situation exists. The Gist of It.

Reality Check is when you are reminded of the state of things in the real world.

Reminded is to cause someone to remember something, especially a commitment or necessary course of action.

Knowledge Communications - Knowledge Distributing - Knowledge Economy - Information Stations

Update is the latest new information that updates your old information and brings it up to date. Giving you a more current and more modern updated version of something. Reboot.

Patch is a set of changes to a computer program or its supporting data designed to update, edit, fix, or improve it. A short set of commands to correct a bug in a computer program. A connection intended to be used for a limited time.

Revision is altering or modifying or changing an earlier decision. Editing that involves writing something again. To reorganize for the purpose of updating and improving.

Get the Word Out is to inform people and let people know about something important.

Notify is to inform somebody of something that may be important.

Notification is informing someone using words. The action of notifying someone or something.

Notification System is a combination of software and hardware that provides a means of delivering a message to a set of recipients.

Emergency Action Notification is used to alert the residents of the United States of a national emergency.

Notification Service provides means to send a notice to many persons at once. Notifications may be by e-mail, telephone, fax, text messages, etc. Identical messages may be broadcast, or the messages may be personalized. A message may, or may not require a response.

Public Interest Law - Welfare or Well-Being of the General Public

Status Quo is the perceived existing conditions or the perceived state of affairs regarding social or political issues. The status quo is usually measured without a standard baseline, so its interpretation can be vague. The status quo can also mean to keep things the way they presently are, similar to the conservative mentality that doesn't explain what they are actually conserving, except for conformity. Status quo ante is Latin for the way things were before.

Condition is a state of health or stability at a particular time. Information that should be kept in mind when making a decision. A statement of what is required as part of an agreement. The procedure that is varied in order to estimate a variable's effect by comparison with a control condition.

Public Knowledge is information that is generally known and is usually available to anyone and that most people usually know because it has been reported in the news. "If you don't know, now you know."

My Work is Public Knowledge, but public knowledge doesn't always work. Just putting the knowledge out there is not enough. People need to understand the value of knowledge and be interested in becoming more knowledgeable, and have a commitment to learning. Everyone also needs access to knowledge. Just because information is out there, that doesn't mean that it's in there, or in the hearts and in the minds of people. There has to be a follow-up or a test of some kind so that we can confirm that the information and knowledge has been understood effectively.

I could say that my life is an open book, but not everyone can read, and not everyone can comprehend what they read or accurately interpret what they read, and there are some people who just pretend that they read and pretend to understand.

Open Book is a person or thing that is easy to learn about and understand, or someone who you can easily know what they're thinking or feeling. The open book is a symbol of learning and knowledge.

It's Common Knowledge that many people lack common knowledge. This may sound like a contradiction, but that is exactly what causes contradictions, the lack of common knowledge. Common Sense.

Publication is the communication of something to the public and making information generally known. Offered for distribution. .

Publisher is a person engaged in publications or printed matter for sale or for distribution, such as periodicals, books or music. Publisher can also mean the proprietor of a newspaper.

Public Interest Journalism gives people the information they need to take part in the democratic process. They provide independent journalism that matters.

Public Interest Law - Ethical Journalism Network

Public Interest is the welfare or well-being of the general public and society.

National Interest is a rationality of governing referring to a sovereign state's goals and ambitions, be they economic, military, cultural, or otherwise.

Common Good refers to either what is shared and beneficial for all or most members of a given community, or alternatively, what is achieved by citizenship, collective action, and active participation in the realm of politics and public service.

Creative Commons is an international network devoted to educational access and expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.

Science Commons was a creative commons project for designing strategies and tools for faster, more efficient web-enabled scientific research. The organization's goals were to identify unnecessary barriers to research, craft policy guidelines and legal agreements to lower those barriers, and develop technology to make research data and materials easier to find and use. Its overarching goal was to speed the translation of data into discovery and thereby the value of research. Hackerspace.

Science Communication is the practice of informing, educating, sharing wonderment, and raising awareness of science-related topics. Science communicators and audiences are ambiguously defined and the expertise and level of science knowledge varies with each group. Two types of defined science communication are science outreach (typically conducted by professional scientists to non-expert audiences) and science "inreach" (expert to expert communication from similar or different scientific backgrounds). An example of inreach is scholarly communication and publication in scientific journals. Science communication may generate support for scientific research or study, or to inform decision making, including political and ethical thinking. There is increasing emphasis on explaining methods rather than simply findings of science. This may be especially critical in addressing scientific misinformation, which spreads easily because it is not subject to the constraints of scientific method. Science communicators can use entertainment and persuasion including humor, storytelling and metaphors. Scientists can be trained in some of the techniques used by actors to improve their communication.

Popular Science is an interpretation of science intended for a general audience. While science journalism focuses on recent scientific developments, popular science is more broad-ranging. It may be written by professional science journalists or by scientists themselves. It is presented in many forms, including books, film and television documentaries, magazine articles, and web pages.

Open Science make scientific research, data and dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional.

Open Science Data is publishing observations and results of scientific activities available for anyone to analyze and reuse. Open Source.

Open Data is the idea that some data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control.

Access to Knowledge should be linked to fundamental principles of justice, freedom, and economic development. Knowledge Divide.

Announcement is a formal public statement. A public statement containing information about an event that has happened or is going to happen.

Bulletin Board is a surface intended for the posting of public messages, for example, to advertise items wanted or for sale, announce events, or provide information. Bulletin boards are often made of a material such as cork to facilitate addition and removal of messages, as well as a writing surface such as blackboard or whiteboard. A bulletin board which combines a pinboard (corkboard) and writing surface is known as a combination bulletin board. Bulletin boards can also be entirely in the digital domain and placed on computer networks so people can leave and erase messages for other people to read and see, as in a bulletin board system.

Community Bulletin Board is a digital signage system that public, educational, and government access cable television providers use as a Barker channel to keep communities up to date of events listings, weather and other news that can be delivered by using digital on-screen graphics. The electronic bulletin board concept is a form of Technological convergence.

Narration is a message that tells the particulars of an act or occurrence or course of events. The act of giving an account describing incidents or a course of events. The second section of addressing an audience formally in which the facts are set forth.

Messenger or Courier is a person or thing that carries a message. Carrying communications, verbal or written.

Dispatcher are communications personnel responsible for receiving and transmitting pure and reliable messages, tracking vehicles and equipment, and recording other important information. Diplomat.

Using the Internet to Disseminate Information (PDF) - Freedom of Information Act.

News Media are those elements of the mass media that focus on delivering news to the general public or a target public.

Aggregator is client software or a web application which aggregates syndicated web content such as online newspapers, blogs, podcasts, and video blogs (vlogs) in one location for easy viewing. Search Aggregator (search engines).

Aggregate is to gather and combine several different elements of separate units to form into a mass or whole. A sum total of many different things taken together. A material or structure formed from a loosely compacted mass of fragments or particles. The whole amount.

Brief in law is a written legal document used in various legal adversarial systems that is presented to a court arguing why one party to a particular case should prevail. Trial briefs are presented at trial to resolve a disputed point of evidence. Legal briefs are used as part of arguing a pre-trial motion in a case or proceeding. Merit briefs (or briefs on the merits) refers to briefs on the inherent rights and wrongs of a case, absent any emotional or technical biases. Amicus briefs refer to briefs filed by persons not directly party to the case. These are often groups that have a direct interest in the outcome. Appellate briefs refer to briefs that occur at the appeal stage.

Introduce is to bring something before the public for the first time. Something that comes before and indicates the approach of something or someone. Furnish with a preface or introduction. Presented.

Introducing is to cause something or someone to be known personally. Bring something new to an environment. Bring in a new person or object into a familiar environment. Bring before the public for the first time. Initiate.

Introduction is introducing something new. Formally making a person to be known to another or to the public. The act of starting something for the first time or the first section of a communication. A new proposal.

Proclamation a public or official announcement, especially one dealing with a matter of great importance. The public or official announcement of an important matter. A clear declaration of something. is an official declaration issued by a person of authority to make certain announcements known. Proclamations are currently used within the governing framework of some nations and are usually issued in the name of the head of state.

Declaration in law is a formal or explicit statement or announcement. The formal announcement of the beginning of a state or condition. An authoritative establishment of fact. Declarations take various forms in different legal systems. Independence.

Public Information Officers constantly review media sources and determine the best ways to announce news, handle crises, or release information. They design communication programs and strategies relating to media relations, maintain and update media databases, and coordinate special public relations events. Public Information Officer duties & responsibilities: Communicate critical information effectively to the public. Write press releases and prepare information for distribution by media outlets. Draft speeches and arrange interviews for government officials. Respond to requests for information from media outlets. Be the face of a government organization in the absence of an elected leader. Help maintain and uphold a certain image and identity for government officials or organizations. Public Information Officer Skills & Competencies: Interpersonal skills: Public information officers interact with people regularly, from the media and press to the public and government officials. Organizational skills: People in this position must be able to effectively work on several projects at the same time. Problem-solving skills: Public information officers must be able to handle difficult and sensitive situations with discretion and grace. Communication skills: They must be able to write compelling, concise press releases and speeches and also effectively speak in public.

News is information about current events. This may be provided through many different medias such as word of mouth, printing, postal systems, broadcasting, electronic communication, or through the testimony of observers and witnesses to events. Common topics for news reports include war, government, politics, education, health, the environment, economy, business, fashion, and entertainment, as well as athletic events, quirky or unusual events. Government proclamations, concerning royal ceremonies, laws, taxes, public health, and criminals, have been dubbed news since ancient times. Humans exhibit a nearly universal desire to learn and share news, which they satisfy by talking to each other and sharing information. Technological and social developments, often driven by government communication and espionage networks, have increased the speed with which news can spread, as well as influenced its content. The genre of news as we know it today is closely associated with the newspaper.

What's the buzz, tell me what's a-happening? (youtube)

When you have a lot of valuable knowledge, it creates a lot of energy inside you. This causes you to feel the need to share this knowledge and release some of that energy to the receiver, like with electron sharing. But when people can't understand you, or get what you're talking about, then you have to be careful what you say, how you say it, why you say it and when you say it. Conversations need to be modified for the listener. This is why personalized education is so extremely effective and efficient. You just can't state facts, you also have to interpret and translate those facts in a meaningful way that can be clearly understood. Releasing the energy of knowledge needs to have a receiver who can understand and utilize that knowledge effectively and efficiently. The biggest responsibility of having knowledge is knowing how to communicate knowledge effectively and efficiently. If you give someone information, and then they misuse that information or misunderstand that information, and then they do something harmful to themselves or harmful to others, then there may be a casual relation to that information. And its not so much the information that you give a person, it's the information that person already has that is being used to process and interpret new information. If someone has a lack of knowledge and also lacks the ability to effectively process information, then just giving them a small amount of information or incomplete information, may do more harm than good. There has to be instructions that comes with information.

Diffuse is to move outward. Cause to become widely known.

Penetrate is to pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance. Come to understand. Become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions. Make one's way deeper into or through. Spread or diffuse through.

Sink In is to become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions. Pass through. click. fall into place.

Get Across is to communicate successfully. Become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions. Fall into place.

Get Through is to succeed in reaching a real or abstract destination after overcoming problems. Become clear or enter one's consciousness or emotions. Finish a task completely.

Reach is to be at the destination after some time, either real or abstract; come to a given position. Get to a certain state, level, or point in time. To gain with effort. To exert much effort or energy. An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control. Move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense. Be in or establish communication with. The limits within which something can be effective.

The news is not where you go to get informed. Most of the information presented on news media outlets is fragmented, random or vague. This causes most people to experience the illusion of learning. People receive the information passively as if there is no other information needed. Too much of the News is dramatized, so most people learn very little, and they also become either distracted, misinformed or traumatized. We have to Design our own News Information Platform. We then need to teach people how to learn effectively and efficiently as possible. Learning shouldn't be a chore. Learning should be exhilarating experience. Even though some of the things that we learn can be incredibly devastating, we should always be grateful that we can learn. To know will always be better than not knowing. How would you know if you didn't know?

I need to know - Mark Anthony (youtube) - If it's true don't leave me all alone out here, Wondering if you're ever gonna take me there, Tell me what you're feeling cause I need to know, Girl you've gotta let me know which way to go, Cause I need to know, I need to know, Tell me baby girl cause I need to know, I need to know, I need to know, Tell me baby girl cause I need to know.

Multitasking - Doing Several Things at Once

Multimedia Multitasking involves using TV, the Web, radio, telephone, print, or any other media in conjunction with another. Also referred to as "simultaneous media use," or "multi-communicating," this behavior has emerged as increasingly common, especially among younger media users. Simultaneous Multimedia Multitasking, for when you have to Search Far and Wide, and Dig Deep in order to get the Facts about the world so you can see the world for what it is. Parallel Computing - Claustrum.

Polychronic Person is able to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. A polychronic person may watch television, surf the Internet and talk on the telephone at the same time. Life is a Balancing Act.

Multitasking Human Multitasking is doing more than one thing at a time, or doing several things at once, almost like what the human body does every second, but not as good. Multitasking is a human ability to perform more than one task, or activity, over a short period of time. Like talking on the phone while writing an e-mail. Or cooking several things on the stove at the same time while maintaining temperatures and cooking times, and measuring ingredients and preparing other food items as part of a big meal. People can also play several musical instruments at the same time or play the piano while singing at the same time, where you need to coordinate several body movements simultaneously. But we're not effective in paying attention to multiple tasks at the same time, so we switch back and forth between tasks. The trick to effective multitasking is knowing when to switch focus. But multitasking does have its flaws. We can't effectively listen to someone speaking when we're thinking about something else. Like with the dual-task paradigm and cognitive flexibility limits.

Is multitasking bad for you? No, and yes. If you don't use your multitasking abilities effectively and efficiently, then multitasking can definitely be bad for you. Like when trying to do too many things at once, or when you over estimate your ability to handle multiple responsibilities, and you end up micromanaging. Multitasking is a technology. And just like with any technology, it all depends on how you use it. We need to learn how to use these skills productively. So the skill of multitasking should be a mandatory course that is part of our education curriculum. We know that learning the wrong things at the wrong time can be bad for you, and doing the wrong things at the wrong time can also be bad for you, especially habitual things that you're not fully conscious of. One of the bad things about multitasking is that your awareness is fragmented and unfocused, so mistakes can easily happen. The good thing about doing things at the same time is that it can save you time and increase your productivity. But this can only happen when you fully understand each task separately, and have mastered each function and use. So you still need to know how to focus on just one thing at a time, and know how put all your energy towards just one thing, and do it without being distracted. Is multitasking an experience? Yes. Long-Term Multitasking is working on several different goals in the same time period. Focusing on one thing at a time, but having several different things to focus on in the same day or same time period. Like learning several different skills in the same year. Or cross training by exercising several body regions in the same workout. Or balancing two or three jobs or careers or several responsibilities in the same day or in the same week. You have to be able to mentally detach from your work and also mentally reconnect or reattach to your work and be able to activate work-related goals, while feeling dedicated to your work. Multitasking is an important skill that everyone needs to master. Multi-tasking shows the power of the brain and its logical analyzing ability to manipulate multiple variables held in the mind simultaneously. One positive aspect about multitasking is that we can do several things together and not have to sacrifice any one thing just because we have to do something else. When we combine our responsibilities, we can minimize the sacrifices that we sometimes have to make. Multitasking can be seen as a productive way to balance our responsibilities. Just as long as we don't get distracted or overwhelmed with trying to do too many things at once. And we also have to avoid focusing too much on just one thing, especially when we stop seeing the other things that are also important in our life. Life is all about balance. We can be great at what we do, but we can't be great if we ignore the things that are important, especially the things that actually make us great. When a man or a woman goes to work, they may have to sacrifice their relationship with their children, and thus they may never truly know their children on a personal level. This is not good or productive. So when we make the next update to our constitution, we should include living a balanced life. No life can survive unless it learns to balance itself against all the distractions and all the challenges that it faces. Life will never survive when it focuses on just what it likes. Life will survive when life sees the whole picture, and not just see a sliver of what is possible, but sees all the possibilities that lay before it.

Hyperconnectivity is a word used to define the connectivity that exists in digital environments and the interaction between information systems, data and devices, all of them related to each other through the internet. Hyper-Connectivity is the person-to-person and person-to-machine communication in networked organizations and networked societies. The term refers to the use of multiple means of communication, such as email, instant messaging, telephone, face-to-face contact and Web 2.0 information services. Hyperconnectivity is also a trend in computer networking in which all things that can or should communicate through the network will communicate through the network. This encompasses person-to-person, person-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication. The trend is fueling large increases in bandwidth demand and changes in communications because of the complexity, diversity and integration of new applications and devices using the network.

Everything is Connected - Technology Addiction - Technology Abuse - Burnout

Coordinate is to bring movements into a common action or condition. To bring order and organization to things that are of equal importance, rank, or degree. Collaboration.

Coordination is the skillful and effective interaction of movements. The regulation of diverse elements into an integrated and harmonious operation. Senses.

Concurrency means that multiple computations are happening at the same time. Concurrency is the ability of different parts or units of a program, algorithm, or problem to be executed out-of-order or in partial order, without affecting the outcome. This allows for parallel execution of the concurrent units, which can significantly improve overall speed of the execution in multi-processor and multi-core systems. In more technical terms, concurrency refers to the decomposability of a program, algorithm, or problem into order-independent or partially-ordered components or units of computation.

Parallel Computing is a type of computation in which many calculations or processes are carried out simultaneously. Large problems can often be divided into smaller ones, which can then be solved at the same time.

Unitasker is a person or thing that does one single thing at a time.

Time Management - Focus - Planning - Subconscious - Inattentional Blindness

Researchers provide insight into how the brain multitasks while walking. New research turns the old idiom about not being able to walk and chew gum on its head. Scientists have shown that the healthy brain is able to multitask while walking without sacrificing how either activity is accomplished.

Can't Walk and Chew Gum at the Same Time is a person who has untrained coordination skills and a low level of intelligence.

In the Thick of Stuff is to be very busy and preoccupied, or in the middle of doing things or busy doing several things.

Computer Multitasking is a concept of performing multiple tasks or processes over a certain period of time by executing them concurrently. New tasks start and interrupt already started ones before they have reached completion, instead of executing the tasks sequentially so each started task needs to reach its end before a new one is started. As a result, a computer executes segments of multiple tasks in an interleaved manner, while the tasks share common processing resources such as central processing units and main memory. Multitasking does not necessarily mean that multiple tasks are executing at exactly the same time or simultaneously. In other words, multitasking does not imply parallel execution, but it does mean that more than one task can be part-way through execution at the same time, and that more than one task is advancing over a given period of time. Even on multiprocessor or multicore computers, which have multiple CPUs/cores so more than one task can be executed at once (physically, one per CPU or core), multitasking allows many more tasks to be run than there are CPUs. In the case of a computer with a single CPU, only one task is said to be running at any point in time, meaning that the CPU is actively executing instructions for that task. Multitasking solves the problem by scheduling which task may be the one running at any given time, and when another waiting task gets a turn. The act of reassigning a CPU from one task to another one is called a context switch; the illusion of parallelism is achieved when context switches occur frequently enough. Operating systems may adopt one of many different scheduling strategies, which generally fall into the following categories: In multiprogramming systems, the running task keeps running until it performs an operation that requires waiting for an external event (e.g. reading from a tape) or until the computer's scheduler forcibly swaps the running task out of the CPU. Multiprogramming systems are designed to maximize CPU usage. In time-sharing systems, the running task is required to relinquish the CPU, either voluntarily or by an external event such as a hardware interrupt. Time sharing systems are designed to allow several programs to execute apparently Simultaneously. In real-time systems, some waiting tasks are guaranteed to be given the CPU when an external event occurs. Real Time Systems are designed to control mechanical devices such as industrial robots, which require timely processing.

Multi -Processing - Batch Process - Operating Systems

Multitasking has several variables involved. In some instances, multitasking two activities such as walking and breathing are second nature, and if someone has had practice performing several tasks simultaneously, multitasking could also help increase productivity. But on the other hand, multitasking texting and driving results in poorer attention. Humans can experience difficulties switching and moving their attention between multiple activities. It's best to completely abandon one task in order to fully focus on a secondary task.

Attention Residue is when your attention is partially focused on a previous task instead of the current one. It can happen when you leave tasks unfinished, or get interrupted, or anticipate having to rush to finish work, or when thinking about a previous meeting during the current one, or checking your phone during a lecture. Attention residue can also reduce your cognitive resources for the current task, or impair your performance on the current task, or increase stress, frustration, or unhappiness with your output. This could cost you as much as 40% of your productive time. To reduce attention residue, you can try establishing a pre-focus routine, such as listening to calming music or taking a short walk, or performing this routine before tackling challenging tasks. Listening Skills.

Context Switching is the act of moving from one task, project, or thought process to another. It's something that people do every day, but too much context switching can be detrimental to productivity. Here are some things to know about context switching. It can be beneficial. Context switching can be useful in some cases, such as when you can quickly finish a low-priority task to make more time for higher-priority tasks. It can also be detrimental. When you're constantly switching between tasks, it takes your brain longer to process information and transition between contexts. This can lead to disruptions in focus and workflow, and can make you feel more stressed and less productive. It can be caused by digital clutter. Having too many apps to go between can lead to context switching. Here are some ways to reduce context switching: De-clutter and streamline your digital life. Centralize your tasks into a task manager. Consolidate notifications.

Attention Management is the practice of focusing on a task and avoiding distractions. It involves being intentional about where your attention goes, rather than being reactive to distractions. Here are some tips for improving your attention management. Control your environment. Use noise-canceling headphones, keep your desk clear, and set boundaries with coworkers or family. You can signal when you're working by closing your door or wearing headphones. Practice mindfulness. Meditation and deep breathing can help you be more aware of the present moment and redirect your attention. Recognize different types of attention. There are different types of attention, such as selective attention, divided attention, and sustained attention. Be intentional. Choose where you direct your attention based on your priorities and goals. Attention management can help you be more productive and create a life that's centered around what's important to you.

Quick Look at the News

Breaking News You should know how to scan and scroll without being distracted by the click-bait.

National Public Radio (OK sometimes) they stopped allowing commenting because they hated the fact that people were making readers aware of the bullshit in some of their stories. All things considered? Almost.
CBS (not good, a lot of propaganda and adds)
NBC (not good, a lot of propaganda and adds)
World News - News Sites - Tech News
Independent News - Science News
Science Daily (good, sometimes great)
Reddit (unusual news)

FAIR works with both activists and journalists. We maintain a regular dialogue with reporters at news outlets across the country, providing constructive critiques when called for and applauding exceptional, hard-hitting journalism. FAIR is a national media watch group that has been offering well-documented criticism of media bias and censorship since 1986.

Ground News is news from multiple perspectives that shows media bias along with reliable news from local and international sources.

Media Matters - - The

Digg was removed in 2024, because the adds really suck bad.

Sports News - Women's News - Citizen Journalism

Associated Press is where a lot of news stories are copied from and repeated.

Check your Local Town News and Check your Local State News, but be aware of media control.

"The news, it's not all bad, it's not all good, and most of it is not fully understood. It's nothing until someone makes it something, and it's nowhere unless someone puts it somewhere."

News Papers

News PapersCity News Papers (wiki)
Newspapers in the US (wiki)
News Papers by Country (wiki)
Historical Newspapers from the 1700s–2000s.
Community Newspapers

Online Newspaper is the online version of a newspaper, either as a stand-alone publication or as the online version of a printed periodical. Online Newspapers

New York Times
Washington Post
Wall Street Journal
Financial Times
Business Week
Newspaper Assoc. America
Editor and Publisher

Decline of Newspapers (wiki) - Newspaper Deathwatch - Media Monopolies - Censorship - Wealth Divide

News Desert refers to a community that is no longer covered by daily or nondaily newspapers. Hundreds of daily and weekly newspapers were closed in the 2000s and the 2010s. According to a study in 2018 by the UNC School of Media and Journalism, more than 1,300 communities in the U.S. are considered news deserts. Other communities, while not technically a news desert, may be covered by a ghost newspaper, a publication that has become a shadow of its former self. The total number of newspapers in the U.S. fell from 8,891 in 2004 to 7,112 in 2018, a decline of 1,779 newspapers, including more than 60 daily newspapers. Of the remaining publications, an estimated 1,000 to 1,500 newspapers were considered ghost newspapers after scaling back their news coverage so much that they were unable to fully cover their communities.

Ghost Newspapers are newspapers that still have a reputable name but no longer have the resources to offer adequate coverage of their community. They have no local journalists remaining on staff or have so few journalists that the paper's ability to provide critical news and information to residents in that community has been severely curtailed. In the U.S. there are more than 3,100 counties in 50 states.

Education News

Education Classroom Education News
Independent Education News
Chalk Beat - NY Chalk Beat
College News
Education Policy Blog Spot
Washington Education Blog
Education Blog
Public Media
Inside Higher Ed

Educational TV
Online Education
Teaching Resources
Digital Text Books
Information Sources.

Health News

Physical Health News
Mental Health News
Sexual Health
Drugs - Addictions
Child Development
Consumer Protection.

Environment News

Environment NewsEnvironment News
Green Biz
Air Quality Maps
Environmental Justice Tool
Air Quality Monitors
Clean Air Act
Power Outages Map
Pollen Count Forecast
Water Quality
Environmental News Network
Environmental Health News
Global Witness (wiki)
Green News
The Daily Green
Green Tech Media
Good Clean Tech
Earth 2 Tech
Earth Times
Eco Razzi
Eco Geek
Green Diary
Green Ideas
Natural News
Watershed Media
Energy Daily
The Energy Daily
Energy Harvesting Journal
Energy Alternatives
Plenty Magazine
Conservation Magazine
Environmental Graffiti
Fast Coexist
Clean Technica
Waste Recycling News
Mother Nature Network
Mother Earth News
Smart Planet
Environmental Group
Alternative Energy News
Science Communication Network
Ocean Protection
Mass Animal Deaths
Environmental Education
Environmental Films
Environmental Websites
Living Green Ideas

Science News

Science DailyScience News
Universität Innsbruck
National Science Foundation
Science Friday
Scientific American
Science News
Science Hax
Science Blogs
The Science Network
National Academy of Sciences
Discovery News
D News Channel
New Scientist
Simons Foundation Quanta
Plos One
Everyone Plos
E-Life Sciences
Science Mag
Iop Science
The Scientist
Eureka Alert
Phys Org
Red Orbit
Laboratory Equipment
Christian Science Monitor
Today I found Out
Whoops! 12 Tales Of Accidental
Brilliance In Science
Science Websites

Funny but True News

The Daily Show (Jon Stewart, then Trevor Noah, now something new)
John Oliver (youtube)
Stephen Colbert (youtube)

Happy News

Good News Network
Good News
Sunny Skyz
Good Net
Up Worthy
Positively Positive
The Optimist
The Nicest Place
Do Nothing for 2 Minutes
Art News

Odd News

The Daily Beast
Stumble Upon
Largest Chocolate Bar
Weird News
Weekly World News
Oddly Enough
Wild Ammo.

Music News

Music News
Music Websites
Entertainment Weekly
Art News

Women's News

Women's NewsWomen
Women's Advancement Deeply
Women's Day
Native Women of Canada
Imagining Ourselves
Everyday Health
Women to Women
Women in the World

Carla Perez was the first woman from the Americas to summit Everest and K2 in the same year without supplemental oxygen in 2019. She was the sixth woman and first Latin American to summit Everest without supplemental oxygen in  2016.

Women's Health - Women’s Health - Women's History Project - I Love Women T-ShirtWomen's History Month
Basketball Hall of Fame - Great Women

Hello Girls was the colloquial name for American female switchboard operators in World War I.

Women's Sports Foundation - She Jumps - Gender Equality

Suffragette were members of women's organizations in the late-19th and early-20th centuries which advocated the extension of the "franchise", or the right to vote in public elections, to women. Franchise is a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of citizenship and the right to vote).

Women's Rights.
National Women's Law Center.
All's Well and Fair (youtube)
I Am Woman (youtube) - I Am Woman-Helen Reddy (youtube)
Health Threat Women Face (video)
Women Inventors.
150 Greatest Albums Made by Women.

Top 10 Female Guitarists of All Time (youtube)

Women Letter Writers in early modern Europe created lengthy correspondences, where they expressed their intellect and their creativity; in the process, they also left a rich historic legacy. Over time, a large number of women's correspondences have been made the subject of publications. Some among them ignored the literary value of these missives that were sometimes circulated by their recipients. Katherine Switzer
Women Journalists.
Girl Stunt Reporter 
Happy Black Woman
Alice Coachman

Florence Nightingale was an English social reformer and statistician, and the founder of modern nursing. (12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910).

Women's History Museum.
Advancing Women Artists

Young Women's Leadership Network.
3 lessons on success from an Arab businesswoman: Leila Hoteit (video and interactive text)
A political party for women's equality: Sandi Toksvig (video and interactive text)
Desi Linden becomes first U.S. woman to win Boston Marathon in over 30 years. (2 hours, 39 minutes, 54 seconds).
How women in rural India turned courage into capital: Chetna Gala Sinha (video and interactive text).

Emily Harrington becomes the first woman to free-climb El Capitan's Golden Gate route in a single day. After years of effort, the 34-year-old climber motored up El Cap's Golden Gate route and now joins the ranks of Alex Honnold, Tommy Caldwell, and Lynn Hill.

Men and Women Athletes Differences - Gender Based Health Care

Hazel Scott: Jazz's unsung artist-activist | JAZZ NIGHT IN AMERICA (youtube)

Tsang Yin-Hung is a Hong Kong mountaineer who has recorded the world's fastest ascent of Everest by a woman with a time of just under 26 hours. (aka or also known as Ada).

Maya Gabeira set a new world record. The 73.5-foot wave she surfed on February 11 in Nazaré, Portugal, was the largest wave surfed by anyone this year, earning Gabeira the WSL’s 2020 women’s XXL Biggest Wave Award. It also broke her own previous record, a 68-foot wave. By contrast, this year’s men’s XXL Biggest Wave Award winner, Kai Lenny, rode a 70-foot wave.

Women who write Code - Women and Medications - Women and Education

Girl Power is a slogan that encourages and celebrates women's empowerment, independence, confidence and strength.

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was an American labor leader, activist, and feminist who played a leading role in the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Flynn was a founding member of the American Civil Liberties Union and a visible proponent of women's rights, birth control, and women's suffrage. She joined the Communist Party USA in 1936 and late in life, in 1961, became its chairwoman. She was one of many party members prosecuted “under the notorious Smith Act, which forbade any attempts to advocate, abet or teach the violent destruction of the U.S. government. She died September 5, 1964 during a visit to the Soviet Union, where she was accorded a state funeral with processions in Red Square attended by over 25,000 people. Elizabeth was also known as “The Rebel Girl” for her fiery speeches, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn was born August 7, 1890 in Concord.

Jasmine Crockett is an American lawyer and politician who is the U.S. representative from Texas's 30th congressional district since 2023. Her district covers most of South Dallas County and parts of Tarrant County, including Dallas Love Field Airport. A member of the Democratic Party, she previously represented the 100th district in the Texas House of Representatives. Reddit Video.

Sister Rosetta Tharpe was an American singer, songwriter and guitarist. She gained popularity in the 1930s and 1940s with her gospel recordings, characterized by a unique mixture of spiritual lyrics and electric guitar. She was the first great recording star of gospel music, and was among the first gospel musicians to appeal to rhythm and blues and rock and roll audiences, later being referred to as "the original soul sister" and "the Godmother of rock and roll". She influenced early rock-and-roll musicians, including Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Johnny Cash, Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, and also later guitarists, such as Eric Clapton. Tharpe was a pioneer in her guitar technique; she was among the first popular recording artists to use heavy distortion on her electric guitar, opening the way to the rise of electric blues. Her guitar-playing technique had a profound influence on the development of British blues in the 1960s. Her European tour with Muddy Waters in 1964, with a stop in Manchester on May 7, is cited by British guitarists such as Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck, and Keith Richards. (Sister Rosetta Tharpe was born Rosetta Nubin, March 20, 1915 – October 9, 1973).

Fourth-Wave Feminism is a phase of feminism that began around 2012 and is characterized by a focus on the empowerment of women and the use of internet tools. Centered on intersectionality, the fourth wave examines the interlocking systems of power that contribute to the stratification of traditionally marginalized groups. Fourth-wave feminists advocate for greater representation of these groups in politics and business, and argue that society would be more equitable if policies and practices incorporated the perspectives of all people.

Feminism is a range of social movements, political movements, and ideologies that aim to define, establish, and achieve the political, economic, personal, and social equality of the sexes. Feminism incorporates the position that societies prioritize the male point of view, and that women are treated unfairly within those societies. Efforts to change that include fighting gender stereotypes and seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to those for men.

Micro-Feminism is the everyday actions that women are employing to push back against day-to-day sexism in the workplace, one small act at a time. Focusing on small-scale acts of resistance.

Discrimination - Sexual Harassment - Human Rights - Equality - Voting Everyday

The Feminine Mystique is a book by Betty Friedan that is widely credited with sparking the beginning of second-wave feminism in the United States. It was published on February 19, 1963 by W. W. Norton. In 1957, Friedan was asked to conduct a survey of her former Smith College classmates for their 15th anniversary reunion; the results, in which she found that many of them were unhappy with their lives as housewives, prompted her to begin research for The Feminine Mystique, conducting interviews with other suburban housewives, as well as researching psychology, media, and advertising. She originally intended to create an article on the topic, not a book, but no magazine would publish her article. During 1964, The Feminine Mystique became the bestselling nonfiction book with over one million copies sold. In the book, Friedan challenged the widely shared belief in the 1950s that "fulfillment as a woman had only one definition for American women after 1949—the housewife-mother." The phrase "feminine mystique" was created by Friedan to show the assumptions that women would be fulfilled from their housework, marriage, sexual lives, and children. It was said that women, who were actually feminine, should not have wanted to work, get an education, or have political opinions. Friedan wanted to prove that women were unsatisfied but could not voice their feelings. Chapter 1: Friedan points out that the average age of marriage was dropping, the portion of women attending college was decreasing and the birthrate was increasing for women throughout the 1950s, yet the widespread trend of unhappy women persisted, although American culture insisted that fulfillment for women could be found in marriage and housewifery. Although aware of and sharing this dissatisfaction, women in the 1950s misinterpreted it as an individual problem and rarely talked about it with other women. As Friedan pointed out, "part of the strange newness of the problem is that it cannot be understood in terms of the age-old material problems of man: poverty, sickness, hunger, cold." This chapter concludes by declaring "We can no longer ignore that voice within women that says: 'I want something more than my husband and my children and my home.' Chapter 3: Friedan recalls her own decision to conform to society's expectations by giving up her promising career in psychology to raise children, and shows that other young women still struggled with the same kind of decision. Many women dropped out of school early to marry, afraid that if they waited too long or became too educated, they would not be able to attract a husband. Friedan argues at the end of the chapter that although theorists discuss how men need to find their identity, women are expected to be autonomous. She states, "Anatomy is woman's destiny, say the theorists of femininity; the identity of woman is determined by her biology." Friedan goes on to argue that the problem is women needing to mature and find their human identity. She argues, "In a sense that goes beyond any woman's life, I think this is a crisis of women growing up—a turning point from an immaturity that has been called femininity to full human identity. Chapter 7: Friedan discusses the change in women's education from the 1940s to the early 1960s, in which many women's schools concentrated on non-challenging classes that focused mostly on marriage, family, and other subjects deemed suitable for women, as educators influenced by functionalism felt that too much education would spoil women's femininity and capacity for sexual fulfillment. Friedan says that this change in education arrested girls in their emotional development at a young age, because they never had to face the painful identity crisis and subsequent maturation that comes from dealing with many adult challenges. Significant numbers of women responded angrily to the book, which they felt implied that wives and mothers could never be fulfilled, devalued the roles as mothers and housewives, but of course they were wrong and they over reacted. The book implied that women should have choices and freedoms, the same as men do. But rightwing extremists always freak-out and make crazy assumptions.

Third-Wave Feminism is an iteration of the feminist movement. It began in the United States in the early 1990s and continued until the rise of the fourth wave in the 2010s. Born in the 1960s and 1970s as members of Generation X and grounded in the civil-rights advances of the second wave, third-wave feminists embraced individualism in women and diversity and sought to redefine what it meant to be a feminist. The third wave saw the emergence of new feminist currents and theories, such as intersectionality, sex positivity, vegetarian ecofeminism, transfeminism, and postmodern feminism. According to feminist scholar Elizabeth Evans, the "confusion surrounding what constitutes third-wave feminism is in some respects its defining feature." The third wave is traced to the emergence of the riot grrrl feminist punk subculture in Olympia, Washington, in the early 1990s, and to Anita Hill's televised testimony in 1991—to an all-male, all-white Senate Judiciary Committee—that African-American judge Clarence Thomas, nominated for and eventually confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States, had sexually harassed her. The term third wave is credited to Rebecca Walker, who responded to Thomas's appointment to the Supreme Court with an article in Ms. magazine, "Becoming the Third Wave" (1992). She wrote: So I write this as a plea to all women, especially women of my generation: Let Thomas' confirmation serve to remind you, as it did me, that the fight is far from over. Let this dismissal of a woman's experience move you to anger. Turn that outrage into political power. Do not vote for them unless they work for us. Do not have sex with them, do not break bread with them, do not nurture them if they don't prioritize our freedom to control our bodies and our lives. I am not a post-feminism feminist. I am the Third Wave. Walker sought to establish that third-wave feminism was not just a reaction, but a movement in itself, because the feminist cause had more work ahead. The term intersectionality—to describe the idea that women experience "layers of oppression" caused, for example, by gender, race and class—had been introduced by Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw in 1989, and it was during the third wave that the concept flourished. As feminists came online in the late 1990s and early 2000s and reached a global audience with blogs and e-zines, they broadened their goals, focusing on abolishing gender-role stereotypes and expanding feminism to include women with diverse racial and cultural identities.

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