Social Networks - Social Media
Social Network is a
dedicated website or other application
which enables people who use the
network tool to
communicate with each
other by posting information,
comments, messages, videos and images.
Creating a network of social
and personal
relationships. A social network is a social
structure made up of a set of
social actors such as
individuals or
Social network analysis of these social
can help identify local and
global patterns, locate
entities, and examine
network dynamics.
Social Network Dangers
Comments -
Technology Addiction
Popularity -
Conformity -
Inhibition -
Information Bubble -
Media Ownership

Networking Service is an online platform which people use to
social networks or
social relationships with other people who share
similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life
connections. Social networking services vary in format and the number of
features. They can incorporate a range of new information and
communication tools, operating on desktops and on laptops, on mobile
devices such as tablet computers and smartphones. They may feature digital
photo/video/sharing and diary entries online (blogging). Online
services are sometimes considered social-network services by developers
and users, though in a broader sense, a social-network service usually
provides an individual-centered service whereas online
community services
are group-centered. Defined as "websites that facilitate the building of a
network of contacts in order to exchange various types of content online,"
social networking sites provide a space for interaction to continue beyond
in person
interactions. These computer mediated interactions link members
of various networks and may help to both maintain and develop new social
professional relationships. Social networking sites allow users to
share ideas, digital photos and videos, posts, and to inform others about
online or real-world activities and events with people in their network.
While in-person social networking – such as gathering in a village market
to talk about events – has existed since the earliest development of
towns, the web enables people to connect with others who live in different
locations, ranging from across a city to across the world. Depending on
the social media platform, members may be able to contact any other
member. In other cases, members can contact anyone they have a connection
to, and subsequently anyone that contact has a connection to, and so on.
The success of social networking services can be seen in their dominance
in society today, with Facebook having a massive 2.13 billion active
monthly users and an average of 1.4 billion daily active users in 2017.
LinkedIn, a career-oriented social-networking service, generally requires
that a member personally know another member in real life before they
contact them online. Some services require members to have a preexisting
connection to contact other members. The main types of social networking
services contain category places (such as age or occupation or religion),
means to connect with friends (usually with self-description pages), and a
recommendation system linked to trust. One can categorize social-network
services into four types:
Socialization Social
Network services used primarily for socializing with existing
friends (e.g., Facebook).
Online Social Networks
are decentralized and distributed computer networks where users
communicate with each other through internet services.
Networking Social Network services used
primarily for non-social interpersonal communication (e.g., LinkedIn, a
career- and employment-oriented site).
Navigation Social Network services used primarily for helping users
to find specific information or resources. There have been attempts to
standardize these services to avoid the need to duplicate entries of
friends and interests. A study reveals that India recorded world's largest
growth in terms of social media users in 2013. A 2013 survey found that
73% of U.S. adults use social-networking sites.
Social Group can be defined as two or more people who interact with
one another, share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense
of unity. Regardless,
groups come in a myriad of sizes and varieties. For example, a society
can be viewed as a large social group. The system of behaviors and
psychological processes occurring within a social group or between social
groups is known as group dynamics.
Network of Practice is a concept related to the work on communities of
practice, that refers to the overall set of various types of informal,
emergent social networks that facilitate
information exchange between
individuals with practice-related goals. In other words, networks of
practice range from communities of practice, where learning occurs, to
electronic networks of practice (often referred to as virtual or
electronic communities).
Community of Practice is a group of people who share a concern or a
passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they
interact regularly.
Learning -
Discussion Groups
Scientific Collaboration Network is a social network where nodes are
scientists and links are co-authorships as the latter is one of the most
well documented forms of
scientific collaboration. It is an undirected, scale-free network
where the degree distribution follows a power law with an exponential
cutoff – most authors are sparsely connected while a few authors are
intensively connected. The network has an assortative nature – hubs tend
to link to other hubs and low-degree nodes tend to link to low-degree
nodes. Assortativity is not structural, meaning that it is not a
consequence of the degree distribution, but it is generated by some
process that governs the network’s evolution.
Business Networking is the
sharing of information
or services between people, businesses, or groups. It is also a way for
individuals to grow their
relationships for their job or business. As a result,
or a network can be built and useful for individuals in their professional
or personal lives. Networking helps build meaningful relationships that
are beneficial to all involved parties to exchange information and
services. Gaining new significant business acquaintances can be obtained
by networking meetings, social media, personal networking, and business
networking, to name a few. In the second half of the twentieth century,
networking was promoted to help business people to build their social
capital. In the US, workplace equity advocates encouraged business
networking by members of marginalized groups (e.g., women,
African-Americans, etc.) to identify and address the challenges barring
them from professional success. Mainstream business literature
subsequently adopted the terms and concepts, promoted them as pathways to
success for all career climbers.
You may only need a
1,000 true fans, this is because 5 percent of fans
can be 90 percent of your business.
Personal Network is a set of human contacts known to an
individual, with whom that
individual would expect to interact at intervals to support a given set of
activities. In other words, a personal network is a group of caring,
dedicated people who are committed to maintain a relationship with a
person in order to support a given set of activities. Having a strong
personal network requires being connected to a network of resources for
mutual development and growth. Personal networks can be understood by:
who knows you, what you know about them,
what they know about you, what are you learning together, how you work at
that. Personal networks are intended to be
mutually beneficial,
extending the concept of
teamwork beyond
the immediate peer group. The term is usually encountered in the
workplace, though it could apply equally to other pursuits outside work.
Personal networking is the practice of developing and maintaining a
personal network, which is usually undertaken over an extended period.
Personal networking is often encouraged by large organizations, in the
hope of improving productivity, and so a number of tools exist to support
the maintenance of networks. Many of these tools are IT-based, and use
Web 2.0 technologies.
Technology Abuses - Social Network Failures
Not Everyone uses
social networks in the same way or thinks about
networks in the same way. Some use it for
different reasons than
others. There's
not a
operating procedure for social networking, it's just another
social experiment that's in the early stages, and some
produce positive results and some don't. People understand the
importance of
communicating, but not everyone understands how to
language effectively or efficiently. We know that language
helps us to
transfer knowledge
information to ourselves and to
others, but we don't fully understand the process, or do we use
language accurately enough in order to maximize the benefits that
should come from every conversation, and come from every act of
Language is the most powerful tool that we have, but we are
literally just starting to talk. We are like 5 year olds with a
long way to go, but we are growing up faster and learning faster
than any other time in
human history.
Social Network Dangers
Technology Abuse -
Don't Blame the
Internet -
Ownership -
Fake Videos
Fake Praise -
Fake Criticism -
Fake People Social media companies are protected by a
law that shields them from liability for content posted on their
platforms. All media and not just social media companies need to be better
regulated. But you
first have to fix the
dumbed down education system that is the root cause of society
problems. To dismantle the structural racism starts with improving
education. Kids are naïve as a result of societies dumbed down education
institutions that are
corporate controlled by ignorant fanatics. Ignorance
metastasizes like cancer
when ignorant people control the schools and
control the media.
In 2024, the Surgeon General issued a
New Advisory about Effects of Social Media Use has on Youth Mental
Health, but says nothing about
dumbed down education system the fuels this ignorance.
Ignorant people seek
revenge, smart people seek justice and seek education improvements
that work on reducing the ignorance of people. Gang violence is minimal
when compared to
violence. They are profit-driven. They don't want to have any type of
control or restrictions that would suppress advertising or
brain washing.
Social media companies say they remove content that violates their
policies against threatening others or encouraging violence as quickly as
possible, yet
scumbags on TV
never do this.
For some people, social media platforms have cause them
misdiagnose themselves with conditions such as anxiety, depression,
eating disorders, autism, radicalism and gender identity-related
Learning the wrong things at the wrong time can be dangerous.
Seattle's schools are suing tech giants for harming young people's
mental health. Schools should be focused on
improving education so that
students are
more prepared and
more resilient.
Schools are not going to solve the problem of ignorant
scumbag corporations
who focus more on money than service and people. Schools need to be part
of the solution. Lawsuits don't change
scumbag corporations,
it only forces them to find different ways to be scumbags, which are
historical facts
that schools fail to teach students.
Seattle public school
district has filed a lawsuit against the tech giants behind TikTok,
Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Snapchat, seeking to hold them
accountable for the
mental health crisis among youth. Seattle Public Schools filed the lawsuit
Friday in U.S. District Court. The 91-page complaint says the social
media companies
have created a public nuisance by targeting their products to children. It
blames them for worsening mental health and behavioral disorders including
anxiety, depression, disordered eating and cyberbullying; making it more
difficult to educate students; and forcing schools to take steps such as
hiring additional mental health professionals, developing lesson plans
about the effects of social media, and providing additional training to
teachers. While federal law — Section 230 of the Communications Decency
Act — helps protect online companies from liability arising from what
third-party users post on their platforms, the lawsuit argues that
provision does not protect the tech giants' behavior in this case. The
lawsuit says that from 2009 to 2019, there was on average a 30% increase
in the number of Seattle Public Schools students who reported feeling "so
sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks or more in a row" that they
stopped doing some typical activities. Internal studies revealed by
Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen in 2021 showed that the company knew
that Instagram negatively affected teenagers by harming their body image
and making eating disorders and thoughts of suicide worse. She alleged
that the platform prioritized profits over safety and hid its own research
from investors and the public.
Having access to something can be a
good thing, but
having access to something can also be a bad thing. If you don't have
self-control, and if you don't have
the skills and knowledge that's needed to use a resource effectively or
efficiently, then having access to something may do more harm than good,
like with
Schools need to teach a class on
Social Media 101, which would be a combination of
communication skills,
human phycology
literacy, to name a few. People are getting too stressed out
from using social media. A lot of people are using social media
incorrectly, they're
comparing themselves to a platform that is
not a verification, judgment or measurement of a persons worth
or value. It is simply an advanced communication tool. And a
person using advanced tools needs
advanced understanding of these tools, which means they have
to learn a lot of knowledge and skills in order to use advanced
technology effectively and efficiently. There really is no
replacement for
learning, it is a
responsibility that everyone on this planet shares.
Social Services.
Why the BK101 Facebook page is not being updated
on a regular basis? Facebook is not safe place to be. We encourage
people to spend more time on the BK101 website than on facebook. In the
future we will create our own social network with no adds, no manipulation
and no exploitation. A social network where you
get paid when your information
is used. You will also know why your information was used, where it
was used, when it was used, and how it was used. And you will have more
control of your interface and its functions. I'm not anti-social media, I
just want an effective communication platform that's open, transparent and
definitely not exploitive in anyway.
ADL International
Leadership Award Presented to Sacha Baron Cohen at Never Is Now 2019 (youtube)
- Sacha Baron Cohen Slams Mark Zuckerberg's 'Bullsh*t' Arguments About
Free Speech. Facebook as the greatest
propaganda machine
in history.
Social Network
Dangers -
Technology Addiction
Ownership - Twitter - TicTok
Facebook to Pay Moderators $52M for Psychological Damages whose job
has them viewing graphic and disturbing posts and videos on its platforms.
In a 2018 lawsuit, third-party contractors for the company said that
Facebook failed to properly protect them against severe psychological and
other injuries that can result from repeated exposure to graphic material
such as child sexual abuse, beheadings, terrorism, animal cruelty and
other disturbing images. The settlement grants U.S. moderators who were
part of the class-action lawsuit $1,000 each. Those who have been
diagnosed with conditions related to their work will be able to get
medical treatment and damages of up to $50,000, according to the
preliminary settlement filed in the Superior Court of California for the
County of San Mateo.
In 2021, states
are investigating how
Instagram recruits and affects children. A bipartisan group of state
attorneys general is investigating how Instagram attracts and potentially
harms children and young adults. When social media platforms treat our
children as mere commodities to manipulate for longer screen time
engagement and data extraction. Instagram, like most social media apps,
prohibits users younger than 13 because of
federal privacy law. But
they are still ignoring the
negative effects of TV.
Party on(line): The Link between Social Media, Alcohol Use.
Networks are important extremely valuable.
Friendships are
important extremely valuable. Connected to someone on Facebook is not the
same as being connected to someone in real life. Friends on Facebook is
not like friends in real life. Knowing someone takes more than time. You
may be friends with someone your whole life but never really know them
completely. That's because people never reveal everything about
themselves, or know how. This is because the
education system is extremely inadequate.
Schools deliberately keep students ignorant about themselves and the world
around them. And students have no idea that they are ignorant because they
don't have the knowledge and information that would reveal their
ignorance, which means they will never know how ignorant they are their
entire lives. So in order to accurately know yourself and the world around
you you need the knowledge and information that will allow you to do this.
Then you will be able to communicate who you really are to other people as
well as yourself. So until the, you must admit that you're ignorant and
that you have a lot to learn. Start reading BK101 today and don't ever
stop. Because I will never stop learning and never stop collecting and
organizing the most valuable knowledge and information that the collective
intelligence of people in the world creates everyday.
We know that
there is a lot of time being wasted on the
Internet. But we cannot ignore the enormous amount of time that
is being saved by
the Internet or the
enormous amount knowledge
that is being gained every second over the Internet.
Abuse of technology is not
unique to the Internet, because all technologies are abused.
It’s great that everyone can have a voice on the Internet.
Millions of people want to communicate and want to be heard. But
not everyone is communicating for any particular benefit or
purpose. Some people just want to be famous, some people just
want to make money, some people just want to entertain
themselves, and some people just want to say hello to
This causes a lot of distractions on the Internet with some
areas being over saturated, unorganized and misused. But because
of the Internet, people will continue to get wiser and start
realizing the potential that the
Internet offers. Individuals on
the Internet will
eventually form communities and turn into
groups that can focus on particular subjects, particular causes,
particular problems and particular solutions, as they do today.
How could we become so connected and yet be so disconnected at the same time?
Besides showing us how many people there are who love to waste time, one of the most
astounding things that
Social Networks reveal is that there are
millions of people who have enough computer skills to
communicate with each other on
a massive scale. And those
millions of people can literally change the world, that's if
everyone worked together as a team,
and at the same time doesn't
get infiltrated and manipulated by the selfish and paranoid
powers that be.
Look at this Instagram (Nickelback Parody) (youtube)
Facebook is a very unique environment. It's a complex way of socializing because
everyone has a different understanding of how Facebook should be
used. Everyone also has different expectations and perceives
Facebook in their own way. So in a way Facebook creates a false
sense of reality. So the user must be aware that Facebook has
many risks involved. I believe Facebook and other social
networks are a great way to keep in touch with friends, family,
colleagues and is sometimes a nice way to meet new people. But
Facebook is very limited in communicating sincerity, and it
could never be as effective as talking to someone on the phone.
Or could Facebook ever be as personal or honest as a real
face-to-face conversation. So please, pick up the phone once in
a while, because you will never be able to replace a human
voice, because meaning sometimes needs more then just text and
images, it needs a human. To avoid being
Superficial, people must learn to be aware that there is
always more then what appears to be on the surface. Knowing someone is not
the same as keeping in touch with someone you think you know.
Facebook in December 2013, hired French neural nets
LeCun to direct its new AI research lab. Facebook uses
neural nets
translate about 2
billion user posts per day in more than 40 languages, and says its
translations are seen by 800 million users a day. (About half its
community does not speak English.) Facebook also uses neural nets for
photo search and photo organization, and it’s working on a feature that
would generate spoken captions for untagged photos that could be used by
the visually impaired.
Fei-Fei Li from Image Net labeled 14 million images.
Over 30 million Facebook accounts belong to Dead
People. 30 Million Facebook users died in the first eight years
of its existence. In fact, 428 of them die every hour, and 10,273 die
everyday. Facebook will eventually have millions of users that are dead
and diseased, that's because family's like to keep the pages active as a
memorial to their loved ones. So when you die your Facebook page will live
on. Unless you leave detailed instructions to family or friends not to keep it live.
Alternative Social Networks
Social Networks: Diaspora, Vero, Path, Ello, MeWe, Minds, NextDoor,
Niche Networks, The Dots.
Bsky is a
microblogging social platform. The platform was created by Bluesky Social,
public benefit
corporation based in the United States, as a proof of concept for the
AT Protocol, a communication protocol for decentralized social networks.
MeWe does
not share your personal information and
does not sell your personal information to advertisers or marketers.
There are no ads, no targeting, no newsfeed manipulation and NO BS! Share
content only with those you wish to see it. It's your online life, with
trust, control, privacy and safety. It’s your show. Share your world
online your way, by your rules. You own your content. You control your
interactions. You design your level of privacy.
Be Real makes you post
everyday at a different time, everyone is notified simultaneously to
capture and share a Photo in 2 Minutes. A new and unique way to discover
who your friends really are in their daily life.
Social Network Platform for the Human Race.
I know that we have the ability to have real conversations and come to an
understanding. But what we don't have is a platform that has an easy to
understand procedure that has a goal to find an agreement. We have laws,
we have treaties, we have declarations, but we don't have is a common
agreement on the most important matters at hand. There has to be an open
public debate that is moderated, with the questions all ready known before
the meeting, so that people will have time to learn how to answer those
questions as best as they can. Let us agree on the most important things
first, and then go from there. Let us list the facts, debate the facts,
and then use the facts in context in order to come to an agreement on a
particular subject matter. We must interpret things in the same way at
each step, so when we come to a conclusion, everyone will be confident
that the answer is correct. This is similar to what science does. Science
has peer reviews and can also be confirmed by other people who can confirm
the facts by repeating a test in their own experiments.
Do you
bias? Do you understand what
assuming is? Information can only
be processed using other information. So what is the information that you
use when processing other information? How do you translate? How do you
interpret? How do you assign meaning to words?
Debating is what
bought us here, and debating is what will advance us from here. There is a
level of debate that is not yet been attained, and it's not being used or even considered.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube)
Our ability to share and
gather information from each other is a great asset. It's just
that our
personal information and our best knowledge is being
used and abused for money and not for the benefit of people.
That is the poison that oozes from a capitalistic society.
not the fault of capitalism, it is the result of ignorant
people. And people don't know how ignorant they are because we
do not have an accurate way of
measuring their ignorance. As
soon as we design this extremely important test we can make
people realize how ignorant they are so they can make the
appropriate corrections in the way they manage their life and in
the way they view the world. No one wants to be ignorant.
Network Effects is a product or service that gains additional value as
more people use it. It is the phenomenon by which the value or utility a
user derives from a good or service depends on the number of users of
compatible products. network effect is also called network externality or
demand-side economies of scale. Network effects can be direct or indirect.
Direct network effects arise when a given user's utility increases with
the number of other users of the same product or technology, meaning that
adoption of a product by different users is complementary.
Economies of Scale are the cost advantages that enterprises obtain due
to their scale of operation, and are typically measured by the amount of
output produced per unit of time or production. A decrease in cost per
unit of output enables an increase in scale. At the basis of economies of
scale, there may be technical, statistical, organizational or related
factors to the degree of market control. This is just a partial
description of the concept.
Friend Score vs. Real Friends
Dunbar's Number is a suggested cognitive limit to the number
of people with whom one can maintain
stable social relationships. These
relationships in which an individual knows who each person is and how
each person relates to every other person.
Klout tracks how retweets,
likes, and shares change your
klout score.
Clout is having a
special advantage or
influence. Having many
followers or
fans that trust your opinion.
Social Edge -
Mobi Social
Internet Relationships
Friending is the act of adding someone to a list of "
on a social networking service. The notion
not necessarily involve the concept of friendship. It is also
distinct from the idea of a "
You Have 0
Friends is the fourth episode of the 14th season of the American
animated television series
South Park, and the
199th episode of the series overall. In the episode, Kyle, Cartman and
Kenny make Stan a
Facebook Profile against
his will and he becomes extremely frustrated with everyone asking him for
friend requests. After he gets fed up with Facebook, Stan tries to delete
his profile but is sucked into a virtual Facebook world. Meanwhile, Kyle
starts trying to find ways to get more friends on Facebook after he
drastically starts losing them due to his befriending of a third-grade
friendless Facebook user, whom everyone considers a loser.
Popularity can Distort
Reality -
Fame can be a Double Edge Sword
Cult of Personality
More than 300 million people globally don’t have a single friend,
according to
Gallup data. And more than 20% of people don’t have
friends or family
they can count on whenever they need them. Many Americans do not have a
large number of close friends. Close to half (49 percent) of Americans
report having three or fewer. More than one-third (36 percent) of
Americans report having several close friends—between four and nine.
Thirteen percent of Americans say they have 10 or more
close friends,
which is roughly the same proportion of the public that has no close
friends (12 percent). The number of close friendships Americans have
appears to have declined considerably over the past several decades. In
1990, less than one-third (27 percent) said they had three or fewer close
friends, while about as many (33 percent) reported having 10 or more close
friends. Only 3 percent said they did not have any close friends.
Two-Thirds of Americans have a childhood friend. Women are far more likely
than men to receive emotional support from their friends. Fewer Americans
today have a "
Friend". The average person spends 81,396 hours — the equivalent of
more than nine years — at work. Americans are now
more likely to make friends at work than any other way — including
at school, in their neighborhood, at their place of worship, or even
through existing friends, according to the
Center on American Life. Young men rely more on parents for personal
"As we grow up, we realize it becomes less
important to have more friends, and more important to have real
"When you’re up, your friends know who you
are. When you’re down, you know who your friends are."
"Making a hundred friends is not a miracle.
The miracle is to make a single friend who will stand by your
side even when hundreds are against you."
"If people
updated their
knowledge base as much as they updated
their Facebook Page we would have a lot less ignorance in the
world." Disgrace Book?
Internet Sayings and Quotes.
Social Networks should
not just be about me, me, me. Social networks need to be focused more on
us ,us ,us.
Social Media Influence is the
influence of social media, or
any media, that can be damaging,
but if used correctly, it can be very
beneficial for everyone.
A Simplified Model of Social Media Influence.
Credibility - Bandwidth (or coverage such as TV channels, Blogs,
Newspapers) - Relevance - Timing - Alignment - Confidence.
My twitter account says I'm following 20 people, but I'm not following
anyone, I don't have the time, only 33 are following me, but I'm sure they
are not following me because I hardly ever post anything, so, should I
just delete the account? I'm not using it.
FOAF is an acronym for
friend of a friend, which is a machine-readable
ontology describing persons,
their activities and their relations to other people and objects. Anyone
can use FOAF to describe themselves. FOAF allows groups of people to
describe social networks without the need for a centralised database. FOAF
is a descriptive vocabulary expressed using the Resource Description
Framework (RDF) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL). Computers may use
these FOAF profiles to find, for example, all people living in Europe, or
to list all people both you and a
friend of yours
know. This is accomplished by defining relationships between people. Each
profile has a unique identifier (such as the person's e-mail addresses,
international telephone number, Facebook account name, a Jabber ID, or a
URI of the homepage or weblog of the person), which is used when defining
relationships. The FOAF
project, which defines and extends the vocabulary of a FOAF profile, was
started in 2000 by Libby Miller and Dan Brickley. It can be considered the
first Social Semantic Web application, in that it combines RDF technology
with 'social web' concerns. Tim Berners-Lee, in a 2007 essay, redefined
the semantic web concept into the Giant Global Graph, where relationships
transcend networks and documents. He considers the GGG to be on equal
ground with the Internet and the World Wide Web, stating that "I express
my network in a FOAF file, and that is a start of the revolution."
Young people's moods directly affected by social media 'likes'. Young
people today are growing up in a social media-saturated world where
technology plays a central role in shaping most of their experiences. And
the rapid rise of social media use has consequently created parental and
societal fears about young people's social and psychological well-being.
Now, a team of researchers has used real social media data to show that
young people may indeed be
sensitive to social media feedback (likes) than adults, and that this
directly impacts their engagement and their mood.
Social Network Analysis is the process of investigating
social structures through the use of network and graph theories. It
characterizes networked structures in terms of nodes (individual actors,
people, or things within the network) and the ties, edges, or links
(relationships or interactions) that connect them.
Disinhibition - To Care or Not to Care what others think
Online Disinhibition Effect is when a person
does not care
about what other people think about them, so they ignorantly believe that
they can
say anything or
do anything that they want without having any
consideration for
other people, which is total perversion of the
freedom of expression and the
freedom of speech.
Freedom is not a right to be an as*hole, it's the right to be honest with
people without being unfairly judged, which takes good
communication skills,
awareness and
people skills. When
communicating on social networks, or on comment forms or by e-mail, some
people may loosen or completely
abandon social restrictions and inhibitions that would
otherwise be present in normal face-to-face interactions. During
interactions with others on the internet, people may experience dissociative
anonymity and feel like they are invisible. Asynchronism, solipsistic introjection,
dissociative imagination, and minimization of authority or
accountability has its
dangers and
Disinhibition is a
lack of restraint manifested in
social conventions,
impulsivity, and
poor risk assessment. Disinhibition affects motor,
instinctual, emotional, cognitive, and perceptual aspects with signs and
symptoms similar to the diagnostic criteria for mania.
hyperphagia, and aggressive outbursts are indicative
of disinhibited instinctual drives.
Reckless is having
defiant disregard
danger or
Characterized by careless unconcern. Having the lack of
accountability and
Masks are sometimes seen as a way to become someone else that
you couldn’t be before or to embody another identity.
create a separation not only between subjects, but can also alienate
the self from the
true self as well.
Masking Personality -
Wearing Masks -
Role-Playing -
Fetish -
Risky Habits
Sociopaths -
Over Confidence -
Showing Off -
Sexy Clothes
Exhibitionism is extravagant behavior
that is intended to
attention to oneself.
Anonymity may reduce the
accountability one perceives to
have for their actions, and removes the impact these actions
might otherwise have on their reputation.
Inhibited is unable to act in a
relaxed and natural way because
self-consciousness or
mental restraint.
Showing Off -
Attention -
Introvert -
Being Your
True Self
Inhibition is a feeling that makes one
self-conscious and
unable to
act in a relaxed and natural way. A voluntary or involuntary
restraint on
the direct expression of an instinct. The action of restricting or
hindering a process.
Self Control -
Program -
Abstinence -
Addictions -
Neural InhibitionWe can't ignore some of the Psychological
Effects of being on the internet. We need to improve education
so that future generations are more intelligent, and also less
vulnerable to the
Addiction to
Technology -
Critical Thinking -
Turing Test
Praise -
Social Networking Dangers
Internet Addiction
Self Harm
A study in 2000 for the
National Household Survey on Drug Abuse found that people
reported more drug use when
questionnaires were
administered by computer instead of in person. People disclose more
personal information chatting online, as opposed to speaking face-to-face.
Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing
Hawthorne Effect is a type of reactivity in which
individuals modify or improve an aspect of their behavior in response to
their awareness of being observed.
Surveillance Dangers -
Censorship -
Observation Effects
Flanker Task is a set of response inhibition tests used to
assess the ability to suppress responses that are
inappropriate in a particular context. The target is flanked by
stimuli which
correspond either to the same directional response as the target
(congruent flankers), to the opposite response (incongruent flankers), or
to neither (neutral flankers). In an Eriksen Flanker Task there are three
types of stimuli used:
Congruent stimulus-
Flankers call for the same response as the target, and may appear
identical. Also referred to as the compatible condition.
Incongruent stimulus- Flanker items call
for the opposite response of the target and are represented by different
symbols. Also referred to as the incompatible condition.
Neutral stimulus- Flanker items neither
call for the same response nor evoke response conflict. When subjects
participate in the Eriksen Flanker Task, the anterior cingulate cortex, or
the ACC, is activated. The ACC is a frontal brain structure responsible
for a wide variety of autonomic functions. It is observed to be more
active in response to processing incongruent stimuli than congruent
stimuli. It is believed that the ACC may monitor the amount of conflict in
an Eriksen Flanker trial. Then, that measured conflict is used to enhance
the amount of control the participant has on the next trial. Thus
indicating that the more conflict presented on trial n, the more control
expressed on trial n + 1
This process leads to an interaction called
the Gratton effect, which is the finding of a lower interference effect
after an incongruent trial compared to the effect after a congruent trial.
On this first trial (trial n) the incongruent stimulus presented will lead
to an increase in conflict detected by the ACC. On trial n + 1, the
increased conflict will lead to more control, causing the distracting, or
flanker, stimuli to be more readily ignored.
Intelligence Testing
Attention Control
Self-Determination Theory is the
motivation behind the
choices that people make without any external influence and
Some people think that society is becoming
isolated because of the Internet, which is partly true but
also false. We should not confuse
isolation with more in depth
thinking or more in depth exploration of self and humanity.
Socializing online is not the same as socializing face to face.
Socializing face to face has its benefits and its hazards.
Socializing online also has its benefits and its hazards.
But the bottom
line is that people are socializing and communicating. A person
can be just as isolated in public as they can be at home by
themselves. So the problem is not the Internet, the problem is
society itself. But guess what, because of the Internet’s
incredible potential to communicate and collaborate with
millions of people, society problems will soon be a thing of the
past as long as everyone has knowledge of what it means to have
interpersonal intelligence.
The Internet will not be able to fix all of our problems.
still need to educate everyone. We have to learn how to utilize
technologies efficiently, effectively, intelligently and
honestly, and at the same time and just as important, we have to
learn how to live without technologies so that we never lose
touch of our human qualities and never lose touch with the life
that God and Earth has given us.
Technology is Just a Tool
What is the difference between a
Network and an
Just because other people
unknowingly choose to be ignorant, this
doesn't mean that you have to be ignorant just to
fit in.
Just because you post something this does not mean that everyone
will read it, or understand it. Posting on social networks is not the same
as a direct email or phone call. But a social network should have an
option for a mass message so that everyone on your network receives a
massage alert. The bottom line is, never take
language for granted. You have to
use language as effective and as a efficient as possible, if not, then
your communication becomes mostly
noise. Language is the most
important tool that we use to
transfer information,
and yet everyone treats language like it's a toy or some kind of
guaranteed fact. Everything that you are and everything that you will ever
be, will come from the language that you have and use in your mind. You
cannot have thoughts without words, and you can not have good thoughts
without using good words. And you can not send good messages without
understanding words and without knowing how to transfer information
effectively and efficiently as possible.
Comments - Criticizing
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and the Pros and Cons
having a Comment Section.
Allowing comments is kind of like having a
rating system.
They are not always
accurate and they can also be
misleading. But if a
comment section is working correctly, it can offer more
opinions and even
some other information that was not available in the original content. But
sadly, other times a comment section can
waste a lot of time and also be
distracting. And it can also be a place for ignorant people to share
ignorant opinions or even spread
hate. So when someone shares an ignorant
opinion, whether
in a comment section or not, it's good to try to correct them without adding any
more ignorant opinions or comments. You want to
keep people honest without
calling them a
or without adding your own lies. Everyone makes stupid comments once in a while, and
everyone says things that they
regret saying
later on. We sometimes make the
assumption that we
enough about a particular subject that we can
enlighten other people. So we express our views even knowing that we could
never fully explain ourselves in a few sentences. And on top of that, a
lot of people are not
ready to have an open and honest
conversation with a stranger. So most people will hold on to their
biases without knowing
how much damage they cause to themselves or to other people. So we need
comment sections in some places and we don't need them in other places.
When watching TV or other programs,
the media is mostly just comments
with some truth mixed in, so as to give you the impression that you're
learning something. If the
mass media had a
comment section, mass media would have to end the
ideology they claim
to represent.
Critics -
Trolls -
Bullies -
Extremists -
Monopolies -
Boycotts -
Oversight -
Peer Review -
Bystander -
Pros and Cons -
Public Surveys
more people you communicate with,
or the
more famous you become, the greater your
chances will be that an ignorant person will feel the need to
harass you and
attack you, and the
greater your chances will be to be
exploited and used by
corporate puppet masters. So you have to
be ready and
be prepared
ridicule and
corruption. How you
react and
respond to peoples
ignorance is extremely important. And hitting back may not be the best way
to communicate. You don't want to make things worse by getting
sucked into an argument
that has no
control or
format rules. Clearly explain your view and always ask
questions. And you have to be able to
admit when you're
wrong, especially when you make a mistake. Just
Apologize and then
move on. If you want to thank the person for correcting you, then do so. And the most important thing is, never let anyone near
your heart, meaning, don't take
things personally or feel unloved in anyway. You have the
power and
over your wellbeing. But you have to
learn what powers and controls you
have. And then you must practice them and also use your
power and control as
much as possible, because that is your
responsibility. No
one should control how you
feel inside,
no one
except for you.
But you have to learn how, because no one can learn for you.
Peanut Gallery was a nickname for the cheapest and ostensibly rowdiest
seats in the theater in the days of vaudeville, where the occupants of
which were often known to heckle the performers.
Patent Trolls.
is a person who
harasses and
tries to disconcert others with questions, challenges, or gibes. Hecklers
are often known to shout disparaging comments at a performance or event,
or to interrupt set-piece speeches, with the intent of disturbing
performers and/or participants.
Satire -
Cancel Culture or
callout culture describes a form of
boycott in which an
individual or a celebrity who has acted or spoken in a questionable or
controversial manner is boycotted.
Free Speech Abuse -
Online Shaming is a form of public shaming in which targets are
publicly humiliated on the internet, via social media platforms.
shaming takes many forms including call-outs, cancellation,
negative reviews, and
revenge porn.
Don't Get
Sucked into an Argument, especially an
argument that makes you express the
same ignorant behavior and reasoning as the other person expressed. Two
wrongs don't make a right.
You can dish It
out, but
you can't take it means that a person can voice harsh thoughts,
criticisms, or insults toward other people, but they do not like it when someone
else does the same thing to them. Unable to take the same criticism that
they give others.
Glass Houses -
Conservative -
Study suggests secret for getting teens to listen to unsolicited advice.
Teens will appreciate parents' unsolicited advice, but only if the parent
is supportive of their teens'
autonomy. If the
parent was perceived not to support autonomy, the study found unsolicited
advice was not viewed as helpful.
Unsolicited Advice involves receiving information,
advice, input, or suggestions
from others you have not requested. When someone offers their opinion on
what you could be doing differently, it can sometimes feel like criticism.
Is blocking
followers a form of
or is it just
filtering out the nonsense? Are you blocking
free speech or just blocking
Section 230 of the
Communications Decency Act:
No provider or
user of an interactive computer service shall be treated as the publisher
or speaker of any information provided by another information content
Section 230
does not require platforms to be “Neutral”.
Online platforms are within their
First Amendment rights to moderate their
online platforms however they like, and they’re additionally shielded by
Section 230 for many types of liability for their users’ speech. It’s not
one or the other. It’s both. On July 25, Judge James Cacheris of the U.S.
District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia handed down a decision
stating that public officials may not “
block” their constituents on social media.
Online intermediaries that host or republish speech are protected against
a range of laws that might otherwise be used to hold them legally
responsible for what others say and do. The protected intermediaries
include not only regular Internet Service Providers (ISPs), but also a
range of "
computer service providers," including basically any online service
that publishes third-party content. Though there are important exceptions
for certain criminal and intellectual property-based claims, CDA 230
creates a broad protection that has allowed innovation and free speech
online to flourish.
Social Media is not a Public Forum. Facebook’s own terms of use and
Community Standards would violate the
First Amendment. We
regulate indecency and obscenity
on the TV as well.
Moderate is being within
reasonable or
average limits and
not excessive or
extreme. Showing
self-restraint or showing
moderation in response. Preside over to make something less severe or less
harsh, or make something less fast or less intense
Moderator is responsible for
reviewing, responding to and
moderating all user-generated content and user profiles (either pre-,
post- or reactive moderation) within forums, comments, images, videos and
audio, and liaising with the Legal and Community team where required.
Moderating user-generated content to ensure that the community is a
reliable source of information and a forum for
transparent discussions.
Manage any
negative comments with positive responses and helpful
information. Moderate discussions to promote constructive criticism.
Enforcing Community Guidelines, and identifying trends in user activity
for review and escalation. Utilize Community Management best practices,
internal guidelines/policies and resources to provide customer
interactions. Review filter hits and respond to reports of potentially
inappropriate content, recognize and address threats to the well-being of
the community, identify any customer service issues, and document all
moderation actions. Identify and document “hot topics” within the
Section is a feature of Web content in which the publishers invite the
audience to comment on the published content. There are two types of
comment sections,
gated and
non-gated. Gated comments sections require
users to give the website some information before they can post a comment.
Many news websites such as
The New York
Times and most social media websites are gated, as users have to log
in and post under a username that identifies them. Non-gated comment
sections don’t require users to provide information before posting. This
lack of a barrier to entry can allow more people to post and potentially
lead to a discussion with more viewpoints covered. This
anonymity, however, is
believed by some to lead to uncivil behavior and a higher likelihood of
seeing or experiencing verbal aggression in the comments. In response to
this, both the Illinois and New York State senates have considered bills
to limit non-gated comment sections. The Illinois bill would have
incentivized websites to gate their comments requiring users to provide
their real name, a home address and a confirmed IP address. The New York
Bill would have made websites remove anonymous commenting. If a comment
section is
moderated it is typically done in one of the following three
ways: post-moderation, pre-moderation, or through a flagging system.
Comments that are post-moderated are checked after they’ve been posted.
Pre-moderated comments are checked before they are allowed to be posted.
Comments that are
moderated with a flagging system can be marked or
flagged’ by other users for official website moderators to look at.
So we have a
law for a comment section but not for
campaign attack adds. WTF!
It's the same thing for
false advertising. People can still lie.
The illusion of control is out
of control.
Banning is the act of blocking or partially
blocking a user or their content from an online community such that it
will not be readily apparent to the user that they have been
banned. By
making a user's contributions invisible or less prominent to other members
of the service, the hope may be that in the absence of reactions to their
comments, the problematic or otherwise out-of-favour user will become
bored or frustrated and leave the site.
Regulations (red tape).
Telling someone that they're wrong
doesn't always solve the problem or correct a mistake. But you
still have to
speak up and yell at
injustices, especially when you have the chance. You have to let
people know that you are aware of this
wrong and that you know what
they are doing is
bad. So
Writing to someone is different than a face to face
conversation. It's easier to write bad things about someone than to say
bad things to them in person or in public. There are things that you
should not say in person.
Profanity will make
communication less effective. And you don't want to
jump to conclusions and
look like a crazy ignorant person
ranting about something
that has not yet been personally discussed with that particular
individual. If people want to communicate better and to be understood
better, then people will need to educate themselves and become more
knowledgeable about themselves and the world around them. There is no
other way. Reducing your ignorance is your
Don't rely on other people to learn for you.
The war on ignorance is
the war that everyone should be fighting in. If you're not fighting to be
more knowledgeable about yourself and the world around you, then you're
losing the war on ignorance, which is a war that kills thousands of people
every single day and makes million of people suffer every single day.
Everyone has the ability to be intelligent, let the
learning revolution
I'm a Public Forum and a Publisher. But I'm a one person
public forum. I'm allowing Howie to write anything that he wants, just as
long as he takes responsibility for his words and that he can also edit
certain words later on if the words are considered to be irrelevant or
obsolete, or inaccurate. You still have to monitor yourself and be
responsible for yourself and be responsible for other people. We are
information. And it's not censorship if the material is proven to be
misleading or
We can't slander knowledge and call it
free speech. You have to be able to prove what you say and be able
to prove what other people say. Human communication is under attack, and
the enemy is invisible. If you can't understand the fundamentals of
knowledge and information, then it will be extremely difficult for you to
understand information and knowledge accurately enough, and you will never
be able to effectively and efficiently control yourself or control the
world around you. To be a master of this world, you have to educate
yourself to the highest degree possible. I would say that I'm halfway
there, with the second half being the most difficult and the most
challenging part of mastering myself and the world around me.
Online Participation is used to describe the interaction between users
and online communities on the web. Online communities often involve
members to provide content to the website and/or contribute in some way.
Examples of such include wikis, blogs, online multiplayer games, and other
types of social platforms. Online participation is currently a heavily
researched field. It provides insight into fields such as web design,
online marketing, crowdsourcing, and many areas of psychology. Some
subcategories that fall under online participation are: commitment to
online communities, coordination & interaction, and member recruitment.
Social Media Statistics
One Billion new social media posts every two and a half
1 in every 9 people on Earth is on Facebook, People spend 700
billion minutes per month on Facebook.
Each Facebook user spends on average 15 hours and 33 minutes a
month on the site.
More than 250 million people access Facebook through their
mobile devices.
Facebook has reported 8 billion daily views.
More than 2.5 million websites have integrated with Facebook, 30
billion pieces of content is shared on Facebook each month.
300,000 users helped translate Facebook into 70 languages,
People on Facebook install 20 million “Apps” every day.
Snapchat Sees 6 Billion Video Views Every Day.
YouTube has 490 million unique users who
visit every month (as of February 2011).
YouTube generates 92 billion page views per month (These YouTube
stats don’t include videos viewed on phones and embedded in
websites) Users on YouTube spend a total of 2.9 billion hours
per month (326,294 years).
Flickr hosts over 5 billion images.
Amazing Stats
Twitter is handling 1.6 billion queries per day. Twitter is
adding nearly 500,000 users a day.
190 million average Tweets per day occur on Twitter (May 2011).
Short Message Service.
Google+ has more than 25 million users.
Google+ was the fastest social network to reach 10 million users
at 16 days.
(Twitter took 780 days and Facebook 852 days).
Jeff Bullas Social Media Statistics
Pew Internet
and American Life Project
Adobe Digital Index
"One thing that Facebook is good for is that you will hear
about things that you normally wouldn't hear about, especially
things about your friends that you have lost touch with. And
whether that's good or bad, I guess it depends on the person. So
Facebook is not a total waste of time, but it can be. So it's
not so much about Facebook, it's more about how we use our
technology tools then the tools themselves. And
using tools effectively and efficiently is something
everyone must learn to do, but sadly no school teaches that, except for BK101."
Social Networking Service is an online platform that is used
by people to build social networks or social relations with other people
who share similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or
real-life connections.
List of Social Networking Websites
2.0Kono Social
Get Social Social Analytics &
Automation Platform.
Wild Fire
Search and
Monitor Social Media
Social Radius
Whats App
VK in social networking VKontakte InContact in Russian.
Social Media are computer-mediated technologies that allow
individuals, companies, NGOs, governments, and other organizations to
view, create and share information, ideas, career interests, and other
forms of expression via virtual communities and networks.
Social Collaboration -
Activism and
Social Networks
Brain Storming -
Networks -
Relationships -
Literacy -
Equity -
New Media
most commonly refers to content available on-demand through the
Internet, accessible on any digital device, usually containing interactive
user feedback and creative participation. Common examples of new media
include websites such as
online newspapers,
blogs, wikis, video
games and social
media. A defining characteristic of new media is dialogue. New Media
transmit content through connection and conversation. It enables people
around the world to share, comment on, and discuss a wide variety of
topics. Unlike any of past technologies, New Media is grounded on an
interactive community.
Social Network Aggregation is the process of collecting
content from multiple social network services, such as Instagram, Tumblr,
Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitch, YouTube, etc. into one unified presentation.
Near Field Communication is a set of communication protocols
that enable two electronic devices, one of which is usually a portable
device such as a smartphone, to establish communication by bringing them
within about 4 cm (2 in) of each other.
Internet Relay Chat
is an application layer protocol that facilitates communication
in the form of text. The chat process works on a client/server networking
model. IRC clients are computer programs that a user can install on their
system. These clients communicate with chat servers to transfer messages
to other clients. IRC is mainly designed for group communication in
discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-on-one
communication via private messages as well as chat and data transfer,
including file sharing.
Foot Note
We need to
define what a good education is supposed to be and then make it available
to everyone. School is not a place, or even a place that you graduate from, the
school is your mind. And it's made up of everything that you have
experienced and learned up to this point. But everyone ignorantly thinks
that school is over when they leave or graduate, but in fact, we graduate to the school and not from
the school,
the school is your mind. So don't
ever close the doors. The more you learn, the more you understand. The
more you understand, the more control you have. The more control you have,
the more power you have. The more power you have, the more freedom you
have. The more freedom you have, the more potential you have. The more
potential you have, the more possibilities you have. The more
possibilities you have, the greater your life can be.