Governments - Corporations

U.S. CongressGovernment is a collective group of people that are involved in decision-making that is supposed to be in the best interest of a country, state or city. Responsibilities include providing safety for its citizens and providing the needs of its citizens. Governments are also responsible for making laws and making sure that everyone is in compliance of these laws. Responsibilities also include keeping citizens informed and up-to-date on important matters that are happening locally and globally. Other Government responsibilities include the management of the money supply as well as the collection of taxes that will be use to maintain infrastructure and industries that are needed to provide the necessary services for every man, women and child. Well, that's what it is supposed to be anyway, but we have serious problems that are undermining our governments responsibilities to its citizens. Problems like corruption that stem from wealthy and powerful influences and corporations.

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Everyone should learn to understand the inner workings of a Government and the politics that surround it, as well as all the responsibilities that everyone shares, which is a lot more then just voting once every couple of years. You need to do some fact checking every now and then.

Get Involve in Local Government - Get Involved - Civic Duty - American Dream

Political Systems - Types of Governments - Democracy - Open - Separation of Powers - Departments

We need to stop using words like left and right to describe people, who may have particular beliefs that may differ in some ways than other ways. This type of labeling is over-simplifying and it also makes the assumption that there is no middle ground or that there is no agreements of any kind. People all over the world have many things that they can agree on. But there are things that need to be discussed and looked at very carefully. This is why language and communication is so extremely important. We can no longer take for granted our responsibility to learn and progress. We can no longer pretend that we know enough or understand enough about each other and the world around us. We have to take life seriously if we seriously want to live. Live in peace and live in harmony. Live, Learn, Love and Progress. There is no Left or Right, there is only Good and Bad. So we need to remove these ignorant labels that only helps to divide people. Even the word independent is over-simplified. We have over-simplified too many labels. We need to return to our definitions and stop being so general and vague.

Conflict of Interest - Contradictions - Corruption - Republican Play Book - Secrecy - Split Decisions

Accountability - Watchdogs - Petitions - Departments - Immigration - Healthcare - Genocide

Government should not be a house of mirrors where people are given the run around when seeking answers. Evasion is a clear sign that someone is lying or hiding corruption.

Search for Elected Officials - Find Your Local Politician

Voting Records Common Cause can help you can find your representatives, how to contact them, bills they've introduced, committees they serve on, and political contributions they've received. Transparency.

How to Contact Your Elected Officials.

Who Represents Me? -Ballot Pedia - Portal: WikiFOIA.

Beyond Transparency are tools that foster civic participation, civic education, government transparency and collaboration.

Freedom of Information Act is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. It is often described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government.

Politician Search - Candidate Tracking Tool (PDF) - Federal Register - Gov

Inside Gov - Gov - Open 311 - 23 Senators are at least 70. Seven are 80 or older.

Fed Ramp - Voting Records - District Maps (Gerry Mandering)

A Starting Point is a video-based civic engagement platform created by Chris Evans, Mark Kassen, and technology entrepreneur Joe Kiani. ASP’s mission is to create a bipartisan channel of communication and connectivity between Americans and their elected officials with the goal of creating a more informed electorate.

Oversight - Watch Dogs - Regulate

Unbalanced Representation Crime Prevention is the attempt to reduce crime, deter crime and to stop criminals. It is applied specifically to efforts made by governments to enforce the law and maintain criminal justice. Neighborhood Watch.

Watchdog is a person who maintains surveillance over a person, activity, or situation. Making sure that there's transparency and that people are being held accountable for their actions.

Investigators - Red Flag Warnings - Whistle Blowers - Corporate Watch Dogs - Bad Judges - Bad Lawyers - Bad Cops - Bad Politicians - Bad Corporations - Dark Money - Regulatory Capture - Fact Checking

Watchdog Journalism is a form of investigative journalism where journalists, authors or publishers of a news publication fact-check and interview political and public figures to increase accountability in democratic governance systems.

Oversight is managing and overseeing the performance or the operation of a person or group. An unintentional failure to notice or do something. A mistake resulting from inattention.

Overseeing is to watch and direct.

Regulate - Investigative Journalism - Right to Information - Whitewashing - FBI - CIA - IRS - Internal Affairs - Baker Institute - Wiley Network

Anti-Corruption is comprise of activities that oppose corruption or inhibit corruption. Just as corruption takes many forms, anti-corruption efforts vary in scope and in strategy. A general distinction between preventive and reactive measures is sometimes drawn. In such framework, investigative authorities and their attempts to unveil corrupt practices would be considered reactive, while education on the negative impact of corruption, or firm-internal compliance programs are classified as the former. Anti-Corruption Agencies (wiki).

Pogo investigates corruption, injustice, and abuse of power in the federal government.

Foxes Guarding the Hen House - Loopholes

Ombudsman is an official who is charged with representing the interests of the public by investigating and addressing complaints of mal-administration or a violation of rights. Ombudsman is a government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against a corporation or a government. Someone appointed internally by an organization to handle complaints and manage internal conflict resolution. The ombudsman is usually appointed by the government or by parliament but with a significant degree of independence. In some countries, an inspector general, citizen advocate or other official may have duties similar to those of a national ombudsman and may also be appointed by a legislature. Below the national level, an ombudsman may be appointed by a state, local, or municipal government. Unofficial ombudsmen may be appointed by, or even work for, a corporation such as a utility supplier, newspaper, NGO, or professional regulatory body. The typical duties of an ombudsman are to investigate complaints and attempt to resolve them, usually through recommendations (binding or not) or mediation. Ombudsmen sometimes also aim to identify systemic issues leading to poor service or breaches of people's rights. At the national level, most ombudsmen have a wide mandate to deal with the entire public sector, and sometimes also elements of the private sector (for example, contracted service providers). In some cases, there is a more restricted mandate, for example with particular sectors of society. More recent developments have included the creation of specialized Children's Ombudsman and Information Commissioner agencies. Members of the United States Congress serve as federal-level ombudsmen in their oversight capacity over federal agencies, and employ staff specifically dedicated to legal compliance enforcement and investigations of maladministration on behalf of constituents. In the United States there is no unified federal ombudsman service. The role of handling complaints against federal authorities has to some extent been unofficially incorporated into the role of the US Member of Congress. This informal job has become increasingly time consuming. It is subject to criticism on the grounds that it interferes with a legislator's primary duty, namely to read and be knowledgeable about a bill before casting his or her vote. Coalition of Federal Ombudsmen (CFO) - promoting and assisting ombudsmen in federal government institutions. United States Ombudsman Association (USOA) - Promoting and supporting fairness, accountability, and equity in government through the public sector ombudsman. The National Association of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (NASOP). The International Ombudsman Association (IOA) - a professional organization committed to supporting organizational ombuds worldwide. The Organization of News Ombudsmen and Standards Editors.

Digital Policy Alliance informs policy and decision-makers to encourage fair competition, inclusivity, sustainability and resilience of technology in the fast-evolving digital world.

Some People Can't Play Nice or Follow the Rules. So citizens are forced to monitor suspected criminals and citizens are sometimes forced to take legal action against corrupt people because there is no government service or attorney general that would enforce the law or bring justice to certain people who break the law. People can easily be above the law when there is no one there to enforce the law. But even when people are available to enforce the law, people who are privileged or powerful can easily manipulate the justice system. These are serious problems that require serious actions. It is now the responsibility of the citizens to make sure that there is proper and fair legal services in their community. Accountability must be enforced, because when it's not, innocent people will continue to be victimized.

Complaints by Private Persons (lawsuits) - Maladministration - Citizen Advocate - Investigate into complaints against Government Institutions - People's Rights - Injustice - Free Speech Monitoring - Commenting (feedback)

Secret Law refers to legal authorities that require compliance that are classified or otherwise withheld from the public. Since about 2015 the branches of the United States federal government have accused one another of creating secret law. Journalists, scholars, and anti-secrecy activists have also made similar allegations. Scholarly analysis has shown that secret law is present in all three branches.

Loopholes - Rackets - Censorship

Inspector General is an investigative official in a civil or military organization. An inspector general leads an organization charged with examining the actions of a government agency, military organization, or military contractor as a general auditor of their operations to ensure they are operating in compliance with generally established policies of the government, to audit the effectiveness of security procedures, or to discover the possibility of misconduct, waste, fraud, theft, or certain types of criminal activity by individuals or groups related to the agency's operation, usually involving some misuse of the organization's funds or credit. In the United States, there are numerous offices of inspector general at the federal, state, and local levels; the Office of the Inspector General of the United States Army is a military example. Attorney General.

Inspector General of the Intelligence Community provides broad authorities for overseeing programs, promoting efficiencies, and detecting fraud, waste, and mismanagement throughout the federal government. The 2010 Intelligence Authorization Act formally established the Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community within the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. In accordance with Title 50 U.S.C.A. § 3033, the Intelligence Community Inspector General (ICIG) conducts independent and objective audits, investigations, inspections, and reviews to promote economy, efficiency, effectiveness, and integration across the Intelligence Community.

Government Waste - Judicial Watch - Judges

Office of Special Counsel is a permanent independent federal investigative and prosecutorial agency whose basic legislative authority comes from four federal statutes: the Civil Service Reform Act, the Whistleblower Protection Act, the Hatch Act, and the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). OSC's primary mission is the safeguarding of the merit system in federal employment by protecting employees and applicants from prohibited personnel practices (PPPs), especially reprisal for "whistleblowing." The agency also operates a secure channel for federal whistleblower disclosures of violations of law, rule, or regulation; gross mismanagement; gross waste of funds; abuse of authority; and substantial and specific danger to public health and safety. In addition, OSC issues advice on the Hatch Act and enforces its restrictions on partisan political activity by government employees. Finally, OSC protects the civilian employment and reemployment rights of military service members under USERRA. OSC has around 120 staff, and the Special Counsel is an ex officio member of Council of Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), an association of inspectors general charged with the regulation of good governance within the federal government.

Judiciary Committee is a committee of a legislative body that considers issues related to the legal system.

House Committee on the Judiciary is a standing committee of the United States House of Representatives that is charged with overseeing the administration of justice within the federal courts, administrative agencies and Federal law enforcement entities. The Judiciary Committee is also the committee responsible for impeachments of federal officials. Because of the legal nature of its oversight, committee members usually have a legal background, but this is not required.

Senate Committee on the Judiciary is a standing committee of the United States Senate, of the United States Congress. a standing committee of 22 U.S. Senators whose role is to oversee the Department of Justice (DOJ), consider executive nominations, and review pending legislation. The Judiciary Committee's oversight of the DOJ includes all of the agencies under the DOJ's jurisdiction, such as the FBI. It also has oversight of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The Committee considers presidential nominations for positions in the DOJ, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the State Justice Institute, and certain positions in the Department of Commerce and DHS. It is also in charge of holding hearings and investigating judicial nominations to the Supreme Court, the U.S. court of appeals, the U.S. district courts, and the Court of International Trade. The Standing Rules of the Senate confer jurisdiction to the Senate Judiciary Committee in certain areas, such as considering proposed constitutional amendments and legislation related to federal criminal law, human rights law, immigration, intellectual property, antitrust law, and internet privacy.

Complaint System is a set of procedures used in organizations to address complaints and resolve disputes. Complaint systems in the US have undergone several innovations especially since about 1970 with the advent of extensive workplace regulation. Notably in many countries, conflict management channels and systems have evolved from a major focus on labor-management relations to a much wider purview that includes unionized workers and also managers, non-union employees, professional staff, students, trainees, vendors, donors, customers, etc.

Congressional Oversight includes the review, monitoring, and supervision of federal agencies, programs, activities, and policy implementation. Congress exercises this power largely through its congressional committee system. Oversight also occurs in a wide variety of congressional activities and contexts. These include authorization, appropriations, investigative, and legislative hearings by standing committees; specialized investigations by select committees; and reviews and studies by congressional support agencies and staff. Congress’s oversight authority derives from its “implied” powers in the Constitution, public laws, and House and Senate rules. It is an integral part of the American system of checks and balances.

Oversight Hearings - Office of Special Counsel - - Government Oversight

United States House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence is a committee of the United States House of Representatives. It is the primary committee in the U.S. House of Representatives charged with the oversight of the United States Intelligence Community, though it does share some jurisdiction with other committees in the House, including the Armed Services Committee for some matters dealing with the Department of Defense and the various branches of the U.S. military. House Intelligence Committee.

United States House Committee on Oversight and Reform is the main investigative committee of the United States House of Representatives. The committee's broad jurisdiction and legislative authority make it one of the most influential and powerful panels in the House. Its chairman is one of only three in the House with the authority to issue subpoenas without a committee vote or consultation with the ranking member. However, in recent history, it has become practice to refrain from unilateral subpoenas.

Foxes Guarding the Hen House

Fox Guarding the Hen House is when you put someone in charge or in a position of authority who can easily exploit the situation for their own benefit, or be used as a puppet or a scapegoat. Like choosing a bank robber to guard a bank. The bank robber will steal the money as soon as your back is turned, and the fox will eat the hens as soon as no one is watching. Certain people can't be trusted to protect people or to oversee an important job when they have an obvious conflict of interest and will look the other way or lie when a crime is committed.

Medical Errors - Inside Job - Wall of Silence - Nepotism - Shills - Corruption - Above the Law - Corrupt Judges - Corporate Control - Fascism

Why are morons allowed to check their own work? - Why do we let drug companies do their own safety checks?

Separation of Church and State - Constitution

Checks and Balances is the principle that each of the Branches has the power to limit or check the other two and this creates a balance between the three separate powers of the state, this principle induces that the ambitions of one branch prevent that one of the other branches becomes supreme, and thus be eternally confronting each other and in that process leaving the people free from government abuses. Where are the Checks and Balances in your Mind? Who's the watch dog?

Separation of Powers refers to the division of responsibilities into distinct branches to limit any one branch from exercising the core functions of another. The intent is to prevent the concentration of power and provide for checks and balances. Separation of powers is when a state's government is divided into branches, each with separate and independent powers and areas of responsibility so that the powers of one branch are not in conflict with the powers associated with the other branches. The typical division is into three branches: a legislature, an executive, and a judiciary, which is the trias politica model. It can be contrasted with the fusion of powers in parliamentary systems and semi-presidential systems where the executive and legislative branches overlap. Separation of powers, therefore, refers to the division of responsibilities into distinct branches of government to limit any one branch from exercising the core functions of another. The intent of separation of powers is to prevent the concentration of unchecked power by providing for checks and balances to avoid autocracy, over-reaching by one branch over another, and the attending efficiency of governing by one actor without need for negotiation and compromise with any other. The separation of powers model is often imprecisely and metonymically used interchangeably with the trias politica principle. While the trias politica model is a common type of model, there are governments which utilize bipartite, rather than tripartite, systems as mentioned later in the article.

Illusion of Democracy - Injustice - Forensic Science

Internal Affairs refers to a division of a law enforcement agency that investigates incidents and possible suspicions of law-breaking and professional misconduct attributed to officers on the force. It is thus a mechanism of limited self-governance, "a police force policing itself". In different systems, internal affairs can go by other names such as Internal Investigations Division or IID, professional standards, inspectorate general, Office of Professional Responsibility, Internal Review Board, or similar. Due to the sensitive nature of this responsibility, in many departments, officers employed in an internal affairs unit are not in a detective command but report directly to the agency's chief, or to a board of civilian police commissioners. Internal affairs investigators are bound by stringent rules when conducting their investigations. In California, the Peace Officers Bill of Rights is a mandated set of rules found in the Government Code.

Internal Watchdogs are not always trust worthy. Like when scumbag pharmaceutical company's do their own testing, they can easily lie and cherry pick data. Criminals make false claims, that's what they do. Who's checking the fact checker? Repeatability.

Hold Politicians Accountable - - Budget (money)

People are watching the government, but we still don't know hardly anything about what's happening or why it's happening. The good news is, there are thousands of people who are working to improve the system, and also trying to educate more people.

U.S. Office of Government Ethics (gov) - Better Business Bureau - Consumer Protection

Restrictions on Post-Government Employment (After You Leave Federal Service). After you leave Federal service, 18 U.S.C. § 207 imposes certain post-employment restrictions that may limit the type of work you may perform for your new employer for certain periods of time. (See 5 C.F.R. Part 2641). Procurement Integrity Act (see 41 U.S.C. § 2104 and 48 C.F.R. §§ 3.104-3(d)) imposes additional restrictions for certain employees who participated in costly procurement work (valued in excess of $10 million).

Self Regulation only works when there's trust and only when people take full responsibility for their actions. If certain people can be manipulated by money or coerced by powerful and corrupt influences, then those people can't be trusted. Some people can't police themselves if they act like criminals and believe that they're above the law. That's like having the Fox Guard the Hen House, it's just stupid. But this is how some aspects of government works, it's insane.

Shoulder Angel - Dualism - Two Faced - The Mind - Divergent Thinking - Ying and Yang - When one side of the Brain is injured - Above the Law - Lack of Empathy - Illusion of Control - Lies from Republicans

United States Postal Inspection Service is the law enforcement arm of the United States Postal Service. Its jurisdiction is defined as "crimes that may adversely affect or fraudulently use the U.S. Mail, the postal system or postal employees." The mission of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service is to support and protect the U.S. Postal Service, its employees, infrastructure, and customers by enforcing the laws that defend the nation's mail system from illegal or dangerous use. In fiscal year 2014, USPIS had 2,376 field employees, a decline of 44.7% from fiscal year 1995. (A figure which doesn’t include headquarters staff.) In 2008, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service had 2,288 full-time personnel with the authority to make arrests and carry firearms on duty. This represented a 23.1% drop over the previous five years. Fraud: These types of investigation involve crimes that use the mails to facilitate fraud against consumers, business and government. Federal statutes that surround these types of investigations include, mail fraud, and other criminal statutes when they are tied to the mails such as bank fraud, identity theft, credit card fraud, wire fraud, and Internet/computer fraud. Mail fraud is a statute that is used in prosecuting many white collar crimes, this would include, Ponzi schemes, 419 frauds, and other white collar crimes where the mail was used to facilitate the fraud including public corruption (under the "Honest Services" provision of the federal fraud statutes). In the 1960s and 70s, inspectors under regional chief postal inspectors such as Martin McGee, known as "Mr. Mail Fraud," exposed and prosecuted numerous swindles involving land sales, phony advertising practices, insurance ripoffs and fraudulent charitable organizations using mail fraud charges. McGee is credited with assisting in the conviction of former Illinois Governor Otto Kerner on mail fraud charges.

Inspectors General - Postal Inspectors

Trump administration has stopped cooperating with UN investigators over potential human rights violations occurring inside America. The state department has ceased to respond to official complaints from UN special rapporteurs, the network of independent experts who act as global watchdogs on fundamental issues such as poverty, migration, freedom of expression and justice. There has been no response to any such formal query since 7 May 2018, with at least 13 requests going unanswered. Nor has the Trump administration extended any invitation to a UN monitor to visit the US to investigate human rights inside the country since the start of Donald Trump’s term two years ago in January 2017. Two UN experts have made official fact-finding visits under his watch – the special rapporteurs on extreme poverty and privacy – but both were invited initially by Barack Obama, who hosted 16 such visits during his presidency. - Ruckus Society - Free Speech Zone

Securities and Exchange Commission is an independent agency of the United States federal government with the primary purpose of enforcing the law against market manipulation. The SEC was created in the aftermath of the Wall Street Crash of 1929. Opportunity Solutions Project is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy organization that seeks to improve lives by advocating for public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, individual liberty, and a limited, accountable government.

Libera. Associazioni, nomi e numeri contro le mafie is an Italian association that promotes outreach activities and various types of protest action against the Mafia phenomenon, Italian organized crime, and organized crime in general.

Internet Privacy - Internet Safety - Activism (knowledge base)

Graph and Chart Samples - Government Printing Office (GPO)

Validity - Ratings - Surveys

Watchdog Work is generally performed either by nonprofit organizations that monitor specific government or industry actions, or by special government officials known as “inspectors general” who are tasked with ensuring that the government operates in compliance with customary laws and policies and without waste, fraud, or theft of taxpayer money. Critically monitoring the activities of governments, industry, courts or other organizations and alerting the public or taking legal action when the activities appear to go against the public interest. Attorneys working with non-governmental organizations may: file complaints with government agencies and legislative committees to bring issues to the public’s attention and force agencies and/or legislatures to conduct investigations; submit Freedom of Information Act requests to government agencies requesting documents on a wide variety of issues; pursue litigation as necessary to force government agencies, industry, or other organizations to fulfill their legal duties. Attorneys working in Inspector General offices may: investigate and address complaints concerning the agency’s actions; conduct audits and evaluations of agency expenditures; draft reports conveying to the agency the results of the office’s audits/investigations and recommending remedial procedures to be taken by the agency.

Government Procurement is the procurement of goods, services and construction on behalf of a public authority, such as a government agency. With 10 to 20% of GDP, government procurement accounts for a substantial part of the global economy. To prevent fraud, waste, corruption, or local protectionism, the laws of most countries regulate government procurement to some extent. Laws usually require the procuring authority to issue public tenders if the value of the procurement exceeds a certain threshold. Government procurement is also the subject of the Agreement on Government Procurement (GPA), a plurilateral international treaty under the auspices of the WTO.

Accountability - Responsible

Why they Vote Government Accountability Office is a government agency that provides auditing, evaluation, and investigative services for the United States Congress. It is the supreme audit institution of the federal government of the United States.

U.S. Government Accountability Office (gov) - Government Accountability Project (wiki)

Accountable (politics) - How to Hold Politicians Accountable (how to) - Watch Dogs

Sunlight Foundation - Making government & politics more accountable & transparent.

United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform - Like having a Fox Guard the Henhouse.

Conflict of Interest is a situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial or otherwise, and serving one interest could involve working against another. Typically, this relates to situations in which the personal interest of an individual or organization might adversely affect a duty owed to make decisions for the benefit of a third party. The presence of a conflict of interest is independent of the occurrence of impropriety. Therefore, a conflict of interest can be discovered and voluntarily defused before any corruption occurs. A conflict of interest exists if the circumstances are reasonably believed (on the basis of past experience and objective evidence) to create a risk that a decision may be unduly influenced by other, secondary interests, and not on whether a particular individual is actually influenced by a secondary interest. A widely used definition is: "A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances that creates a risk that professional judgment or actions regarding a primary interest will be unduly influenced by a secondary interest." Primary interest refers to the principal goals of the profession or activity, such as the protection of clients, the health of patients, the integrity of research, and the duties of public officer. Secondary interest includes personal benefit and is not limited to only financial gain but also such motives as the desire for professional advancement, or the wish to do favors for family and friends. These secondary interests are not treated as wrong in and of themselves, but become objectionable when they are believed to have greater weight than the primary interests. Conflict of interest rules in the public sphere mainly focus on financial relationships since they are relatively more objective, fungible, and quantifiable, and usually involve the political, legal, and medical fields.

Watch Dogs - Consumer Protection

The elections of 1994 demonstrated the power of constituent organizing (mostly done by the right wing), the dissatisfaction of many voters with the current work of elected officials, and the importance of participating in the electoral process. In very few races were housing issues even discussed, except in the general context of slashing government spending. Now in the aftermath of the elections, we see low-income housing under attack.

We can mourn the state of affairs, or we can use the elections as a wake-up call. We must make housing a political issue, and we can begin by holding our elected officials accountable. This is no easy task. It requires consistent vigilance and hard work. And yet, if we want a more just society in which everyone is adequately housed, we must hold them accountable.

Missed Votes Roll Call Votes is a vote in which each senator votes "yea" or "nay" as his or her name is called by the clerk, so that the names of senators voting on each side are recorded. Under the Constitution, a roll call vote must be held if demanded by one-fifth of a quorum of senators present, a minimum of 11.

Voting Records of United States Senators and Representatives in the 116th Congress.

Votes Missed each legislator in the 116th Congress.

Congressional Attendance and Absent Members of the Senate.

Quite Quitting - Political Theater

Sadly most elected officials care about one thing, votes. The keys to votes – and to the power needed to hold elected officials accountable – are people and money. Housing activists need to learn how to use these keys to influence elected officials. Use this four-step process to analyze your potential to hold your elected officials accountable and visibly demonstrate your organization's power.

Holding Politicians Accountable

1. Analyze Elected Officials. Learn as much as possible about your elected officials. Learning about them one-by-one is crucial, because elections are held ward-by-ward or district-by-district. By how much did the elected official win the election? The smaller the victory, the better for you – he or she will be eager to hear from constituents. Who were the primary groups of people supporting the elected official? How many were "hard core" supporters and how many were possible swing voters? What are the elected official's positions on your issues? Are they firm ideologi-cally, or are they more flexible depending upon the voters' positions? Where did the elected official's money come from? Is any of it from groups that oppose you? Is there evidence to suggest that the elected official is "bought" by moneyed interests?

Government Accountability Office - Government Watch Dogs - Transparency - Openness

2. Analyze Your Supporters and Potential Supporters. Who are the people who care most about your issues? Money and votes flow from the committed supporters. Who else might care about your issues? What other groups might be willing to vote based at least in part upon your issues? Are your supporters and potential supporters registered to vote, and did they vote in the last election? Did any of your supporters or potential supporters contribute money to their elected official? How can we "cut" our issues so they appeal to a broad segment of voters? In order to be successful in the long run, we need a majority in the district or ward supporting our positions. This means we have to define our issues more broadly to unite poor and working class families. If not, they'll be pitted against one another, and we all lose.

3. Make a Plan. Is your elected official strong on your issues, and has he or she won the election by a wide margin? If so, keep up the good work. Maintain a relationship with the elected official and help that person strengthen the base in the community, but focus more attention on other, less agreeable or less popular elected officials. Is your elected official a supporter of your issues who won by a small margin? If so, you will need to shore up his or her support. Make sure your supporters are registered and come out to vote. Register other voters. Educate potential supporters about your positions and the importance of having your elected official's support. Is your elected official flexible (a moderate), depending upon the perceived interests of the district? You must demonstrate that a sizable portion of the district cares about your issues. The closer the election, the more the elected official cares about groups of voters; however, you must make sure that your group's support doesn't diminish the elected official's support from another group. If it does, you will have to demonstrate that votes and money support your position. Is your elected official indifferent or adverse to your issues while having won the election by a small margin? Unless you think the elected official is redeemable, it is probably best to begin looking for another candidate to support and begin educating the voters about the official's position on your issues, so they will vote for an alternative candidate in the next election. Does your elected official oppose your issues but enjoy wide electoral support? This is the worst situation. Unless a very large number of unregistered voters could be registered and mobilized, you may want to consider focusing your efforts on other districts.

4. Demonstrate Your Power. It is not enough to have the people and campaign contributors on your side, you must visibly demonstrate that power. A few tried and true tactics for demonstrating your power include: Voter-registration drives. Make sure all new supporters are registered. Turn out the vote campaigns. Except in times of high publicity and high voter turnout, a well-orchestrated campaign to turn out the vote is an effective demonstration of power. Orchestrate communication with elected officials to help them gauge their constituents' concerns. Personal letters get the most weight, but they are hardest to generate. Postcards or petitions are less influential unless people send them in large quantities. It may be easier to collect 5000 postcards than 50 personal letters. Ideally, collect both. Use the phone and fax also. Seek quantity rather than quality. Politicians are seldom moved by the merits of the position, but they may well be moved by the breadth of constituent interest. Town hall meetings. Turn your supporters out to these meetings. Wear visible buttons or pins. Grab the mikes early and ask your questions. Be a visible force. Media coverage. Issues covered by the media are believed to concern constituents. Have supporters write letters to the editor (the second most widely read section of the paper), seek editorial board endorsements, write guest editorials. Try to get media coverage of every event possible demonstrating public support for your issues. Media coverage gives the impression of broad support and educates potential supporters. Accountability sessions. Ask the elected official to commit to your issue at a well-planned, large meeting between your supporters and the official. Invite the media and large segments of the community. These meetings are effective ways to demonstrate power and work especially well with flexible elected officials who won close election races.

"Government Failures are also the failures of Citizens. We have to take certain responsibilities out of the hands of incompetent and criminal people, and share these responsibilities among citizens."

April 15th is Representation Day: An annual national day of action to build power for the grassroots movement to fix America's corrupt political system. This year, Representation Day coincides with Democracy Spring and Democracy Awakening in Washington D.C.

Exploiting ignorant people, just so you can spread even more ignorance, and do it for money, now that’s just insane and also the kind of Psychopathic Behavior that is really damaging to society. It's also a direct threat to humanity. But hey that’s politics for you, and that’s also TV too. But simply changing the channel will not fix the problem, nor would simply voting for someone else change anything. You have to take Action. And the first action you take is to educate yourself so that you can have a clear understanding about the Choices that you must make, because no one is going to do it for you. Inspiration 101.

OBM Watch  - Citizens United  - Pro Publica - Foreign Lobbying - Foreign Open Source - Sunlight Foundation

Source Watch - State Watch (Europe) - PR Watch - Freedom Watch USA - Map Light - Little Sis - Public Accountability - How we know us - Participatory Politics - Gov Track - Big Government - Government Docs - Electronic Frontier Foundation - Copyrights - Center for Social Media - Federal Register (gov)

Open Accessible Government - Openness - Transparency

How Politicians Voted Open Government holds that citizens have the right to access the documents and proceedings of the government to allow for effective public oversight.

Open Government Initiative - Open Governance - Direct Democracy - Social Learning - Consensus Decision-Making - Currency Alternatives - Self-Management Open Source Curriculum - Information Stations

Open Source Governance enables any interested citizen to add to the creation of policy.

Open Society where individuals are confronted with personal decisions, would keep no secrets from itself in the public sense, as all are trusted with the knowledge of all.

Transparency is free unrestricted access to knowledge and information, as well as collaborative or cooperative management and decision-making rather than a central authority.

Oversight CommitteeTransparency - Open Congress - Open Secrets - Illusion of Control

Right to know is the legal principle that the individual has the right to know the chemicals to which they may be exposed in their daily living. It is embodied in federal law in the United States as well as in local laws in several states. "Right to Know" laws take two forms: Community Right to Know and Workplace Right to Know. Each grants certain rights to those groups. Freedom of Information.

Decentralization is the process of redistributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority.

Open Systems Interconnection is an effort to standardize computer networking that was started in 1977 by the International Organization for Standardization.

Public Relations is the practice of managing the spread of information between an individual or an organization.

Open Data is the idea that some data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish, without restrictions from copyright, patents or other mechanisms of control.

Access to Knowledge should be linked to fundamental principles of justice, freedom, and economic development.

Freedom of Information the right to privacy in the content of the internet and information technology. As with the right to freedom of expression.

Open Science make scientific research, data and dissemination accessible to all levels of an inquiring society, amateur or professional.

Open Science Data is publishing observations and results of scientific activities available for anyone to analyze and reuse.

Science Commons strategies and tools for faster, more efficient web-enabled scientific research. The organization's goals were to identify unnecessary barriers to research, craft policy guidelines and legal agreements to lower those barriers, and develop technology to make research data and materials easier to find and use. Its overarching goal was to speed the translation of data into discovery and thereby the value of research.

Collaborative Innovation Network is a social construct used to describe innovative teams of self-motivated people with a collective vision, enabled by the Web to collaborate in achieving a common goal by sharing ideas, information, and work.

Open Knowledge promotes and shares information at no charge, including both content and data.

Gov began in 2004 as a project to use technology to make the U.S. Congress more open and accessible. Today we’re the leading non-governmental source of legislative information and statistics.

Media Transparency is determining how and why information is conveyed through various means.

Information Activists is someone who works to make information available to the general population.

Public Information officer's is to provide information to the media and public as required by law and according to the standards of their profession.

E-Governance is the use of electronic communications devices, computers and the Internet to provide public services to citizens. Democracy.

Devolution is the statutory delegation of powers from the central government of a sovereign state to govern at a subnational level, such as a regional or local level. It is a form of administrative decentralization. Devolved territories have the power to make legislation relevant to the area.

Internet Governance is the development and application of shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programs that shape the evolution and use of the Internet

US Action - Our Future - Ad Action - People for American Way - Independent Politics - America Speaks - Democracy Corps - No Labels - Common Cause - Policy.

Technical Information Service - General Services Admin - FEMA - U.S. Capital - Government Website - White - Washington DC - Washington D.C. Photos - - City Year - - - Bill Hammons - Federal Reporting - Library of Congress.

David Korten - Ralph Nader - Howard Zinn - Bernie Sanders - Bernie - Cynthia Mckinney - Ron Paul - For Liberty - Independent.

One of your most important responsibilities is to always be aware of what's happening in your countries leadership. There are crimes being committed and people area acting above the law, so they are not being held accountable. You also don't have justice when prosecutors and judges can be manipulated. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you're not working on educating people about the problems they face, those problems will keep repeating themselves as they are today. Peoples ability to understand pattern recognition has been corrupted. People are not learning enough. People have very little understanding of what's happening in their world and people don't understand their place in the world or how they fit in the scheme of things. It's all about making the best decision you can. Making a good decision is the end result of learning something valuable. But you can't make good decisions until you learn what those good decisions are. City Management.

Fact Checking - Getting the the Facts Straight

Fact-Checking is the act of checking factual assertions in non-fictional text in order to determine the veracity and correctness of the factual statements in the text. This may be done either before (ante hoc) or after (post hoc) the text has been published or otherwise disseminated. Fact-checking may be done privately, such as when a magazine editor wants to verify the contents of a news article, either before or after publication. This is called internal fact-checking. Alternatively, the fact-checking analysis may be published, in which case it is called external fact-checking. Ante hoc fact-checking (fact-checking before dissemination) aims to remove errors and allow text to proceed to dissemination (or to rejection if it fails confirmations or other criteria). Post hoc fact-checking is most often followed by a written report of inaccuracies, sometimes with a visual metric from the checking organization (e.g., Pinocchios from The Washington Post Fact Checker, or TRUTH-O-METER ratings from PolitiFact). Several organizations are devoted to post hoc fact-checking, such as and PolitiFact. Research on the impact of fact-checking is relatively recent but the existing research suggests that fact-checking does indeed correct misperceptions among citizens, as well as discourage politicians from spreading misinformation.

Watchdogs - Research Fraud - Propaganda - Attack Adds

Fact Checked is when someone investigates an issue in order to verify the facts. To research a claim or a lie that a person made, especially when they pretend to make an argument or pretend to prove a point.

To make children better fact-checkers, expose them to more misinformation -- with oversight. Researchers say a pair of experiments with children ages 4 to 7 shows that, given children's natural skepticism and early exposure to the internet's boundless misinformation, it is crucial for adults to teach them practical fact-checking skills. Instead of attempting to completely sanitize their online environment researchers argue adults should focus on equipping children with tools to critically assess the information they encounter.

Fact Checking Resources

Fact Check - Politi Fact - Marist Poll - Ipsos market research

USA Facts federal, state and local data from over 70 government sources. - Government Open Data, not all the data is presented, and not all the data is calculated accurately, but it's a start. And what you start out with is not always what you end up with. - Propaganda Knowledge.

Research Resources (facts)

Independent Third Party Fact Checking - Peer Review - Journalism - Investigations - Activism

Wiki Tribune evidence-based journalism.

International Fact-Checking Network

Fact Scan fact Checking Canadian Politics

Mashup Data - Civic Impulse - Open Apps - Aristotle - Dod-Aristotle

CRG improves the quality of communities - through impactful research, analysis, consultation and data management for the public, nonprofit and philanthropic organizations that serve them. By defining transformative solutions for governments; schools; nonprofits; and key business / civic initiatives. By applying research and analysis to address the most critical issues communities and regions face. By improving government management; advancing economic competitiveness; promoting fiscal sustainability; and encouraging responsive community institutions. And above all, by empowering positive change for our clients, their organizations and the communities they serve. Our multi-disciplinary team brings deep policy, financial and analytical expertise, and an industry-leading reputation for objective, fact-based analysis and consulting in four practice areas: Government & Education, Economics & Public Finance, Health & Human Services and Nonprofits & Communities.


Petition is a formal request in writing submitted to an authority requesting that something to be done or not to be done.

Activism - Watchdogs - Accountable

Freedom to Petition the Government is the right to make a complaint to, or seek the assistance of, one's government, without fear of punishment or reprisals. The Article 44 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union ensures the right to petition to the European Parliament. The right can be traced back to the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany, the Bill of Rights 1689, the Petition of Right (1628), and Magna Carta (1215).

Request is a formal message requesting something that is submitted to an authority. To express the need or desire for something to improve. To question and ask for information. Freedom of Information Act.

Petition Resources - Start a Petition - Go Petition - I Petitions - Credo Action - Petition Spot - Sign on - - Mechanical Turk - Demand Progress - Causes - Daily Kos - Move On - Progress Now - Take Part

Relevance Today - Human Rights - Constitution - Activism - List of Peace Activists - List of Civil Rights Leaders.

Government Departments

Departments of the United States Government Government is the system or group of people governing an organized community, often a state. Government normally consists of legislature, executive, and judiciary. Government is a means by which organizational policies are enforced, as well as a mechanism for determining policy. Each government has a kind of constitution, a statement of its governing principles and philosophy. Typically the philosophy chosen is some balance between the principle of individual freedom and the idea of absolute state authority or tyranny. While all types of organizations have governance, the word government is often used more specifically to refer to the approximately 200 independent national governments on Earth, as well as subsidiary organizations. Historically prevalent forms of government include monarchy, aristocracy, timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, theocracy and tyranny. The main aspect of any philosophy of government is how political power is obtained, with the two main forms being electoral contest and hereditary succession.

Administration - Government Hierarchy Chart - Treasure

Govern is to direct or strongly influence and exercise authority over the behavior of people who are responsible for managing a country, state or city. Governing may also include bring conformity with rules, principles or usage. To impose regulations and be able to make changes when needed. Governance are the persons, or committees or departments who make up a body for the purpose of administering something. Leadership.

Government Departments List ( - 90,000 Jurisdictions and 23 Million Employees.

The Federal Government is the nation's single largest employer, although it employs only about 12% of all government employees, compared to 24% at the state level and 63% at the local level. Government employees in the United States includes the United States federal civil service, employees of the state governments of the United States, and employees of local government in the United States. Government employees are not necessarily the same as civil servants, as some jurisdictions specifically define which employees are civil servants; for example, it often excludes military employees. Government Employee is independent of government and composed mainly of career bureaucrats hired on professional merit rather than appointed or elected, whose institutional tenure typically survives transitions of political leadership. A civil servant or public servant is a person employed in the public sector on behalf of a government department or agency. The extent of civil servants of a state as part of the "civil service" varies from country to country. In the United Kingdom, for instance, only Crown (national government) employees are referred to as civil servants whereas county or city employees are not. Treasury - Money.

State is a politically organized body of people under a single government.

Federation is a political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing states or regions under a central (federal) government. Confirmation of Appointed Judges.

Definition of State and Local Government Employee (RS 01505.015). An officer of a state or political subdivision. (Section 218(b)(3)); Any officer of a corporation; Any individual, who, under the common law rules applicable in determining an employer-employee relationship, has the status of an employee, (Section 210(j)(2)); and Any individual who performs services for remuneration for any person, (Section 210(j)(2).

Legislature is a deliberative assembly with the authority to make laws for a political entity such as a country or city.

Legislator is a person who writes and passes laws, especially someone who is a member of a legislature. Legislators are often elected by the people of the state.

Legislative Branch is composed of Two Legislative Bodies, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Congress is the bicameral legislature of the federal government of the United States consisting of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Congress meets in the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Both senators and representatives are chosen through direct election, though vacancies in the Senate may be filled by a gubernatorial appointment. Members are usually affiliated to the Republican Party or to the Democratic Party, and only rarely to a third party or as independents. Congress has 535 voting members: One Representative for every thirty thousand people in each state, and each State shall have at Least one Representative. California has 53 representatives. Congress has 435 Representatives and 100 Senators, two senators from each state. The House of Representatives has six non-voting members in addition to its 435 voting members. These members can, however, sit on congressional committees and introduce legislation. These members represent Washington, D.C., Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands. - Congress Link.

Senate is the upper chamber of the United States Congress which, along with the House of Representatives, the lower chamber, composes the legislature of the United States. The annual salary of each senator, since 2009, is $174,000; the president pro tempore and party leaders receive $193,400. In June 2003, at least 40 of the then-senators were millionaires. Sometimes when Senators leave office they become lobbyist's for the same criminals they took bribes from. Standing Rules of the Senate are the parliamentary procedures adopted by the United States Senate that govern its procedure. The Senate's power to establish rules derives from Article One, Section 5 of the United States Constitution. Parliamentary procedure is the body of ethics, rules, and customs governing meetings and other operations of clubs, organizations, legislative bodies and other deliberative assemblies.

Senator is a member of a senate. Senators have three qualifications, they must be at least 30 years old; they must have been citizens of the United States for the past nine years or longer; and they must be inhabitants of the states they seek to represent at the time of their election. The age and citizenship qualifications for senators are more stringent than those for representatives.

House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the United States Congress which, along with the Senate, composes the legislature of the United States. The House is charged with the passage of federal legislation, known as bills, which, after concurrence by the Senate, are sent to the President for consideration. In addition to this basic power, the House has certain exclusive powers which include the power to initiate all bills related to revenue, the impeachment of federal officers, who are sent to trial in the Senate, and in cases wherein no candidate receives a majority of electors for President, the duty falls upon the House to elect one of the top three recipients of electors for that office, with one vote given to each state for that purpose. The presiding officer is the Speaker of the House, who is elected by the members thereof and is therefore traditionally the leader of the controlling party. He or she and other floor leaders are chosen by the Democratic Caucus or the Republican Conferences, depending on whichever party has more voting members. The House meets in the south wing of the United States Capitol.

Representatives have three qualifications to be a representatives. Each representative must be at least twenty-five years old; have been a citizen of the United States for the past seven years; and be an inhabitant of the state they represent at the time of the election.

Representative is a person who represents others or someone who advocates on the behalf of citizens who may have elected them to be their representative.

Congressman or Congresswoman is a member of the United States House of Representatives.

Federal Agencies - Cabinet - Oath of Office

Executive in government, manages a government agency or department. The branch of a government responsible for putting policies or laws into effect. Responsible for enforcing and executing laws made by the legislative branch of government. It is the organ that exercises authority in and holds responsibility for the governance of a state. The executive executes and enforces law.

Head of State - CEO's - Personas - Share Holders

Powers of the President of the United States.
Under the Constitution, the President, in addition to being Chief Executive, is Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy. Commander in Chief holds the prime responsibility for the conduct of United States foreign relations. The president has, in this capacity, plenary power to launch, direct and supervise military operations, order or authorize the deployment of troops, unilaterally launch nuclear weapons, and form military policy with the Department of Defense and Homeland Security. Does the military control the president?

Command and Control is a "set of organizational and technical attributes and processes ... [that] employs human, physical, and information resources to solve problems and accomplish missions" to achieve the goals of an organization or enterprise,

Implied Powers are powers that, although not directly stated in the Constitution, are implied to be available based on previously stated powers.

Executive Branch: The executive power in the federal government is vested in the president of the United States, although power is often delegated to the cabinet members and other officials. The president and vice president are elected as running mates by the Electoral College, for which each state, as well as the District of Columbia, is allocated a number of seats based on its representation (or ostensible representation, in the case of D.C.) in both houses of Congress. The president is limited to a maximum of two four-year terms. If the president has already served two years or more of a term to which some other person was elected, he or she may only serve one more additional four-year term.

Judicial Branch: The Judiciary, under Article III of the Constitution, explains and applies the laws. This branch does this by hearing and eventually making decisions on various legal cases.

Federal Judiciary of the United States is one of the three branches of the federal government of the United States organized under the United States Constitution and laws of the federal government. Article III of the Constitution requires the establishment of a Supreme Court and permits the Congress to create other federal courts, and place limitations on their jurisdiction. Article III federal judges are appointed by the president with the consent of the Senate to serve until they resign, are impeached and convicted, retire, or die. The federal courts are composed of three levels of courts. The United States district courts (one in each of the 94 federal judicial districts, and three territorial courts) are general federal trial courts, although in certain cases Congress has diverted original jurisdiction to specialized courts, such as the Court of International Trade, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, the Alien Terrorist Removal Court, or to Article I or Article IV tribunals. The district courts usually have jurisdiction to hear appeals from such tribunals (unless, for example, appeals are to the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit.) The United States courts of appeals are the intermediate federal appellate courts. They operate under a system of mandatory review which means they must hear all appeals of right from the lower courts. In some cases, Congress has diverted appellate jurisdiction to specialized courts, such as the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court of Review. The federal courts of appeals sit permanently in 13 appellate circuits (11 regional circuits as well as a DC Circuit and the Federal Circuit). Note that there are several other federal courts that bear the phrase "Court of Appeals" in their names, but they are not Article III courts and are not considered to sit in appellate circuits. The Supreme Court of the United States is the court of last resort. It generally hears appeals from the courts of appeals and sometimes state courts, operating under discretionary review, which means that the Supreme Court can choose which cases to hear, by granting writs of certiorari. There is therefore generally no basic right of appeal that extends automatically all the way to the Supreme Court. In a few situations (like lawsuits between state governments or some cases between the federal government and a state) it sits as a court of original jurisdiction. Other tribunals. Besides these federal courts, described as Article III courts, there are other adjudicative bodies described as Article I or Article IV courts in reference to the article of the Constitution from which the court's authority stems. There are a number of Article I courts with appellate jurisdiction over specific subject matter including the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims and the Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, as well as Article I courts with appellate jurisdiction over specific geographic areas such as the District of Columbia Court of Appeals. The Article I courts with original jurisdiction over specific subject matter include the bankruptcy courts (for each district court), the immigration courts, the Court of Federal Claims, and the Tax Court. Article IV courts include the High Court of American Samoa and territorial courts such as the District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands, District Court of Guam, and District Court of the Virgin Islands. Federal judges, like Supreme Court justices, are appointed by the president with the consent of the Senate to serve until they resign, are impeached and convicted, retire, or die. In April 2013, about 10 percent of federal seats were vacant, with 85 of 856 positions unfilled and 4 vacancies on the prestigious Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. The high vacancy rate has been attributed to politics, particularly Senate filibustering of potential appointees by Senators. In many cases there is no nominee for the position; however, the Senate has a tradition of senatorial courtesy in which nominees are only considered if the home senators approve. In May 2013 Congressional Research Service published a paper analyzing the vacancies and appointment process. Under Article I of the federal Constitution, Congress also has the power to establish other tribunals, which are usually quite specialized, within the executive branch to assist the president in the execution of his or her powers. Judges who staff them normally serve terms of fixed duration, as do magistrate judges who assist Article III judges. Judges in Article I tribunals attached to executive branch agencies are referred to as administrative law judges (ALJs) and are generally considered to be part of the executive branch even though they exercise quasi-judicial powers. With limited exceptions, they cannot render final judgments in cases involving life, liberty, and private property rights, but may make preliminary rulings subject to review by an Article III judge. The Judicial Conference of the United States is the policymaking body of the U.S. federal courts. The conference is responsible for creating and revising federal procedural rules pursuant to the Rules Enabling Act. The Administrative Office of the United States Courts is the primary support agency for the U.S. federal courts. It is directly responsible to the Judicial Conference. The AO prepares the judiciary's budget, provides and operates secure court facilities, and provides the clerical and administrative staff essential to the efficient operation of the courts. The judicial councils are panels within each circuit charged with making "necessary and appropriate orders for the effective and expeditious administration of justice". The Federal Judicial Center is the primary research and education agency for the U.S. federal courts. The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation transfers and consolidates cases in multiple judicial districts that share common factual issues. The United States Marshals Service is an Executive Branch agency that is responsible for providing protection for the federal judiciary and transporting federal prisoners. The Supreme Court Police provide security for the Supreme Court building. The Supreme Court has interpreted the Constitution as placing some additional restrictions on the federal courts. For example, the doctrines of mootness, ripeness, and standing prohibit district courts from issuing advisory opinions. Other doctrines, such as the abstention doctrine and the Rooker-Feldman doctrine limit the power of lower federal courts to disturb rulings made by state courts. The Erie doctrine requires federal courts to apply substantive state law to claims arising from state law (which may be heard in federal courts under supplemental or diversity jurisdiction). In difficult cases, the federal courts must either guess as to how a court of that state would decide the issue or, if that state accepts certified questions from federal courts when state law is unclear or uncertain, ask an appellate court of that state to decide the issue. Notably, the only federal court that can issue proclamations of federal law that bind state courts is the Supreme Court itself. Decisions of the lower federal courts, whether on issues of federal law or state law (i.e., the question was not certified to a state court), are persuasive but not binding authority in the states in which those federal courts sit. Some commentators assert that another limitation upon federal courts is executive nonacquiescence in judicial decisions, where the executive simply refuses to accept them as binding precedent. In the context of administration of U.S. internal revenue laws by the Internal Revenue Service, nonacquiescences (published in a series of documents called Actions on Decisions) "generally do not affect the application of stare decisis or the rule of precedent". The IRS "will recognize these principles and generally concede issues accordingly during administrative proceedings." In rare cases, however, the IRS may continue to litigate a legal issue in a given circuit even where the IRS has already lost a case on that issue in that circuit. SCOTUS stands for the Supreme Court of the United States.

Administration refers to the executive branch under a specific president (or governor, mayor, or other local executive); or the term of a particular executive; for example: "President Y's administration" or "Secretary of Defense X during President Y's administration." It can also mean an executive branch agency headed by an administrator, as the Small Business Administration or the National Archives and Records Administration. The term "administration" has been used to denote the executive branch in presidential systems of government. Administration is a method of tending to or managing the affairs of some group of people. The act of governing and exercising authority. The persons, committees or departments who make up a body for the purpose of administering something.

Government Agency sometimes an appointed commission, is a permanent or semi-permanent organization in the machinery of government that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions, such as an administration. There is a notable variety of agency types. Although usage differs, a government agency is normally distinct both from a department or ministry, and other types of public body established by government. The functions of an agency are normally executive in character, since different types of organizations (such as commissions) are most often constituted in an advisory role—this distinction is often blurred in practice however, it is not allowed. A government agency may be established by either a national government or a state government within a federal system. The term is not normally used for an organization created by the powers of a local government body. Agencies can be established by legislation or by executive powers. The autonomy, independence and accountability of government agencies also vary widely. The Congress and President of the United States delegate specific authority to government agencies to regulate the complex facets of the modern American federal state. Also, most of the 50 U.S. states have created similar government agencies. Each of the 50 states' governments is pretty similar to the national government with most having some form of a senate and house of representatives. The term "government agency" or "administrative agency" usually applies to one of the independent agencies of the United States government, which exercise some degree of independence from the President's control. Although the heads of independent agencies are often appointed by the government, they can usually be removed only for cause. The heads of independent agencies work together in groups, such as a commission, board or council. Independent agencies often function as miniature versions of the tripartite federal government with the authority to legislate (through the issuing, or "promulgation" of regulations), to adjudicate disputes, and to enforce agency regulations (through enforcement personnel). Examples of independent agencies include the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Federal Reserve Board, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Integrated Justice Information System is any computer network system or architecture that allows justice practitioners and agencies to electronically access and share information between systems and/or across jurisdictional lines. Integrated Justice Information Sharing generally refers to the ability to access and share critical information at key decision points throughout the justice enterprise. It is commonly referred to as IJIS or Integrated Justice Information Sharing. Building integrated justice information systems does not mean that all information between agencies is shared, without regard to the event, the agencies involved or the sensitivity of the information available. Rather, agencies need to share critical information at key decision points throughout the justice process.

Machinery of Government is the interconnected structures and processes of government, such as the functions and accountability of departments in the executive branch of government. The term is used particularly in the context of changes to established systems of public administration where different elements of machinery are created.

Hearings - Confirmations - Appointed

confirmation flow chart Political Appointment is any employee who is appointed by the President, the Vice President, or agency head. As of 2016, there are around 4,000 political appointment positions which an incoming administration needs to review, and fill or confirm, of which about 1,200 require Senate confirmation. These positions are published in the United States Government Policy and Supporting Positions (the Plum Book), a new edition of which is released after each United States presidential election.

Nepotism - Screening - Judicial Nominations - Not Always Qualified - US Courts - Supreme Court - Media

Appointment is the act of putting a person into a non-elective position.

Appointed is to select someone for a job or assign a duty, responsibility or obligation to a person.

Confirmation involves several steps set forth by the United States Constitution, which have been further refined and developed by decades of Article Two of the United States Constitution requires the President of the United States to nominate Supreme Court Justices and, with Senate confirmation, requires Justices to be appointed.

Corrupt Judges - Criminals in Robes

How can a judge be labeled conservative or a liberal if they are supposed to be impartial and unbiased? That's like saying that a judge can be bribed or easily coerced to rule in a particular way or vote in a particular way. That's basically telling every citizen that true justice doesn't exist. These judges need to recuse themselves because of a conflict of interest. The separation of church and state is an illusion. When religious charlatans base their reasoning on personal interpretations, then there is no consistency or symmetry or precedent, which means that citizens are left with chaos and destruction. Judges should not be stuck in an information bubble and pretend that is normal behavior. You're either good or you're bad and wrong. The Robert Bork confirmation and the Clarence Thomas confirmation is just more of the same staged theatrics that is used to distract people from the real corruption that goes on behind the scenes and behind closed doors. To be a supreme court justice is to protect the rights of every citizen and to protect the country from scumbag criminals and corrupt politicians and corrupt corporations who are degrading America and degrading other countries around the world. When criminals can pick their own jury and pick their own prosecutors, and pick their own judge, then these ignorant scumbags will always be above the law and commit any crime they want. A person should not be forced to be loyal to an ignorant criminal. But some morons don't care that they're accessories to criminals. They always have some ignorant excuse, as if reasoning and judging is just a feeling or a belief. If you can't explain yourself, then go f*ck yourself, or maybe just go educate yourself and grow up. Citizens will wait for you, and even help you. But you can't expect citizens to be forced to take your black box bullsh*t. We don't want your opinion, we need logical coherent reasoning based on facts and evidence. The right to remain silent does not apply here. You are supposed to be the voice of the people, you're not supposed to be silent or be looking the other way or be looking in just one direction. You should know the law and you should know the facts. Evasion is a clear sign that someone is lying or hiding corruption. Imagine interviewing someone for a job, and all they do is avoid answering your questions, questions that would help you determine if they are competent enough and trustworthy enough to do the job? No one would hire an idiot who's not upfront. Besides that, withholding evidence is illegal, and then you expect us to give you a legal job. That doesn't seem like good reasoning skills, which is another requirement of this job. Judges are supposed to be masters of reason and not masters of treason. Judges are supposed to be independent thinkers and not puppets for predators. And judges are supposed to follow the law equally and fairly without giving special exemptions to a certain group of people that allows them to be above the law, especially without presenting a valid argument or giving a logical reason for such an exemption. When biased and prejudice judges protect fanatics who are also biased and prejudice, then this type of ignorance will continue to abuse good people who are seeking a normal life that is fair and just. Judges are supposed to protect people from ignorance, not fuel ignorance with their own ignorance. If everyone else has to follow the law, then why would certain people who have no disabilities or special needs have special privileges. This is in your face quid pro quo that undermines the law that you took an oath to uphold.

Remove bad Judges - Congress can override a supreme court ruling - Unanimous Decision - Foxes Guarding the Hen House

Recuse is to challenge a judge, prosecutor, or juror as being unqualified to perform legal duties because of a potential conflict of interest or lack of impartiality. A judge can excuse oneself from a case because of a potential conflict of interest or lack of impartiality. Impeach.

Judicial Disqualification, also referred to as recusal, is the act of abstaining from participation in an official action such as a legal proceeding due to a conflict of interest of the presiding court official, administrative officer or other decision-maker. A decision-maker must be free from disabling conflicts of interest makes the fairness of the proceedings less likely to be questioned, and more likely that there is due process.

Procedural justice is the idea of fairness in the processes that resolve disputes and allocate resource. Fair Procedure wiki).

No man can be the judge of his own cause, and no man can try cases where he has an interest in the outcome, especially when it would certainly cause bias in his judgment. Under the objective test, recusal is required where a judge has an indirect conflict of interest in the outcome of a case, especially when money is an incentive, instead of justice, fairness and impartiality. Nemo iudex in causa sua is a Latin that translates as "no one is judge in their own case".

Applying the Principles of Due Process to Our Elections.

Supreme Court Guts Its Own Precedent to Allow Arizona to Kill Barry Jones, which slams the courthouse door on countless incarcerated people whose lawyers failed them at trial. “The court’s decision will leave many people who were convicted in violation of the Sixth Amendment to face incarceration or even execution without any meaningful chance to vindicate their right to counsel,” Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote in a dissent joined by Justices Stephen Breyer and Elena Kagan.

Interpretation of the Law - Interpretation Errors

Federal Courts: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube) - When ignorant scumbag criminals can appoint judges, then you have ignorant scumbag criminals as judges who can overturn years of progress. Campaign Act.

Conservative judges are not about religion, conservative judges are just puppets for the wealthy, because corrupt conservative judges can rule on cases that can impact big business. So it's all about gullible religious people getting scammed by greedy scumbags.

Judicial Opinion is a form of legal opinion written by a judge or a judicial panel in the course of resolving a legal dispute, providing the decision reached to resolve the dispute, and usually indicating the facts which led to the dispute and an analysis of the law used to arrive at the decision.

Judges shouldn't have opinions, Judges should only have facts, and use those facts when making a decision. What kind of ignorant scumbag would use an opinion when making a decision that effects peoples lives. Even a majority opinion or a concurring opinion can be bullshit if the other judges are also ignorant and biased. Fair and impartial is supposed to be the norm, not extreme beliefs based on lies and half truths. You have a fictional character in a fictional scenario where you claim to know what this fictional character is thinking, and you do it without proof or without evidence,  which is totally fucked up. To use a fantasy as reasoning for a decision is just fucked up. You are fucked up. And that is more truthful than your bullshit opinion.

We need to change the name of the supreme court to the extreme court, because it's a more accurate name.

The U.S. Supreme Court on June 28th 2024 approved a power grab by corporate interests who want to strip federal agencies of their power to regulate public health, the climate and environment, worker protection and more. In the 6-3 ruling, the court’s conservative majority overturned a precedent known as the Chevron doctrine that stems from a Reagan-era ruling called Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, which established that judges should defer to federal agencies on interpreting a law if Congress did not specifically address the issue.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in January 2006: “There is nothing that is more important for our republic than the rule of law. No person in this country, no matter how high or powerful, is above the law.” Back Stabbing Liar.

Supreme is the greatest in status, authority or power. The highest in excellence or achievement.

Extreme is beyond a norm in views or actions. Far beyond a norm in quantity, amount or degree, or furthest from an utmost degree or greatest possible degree. The most distant in any direction. .The point located farthest from the middle of something.

Judges can't be bullied, but judges can be bribed, judges can be corrupt, and judges can lie. Judges abusive behavior has been clearly documented throughout history, it shows that some judges can be really evil. The sad thing is in 2022, we still have a few bad judges who are corrupt. And you will never hear these bad judges give a coherent explanation for their reasoning, that's because these bad judges know that they're lying and they will always try to pathetically cover up this fact. Talk about contempt of court. This is pure evil rearing its ugly face. This is more than just ignorance, there has to be some type of brain damage, because a normal working brain that is fully educated could never go against human nature, or go against logic.

Religious Charlatans claiming that their flawed reasoning is legitimate, is just more lies and a violation of ethics and moral philosophy. The Religious Charlatans on the supreme court are an embarrassment to the law and an embarrassment to the united states and an embarrassment people around the world. These bad judges have brought great shame to our nation. Americans will need to fix this corruption, if not, everything will die from its abuse. Corruption and ignorance has no legitimacy or a place in our world.

Impersonating a Public Servant is a Third Degree Felony with a punishment range of 2-10 years in prison and up to a $10,000 fine. A person commits an offense if the person impersonates a public servant with intent to induce another to submit to the person's pretended official authority or to rely on the person's pretended official acts; or knowingly purports to exercise, without legal authority, any function of a public servant or of a public office, including that of a judge and court. An offense under this section is a felony of the third degree. If a judge fails to honor their oaths of service by lying about their reasoning and forcing unjust laws on people, they should be removed permanently.

These religious terrorists on the supreme court are waging a holy war against Americans. They're perverting interpretations of text to cover up the lies and fraud that they are committing. This is treason. The military must step in and restore law and order and remove these criminal judges and remove the republican politicians who are a threat to America. The military must also stop corporate war profiteers from exploiting the U.S. military. We can't have criminals be above the law when they are in charge of making laws. No accountability means that criminals can make laws that threaten human rights and freedoms without ever being effected by the abusive laws that they pass. So religious terrorists are getting their revenge for having their extremist beliefs not accepted by the moral majority. Judges who are religious extremists are getting their revenge for not being allowed to be abusive criminals because they were kept in check by fair and just Judges. Those same religious extremists also are against safe sex practices and birth control, but they are not against punishing people who were denied education on safe sex and birth control. Citizens are entering an era of unsafe abortions and the widespread criminalization of pregnancy, with an increase of repression and regression.

These judicial terrorists will give rise to more religious terrorists who ignorantly believe that they have the right to be scumbags because of corrupt judges are doing it now. The same way that trump gave rise to white extremists and more racism.

Trump in his single term appointed 226 judges. Obama appointed 320 judges. George W. Bush appointed 322 judges and Bill Clinton appointed 367 judges. But when it comes to the nation’s 13 federal appeals courts – which have the final word on most legal appeals around the country – Trump’s influence is clear. Three Supreme Court justices he appointed – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett – are the most by any president since Ronald Reagan who appointed four.

A Supreme Court Nominee may legitimately be asked questions by the Senate that go to his general judicial philosophy or methodology, the nominee should not be asked or forced to comment on Specific Past Supreme Court Rulings.

Judicial Nomination and Confirmation Process - Supreme Court Appointment Process (PDF)

Legal Terminology - What is Justice? - Department of Justice - F.B.I.

Renomination is the the act of officially naming a candidate. The condition of having been proposed as a suitable candidate for appointment or election. An address (usually at a political convention) proposing the name of a candidate to run for election.

Office of Justice Programs

Judicial Procedures Reform Bill of 1937 or court-packing, was a legislative initiative to add more justices to the U.S. Supreme Court in order to obtain favorable rulings regarding New Deal legislation that the Court had ruled unconstitutional. The central provision of the bill would have granted the president power to appoint an additional justice to the U.S. Supreme Court, up to a maximum of six, for every member of the court over the age of 70 years and 6 months.

Institute of Corrections - Prisons

Solicitor General represents the federal government of the United States before the Supreme Court of the United States. The Solicitor General determines the legal position that the United States will take in the Supreme Court. In addition to supervising and conducting cases in which the government is a party, the office of the Solicitor General also files amicus curiae briefs in cases in which the federal government has a significant interest. The office of the Solicitor General argues on behalf of the government in virtually every case in which the United States is a party, and also argues in most of the cases in which the government has filed an amicus brief. In the federal courts of appeal, the Office of the Solicitor General reviews cases decided against the United States and determines whether the government will seek review in the Supreme Court. The Solicitor General's office also reviews cases decided against the United States in the federal district courts and approves every case in which the government files an appeal. Solicitor General is the fourth-highest-ranking official in the United States Department of Justice.

Special Counsel is an individual and a lawyer with a reputation for integrity and impartial decision making, and with appropriate experience to ensure both that the investigation will be conducted ably, expeditiously and thoroughly, and that investigative and prosecutorial decisions will be supported by an informed understanding of the criminal law and Department of Justice policies. The Special Counsel shall be selected from outside the United States Government. An Attorney General will appoint a Special Counsel when he or she determines that criminal investigation of a person or matter is warranted and it would be in the public interest to appoint an outside Special Counsel to assume responsibility for the matter. Special Counsels shall agree that their responsibilities as Special Counsel shall take first precedence in their professional lives, and that it may be necessary to devote their full time to the investigation, depending on its complexity and the stage of the investigation. The Attorney General shall consult with the Assistant Attorney General for Administration to ensure an appropriate method of appointment, and to ensure that a Special Counsel undergoes an appropriate background investigation and a detailed review of ethics and conflicts of interest issues. A Special Counsel shall be appointed as a “confidential employee” as defined in 5 U.S.C. 7511(b)(2)(C).

Communications Commission (FCC)

National Archives - US Embassy

Congressional Hearing is mostly government theater and a made for TV drama that teaches people very little about a subject and provides little justice for any criminal activity. Most individuals respond favorably to an invitation to testify, believing it to be a valuable opportunity to communicate and publicize their views on a question of public policy. However, if a person will not come by invitation alone, a committee or subcommittee may require an appearance through the issuance of a subpoena (Rule XXVI, paragraph 1). Committees also may subpoena correspondence, books, papers, and other documents. Subpoenas are issued infrequently, and most often in the course of investigative hearings. The vast majority of committee hearings are open to the public, as required under Senate rules. But a hearing, like other committee meetings, may be closed for specific reasons stated in Senate rules (Rule XXVI, paragraph 5(b)). A committee may close a hearing if it involves national security information; concerns committee personnel, management, or procedures; invades the personal privacy of an individual, damages an individual's reputation or professional standing, or charges an individual with a crime or misconduct; reveals identities or damages operations relating to law enforcement activities; discloses certain kinds of confidential financial or commercial information; or divulges information that other laws or regulations require to be kept confidential. The Senate rules also contain a specific procedure for closing a hearing. By motion of any Senator, if seconded, a committee may close a session temporarily to discuss whether there is a need to close a hearing for any of the reasons stated above. If so, the committee can close the hearing by majority roll call vote in open session. By this procedure, a committee can close a hearing or a series of sessions on a particular subject for no more than 14 calendar days. Legislative Hearings measures policy issues that may become public law. Oversight Hearings review or study a law, issue, or an activity, often focusing on the quality of federal programs and the performance of government officials. Investigative Hearings share some of the characteristics of legislative and oversight hearings. The difference lies in Congress's stated determination to investigate, usually when there is a suspicion of wrongdoing on the part of public officials acting in their official capacity, or private citizens whose activities suggest the need for a legislative remedy. Confirmation Hearings on presidential nominations often offer an opportunity for oversight into the activities of the nominee's department or agency. Field Hearings are Congressional hearings held outside Washington.

Money - Treasury

Department of the Treasury prints all paper Currency and mints all coins in circulation through the Bureau of Engraving and Printing and the United States Mint, respectively; collects all federal taxes through the Internal Revenue Service; manages U.S. government debt instruments; licenses and Supervises Banks and thrift institutions; and advises the legislative and executive branches on matters of fiscal policy. The basic functions of the Department of the Treasury mainly include: Producing all currency and coinage of the U.S.; Collecting taxes, duties and money paid to and due to the U.S.; Paying all Bills of the U.S.; Managing the Federal Finances; Managing government accounts and the United States public debt; Supervising national banks and thrift institutions; Advising on domestic and international financial, monetary, economic, trade and tax policy (fiscal policy being the sum of these); Enforcing federal finance and tax laws; Investigating and prosecuting Tax Evaders; Publishing statistical reports.

Secretary of the Treasury - U.S. Treasury - U.S. Treasury Council.

Internal Revenue Service or IRS is the revenue service of the United States federal government. The government agency is a bureau of the Department of the Treasury, and is under the immediate direction of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue, who is appointed to a five-year term by the President of the United States. The IRS is responsible for collecting taxes and administering the Internal Revenue Code, the main body of federal statutory tax law of the United States. The duties of the IRS include providing tax assistance to taxpayers and pursuing and resolving instances of erroneous or fraudulent tax filings. The IRS has also overseen various benefits programs, and enforces portions of the Affordable Care Act. The IRS has about 85,000 employees, an annual budget of $12 billion, and collects about $4.1 trillion in tax each year, which represents about 96% of the total gross receipts of the U.S. The U.S. government is investing $80 billion in the agency so it can hire more workers and better collect the taxes it is owed — but not paid — by big business and rich people skirting tax laws. The IRS is also facing scrutiny over who it chooses to audit. A study released earlier this year found Black Americans are three times more likely to be audited. At the same time, it's also much easier to audit less wealthy people than billionaires with complex arrangements and lawyers on call. In 2022, 9 out of 10 phone calls to the IRS went unanswered.

Revenue Service is a government agency responsible for the intake of government revenue, including taxes and sometimes non-tax revenue. Depending on the jurisdiction, revenue services may be charged with tax collection, investigation of tax evasion, or carrying out audits.

Federal Reserve is the Central Banking System of the United States of America. It was created on December 23, 1913, with the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act. The U.S. Congress established three key objectives for monetary policy in the Federal Reserve Act: maximizing employment, stabilizing prices, and moderating long-term interest rates. The first two objectives are sometimes referred to as the Federal Reserve's dual mandate. Its duties have expanded over the years, and currently also include supervising and regulating banks, maintaining the stability of the financial system, and providing financial services to depository institutions, the U.S. government, and foreign official institutions. The Fed conducts research into the economy and provides numerous publications, such as the Beige Book and the FRED database. The Federal Reserve System is composed of several layers. It is governed by the presidentially appointed board of governors or Federal Reserve Board (FRB). Twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, located in cities throughout the nation, regulate and oversee privately owned commercial banks. Nationally chartered commercial banks are required to hold stock in, and can elect some of the board members of, the Federal Reserve Bank of their region. The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) sets monetary policy. It consists of all seven members of the board of governors and the twelve regional Federal Reserve Bank presidents, though only five bank presidents vote at a time (the president of the New York Fed and four others who rotate through one-year voting terms). There are also various advisory councils. Thus, the Federal Reserve System has both public and private components. It has a structure unique among central banks, and is also unusual in that the United States Department of the Treasury, an entity outside of the central bank, prints the currency used. The federal government sets the salaries of the board's seven governors. The federal government receives all the system's annual profits, after a statutory dividend of 6% on member banks' capital investment is paid, and an account surplus is maintained. In 2015, the Federal Reserve earned net income of $100.2 billion and transferred $97.7 billion to the U.S. Treasury. Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank. Although an instrument of the US Government, the Federal Reserve System considers itself "an independent central bank because its monetary policy decisions do not have to be approved by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislative branches of government, it does not receive funding appropriated by the Congress, and the terms of the members of the board of governors span multiple presidential and congressional terms." Who are the owners?

Tax Administrators - Appropriations - Insider - Internal

Budget and Accounting Act is to provide a national budget system and an independent audit of government accounts. Mandates that all government estimates, receipts, and expenditures be cleared by the director of the budget. From the director, the estimates go directly to the president and from the president, directly to Congress.

Office of Management and Budget

Follow the Money - Budget (spending) - Money

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. 20th Street and Constitution Avenue N.W., Washington, DC 20551. The FOMC holds eight regularly scheduled meetings during the year and other meetings as needed. The FOMC makes an annual report pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. The FOMC FOIA Service Center provides information about the status of FOIA requests and the FOIA process.

Department of Commerce is the Cabinet department of the United States government concerned with promoting economic growth. The mission of the department is to "promote job creation and improved living standards for all Americans by creating an infrastructure that promotes economic growth, technological competitiveness, and sustainable development". Among its tasks are gathering economic and demographic data for business and government decision-making, and helping to set industrial standards. This organization's main purpose is to create jobs, promote economic growth, encourage sustainable development and improve standards of living for all Americans. The Department of Commerce headquarters is the Herbert C. Hoover Building in Washington, D.C.. Commerce - City Commerce.

Digital Accountability and Transparency Act of 2013 - The DATA Act would require the Treasury Department to create government-wide data standards for agency financial reports, payments, budget actions, contract reporting, and grant reporting, direct agencies to use those data standards, and mandate that information be published online. Once it is fully implemented, the DATA Act will be the most significant federal transparency reform since President Johnson signed the Freedom of Information Act in 1967. This comprehensive House bill contains an accountability platform that was removed from the Senate's companion legislation S. 994. The provision would expand the mandate of the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board's Recovery Operations Center, which used open data analytics to eliminate potential waste and fraud in stimulus spending, to cover all federal disbursements rather than just stimulus grants and contracts.

Securities and Exchange Commission we work together to make a positive impact on America’s economy, our capital markets, and people’s lives. Our mission requires tireless commitment and unique expertise from our staff of dedicated professionals who care deeply about protecting Main Street investors and others who rely on our markets to secure their financial futures. (SEC).

Cabinet - Heads of 15 Executive Departments

The Cabinet of the United States is composed of the most senior appointed officers of the executive branch of the federal government of the United States, who are generally the heads of the federal executive departments. All Cabinet members are nominated by the President and then presented to the Senate for confirmation or rejection by a simple majority (although, before use of the nuclear option during the 113th US Congress, they could have been blocked by filibuster, requiring cloture to be invoked by 3/5 supermajority to further consideration). If approved, they are sworn in and then begin their duties. Aside from the Attorney General, and the Postmaster General when it was a Cabinet office, they all receive the title of Secretary. Members of the Cabinet serve at the pleasure of the President; the President may dismiss or reappoint them (to other posts) at will. Cabinet includes the Vice President and the heads of 15 Executive Departments, listed according to their order of succession to the Presidency. Note that the Speaker of the House and the President pro tempore of the Senate follow the Vice President and precede the Secretary of State in the order of succession, but both are in the legislative branch and are not part of the Cabinet.

Presidency is an administration or the executive, the collective administrative and governmental entity that exists around an office of president of a state or nation. Although often the executive branch of government, and often personified by a single elected person who holds the office of "president," in practice, the presidency includes a much larger collective of people, such as chiefs of staff, advisers and other bureaucrats. Although often led by a single person, presidencies can also be of a collective nature, such as the presidency of the European Union is held on a rotating basis by the various national governments of the member states. Alternatively, the term presidency can also be applied to the governing authority of some churches, and may even refer to the holder of a non-governmental office of president in a corporation, business, charity, university, etc. or the institutional arrangement around them. For example, "the presidency of the Red Cross refused to support his idea." Rules and support to discourage vicarious liability leading to unnecessary pressure and the early termination of term have not been clarified. These may not be as yet supported by state let initiatives. Contributory liability and fraud may be the two most common ways to become removed from term of office and/or to prevent re-election. POTUS stands for "President of the United States".

President is a common title for the head of state in most republics. In politics, president is a title given to leaders of republican states. Many countries make a distinction between the head of state (i.e., ceremonial president) and the head of government. ... They are two of many hats worn by the President. As chief executive the president is responsible for administering the laws of the United States by overseeing his cabinet and various executive agencies. Ceremonial Duties of the President. As Head of State the President is obliged to take part in public ceremonies and provide non-partisan leadership in the community.

Presidential Memorandum is a type of directive issued by the president of the United States to manage and govern the actions, practices, and policies of the various departments and agencies found under the executive branch of the United States government. It has the force of law and is usually used to delegate tasks, direct specific government agencies to do something, or to start a regulatory process. There are three types of presidential memoranda: presidential determination or presidential finding, memorandum of disapproval, and hortatory memorandum. Sometimes used interchangeably, an executive order is a more prestigious form of executive action that must cite the specific constitutional or statutory authority the president has to use it. Unlike executive orders, memoranda are not required by law to be published in the Federal Register, but publication is necessary in order to have "general applicability and legal effect". The Federal Register gives publication priority to executive orders and presidential proclamations over memoranda. Memoranda can be amended or rescinded by executive orders or another memorandum, but executive orders take legal precedence and cannot be changed by a memorandum.

Head of State is the public persona that officially represents the national unity and legitimacy of a sovereign state. Depending on the country's form of government and separation of powers, the head of state may be a ceremonial figurehead or concurrently the head of government. In the parliamentary system the head of state is the de jure leader of the nation, because the leader de facto is the prime minister. In contrast, the semi-presidential system has both heads of state and government as the leaders de facto of the nation (in practice they divide the leadership of the nation among themselves).

Head of Government is a generic term used for either the highest or second highest official in the executive branch of a sovereign state, a federated state, or a self-governing colony, (commonly referred to as countries, nations or nation-states) who often presides over a cabinet, a group of ministers or secretaries who lead executive departments.

Vice President of the United States is a constitutional officer in the legislative branch of the Federal government as President of the Senate under Article One, Section Three, Paragraph Four of the United States Constitution. The vice president is also a statutory member of the National Security Council under the National Security Act of 1947 and under Amendment XXV, Clause One of the United States Constitution is the second-highest-ranking official in the presidential line of succession in the executive branch of the United States, after the President. The executive power of both the vice president and the president is granted under Article Two, Section One of the Constitution. The vice president is indirectly elected, together with the president, to a four-year term of office by the people of the United States through the Electoral College. In the presidential line of succession, the vice president is the first person who would normally ascend to the presidency upon the death, resignation, or removal of the president. The Office of the Vice President of the United States assists and organizes the vice president's official functions. Speaker (wiki).

Secretary of State heading the U.S. Department of State, is concerned with foreign policy and is considered to be the U.S. government's equivalent of a Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Secretary of State is nominated by the President of the United States and is confirmed by the United States Senate. The Secretary of State, along with the Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Defense, and Attorney General are generally regarded as the four most important Cabinet members because of the importance of their respective departments. Secretary of State is a Level I position in the Executive Schedule and thus earns the salary prescribed for that level. Creation by Congress in July 1789.

Secretary of the Treasury is the head of the U.S. Department of the Treasury, which is concerned with financial and monetary matters, and, until 2003, also included several federal law enforcement agencies. This position in the Federal Government of the United States is analogous to the Minister of Finance in many other countries. The Secretary of the Treasury is a member of the President's Cabinet and  has been a non-statutory member of the U.S. National Security Council. The Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Defense are generally regarded as the four most important cabinet officials because of the importance of their departments. The Secretary of the Treasury is fifth in the United States presidential line of succession.

Secretary of Defense is the leader and chief executive officer of the Department of Defense, an Executive Department of the Government of the United States of America. The Secretary of Defense's power over the United States military is second only to that of the President. This position corresponds to what is generally known as a Defense Minister in many other countries. The Secretary of Defense is appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate, and is by custom a member of the Cabinet and by law a member of the National Security Council. Secretary of Defense is a statutory office, and the general provision in 10 U.S.C. § 113 provides that the Secretary of Defense has "authority, direction and control over the Department of Defense", and is further designated by the same statute as "the principal assistant to the President in all matters relating to the Department of Defense". Ensuring civilian control of the military, an individual may not be appointed as Secretary of Defense within seven years after relief from active duty as a commissioned officer of a regular (i.e., non-reserve) component of an armed force. The Secretary of Defense is in the chain of command and exercises command and control, for both operational and administrative purposes subject only to the orders of the President, over all Department of Defense forces: the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force. This is also extended to the United States Coast Guard during any period of time in which its command and control is transferred to the Department of Defense. Only the Secretary of Defense (or the President) can authorize the transfer of operational control of forces between the three Military Departments (the departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force) and the nine Combatant Commands (Africa Command, Central Command, European Command, Northern Command, Pacific Command, Southern Command, Special Operations Command, Strategic Command, Transportation Command). Because the Office of Secretary of Defense is vested with legal powers which exceed those of any commissioned officer, and is second only to the President in the military hierarchy, it has sometimes unofficially been referred to as a de facto "deputy commander-in-chief". The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is the principal military adviser to the Secretary of Defense and the President, and while the Chairman may assist the Secretary and President in their command functions, the Chairman is not in the chain of command. The Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of the Treasury are generally regarded as the four most important cabinet officials because of the importance of their departments. The Secretary of Education is supposed to be even more important, but we have criminals in power who want people to be ignorant.

Intelligence Departments

Attorney General is the head of the United States Department of Justice per 28 U.S.C. § 503, concerned with legal affairs, and is the chief law enforcement officer and chief lawyer of the United States government. The attorney general serves as a member of the cabinet of the President of the United States and is the only cabinet officer who does not have the title of secretary. The Attorney General is appointed by the President and takes office after confirmation by the United States Senate. Confirmation is a two step process in the Senate, first with the Judiciary Committee and then the majority of the full Senate. He or she serves at the pleasure of the president and can be removed by the president at any time; the attorney general is also subject to impeachment by the House of Representatives and trial in the Senate for "treason, bribery, and other high crimes and misdemeanors." The office of Attorney General was established by Congress by the Judiciary Act of 1789. The original duties of this officer were "to prosecute and conduct all suits in the Supreme Court in which the United States shall be concerned, and to give his advice and opinion upon questions of law when required by the president of the United States, or when requested by the heads of any of the departments." Only in 1870 was the Department of Justice established to support the attorney general in the discharge of their responsibilities. The Attorney General, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Secretary of Defense are generally regarded as the four most important cabinet officials because of the importance of their departments. Attorney General is the main legal advisor to the government. In some jurisdictions, attorneys general may also have executive responsibility for law enforcement, prosecutions or even responsibility for legal affairs generally. In practice, the extent to which the attorney general personally provides legal advice to the government varies between jurisdictions, and even between individual office-holders within the same jurisdiction, often depending on the level and nature of the office-holder's prior legal experience. The term was originally used to refer to any person who holds a general power of attorney to represent a principal in all matters. In the common law tradition, anyone who represents the state, especially in criminal prosecutions, is such an attorney. Although a government may designate some official as the permanent attorney general, anyone who came to represent the state in the same way could, in the past, be referred to as such, even if only for a particular case. Today, however, in most jurisdictions, the term is largely reserved as a title of the permanently appointed attorney general of the state, sovereign or other member of the royal family. Civil law jurisdictions have similar offices, which may be variously called "public prosecutor general", "procurators", "advocates general", "public attorneys", and other titles. Many of these offices also use "attorney general" or "attorney-general" as the English translation of the title, although because of different historical provenance, the nature of such offices is usually different from that of attorneys-general in common law jurisdictions. Inspector General.

United States Department of Justice is a federal executive department of the United States government, responsible for the enforcement of the law and administration of justice in the United States, equivalent to the justice or interior ministries of other countries. The department was formed in 1870 during the Ulysses S. Grant administration, and administers several federal law enforcement agencies, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The department is responsible for investigating instances of financial fraud, representing the United States government in legal matters (such as in cases before the Supreme Court), and running the federal prison system. The department is also responsible for reviewing the conduct of local law enforcement as directed by the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. The department is headed by the United States Attorney General, who is nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate and is a member of the Cabinet.

Secretary of the Interior is the head of the U.S. Department of the Interior. The U.S. Department of the Interior should not be confused with the Ministries of the Interior as used in many other countries. Ministries of the Interior in these other countries correspond primarily to the Department of Homeland Security in the U.S. Cabinet and secondarily to the Department of Justice. The U.S. Department of the Interior is responsible for the management and conservation of most federal land and natural resources; it oversees such agencies as the Bureau of Land Management, the United States Geological Survey, and the National Park Service. The Secretary also serves on and appoints the private citizens on the National Park Foundation board. The Secretary is a member of the President's Cabinet. Because the policies and activities of the Department of the Interior and many of its agencies have a substantial impact in the western United States, the Secretary of the Interior has typically come from a western state; only one of the individuals to hold the office since 1949 is not identified with a state lying west of the Mississippi River.
The line of succession for the Secretary of Interior is as follows:
Deputy Secretary of the Interior.
Solicitor of the Interior.
Assistant Secretary for Policy, Management and Budget.
Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management.
Assistant Secretary for Water and Science.
Assistant Secretary for Fish, Wildlife and Parks.
Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs.
Director, Security, Safety, and Law Enforcement, Bureau of Reclamation.
Central Region Director, US Geological Survey.
Intermountain Regional Director, National Park Service.
Region 6 (Mountain-Prairie Region) Director, US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Colorado State Director, Bureau of Land Management.
Regional Solicitor, Rocky Mountain Region.

Secretary of Agriculture is the head of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The position carries similar responsibilities to those of agriculture ministers in other governments. The department includes several organizations. The 297,000 mi2 (770,000 km²) of national forests and grasslands are managed by the United States Forest Service. The safety of food produced that are produced in the United States and sold here is ensured by the United States Food Safety and Inspection Service. The Food Stamp Program works with the states to provide food to low-income people. Advice for farmers and gardeners is provided by the United States Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service.
The line of succession for the Secretary of Agriculture is as follows:
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture.
Under Secretary of Agriculture for Farm and Foreign Agriculture Services.
Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Administration.
Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services.
Under Secretary of Agriculture for Research, Education, and Economics.
Under Secretary of Agriculture for Food Safety.
Under Secretary of Agriculture for Natural Resources and Environment.
Under Secretary of Agriculture for Rural Development.
Under Secretary of Agriculture for Marketing and Regulatory Programs.
General Counsel of the Department of Agriculture.
Chief of Staff, Office of the Secretary.
State Executive Directors of the Farm Service Agency (in order of seniority by length of unbroken tenure) for the States of: California, Iowa, Kansas
Regional Administrators of the Food and Nutrition Service (in order of seniority by length of unbroken tenure) for the:
Mountain Plains Regional Office (Denver, Colorado)
Midwest Regional Office (Chicago, Illinois)
Western Regional Office (San Francisco, California)
Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Agriculture.
Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Civil Rights.
Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Congressional Relations.
In 2015, Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack said "There are days when I have literally nothing to do".

Food and Drug Administration is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the control and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices (ERED), cosmetics, animal foods & feed and veterinary products. FDA.

Secretary of Health and Human Services is the head of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, concerned with health matters. The Secretary is a member of the President's Cabinet. The office was formerly Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. In 1979, the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare was renamed the Department of Health and Human Services, and its education functions transferred to the new Department of Education. Patricia Roberts Harris headed the department before and after it was renamed. Nominations to the office of Secretary of HHS are referred to the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee and the Finance Committee, which has jurisdiction over Medicare and Medicaid, before confirmation is considered by the full United States Senate. Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act the role of the Secretary has been greatly expanded.

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development is the head of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, a member of the President's Cabinet, and Twelfth in the Presidential line of succession. The post was created with the formation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development on September 9, 1965, by President Lyndon B. Johnson's signing of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act (Pub.L. 89–174) into law. The Department's mission is "to increase homeownership, support community development and increase access to affordable housing free from discrimination."

Secretary of Transportation is the head of the United States Department of Transportation, a member of the President's Cabinet, and thirteenth in the Presidential Line of Succession. The post was created with the formation of the Department of Transportation on October 15, 1966, by President Lyndon B. Johnson's signing of the Department of Transportation Act. The Department's mission is "to develop and coordinate policies that will provide an efficient and economical national transportation system, with due regard for need, the environment, and the national defense." The Secretary of Transportation oversees eleven agencies, including the Federal Aviation Administration, the Federal Highway Administration, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. In April 2008, Mary Peters launched the official blog of the Secretary of Transportation called The Fast Lane. The salary of the Secretary of Transportation is $199,700.

Secretary of Energy is the head of the U.S. Department of Energy, a member of the Cabinet of the United States, and Fourteenth in the presidential line of succession. The position was formed on October 1, 1977 with the creation of the Department of Energy when President Jimmy Carter signed the Department of Energy Organization Act. Originally the post focused on energy production and regulation. The emphasis soon shifted to developing technology for better and more efficient energy sources as well as energy education. After the end of the Cold War, the department's attention also turned toward radioactive waste disposal and maintenance of environmental quality. The current Secretary of Energy is Ernest Moniz. Former Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger was the first Secretary of Energy, who was a Republican nominated to the post by Democratic President Jimmy Carter, the only time a president has appointed someone of another party to the post. Schlesinger is also the only secretary to be dismissed from the post.

Secretary of Education is the head of the U.S. Department of Education, and takes advice, and proposes and executes legislation that deals with federal influence over education policy. As a member of the President's Cabinet, this Secretary is fifteenth in line of United States presidential line of succession. The United States Secretary of Education is a member of the President's Cabinet, the fifteenth in line of United States presidential line of succession. This Secretary deals with federal influence over Education policy, and heads the U.S. Department of Education. The Secretary is advised by the National Advisory Committee on Institutional Quality and Integrity, an advisory committee, on "matters related to accreditation and to the eligibility and certification process for institutions of higher education." Superintendent.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs is the head of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the department concerned with veterans' benefits, health care, and national veterans' memorials and cemeteries. The Secretary is a member of the Cabinet and second to last at sixteenth in the line of succession to the presidency (the position was last until the addition of the United States Department of Homeland Security in 2006). To date, all appointees and acting appointees to the post have been United States military veterans, but that is not a requirement to fill the position. When the post of Secretary is vacant, the United States Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs or any other person designated by the President serves as Acting Secretary until the President nominates and the United States Senate confirms a new Secretary.

Secretary of Homeland Security is the head of the United States Department of Homeland Security, the body concerned with protecting the U.S. and the safety of U.S. citizens. The secretary is a member of the President's Cabinet. The position was created by the Homeland Security Act following the attacks of September 11, 2001. The new department consisted primarily of components transferred from other cabinet departments because of their role in homeland security, such as the Coast Guard, the Federal Protective Service, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (which includes the Border Patrol), U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (which includes Homeland Security Investigations), the Secret Service, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). It did not, however, include the FBI or the CIA. On January 20, 2009, the Senate confirmed Barack Obama's appointment of Janet Napolitano to be the third Secretary of Homeland Security, effective January 21, 2009. Napolitano resigned effective August 2013 to head the University of California. Intelligence Departments

Cabinet-Level Officials

White House Chief of Staff is the highest ranking employee of the White House. The position is a modern successor to the earlier role of the president's private secretary. The role was formalized as the assistant to the president in 1946 and acquired its current name in 1961. The chief of staff is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the president; it does not require Senate confirmation.

Joint Chiefs of Staff is a body of senior uniformed leaders in the United States Department of Defense which advises the president of the United States, the secretary of defense, the Homeland Security Council and the National Security Council on military matters. The composition of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is defined by statute and consists of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS), vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (VCJCS), the military service chiefs from the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, and the chief of the National Guard Bureau, all appointed by the president following Senate confirmation. Each of the individual military service chiefs, outside their Joint Chiefs of Staff obligations, works directly for the secretary of the military department concerned, e.g. the secretary of the Army, the secretary of the Navy, and the secretary of the Air Force. Following the Goldwater–Nichols Act in 1986, the Joint Chiefs of Staff do not have operational command authority, either individually or collectively, as the chain of command goes from the president to the Secretary of Defense, and from the Secretary of Defense to the commanders of the combatant commands. Goldwater–Nichols also created the office of vice chairman, and the chairman is now designated as the principal military adviser to the Secretary of Defense, the Homeland Security Council, the National Security Council and the president. The Joint Staff (JS) is a headquarters staff in the Pentagon, composed of personnel from each of the six armed services, that assists the chairman and the vice chairman in discharging their responsibilities and is managed by the Director of the Joint Staff (DJS), who is a lieutenant general or Navy vice admiral.

Office of Management and Budget is the largest office within the Executive Office of the President of the United States (EOP). OMB's most prominent function is to produce the President's Budget, but OMB also measures the quality of agency programs, policies, and procedures to see if they comply with the president's policies and coordinates inter-agency policy initiatives. The OMB Director reports to the President, Vice President and the White House Chief of Staff.

Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency is the head of the United States federal government's Environmental Protection Agency, and is thus responsible for enforcing the nation's Clean Air and Clean Water Acts, as well as numerous other environmental statutes. The Administrator is nominated by the President of the United States and must be confirmed by a vote of the Senate. The office of Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency was created in 1970 in legislation that created the agency. The EPA Administrator is customarily accorded Cabinet rank by the President and sits with the President, Vice President, and the 15 Cabinet Secretaries. Since the late 1980s, there has been a movement to make the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency a Cabinet Secretary, thus making the EPA a 16th Cabinet department, dealing with environmental policy. The Administrator of the EPA is equivalent to the position of Minister of the Environment in other countries.

Trade Representative is the United States government agency responsible for developing and recommending United States trade policy to the president of the United States, conducting trade negotiations at bilateral and multilateral levels, and coordinating trade policy within the government through the interagency Trade Policy Staff Committee (TPSC) and Trade Policy Review Group (TPRG). Established as the Office of the Special Trade Representative (STR) under the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, the USTR is part of the Executive Office of the President. With over 200 employees, the USTR has offices in Geneva, Switzerland, and Brussels, Belgium.

Ambassador to the United Nations is the leader of the U.S. delegation, the U.S. Mission to the United Nations. The position is more formally known as the "Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the United Nations, with the rank and status of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, and Representative of the United States of America in the Security Council of the United Nations"; it is also known as the U.S. Permanent Representative, or "Perm Rep", to the United Nations. The U.S. Permanent Representative, currently Samantha Power, is charged with representing the United States on the U.N. Security Council and during almost all plenary meetings of the General Assembly, except in the rare situation in which a more senior officer of the United States (such as the U.S. Secretary of State or the President of the United States) is present. Like all United States ambassadors, he or she must be nominated by the U.S. President and confirmed by the Senate.

Council of Economic Advisers is an agency within the Executive Office of the President that advises the President of the United States on economic policy. The CEA provides much of the objective empirical research for the White House and prepares the annual Economic Report of the President.

Administrator of the Small Business Administration is the head of the Small Business Administration of the United States Government.

Independent Agencies of the United States Government of the United States federal government are agencies that exist outside the federal executive departments (those headed by a Cabinet secretary) and the Executive Office of the President. In a narrower sense, the term may also be used to describe agencies that, while constitutionally managed by the executive branch, are independent of presidential control, usually because the president's power to dismiss the agency head or a member is limited. Established through separate statutes passed by the Congress, each respective statutory grant of authority defines the goals the agency must work towards, as well as what substantive areas, if any, over which it may have the power of rulemaking. These agency rules (or regulations), when in force, have the power of federal law.

Central Intelligence Agency gathers foreign intelligence and provides national security assessments to policymakers in the United States. CIA acts as the primary human intelligence provider for the federal government. Intelligence Departments.

Commodity Futures Trading Commission regulates commodity futures and option markets in the United States. The agency protects market participants against manipulation, abusive trade practices, and fraud. Through oversight and regulation, the CFTC enables the markets to serve better their important functions in the US economy, providing a mechanism for price discovery and a means of offsetting price risk.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is responsible for consumer protection in the financial sector. CFPB jurisdiction includes banks, credit unions, securities firms, payday lenders, mortgage-servicing operations, foreclosure relief services, debt collectors, other financial companies in the United States.

Election Assistance Commission was formed in 2002 to serve as a national clearinghouse and resource of information regarding election administration. EAC is charged with administering payments to states and developing guidance to meet the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) requirements, adopting voluntary voting system guidelines, and accrediting voting system test laboratories and certifying voting equipment. It is also charged with developing and maintaining a national mail voter registration form.

Environmental Protection Agency works for state and local governments throughout the United States to control and abate environmental pollution and to address problems related to solid waste, pesticides, radiation, and toxic substances. The EPA sets and enforces standards for air, soil and water quality, evaluates the impact of pesticides and chemical substances, and manages the Superfund program for cleaning toxic waste sites.

Federal Communications Commission is charged with regulating interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. It licenses radio and television broadcast stations, assigns radio frequencies, and enforces regulations designed to ensure that cable rates are reasonable. The FCC regulates common carriers, such as telephone and telegraph companies, as well as wireless telecommunications service providers.

Federal Election Commission oversees campaign financing for all federal elections. The FEC commission oversees election rules as well as reporting of campaign contributions by the candidates. 

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is the United States federal agency with jurisdiction over interstate electricity sales, wholesale electric rates, hydroelectric licensing, natural gas pricing, and oil pipeline rates. FERC also reviews and authorizes liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals, interstate natural gas pipelines, and non-federal hydropower projects.

Federal Maritime Commission regulates the international ocean transportation of the United States. FMC is charged with ensuring a competitive and efficient ocean transportation system.

Federal Reserve Board of Governors is the governing body of the Federal Reserve System (often called "the Fed"), the central bank of the United States. It conducts the nation's monetary policy by influencing the volume of credit and money in circulation. The Federal Reserve regulates private banking institutions, works to contain systemic risk in financial markets, and provides certain financial services to the federal government, the public, and financial institutions.

Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board is one of the smaller Executive Branch agencies, with just over 100 employees. FRTIB was established to administer the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), which provides federal employees the opportunity to save for additional retirement security. The Thrift Savings Plan is a tax-deferred defined contribution plan similar to a private sector 401(k) plan.

Federal Trade Commission enforces federal antitrust and consumer protection laws by investigating complaints against individual companies initiated by consumers, businesses, congressional inquiries, or reports in the media. The FTC commission seeks to ensure that the nation's markets function competitively by eliminating unfair or deceptive practices.

General Services Administration is responsible for the purchase, supply, operation, and maintenance of federal property, buildings, and equipment, and for the sale of surplus items. GSA also manages the federal motor vehicle fleet and oversees telecommuting centers and civilian child care centers. GSA is an independent agency of the United States government established in 1949 to help manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies. GSA supplies products and communications for U.S. government offices, provides transportation and office space to federal employees, and develops government-wide cost-minimizing policies and other management tasks. GSA employs about 12,000 federal workers and has an annual operating budget of roughly $20.9 billion. GSA oversees $66 billion of procurement annually. It contributes to the management of about $500 billion in U.S. federal property, divided chiefly among 8,700 owned and leased buildings and a 215,000 vehicle motor pool. Among the real estate assets managed by GSA are the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C. – the largest U.S. federal building after the Pentagon – and the Hart-Dole-Inouye Federal Center (which had previously been the Battle Creek Sanitarium run by John Harvey Kellogg). GSA's business lines include the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) and the Public Buildings Service (PBS), as well as several Staff Offices including the Office of Government-wide Policy, the Office of Small Business Utilization, and the Office of Mission Assurance. As part of FAS, GSA's Technology Transformation Services (TTS) helps federal agencies improve delivery of information and services to the public.[8] Key initiatives include the Presidential Innovation Fellows program, 18F (includes and, FedRAMP, the USAGov platform (,,, and, the U.S. Web Design System, and I.T. Modernization Centers of Excellence. GSA is a member of the Procurement G6, an informal group leading the use of framework agreements and e-procurement instruments in public procurement.

International Trade Commission provides trade expertise to both the legislative and executive branches of the federal government, determines the impact of imports on US industries, and directs actions against certain unfair trade practices, such as patent, trademark, and copyright infringement.

National Archives and Records Administration preserves the nation's history by overseeing the management of all federal records. The holdings of the National Archives include original textual materials, motion picture films, sound and video recordings, maps, still pictures, and computer data. The Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights are preserved and displayed at the National Archives building in Washington, D.C. (NARA).

National Aeronautics and Space Administration is the federal government's space agency. NASA is responsible for the civilian space program as well as aeronautics and aerospace research.

The National Labor Relations Board administers the principal United States labor law, the National Labor Relations Act. The board is vested with the power to prevent or remedy unfair labor practices and to safeguard employees' rights to organize and determine through elections whether to have a union as their bargaining representative. (NLRB).

National Science Foundation supports fundamental research and education in all the non-medical fields of science and engineering. (NSF)

National Transportation Safety Board is responsible for civil transportation accident investigation in the US. The NTSB investigates and reports on aviation accidents and incidents, certain types of highway crashes, ship and marine accidents, pipeline incidents, and railroad accidents.

Nuclear Regulatory Commission was established by the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 from the United States Atomic Energy Commission, and opened January 19, 1975. The NRC oversees reactor safety and security, reactor licensing and renewal, radioactive material safety, and spent fuel management (storage, security, recycling, and disposal).

Postal Regulatory Commission was created in 1971 as the Postal Rate Commission and strengthened under the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act enacted in December 2006. Provides regulatory oversight over the activities of the United States Postal Service. (PRC).

Securities and Exchange Commission was established to protect investors who buy stocks and bonds. Federal laws require companies that plan to raise money by selling their own securities to file reports about their operations with the SEC, so that investors have access to all material information. The commission has powers to prevent or punish fraud in the sale of securities and is authorized to regulate stock exchanges.

Selective Service System is an independent federal agency operating with permanent authorization under the Military Selective Service Act. It is not part of the Department of Defense; however, it exists to serve the emergency manpower needs of the military by conscripting untrained men, or personnel with professional health care skills, if directed by Congress and the president. Its statutory missions also include being ready to administer an alternative service program, in lieu of military service for men classified as conscientious objectors. (SSS).

Small Business Administration was created in 1953 to advise, assist, and protect the interests of small business concerns. The SBA guarantees loans to small businesses, aids victims of floods and other natural disasters, promotes the growth of minority-owned firms, and helps secure contracts for small businesses to supply goods and services to the federal government.

Smithsonian Institution is an independent establishment of the United States created by an act of Congress August 10, 1846. The SI conducts scientific and scholarly research; publishes the results of studies, explorations, and investigations; organizes exhibits representative of the arts, the sciences, American history, and world culture; and engages in educational programming and national and international cooperative research. Most of the National Museums in Washington, D.C., are part of the Smithsonian.

Social Security Administration is the United States federal agency that administers Social Security, a social insurance program consisting of retirement, disability, and survivors' benefits. To qualify for these benefits, most American workers pay Social Security taxes on their earnings; future benefits are based on employee contributions.

Surface Transportation Board was created in the ICC Termination Act of 1995 and is the successor agency to the Interstate Commerce Commission. The STB is an economic regulatory agency that Congress charged with resolving railroad rate and service disputes and reviewing proposed railroad mergers. The STB is decisionally independent, although it is administratively affiliated with the Department of Transportation.

United States Postal Service is defined by statute as an "independent establishment" of the federal government, which replaced the Cabinet-level Post Office Department in 1971. The USPS is responsible for the collection, transportation, and delivery of the mails, and for the operation of thousands of local post offices across the country. It also provides international mail service through the Universal Postal Union and other agreements with foreign countries. Other independent agencies: the National Credit Union Administration and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Health Care Reform

Health Care is the maintenance or improvement of health via the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, illness, injury, and other physical and mental impairments in human beings. Healthcare is delivered by health professionals (providers or practitioners) in allied health fields. Physicians and physician associates are a part of these health professionals. Dentistry, midwifery, nursing, medicine, optometry, audiology, pharmacy, psychology, and other health professions are all part of healthcare. It includes work done in providing primary care, secondary care, and tertiary care, as well as in public health.

Health Care for America - Health Reform - Disease Burden - Insurance

3.6 million people died in 2016 because they had no access to health care. 5 million people, despite having access to health care, died in 2016 because the quality of care they received was poor.

Healthcare needs to be right, and not a privilege for the lucky few. Healthcare is supposed to be a safety net, and not a death sentence for the poor.

Rackets - Corruption - Disease Profiteering - Cancer - Controlled and Marginalized by Debt Bondage

Nearly half of hospitals in the U.S. are nonprofits, but some nonprofits can still be about profit, especially when CEO's can take more money than they need, and then cut corners so they can take even more money for themselves at the expense of the patient and the nurses. One study found that less than half of nonprofit hospitals notify patients that they qualify for financial assistance before attempting to collect on an outstanding payment. When it comes to unpaid medical bills, some of the most prestigious nonprofit hospitals in the U.S. garnish patient wages, while others cut people off from non-emergency care. At the same time, Americans are less healthy than the citizens of other high-income countries.

Paying for mental health care leaves families in debt and isolated. Families are paying out of their pockets for mental health treatment. There are too few therapists and psychologists in the U.S. — and fewer still who provide treatment paid for by insurance. That compounds the financial toll on families.

People could lose their house to Medicaid. Federal law requires all states to have "estate recovery programs," which seek reimbursements for spending under Medicaid, the joint federal and state health insurance program mainly for people with low incomes or disabilities. The recovery efforts collect more than $700 million a year, according to a 2021 report from the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission, or MACPAC, an agency that advises Congress. Sumo Group, a private company that runs Iowa's estate recovery program, reported that 40 hardship requests were granted in fiscal 2022, and 15 were denied. West Virginia sued the federal government in an attempt to overturn the requirement that it collect against Medicaid recipients' estates. That challenge failed. Schakowsky's bill had no Republican co-sponsors and did not make it out of committee. Massachusetts also made other changes, including allowing heirs to keep at least $50,000 of their inheritance if their incomes are less than 400% of the 2022 federal poverty level, or about $54,000 for a single person.

Medicare Advantage, the Middlemen Scam. How for-profit health insurers convince seniors to enroll in private Medicare plans. The enormous profits generated by Medicare Advantage plans—costing the federal government as much as $140 billion annually in overpayments to private companies—explains what drives the aggressive and often unethical marketing practices. Health insurers spent more than $33 million lobbying Washington in just the first three quarters of 2023 alone. In 2023, a critical milestone was passed: over half of seniors are now enrolled in privatized Medicare Advantage plans. The marketing for these plans nearly always fails to mention how hard it is to return to traditional Medicare once you are in Medicare Advantage, and that the MA plans have closed provider networks and require prior authorization for medical procedures. Instead, the marketing emphasizes the fringe benefits offered by Medicare Advantage plans like gym memberships. U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, criticized the widespread and predatory marketing of Medicare Advantage in a report in November 2022 and has continued to pressure the Biden administration to do more to address the problem. The report said that consumer complaints about Medicare Advantage marketing more than doubled from 2020 to 2021 to 41,000. It cites cases such as that of an Oregon man whose switch to Medicare Advantage meant he could no longer afford his prescription drugs, as well as a 94-year-old woman with dementia in a rural area who bought a Medicare Advantage plan that required her to obtain care miles further from her residence than she had to travel before. How Corporations Raided Medicare (youtube).

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a United States federal statute enacted by the 111th United States Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Under the act, hospitals and primary physicians would transform their practices financially, technologically, and clinically to drive better health outcomes, lower costs, and improve their methods of distribution and accessibility. The Affordable Care Act was designed to increase health insurance quality and affordability, lower the uninsured rate by expanding insurance coverage and reduce the costs of healthcare. It introduced mechanisms including mandates, subsidies and insurance exchanges. The law requires insurers to accept all applicants, cover a specific list of conditions and charge the same rates regardless of pre-existing conditions or sex.

A hospital's cost calculator said her procedure would be $1,400 for patients without insurance. Instead, the bill was almost $18,000 and, her part was more than $5,000 — the balance of her deductible.

Health System Tracker provides indicators of health spending, quality of care, access, and health outcomes.

American Progress is an independent, nonpartisan policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all Americans.

"You can marry someone and share your health insurance with that person. But you can't share your health insurance with your sister or your brother or your grandmother. The idea of who family is and who we care about is being dictated by insurance company's."

32 out of 33 Developed Countries have Universal Health Care. The United States is the only one of the 33 developed countries that doesn't have universal health care. Healthcare Fraud.

Universal Health Care is a health care system in which all residents of a particular country or region are assured access to health care. It is generally organized around providing either all residents or only those who cannot afford on their own with either health services or the means to acquire them, with the end goal of improving health outcomes. Universal healthcare does not imply coverage for all people for everything, only that all people have access to healthcare. Some universal healthcare systems are government funded, while others are based on a requirement that all citizens purchase private health insurance. Universal healthcare can be determined by three critical dimensions: who is covered, what services are covered, and how much of the cost is covered. It is described by the World Health Organization as a situation where citizens can access health services without incurring financial hardship. The Director General of WHO describes universal health coverage as the “single most powerful concept that public health has to offer” since it unifies “services and delivers them in a comprehensive and integrated way”. One of the goals with universal healthcare is to create a system of protection which provides equality of opportunity for people to enjoy the highest possible level of health. As part of Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations member states have agreed to work toward worldwide universal health coverage by 2030. Universal Health Care.

National Health Insurance is a system of health insurance that insures a national population against the costs of health care. It may be administered by the public sector, the private sector, or a combination of both. Funding mechanisms vary with the particular program and country.

Publicly Funded Health Care is a form of health care financing designed to meet the cost of all or most healthcare needs from a publicly managed fund. Usually this is under some form of democratic accountability, the right of access to which are set down in rules applying to the whole population contributing to the fund or receiving benefits from it.

National Health Service is the umbrella term for the publicly-funded healthcare systems of the United Kingdom (UK). Since 1948 they have been funded out of general taxation.

Socialized Medicine is a healthcare system in which the government owns and operates healthcare facilities and employs the healthcare professionals, thus also paying for all healthcare services.

Centralization of Healthcare Services is when the authority for policy making, planning or management is transferred to a higher and more central level of government from a lower more decentralized level of government.

Big Government - Big Brother

Decentralized Healthcare System can customize care to meet the specific needs of their populations. Decentralization in healthcare refers to a system in which most decisions in healthcare are handled by lower levels in the government. Instead of the federal government making all healthcare decisions, local governments will make healthcare decisions for the people in their immediate area. When a healthcare system transitions to decentralization, many people are placed into positions of authority without proper training. Decentralized Money.

Decentralized versus Centralized governance of health services. Health system decentralization has been implemented in different forms and to different extents depending on the existing political and public administrative structure of the country and the organization of the health system itself.

Germany, like the U.S., has a largely private health care system that relies on private doctors and private insurers. Like Americans, many Germans enroll in a health plan through work, splitting the cost with their employer. But Germany has long done something the U.S. does not: It strictly limits how much patients have to pay out of their own pockets for a trip to the doctor, the hospital or the pharmacy. Nationally, German patients are less likely than Americans to die from conditions that can be treated with good access to medical care, such as heart attacks, diabetes, pneumonia and some cancers, according to regional data compiled by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. In the U.S., 41% of adults currently have debt from medical or dental bills, according to a KFF poll. Debt.

Right to Health is the economic, social, and cultural right to a universal minimum standard of health to which all individuals are entitled.

Global Health is the health of populations in the global context.

Socialized Medicine is a vague misleading term used in the United States to describe and discuss systems of universal health care: medical and hospital care for all by means of government regulation of health care and subsidies derived from taxation. Because of historically negative associations with socialism in American culture, the term is usually used pejoratively in American political discourse.

A New Way to Fund Health Care for the Most Vulnerable: Andrew Bastawrous (video and text)

Study estimates that 5 million people die every year because of poor-quality health care in low- and middle-income countries. That's significantly more than the 3.6 million people in those countries who die from not having access to care.

Physicians for Health Plan - Medicare & Medicaid Services

Common Health - Coverage for All

Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act protects health insurance coverage for workers and their families when they change or lose their jobs. Title II of HIPAA, known as the Administrative Simplification (AS) provisions, requires the establishment of national standards for electronic health care transactions and national identifiers for providers, health insurance plans, and employers. (signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996).

Health Care Debt In The U.S.: The Broad Consequences Of Medical and Dental Bills.

Many U.S. hospitals sue patients for debts or threaten their credit and will deny nonemergency medical care to patients with past-due bills. An investigation of more than 500 U.S. hospitals show that many use aggressive practices to collect on unpaid medical bills. More than two-thirds have policies that allow them to sue patients or take other legal actions against them, such as garnishing wages and placing liens on property. This includes high-profile medical centers such as the Mayo Clinic. hospitals report patients with outstanding bills to credit rating agencies, putting patients' credit scores and their ability to rent an apartment, buy a car, or get a job at risk. hospitals will also sell patients' debts to debt collectors, who in turn can pursue patients for years for unpaid bills. Nearly 40% of all hospitals researched make no information available on their websites about their collection activities. Patients at public university medical systems in at least 23 states, including Colorado, Georgia, Minnesota, Tennessee, and Wisconsin, can be sued. In several states, including North Carolina, Ohio, and New York, public university systems refer patients to other state agencies for legal action or withholding tax refunds. West Virginia's incidence of medical debt is more than 50% above the national average, the CFPB found. That state's largest hospital system — operated by West Virginia University — not only reports patients to credit agencies but will also sue patients, garnish their wages, and place liens on property.

100 Million People in America Are Saddled With Health Care Debt.

Health Care Spending and the Medicare Program: July 2021 Data Book.

Healthcare in Switzerland is universal and is regulated by the Swiss Federal Law on Health Insurance. There are no free state-provided health services, but private health insurance is compulsory for all persons residing in Switzerland (within three months of taking up residence or being born in the country). International civil servants, members of embassies, and their family members are exempted from compulsory health insurance. Requests for exemptions are handled by the respective cantonal authority and have to be addressed to them directly. The whole healthcare system is geared toward the general goals of keeping the system competitive across cantonal lines, promoting general public health and reducing costs while encouraging individual responsibility.

Insurance (does not guarantee better health) - Health Websites - Mental Health Websites - Big 5

Low-Cost Healthcare Resources: Helping Those with Limited Finances The cost of healthcare increases every year leaving many people struggling to pay for rising insurance premiums and medical bills. In just two years (between 2015 and 2017), the cost of healthcare rose 14 percent. The resources below provide assistance for families on fixed budgets and seniors on Medicare looking for the healthcare they need.

Medicare Rights Center - Established in 1989, the Medicare Rights Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring people living with disabilities and older adults have access to affordable health care. - This national nonprofit provides a wealth of information about drug assistance programs and affordable healthcare options. - This website offers a comprehensive overview of how and when to enroll in Medicare as well as a state-specific list of Medicare information and resources.

My Medicare Matters - Created by the National Council on Aging, My Medicare Matters teaches people about the Medicare system (when to enroll, how much you’ll pay, what to expect when coverage begins, and so on)

Find a Health Center - An online tool that allows people to find federally funded health centers in their area (data can be exported to PDF or XLSX). This interactive map is also available as an iPhone application. - A state-by-state guide to finding free clinics. Offers additional information for no-cost medical clinics, affordable clinics, low-income clinics, and clinics that offer services to those who are uninsured.

Medical Cost Advocate - A healthcare cost reductive service that helps patients renegotiate medical bills as well as check billing accuracy.

Low-Cost Dental Care (NIH) - The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research provides advice on how to find low-cost dental care.

Hill-Burton Free and Reduced Cost Health Care - Information about Hill-Burton free care, which is available to people below current HHS poverty levels.

RIP Medical Debt - Over a hundred million Americans, one in three, struggles with the weight of medical debt. We use data analytics to pinpoint the debt of those most in need and households that earn less than 4x the federal poverty level (varies by state, family size) or whose debts are 5% or more of annual income. We buy debt in bundles, millions of dollars at a time at a fraction of the original cost. This means your donation relieves about 100x its value in medical debt. People across the country receive letters that their debt has been erased. They have no tax consequences or penalties to consider. Just like that, they’re free of medical debt.

PACER Center - Specializing in treating children with disabilities, PACER Center provides this resource for parents trying to locate medical treatment and assistance.

CARES Act is a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus bill passed by the 116th U.S. Congress and signed into law on March 27, 2020 in response to the economic fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. The spending primarily includes $300 billion in one-time cash payments to individual Americans (with most single adults receiving $1,200 and families with children receiving more[5]), $260 billion in increased unemployment benefits, the creation of the Paycheck Protection Program that provides forgivable loans to small businesses with an initial $350 billion in funding (later increased to $669 billion by subsequent legislation), $500 billion in aid for large corporations, and $339.8 billion to state and local governments. The original CARES Act proposal included $500 billion in direct payments to Americans, $208 billion in loans to major industry, and $300 billion in Small Business Administration loans. The Act includes the following provisions. Allocates $130 billion to the medical and hospital industries. Also including medical equipment manufacturers. Reauthorizes and allocates funding to public health programs. Authorizes the Food and Drug Administration to approve rule changes for over-the counter drugs without full advanced public notice and public comments. Requires an examination, report, and recommendations regarding the security of the United States' supply chain of medical products. Adds personal protective equipment, medical devices, diagnostic tests, and medical supplies that administer drugs, vaccines, and other biological products to the Strategic National Stockpile. Gives legal immunity to manufacturers, distributors, and administrators of respiratory protective devices under federal and state law with respect to all claims for loss caused by the devices. Requires the Department of Health and Human Services to prioritize the review of drug applications when there is an emergency drug shortage. Requires group health plans, health insurance carriers, and Medicare to cover COVID-19 testing and vaccination. Authorizes and appropriates $1.32 billion of grants to community health care centers for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of COVID-19. Provides $145 million in grants over a five-year period for promoting telehealth. Establishes a Ready Reserve Corps of medical professionals in event of a public health emergency or national emergency. Limits federal and state liability for unpaid health care volunteers for harm caused to patients relating to the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of COVID-19. Allows the disclosure of de-identified patient medical records related to substance use disorder. Allows funding for elder nutrition support to be used for an individual who is unable to obtain food due to social distancing. Waives the usual dietary guidelines requirements during the COVID-19 health emergency. Requires the Department of Health and Human Services to carry out a national public awareness campaign about the importance, safety, and need for blood donation. Expedites the development and approval process of new veterinary drugs for diseases that have the potential for serious health consequences for humans. Increases Medicare payments to medical providers between May 1, 2020, and December 31, 2020. Relief to mail delivery. The U.S. Postal Service will receive a $10 billion line of credit. On April 24, Trump attempted to use this loan as leverage for a new demand, as he threatened to block the emergency funding if the post office did not quadruple its prices for online retailers. As of early May, the details of the loan were still being negotiated. $400 million will be allocated to help states prepare for an expected increase in mailed ballots in November 2020.

Kaiser Family Foundation is a non-partisan health policy research, journalism, and communications organization that is not affiliated with or any insurance company. KFF is an endowed, nonprofit organization filling the need for trusted, independent information on national health issues. Legally we are a public charity — not a foundation — and as I hope you know, we are an independent national organization, headquartered in San Francisco, without any connection to Kaiser Permanente.

Kaiser Permanente is an American integrated managed care consortium that operates 39 hospitals and more than 700 medical offices, with over 300,000 personnel, including more than 87,000 physicians and nurses. Each Permanente Medical Group operates as a separate for-profit partnership or professional corporation in its individual territory, and while none publicly reports its financial results, each is primarily funded by reimbursements from its respective regional Kaiser Foundation Health Plan entity. KFHP is one of the largest not-for-profit organizations in the United States. KP's quality of care has been highly rated[4] and attributed to an emphasis on preventive care, its doctors being salaried rather than paid on a fee-for-service basis, and an attempt to minimize the time patients spend in high-cost hospitals by carefully planning their stay. However, Kaiser has had disputes with its employees' unions; repeatedly faced civil and criminal charges for falsification of records and patient dumping; faced action by regulators over the quality of care it provided, especially to patients with mental health issues; and faced criticism from activists and action from regulators over the size of its cash reserves. The Kaiser strike threat is primarily driven by a colossal understaffing crisis.

Patient Dumping or homeless dumping is the practice of hospitals and emergency services inappropriately releasing homeless or indigent patients to public hospitals or on the streets instead of placing them with a homeless shelter or retaining them, especially when they may require expensive medical care with minimal government reimbursement from Medicaid or Medicare.

Immigration - Humans have to Move Sometimes

Immigration is the international movement of people into a destination country of which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle or reside there, especially as permanent residents or naturalized citizens, or to take-up employment as a migrant worker or temporarily as a foreign worker. Immigration in the early years of the United States was fewer than 8,000 people a year, including French refugees from the slave revolt in Haiti. After 1820, immigration gradually increased. From 1836 to 1914, over 30 million Europeans migrated to the United States. The death rate on these transatlantic voyages was high, during which one in seven travelers died. In 1875, the nation passed its first immigration law, the Page Act of 1875. The peak year of European immigration was in 1907, when 1,285,349 persons entered the country. By 1910, 13.5 million immigrants were living in the United States. In the final prosperous year, 1929, there were 279,678 immigrants recorded, but in 1933, only 23,068 moved to the U.S. In the early 1930s, more people emigrated from the United States than to it. Nearly 8 million people immigrated to the United States from 2000 to 2005; 3.7 million of them entered without papers.

Covid 19 Migration Emigrate is to leave one's country of residence for a new one.

Immigrate is to migrate to a new environment. Come into a new country and change residency.

Immigration ( - Great Immigrants

Transplant is to change the setting from one place or period to another. The act of removing something from one location and introducing it in another location. To lift and reset.

Migrate is to move from one country or region to another and settle there. Move periodically or seasonally.

Forced Displacement - Refuges - ICE - Walls - Borders - Policies

Human Migration is the movement of people from one place to another with intentions of settling, permanently or temporarily, at a new location or geographic region. Animal Migration.

Migrant is periodically moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work. A traveler who moves from one region or country to another.

Gypsy is a laborer who moves from place to place as demanded by employment or by seasonal work. A nomadic or free-spirited person. Anvil Chorus (wiki)

Freedom of Movement or the right to travel is a human rights concept encompassing the right of individuals to travel from place to place within the territory of a country, and to leave the country and return to it. The right includes not only visiting places, but changing the place where the individual resides or works. Mobility rights are similar to social mobility.

Common Travel Area is an open borders area comprising the United Kingdom, Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

Open Border is a border that enables free movement of people (and often of goods) between jurisdictions with no restrictions on movement and is lacking substantive border control.

Free Migration or open immigration is the position that people should be able to migrate to whatever country they choose with few restrictions.

Right of Abode is an individual's freedom from immigration control in a particular country. A person who has the right of abode in a country does not need permission from the government to enter the country and can live and work there without restriction, and is immune from removal and deportation (unless the right of abode has been revoked).

Voluntary Return or voluntary repatriation is usually the return of an illegal immigrant or over-stayer, a rejected asylum seeker, a refugee or displaced person, or an unaccompanied minor; sometimes it is the emigration of a second-generation immigrant who makes an autonomous decision to return to their ethnic homeland when they are unable or unwilling to remain in the host country.

Right of Return is a principle in international law which guarantees everyone's right of voluntary return to, or re-entry to, their country of origin or of citizenship. The right of return is part of the broader human rights concept freedom of movement and is also related to the legal concept of nationality. While many states afford their citizens the right of abode, the right of return is not restricted to citizenship or nationality in the formal sense. It allows stateless persons and for those born outside their country to return for the first time, so long as they have maintained a genuine and effective link.

In 2022, nearly a million adults became U.S. citizens this past year, a record high since 2008. About 967,400 adult immigrants took the oath of allegiance and became U.S. citizens this past fiscal year, according to a new report released by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Housing - Evictions - Poverty - The American Dream

Center for Immigration Studies is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization founded in 1985. It is the nation's only think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States.

Deportation - Kidnapping - Human Trafficking - Refugees

Every person in America, except for Native Americans, is either an immigrant or a distant relative of immigrants.

"All the World is Welcome Here". Lyndon Baines Johnson 36th President. #you are welcome here.

"We should be embracing people instead of rejecting people. We should be trying to understand people instead of pretending that we understand them."

Cosmopolitanism is the belief that all people are entitled to equal respect and consideration, no matter what their citizenship status or other affiliations happen to be. Cosmopolitanism is the idea that all human beings are members of a single community.

Notario Fraud is dishonest immigration consultants often known as “Notarios.” Immigration consultants, notaries public, and notarios cannot represent you in the immigration process.

Immigration Courts: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube) - America’s dysfunctional immigration court system forces many children to appear in court alone. That’s as ridiculous in real life as it would be on a courtroom television show. - How American Guns caused the Immigration Crisis.

National Association of Immigration Judges is a union of judges, with the stated mission "to promote independence and enhance the professionalism, dignity, and efficiency of the Immigration Courts". Members are judges that work in the United States' Executive Office for Immigration Review, commonly known as the "Immigration Court". For employment purposes, Immigration judges are categorized as attorneys, not judges, by their employer, the Justice Department. The union was founded in 1971, and was designated as the collective bargaining representative in 1979. In 2000, the union became affiliated with the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers. In 2000, the Clinton administration attempted to decertify the union, arguing that the judges are managers who can’t form unions under the Federal Service labor-Management Relations statute but the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) determined that the immigration judges were not managers. In 2019, the Trump administration also began efforts to decertify the union. This was again rejected by the FLRA on July 31, 2020.

H-1B Visa allows U.S. employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. If a foreign worker in H-1B status quits or is dismissed from the sponsoring employer, the worker must either apply for and be granted a change of status to another non-immigrant status, find another employer (subject to application for adjustment of status and/or change of visa), or leave the U.S. Effective January 17, 2017, USCIS modified the rules to allow a grace period of up to 60 days. Under the Trump administration, high-skilled workers are getting rejected at a higher rate. In 2015, 92% of new H-1B visa applications were approved. But in the last two years since 2018, the approval rate dipped to only 75%. Meanwhile, U.S. tech companies complain that they can't find enough qualified candidates to fill all their open jobs.

People who lose their job on an H-1B visa have 60 days to lock down a new job or they have to leave the country. In 2022, about 50,000 tech workers lost their jobs in November as Meta, Amazon, Twitter and others laid off parts of their workforce. More than half of Seattle’s software developers were born outside U.S. The share of foreign-born IT workers has increased from 11 percent in 1990 to 40 percent today in the Seattle area. And for software developers — the No. 1 IT job here — nearly half were born outside the country. In total, about 143,000 people in the Seattle-area civilian labor force are in IT occupations — software developers, computer programmers, systems analysts and so on. And nearly 57,000 of them, or 40 percent, were born in another country, according to my analysis of the 2016 data.

EB-5 Visa provides a method of obtaining a green card for foreign nationals who invest money in the United States. To obtain the visa, individuals must invest $1,000,000 (or at least $500,000 in a Targeted Employment Area - high unemployment or rural area), creating or preserving at least 10 Jobs for U.S. workers excluding the investor and their immediate family. Initially, under the first EB-5 program, the foreign investor was required to create an entirely new commercial enterprise; however, under the Pilot Program investments can be made directly in a job-generating commercial enterprise (new, or existing - "Troubled Business"), or into a "Regional Center" - a 3rd party-managed investment vehicle (private or public), which assumes the responsibility of creating the requisite jobs. Regional Centers may charge an administration fee for managing the investor's investment.

Work Permit is the permission to take a job within a foreign country. It may also be a permit given to minors allowing them to work legally under child labor laws. Within an industry, a work permit may be required to execute certain functions within a factory outside normal operational tasks (such as maintenance tasks) - in some places they might be called Permit to Work (PTW)." Work Permits - Visas - Permit (PDF).

The US Department of Labor - Jobs

Birth Tourism is the practice of traveling to another country for the purpose of giving birth in that country. The main reason for birth tourism is to obtain citizenship for the child in a country with birthright citizenship (jus soli). Such a child is sometimes called an "anchor baby" if their citizenship is intended to help their parents obtain permanent residency in the country. Other reasons for birth tourism include access to public schooling, healthcare, sponsorship for the parents in the future, or even circumvention of China's two-child policy. Popular destinations include the United States and Canada. Another target for birth tourism is Hong Kong, where some mainland Chinese citizens travel to give birth to gain right of abode for their children.

Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a legal member of a sovereign state. A person may have multiple citizenships and a person who does not have citizenship of any state is said to be stateless.

Becoming a Citizen (citizenship questions)

Citizenship & Immigration - Public Citizen

U.N. International Organization for Migration is a United Nations agency that provides services and advice concerning migration to governments and migrants, including internally displaced persons, refugees, and migrant workers.

Ca-minando Fronteras works to defend the rights of migrant people and communities. They
work collectively with migrant people, their families and their DEFENDERS.

Citizens Rule Book (amazon)

Citizens for Ethics - Citizen Tube - Civilian Nation

Lawfully Present describes immigrants who have Qualified Non-Citizen immigration status without a waiting period. Humanitarian statuses or circumstances (including Temporary Protected Status, Special Juvenile Status, asylum applicants, Convention Against Torture, victims of trafficking). Valid non-immigrant visas. Legal status conferred by other laws (temporary resident status, LIFE Act, Family Unity individuals) See a full list of immigration statuses eligible for Marketplace coverage.

Qualified Non-Citizen includes Lawful Permanent Residents (LPR/Green Card Holder). Asylees. Refugees. Cuban/Haitian entrants Paroled into the U.S. for at least one year. Conditional entrant granted before 1980. Battered non-citizens, spouses, children, or parents. Victims of trafficking and his or her spouse, child, sibling, or parent or individuals with a pending application for a victim of trafficking visa. Granted withholding of deportation. Member of a federally recognized Indian tribe or American Indian born in Canada.

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is an American immigration policy founded by the Obama administration in June 2012. DACA allows certain illegal immigrants who entered the country as minors, to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and eligibility for a work permit.

Naturalization is the legal act or process by which a non-citizen in a country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country. It may be done by a statute, without any effort on the part of the individual, or it may involve an application and approval by legal authorities. The rules of naturalization vary from country to country and typically include a minimum legal residency requirement, and may specify other requirements such as knowledge of the national dominant language or culture, a promise to obey and uphold that country's laws. Naturalization Ceremony is when you take The Oath of Allegiance. Taking the oath will complete the process of becoming a U.S. citizen.

14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1868, granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the United States—including former enslaved people—and guaranteed all citizens “equal protection of the laws. Fourteenth Amendment granted citizenship and equal civil and legal rights to African Americans and slaves who had been emancipated after the American Civil War. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Nationality is a legal relationship between an individual person and a state. Nationality affords the state jurisdiction over the person and affords the person the protection of the state. What these rights and duties are varies from state to state. By custom and international conventions, it is the right of each state to determine who its nationals are. Such determinations are part of nationality law. In some cases, determinations of nationality are also governed by public international law—for example, by treaties on statelessness and the European Convention on Nationality. Nationality differs technically and legally from citizenship, which is a different legal relationship between a person and a country. The noun national can include both citizens and non-citizens. The most common distinguishing feature of citizenship is that citizens have the right to participate in the political life of the state, such as by voting or standing for election. However, in most modern countries all nationals are citizens of the state, and full citizens are always nationals of the state.

Domicile is the the country that a person treats as their permanent home, or lives in and has a substantial connection with. treat a specified country as a permanent home. Domicile is the status or attribution of being a lawful permanent resident in a particular jurisdiction. A person can remain domiciled in a jurisdiction even after he has left it, if he has maintained sufficient links with that jurisdiction or has not displayed an intention to leave permanently (i.e. if that person has moved to a different state but has not yet formed an intention to remain there indefinitely). Traditionally many common law jurisdictions considered a person's domicile to be a determinative factor in the conflict of laws and would, for example, only recognize a divorce conducted in another jurisdiction if at least one of the parties were domiciled there at the time it was conducted.

Declaration of Domicile is a document which allows you to declare that you are a bona fide resident of some place because you reside in tat place and maintain a place of residence there. Proof of residency form must be notarized along with a completed separation form that is filed as a sworn Declaration of Domicile with the clerk of the circuit court.

Limbo is a 2020 British comedy-drama film that centers on four asylum seekers who are staying on a remote island in Scotland, and taking cultural awareness classes, while awaiting the processing of their refugee claims.

People Moving Out Of California, New York, Florida And Texas - Between 2015 And 2019, Visualized.

Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans, studies find. Recent Immigrants: Unexpected Implications for Crime and Incarceration.

More than 10,000 migrants died in 2024 trying to reach Spain by sea, aid group says. Spain's interior ministry says more than 57,738 migrants reached Spain by boat from Jan. 1 to Dec. 15 this year, making 2024 a record year. That number continues to increase, with more than 500 migrants arriving in the Canary Islands on Christmas Day, according to authorities.

Asylum - Refugees

Asylum is the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee. Asylum is a shelter from danger or hardship.

Leniency - Refuge - Amnesty - Immigration

Asylum in the United States recognizes the right of asylum for individuals as specified by international and federal law. A specified number of legally defined refugees who either apply for asylum from inside the U.S. or apply for refugee status from outside the U.S., are admitted annually. Refugees compose about one-tenth of the total annual immigration to the United States.

Right of Asylum is when a person persecuted by one's own country may be protected by another sovereign authority, such as another country. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution is enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948 and supported by the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees. Under these agreements, a refugee is a person who is outside that person's own country's territory owing to fear of persecution on protected grounds, including race, caste, nationality, religion, political opinions and participation in any particular social group or social activities. France was the first country to recognize the constitutional right to asylum, this being enshrined in article 120 of the Constitution of 1793. The United States recognizes the right of asylum of individuals as specified by international and federal law. A specified number of legally defined refugees who apply for refugee status overseas, as well as those applying for asylum after arriving in the U.S., are admitted annually.

Exile is to be expelled from a country or force to leave or move out. Cause to flee or be removed from a position or office.

Pariah is a person who is rejected from society or from their home.

Forced Displacement is the coerced movement of a person or persons away from their home or home region and it often connotes violent coercion.

Foreign Policy - Economic Warfare - Sanctions - Trade War - Suppression - Evictions

An estimated 100 million people around the world are forcibly displaced, the highest number on record, according to the United Nations. At the end of 2021, 90 million had been displaced from their countries, including 14.4 million people displaced within their countries' borders due to violence. An estimated 23.7 million people, mostly in the Asia-Pacific region, were displaced internally in 2021 due to natural disasters.

Record 76 million Internally Displaced people worldwide - NGO Monitor.

Internally Displaced Person is someone who is forced to flee his or her home but who remains within his or her country's borders.  They are often referred to as refugees, although they do not fall within the legal definitions of a refugee.

Family Separation for Asylum Seekers. In April 2018, the Trump Administration began a policy that led to the Department of Homeland Security to separate asylum-seeking parents from their children. This policy affected both families who presented themselves at a port of entry and those who entered unlawfully between ports of entry. While parents were prosecuted, immigration authorities took their children from them, sometimes under false pretenses like being given a “bath.” According to DHS, the prosecution of the parent(s) rendered the children “unaccompanied minors.” CBP did notify some parents that they were taking their children, but did not notify them where they were taking them. With or without actual notice of what was happening to their children, parents were distraught, with one Honduran father committing suicide. Parents were told to call ICE if they wanted information on their children’s whereabouts, but parents did not have access to phones at the time. CBP placed some children in the equivalent of cages as they awaited transfer to the Department of Health and Human Services Office of Refugee Resettlement, which is a program of the Administration for Children and Families that offers support for refugees seeking safe haven within the United States, including victims of human trafficking, those seeking asylum from persecution, survivors of torture and war, and unaccompanied alien children. The mission and purpose of the Office of Refugee Resettlement is to assist in the relocation process and provide needed services to individuals granted asylum within the United States. By early June 2018, it emerged that the policy did not include measures to reunite the families that it had separated. Following national and international criticism, on June 20, 2018, Trump signed an executive order ending family separations at the border. Deportation.

Refugee Children make up nearly half of all refugees, and almost one in three children living outside their country of birth is a refugee. These numbers encompass children whose refugee status has been formally confirmed, as well as children in refugee-like situations. In addition to facing the direct threat of violence resulting from conflict, forcibly displaced children also face various health risks, including: disease outbreaks and long-term psychological trauma, inadequate access to water and sanitation, nutritious food, and regular vaccination schedules. Refugee children, particularly those without documentation and those who travel alone, are also vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. Although many communities around the world have welcomed them, forcibly displaced children and their families often face discrimination, poverty, and social marginalization in their home, transit, and destination countries. Language barriers and legal barriers in transit and destination countries often bar refugee children and their families from accessing education, healthcare, social protection, and other services. Many countries of destination also lack intercultural supports and policies for social integration. Such threats to safety and well-being are amplified for refugee children with disabilities. Additionally, North American schools often don’t have the resources needed to support refugee children. Refugee children often have to handle discrimination, low socioeconomic status, have no family, or come to a setting that clashes with their cultural beliefs leading to behavioral issues teachers aren’t always prepared for.  Extracurricular resources provided to refugee children include supplementary curriculum enrichment resources, videos for the goal or increasing parent and school awareness, informational leaflets and handbooks, as well as ICT based resources, which serve to benefit refugee involvement in the school.

Convention on the Rights of the Child is a human rights treaty which sets out the civil, political, economic, social, health and cultural rights of children. The Convention defines a child as any human being under the age of eighteen, unless the age of majority is attained earlier under national legislation.

Cardiovascular disease symptoms surprisingly high in young refugees. Many individuals seeking asylum in the United States show increased stress and pain symptoms that are associated with indications of cardiovascular disease. The study, published Dec. 5 in Nature Mental Health, analyzed medical evaluations from 453 U.S. asylum seekers for symptoms associated with psychological stress, cardiovascular disease risk and physical pain. The findings surprised researchers as the median age for the asylum seekers was 30, which is considered young to be showing cardiovascular concerns. Nearly 120 million people globally were affected by forced displacement by the end of 2023, an 8% rise from 2022, according to the United Nations Global Trends report. In addition to a high level of psychological trauma, survivors of torture report other health issues, including persistent physical pain related to traumatic injuries.

Environmental Migrant are people who are forced to leave their home region due to sudden or long-term changes to their local environment which compromise their well being or secure livelihood, such changes are held to include increased droughts, desertification, sea level rise, and disruption of seasonal weather patterns such as monsoons.

Refugee is a displaced person who has been forced to cross national boundaries and who cannot return home safely. Such a person may be called an asylum seeker until granted refugee status by the contracting state or the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) if they formally make a claim for asylum. The lead international agency coordinating refugee protection is the United Nations Office of the UNHCR. The United Nations has a second office for refugees, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), which is solely responsible for supporting the large majority of Palestinian refugees.

Refugee Law is the branch of international law which deals with the rights and duties States have vis-a-vis refugees. Definition of refugee According to the original 1951 Refugee Convention and 1967 Protocol, refugee children were legally indistinguishable from adult refugees. Although the Convention on the Rights of the Child was not specific to the rights of refugee minors, it was used as the legal blueprint for handling refugee minor cases, where a minor was defined as any person under the age of 18. In 1988, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Guidelines on Refugee Children were published, specifically designed to address the needs of refugee children, officially granting them internationally recognized human rights. In 1989, however, the UN signed an additional treaty, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which defined the rights of children and bound its signatories to upholding those rights by international law. Although the treaty is not specific to the rights of refugee minors, in particular, it was used as the legal blueprint for handling refugee minor cases, where a minor was defined as any person under the age of 18. In particular, it extends the protection of refugee children by allowing participating nations the capacity to recognize children who do not fall under the strict guidelines of the Convention definition but still should not be sent back to their countries of origin. It also extends the principle of nonrefoulement to prohibit the return of a child to their country "where there are grounds for believing that there is a real risk of irreparable harm to the child."

Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees sets out the rights of individuals who are granted asylum and the responsibilities of nations that grant asylum.

Amnesty (human rights) - Social Justice - Laws - Land Of The Free - The Killers (youtube) - You Don't have to Live like a Refugee.

UNICEF's Top Syria Official: We Have Witnessed Huge Amounts Of Distress Among Kids. UN Story.

Defect is to abandon one's country or cause in favor of an opposing one. To leave a cause or a country or an army, often in order to join the opposing cause, country, or army. Defect can also mean an imperfection.

International Rescue Committee provides emergency aid and long-term assistance to refugees and those displaced by war, persecution, or natural disaster. The IRC is currently working in about 40 countries and 26 U.S. cities where it resettles refugees and helps them become self-sufficient. It focuses mainly on health, education, economic wellbeing, power, and safety. Consisting of first responders, humanitarian relief workers, international development experts, health care providers, and educators, the IRC has assisted millions of people around the world since its founding in 1933. In 2016, 26 million people in about 40 countries and 26 U.S. cities benefited from IRC programs.

A new program lets private citizens sponsor refugees in the U.S. The agency aims to line up 10,000 Americans who can help 5,000 refugees during the first year of the program. By tapping into the goodwill of American communities, the Welcome Corps will expand our country's capacity to provide a warm welcome to higher numbers of refugees," according to the announcement.

Victims of Criminal Activity: U Nonimmigrant Status. A U visa is set aside for victims of crimes (and their immediate family members) who have suffered substantial mental or physical abuse while in the U.S. and who are willing to assist law enforcement and government officials in the investigation or prosecution of the criminal activity. It permits such victims to enter or remain in the US when they might not otherwise be able to do so. The US Congress created the U nonimmigrant visa with the passage of the Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (including the Battered Immigrant Women’s Protection Act) in October 2000. The legislation was intended to strengthen the ability of law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute cases of domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking of people, and other crimes while, at the same time, offer protection to victims of such crimes. The legislation also helps law enforcement agencies to better serve victims of crimes. There are six legal requirements for U nonimmigrant status: The applicant must have been a victim of a qualifying criminal activity. The applicant must have suffered substantial physical or mental abuse as a result of having been a victim of these criminal activities. The applicant must have information concerning that criminal activity. The applicant must have been helpful, is being helpful, or is likely to be helpful in the investigation or prosecution of the crime. The criminal activity occurred in the United States or violated U.S. laws. The applicant is admissible to the United States under current U.S. immigration laws and regulations; those who are not admissible may apply for a waiver.

Title 42 Expulsions are removals by the U.S. government of persons who have recently been in a country where a communicable disease was present. The program allows the US Border Patrol and US Customs and Border Protection to prohibit the entry of persons who potentially pose a health risk by being subject to previously-announced travel restrictions or because by unlawfully entering the country to bypass health-screening measures. Title 42 has been criticized by several human rights groups including the American Civil Liberties Union, Amnesty International USA, Human Rights Watch, Human Rights First, and the American Immigration Council. These groups argue that the policy allows the United States to illegally expel asylum seekers without any legal process.

Republican-led states have gone to court to keep immigration restrictive policies in place. The states argue that lifting border restrictions will lead to increased health care and other costs. Immigrant advocates say these states are deliberately steering cases to federal judges appointed by former President Trump, where they know they'll get a sympathetic hearing. To date, these states have brought no less than 17 lawsuits challenging President Biden's immigration moves," said Karen Tumlin, the founder and director of the Justice Action Center, on a call this week with reporters. In effect, these states are using the courts to "keep a shadow Trump administration in office on immigration issues," she said. More than 20 states have joined the lawsuit seeking to block the Biden administration from ending Title 42 later this month, arguing that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did not go about terminating the public health order properly. If Judge Summerhays grants that request as expected, the Biden administration could appeal. But the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which takes cases from both Louisiana and Texas, has not been friendly to the Biden administration. A plaintiff only needs to win once to stop a national law from taking effect, or a national policy. But the government needs to win every time to carry out its policies," Sessions said in 2018 at a symposium hosted by the Federalist Society. "That makes governing all but impossible. Even Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch complained about the practice in a written opinion.

How Americas Foreign Policies or Republican Foreign Policy causes immigration problems. Then the scumbag republican politicians blame democrats for immigration problems because republican voters are gullible and naive and never take the time to know what the truth is, or, do any research to confirm what the truth is, which means that republican voters will never know the truth, and thus, republican voters will continue to be manipulated and made fools of. Republicans are just a lot more likely to say illegal immigration poses a very serious problem, up from 43 percent in 2020.

Forced Displacement - The American Brand - Worst ideas in the past 50 years of foreign policy

Americas Foreign Policy Goals should include the following: Promoting world peace and a secure global environment. Maintaining a balance of power among nations. Working with allies to solve international problems. Promoting democratic values and human rights. Preserving the national security of the United States.

Economic Warfare - Sanctions - Trade War - War Profiteers - Suppression - Evictions

Migration Politics forcing risky routes leading to modern slavery and death. News.

People may choose to immigrate for a variety of reasons, such as employment opportunities, to escape a violent conflict, environmental factors, educational purposes, or to reunite with family. higher employment, more wealth, better services, good climate, safer, less crime, political stability, more fertile land, lower risk from natural hazards. Immigration can give substantial economic benefits – a more flexible labor market, greater skills base, increased demand and a greater diversity of innovation. However, immigration is also controversial. It is argued immigration can cause issues of overcrowding, congestion, and extra pressure on public services. American Dream.

Constitution-Free Zone is a place in America where Border Patrol is allowed to nullify people's rights. Border Patrol agents cannot enter a home or dwelling on private land anywhere without a warrant or consent. Above the Law.

American Civil Liberties Union or ACLU is a nonprofit organization founded in 1920 "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States.

Amnesty International works to protect human rights worldwide. Its vision is one of a world in which every person - regardless of race, religion, gender, or ethnicity - enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. Amnesty International is an organization of more than 7 million supporters, activists and volunteers in over 150 countries, with complete independence from government, corporate or national interests.

Human Rights Watch pressures governments, policy makers, companies, and individual human rights abusers to denounce abuse and respect human rights, and the group often works on behalf of refugees, children, migrants, and political prisoners. It is an international non-governmental organization, headquartered in New York City, that conducts research and advocacy on human rights

Human Rights First is a pro bono legal representation program that matches good lawyers with asylum-seekers who need help and would not otherwise be able to afford high-quality legal representation. The organization helps asylum seekers living in the greater Washington D.C., New York City, Los Angeles, and Houston metropolitan areas who do not already have legal representation, cannot afford an attorney, and need help with a claim for asylum or other protection-based form of immigration status. The organization's New York and Houston offices can also help people who are seeking asylum from within a nearby immigration detention center. It is a nonpartisan, 501(c)(3), international human rights organization based in New York City and Washington, D.C. In 2004, Human Rights First started its "End Torture Now" campaign.

American Immigration Council advocates for immigrants to the United States. It was established in 1987, originally as the American Immigration Law Foundation, by the American Immigration Lawyers Association, which is a voluntary bar association of over 15,000 attorneys and law professors who practice and teach immigration law.

Deportation - Forced Displacement

crime rates chart in texas ICE or Immigration and Customs Enforcement is responsible for identifying, investigating, and dismantling vulnerabilities regarding the nation's border, economic, transportation, and infrastructure security. ICE has two primary components: Homeland Security Investigations that consists of more than 10,300 employees who are assigned to over 210 cities throughout the U.S. and 80 international offices in 53 countries across the world. Over 7,100 special agents are included among the over 10,300 HSI employees. HSI special agents investigate violations of more than 400 U.S. laws that threaten the national security of the United States such as counter-proliferation; counter-terrorism; human smuggling and trafficking; weapons smuggling and export enforcement; narcotics smuggling and trafficking; document and benefit fraud; the manufacturing, sale, and use of counterfeit immigration and identity documents; human rights violations; transnational gang activity; financial crimes, including money laundering and bulk cash smuggling; cyber crime; exploitation of children and sex tourism; trade crimes such as commercial fraud and intellectual property theft; smuggling of counterfeit pharmaceuticals and other merchandise; mass-marketing fraud; art theft; international cultural property and antiquities crimes; and visa security. HSI agents can be requested to provide security for VIPs, and also augment the U.S. Secret Service during overtaxed times such as special security events and elections. HSI was formerly known as the ICE Office of Investigations (OI). HSI special agents investigate the largest range of crimes and have the statutory authority to enforce the Immigration and Nationality Act (Title 8), U.S. customs laws (Title 19), general federal crimes (Title 18), the Controlled Substances Act (Title 21), as well as Titles 5, 6, 12, 22, 26, 28, 31, 46, 49, and 50 of the U.S. Code. Enforcement and Removal Operations is responsible for enforcing the nation's immigration laws and ensuring the departure of removable immigrants from the United States. ERO uses its detention and deportation officers to identify, arrest, and remove immigrants who violate U.S. immigration law. Deportation officers are responsible for the transportation and detention of immigrants in ICE custody to include the removal of immigrants to their country of origin. Deportation officers arrest immigrants for violations of U.S. immigration law, monitor cases during deportation proceedings, supervise released immigrants, and remove immigrants from the United States. Deportation officers operate strategically placed Fugitive Operations Teams whose function is to locate, apprehend, and remove immigrants who have absconded from immigration proceedings and remain in the United States with outstanding warrants for deportation. ERO manages the Secure Communities program which identifies removable immigrants located in jails and prisons. Fingerprints submitted as part of the normal criminal arrest and booking process will automatically check both the Integrated Automatic Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS) of the FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division and the Automated Biometric Identification System (IDENT) of the Department of Homeland Security's US-VISIT Program. ERO was formerly known as the Office of Detention and Removal Operations (DRO). ERO is headquartered in Washington, D.C., ICE is charged with the investigation and enforcement of over 400 federal statutes within the United States, and maintains attachés at major U.S. embassies overseas.

Kidnapping - False Arrests - Racism - Republican Playbook - Bounty Hunter - Mercenary

Taking Children from their Parents - Trump administration jailed 69,550 migrant kids in past year in 2019.

Extradition is an action wherein one jurisdiction delivers a person accused or convicted of committing a crime in another jurisdiction, over to the other's law enforcement. It is a cooperative law enforcement procedure between the two jurisdictions and depends on the arrangements made between them. In addition to legal aspects of the process, extradition also involves the physical transfer of custody of the person being extradited to the legal authority of the requesting jurisdiction. In an extradition process, one sovereign jurisdiction typically makes a formal request to another sovereign jurisdiction ("the requested state"). If the fugitive is found within the territory of the requested state, then the requested state may arrest the fugitive and subject him or her to its extradition process. The extradition procedures to which the fugitive will be subjected are dependent on the law and practice of the requested state. Between countries, extradition is normally regulated by treaties. Where extradition is compelled by laws, such as among sub-national jurisdictions, the concept may be known more generally as rendition. It is an ancient mechanism, dating back to at least the 13th century BCE, when an Egyptian pharaoh, Ramesses II, negotiated an extradition treaty with a Hittite king, Hattusili III. International Law.

ICE Is Using Private Contractors To Dodge Local Democracy. The agency is pursuing contracts with private detention providers to circumvent state and local efforts to curtail and regulate immigrant detention.

Deportation is the expulsion of a person or group of people from a place or country. Deportation can also be known as extradition,, banishment, exile, eviction, or penal transportation.

Human Trafficking - Arranged Marriage - Airport Screening (TSA)

Repatriate is to send someone back to his homeland against his will, as of refugees. Admit back into the country. A person who has returned to the country of origin or whose citizenship has been restored.

Fugitive is a person who has escaped from a place or is in hiding, especially to avoid arrest or persecution. Someone quick to disappear or is fleeting. Fugitive is a person who is fleeing from custody, whether it be from jail, a government arrest, government or non-government questioning, vigilante violence, or outraged private individuals. A fugitive from justice, also known as a wanted person, can be a person who is either convicted or accused of a crime and hiding from law enforcement in the state or taking refuge in a different country in order to avoid arrest. A fugitive from justice alternatively has been defined as a person formally charged with a crime or a convicted criminal whose punishment has not yet been determined or fully served who is currently beyond the custody or control of the national or sub-national government or international criminal tribunal with an interest in his or her arrest. This latter definition adopts the perspective of the pursuing government or tribunal, recognizing that the charged (versus escaped) individual does not necessarily realize that they are officially a wanted person (e.g., due to a case of mistaken identity or reliance on a sealed indictment), and therefore may not be fleeing, hiding, or taking refuge to avoid arrest. The fugitive from justice is ‘international’ (versus ‘domestic’) if wanted by law enforcement authorities across a national border. Interpol is the international organization with no legal authority to directly pursue or detain fugitives of any kind. Europol is the European authority for the pursuit of fugitives who are on the run within Europe, and coordinates their search, while national authorities in the probable country of their stay coordinate their arrest. In the United States, the U.S. Marshals Service is the primary law enforcement agency that tracks down federal fugitives, though the Federal Bureau of Investigation also tracks fugitives. As a verbal metaphor and psychological concept, one might also be described as a "fugitive from oneself". Finally, the literary sense of "fugitive" includes the meaning of simply "fleeing". In many jurisdictions, a fugitive who flees custody while a trial is underway loses the right to appeal any convictions or sentences imposed on him, since the act of fleeing is deemed to flout the court's authority. Recently, convicted rapist Andrew Luster had his appeals denied on the basis that he spent six months as a fugitive (he was convicted in absentia).


Genocide is a deliberate and systematic killing of people on the basis of ethnicity, religion, political opinion or social status. Genocide is the destruction and the mass murdering of an ethnic, racial, religious or national group. Genocide are the acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a nation, a state, an ethnic group, a racial group or a religious group.

War Crimes - Netanyahu - Mass Murder - Killing the Competition - Genocide Watch - Racism - Xenophobia - Colonization - Stand Now - Nuclear War - Viruses - Amnesty - Immigration - Legal Rights

Ethnic Cleansing is the systematic forced removal or extermination of ethnic, racial and/or religious groups from a given area, often with the intent of making a region ethnically homogeneous. Along with direct removal (deportation, population transfer), it also includes indirect methods aimed at coercing the victim group to flee and preventing its return, such as murder, rape, and property destruction. Although the term ethnic cleansing has no legal definition under international criminal law, it constitutes a crime against humanity and may also fall under the Genocide Convention. Ethnic cleansing is usually accompanied by efforts to remove physical and cultural evidence of the targeted group in the territory through the destruction of homes, social centers, farms, and infrastructure, as well as through the desecration of monuments, cemeteries, and places of worship. Although many instances of ethnic cleansing have occurred throughout history, the term was first used by the perpetrators as a euphemism during the Yugoslav Wars in the 1990s. Since then it has gained widespread acceptance due to journalism and the media's heightened use of the term in its generic meaning. Apartheid.

University Students and people around the world protested the genocide in Gaza. The protests on university campuses started in 2023 and escalated in April 2024, spreading in the United States and other countries, as part of wider Israel–Hamas war protests. 97% of the protests remained nonviolent. An estimated 8% of college students participated in the protests, and over 200 groups expressed support for the protests, as well as U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, various members of Congress, several labor unions, hundreds of university staff in the United Kingdom, and Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei. Around 28–40% of Americans supported the protests, while 42–47% were opposed to the protests, mostly because they did not care about a mass-murdering genocide, which is a typical republican response. The protests have been compared to the anti-Vietnam and 1968 protests. In the U.S., over 3,100 protesters have been arrested, including faculty members and professors, on over 60 campuses. Universities have suspended and expelled student protesters, in some cases evicting them from campus housing. Some universities have relied on police to forcibly disband encampments and end occupations of buildings, others made agreements with protesters for encampments to be dismantled. The police response to the protests has been criticized by some Democrats and human rights organizations. Some of the other protest demands included severing financial ties with Israel, transparency over financial ties with Israel, an end to partnerships with Israeli institutions, and for the democratic politicians to stop supporting the supply of weapons to Israel. A number of universities have cut ties with Israeli institutions, or companies involved with Israel and its occupied territories. But of course severing ties with Israel will not stop Americas corporate war machine from waging wars and then profiting from the wars they start.

Stricter rules over campus protests in the U.S. are reducing the number of students protesting against the Palestinian genocide. There were under 950 protest events this semester in 2024, compared to 3,000 in the spring. It seems that constitutional rights are not part of the college curriculum. Universities are more interested in creating working slaves than they are about creating people work who are educated enough to protect democracy and defend peoples rights.

UN Commission finds war crimes and crimes against humanity in Israeli attacks on Gaza health facilities and treatment of detainees and hostages.

Israeli military has repeatedly attacked medical workers and healthcare facilities in Lebanon. As of October 25, Israeli attacks have killed at least 163 health and rescue workers across Lebanon over the past year and damaged 158 ambulances and 55 hospitals, according to Lebanon’s Ministry of Public Health.

Damning evidence of war crimes as Israeli attacks that wipe out entire families in Gaza.

Israeli War Crimes are violations of international criminal law, including war crimes, crimes against humanity and the crime of genocide, which the Israel Defense Forces have committed or been accused of committing since the founding of Israel in 1948. These have included murder, intentional targeting of civilians, killing prisoners of war and surrendered combatants, indiscriminate attacks, collective punishment, starvation, the use of human shields, sexual violence and rape, torture, pillage, forced transfer, breach of medical neutrality, targeting journalists, attacking civilian and protected objects, wanton destruction, incitement to genocide, and genocide.

List of Genocides:
Armenian Genocide (1915-1916).
Bosnia and Herzegovina Genocide (1992-1995).
Cambodian Genocide (1975-1979).
East Timor (Timor-Leste) Genocide (1975).
Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda (1994).
Genocide in the Darfur Region of Sudan (2004 – Present).
Guatemalan Genocide (1978-1983).
Herero and Namaqua Genocide (1904-1907).
Nanjing (Nanking) Massacre (1937-1938).

Genocides in History - Modern-Era-Genocides - Genocides

Genocide Definitions - Three genocides in history have been recognized under the 1948 legal definition: the Cambodian genocide, the Rwandan genocide, and the Srebrenica massacre.

The Holocaust is just one of the 100's of Genocides throughout human history. The sad fact is that it only takes a few hundred people to mass murder thousands of people everyday. Near the end of world war ll, German soldiers or workers became more and more efficient in mass murdering people in death camps. All you need is a few hundred criminals who blindly follow orders, and you could mass murder millions of people. And if most of the people or citizens are not aware of these crimes, then these crimes will continue. We Shall Not Die Now (Holocaust Documentary) (youtube) - Righteous Among the Nations describes non-Jews who risked their lives during the Holocaust to save Jews from extermination by the Nazis for altruistic reasons.

Extermination Camp - Poverty - Starvation - Man Made Apocalypse - Censorship - Propaganda - Forced Assimilation

In the 21st century, people are still being mass murdered everyday in all kinds of ways.

Prejudice is just one of the many horrible side effects of ignorance. Power can Corrupt weak minded people very easily.

UN Resolution 1769 - United Nations Foundation - United Nations - U.N. Security Council Resolutions

The Center for Civil Liberties was established in 2007 to promote human rights values. The establishment of human rights, democracy, and solidarity in Ukraine and the OSCE region for the affirmation of human dignity. We've documented more than 78,000 episodes of war crimes, and those cases have all been gathered since Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022. Hundreds and hundreds of people were beaten, raped. Their fingers were cut, their nails were torn away. Their nails were drilled. They were electrically shocked. What are the Rules of War? | The Laws of War | ICRC (youtube)

Paragraphs 138-139 World Summit.

International Committee of the Red Cross.

The responsibility to protect and prevent requires apportioning responsibility to, and promote collaboration between concerned States and the international community. The duty to prevent and halt genocide and mass atrocities lies first and foremost with the State, but the international community has a role that cannot be blocked by the invocation of sovereignty. Sovereignty no longer exclusively protects States from foreign interference; it is a charge of responsibility where States are accountable for the welfare of their people. This principle is enshrined in article 1 of the Genocide Convention and embodied in the principle of “sovereignty as responsibility” and in the concept of the Responsibility to Protect. The three pillars of the responsibility to protect, as stipulated in the Outcome Document of the 2005. United Nations World Summit (A/RES/60/1, para. 138-140) and formulated in the Secretary-General's 2009 Report (A/63/677) on Implementing the Responsibility to Protect are: The State carries the primary responsibility for protecting populations from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing, and their incitement; The international community has a responsibility to encourage and assist States in fulfilling this responsibility; The international community has a responsibility to use appropriate diplomatic, humanitarian and other means to protect populations from these crimes. If a State is manifestly failing to protect its populations, the international community must be prepared to take collective action to protect populations, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

Atrocities Prevention: Preventing mass atrocities and genocide is a core national security interest and a core moral responsibility of the United States. – Presidential Study Directive 10, August 4, 2011.

Addressing the causes and impacts of global instability and violent conflict are among the Department of State’s highest priorities. Mass atrocities -- large-scale, deliberate violence against civilians -- have devastating human impacts, and make peace and reconciliation more difficult to achieve. In order to effectively respond to potential mass atrocities, we must focus on and understand this type of violence, and ensure that our diplomatic approaches and programs address it. By engaging experts, improving our analysis, building the knowledge of staff and partners, and developing our understanding of the most effective diplomatic and programming responses, the Department is improving its ability to respond to potential mass atrocities.

Murder and War - Other ways People are Killed - Climate Change

Gacaca Court is a system of community justice inspired by Rwandan tradition where gacaca can be loosely translated to "justice amongst the grass". This traditional, communal justice was adapted in 2001 to fit the needs of Rwanda in the wake of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide (also known as "Hutu vs Tutsi" ) where an estimated 800,000 people were killed, tortured and raped. After the genocide, the new Rwandan Patriotic Front's government struggled to pursue justice on such a massive scale, and therein to develop just means for the humane detention and prosecution of the more than 100,000 people accused of genocide, war crimes, and related crimes against humanity. By 2000, approximately 130,000 alleged genocide perpetrators populated Rwanda's prisons (Reyntjens & Vandeginste 2005, 110). Using the justice system Rwanda had in place, the trial of such massive numbers of alleged perpetrators would take well over 100 years during which Rwanda's economy would crumble as a massive amount of their population awaited trial in prison. For this reason they chose to adapt and create a large-scale justice system, which would work alongside the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, in order to heal as a people and to thrive as a country. In response, Rwanda implemented the Gacaca court system, which necessarily evolved to fit the scenario from its prior form of traditional cultural communal law enforcement procedures. The Gacaca courts are a method of transitional justice and are designed to promote communal healing and rebuilding in the wake of the Rwandan Genocide. Rwanda has especially focused on community rebuilding placing justice in the hands of trusted citizens. However, the system has come under criticism from a number of sources, including the Survivors Fund, which represents survivors of the genocide, due to the danger that it poses to survivors and there have been a number of reports on survivors being targeted for giving evidence at the courts. However, the Rwandan government maintains the success of Gacaca Courts citing their present success as a country.

NAACP - Color of Change - National Coalition on Black Civic Participation - Ruckus Environmental - Human Rights & Social Justice - Human Rights - National Urban League - Project Race - Employees International Union - Acorn - Intelligence Aggregator - Globalization Forum - Common Dreams - Equality and Democracy

Main Street Brigade - Reporters Committee - Freedom of the Press - Foot Noted - Move On - JFK Library

United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.

International Courts - Laws

Government in Exile (wiki) - The Council of State Governments 

Public-Private Ventures was a nonprofit, nonpartisan, social research and policy organization; it disbanded on July 31, 2012. Public/Private Ventures (P/PV).

Common Wealth Fund

It all comes down to how effective communities and governments are in communicating the most important information and knowledge to their citizens. People need good information and knowledge in order to be aware of their world so that they can be aware of their options and have the opportunity to make better choices that would ultimately preserve their freedoms and liberties, while at the same time control their own destinies. Leadership is a failure because you can't be a leader of ignorance. Educate and inform people.

"Government is an unnecessary evil. Human beings, when accustomed to taking responsibility for their own behavior, can cooperate on a basis of mutual trust and helpfulness."

Corporate Abuse - Corporate Crimes

Corporate Crime refers to crimes committed either by a corporation or a business entity having a separate legal personality from the natural persons that manage its activities, or by individuals acting on behalf of a corporation or other business entity. Some negative behaviors by corporations may not actually be criminal; laws vary between jurisdictions.

Whistle Blowing (if you see something, say something).

White-Collar Crime refers to financially motivated nonviolent crime committed by business and government professionals.

Government Watch Dogs - Corporate Watch - Stop Corporate Abuse - Represent Us

Reclaim Democracy - Corporate Rights - Corporate Europe

Corporate Responsibility.

Corporate Social Responsibility - Social Progress - Public Service

Environment Legal Defense - Global Witness - Sacom - Wiki Leaks - Poclad - Labor Rights Now - No Sweat - Human Rights - Human Rights - Food Workers Union - Business Human Rights - ACLU - PR Watch

Kroll_Inc is a corporate investigations and risk consulting firm based in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.

Move On - Public Interest Research - Co op America - Global Exchange - Naomiklein - Smart meme - On The Commons - Green Peace - The Zeitgeist Movement

How Greed Destroys Democracy

Powerful Families and Organizations

Stop Child Labor - Free the Children - End Child Labor

Time-Bound Programmes or Time-Bound Measures to address this issue will attempt to: Prevent the engagement of children in the worst forms of child labour. Provide direct assistance for the removal of children from the worst forms of child labour and for their rehabilitation and social integration. Ensure access to free basic education and appropriate vocational training for all children removed from the worst forms of child labour. Identify and reach out to children at special risk, and Take account of the special situation of girls.

National Labor Committee - No Sweat Apparel - Sweat Free - Maquila Solidarity - War On Want - Ad Busters - Unite Here - My Cultural Divide (video)

Whistle Blowers - Grievances - Corporations (occupy) - Move to Amend

Corporation Documentaries - Money is a Man Made Tool, it's not a Reason. Learn the Facts, do the Math.

Political Systems - Government Types

Governance comprises all of the processes of governing, either undertaken by the government of a state, by a market, or by a network over a social system, or by a family or tribe, or by a formal or informal organization in a territory or across territories. Usually with laws, norms, and the power or language of an organized society. Governance relates to the processes of interaction and decision-making among the actors involved in a collective problem that lead to the creation, reinforcement, or the reproduction of social norms and institutions. In lay terms, governance could be described as the political processes that exist in and between formal institutions. A variety of entities or governing bodies can govern. The most formal is a government, a body whose sole responsibility and authority is to make binding decisions in a given geopolitical system, such as a state, by establishing laws. Other types of governing include organizations or corporations that have taken control and become a legal entity recognized by a government, or by a socio-political group chiefdom, tribe, gang, family, religious denomination, etc., or another, informal group of people. In business and outsourcing relationships, Governance Frameworks are built into relational contracts that foster long-term collaboration and innovation. Governance is the way rules, norms and actions are structured, sustained, regulated and held accountable. The degree of formality depends on the internal rules of a given organization and, externally, with its business partners. As such, governance may take many forms, driven by many different motivations and with many different results. For instance, a government may operate as a democracy where citizens vote on who should govern and the public good is the goal, while a non-profit organization or a corporation may be governed by a small board of directors and pursue more specific aims. In addition, a variety of external actors without decision-making power can influence the process of governing. These include lobbies, think tanks, political parties, non-government organizations, community and media.

The best political governing system will be a combination of the best parts of several systems. The best system will be the best parts of a direct democracy, the best parts of capitalism, the best parts of socialism and the best parts of communism, as well as the best parts of other processes that are proven effective, efficient and fair.

Forms of Government List (wiki) - Democracy

Beware of Labels. When someone mentions a name of a country, or a type of government, or a persons political affiliation, they are not explaining anything that can be accurately understood. You have to look beyond the label and read the ingredients and also understand what those ingredients mean. Every democracy and every socialist or communist country has corruption and crimes. And any person, no matter what political affiliation they have, can be a criminal. You need to know the individual. You need to know the political system and how that political system is supposed to work. Judgment should be based on facts and the true intentions of the person or system involved. You can not judge something or someone based on its failures if you do not understand how those mistakes were made and who was at fault. Pretending to understand someone or pretending to understand a particular type of government will not help you understand anything, which will make you an angry and prejudice person with low intelligence. You need to educate yourself and take the responsibility of learning seriously.

Quasi Governements. With any government system, if you can't control corruption, or if you don't stop the wealthy and powerful people from exploiting the system of government, than all you have is a quasi government. So no matter what you name your government, that form of government will always be a form of plutocracy. Corruption at any level of society will always spread like a cancer through the entire system. And most of the public will never be aware that the society they live in has cancer. The entire human race has cancer. We have small pockets of people who are isolated from this cancer, but just like with most cancers, this cancer will always create vulnerabilities for everyone on the planet, and also be a threat to every living thing on the planet. So you can have laws, but many wealthy people will break these laws. You can have regulations, but many wealthy people will not follow these regulations. This means that society will always be fragmented and divided. Just like with cancers, this type of cancer does not see itself as being a cancer. Therefor, this cancer will not die on its own. Citizens are the anti-bodies that can kill this cancerous system. But just like with all anti-bodies, the antibodies have to learn how to see the cancer and recognize the cancer, so the citizens can properly defend themselves against this cancer, and locate these cancers that are infecting the whole system of society. This has always been about educating the public. But this cancer has also infected the schools, so we need a separate education system that will educate and prepare citizens for the threats and the challenges that they will have to endure.

Informed Democracy is the only way democracy works. It does not matter what political system, form of government, political party or ideology a country has, no political structure will ever succeed or flourish without a very comprehensive, constantly improving and effective education system that provides equal education for every citizen. Without informed citizens, and without a quality education for every person, no country on earth will ever rid itself of corruption, ignorance, crime, Social diseases or suffering, no matter what political structure it has. These structures are doomed to fail as you can plainly see today and throughout human history. Ignorant people are horrible leaders and ignorant citizens could never Self Govern. Poor education creates mindless consumers and working slaves, as well as Corrupt leaders and politicians, which is a total waste of human potential. Our only hope is to improve education. An education that matures, develops, thrives and evolves as our knowledge, information, experiences and wisdom increases. The world has so much knowledge and experience at its fingertips and its being wasted, misused, exploited, unappreciated, underutilized, unorganized, unrealized, it’s being lost, misplaced, destroyed, and most knowledge is not even being properly distributed or shared. It’s a huge mess and a complete injustice to future generations. 

There has been a lot of confusion about how humans should govern themselves. But today we know right from wrong, we know good from bad, we know cause and effect, we know the importance of human rights and freedoms. So we need to upgrade to a new and improved Universal Governing System or a Universal Human Management System. A system that utilizes the worlds combined knowledge. A system that understands the importance of everyone having access to a high quality education, a Standard Issue Education. Knowledge is power. And if everyone is knowledgeable and educated to the same level, then everyone shares the power, and no one can rule over you, and you could rule over no one. This is not to say there will be no hierarchy structure. Because every system needs rules in order to function. Except this time, now that everyone is highly educated equally to the same level, the responsibilities of our rules are clearly understood by everyone. So crimes and corruption will become irrelevant since no one wants to waste time, energy, people and resources when there is no need to. People would rather just live and be happy, as always.

The labels used below to describe the types of Governments are mostly just generalizing and do not explain all the pros and cons or the vulnerabilities. To truly understand your world, you need to learn the facts. Some of these terms that are used below are to make people believe that they are divided. There needs to be a more expended view of this information in order to communicate effectively and to stop misleading people.

When a Small Group of People can Rule a Country

Dictatorship is a form of government where a country is ruled by one person or political entity, and exercised through various mechanisms to ensure the entity's power remains strong.

Despotism is a form of government in which a single entity rules with absolute power. Normally, that entity is an individual, the despot, but societies which limit respect and power to specific groups have also been called despotic. Despot is a cruel and oppressive dictator. Despotic is characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule. (Autocrat - Tyrant).

Military Dictatorship is a dictatorship in which military experts exert complete and substantial control over political authority, and the dictator is often a high-ranked military officer.

Dictator is a ruler who is unconstrained by law. A person who behaves in a unjust undesirable manner. A dictator also means a speaker who dictates to a listener or to a recording machine.

Autocrat is a cruel and oppressive dictator. Autocratically is when someone demands that people obey completely, and does not involve asking or caring about anyone else's opinions. Autocratic is a ruler with absolute power, a person who does not take into consideration the opinions or wishes of other people.

Selfish - Control Freak - Egotistical - Psychopath - No Conscience - Abusive - Stubborn - Republican - Corporate Control - Monopolies

Tyrannical is the exercising of power in a cruel or arbitrary way. Marked by unjust severity or arbitrary behavior. Characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule. Having absolute sovereignty or authority.

Tyrant is an absolute ruler who is unrestrained by law, or one who has usurped a legitimate ruler's sovereignty. Often portrayed as cruel, tyrants may defend their positions by resorting to repressive means.

Threats - Violence - Police Brutality - Abuse - Colonialism - Global Governing - Shadow Government - Populist - Religious Extremism

Tyranny is a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator and not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.. Dominance through threat of punishment and violence. Tyranny of the Majority is used in discussing an inherent weakness in the system of pure direct democracy and majority rule. Tyranny of the majority involves a scenario in which a majority of an electorate places its own interests above, and at the expense and to the detriment of, those in the minority, where by that detriment constitutes active oppression comparable to that of a tyrant or despot.

Corruption - Cronyism - Monopolies - Above the Law - War Mongers - Secrecy - War on Drugs - Lack of Gun Control - Lack of Healthcare

Fascism is a political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government as opposed to democracy or liberalism. Signs of a fascist regime is when a country has a disdain for human rights, has rampant cronyism and corruption, interferes with elections, has rampant sexism, has a controlled mass media, has an obsession with national security, protects corporate power, suppresses labor power, has disdain for science and the arts, they are obsessed with crime and punishment, there is no real separation of religion from government, exploits nationalism.

Imperialism - Empires - Colonialism - Extremism - Conservatism - World Control One World Order - Global Governing - Institutions - Republican Playbook

Neo-Fascism is a post–World War II far-right ideology that includes significant elements of fascism. Neo-fascism usually includes ultranationalism, racial supremacy, populism, authoritarianism, nativism, xenophobia, and anti-immigration sentiment, as well as opposition to liberal democracy, social democracy, parliamentarianism, liberalism, Marxism, capitalism, communism, and socialism. As with classical fascism, it proposes a Third Position as an alternative to market capitalism.

Hegemony is the dominance or leadership of one social group or nation over others. It is the political, economic, and military predominance of one state over other states.

Big Brother is a term that means authoritarian leader and an invader of privacy. The phrase Big Brother is Watching You is a threat that is meant to keep people in line by fear mongering and reminding people that they are always under surveillance from the Party, in the same way that religion tells believers that God is watching, and God threatens people with hell if they don't be good. Big Brother is also a character and symbol in George Orwell's dystopian 1949 novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, where a totalitarian state and ruling party wields total power for its own sake over the inhabitants.

Big Government is not the same as big brother.

Plutocracy is a form of oligarchy and defines a society ruled or controlled by the small minority of the wealthiest citizens.

Corporatocracy is an economic, political and judicial system controlled by business corporations or corporate interests. The concept has been used in explanations of bank bailouts, excessive pay for CEOs, as well as complaints such as the exploitation of national treasuries, people, and natural resources. It has been used by critics of globalization, sometimes in conjunction with criticism of the World Bank or unfair lending practices, as well as criticism of free trade agreements. Corporate rule is also a common theme in dystopian science-fiction media.

Oligarchy is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people might be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, religious or military control. Such states are often controlled by a few prominent families who typically pass their influence from one generation to the next, but inheritance is not a necessary condition for the application of this term. "to rule or to command". America is an oligarchy with elections, which gives the illusion that America is a true democracy.

Gerontocracy is a form of oligarchical rule in which an entity is ruled by leaders who are significantly older than most of the adult population. In many political structures, power within the ruling class accumulates with age, making the oldest the holders of the most power. Those holding the most power may not be in formal leadership positions, but often dominate those who are. In a simplified definition, a gerontocracy is a society where leadership is reserved for elders. Although the idea of the elderly holding power exists in many cultures, the gerontocracy has its western roots in ancient Greece. Plato famously stated that "it is for the elder man to rule and for the younger to submit". One example of the ancient Greek gerontocracy can be seen in the city state of Sparta, which was ruled by a Gerousia, a council made up of members who were at least 60 years old and who served for life. The main problem with gerontocracy can be out of touch and not relatable to people because they are several generations removed from the current generation, meaning, they are not up to date with the current level of knowledge and understanding. This can be a serious problem when an old person of authority is stubborn and egotistical doesn't want to change their mind, and thus, they are not aligned with the current reality and are not up to speed with the current level of advancements. Many people make an ignorant assumption that older people are more wise because they have experienced more and supposedly learned more. But wisdom does not always come from age, wisdom mostly comes from learning. And when stubborn people don't listen or don't learn, they become stuck in the past where their ignorance becomes a wall that impedes progress and hinders improvements.

Potentate is a ruler who is unconstrained by law.

Autocracy is a system of government in which supreme power is concentrated in the hands of one person, whose decisions are subject to neither external legal restraints nor regularized mechanisms of popular control (except perhaps for the implicit threat of a coup d'état or mass insurrection). Autocratic relates to a ruler who has almost absolute power and takes no account of other people's wishes or opinions, unless they have lots of wealth and power. So no one has absolute power, every human is a slave to something or someone. Absolute power only exists in fantasies.

Domineer is to rule or exercise power over somebody in a cruel and autocratic manner. Cult of Personality.

Absolute Monarchy and dictatorship are the main historical forms of autocracy. In very early times, the term "autocrat" was written in coins as a favorable feature of the ruler, having some connection to the concept of "lack of conflicts of interests". Not to be confused with Leadership. Absolute Monarchy is a monarchical form of government in which the monarch has absolute power among his or her people. An absolute monarch wields unrestricted political power over the sovereign state and its people.

Monarchy is an autocracy governed by a monarch who usually inherits the authority.

Authoritarianism is a form of government characterized by strong central power and limited political freedoms.

Totalitarianism is a political system where the state recognizes no limits to its authority and strives to regulate every aspect of public and private life wherever feasible.

Totalitarian Democracy refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government. (sound familiar?).

Inverted Totalitarianism is a system where corporations have corrupted and subverted democracy and where economics trumps politics. In inverted totalitarianism, every natural resource and every living being is commodified and exploited to collapse as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government through excess consumerism and sensationalism.

Fiefdoms are an organization that is controlled by a dominant person or group. The domain controlled by a feudal lord, or a man of rank in the ancient regime.

Unilateralism is any doctrine or agenda that supports one-sided action. Such action may be in disregard for other parties, or as an expression of a commitment toward a direction which other parties may find disagreeable. As a word, unilateralism is attested from 1926, specifically relating to unilateral disarmament. The current, broader meaning emerges in 1964. It stands in contrast with multilateralism, the pursuit of foreign policy goals alongside allies. Unilateralism and multilateralism represent different policy approaches to international problems. When agreement by multiple parties is absolutely required—for example, in the context of international trade policies—bilateral agreements (involving two participants at a time) are usually preferred by proponents of unilateralism. Unilateralism may be preferred in those instances when it is assumed to be the most efficient, i.e., in issues that can be solved without cooperation. However, a government may also have a principal preference for unilateralism or multilateralism, and, for instance, strive to avoid policies that cannot be realized unilaterally or alternatively to champion multilateral solutions to problems that could well have been solved unilaterally. Typically, governments may argue that their ultimate or middle-term goals are served by a strengthening of multilateral schemes and institutions, as was many times the case during the period of the Concert of Europe.

Unitary State is a state governed as a single entity in which the central government is ultimately supreme. Unitary states stand in contrast with federations, also known as federal states.

Global Governing - Imperialism - City Management - Sovereignty - Stateless

Supranational Union is a type of multinational political union where negotiated power is delegated to an authority by governments of member states. The term is sometimes used to describe the European Union or EU, as a new type of political entity. It is the only entity that provides for international popular elections, going beyond the level of political integration normally afforded by international treaties. The term "supranational" is sometimes used in a loose, undefined sense in other contexts such as a substitute for international, transnational or global. Another method of decision-making in international organizations is intergovernmentalism in which state governments play a more prominent role.

Political Union is a type of state which is composed of or created out of smaller states. The process of creating such a state out of smaller states is called unification. Unification of states that used to be together and are reuniting is referred to as reunification. Unlike a personal union or real union, the individual states share a central government and the union is recognized internationally as a single political entity. A political union may also be called a legislative union or state union. A union may be effected in many forms, broadly categorized as, Incorporating union, Incorporating annexation, Federal union, Federative annexation and Mixed unions.

Federated State is a territorial and constitutional community forming part of a federation. Such states differ from fully sovereign states, in that they do not have full sovereign powers, as the sovereign powers have been divided between the federated states and the central or federal government. Importantly, federated states do not have standing as entities of international law. Instead, the federal union as a single entity is the sovereign state for purposes of international law. Depending on the constitutional structure of a particular federation, a federated state can hold various degrees of legislative, judicial and administrative jurisdiction over a defined geographic territory and is a form of regional government. (which may also be referred to as a state, a province, a region, a canton, a governorate, an oblast, an emirate or a country). Regime Change.

Federation is a political entity characterized by a union of partially self-governing provinces, states, or other regions under a central federal government (federalism). In a federation, the self-governing status of the component states, as well as the division of power between them and the central government, is typically constitutionally entrenched and may not be altered by a unilateral decision, neither by the component states nor the federal political body. Alternatively, a federation is a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided between a central authority and a number of constituent regions so that each region retains some degree of control over its internal affairs.

Commonwealth - Imperialism - One World Order

Diplomatic Recognition in international law is a unilateral political act whereby a state acknowledges an act or status of another state or government in control of a state (may be also a recognized state). Recognition can be accorded either on a de facto or de jure basis. Recognition can be a declaration to that effect by the recognizing government or an act of recognition such as entering into a treaty with the other state. Recognition may, but need not, have domestic and international legal consequences. If sufficient countries recognize a particular entity as a state, that state may have a right to membership in multinational organizations, while treaties may require all existing member countries unanimously agreeing to the admission of a new member. A vote by a country in the United Nations in favor of the membership of another country is an implicit recognition of that country by the country so voting, as only states may be members of the UN. On the other hand, a negative vote for U.N. membership does not necessarily mean non-recognition of the applicant as a state, as other criteria, requirements or special circumstances may be considered relevant for U.N. membership. Similarly, a country may chose not to apply for U.N. membership for its own reasons, as was the case with the Vatican, and Switzerland was not a member until 2002 because of its concerns to maintain its neutrality policy. The non-recognition of particular acts of a state does not normally affect the recognition of the state itself. For example, the international rejection of the occupation of particular territory by a recognized state does not imply non-recognition of the state itself, nor a rejection of a change of government by illegal means.

States with Limited Recognition or polities that have declared independence and sought diplomatic recognition from the international community as de jure sovereign states, but have not been universally recognized as such. These entities often have de facto control of their territory. A number of such entities have existed in the past. There are two traditional doctrines that provide indicia of how a de jure sovereign state comes into being. The declarative theory defines a state as a person in international law if it meets the following criteria: a defined territory, a permanent population, a government, and a capacity to enter into relations with other states. According to the declarative theory, an entity's statehood is independent of its recognition by other states. By contrast, the constitutive theory defines a state as a person of international law only if it is recognized as such by other states that are already a member of the international community. The criteria for inclusion mean that a polity must claim sovereignty, lack recognition from at least one UN member state, and either: satisfy the declarative theory of statehood, or, be recognized as a state by at least one UN member state. The declarative theory of statehood defines a state as a person in international law if it meets the following criteria: 1) a defined territory; 2) a permanent population; 3) a government and 4) a capacity to enter into relations with other states. According to declarative theory, an entity's statehood is independent of its recognition by other states, as long as the sovereignty was not gained by military force. The declarative model was most famously expressed in the 1933 Montevideo Convention.

Micronation is an entity whose members claim that they belong to an independent nation or sovereign state, but which lacks legal recognition by world governments or major international organizations.

Micronations List (wiki) - Flags of Micronations (wiki).

Proto-State is also known as a quasi-state, is a political entity that does not represent a fully institutionalized or autonomous sovereign state.

Insular Cases were a series of rulings issued in the 1900s soon after the U.S. had acquired Puerto Rico and other territories in which the court said people in those jurisdictions did not have all the constitutional rights of those living in the mainland. When the war ended in 1898, the United States had to answer the question of whether or not people in newly acquired territories were citizens, a question the country had never faced before. The preliminary answer came from a series of Supreme Court rulings, now known as the Insular Cases, which responded to the question of how American constitutional rights apply to those in United States territories. The Supreme Court held that full constitutional protection of rights does not automatically (or ex proprio vigore—i.e., of its own force) extend to all places under American control. This meant that inhabitants of unincorporated territories such as Puerto Rico—"even if they are U.S. citizens"—may lack some constitutional rights (e.g., the right to remain part of the United States in case of de-annexation) because they were not part of the United States. Today, many legal scholars refer to the Insular Cases as a constitutional justification for colonialism and annexation of places not within United States boundaries. The Insular Cases "authorized the colonial regime created by Congress, which allowed the United States to continue its administration—and exploitation—of the territories acquired from Spain after the Spanish–American War." These Supreme Court rulings allowed for the United States government to extend unilateral power over these newly acquired territories. The Court also established the doctrine of territorial incorporation, under which the Constitution applied fully only in incorporated territories such as Alaska and Hawaii. Incorporated territories are those that the United States Congress deems on a path to statehood. Meanwhile, the Supreme Court ruled the Constitution applied only partially in the newly unincorporated Puerto Rico, Guam and the Philippines. The Supreme Court created the distinction that unincorporated territories were not on the path to statehood, which effectively allowed for the Constitution to apply differently. The term "insular" signifies that the territories were islands administered by the War Department's Bureau of Insular Affairs. Today, the categorizations and implications put forth by the Insular Cases still govern the United States' territories, though Congress has passed laws changing the treatment of territories with respect to citizenship and tariffs, and more territories have been acquired or become states. The cases are widely considered racist. At issue in this case was the way that people born in various U.S. territories are treated under law when it comes to U.S. citizenship. The Constitution says that anyone "born or naturalized in the United States" is a citizen of the country. But for U.S. territories, eligibility for birthright citizenship in the territories is controlled only by Congress – it is not constitutionally guaranteed. Residents of Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Marianas Islands are deemed U.S. citizens under the Immigration and Nationality Act. But American Samoans are not. Congress has not granted birthright citizenship to residents of American Samoa or Swains Island, both of which are classified only as "outlying possessions." The Citizenship Clause was adopted after the Civil War primarily to protect the birthright citizenship of Black Americans, which was rejected by the Supreme Court prior to the Civil War. The American Samoan government intervened in the case to argue that U.S. birthright citizenship for American Samoans would undermine the island's ability to self-govern and maintain cultural autonomy.

Unincorporated Area is a region that is not governed by a local municipal corporation. Widespread unincorporated communities and areas are a distinguishing feature of the United States and Canada. Most other countries of the world have either no unincorporated areas at all or these are very rare; typically remote, outlying, sparsely populated or uninhabited areas. In unincorporated territories, "fundamental rights apply as a matter of law, but other constitutional rights are not available", raising concerns about how citizens in these territories can influence politics in the United States.

Territories of the United States are sub-national administrative divisions overseen by the Federal government of the United States. The various American territories differ from the U.S. states and Native American tribes in that they are not sovereign entities. In contrast, each state has a sovereignty separate from that of the federal government and each federally recognized Native American tribe possesses limited tribal sovereignty as a "dependent sovereign nation". Territories are classified by incorporation and whether they have an "organized" government through an organic act passed by the Congress. American territories are under American sovereignty and, consequently, may be treated as part of the United States proper in some ways and not others (i.e., territories belong to, but are not considered to be a part of, the United States). Unincorporated territories in particular are not considered to be integral parts of the United States, and the Constitution of the United States applies only partially in those territories. The United States currently administers three territories in the Caribbean Sea and eleven in the Pacific Ocean. Five territories (American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) are permanently inhabited, unincorporated territories; the other nine are small islands, atolls, and reefs with no native (or permanent) population. Of the nine, only one is classified as an incorporated territory (Palmyra Atoll). Two additional territories (Bajo Nuevo Bank and Serranilla Bank) are claimed by the United States but administered by Colombia. Historically, territories were created to administer newly acquired land, and most eventually attained statehood. Others, such as the Philippines, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Marshall Islands, and Palau, later became independent.

Fragile State is a country characterized by weak state capacity or weak state legitimacy leaving citizens vulnerable to a range of shocks.

Economic Hit Men

Failed State is a political body that has disintegrated to a point where basic conditions and responsibilities of a sovereign government no longer function properly. A state can also fail if the government loses its legitimacy even if it is performing its functions properly. For a stable state it is necessary for the government to enjoy both effectiveness and legitimacy. Likewise, when a nation weakens and its standard of living declines, it introduces the possibility of total governmental collapse. The Fund for Peace characterizes a failed state as having the following characteristics: Loss of control of its territory, or of the monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force therein. Erosion of legitimate authority to make collective decisions. Inability to provide public services. Inability to interact with other states as a full member of the international community. Common characteristics of a failing state include a central government so weak or ineffective that it has an inability to raise taxes or other support, and has little practical control over much of its territory and hence there is a non-provision of public services. When this happens, widespread corruption and criminality, the intervention of state and non-state actors, the appearance of refugees and the involuntary movement of populations, sharp economic decline, and military intervention from both within and without the state in question can occur. Metrics have been developed to describe the level of governance of states. The precise level of government control required to avoid being considered a failed state varies considerably amongst authorities. Furthermore, the declaration that a state has "failed" is generally controversial and, when made authoritatively, may carry significant geopolitical consequences. Imperialism.

Plurinationality is defined as the coexistence of two or more sealed or preserved national groups within a polity. In plurinationalism, the idea of nationality is plural, meaning there are many nationals within an organized community or body of peoples. Derived from this concept, a plurinational state is the existence of multiple political communities and constitutional asymmetry. The usage of plurinationality assists in avoiding the division of societies within a state or country. Furthermore, a plurinational democracy recognizes the multiple demoi (common people or populace) within a polity.

Two Party System - Divide and Rule - People Power

Consociationalism is a consociational state as one which has major internal divisions along ethnic, religious, or linguistic lines, but which remains stable due to consultation among the elites of these groups. Consociational states are often contrasted with states with majoritarian electoral systems. The goals of consociationalism are governmental stability, the survival of the power-sharing arrangements, the survival of democracy, and the avoidance of violence. When consociationalism is organised along religious confessional lines, as in Lebanon, it is known as confessionalism. Consociationalism is sometimes seen as analogous to corporatism and the consensus democratic concordance systems (e.g. in Switzerland). Some scholars consider consociationalism a form of corporatism. Others claim that economic corporatism was designed to regulate class conflict, while consociationalism developed on the basis of reconciling societal fragmentation along ethnic and religious lines.

Separation of Church and State

Confessionalism is a system of government that is a de jure mix of religion and politics. It typically entails distributing political and institutional power proportionally among confessional communities. Proponents of confessionalism cite it as an effective way to secure the peaceful co-existence of diverse religious and ethnic communities by empowering each according to its "weight" in the region. However, critics point out that such a system may actually deepen conflict between ethnic groups. They argue that whichever group holds the most political power may use government to favour itself at the expense of other groups, or even to oppress rival groups. Also, as demographics change, the positions and power held by a particular group may no longer appropriately reflect the size of that group.

Republicans - GOP - Conservatives - Far Right

Republican Party is said to support free market capitalism, free enterprise, business, a strong national defense, deregulation, restrictions on labor unions, social-conservative policies (particularly opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage), and traditional values, usually with a Judeo-Christian ethical foundation. But this vague description does not explain why so many republican politicians do horrible things. Republican representatives represent big corporations and the wealthy. Republican representatives don't represent republican voters, they represent republican donors. And republican voters are so confused that they believe the lies and become liars themselves.

Republican is a member of the Republican Party.

Liberal Republicans were members of the Republican Party in the 1930s–1970s who held moderate to liberal views on domestic issues.

Political Positions of the Republican Party (wiki) - Factions in the Republican Party (wiki) - Religious Factions

Republican National Committee or RNC is generally associated with social conservative policies, although it does have dissenting centrist and libertarian factions. The social conservatives want laws that uphold their traditional values, such as opposition to same-sex marriage, against a women's right to choose, and marijuana.

GOP or Grand Old Party. The party is over fellas, time to grow up now. You done enough damage and terrorized too many people for too long. Not to say that the party is over, it's just not your private party anymore, it's a public party now, a party without your style of stupidity. GOP now stands for Gullible Offensive Personnel. Gullible is someone who is easily deceived and easily fooled. Offensive is to violate, attack or offend. Offend is to act in disregard of laws, rules, contracts, or promises. Personnel are the employees in an organization who are supposed to follow responsibilities and duty's.

G.O.P. should be renamed to be more accurate. It should be I.L.S - Ignorant Lying Scumbags.

The Republican party has outlived its usefulness. Their purpose was never clearly defined or clearly understood, until now. Republican Playbook.

People are not Divided, Just Misinformed and Unaware

We have more in common than we do uncommon. There are more things that unite us than divide us. We want the same things, and we have an overlapping consensus on many other things. Most people are not aware of our commonalities or appreciate the fact that we all share similar values as everyone else does. We are literally all on the same side, but very few people know this. One of the main problems is when we see something we don't like, or when we don't agree with something, we immediately look for someone to blame. Instead of learning more about something, we assume that we know enough about something in order to make a judgment. This passive approach does not solve any problems. The greatest thing that divides people is the lack of communication. When we don't want to talk about something or explain our opinions, there is no way to prove that we understand something. When we don't want to listen, we let our own stubbornness and laziness ruin everything else that we agree on. Everyone would agree that everyone is ignorant about something and that no one is a know it all. So we first have to agree that we don't know everything. Our conversations need to be about learning, and what we can learn from each other. Our discussions should be fact finding missions with a mutually shared goal of understanding a particular problem so that we can all be on the same page, and actually see it. We can still have our own opinions, we just need to agree on some of the most important matters at hand. And the only sure way to agree on things is when people can understand things in the same way, which means that we have to think intensely about a problem and collaborate. We can't waste time on blaming, complaining or shaming. We need to listen and not just talk. We need to reach out instead of lashing out. We need to learn and stop pretending that we know enough. Everyone has to agree that we all have to learn how to solve our problems, because they will never go away if we don't. Our respect for our ancestors starts with us showing respect for future generations. Our legacy has to be based on resilience and not based on resistance to change. The history of earth has taught us one extremely important lesson, if you don't adapt, you don't live. So if we don't learn how to adapt now, future generations will not be alive. Learning is our only chance for survival. So learning needs to be our top priority. Every thing is reliant on what we know, and not what we pretend to know. We can't all be stubborn dictators and expect people to listen to us. We need to think. And there is no greater strength or power than the combined intelligence of millions of people thinking, especially when we're trying to find a solution to a problem or find an answer to a question.

Human Values we have in Common - Values

Things We have in Common. We are not divided, because most people want the same things. 
People want safe places to live.
People want a good healthcare system and affordable medicine.
People want safe places to learn.
People want good schools that provide high quality education for their children.
People want good jobs.
People want homes that are affordable and healthy.
People want clean water, clean food, clean air, and People want a healthy environment.
People want to be informed about environmental dangers and threats.
People want leaders and representatives to be accountable and transparent.
People want a justice system that's fair and unbiased.
People want common sense gun control.
People want fair elections.
People want financial institutions to be accountable and transparent.
People want individual rights and freedoms.
People want to be treated equally.

But most people don't have any of these things above because too many people are divided on other issues that they feel are more important then having basic rights and freedoms. These people are willing to sell their souls at the expense of society. They don't care about people, they only care about their narrow minded beliefs, instead of caring about the facts and our reality.

Like-minded people share the same opinions, ideas, or interests. When two minds think as one, and when we are thinking the same things, then we will agree on more things. But sometimes, unanimous agreements are not always about people thinking the same way, it could be that people are just voting the same way, sometimes for different reasons. Riders.

Question: What's the most important thing that the government should be doing? Answer: Improving education and improving the media so that people are more educated and more informed.

Question: How come people at the top of organizations can pay themselves thousands of dollars but pay everyone else a regular wage? Answer: Corruption.

Horseshoe Theory asserts that advocates of the far-left and the far-right, rather than being at opposite and opposing ends of a linear continuum of the political spectrum, closely resemble each other, analogous to the way that the opposite ends of a horseshoe are close together.

Everyone needs to just put a little extra effort and educate themselves so that we can have meaningful conversations and productive conversations. When people lack knowledge and information, and lack communication skills, people can't communicate effectively enough, and thus, people can't connect or understand each other, or accurately understand our current reality. When people use vague words and pretend to understand things, this makes their own ignorance the dividing wall between people, and reality. And this wall can be easily removed by giving people access to more knowledge and information that they need. We have the language, we have valuable knowledge and information, we have the technology, and we have over 7 billion humans with amazing potential. But what we don't have is the will to do what is right and do what is good. There is no left or right, there's only good or bad. You don't want to be too far left that you can't see what's right or can't see what's on the other side. And you don't want to be so far right that you're actually wrong, or be so far right that you stop learning or stop looking for answers. If you take sides without looking on the inside, then you're blind and can't see the facts or understand the truth. We are not divided. We need to define ourselves and stop pretending to know what other people think, and stop pretending that we clearly understand what we really stand for. If you stop blaming other people for your own ignorance, then we can start having real conversations. People should justify their reasoning with facts, instead of using narrow minded observations to make excuses for how they think or how they act.

I agree with you when you say that you don't believe everything that you hear, but you do believe in things, things that you can't prove or clearly explain. You show that you have common sense, but you only apply this common sense when its convenient for you. That's like saying that you know what reality is, but you would rather live in a fantasy world where other people have very little idea where you're coming from, because other people can't live inside your head. Speak Your Mind is to express one's feelings or opinions truthfully, and you should freely speak your mind without exaggeration or drama. You need to confess. Reality is something that we can all share, because we all experience the environment that we live in. But what we can't share, is someone's personal fantasy world, because that world exists only in their mind. It's like learning a new language that has never been spoken before. We can listen to you, but we can't use your new language as a basis for reasoning. We can only come to an agreement on what certain words should mean. Then from there, we can start having a real conversations.

"Sometimes people get mad, and they feel like being bad. But the very same people who are mad sometimes, are the very same people who are glad sometimes. It's funny, but it's true. It's the same, isn't it for me and you? Sometimes people are good, and they do just what they should. But the very same people who are good sometimes, are the very same people who are bad sometimes. It's the same, isn't it for me, isn't it the same for you?"

Here's the Problem

Too many republican voters usually vote for one or two reasons, or they base their votes on a few vague concepts. Voters don't realize that most republican politicians represent the wealthy. So they are mostly focused on making laws that benefit the wealthy, and they don't care how these laws will effect you and other people. They will only pretend to represent the republican voter. These politicians know how to exploit peoples ignorance by using a few keywords that republican people like to hear. And they just keep repeating those same keywords at almost every speech they make. This way the gullible republican voters will believe that the politician is speaking their language and focused on their needs, which they are not. Corrupt republican politicians just want your vote, and they will say anything to get your vote. They don't care about you. They will continue to sell you the same snake oil that you have been naively buying for the past 50 years. The republican voter is basically saying that "just tell me what I want to hear, I don't care what happens or who suffers or who dies. Just keep repeating my favorite keywords so I can continue to live in my fantasy world and keep pretending that I'm making a difference. My life is a Lie.

Republican voters hate democrats because they have been manipulated by the media into believing that democrats are the enemy, which is exactly what the people in power want, a divided country.

In your defense, I know that it's impossible to know everything, and that you can be smart in some ways but not so smart in other ways. And me making you aware of your illogical behavior and illogical thinking is not enough for you to understand. You have to learn what you don't know, and what you don't know is what you have to learn. No one can learn for you. Everyone needs to educate themselves. It's a human responsibility that everyone has to do. Don't be a burden on society, be a benefit. Live a measured life and count the things that matter. Learning is work, but learning gives you the best returns for your effort. You're not just machine, you're a intelligent being. So you need to start downloading your mind software today. It's never too late to learn, but it will be far to late to learn when you're dead. You have questions you should answer, and answers you should question.

So hear me out my republican friends, it's time for enlightenment. We need to take responsibility for our lives and for our education. I can tell you that knowledge is good for you, and I could even pay you to learn, but I can not make you learn. So if we can just make this one agreement, that we will agree to learn, then we will solve almost every single problem that we have in this world.

I don't judge people for a particular point of view, because that's usually just one of many points of view that a person may have. It's just when a point of view causes damage and becomes a threat to peoples wellbeing. A point of view is no longer just a point of view when that point of view influences abusive behavior that harms people. The worst thing about being bad is when you believe that you're doing something good, but in reality, what you're really doing is something bad and wrong. Being a republican does not mean that you're a bad person or a good person, and being a democrat does not mean that you're a bad person or a good person. Something is considered to be good when it can be quantified and measured when analyzing the benefits and understanding the recognizable accomplishments that it causes. Something is considered to be bad when it can be quantified and measured when analyzing the negative effects that it has and the damages that it causes. So it does not matter how you label yourself or what label you choose to define your voting preference. What matters is that you can prove that your actions are doing more good than harm. Just pretending to be good is not good enough. You should know that you're good and be able to prove that you're good. If you can't prove that your actions or beliefs are good, then you're probably doing something bad and you're most likely wrong about something. This is why we need to explain ourselves and clearly understand each other. We need to prove to each other that we are accurately and effectively measuring our worth, and not just pretending that we're worthy or good. Just because someone has not taken the time to prove you wrong, this does not necessarily mean that you're right. You have to prove that you're right and you have to know that you're right. A fantasy is not proof. If you don't understand what you stand for, then you will fall for something.

I know that the truth really hurts you, which is why you're always avoiding the truth, because it's hard to face. But it's time for you to stop lying to yourself. You're going to die an idiot if you keep avoiding the truth. The truth will set you free, but you have to change what you believe in and stop making assumptions. There is no future for liars. Living a lie is to die inside, and that's when you become zombified, while the rest of the world becomes horrified of what you've become. It's not a good way to live, or a good way to die. You still have a chance to change your mind. When presented with new information, you should at least take a look, you may never know what you'll find, such as yourself.

Believing that someone else is wrong, doesn't make you right. You still have to prove that you're right, because just pretending that you're right, doesn't make other people wrong. You need to have a real conversation, because it's the only way to know what's real. Not having real conversations impedes learning. Know one knows the truth all by themselves, or knows the truth just because others close to them believe they also know the truth. Going outside the circle or going outside the box is the only way to verify the truth. You could be right, or you could be wrong, or maybe you just don't know enough, so you will need more information in order to understand something. If you pretend to have the answers, then you will never know the truth and you will never fully understand the reality of the situation or see the big picture.

You just can't get your information from just one source like FOX News. FOX stands for Fraudsters, Oafs and Xenophobes. A primitive state of neurotic irresponsibility. Regression - Devolve.

Just because I want things to be done right and to be correct, this doesn't mean that I'm a democrat or any other stupid label. And just because I criticize ignorant and corrupt behavior, this doesn't mean that I'm anti-republican. Nobody likes liars, so let's stop lying. Let's get to the truth and stop wasting time and energy. If you can't listen or agree to understand, then go fuck yourself. And when you're busy fucking yourself, please take some time to educate yourself, because I still believe in you.

Republican Playbook - Terrorist Manifesto

Based on republican voting records, republicans have disdain for human rights. Republicans like to create enemies for people to hate. Republicans like to incite violence and division and then attack protesters that don't agree with their reasoning. Republicans like to influence misplaced nationalism. Republicans put more money into the military than into schools and communities. Republicans harbor sexist views. Republicans control the media to a certain degree. Republicans attack freedom of speech while they spread propaganda and lies. Republican representatives vote against legislation, and then they blame the democrats for the problems it caused, all because republicans failed to take the appropriate action. Republicans use national security as a fear mongering weapon. Republicans like to exploit gullible people with extreme religious views just to win their votes and increase donations. Republicans go out of their way to protect corporate interests at the expense of its citizens. Republicans are always busy ignoring corruption and cronyism. Republicans like to weaken labor unions and reduce workers rights. Republicans like to interfere with elections and interfere with peoples right to vote. Republicans have disdain for science and the arts. Republicans are obsessed with crime and punishment but not rehabilitation. Republicans like the death penalty but they don't like improving schools. Republicans like guns but they don't like common sense gun control. Republicans don't like a women's right to choose but also don't like safe sex education that reduces teenage pregnancies and also reduces the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. Republicans are against abortion but not against mass murder, mass incarceration, mass poverty, debt slaves, mass diseases, mass starvation, mass wars, or mass abuse. Republicans want a small government with less regulations because republicans like contaminated drinking water, contaminated food, contaminated soil and air pollution, which are the things that would stop premature deaths and reduce health problems and also stop the spread of cancers and diseases. Republicans are full of invalid arguments with too many contradictions. Republican talking points or key words are mostly lies because they contradict who they really are and what they're really do. They blame the democrats for the exact same things that they are guilty of doing. And since gullible republican voters believe the lies, they end up using these same lies as excuses for naively voting republican. This is really sad to see, it's like seeing a child being abused or watching someone being scammed by criminals. You can try to help them, but they are so brainwashed it's almost impossible to explain the truth to them, especially when they're filled with so many lies. Republicans only complain and blame but never explain. Republicans prey on the gullible, and then blame the gullible for being gullible in an attempt to shift the blame away from them, especially when republican leaders are the reason why people are so gullible in the first place. It's a type of ignorant feedback loop, where the republican leaders manipulate the gullible republican followers into believing that other people are to blame for their problems. The same divide and conquer trick that has been perpetrated by leaders for hundreds of years.

Sociopaths - Psychopaths - Lying - Conservatives - MEGA Morons

Republicans Oppose Legislation that would help solve a lot of the problems that people are suffering from, but republicans would rather blame democrats for the problems that people face instead of helping to solve the problems that they ignore and contribute to. Republicans are the most prolific de-funders of all time. Defunding schools and teachers and defunding medical services for children, women and veterans, as well as defunding other government programs that are needed. The only things that the republicans don't like to defund is the police and the military, which they use to control citizens at home an abroad. Republicans want people to be under-served, under-educated, under-paid, under-rated and under-valued. Republicans sow discord to fool people into blaming other people for problems so republican politicians and their wealthy friends can steal and rape America without anyone noticing.

Congress passed so few laws in 2024, but lawmakers did manage to send 27 bills to President Biden's desk for a signature.

Republican Policies Are Killing Americans. Right-wing policies are all part and parcel of the U.S. ruling elite's deadly war on the working class. Low wages, wage repression, anti-union "right-to-work" laws, public disinvestment or underinvestment, social services, over-incarceration, and abortion bans, are interconnected economic policy tools to disempower and control workers. Changing all policy domains in all states to a fully liberal orientation might have saved 171,030 lives in 2019," researchers estimate, "while changing them to a fully conservative orientation might have cost 217,635 lives.

Economic Subjugation is the act of treating a person or his or her wishes or beliefs as less important than other people or their wishes or beliefs.

Disempowered Working Class is the disempowerment and control over workers autonomy and livelihoods, weaken the working class, both materially and ideally.

Conservative policies linked to higher mortality among working-age people. Conservative state policies regarding the environment, gun safety, labor, taxes and tobacco have been associated with higher mortality rates among working-age people relative to liberal policies, new research found. A study found that lax gun policies were associated with higher suicide rates among men. Lower cigarette taxes were linked to more heart disease deaths. The study defined liberal policies as ones that expanded states’ power to regulate and redistribute wealth, restricted states’ power to punish deviant behavior and protected the rights of marginalized groups. Conservative policies did the opposite.

Christian Fascism is a far-right political ideology that denotes an intersection between fascism and Christianity. Christofascism "disposed or allowed Christians, to impose themselves not only upon other religions but other cultures, and political parties which do not march under the banner of the final, normative, victorious Christ".

Crypto-Fascism is the secret support for, or admiration of, fascism or trends close to the ideology. The term is used to imply that an individual or group keeps this support or admiration hidden to avoid political persecution or political suicide. A person, organization or idea possessing this tendency would be described by the adjective "crypto-fascist". Crypto Nazi.

Neo-Fascism is a post-World War II far-right ideology that includes significant elements of fascism. Neo-fascism usually includes ultranationalism, racial supremacy, populism, authoritarianism, nativism, xenophobia, and anti-immigration sentiment, sometimes with economic liberal issues, as well as opposition to social democracy, parliamentarianism, Marxism, capitalism, communism, and socialism (sometimes are opposed to liberalism and liberal democracy). As with classical fascism, it occasionally proposes a Third Position as an alternative to market capitalism.

"The disease of the right is greed, bigotry, insensitivity, and general stupidity" - Norman Mailer, 1968.

RNC & ”Migrant Crime”: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube)

Republicans want to consolidate power and change a country from a democracy to an authoritarian state. The Republicans will aggrandize executive authority, politicize independent institutions, quash descent, spread misinformation, target vulnerable communities, corrupt elections, and stoke violence. Donald Trump has engaged in all 7 of these. Trump did everyone a favor by telling the entire world what republicans are really thinking about behind closed doors. Now a lot of people know how devious and evil republicans really are underneath. Trump was basically thinking out loud because he can't control his ego, his white privilege or his arrogance. So most people heard a confession from a scumbag criminal, while other people who are naive and ignorant, heard nothing but the usual comments, because for some reason, scumbag behavior is normal to republican voters. So how did republicans become so ignorant? Dumb down schools and a dumbed down media, as well as, the wealthy and greedy scumbags in power who orchestrated this insane situation we are all in, and are now just sitting back and watching their devious plan working just how they planned it. It's extremely sickening, but it's also a good wakeup call. It's time to make America great in the ways that it was originally intended to be, and not just what we hoped and dreamed that America would be. We have a lot of work to do.

Republicans make America weaker, and Democrats make America stronger. So whose side are you on?

Neo-Feudalism entails an order defined by commercial interests and administered in large areas. A contemporary rebirth of policies of governance, economy, and public life, reminiscent of those which were present in many feudal societies. Such aspects include, but are not limited to: Unequal rights and legal protections for common people and for nobility, dominance of societies by a small and powerful elite, a lack of social mobility, and relations of lordship and serfdom between the elite and the people, where the former are rich and the latter poor.

Feudalism a way of structuring society around relationships derived from the holding of land in exchange for service or labor.

Political Positions of the Republican Party supports restrictions on immigration, gun rights, restrictions on abortion, and other so called traditional values, usually with a Christian foundation. In foreign policy, Republicans favor increased military spending and unilateral action. Other Republican beliefs include opposition to environmental protection law, opposition to drug legalization, and support for school choice. The party is also socially conservative, which is very vague in its meaning?

Republican state houses are using republican rule grab type legislation or preemption bills that are aimed at rolling back laws passed by more progressive cities. Republican Bills are targeting education, police, housing policy, zoning, gun rights, voting rights and transgender and LGBTQ rights. Republicans who might have once advocated for small government and local control are now meddling directly in those issues. This is terrorism using legislation.

How Republicans Hijack Democracy and Pass Abusive Laws

Rider in legislation is an additional provision added to a bill or other measure under the consideration by a legislature, which may or may not have any connection with the subject matter of the bill. This is how republicans manipulate the legislative process to pass laws that favor big corporations instead of favoring the people that they pretend to represent. Riders have been a traditional method for members of Congress to advance controversial measures without building coalitions specifically in support of them, allowing the measure to move through the legislative process. By combining measures, the legislative leadership can force members to accept a measure that might not survive alone because they want the entire bill to pass. This is basically hijacking the legislative process in order to be scumbags to Americans. Hypocrisy at its worse - Fraud - Ten commandments has Riders

Single-Subject Rule is a rule in the constitutional law of some jurisdictions that stipulates that some or all types of legislation may deal with only one main issue. One purpose is to avoid complexity in acts, to avoid any hidden provisions that legislators or voters may miss when reading the proposed law. Another is to prevent legislators attaching an unpopular provision or a rider to an unrelated popular one, whether in the hope of sneaking the unpopular one through, or in the hope of causing the popular one to be rejected, such as with a wrecking amendment. Bad Faith.

Wrecking Amendment or poison pill amendment is an amendment made by a legislator who disagrees with the principles of a bill and who seeks to make it useless (by moving amendments to either make the bill malformed and nonsensical, or to severely change its intent) rather than directly opposing the bill by simply voting against it. And you wonder why good laws don't pass.

Omnibus Bill is a proposed law that covers a number of diverse or unrelated topics. An omnibus bill is a single document that is accepted in a single vote by a legislature but packages together several measures into one or combines diverse subjects. Because of their large size and scope, omnibus bills limit opportunities for debate and scrutiny. Historically, omnibus bills have sometimes been used to pass controversial amendments. For this reason, some consider omnibus bills to be anti-democratic.

Christmas Tree Bill is a political term referring to a bill that attracts many, often unrelated, floor amendments. A Christmas tree bill consists of many riders. The amendments which adorn the bill may provide special benefits to various groups or interests.

Riders on the storm, into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown, like a dog without a bone and an actor out on loan, riders on the storm. There's a killer on the road, his brain is squirmin' like a toad, take a long holiday, let your children play, if you give this man a ride sweet family will die, killer on the road.

Most republicans are against improving education, which causes most unplanned pregnancies and discriminations. So if you hate the problems that you are causing, then stop causing them by improving education. Everyone wants social values and human values. But not everyone is explaining what those values mean. There has to be a debate. Making claims without evidence is false advertising or even fraud. Are you a conservationist?

You don't want to fully educate people, but you do want to punish people for doing things because they were not educated enough. You caused the problems by dumbing down education, but instead of correcting your mistake, you choose to make things worse, which makes you living proof that ignorance is the biggest threat to human existence. Your ignorance is a cancer on society and a deadly virus that kills people everyday. False Memories - Mandela Effect.

Schedule F Appointment was a job classification scam used republicans to hire ass kissers instead of employing qualified people who are more skilled and more honest. This scam was the excepted service of the United States federal civil service that existed briefly at the end of the Trump administration during 2020–2021. It would have contained policy-related positions, removing their civil service protections and making them easy to fire. It was never fully implemented, and no one was appointed to it before it was repealed at the beginning of the Biden administration. The legal basis for the Schedule F appointment was a section of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. § 7511(b)(2)), which exempts from civil service protections federal employees "whose position has been determined to be of a confidential, policy-determining, policy-making or policy-advocating character.

Republicans are in a cold war with America. Most republican representatives are puppets for wealthy and powerful people. So who's pulling the strings? Not the voters, the republican voters are mostly patsies. Corporate takeover of America has been happening for over 100 years. In 1935 American people were warned, and again in 1961 American people were warned again, but the schools are also controlled by corporations, so students have no idea that they are just robots.

Cold War is a state of political hostility between countries, characterized by threats, propaganda, and other measures short of open warfare, if you don't count all the murders that is. The Civil War never really ended. 

Subversion is destroying peoples honesty or loyalty and undermining moral integrity. Subversion also means overthrowing or destroying a legally constituted government. Domestic terrorism by ignorant morons is not an insurrection. You were brainwashed by a demagogue whose cult of personality was sold to you because you were naive enough to buy it.

Populism is when privileged elites trample on the rights, values, and the voices of the legitimate people. Populism is when citizens are mistreated by a small circle of elites. These scumbag elites can be overthrown if people could recognize this threat and work together.

Darkest Hour is the time when bad events are at their worst and most dispiriting. "the darkest hour is just before the dawn".

Querulous is a person complaining in a petulant or whining manner.

Vexatious is someone causing irritation or annoyance.

Ornery is someone having a difficult and contrary disposition.

Irascible is someone who is quickly aroused to anger.

Fractious is is an irritable and quarrelsome group of people or an organization that is unruly and difficult to control. Intractable or difficult to manage or mold. Dissenting, especially dissenting with the majority opinion. Divisive and discordant and not in agreement or in harmony.

Republicans are just puppets for Big Corporations

It seems that the Republican Party is just being used as patsy's by wealthy people in power to keep people distracted and divided. If you want to stay in power, you have to keep people distracted and divided, and, you also have to dumb down the media and dumb down schools. This way, it makes it easy to control the population to a certain degree. This system of control and manipulation makes it easy for the wealthy to control more wealth, which in turn, gives them more control over most people and even most countries.

Republicans and their corporate criminal partners are systematically destroying America for profit. Republicans are degrading and eroding family values and undermining Americas constitution, while raping the wealth of America. When owners of a company mismanages the company that they are responsible for, that company fails. People don't blame the employees, because employees focus on doing their job. But when managers are not focused on their job, everyone suffers, except for the owners of course, they usually walk away with the wealth of that the business, the wealth that employees created.

Corporations Funding GOP’s efforts to undermine America's elections the destroy America's Democracy, as documented on the committee’s publicly available IRS Form 8872s: 1-800 Contacts, 3M, Amazon, Anheuser-Busch, Autozone, Bank of America, Best Buy, Boeing, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Capital One, Charter Communications, Chevron, Citigroup, Coca-Cola, Comcast, ConocoPhillips, Deloitte, Dominion Energy, DraftKings, Ebay, Eli Lilly, ExxonMobil, Facebook, Farmer’s Group, FedEx, Freedom Financial, General Motors, GlaxoSmithKline, Google, Hewlett-Packard, Home Depot, Honeywell, iHeartMedia, Intuit, JPMorgan Chase, Juul, Kwik Trip, LegalZoom, LexisNexis, MasterCard, Microsoft, MillerCoors, Motorola, Mylan, Nationwide, Novo Nordisk, PayPal, PepsiCo, Pfizer, Raytheon, Reynolds American, Sheetz, SmileDirectClub, Square, Target, TIAA, T-Mobile, Tracfone, TruGreen, UnitedHealth, UPS, Visa, Volkswagen, Waffle House, Walgreens, Wal-Mart, Waste Management, Waymo, Wells Fargo, and Yum Brands. In 2010, the Republican State Leadership Committee, or RSLC, was able to fund its Redistricting Majority Project, or REDMAP, with $30 million in donations taken in part from corporations like Wal-Mart, AT&T, and Pfizer. Monopolies are a form of fascism.

A Warning to Republican Voters. Bad people are preying on your fears, your weaknesses, your insecurities, your paranoia, your ignorance and your white victimhood. You are so gullible and naive that you don't even know you're being scammed, lied to and manipulated by wealthy morons who know how to use false flag tactics to make you blame other people. So while you're busy fighting your own ignorance and your own insecurities, the rich get richer and poor get poorer. It's disturbing to watch people make a fool out of you. I hope that you wakeup soon before your fantasy world becomes a nightmare reality.

Republican politicians are purposely being a scumbag to people so they can cause divisions and conflict between people. And while people are pointing their fingers at each other, these greedy scumbags in power steal more wealth and do more damage, while Republican politicians support them and look the other way. Republican voters can be easily distracted by propaganda and false flags. Republican politicians use lies as a weapon, and the republican voters who lack the skills and the knowledge needed to defend themselves, consent to a distorted reality, instead of questioning it. People are fatally overwhelmed with misinformation and disinformation, and they don't even know it, or are they even aware of it. It's like a cancer that grows without showing any clear signs. Eventually a death sentence appears before your eyes, and you have no idea how you got here.

Things that are Wrong with Republicans

Everyone is smart in some ways, and not so smart in other ways, this is because intelligence is relative and people could lose their human nature. But being republican is a different kind of stupid. It's a dangerous kind of stupid, a stupidity that threatens democracy and morality. It's a kind of stupid that you associate with murders, rapists, child abusers, pedophiles and criminals. But most republican voters don't commit these types of crimes, but they passively support these behaviors by not understanding how they contribute to these behaviors when they vote republican. The lies they tell themselves are many. They try to put out fires with gasoline and then blame the destruction on other people. A kind of insanity that you only see with severely mentally disturbed people. It's as if one side of their brain works, but the other side of the brain is damaged in some way. I would say they should seek treatment, but how can you effectively help someone if they continually lie to themselves and continually lie to other people? Zombies.

When you don't understand the need for more information, and you don't recognize that there is a problem with the information you have, the odds of you making a rational decision are extremely low. Pretending to know something is just as dangerous as not knowing something. And when you lack knowledge and also pretend to have knowledge, you are at a high risk of losing touch with reality. Too lazy to learn, but not lazy to watch people get burned.

Denialist is a person who refuses to accept the truth or validity of something, even when presented with evidence. Denialism is a way to avoid believing in an uncomfortable truth.

Willful Ignorance is a person who intentionally avoids learning facts that would make them liable for a wrongful act.

Bias is a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situation. And when people ignore their bias, their decisions will be subjective.

Confirmation Bias is when people give more weight to information that supports their beliefs, even when their beliefs are not backed up by evidence.

Group Polarization can cause people to hold more extreme beliefs after participating in group discussions with people who share similar beliefs.

Republican beliefs are selective and their beliefs are stubbornly inconsistent, which means they don't apply the same thinking or apply the same reasoning to every situation. It's like the brain works in one moment, and then does not work in the next moment. They believe things that are not true, but they don't believe things that are true. They believe things that are wrong, but they don't believe things that are right. They believe in things that are bad, but they don't believe in things that are good. The only logical way to treat this type of illogical behavior, is by using a high quality education software that allows a person to educate themselves and test themselves. Then eventually, each person can learn how to be intelligent and also have a better understanding of themselves and the world around them.

How are you supposed to know right from wrong when you can't even tell the difference between fact and fiction? Are you living in a paradox, or are you selectively inducing delusions to cover up your lies? You shouldn't be so insecure about being wrong because everyone makes mistakes. You should get rid of your exaggerated ego and learn how to empathize so you can reclaim your human nature.

Republican voters are Deaf, Dumb and Blind.
Deaf because they don't listen to the facts or want to hear the other side of the argument.
Dumb because they don't want to learn the facts or do they even consider that they don't have facts to back up their claims.
Blind because they fail to see themselves and they fail to see other people who suffer from their ignorance.

When you use lies to explain things, or use lies as your reasoning for things, or use lies to justify your ignorant behavior, then it means that you're lying to yourself, and when you lie to yourself, it means that your life is a lie. When you lie to yourself, you set yourself up for confusion and self delusion. When you consider lies to be the truth, then your truth becomes lies.

You should not give your reason if the reason is based on lies, or make your excuses based on lies, If your reason or your excuse has no evidence or proof, then you have nothing that would make your reason or your excuse to be true, or even be real.

Democrats make improvements, republicans don't make improvements, unless those improvements benefit the wealthy. This does not make democrats less susceptible to corporate greed and corporate control, because big corporations controls both political parties. So you just can't vote for democrats, you have to follow up and do things that help society improve and to prosper. The world is not going to change just because you voted for someone, the world changes because you were part of those changes, and you helped society improve. In society there are no benches on the side line, so you just can't sit this one out.

It's easy to say anything when you're telling lies, especially when you don't have to prove what you say or provide any evidence. Though we have laws to protect people from fraud, slander and abuse, there seems to be loopholes and grey areas where ignorant scumbags can say anything they want without being accountable for the damage it does. Republican scumbags cherry pick information and then personally interpret that information so they can pretend to have reasons for the lies they spread. But when scumbag republicans are taken before a court of law, they lose almost every time because they have no proof and no evidence. The only way a republican can win in court is when the judge is corrupt too and the judge uses corrupt reasoning to manipulate the facts, like conservative supreme court justices do.

I don't know why republicans constantly lie to themselves and pretend to understand what they're saying. They know words, but don't know the meaning of words. They contradict themselves continually. They say one thing and then say the complete opposite thing a moment later as if they're not even listening to themselves when they speak. Their beliefs are mostly lies. They have delusional fantasies where they pretend to know things and pretend to understand things. They never show any proof or evidence to confirm their opinions, they just regurgitate what they hear from republican puppets who are lying to them, and yet they think that everyone else is lying to them, without ever providing any proof or evidence to back up their claim. They know the word "research" and you know the word "learning", but they never put those words into practice. But this does not mean that they're bad people, they're just bad with politics and bad with understanding the reality of how government works and how corruption works. You should stop pretending that you know what's going on, and start educating yourself. This way we can help people solve the problems that society is plagued with instead of just adding to the problems that society is plagued with. You're very capable of learning and understanding, but you have to work at it and study hard. If you continue to believe that you don't have to learn anything or do anything positive and logical, then you will continue to be a problem for the world, and you will never find any solutions to the problems that society is facing. The world has many problems, but you're just adding to the worlds problems. Your anger and frustration is built on lies, which means your life is a lie. You are not only a danger to yourself, but a danger to everyone else. You are very capable of having a positive impact on the world. But for now, you are like a poison making everyone sick, and you're like an unexploded bomb that everyone fears will explode someday, and eventually, you will kill people you never knew or even took the time to know and understand. Instead of watching the world burn, you should help us put out the fires and help us stop the criminals who are continually starting fires. We are all on the same side, but for some strange reason, you stand with the criminals while pretending you're not with the criminals. You're fanning the flames of hell, a hell that you will never escape from, unless you finally agree that you know very little about what's going on. The world is at a breaking point, and your ignorance is not helping anything or helping anyone. So please educate yourself, and stop pretending that you're educated. The world does not need your ignorance, the world needs you.

You lie to yourself, you contradict yourself, and then pretend that you're not wrong. You confuse your fantasy with reality and your opinions are not facts or evidence. You say that you know what fraud is, but you commit fraud when you make false statements and repeat the lies that you hear. You know words, but your words have no meaning because you say things that you know little about. You make sense and also make no sense in the same sentence. You're a walking contradiction. This goes way beyond hypocrisy, your behavior is wrong and abusive, and you don't even care. You don't know what growing up means, and you don't know what being ignorant is, which means that you will continue to be ignorant for the rest of your life. You can't even fake being smart because you don't know what smart is. You can't wake up when you lack the knowledge that explains what being awake really is. So it's impossible for me to help you, especially when you don't even know that you need help. You complain and you blame, but you never explain. You use words frivolously with no real purpose in mind. You talk, but you don't say anything. So what am I supposed to do? Do you expect me to pretend and play along with your fantasy? I have to live in reality because I have to solve problems. You will never solve problems in the real world because you're living in a fantasy world. You say that republican politicians are telling you what you want to hear, but all they speak is lies and bullshit. So you're lying to yourself and you don't even know it. So how can I reach you if you have no idea where you are? You say that you're fed up, but for some strange reason, you're not fed up with your own ignorance. You naively believe that republican politicians will solve your problems, but republican politicians are the problem, which makes you the problem, because you believe the lies that republican politicians tell you. You believe that someone is qualified for the job, but you never did a background check or seen a real resume, or do you know their history. You're hiring criminals and expecting everyone else to deal with your negligence. You say that the 2020 election was rigged, when republicans are guilty of rigging elections for decades. But you don't care about the truth because you live in a fantasy world. You say you don't believe the media because they lie, but then you believe the lies that republicans tell you in the media. You don't trust the democrats, but then you trust the lies that republican politicians tell you, and the republican politicians are known liars, and their lies have been documented and proven, which you refuse to acknowledge. You know that people lie, but then you believe the biggest lying scumbag there is, which I don't even have to name. You don't even want to explain yourself because you would have to admit that you are also a liar. Lying to cover up your own ignorance will only keep you ignorant. Your whole life is a lie, and your not even trying to know the truth or trying to educate yourself. You say that you're knowledgeable, but that is also a lie. You can't prove that you are educated enough because you're too busy lying to yourself and lying to everyone else. You been lying so much that lying has become your reality. You say you can recognize lies, but you can't even recognize the lies that you tell yourself or recognize when the person you believe in is a known liar. So how can I reason with someone who has flawed reasons. Your reasons are lies. You use flawed reasons as an excuse for a narrow minded point of view. So what am I supposed to do? Most people who have delusions have to go to a psychiatric hospital for treatment, but your delusions seem to be ignored and go untreated. You are like a lunatic who is privilege to be living outside the asylum. But then you vote republican, which is disturbing, because the lunatics you're voting for are the same people that made you the lunatic you are. That's like forcing abused children to live with their abusers. The world is sick, while you stand around pretending that you're not sick. So you see, I have a lot of work to do. Educating the mind will not be easy. Luckily. I love challenges, as many humans do. I'll see you at school.

Words come out of your mouth that have no connection to facts or evidence, which creates to big problems. You force other people to ask questions, and you also influence gullible republicans to make assumptions, because gullible people are too lazy to ask questions and too lazy to learn the facts. When people choose to live in a fantasy world because it's easier to live in than reality, you have people who are so disconnected from the real world, that life itself is being demoralized into oblivion. When I see republican voters, I see zombies. Unconscious people pretending to be conscious. When I try to have a real conversation with a republican, I see a zombie appear, as if their mind has been brainwashed and there's many broken connections. Not only do they look disconnected from reality, they also seem to have little connection to their soul or to the human spirit. I wish I could snap my fingers and have them wake up, but the trance they're in is way too deep. We need to design a behavioral intervention technique that is custom made for republican voters. I know we can save them, but it will take a lot of work.

Too many republican politicians are morally corrupt, morally perverted and morally deceitful. Republicans lie through their teeth to manipulate voters by claiming to be morally just and morally responsible, when in fact, most republicans are evil, they are a threat to morality and a threat to democracy.

Did you ever notice that there's no intelligent people in the republican party. Republicans have no experts, unless you consider lying an expertise, then they're fucking experts, at lying. No wonder intelligent beings from outer space hasn't visited earth. ET see's a bunch morons and of course don't want to get involved. ET knows there's intelligent people on earth, but they have to wait till it's safe and that we have ignorance under control.

The republican voter is needs to stop being narrow-minded and selfish. You should never vote for someone based on a few vague reasons. This makes you look like a narrow-minded and selfish person, who also has a conflict of interest, the conflict being that you are not interested in learning and understanding the responsibility of being a citizen. There are many other reasons to vote for someone. Representatives have many responsibilities and that can influence hundreds of decisions that will have an effect on peoples lives. You should never ignore the facts and pretend to believe that the person you vote for will supposedly represent you in some meaningful level. You need to see a side by comparison of every decision we make. You need to visualize and see the good when compared to the bad. You need to understand that there is always another side to a story. You need to take responsibility for your actions and stop blaming other people for your failures and for your own ignorance. It's time for us to be adults.

The Economy is an ignorant excuse to give for how you voted. Most people can't even explain one fact about the economy or show any documented numbers in any economic sector that they believe is a major factor to be concerned about. People are basically lying. Even when the economy is improving in some areas, people will ignore it, which proves that people are clueless about the economy.

Why do republican voters want to abuse people and like to see other people to suffer? Why do republican voters enjoy being scumbags to other people? Does being an asshole to other people make republican voters feel better about themselves? Maybe republican voters can explain why they do this? That would be nice. Republicans are broken people, and it's our duty as a civilized society to help republicans heal themselves.

Some of the characteristics of a republican that proves their ignorance and proves that they lack knowledge and common sense: You quickly dismiss facts and seem to be confused about the difference between an opinion and a fact. You never provide any evidence or facts to prove your point. Your opinions are mostly lies that are disguised as an opinion. You're closed-minded most of the time. You're unwilling to learn and you lack curiosity. You oversimplify complex issues. You rely too much on fallacies. You have an inability to take criticism because of your toxic ego. You don't answer questions clearly and you mostly give bullshit answers and pretend to answer questions. This goes beyond poor communication skills, poor problem-solving skills and an inability to adapt to new situations, your lack of knowledge is a vulnerability and a threat.

A lot of republicans are professional assholes. They must have a secret training program where they learn how to be assholes because they're really good at it. This is probably why republicans spend most of their time figuring out ways how to be an asshole to people instead of being of service to people.

Clown Show is someone who is a walking joke, including their actions, habits, appearance, and ultimately, their existence. Clown in slang is a socially inept or stupid person.

"When the reasons you give for your opinion are total bullshit, it means that you're a lying sack of shit and you're just making up lame accuses for being an ignorant scumbag."

Most Republicans today are gullible and ill-informed. And some republicans can be two faced hypocrites, bigots, racists, xenophobic, stubborn and ignorant about themselves and the world around them. Most republicans also lack empathy, and too many republicans like to pretend that they know things, which makes it difficult to have real conversations with them. This is why improving education has to be top priority. To make a America great again you have to Make Americans Educated Again. The Declaration of Independence and Americas Constitution was created by educated Americans. And it will take highly educated Americans to defend this beautiful country against the ignorance that is destroying American values. This is not about vilifying republicans, it's about educating republicans and all Americans to the highest American standards that we have. We have to educate ourselves out of this mess. Our democracy is in shambles. We can not continue this decline while other world powers are getting stronger. A strong military without strong minded people will only guarantee our destruction. We need strong minded citizens who are highly educated and resilient. Knowledge is the new world power.

If you have vague political views that you don't fully understand, then you're more vulnerable to being manipulated. All someone has to do is say the keywords that you respond to and you can be controlled. Just like with marketing tricks and ponzi scams that fool people. If you don't know the full extent of your choices, then someone will make choices without your consent.

Why does the republican party exploit religious people and ignorant people? Because they are gullible and naive and easy to exploit. Republicans are a voice for the rich and powerful who believe in money, not people. Republican party also protects big corporations who poison the land, air and water, while at the same time, Republican party takes away citizens rights and freedoms. People need to wake up, your vote for a republican may be sponsoring terrorism. You need to stop being brainwashed by fox news and other fake news outlets who are exploiting gullible people who have uncontrollable biases. The color of the republican party is red like the blood they spill in the name of money and power. Don't let political colors fool you. They just want to Make America Great Again for the wealthy, and to hell with everyone else, as you can clearly see again in 2016 through 2020.

The separation of church and state is an illusion. Right-Wing Media.

Trump is an example of what would happen when the worst TV show that was ever created became real and somehow infected reality. The republican party is like watching a horrible TV show that is both sickening and disturbing. It's like watching a depressing soap opera where every character acts like an ignorant scumbag, and the republican voters play their parts as stock characters who believe that ignorant behavior by their leaders somehow validates their own ignorant behavior. When you talk to a republican voter, they show all the signs of being in a cult and being brainwashed by cult leader who is bat shit crazy. It's like watching a stupid TV commercial advertisement that makes obvious false claims, but millions of people are still gullible enough to believe it, and they continue to watch it as if it's real. They have fallen for it hook, line and sinker. Republican voters naive fantasies and their distorted views of reality is doing real damage to this country and hurting millions of people. This is not a bad dream, this is a living nightmare. Ignorance is the devil, and the devil has a lot of demon followers who are dumb as sh*t, which creates a real danger to every living thing on this planet. So how the f*ck did this happen? The answer is a dumbed down education system and a propaganda machine that we call the media. The allegory in the cave is just child's play when compared to this cluster f*ck that we call republican politics. What good is having metaphors, analogies and satire if people are too ignorant to understand what those concepts mean or what the real message is? It's like when someone is playing a joke on you that's not funny. Your joke sucks and it's FUBAR. The intentionally dumbing down of Americans went way to far. Now we have to educate the grownups and not just the children. Ignorance is the most deadliest cancer that this world has ever faced. Luckily we can cure this disease using valuable knowledge and information.

Republicans find it hard to work together with other people. They find it hard to make decisions together with other people. Republicans are narrow minded and single minded hypocrites who lie to themselves and lie to everyone else. Republicans have a dysfunctional imagination. They can't visualize themselves or visualize other people, so they can't see the whole picture. Republicans are divided in mind and in body. So why do republicans have this brain dysfunction? It's more about how the brain is wired and how the brain processes information, than it is about a persons lack of knowledge. Because even people with low IQ's, or people who have limited education, will still process the innate ability to be good and to reason without disrespecting other people. So their brain is wired correctly, but they are still vulnerable to mistakes because they lack valuable knowledge and information. But even then, correctly wiring the brain is still important. So learning how you wire a brain correctly needs to be a top priority. There are many documented cases that have shown people who had stokes, can rewire their brain through practice, physical therapy and education, and thus eventually regain close to full use of their brain and body, and also recover most of the skills they once had. So you don't want to say that the brain is damaged from a stroke, it would be better to say that the brain has some temporary blockages, and that you need to create a type of a work around solution. Our brain plasticity can be used as a repair mechanism, and not just as an ability to adapt or to modify ourselves to changes in our environment, or changes within ourselves. Things can be bent, but not be broken, because things can still bend back, or they can bend or flex in other ways if needed.

So what's wrong with Republicans? They're definitely not making sense. They're smart in some ways, but not so smart in other ways. Why is all their reasoning based on lies? Is it brain washing? Is it the lack of knowledge and information? Is it brain damage? Or is it a combination of all those things? There is definitely some dysfunction in the brain. Is it fluoride, pesticides, bad diet, microwaves, pollution or other toxins that are known to harm the brain? And they vote for these poisons by supporting the republican party, so their reasoning skills seem to be malfunctioning. But sometimes they do reason correctly, so its selective. They have the skills, but they only use those skills occasionally. And they definitely have inflated egos, as well as insecurity issues, so they were either spoiled as children or abused as children. Their ability to process information is also malfunctioning. They only hear what they want to hear. And then there is the lack of empathy, which is definitely a common trait among republicans. And the lack of empathy is usually caused by brain abnormalities. So the hardware is definitely effected and not just their software. I noticed that most republicans don't smoke weed, so they have no different perspective, they only have close minded tunnel vision. But I do know some republicans who do smoke weed, so weed won't necessarily heal all republicans of their dysfunction. We have a mental health crisis, but we also have an ignorance crisis, which is a lot more damaging and dangerous to everyone on the planet. So republicanism is definitely a disease. We need treatment centers and safe places for republicans to get help, if not, then the zombie apocalypse is just around the corner.


Practice what You PreachConservatism promotes retaining traditional social institutions in the context of culture and civilization, which doesn't explain anything, because it's too vague, and it doesn't specifying anything. Conservatives seek to preserve institutions like the church, monarchy and the social hierarchy, as they are, emphasizing stability and continuity, or in other words, they seek to make everyone mindless slaves who are passive and submissive, which is why wealthy people in power like religions, because religious people are easy to manipulate. Most people see conservatives as reactionaries who oppose modernism. They seek a return to "the way things were", though conservatives have no idea what that means, or could they explain what it means. Even the phrase Family Values is a lie. You pretend to be honest, respectful, and kind. This is not saying that all religious people are lying hypocrites, it's just that too many are. So what are conservatives actually conserving? Ignorance.

Hypocrisy - Contradictions - Flawed Reasoning - Invalid Arguments - Circular Talk - Religious Charlatans - Two Faced - Fake People - Extremism - Religious People in Prison - Regression - Cults - Imperialism - Wealth Inequality - Separation of Powers - Persuasive Definitions - Republican Playbook

We are Not Going Back. Progress is like time, it goes forwards, not backwards. Age of Enlightenment - Ignorance is Not Bliss.

Social Conservatism is focused on the preservation of traditional values and beliefs, which is vague. Social Conservatism focuses on a concern with moral and social values which proponents of the ideology see as degraded in modern society by social democracy and liberalism, which is playing the blame game and not clearly explaining the reasoning. Social conservatives are concerned with many social issues, but don't fully understand them, such as abortion, sex education, the equal rights amendment, school prayer, same-sex marriage, and many others. They oppose many of the cultural changes brought on by the culture wars and the sexual revolution, which they can not prove or show evidence for. Many religious conservatives push for a focus on Christian traditions as a guiding force for the country on social issues, leading them to be considered social conservatives. Explain how this guiding force works and how it translates into good behaviors? And don't be vague. If you can't explain your reasoning, then you don't have reasoning, you just extreme beliefs that you want to force on other people.

Everyone values traditional marriage between a man and a women, no one is arguing about that. But just because you value a tradition, that tradition does not give you the right to discriminate against people, or give you the right to abuse people, or give you the right to slander people or hate people, or give you the right to threaten people or give you the right to murder people. If you want your beliefs to be respected, then you have to respect other peoples choices and beliefs. Being an ignorant scumbag and an asshole to people is not a tradition, you're just being an evil terrorist who's insecure and paranoid about reality. We can conserve and preserve our traditions without attacking other peoples traditions, beliefs and rights, and without making laws that violate peoples right to live their life, especially a life that respects other peoples lives and respects other peoples traditions. Being an asshole to people does not conserve traditions, it only conserves evil behavior.

Republican Virus Conservative is being resistant to change or progress and conforming to outdated standards and conventions, as well as being reluctant to accept better changes and new ideas. Which sounds like it's all about Me, Me, Me. I care about families as longs as its just my family and not everyone's else's family. I care about freedom as long as it's just my own personal freedoms and I don't have to care about everyone else's freedoms. I care about my country just as long as I can define what caring means. I like discrimination and prejudice as long as it doesn't effect me. You're not conserving traditional values when you're denying other people their values. No one is stopping you from your beliefs, so why are you stopping other people from their beliefs. This type of reasoning is way beyond just being hypocritical or contradictory, this is the type of reasoning that kills people and the kind of reasoning that starts wars and keeps people divided, like a false flag attack on the human mind. If your actions cause violence and degrade society, then you're not a conservative, you're just ignorant about reality, and you're forcing your ignorance on other people. You need to explain yourself so that people can understand your true intentions. People have a right to know if you are a threat or a benefit. This is why false advertising is illegal, because people will say and do anything without ever taking the responsibility for its repercussions, so the only thing that they are accountable for is death and destruction. Is a conservative against progress and against Improving Life because they fear they might have to share what they have stolen and give up their control over people who were born free just like them? No Duty to Rescue? Do conservatives want things to stay the same like murder, war, rape, child abuse, corruption, theft, inequality, poisoning of the water, air and food, propaganda and the dumbing down of education, just to name a few? What are conservatives trying to conserve? Conserve is to keep in safety and protect from harm, decay, loss, or destruction and to use things cautiously and frugally. Everyone in the world wants that, but of course that is not what is happening. So someone is committing fraud and lying, which is not surprising these days. So the word con-serv-ative should be broken down like this. Con is a criminal with fraudulent schemes used to deprive, mislead and steal. Serv is to work for or contribute to. Ative is a suffix meaning relating to or tending to. So the word conservative means working for, tending to and contributing to criminals. The word conserve can also be seen as meaning to preserve and maintain the status quo of criminal activities. Opposite of Independent or Moderate. Conservative TV lies to its viewers, so being conservative is not about conserving the truth. Conservative TV is more about conserving the lies. Lies that helps to keep conservatives in the dark, and being in the dark is not where you should be. It's time to come to the light and see the light. And you have to stop blaming people you don't know. If you really want to conserve something, then you should conserve the process of learning, and stop pretending that you know enough. Maybe you need some conversion therapy? Your lack of empathy is disturbing

Project 2025 is Fascism (reddit video) - Project 2025 is a terrorist organization run by ignorant scumbags who love to exploit gullible morons for money. Another rightwing scam.

Christian Nationalists primarily focus on internal politics, such as passing laws that reflect their narrow minded view of Christianity and its role in political and social life. Blue Laws are laws restricting freedoms or banning certain activities on specified days. Christian nationalists support the presence of Christian symbols and statuary in the public square, as well as state patronage for the display of religion, such as school prayer. Christian Right are characterized by their strong support of socially conservative and traditionalist policies. This is what happens when you don't educate people enough or inform them enough, they become extremely vulnerable to manipulation and propaganda, which cause some people to become Christian fascists, and they don't even know it, and they are not even aware that they have become the thing that they hate and despise, which are the behaviors and actions that are a threat to freedoms and rights. They are hypocrites who blame other people for their ignorance. 

Bible Belt is a region of the Southern United States with conservative evangelical Protestantism ideals.

Moral Majority was a prominent American political organization associated with the Christian right and Republican Party. It played a key role in the mobilization of conservative Christians as a political force and particularly in Republican presidential victories throughout the 1980s. The origins of the Moral Majority can be traced to 1976 when Baptist minister Jerry Falwell Sr. embarked on a series of "I Love America" rallies across the country to raise awareness of social issues important to him. Moral majority can also be used as a catch phrase to manipulate the truth and be used to manipulate religious people in a fraudulent way.

Heartland in the United States is the central land area of the U.S. associated with conservative political and religious ideals. Heart Land is not to be confused with the Heart of America. The Heart of America is Americas indigenous roots, its diversity, its constitution, and its independence from fascist rule.

Federalist Society is a rightwing extremist organization of conservatives and libertarians that advocates for a textualist and originalist interpretation of the United States Constitution.

John Birch Society is an American right-wing political advocacy group. Founded in 1958, it is anti-communist, supports social conservatism, and is associated with ultraconservative, radical right, far-right, right-wing populist, and right-wing libertarian ideas. Originally based in Belmont, Massachusetts, the JBS is now headquartered in Grand Chute, Wisconsin, with local chapters throughout the United States. It owns American Opinion Publishing, Inc., which publishes the magazine The New American, and it is affiliated with an online school called FreedomProject Academy. The John Birch Society from its start opposed collectivism as a "cancer" and by extension communism and big government. They didn't want people to be connected, they wanted people to be divided. Divide and conquer.

Neophobia is the fear of anything new, especially a persistent and abnormal fear. In its milder form, it can manifest as the unwillingness to try new things or break from routine. In the context of children the term is generally used to indicate a tendency to reject unknown or novel foods. Food neophobia, as it may be referred to, is an important concern in pediatric psychology. In biomedical research, neophobia is often associated with the study of taste.

Regime is the organization that is the governing authority of a political unit. Medical Regime.

Fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation that indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs.

When people know your weaknesses, or know the things that you like, then they can easily manipulate you and gain your trust. Most every person on the planet wants the same things. But the criminals who control politicians don't care about you or the planet. So we should work together (right and left), and get rid of these scumbags once and for all, in a diplomatic way of course. "Aliens do exist, they're called republicans and conservatives. They act like they're from another planet, so we have to assume that they are from another world."

Change your Mind When a bakery refuses to serve someone with a different sexual orientation, conservatives say "that's the right of the bakery." But if a bakery refuses to serve someone because they are not wearing a mask, then conservatives say "you're violating my rights." Having it Both Ways.

Neo-Conservatism relates to a return to a modified form of a traditional viewpoint (what ever that is, no one knows). A particular political ideology characterized by an emphasis on free-market capitalism and an interventionist foreign policy. (which does not explain or define anything) People are just assuming they understand things. Neoconservatism advocates the promotion of democracy and American national interest in international affairs, including by means of military force and are known for espousing disdain for communism and for political radicalism. (and no one knows what that really means).

Conservatives are the reason why separating church from state is so extremely important. Conservatism is like an oxymoron. There's a big difference between preserving traditions and preserving old ways of doing things. When people figured out better ways of doing things, the old ways of doing things became obsolete and no longer relevant. But for some reason, people just excepted the old way and stopped looking for a better way of doing things, or they just ignored better ways of doing things because of their narrow minded beliefs and stubbornness. Conservatives never explain why they reject advancements in society, even when they benefit from the advancements in society. We don't want to lose our ancient skills or lose our ancient knowledge. But we certainly don't want to lose our minds by ignoring new skills and new knowledge.

Jones Day is a conservative thinking politically connected law firm in DC with 2,500 lawyers in dozens of countries all over the world. They are involved in corporate litigation, raking in billions a year in fees from tobacco, opioid, gun and oil companies. They believe in deregulation and keeping government out of the affairs of businesses, which means that they want to allow businesses to harm people and harm the environment without accountability. They also want to protect abusive labor practices. Jones Day was also the law firm that basically ended the eviction moratorium during the pandemic.

Cognitive Immobility is a stressful mental entrapment that leads to a conscious or unconscious effort to recreate past incidents in one or more locations that one lived in or visited in the past. By doing so, we are hoping to retrieve what is missing or left behind.

Immobility is inability to move or be moved. The state of not moving or motionlessness. Stubborn.

Cognitive Immobility is similar to when someone stops learning. From the moment a person stops educating themselves and stops learning more about themselves and the world around them, this is where that person will stay mentally for the rest of their life until they die. This is not to say that a person stopped learning things, it's just that they stopped learning the things that give them a better understanding of themselves and the world around them. So the person may experience the illusion of learning and developing without you even knowing it, which would drastically impede learning and development.

"Republicans and the Christian right spent decades warning us about the anti-christ, and when he finally shows up, they vote for him in 2016."

"Imagine living in a country that took months to respond to a pandemic but only minutes to militarize the police against citizens exercising their first amendment right."

Terrorism is the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence or terror in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim. 12% of terrorists are related to Muslim extremists and 50% were from far right extremists or republicans.

On April 19, 1995, a right-wing extremist detonated a truck bomb next to the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

Right-Wing Terrorism is anti-communism, neo-fascism, neo-Nazism, and a mindset against abortion. Aim to overthrow governments and replace them with nationalist or fascist-oriented regimes, which has been slowly happening over the years with the government takeover by Republicans. False Flag Attacks.

Far-Right Politics is known for their opposition to immigration and their espousal of nationalism, with similarities to neo-fascists and neo-nazis, including racism, prejudice, discrimination, ableism, xenophobia, antiziganism, antisemitism, social prejudice against people with disabilities, fear and distrust, negative attitudes and feelings toward homosexuality, and discrimination directed against Jews as a group.

The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions, or paved with the lies that you tell yourself.

What are you conserving? You say values, but you never logically define those values or explain those values. You don't even measure your values to prove that your values are good and not bad. You don't want to tell the whole story and prove that no one will suffer or be abused or die because of your so called values. All we know is that voting republican is the excuse that you give yourself to do horrible things to people. You can't pretend to be good and also at the same time be responsible for bad things that abuse people and sometimes kill people. Being conservative is not about conserving freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Conservatives are mostly about conserving discrimination, retardation, manipulation, separation, racism and prejudice. And I'm not saying that all conservatives are bad, it's just that there is so much bad in conservatives, I wonder how much good can there actually be? How can you pretend to see when you are blind to all the bad things you cause and make happen. Conservatives are an accessory to the crimes that are being committed by the republican representatives who they vote for. Maybe you think that you're above the law, or above the law of God, but that is also another lie that you tell yourself. It's time to wake up my friends, you have been asleep for way to long.

We should not see things as singular or have a narrow point of view. When we pretend that our decisions don't affect other people, it causes us to think that other people don't exist.

Maybe the way things were means a time when people had less rights, less freedom, less choices, less comforts of life, along with more suffering and more abuse, a backward time when people were even more ignorant then they are today.

Generation Gap is the gap between what was once normal and what is now the new normal.
Religion Gap is the gap between reality and fantasy or the gap between fact and fiction.
Mind Gap is the gap between a big ego and normal ego and low empathy and normal empathy.
Knowledge Gap is the gap between what is known by some and what is not know by others.
Communication Gap is the gap between the message sent and what the receiver hears.

Change is the main reason why every human is alive today. If a species does not adapt to an ever changing world, that species will not survive, and that species will go extinct and die off. The most important thing that humans should conserve is the importance to continually learn and continually improve education so that every human alive is resilient, intelligent and adaptable.

It doesn't make sense that there are so many ignorant people who are dumb enough to vote republican. But is does make sense when you consider America's dumbed down education system and the mass media propaganda machine, as well as, the polluted water, air, medicine and food that has been scientifically proven to injure the human brain. Never before has so many ignorant people been exposed to the world, people who can be easily identified because they voted republican. January 6th was a mini-zombie apocalypse. But the most disturbing thing is, there are over 70 million republican zombies in America. This is a cancer that can kill America. Luckily we have a cure for this type of cancer, it's called knowledge and information.

Know Nothing was a far-right nativist political party and movement in the United States which operated nationwide in the mid-1850s. It was primarily an anti-Catholic, anti-immigration, and xenophobic movement, originally starting as a secret society. The Know Nothing movement also briefly emerged as a major political party in the form of the American Party. Adherents to the movement were to simply reply "I know nothing" when asked about its specifics by outsiders, providing the group with its common name. A notable Know Nothings was John Wilkes Booth, actor at Ford's Theatre who assassinated President Abraham Lincoln.

Republican ZombiesRepublicans are the scarecrow in the wizard of Oz. "Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. I'm not bright about doing things. I'm a failure because I haven't got a brain." So the republicans need to go see the wizard.
The Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz (1939) (youtube)

Zombie Apocalypse is a metaphor that depicts how civilization collapses due to overwhelming swarms of zombies or ignorant people. A specific parasite or infection is known to be the cause, framing events much like a plague. There is usually a 'safe zone' where the non-infected can seek refuge and begin a new era. The bands of survivors who are left living now have to rebuild a fractured society and repair the planet that is in disrepair do to negligence and neglect. How low quality schools and the media creates zombies. Republicanism and conservatism is a type of  parasitic programming that is meant to brainwash a person in a way that they can't think for themselves. The film World War Z looks very similar to the January 6, 2021 insurrection. The Morlocks have returned. Are republican voters considered brain dead?

Wandering is a common behavior in people with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. It can occur at any stage of the disease, but is more common in the middle and later stages.

Bubonic Plague was a pandemic that occurred in Europe from 1346 to 1353. It was one of the deadliest pandemics in history, killing millions of people and possibly up to half of Europe's population during the 14th century.

Make America Great Again is a vague slogan that was used by Ronald Reagan in the 1980's. There is not one republican that can explain what that slogan means, or describe their plan coherently. What part of America is not great that once was great, because you use the word again? And what do you mean by great? Can you define something that you consider as being great? And can you measure this greatness and confirm your information using physical data that is accurate and not biased? Can you give people real answers and not force people to ask you more questions because your answers are vague and general and don't explain enough? Now tell me what you think the word America means? And did you ever ask anyone else what they think the word America means to them? And what do you mean when you say the word Make? Do you want other people to make America great? Or are you are living a life that is making America great? What are you making? Are you making a difference? Or are you just making a commotion? Why do republicans act like zombies? Maybe you're just sleep walking?

Ronny Chieng explains MAGA (youtube)

With more than 40 Trump lawyers singled out for ethics complaints and even more facing charges, legal experts joke MAGA now stands for 'Making Attorneys Get Attorneys'.

666 the Mark of the Beast 666 is called the "Number of the Beast" in most manuscripts of chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation, of the New Testament, and also in popular culture. Leviathan.

Number of the Beast is associated with the Beast of Revelation in chapter 13, verse 18 of Book of Revelation. In most manuscripts of the New Testament and in English translations of the Bible, the number of the beast is six hundred and sixty-six.

The Beast revelation is when the first beast comes "out of the sea" and is given authority and power by the dragon. This first beast is initially mentioned in Revelation 11:7 as coming out of the abyss. His appearance is described in detail in Revelation 13:1-10, and some of the mystery behind his appearance is revealed in Revelation 17:7-18. The second beast comes "out of the earth" and directs all peoples of the earth to worship the first beast. The second beast is associated with Revelation 13:11-18 the false prophet. The two beasts are aligned with the dragon in opposition to God. They persecute the "saints" and those who do "not worship the image of the beast [of the sea]" and influence the kings of the earth to gather for the battle of Armageddon. The two beasts are defeated by Christ and are thrown into the lake of fire mentioned in Revelation 19:18-20.

Trump is like Sauron the ultimate villain, he controls a legion of orcs, humanoid monsters and  evil men, and is determined to rule Middle Earth.

RINO stands for Republicans In Name Only. Fancy labels or catch phrases means that you don't understand enough to explain yourself, or know enough to explain what you mean. All you have is a catch phrase, which makes you empty in the mind and empty in the heart. When you don't have the respect to educate yourself, then you don't have respect for other people and you have no respect for the planet. You're basically a child who learned some new words but you have not yet learned the real meaning of those words. Your childish attitude toward life and toward other people is not just disrespectful, it makes you extremely dangerous because you have the rights of an adult, but you have the mind of a child. This is why we don't let children vote or let children have positions of authority, especially when these children only vote for other children. Political extremism.

Do you know what you're Voting for? Do you know what your Vote stands for?

Imagine trying to express your point of view to a judge and jury? Do you think that you would be arrested for filing a frivolous lawsuit? Do you have any real evidence or just second hand news? If your choice causes negative effects that harms people or kills people, then you should be held accountable and be held liable for your actions. Negligence laws were created to protect innocent people from negligent acts that cause people harm. And even if the harm is not directly caused by you, you are still an accessory to crimes being committed by the person you voted for. You need to be held accountable for your actions, and your votes. Could people sue the republican delegates who voted for trump since their act of voting is a form of criminal negligence? They voted to hire this employee who the delegates are now liable for, and they are also accessories to all the crimes that were committed by Donald Trump. Every freedom and every right carries a responsibility.

People need to stop consenting to the lies that they're hearing. Passive behavior puts everyone at risk. Looking at things the wrong way and not seeing the whole picture is dangerous. It's the duty of every citizen to understand themselves and understand the world around them. It's also the duty of every citizen to confirm what other people understand about themselves and the world around them. We need to have real conversations. Not just to debate or argue, but to have real discussions. You have to prove what you know. And you have to prove that you understand. We are on the same team, so we need to have the same play book. If you don't know the play and understand what your responsibility is in making the play succeed, then the play will be chaotic with no symmetry or progress, it will be a broken play. Every human knows that every human is capable of cooperation, but not every human knows how to cooperate or do they understand the function of cooperation. Human innate abilities need to be fostered. You still need to learn a lot of things about the world and you still need to rely on the inputs from the environment. Though life on planet earth is complicated, we can still put things into simple terms that all humans can understand. Terms like clean water, clean food, clean air, clean soil and clean products, these terms can be easily understood. But that does not protect people from other people who don't care about these important factors. These rough players need to start reading the playbook.

If someone asks you if you are a democrat, or a republican or a socialist, ask them to define the word. This is because most people don't know what those words mean, or they have a distorted interpretation of the word. There is not one person on earth who can be described using one word, yet people do it all the time, as if they know the person they are referring to.

Alt-Right is a loosely-connected and somewhat ill-defined grouping of white supremacists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis, neo-fascists, neo-Confederates, Holocaust deniers, and other far-right fringe hate groups.

Right-Wing Politics hold that certain social orders and hierarchies are inevitable?, natural?, normal?, or desirable? Typically defending this position on the basis of natural law, economics or tradition? (not one person fully understands what these beliefs actually mean). People are pretending to know.

Tea Party is an American political movement known for its conservative positions and its role in the Republican Party. Called for a reduction of the U.S. national debt and federal budget deficit by reducing government spending, and for lower taxes. The movement opposes government-sponsored universal healthcare and has been described as a mixture of libertarian, populist, and conservative activism.

Reactionary is a person who holds political views that favor a return to the status quo ante, or the previous political state of society, which they naively and ignorantly believe, possessed characteristics that are somehow absent from todays society. Political reactionaries are at the right-wing of a political spectrum; yet, reactionary ideologies can be radical, in the sense of political extremism, in service to re-establishing the status quo ante. In political discourse, being a reactionary is generally regarded as negative; "political reactionary".

Patriarchy is an ignorant and corrupt system of society or government in which men hold the power and women are largely excluded from it. A social system in which males hold primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property. In the domain of the family, fathers or father-figures hold authority over women and children. Some patriarchal societies are also patrilineal, meaning that property and title are inherited by the male lineage.

Patriarch was a man who exercised autocratic authority as a pater familias over an extended family. The system of such rule of families by senior males is termed patriarchy.

Separation - Isolationists

Separatist is a person who supports the separation of a particular group of people from a larger body on the basis of ethnicity, religion, or gender.

Divided - Racism - Segregation - Isolation - Conservatism - Information Bubble - Two Party System

Separatism is the advocacy of a state of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental or gender separation from the larger group. While it often refers to full political secession, separatist groups may seek nothing more than greater autonomy. While some critics may equate separatism with religious segregation, racist segregation, or sexist segregation, most separatists argue that separation by choice may serve useful purposes and is not the same as government-enforced segregation. There is some academic debate about this definition, and in particular how it relates to secessionism, as has been discussed online. Separatist groups practice a form of identity politics, or political activity and theorizing founded in the shared experiences of injustice visited upon members of certain social groups. Such groups believe attempts at integration with dominant groups compromise their identity and ability to pursue greater self-determination. However, economic and political factors usually are critical in creating strong separatist movements as opposed to less ambitious identity movements.

Nationalism - Protectionism - Economic Warfare

Secession is the withdrawal of a group from a larger entity, especially a political entity, but also from any organization, union or military alliance. Threats of secession can be a strategy for achieving more limited goals. Everything is Connected.

Isolationism is the foreign policy position that a nations' interests are best served by keeping the affairs of other countries at a distance. A type of passive behavior that suggests that a country can some how be unaffected by activities from another country, when in fact we are all connected in one way or another. No country is immune from blockades, sanctions, pollution, corrupt influences or war. One possible motivation for limiting international involvement is to avoid being drawn into dangerous and otherwise undesirable conflicts. There may also be a perceived benefit from avoiding international trade agreements or other mutual assistance pacts. But you will never fully understand these dangers until you educate yourself. You can't isolate yourself in a world were everything is connected. Working together is the only logical choice that we have. We just don't want some ignorant and corrupt one world government telling us what to do. Secrecy can be Extremely Dangerous.

International Isolation being shunned by the international community of nations or the greater group of countries.

Every human has a right to a personal identity and individuality. Every human also has a right to protest against injustices and unequal treatments. But when people try to separate themselves from reality or from each other, then they risk dividing themselves from the only power they have, which is each other. What people really want is to separate themselves from the criminals in power, but just separating ignorance will still leave you with ignorance. You have to end the ignorance. And the only way to do that is to improve education and improve the media. Then the only things that you will need to separate is the good from the bad, and the right from the wrong. Self Governing.

Colonization - Imperialism

Imperialism is an action where a country extends its power by acquisition of territories. It may also include the exploitation of those territories which is similar to colonialism which is generally regarded as an expression of imperialism.

Fascism - Genocide - Failed State - Money Control

New Imperialism characterizes a period of colonial expansion by European powers, the United States, and Japan during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The period featured an unprecedented pursuit of overseas territorial acquisitions. At the time, states focused on building their empires with new technological advances and developments, expanding their territory through conquest, and exploiting the resources of the subjugated countries.

Empire is a domain ruled by an emperor or empress; the region over which imperial dominion is exercised. A group of countries under a single authority. A monarchy with an emperor as head of state. A group of diverse companies under common ownership and run as a single organization.

Colonization is a process by which a central system of power dominates the surrounding land and its components. To exploit the resources and people of another country for profit at the expense of that country.

Colonialism is the establishment of a colony in one territory by a political power from another territory, and the subsequent maintenance, expansion, and exploitation of that colony. The term is also used to describe a set of unequal relationships between the colonial power and the colony and often between the colonists and the indigenous peoples.

Gentrification - Marginalize - Eminent Domain - Invasions - Infections - Assimilations - Evictions - Over Development - Dark Money

Neo-Colonialism is the geopolitical practice of using capitalism, business globalization, and cultural imperialism to influence a country, in lieu of either direct military control (imperialism) or indirect political control (hegemony).

Pillage is the act of stealing valuable things from a place, or illegally obtaining goods or money. Rape.

Annex is to take territory as if by conquest. An addition that extends a main building. Attach to something. Eviction.

Hawaii: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube) -  How the Hawaii islands were stolen and abused.

Incursion is  the act of entering some territory or domain, often in large numbers. An attack that penetrates into enemy territory. The mistake of incurring liability or blame.

American Native Land Map - Treaties

Balkanization is a disorderly or unpredictable fragmentation, or sub-fragmentation, of a larger region or state into smaller regions or states, which may be hostile or uncooperative with one another. When sponsored or encouraged by a sovereign third party, the term has been used as an accusation against such third party nations. The term has also been used by voices for the status quo to underscore the dangers of acrimonious or runaway secessionism. The term has its roots in the Spring of Nations and Balkan Wars, during which many independent Balkan states emerged from the protracted dissolution of the Ottoman Empire throughout the 19th and early 20th century. Non-controversial, non-locally referencing, much older terms are separatism and its stronger analog, secessionism, which is the withdrawal of a group from a larger entity, especially a political entity, but also from any organization, union or military alliance.

Polyarchy describes a form of government in which power is invested in multiple people. It takes the form of neither a dictatorship nor a democracy, which is what America has been for over 100 years.

World Government a political psychopathic fantasy for a global government and a single state that exercises authority over the entire Earth. Be extremely aware of the next False Flag Attack because they will use this mass murder as a reason for a one world government. There is no need for a one world government when we have the U.S. Constitution and other Human Rights Agreements, where People can Govern Themselves. But sometimes we do need to enforce the laws that are made to protect people. So we need to have Military Forces that are designed to protect people without destroying the country itself, or without killing innocent people, or without violating peoples rights. We also need to educate the public so they are aware of injustices where ever they are in the world. Then people can take the appropriate actions, like boycotts and other methods, to force countries and states to abolish unjust laws and rules that violate Human Freedom and Human Rights, like we do sometimes in America, but not always. This is because Power and Control has been stolen from people. Power that people can easily have if people where more educated then the current pathetic standards that we have today.

New World Order refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government. One World Order Revised.

There is no need for a New World Order, we just need an easy to use failsafe governing system that any country can easily implement. A system where every citizen has a voice. A system that guarantees that countries and states can be independent. A system that guarantees peace. A system that guarantees basic needs including rights and freedoms. A system that guarantees that everyone can work and share in the responsibilities of life equally without prejudice. Input-Output.

Capitalism can be a racket when criminals can exploit capitalism for their own selfish reasons.

Corporatism is the sociopolitical organization of a society by major interest groups, known as corporate groups, such as agricultural, business, ethnic, labour, military, patronage, or scientific affiliations, on the basis of their common interests, which is the exploitation of resources and wealth at the expense of citizens and common sense.

Corporatocracy is an economic and political system controlled by corporations or corporate interests. It is most often used today as a term to describe the current economic situation in a particular country, especially the United States.

Transnationalism as an economic process involves the global reorganization of the production process, in which various stages of the production of any product can occur in various countries, typically with the aim of minimizing costs. Proponents of capitalists transnationalism seek to facilitate the flow of people, ideas, and goods among regions. They believe that it has increasing relevance with the rapid growth of capitalist globalization. They contend that it does not make sense to link specific nation-state boundaries with for instance migratory workforces, globalized corporations, global money flow, global information flow, and global scientific cooperation. However, critical theories of transnationalism have argued that transnational capitalism has occurred through the increasing monopolization and centralization of capital by leading dominant groups in the global economy and various power blocs. Scholars critical of global capitalism (and its global ecological and inequality crises) have argued instead for a transnationalism from below between workers and co-operatives as well as popular social and political movements. Trade.

Supranational Union - European Union (EU)

Radicalism are the beliefs or actions of people who advocate thorough or complete political or social reform.

Extremism - White Nationalism - Conservatism

Political Radicalism denotes political principles focused on altering social structures through revolutionary means and changing value systems in fundamental ways.

Global Governing

Globalist is a person who advocates the interpretation or planning of economic and foreign policy in relation to events and developments throughout the world. Relating to or advocating the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis or things that can affect all parts of the world on a global scale.

One World Order - Colonialism - Oligarchies - Big Government - Macro vs. Micro

Globalism is the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis.

World System is a multidisciplinary, macro-scale approach to world history and social change which emphasizes the world-system (and not nation states) as the primary (but not exclusive) unit of social analysis.

Golden Billion is the belief that 1 billion global elites seeks to hoard the world's wealth and resources, leaving the rest of the planet to suffer and starve. Isolationism.

Global Governance is a movement towards political cooperation among transnational actors, aimed at negotiating responses to problems that affect more than one state or region. Institutions of global governance—The United Nations, the International Criminal Court, the World Bank, etc.—tend to have limited or demarcated power to enforce compliance. The modern question of world governance exists in the context of globalization and globalizing regimes of power: politically, economically and culturally. In response to the acceleration of worldwide interdependence, both between human societies and between humankind and the biosphere, the term "global governance" may name the process of designating laws, rules, or regulations intended for a global scale. Global governance is not a singular system. There is no "world government" but the many different regimes of global governance do have commonalities: While the contemporary system of global political relations is not integrated, the relation between the various regimes of global governance is not insignificant, and the system does have a common dominant organizational form. The dominant mode of organization today is bureaucratic rational—regularized, codified and rational. It is common to all modern regimes of political power and frames the transition from classical sovereignty to what David Held describes as the second regime of sovereignty—liberal international sovereignty. In the society of states tradition, states are seen as individual entities that can mutually agree on common interests and rules of interaction, including moral rules, in much the same way as human individuals can. Often, this idea of agreement between peers is formalised by a social contract argument.

Global Justice (wiki) - Global Citizenship - Fairness - United Nations

Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture. Self Governing.

Democracy - Government of the People and for the People

Direct Democracy is where all people have a voice equally.

Representative Democracy - Illusion of Control

Democratization is the transition to a more democratic political regime. It may be the transition from an authoritarian regime to a full democracy, a transition from an authoritarian political system to a semi-democracy or transition from a semi-authoritarian political system to a democratic political system. Reactionary seeks to correct the present condition of greed and moral decay and replace it with a more intelligent and sustainable system.

Democratic Socialism is a political ideology that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production, often with an emphasis on democratic management of enterprises within a socialist economic system.

Democratic Party advocates social and economic equality along with human rights and freedoms. It seeks to provide government intervention and regulation in the economy when needed. These interventions, such as the introduction of social programs, support for labor unions, moves toward universal health care and equal opportunity, consumer protection, and environmental protection form the core of the party's economic policy.

Democrat is an advocate of democratic principles or a member of the Democratic Party. Someone who is not a republican.

Left-Wing Politics supports social equality and egalitarianism, often in opposition to social hierarchy and social inequality.

Conservative Democrat is a member of the democratic party with conservative political views, or with views that are conservative compared to the positions taken by other members of the democratic party. Traditionally, conservative Democrats have been elected to office from the southern states, rural areas, and the midwest.

Factions in the Democratic Party (wiki) - Political Positions of the Democratic Party (wiki)

Social Democracy is a political, social and economic ideology that supports economic and social interventions to promote social justice within the framework of a capitalist economy, and a policy regime involving collective bargaining arrangements, a commitment to representative democracy, measures for income redistribution, regulation of the economy in the general interest and welfare state provisions. Reform.

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterized by direct democracy and social ownership, which is a type of property where an asset is recognized to be in the possession of society as a whole rather than individual members or monopolies. Socialism is an economic system in which major industries are owned by the workers themselves, rather than by private businesses or by the state. Socialism is different from the exploitation of capitalism, where private actors, like business owners and shareholders, can own the means of production for themselves. Socialism avoids the privatization of resources that are controlled by corrupt people who choose profits over people or more interested in money than proving a good service to people. Private ownership means people have less control over the quality and the price of a utility and also the availability of the service it is supposed to provide.

There is no single definition for socialism, and there are many varieties of socialism. So when someone says the word socialism, they must specify the exact social program that they are referring to, if not, then they're not saying anything. Socialism has become a buzzword for rightwing radicals who pretend to know politics. Socialist countries can be extremely corrupt and pretend to be socialist, when in fact, they are fascist oligarchies under the guise of socialism.

Worker Coops -Employee Owned - Benefit Corporation - Self Managing - Progressive - Liberty - Social Security - Why Are So Many Young People Becoming Socialists (youtube)

Eco-Socialism is an ideology merging aspects of socialism with that of green politics, ecology and alter-globalization or anti-globalization. Eco-socialists generally believe that the expansion of the capitalist system is the cause of social exclusion, poverty, war and environmental degradation through globalization and imperialism, under the supervision of repressive states and transnational structures.

Public Choice refers to the use of economic tools to deal with traditional problems of political science. Relative.

Open Society is when the government is expected to be responsive and tolerant, and political mechanisms are said to be transparent and flexible.

Open Democracy - Open Knowledge - Independent - Self Managing

Representative Democracy is when elected officials represent a group of people, usually wealthy, as opposed to direct democracy in which all people decide directly on their own behalf.

Representation in politics is supposed to be that citizens are granted representation in the government in the form of voting rights; however, some democracies have extended this right further.

Spokesperson is someone engaged or elected to speak on behalf of others.

Technocracy is a form of governance in which the decision-makers are selected based on their expertise in a given area of responsibility, particularly with regard to scientific or technical knowledge. This system explicitly contrasts with representative democracy, the notion that elected representatives should be the primary decision-makers in government, though it does not necessarily imply eliminating elected representatives. Decision-makers are selected based on specialized knowledge, performance and leadership skills rather than political affiliations, parliamentary skills, or popularity. Representatives should not be elected because of money from wealthy corporate interests. Technocracy in that sense of the word (an entire government run as a technical or engineering problem) is mostly hypothetical. In another commonly used sense, technocracy is any portion of a bureaucracy that is run by technologists in technically and analytically sound ways. The term technocracy was originally used to advocate the application of the scientific method to solving social problems. In such a system, the role of money, economic values, and morals could be eliminated altogether. Concern would be given to sustainability within the resource base, instead of monetary profitability, so as to ensure continued operation of all social-industrial functions. Some uses of the word refer to a form of meritocracy, where the ablest are in charge, ostensibly without the influence of special interest groups. The word technocratic has been used to describe governments that include non-elected professionals at a ministerial level. Meritocracy.

Republic is a state in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives, and which has an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. A republic is a form of government in which the country is considered a “public matter”, not the private concern or property of the rulers. The primary positions of power within a republic are not inherited, but are attained through democracy, oligarchy or autocracy. It is a form of government under which the head of state is not a hereditary monarch. Republic (Latin: res publica). Having the supreme power lying in the body of citizens entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them or characteristic of such government. (Sadly, America is not a Republic or a True Democracy, mostly because republicans represent wealthy people in power and they don't represent the citizens that vote for them. Republicanism is the rule of a representative minority or oligarchy to popular sovereignty.

Democratic Republic is a form of government operating on principles adopted from a republic and a democracy. As a cross between two exceedingly similar systems, democratic republics may function on principles shared by both republics and democracies. (constitutional monarchies).

Capital are the assets available for use in the production of further assets. Wealth in the form of money or property owned by a person or business and human resources of economic value. Asset is a useful or valuable quality.

Popular Sovereignty is the principle that the authority of a state and its government are created and sustained by the consent of its people, through their elected representatives (rule by the people), who are the source of all political power.

Liberal Democracy is a representative democracy operates under the principles of classical liberalism. It is also called western democracy. It is characterized by fair, free, and competitive elections between multiple distinct political parties, a separation of powers into different branches of government, the rule of law in everyday life as part of an open society, and the equal protection of human rights, civil rights, civil liberties, and political freedoms for all people.

Liberal is a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties. A person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets.

Libertarianism wants to maximize autonomy and freedom of choice, emphasizing political freedom, voluntary association, and the primacy of individual judgment.

Liberty - Agency - Equality - Independent - Free the Mind - Amnesty

Liberalism emphasizes the role of liberty, social liberalism stresses the importance of equality. Liberalism is a political doctrine based on liberty, consent of the governed, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), and equality before the law. Liberal societies do not suppress alternative points of view but are based on pluralism, a political philosophy which recognizes and affirms diversity within a political body, and which permits the peaceful coexistence of different interests, convictions, and lifestyles.

Classical Liberalism advocates civil liberties and political freedom with representative democracy under the rule of law and emphasizes economic freedoms found in economic liberalism which is also called free market capitalism. Classical Liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics and civil liberties under the rule of law, with special emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech. Classical liberalism, contrary to liberal branches like social liberalism, looks more negatively on social policies, taxation and the state involvement in the lives of individuals, and it advocates deregulation. These are vague concepts of course, which need deep discussions and debating. Quasi Government.

Neoliberalism is extensive economic liberalization policies such as privatization, fiscal austerity, deregulation, free trade, and reductions in government spending in order to enhance the role of the private sector in the economy.

American Left consists of individuals and groups that have sought egalitarian or social equality, changes in the economic, political and cultural institutions of the United States. Various subgroups with a national scope are active. Liberals and progressives believe that equality can be accommodated into existing capitalist structures, but they differ in their criticism of capitalism and on the extent of reform and the welfare state. Liberalism provides democratic societies with the means to carry out civic reform by providing a framework for developing public policy and providing the correct conditions for individuals to achieve civil rights. Left Leaning Alternative Media Sources.

Progressive - Improvements - Making things Better

Progressive is favoring social change that benefits everyone by correcting abuses and implementing new ideas that develop gradually in stages and proceeds step by step. Progressive ideas or systems are new and modern, encouraging change in society or in the way that things are done. People who are progressive favor reform and civil liberties. Progressive people are interested in improvements and progress.

Progressivism is based on the idea of progress, which asserts that advancements in science, technology, economic development, and social organization are vital to the improvement of the human condition. Strengthening the basis of empirical knowledge as the foundation of society. Progressivism in the U.S. (wiki)

Progressive Realism is focused on producing measurable results in pursuit of widely supported goals. It supports stronger international institutions, free trade, and US national interests.

Progressive Era was a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States that spanned the 1890s to the 1920s. The main objectives of the Progressive movement were addressing problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption. The movement primarily targeted political machines and their bosses. By taking down these corrupt representatives in office, a further means of direct democracy would be established. They also sought regulation of monopolies (trustbusting) and corporations through antitrust laws, which were seen as a way to promote equal competition for the advantage of legitimate competitors. They also advocated for new government roles and regulations, and new agencies to carry out those roles, such as the FDA. Women's suffrage was promoted to bring a "purer" female vote into the arena. A third theme was building an Efficiency Movement in every sector that could identify old ways that needed modernizing, and bring to bear scientific, medical and engineering solutions; a key part of the efficiency movement was scientific management, or "Taylorism". In Michael McGerr's book A Fierce Discontent, Jane Addams stated that she believed in the necessity of "association" of stepping across the social boundaries of industrial America. Many activists joined efforts to reform local government, public education, medicine, finance, insurance, industry, railroads, churches, and many other areas. Progressives transformed, professionalized and made "scientific" the social sciences, especially history, economics, and political science. Initially the movement operated chiefly at the local level, but later it expanded to the state and national levels. Progressives drew support from the middle class, and supporters included many lawyers, teachers, physicians, ministers, and business people. Some Progressives strongly supported scientific methods as applied to economics, government, industry, finance, medicine, schooling, theology, education, and even the family. They closely followed advances underway at the time in Western Europe and adopted numerous policies, such as a major transformation of the banking system by creating the Federal Reserve System in 1913 and the arrival of cooperative banking in the US with the founding of its first credit union in 1908. Reformers felt that old-fashioned ways meant waste and inefficiency, and eagerly sought out the "one best system".

Modernization is the process of adapting something to be more productive, more sustainable, more healthy and less wasteful. Modernize is to adjust something or to improve something.

Modernization theory refers to a model of a progressive transition from a pre-modern or traditional to a more modern society.

Revised is to improve something so that it is brought up to date. Develop.

Moderate - Independent - Centrism - Liberal - Self-Governing - Solidarity - Working Together - Nationalism - Patriotism - Sharing - Democracy

Populist is an advocate of democratic principles. Populism emphasizes the role of the people.

Laissez-faire is the doctrine that government should not interfere in commercial affairs, but still have regulations that protect citizens and reduce corruption.

Individualism is a belief in the importance of the individual and the virtue of self-reliance and personal independence.

Constitutionalism is a complex of ideas, attitudes, and patterns of behavior elaborating the principle that the authority of government derives from and is limited by a body of fundamental law. Political organizations are constitutional to the extent that they "contain institutionalized mechanisms of power control for the protection of the interests and liberties of the citizenry, including those that may be in the minority". As described by political scientist and constitutional scholar David Fellman: Constitutionalism is descriptive of a complicated concept, deeply embedded in historical experience, which subjects the officials who exercise governmental powers to the limitations of a higher law. Constitutionalism proclaims the desirability of the rule of law as opposed to rule by the arbitrary judgment or mere fiat of public officials ... Throughout the literature dealing with modern public law and the foundations of statecraft the central element of the concept of constitutionalism is that in political society government officials are not free to do anything they please in any manner they choose; they are bound to observe both the limitations on power and the procedures which are set out in the supreme, constitutional law of the community. It may therefore be said that the touchstone of constitutionalism is the concept of limited government under a higher law.

Constitutionalist is a person who adheres to the philosophy of constitutionalism.

Collectivism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology, or social outlook that emphasizes the group and its interests. Collectivists focus on communal, societal, or national interests in various types of political, economic, and educational systems. But the rights of the individual must always be preserved and understood to be extremely important. working together as a whole does not have to mean denying personal freedoms.

Communism is a social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money, and the state. Without becoming a monopoly of a different kind.

Communism has rich people, a middle class and poor people. Approximately 14.5 percent of adults in China had wealth of 100,000 to one million U.S. dollars. China has 862,400 millionaires and 305 billionaires. Canada has the wealthiest middle class of any country in the world.

Parliamentary System is a system of democratic governance of a state where the executive branch derives its democratic legitimacy from the legislature (parliament) and is also held accountable to that legislature. Parliament has three functions: representing the electorate, making laws, and overseeing the government (i.e., hearings, inquiries).

Semi-Presidential is a system of government in which a president exists alongside a prime minister and a cabinet, with the latter two being responsible to the legislature of a state.

Small Government is government which minimizes its own activities, like unfair laws, spying and corruption.

Big Government is being excessively large and wasteful, and not necessarily providing better services. A big government can be tyrannical if it focuses more on control than it does being of service. One World Order.

Limited Government is where the government is empowered by law from a starting point of having no power, or where governmental power is restricted by law, usually in a written constitution. It is a key concept in the history of liberalism. The United States Constitution presents an example of the federal government not possessing any power except what is delegated to it by the Constitution — with the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution making explicit that powers not specifically delegated to the federal government are reserved for the people and the states. The Magna Carta and the United States Constitution also represents important milestones in the limiting of governmental power. The earliest use of the term limited government dates back to King James VI and I in the late 16th century. Limited government put into practice often involves the protection of individual liberty from government intrusion.

Whenever you hear someone say big government or small government, they're being vague. A person needs to explain what they mean and give an example of what they mean. Just saying less government does not explain anything. The government that governs less is a government that governs best, that too says absolutely nothing. Honesty in government says absolutely nothing. I want to be left alone to live my life, that too explains very little. More morality, family values and traditions, this also says very little. Macro vs Micro.

The American Dream

American Dream is about having the opportunity for prosperity and success, and having no unfair discriminating barriers that would impeded upward social mobility for individuals, families and their children. The American Dream can be seen as a set of ideals in which freedom, democracy, human rights, liberty, opportunity, and equality are important characteristics. The American Dream is about living a good life and making life better, richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunities for everyone, regardless of a persons social class or the circumstances of their birth. The American Dream is rooted in the Declaration of Independence, which proclaims that "All people are created equal with the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

The American Dream can be achieved through hard work and determination when a meritocracy is present. But a person must realize and understand that the American Dream is not a guarantee, especially knowing that America is suffering from corruption that is eroding its democracy. The American Dream has become the American scheme for the wealthy and for corrupt people with authority. These corrupt scumbags in power take more than they need and leave millions of people with very little, not even a dream. But the American dream is still alive, but sadly, not everyone can make their dream a reality. Too many barriers exist in America, so the American dream is mostly a dream and not a reality. Too many people in America will chase their dream only to end up living a nightmare. And the American dream should not just be about America. Every person on the planet should be given a chance to chase their dream. This way people could pursue their dream where ever they live. To revive and preserve the American Dream is going to take a lot of work, but that is the American Dream. To preserve the opportunity to dream, is the American Dream at its core.

George Carlin ~ The American Dream (youtube)

Requiem for the American Dream: The 10 Principles of Concentration of Wealth & Power. The book is by political activist and linguist Noam Chomsky that is organized around what Chomsky argues are the 10 principles which lead to this concentration of wealth and power. Reduce Democracy, Shape Ideology, Redesign the Economy, Shift the Burden, Attack Solidarity, Run the Regulators, Engineer Elections, Keep the Rabble in Line, Manufacture Consent, Marginalize the Population.

Inequality Is Killing The American Dream. The slowdown in mobility shows up in all 50 states and is true across the income spectrum. The biggest declines were among the children of middle-class families.

Economic Justice has been defined as a set of moral principles for building economic institutions, the ultimate goal of which is to create an opportunity for each person to create a sufficient material foundation upon which to have a dignified, productive, and creative life beyond economics. Therefore, an economic justice argument focuses on the need to ensure that everyone has access to the material resources that create opportunities, in order to live a life unencumbered by pressing economic concerns. Meritocracy.

Constitutional Economics is a research program in economics and constitutionalism that has been described as explaining the choice of alternative sets of legal-institutional-constitutional rules that constrain the choices and activities of economic and political agents.

Economic Inequality is measured using the distribution of income or the amount of money people are paid, and wealth inequality measured using the distribution of wealth or the amount of wealth people own. Besides economic inequality between countries or states, there are important types of economic inequality between different groups of people.

Cost-Benefit Analysis is a systematic approach to estimating the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives. It is used to determine options which provide the best approach to achieving benefits while preserving savings in, for example, transactions, activities, and functional business requirements.

Positive Economics focuses on the description, quantification and explanation of economic phenomena. It deals with empirical facts as well as cause-and-effect behavioral relationships and emphasizes that economic theories must be consistent with existing observations and produce testable, precise predictions about the phenomena under question. Positive economics as a science concerns analysis of economic behavior to determine what is true.

The American Story is an epic tale of equality, of optimism and trajectory, a steady path toward prosperity that includes everyone from the melting pot working together to form a more perfect union. Its best days are still ahead. The American Narrative has the power and the ability to graft all kinds of people and experiences and outcomes into its dream. A narrative which promises prosperity and hope, the promise that hard work will always be rewarded appropriately, equivocally, and timely. The American Dream as a narrative promised the receipt of a reward equal to any given amount of work. But like with many stories, there are evil people, corrupt people, bad people and abusive people, we call them republicans, and we call them ignorant morons.

Only In America - Jay And The Americans (youtube-1963) - Only in America Can a guy from anywhere, Go to sleep a pauper and wake up a millionaire. Only in America Can a kid without a cent, Get a break and maybe grow up to be President. Only in America, Land of opportunity, yeah, Would a classy girl like you fall for a poor boy like me. Only in America Can a kid who's washin' cars Take a giant step and reach right up and touch the stars. Only in America Could a dream like this come true, Could a guy like me start with nothing and end up with you. Only in America, Land of opportunity, yeah, Would a classy girl like you fall for a poor boy like me. Only in America (poor boy like me).

Nino Bravo... America (youtube) - America, America, all a huge garden, This is America. When God made the Garden of Eden, he thought in America.

America - Simon & Garfunkel (youtube) - They've all come to look for America. Let us be lovers, we'll marry our fortunes together, I've got some real estate here in my bag.

Everyone deserves their due. We should give people what they deserve based on their efforts, contributions, or merits. Each person should receive what is personally deserved. Everyone is born with unique gifts that makes this world a better place. Everyone deserves a chance and everyone deserves a second chance.

Social Choice Theory is a theoretical framework for analysis of combining individual opinions, preferences, interests, or welfares to reach a collective decision or social welfare in some sense. A non-theoretical example of a collective decision is enacting a law or set of laws under a constitution.

Social Choice and Individual Values is a theorem that created the modern social choice theory, which is a rigorous melding of social ethics and voting theory with an economic flavor.

"Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life." People who try to avoid hard work for an easy life end up with a hard life because they can only do easy work.

"I would rather have a hard road to excellence then an easy road to mediocrity." ~Salma Hayek

Mediocrity is ordinariness as a consequence of being average and not outstanding. Lack of Variety - Conformity Risks.


Utopia is an imagined community or society that possesses highly desirable or nearly perfect qualities.

Paradise is an ideal or idyllic place or state. Paradise is a place of contentment, a land of luxury and fulfillment.

Shangri-La is a fictional place with any earthly paradise, particularly a mythical Himalayan utopia – a permanently happy land, isolated from the world. In the novel, the people who live at Shangri-La are almost immortal, living hundreds of years beyond the normal lifespan and only very slowly aging in appearance. The name also evokes the imagery of the exoticism of the Orient. Heaven.

Commune is a large gathering of people sharing a common life. An intentional community of people living together, sharing common interests, often having common values and beliefs, as well as shared property, possessions, resources, and, in some communes, work and income and assets. Human Values.

Ujamaa is a political concept that asserts that a person becomes a person through the people or through the community.

America still has a lot of work to do

Some dreams are only fantasies, and a lot of fantasies should never be brought to life or become a reality. So be careful what you wish for. Some dreams could turn into nightmares because people rarely think things through or analyze the cause and effects of their actions. We want the good things in life, but at what cost? If you want a dream to come true, you better do your research and learn as much as you can and know how you want this dream to materialize. There will always be things that you never thought of or anticipated. It's not that the dream was a lie, it's just that maybe it was a bad time or place for your dream, or that maybe the dream was just a stepping stone to an even bigger dream, a dream that has not yet been imagined, so keep dreaming, but more importantly, keep learning.

Working Together - Free Market (Trade) - Zeitgeist - Intergovernmental Organization

Romanticism was an artistic, literary, musical and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century, with emphasis on emotion and individualism as well as glorification of all the past and nature, preferring the medieval rather than the classical.

"You can't have a representative government without respecting the sovereignty of the individual." - Robert Scheer.

People should reject certain forms of privatization and deregulation, for it only creates more corruption and more suffering, which has been clearly documented throughout history. Public Services can never be for profit or be about competition, only about quality service. Duty is for the service of mankind and not the reward for ignorance or corruption. Anarchy.

The problem with capitalism is that it puts profit over people. Capitalism also tries to excuse itself from the laws of nature at the expense of everyone else. Not cool.

Remember, ending poverty, ending hunger, providing healthcare, and even with all the greatest advances and improvements that we make in this world, non of these will mean nothing if we never increase the quality and quantity of our education. Give a person a fish you feed them for a day, teach that person how to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.

"The cycle of ignorance will continue forever if we never improve education and make it available to everyone. And revolution is futile if people don't become fully educated and aware."

Education Reform is absolutely necessary, but it will take too long, we need an education revolution.

Karl Marx understood the importance of an organized revolutionary action, but he failed to understand that any socio-economic change is worthless and doomed to fail without educated citizens who possess clear defined goals and are not vulnerable to corruption. We are so fortunate to have almost a democracy in America, though imperfect in some areas, it is one of the few political structures that allows the time needed for it’s ignorant citizens to realize its mistakes and injustices in order to correct them accordingly. Hopefully we can correct the problems before the country experiences a total collapse. And being in a recession is clearly saying that we are now close to the edge. With so much work that needs to be done we should have absolutely no unemployment at all. So we need to define our priorities and our responsibilities and put people to work on the most important issues and at the same time start educating our students so that they are prepared for the jobs that will be created when we finally define our priorities and finally define our responsibilities. Two of those priorities are education reform where we need an education system that is more comprehensive and effective. And the second priority is government reform where we need to remove all the corrupt elements that are destroying our democracy and holding back progress. This is just the beginning. And we can’t measure how much something costs using money as our only gauge because we will never be able to fully understand the true worth of our actions. 

"Feeling good about government is like looking on the bright side of any catastrophe. When you quit looking on the bright side, the catastrophe is still there." 

"Government alone cannot solve the problems we deal with in our correctional facilities, treatment centers, homeless shelters and crisis centers - we need our faith-based and community partners."

People need to stop thinking that the government is some separate entity. The government resembles you, it reflects you. If we are stupid, then the government is stupid. If you don't give a sh*t, then the government don't give a sh*t. If you let money control your decisions, then the government will let money control their decisions too. You need to stop saying the government, and you need to start saying "the people and I", and if that contradicts what is happening, then you must act or you will be an accessory to a crime, a contributor of death and destruction, and a coconspirator of our demise. So it's time that we start clearing our names and start setting things right. The Government is People, people who have responsibilities. You have to Know the people, you have to Know their responsibilities.

Two Concepts of Liberty was the inaugural lecture delivered by the liberal philosopher Isaiah Berlin before the University of Oxford on 31 October 1958.

James M. Buchanan was an American economist known for his work on public choice theory (included in his most famous work The Calculus of Consent).

Game Theory is the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent rational decision-makers.

John Forbes Nash, Jr. was an American mathematician who made fundamental contributions to game theory, differential geometry, and the study of partial differential equations.

RAND Corporation is an American nonprofit global policy think tank originally formed by Douglas Aircraft Company to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces.

Government Crimes - Politics - Money - Power

Documentaries - Media Literacy

Citizen Action - Economics - Activism Quotes

National Personification is an anthropomorphic personification of a nation or its people. It may appear in political cartoons and propaganda. As a personification it cannot be a real person, of the Father of the Nation type, or one from ancient history who is believed to have been real. Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human traits, emotions, or intentions to non-human entities. Personification is the related attribution of human form and characteristics to abstract concepts such as nations, emotions, and natural forces, such as seasons and weather. Both have ancient roots as storytelling and artistic devices, and most cultures have traditional fables with anthropomorphized animals as characters. People have also routinely attributed human emotions and behavioral traits to wild as well as domesticated animals. Personification is an anthropomorphic metaphor in which a thing or abstraction is represented as a person. Nationalism - Patriotism.

Uncle Sam is a common national personification of the U.S. federal government. The earliest known personification of the United States was as a woman named Columbia, which is the personification of the United States. It was also a historical name used to describe the Americas and the New World who first appeared in 1738 (pre-USA) and sometimes was associated with another female personification, Lady Liberty, which has been represented by personifications, often loosely shown as a female classical goddess.

Won't Get Fooled Again (youtube) - We'll be fighting in the streets, With our children at our feet, And the morals when they worship will be gone, And the men who spurred us on, Sit in judgment of all wrong, They decide and the shotgun sings the song, I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, Take a bow for the new revolution, Smile and grin at the change all around, Pick up my guitar and play, Just like yesterday, Then I'll get on my knees and pray, We don't get fooled again. The change, it had to come, We knew it all along, We were liberated from the foe, that's all, And the world looks just the same, And history ain't changed, 'Cause the banners, they'd all flown in the last war, I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, Take a bow for the new revolution, Smile and grin at the change all around, Pick up my guitar and play, Just like yesterday, Then I'll get on my knees and pray, We don't get fooled again, No, no! I'll move myself and my family aside, If we happen to be left half alive, I'll get all my papers and smile at the sky, For I know that the hypnotized never lie, Do ya? Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! There's nothing in the street, Looks any different to me, And the slogans are out-phased, by-the-bye, And the parting on the left, Is now parting on the right, And their beards have all grown longer overnight, I'll tip my hat to the new constitution, Take a bow for the new revolution, Smile and grin at the change all around, Pick up my guitar and play, Just like yesterday, Then I'll get on my knees and pray, We don't get fooled again, Don't get fooled again, No, no! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Meet the new boss, Same as the old boss.

Theses videos below by the The Trap TV Series were taken down by corrupt and ignorant people, so please search for them.

BBC - The Trap, What Happened to Our Dreams of Freedom, 1 of 3, March 11, 2007 (youtube).

BBC - The Trap, What Happened to Our Dreams of Freedom, 2 of 3 - The Lonely Robot (youtube).

BBC - The Trap, What Happened to Our Dreams of Freedom, 3 of 3 - We Will Force You to Be Free (youtube).

Government Documentaries 

The Future of Transparency: Bringing Government into the Digital Age US Deputy Chief Technology Officer Beth Noveck (video) Technology  Season 1 Episode 23 | Aired: 04/29/2010  1:45:22.

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