Humor - Why are some things Funny - Why do we Laugh

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Humor is the tendency of particular cognitive experience to cause laughter and provide amusement. Humor is a funny anecdote or a remark intended to provoke laughter. Humor is to act in a funny or teasing way, or the quality of being funny that causes someone to be in a good mood. The trait of appreciating and being able to express the humorous. Humor is a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter, but not always. Humor is a communication technique that try's to make people laugh and feel happy so that they can temporally forget about any troubles or worries they might have. The term humor derives from the humoral medicine of the ancient Greeks, which taught that the balance of fluids in the human body, known as humours, controlled human health and emotion. (Latin: humor, "body fluid").

Happy Songs - Benefits of Humor - Intelligence - Satire - Seeing things from a different perspective

Laughter is a physical reaction in humans and some other species of primate, consisting typically of rhythmical, often audible contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to certain external or internal stimuli. Laughter can arise from such activities as being tickled, or from humorous stories or thoughts. Most commonly, it is considered a visual expression of a number of positive emotional states, such as joy, mirth, happiness, relief, etc. On some occasions, however, it may be caused by contrary emotional states such as embarrassment, apology, or confusion such as nervous laughter or courtesy laugh. Age, gender, education, language, and culture are all factors as to whether a person will experience laughter in a given situation.

Belly Laugh is a loud unrestrained laugh.

Giggle is to laugh lightly in a nervous, affected, or silly manner. A foolish or nervous laugh.

Nervous Laughter is laughter provoked from an audience's expression of alarm, embarrassment, discomfort or confusion, rather than amusement. Nervous laughter is usually less robust in expression than "a good belly laugh", and may be combined with confused glances or awkward silence on the part of others in the audience. Nervous laughter is considered analogous to a courtesy laugh, which may be rendered by more of a conscious effort in an attempt to move a situation along more quickly, especially when the comedian is pausing for laughter. Nervous laughter is a physical reaction to stress, tension, confusion, or anxiety.

Fake Laughter - Fake Laughing - Fake TV - Funny Movies - Funny TV Shows

Laughter is not an accurate measurement of how funny something is, and just because there is no laughter, this does not mean that something isn't funny. Laughter is relative. And laughter is a physical experience that is in reference to someone's own personal interpretation. And people may not always be laughing at the same thing, or laughing in the same way. Laughter can also be spontaneous. The central nervous system reacts with laughter without notice or warning. And the reasons why we think something is funny is sometimes just random. Our state of mind can alter our perceptions, our experiences can alter our perceptions, so we don't always look at something in the same way all the time. Laughter is a funny way to see something or perceive something, but it's only one way at looking at something. We must always see things for what they are, and we must always understand things for what they are not.

Theories of Humor is to figure out what humor is, what social functions it serves, and what would be considered humorous. Benign Violation Theory is when something is perceived as humorous when it hits the “sweet spot,” where there is not only a violation, but where the violation is also perceived as benign. The BVT specifies how psychological distance plays a central role in determining whether a certain event, joke, or other stimulus is perceived as benign or malign. A good joke should feel safe and unsafe at the same time. Differentiating what is Humorous from what is Not Humorous.

Laugh Lab was involved in the scientific search for the world’s funniest joke. By the end of the project the project had received 40,000 jokes, and had them rated by more than 350,000 people from 70 countries. They were awarded a Guinness World Record for conducting one of the largest experiments in history, and made the cover story of The New Yorker. The most effective jokes are 103 letters long. People enjoy jokes the most at 6:03 pm.

Humor Styles. There are many factors like culture, age, political orientation, and many other factors play a role in what people find humoristic People of all ages and backgrounds engage in humor, but the way they use it can vary greatly. From its most lighthearted forms like a funny fact or a joke about dogs. To its more absurd ones, like a video of someone talking in a funny voice or a person falling while riding a bike. Although humor styles can vary slightly depending on the situation, they tend to be a relatively stable personality characteristic among individuals. That is, individuals are fairly consistent in the ways they use humor over time. Humor can play an instrumental role in forming social bonds like attracting a mate, and releasing tension especially under stress.

Can we tell someone’s cultural group from the way they laugh? Can we infer someone's cultural group from their laugher, even when we do not know what they are laughing at? And what kind of laughter do we find most positive? A new study shows that our laughter gives us away. The study included Dutch and Japanese producers of laughter and listeners. Listeners could detect whether a laughing person is from their own or another cultural group by only hearing a brief laughter segment. Spontaneous laughter was rated as most positive by both groups. Laughter is a strong nonverbal vocalization, which is frequently used to signal affiliation, reward, or cooperative intent, and often helps to maintain and strengthen social bonds. An important distinction is between spontaneous and voluntary laughter. Spontaneous laughter is typically an uncontrolled reaction, for instance to hilarious jokes, and includes hard-to-fake acoustic features. Voluntary laughter is produced by purposefully modulating vocal output, for instance for a preening boss, reflecting a more deliberate communicative act like conveying polite agreement.

Laughter (PBS) - Why do we Laugh? (webMD) - Sophie Scott: Why we Laugh? (video)
Laughter: A Scientific Investigation (book)

Laughter Therapy - ig Nobel Prize - Laughter Meditation - Video

Skype Laughter Chain (youtube)

Tanganyika Laughter Epidemic. Laughing for no Reason?

Laugh Bag (Laugh Box) High Pitch Laughing sound track gag Toy (youtube)

Funny Movies and TV Shows - Hidden Cameras - Funniest Cities

Inherently Funny Word is a word which can be found amusing without any given context, for reasons ranging from onomatopoeia to phonosemantics. Such words have been used by a range of influential comedians to enhance the humor of their routines. Meaning.

He He or Ha Ha are words that are used to represent laughter or amusement, or used to express or as an imitation of derisive laughter or a senile or foolish giggle.

Amusing is something providing enjoyment; pleasantly entertaining and arousing or provoking laughter. Satire.

Diverting is something providing enjoyment or is pleasantly entertaining. Send on a course or in a different direction from the planned or intended one.

Humor is a creative way of expressing information and sometimes a complex form of expressing information, which makes certain humor hard to understand. This is why humor is a form of intelligence because you need to have retained a bit of relevant information in order to understand the joke. So humor can be a creative way of testing a persons knowledge of past events. But humor does not come without risk because interpretations are not the same for every person. Some people could be offended while other people will find humor funny and not offensive, and some will even find it funny and disturbing at the same time. There is sometimes truth in humor, though humor is not the most correct or accurate method for communicating truth, which is another risk of using humor as a way to communicate information.

Scientists capture humor’s earliest emergence. Young children's ability to laugh and make jokes has been mapped by age for the first time using data from a new study involving nearly 700 children from birth to 4 years of age, from around the world. The findings identify the earliest age humor emerges and how it typically builds in the first years of life. Of the children surveyed, the team identified 21 different types of humour. Children under one year of age appreciated physical, visual and auditory forms of humour. This included hide and reveal games (e.g., peekaboo), tickling, funny faces, bodily humour (e.g., putting your head through your legs), funny voices and noises, chasing, and misusing objects (e.g., putting a cup on your head). One-year-olds appreciated several types of humour that involved getting a reaction from others. This included teasing, showing hidden body parts (e.g., taking off clothes), scaring others, and taboo topics (e.g., toilet humour). They also found it funny to act like something else (e.g., an animal). Two-year-olds' humour reflected language development, including mislabelling, playing with concepts (e.g., dogs say moo), and nonsense words. Children in this age group were also found to demonstrate a mean streak as they appreciated making fun of others and aggressive humour (e.g., pushing someone). Finally, 3-year-olds were found to play with social rules (e.g., saying naughty words to be funny), and showed the beginnings of understanding tricks and puns.

Most people will say that they laugh because it’s funny. Then what is funny? Babies don’t know what’s funny, yet we see babies laugh. All babies cry and all babies laugh. So laughter is something that we are born with. Why? And why does laughter and sadness become more complex as we get older? There is an intelligent concept when it comes to making people laugh. Not so much to induce laughter, but to communicate a point of view that is funny to some and real to others. It's important to know why a person gets a joke or why a person laughs at a particular thing. But it's also very important to know why a person did not get the joke or laugh at the same thing as you did. Does our perception have a conscience?

You're 30 times more likely to laugh if you're with somebody else than if you're alone.

Being Fun is No Laughing Matter. A longitudinal study examined whether children who are well-liked and children who are popular got that way by being fun to hang around with. Results clearly underscore the importance of being fun. Across a two-month period, primary school children perceived by classmates as someone who is fun to be around experienced an increase in the number of classmates who liked them and the number who rated them as popular. In the eyes of peers, 'fun begets status and status begets fun.'

Focal Pathway in the Brain that when Electrically Stimulated causes Immediate Laughter followed by a sense of calm and happiness, even during awake brain surgery. The effects of stimulation were observed in an epilepsy patient undergoing diagnostic monitoring for seizure diagnosis. These effects were then harnessed to help her complete a separate awake brain surgery two days later, and then confirmed in two other patients. (left inferior frontal and posterior temporal cortices).

Parents who use humor have better relationships with their children, study finds. Humor can teach people cognitive flexibility, relieve stress, and promote creative problem solving and resilience.

1970's comedians were mostly white males and only 2% of women were comedians. 1990's only 20% of women were comedians. 2020 only 35% of women are comedians.

Sad Faces are Sad to See. No one likes to see a sad face, or hear a baby crying. Humans are born to feel empathetic towards other people who are struggling. Our true nature is to nurture. But our human instinct to care can be overridden and manipulated by our beliefs and by bad experiences or circumstances that causes some people to ignore other peoples suffering. You can't always be emotionally involved in other peoples struggles, but you do have to be aware of the reality of a situation, you can't ignore facts. But facts have to be known in order to be effectively utilized. Ignorance causes people to be less empathetic and less understanding.

Humor and Laughter has Benefits

A good laugh can enhance creativity, elevate collegiality, and improve long term job performance. Fun meetings, apparently, can be better meetings. The benefits of humor as an individual coping mechanism and a social lubricant are well established. Humor helps people cope with pain and tragedy, reduces social conflict and promotes group cohesion. Using a lag sequential analysis to understand temporal sequences in behavior, Lehmann-Willenbrock and Allen found that within the meetings, humor patterns triggered problem-solving behaviors (e.g., what do you think about this approach?), procedural suggestions (e.g., let's talk about our next step), and goal orientation (e.g., we should target this issue). Humor patterns also promoted supportive behaviors like praise and encouragement, and led to new ideas and solutions.

Using humor to change perceptions and too change people's minds and making them more aware makes humor a great tool for communicating ideas. When someone makes fun of something, sometimes it makes you look at something differently or understand something a little differently. It doesn't happen all the time. But when it does, it makes you question things a little more than usual. A good joke can also help reduce stress and anxiety that someone is feeling about a particular subject. But it can also increase anxiety or stress, so you have to be careful and mindful when making jokes. Comedy is a power that needs to be used responsibly, but comedy needs to be, because we need to laugh at ourselves sometimes, especially if we're going to understand ourselves.

"He who laughs at himself never runs out of things to laugh at." Epictetus (wiki)

Laughing at Yourself is a sign of self confidence. It shows that you're not bothered by how your faults are perceived by others, because you know that your mistakes and imperfections are irrelevant and unimportant when compared to your strengths and your abilities. You don't let things bother you, you only let things remind you of how vulnerable you are and also how incredible you are.  Sometimes you make mistakes and say stupid things and do stupid things. So being able to laugh at yourself is important. It's not saying that your mistakes are insignificant, it's just saying that you're OK with being human. People who can laugh at themselves are usually the happiest people, and also the most intelligent people. Making fun of your own ignorance is a lot more rewarding than just making fun of other peoples ignorance. When you can laugh at your own stupidity, then you can then be aware of your mistakes and also start reassessing your own reasoning processes. Being able to laugh at yourself will also make you more aware that everyone is ignorant about something, even you. So being able to laugh at yourself will make you more empathetic and less narcissistic. When you just make fun of other people, and when you don't judge yourself equally as you do others, then you will not develop properly and you will become disillusioned and pessimistic. Then eventually you will start blaming other people for your own problems. This means that being able to laugh at yourself is essential for normal development and essential for having normal relationships.

"Laughing at yourself is a great way to show love to yourself. Being able to step outside yourself and see yourself as another person, is liberating. You don't have to be alone. And who said that you were alone, not you?"

Self-Referential Humor is also known as self-reflexive humor or meta humor, is a type of comedic expression that—either directed toward some other subject, or openly directed toward itself—is self-referential in some way, intentionally alluding to the very person who is expressing the humor in a comedic fashion, or to some specific aspect of that same comedic expression. Self-referential humor expressed discreetly and surrealistically is a form of bathos. In general, self-referential humor often uses hypocrisy, oxymoron, or paradox to create a contradictory or otherwise absurd situation that is humorous to the audience.

Humor is not just the great escape, humor is also the greatest ice breaker in the world. Humor can help cut through awkward moments and self-conscious feelings that can help people feel at ease. Humor is the greatest reminder that we are all alive, and that we need to stop and think once in a while and examine our existence. We need to feel that we truly do exist, and laughter is one great way to feel alive.

Ice Breaker is a statement that serves to relieve inhibitions or tension between people, or something that helps to start a conversation.

Humor helps us to relax and helps us to take a break from our daily lives that are sometimes monotonous. Humor can also help us forget our troubles and remind us that things are not all that bad. Humor doesn't solve our problems, but humor does help us to change our perspective just in case we may be worrying too much or over exaggerating our problems. Looking on the Brightside of things without forgetting the dark side of things is the best that we can do for now. Laugh, but don't stop learning. A Momentary lapse of reasoning should only be temporary, you still need to reason. Not all distractions are bad as long as you don't forget the responsibilities that you need to take care of later on. You can Let it Go, just don't forget what you let go of and why you let it go.

Humor can also have a irritation value because even though the person thinks that your joke is not funny, you can still feel some enjoyment in knowing that the person is irritated and that they are blaming you for their irritation, which is what they deserve for not laughing at your joke. So there!

When you laugh, you're not afraid, and when you're not afraid, you're free.

Humor has a Placebo Effect - Laughter is Therapeutic

Smile is a facial expression formed primarily by flexing the muscles at the sides of the mouth. Some smiles include a contraction of the muscles at the corner of the eyes, an action known as a "Duchenne smile". Smiles performed without the eye contraction can be perceived as "fake".

Ron utman: The Hidden Power of Smiling (youtube)

Laughter acts as a stress buffer -- and even smiling helps.

Humor ability reveals intelligence, predicts mating success (PDF)

Punchlines For Progress (video)

Interpersonal intelligence (people smart) - Language

Did you know that people around the world can tell whether folks are friends or strangers by listening to them laughing together?

I'm so fortunate to have a sense of humor. My sense of humor has been with me my entire life. I have learned how extremely important it is to have a sense of humor. But I never fully understood it or did I utilize all the benefits, until 2018, when I finally educated myself. Knowledge can be funny, especially when you learn about what being funny is. Having a sense of humor is like having an extra awareness, a different way or another way of seeing things. You need to question yourself every so often. You need to make sure that you're understanding yourself and the world around you without having any biases or beliefs that may keep you from seeing the whole picture. When learning becomes stubborn, and when you ignore the fact that new information and knowledge is available, then you will never develop or progress as much as you could, and your mind will be trapped within this ignorance, and your thoughts will ruminate like being in a hamster wheel and you will never reach your full potential. A sense of humor is like having a third shoulder angle, like another independent view of things. An angle that is almost always present, so that when you catch yourself doing something stupid, saying something stupid or thinking something stupid, the angle reminds you that sometimes laughing at yourself will help you refocus and reexamine yourself in a non-hostile or non-critical way. You don't need to judge yourself so negative, you can merely learn from it and then move on and go back to the most important goals at hand. The only time that laughing at yourself is bad is when you're an as*hole, because there's nothing funny about being an as*hole. A sense of humor is like having a daily reminder that asks, "Is everything alright?" And you answer, "Thanks for asking brain, sometimes things get a little crazy and I forget where I am. Thanks for the reminder." And then the Humor Angle reply's, "Just keeping you honest and true to yourself my friend, besides, who else can I laugh at without having someone make me feel bad about how stupid some of my jokes are, I know, I make mistakes too, now laugh and move on, I got to go back to work on creating some new jokes, ones that could actually be funny, so relax, you will laugh again."

Comedian Non-Discloser Agreement - For the receiver of the joke. That's not what I meant: I'm addicted to telling jokes. So you can say I love to make people laugh. But with humor, there's always a risk that someone will take your joke the wrong way. So instead of spreading happiness, I sometimes spread misery. I still evoke emotion, its just that it's the wrong emotion sometimes, which was not intended. (please sign here......)

Death from Laughter is a supposedly extremely rare form of death, usually resulting from either cardiac arrest or asphyxiation, that has itself been caused by a fit of laughter. Instances of death by laughter have been recorded from the times of ancient Greece to modern times. Often, the phrase "dying from laughter" is used as hyperbole.

Comedic Genius - Sense of Humor

A comedic genius is a comedian who examines the world for other meanings, and then expresses that information in a humorous or funny way. A comedic genius likes to make observations from a different point of view and express alternate interpretations that could help someone see things in a different light. A comedic genius likes to compare things to other things during an observation. A comedian does not always express their observations to be more accurate or truthful, it's more about inducing laughter and confirming that what they see is similar to what the audience sees, and the confirmation is laughter. But even though laughter might be the motive of a comedian, you cannot deny the fact that this method of analyzing our world is intelligent and creative. But it's not always perfect

Having a good sense of humor is not just about laughter and being funny, it's about being able to see things differently and understand things from a different perspective. Being able to laugh at things is not as important as being able to look at things in more than one way with an open mind. Laughter just seems to be the reward for not being stubborn or narrow minded.

We love to laugh at the what ifs. What if someone said this? What if someone did that? Humor is an exploration of our imagination. We love to laugh at things that are abstract and only exist in our minds. Laughter is a fantasy that can only be fulfilled by an open mind, a mind that loves the bazar things in life and loves the things that are mostly unnoticed or misunderstood. Laughter is a gift from God, a gift that says, "if you don't have a sense of humor, your life is going to suck ass, and that's not funny".

Sense of Humor is the trait of appreciating humor and being able to express humor. Having a sense of humor can help reduce stress and help you cope with pain. Having a sense of humor can create empathy in social situations, and can even improve relationships, but not always because you can take a joke too far sometimes. (A good joke is about the delivery, the timing and knowing your audience).

Comic Timing emerges from a performer's joke delivery: they interact with an audience—inflection, rhythm, cadence, tempo, and pausing—to guide the audience's laughter, which then guides the comedic narrative. The pacing of the delivery of a joke can have a strong impact on its comedic effect, even altering its meaning; the same can also be true of more physical comedy such as slapstick. Comic timing is also crucial for comedic video editing to maximize the impact of a joke, for example, through a smash cut.

Performance Art - Spoken Word

Comedic Device refers to a kind of device used to make a statement more humorous. In layman's terms, it is what makes things funny. Practical Joke Device is a prop or toy intended to confuse, frighten, or amuse individuals as a prank.

Witticism is a form of intelligent humor, the ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny. A wit is a person skilled at making clever and funny remarks. Forms of wit include the quip and repartee.

Witt is a form of intelligent humor, the ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny. A wit is a person skilled at making clever and funny remarks. Forms of wit include the quip and repartee.

Quip is to make jokes or witty remarks.

Come Back - Being able to Laugh at Yourself

Inside Joke or a private joke, is a joke whose humour is understandable only to members of an ingroup, that is, people who are in a particular social group, occupation, or other community of shared interest. It is an esoteric joke, i.e., it is humorous only to those who are aware of the circumstances behind it. In-jokes may exist within a small social clique, such as a group of friends, or extend to an entire profession.

Inside Job - Need to Know Basis - Satire

Anti-Humor is a type of indirect and alternative humor that involves the joke-teller's delivering something that is intentionally not funny, or lacking in intrinsic meaning. The practice relies on the expectation on the part of the audience of something humorous, and when this does not happen, the irony itself is of comedic value. Anti-humor is also the basis of various types of pranks and hoaxes. The humor of such jokes is based on the surprise factor of absence of an expected joke or of a punch line in a narration that is set up as a joke. This kind of anticlimax is similar to that of the shaggy dog story. In fact, some researchers see the "shaggy dog story" as a type of anti-joke.

Surprise Factor is a technique used in storytelling to produce a visceral reaction from the audience. It is created by telling a story in a way which creates a certain perception of events which is then revealed to be false often in exact opposition to original perception. The term most often refers to its use in many forms of humor which provides the audience with the twist or punch line, intended to elicit amusement. However it can also be used to elicit a tragic reaction, rather than a comic one. It has been theorized that the essence of humour lies in two elements or factors, the relevance factor, and the surprise factor. First, it is necessary to present something familiar or relevant to the audience. This accounts for gaining the involvement and scrutiny of the audience, who may believe they know the natural follow-through thoughts or conclusion. Next, the actual amusement results from the presentation of some twist on what the audience expected, or else from interpreting the original situation in an unexpected way. These twists and unexpected interpretations may be summarized as the surprise factor. For this reason, knowing a punch line in advance, or some situation which would flub the delivery of the punchline, can destroy the surprise factor, and in turn destroy the entertainment value or amusement the joke may have otherwise provided; such information is known in some contexts as a spoiler. On the other hand, a person previously holding the same unexpected conclusions or secret perspectives as the comedian could derive amusement from hearing those same thoughts expressed and elaborated. That there is commonality, unity of thought, and an ability to openly analyze and express these (where secrecy and inhibited exploration was previously thought necessary) can be the surprise factor in these situations. This phenomenon explains much of the success of comedians who deal with same-gender and same-culture audiences on gender conflicts and cultural topics, respectively.

Jaw Dropping is something causing great surprise or astonishment. When someone's mouth opens in a way that shows he or she is very surprised or shocked.

Humor is part empathy, and many intelligent behaviors are related to empathy. Having a sense of humor is key to enjoying life, relating to people, having good relationships, enjoying sex and longevity. Most people who are recognized as having a sense of humor will explain that it has always been part of their personality, and they have no idea how it was learned. A big part of being funny is being comfortable with yourself, Empathy techniques for reading the minds, seeing and feeling the world from the consumer perspective should be a good thing. Empathy is one of the highest forms of intelligence. Some psychologists believe that the ability to listen to another person, to empathize with, and to understand their point of view is one of the highest forms of intelligent behavior. Empathically intelligent people are formed and informed by a process that includes the cognitive, relational, and sacrificial forms of empathy.

Comedy - Being Funny and Humorous

Comedy refers to any discourse or work generally intended to be humorous or to amuse by inducing laughter, especially in theatre, television, film and stand-up comedy.

Stand-up Comedy is a comic style in which a comedian performs in front of a live audience, usually speaking directly to them.

Comedy Routine comprises a series of short comedy scenes or vignettes, called "Sketches", commonly between one and ten minutes long.

Comedian is a person who seeks to entertain an audience, primarily by making them laugh. List of Comedians (wiki).

My first favorite comedian was Richard Pryor. I saw his movie at the Palace Theater in Danbury in the 70’s. The movie was Richard Pryor performing live on stage. I never laughed so hard in my life. Then there were The Comedians from SNL. This one show has produced some of the world’s greatest comedians, and is still doing so today. I couldn’t even imagine what the world would have been like without Saturday Night Live and the comedians they gave birth to.

Impressionist is a performer whose act consists of imitating the voice and mannerisms of others. The word usually refers to a professional comedian/entertainer who specializes in such performances and has developed a wide repertoire of impressions, including adding to them, often to keep pace with current events. Impressionist performances are a classic casino entertainment genre. Someone who imitates one particular person without claiming a wide range, such as a lookalike, is instead called an impersonator. In very broad contexts, "impersonator" may be substituted for "impressionist" where the distinction between the two is less important than avoiding confusion with the use of "impressionist" in painting and music. Usually the most "impressive" aspect of the performance is the vocal fidelity to the target – usually a politician or a famous person. Props may also be employed, such as glasses or hats, but these are now considered somewhat old-fashioned and cumbersome: the voice is expected to carry the act. Because animated cartoons often lampoon famous people (sometimes obliquely), a facility for impressions is one of the marks of a successful voice actor. Many cartoon characters are intended to be recognized by the audience as evoking a specific celebrity, even when not explicitly named. With such indirect references, the entertainment value does not lie so much in the technical achievement of exactly reproducing the voice so much as in merely making it recognizable; the joke lies in the reference to a celebrity, not in its rendition. An impersonation is a replication of someone's speech or body language. While most people try to impersonate someone's voice, a truly great impressions take the whole body. Whether you want to impress your friends or an audience, good impersonations require little more than attention to detail and practice.
Rich Little (wiki).

Farce is a comedy that aims at entertaining the audience through situations that are highly exaggerated, extravagant, and thus improbable. Farce is also characterized by physical humor, the use of deliberate absurdity or nonsense, and broadly stylized performances. It is also often set in one particular location, where all events occur. Farces have been written for the stage and film. It's was a Farce!

Absurdity is a thing that is extremely unreasonable, so as to be foolish or not taken seriously, or the state of being so.

Ridiculous is something that is highly incongruous or inferior, sometimes deliberately so to make people laugh or get their attention, and sometimes unintended so as to be considered laughable and earn or provoke ridicule and derision.

Nonsense is something that lacks any coherent meaning.

Monotonous is something dull, tedious, and repetitious or routine that is lacking in variety and interest, like some jobs are.

Emotionless - Blunt Effect - Dead Pan

Joke is a display of humor in which words are used within a specific and well-defined narrative structure to make people laugh. It takes the form of a story, usually with dialogue, and ends in a punch line. It is in the punch line that the audience becomes aware that the story contains a second, conflicting meaning. This can be done using a pun or other word play such as irony, a logical incompatibility, nonsense or other means. A joke is a short humorous piece of oral literature in which the funniness culminates in the final sentence, called the punch line. In fact, the main condition is that the tension should reach its highest level at the very end. No continuation relieving the tension should be added. As for its being "oral," it is true that jokes may appear printed, but when further transferred, there is no obligation to reproduce the text verbatim, as in the case of poetry.

How to tell a Joke (youtube) - Tell a Joke (wikihow)

Joke is a creative interpretation of information where the joke teller takes the listener on a crazy journey to an unexpected place where reality is not what it seems. Whether the joke is funny or not funny is not important. What's important is whether you can see something differently or whether you can tell if the joke is relevant or not.

Practical Jokes - Senior Citizen Jokes - 100 Clean Jokes - The 100 Jokes That Shaped Modern Comedy.

Punch Line refers to the unexpected and funny conclusion of a joke, story, performance or situation. It is the third and final part of the typical joke structure that usually provides the necessary information that would help someone to understand the joke. It is intended to make people laugh.

Analogy - Satire

Four Humor Styles by Rod A. Martin: Self-Enhancing is a type of motivation that works to make people feel good about themselves and to maintain self-esteem. Affiliative is relating to the formation of social and emotional bonds. Aggressive is to attack or confront by pursuing one's aims and interests forcefully. Self-Defeating is to destroy or hurt the thing that you are trying to accomplish.

Pun is a form of word play that suggests two or more meanings, by exploiting multiple meanings of words, or of similar-sounding words, for an intended humorous or rhetorical effect. Pun Off World Championship.

Clown are comic performers who employ slapstick or similar types of physical comedy, often in a mime style.

Jester is an entertainer during the medieval and Renaissance eras who was a member of the household of a nobleman employed to entertain him and his guests.

Jest is a humorous anecdote or a remark intended to provoke laughter. An activity characterized by good humor. To tell a joke or to speak humorously. To act in a funny or teasing way.

Laugh Riot is something very amusing and hilarious.

Vaudeville is a theatrical genre of variety entertainment made up of a series of separate, unrelated acts grouped together on a common bill.

Sarcasm - Satire - Mockery - Shaming

Sarcasm is a sharp, bitter gibe or taunt, or a cutting expression or remark. Sarcasm may employ ambivalence, although sarcasm is not necessarily ironic. The distinctive quality of sarcasm is present in the spoken word and manifested chiefly by vocal inflections. The sarcastic content of a statement will be dependent upon the context in which it appears. Sarcasm does not replace having a real conversation.

Satire is a genre of literature, and sometimes graphic and performing arts, in which vices, follies, abuses, and shortcomings are held up to ridicule, ideally with the intent of shaming individuals, corporations, government or society itself, into improvement.

Inside Joke - Parody - Teasing - Insults - Pranks - Acting - Two Faced - Comebacks - Replies to Ignorance - Down Playing - Laughing Last

is exposing human folly to ridicule. Using wit, especially irony, sarcasm, and ridicule, to criticize faults. Satiric is something subject to laughter or ridicule. A language or behavior intended to mock or humiliate. The act of deriding or treating with contempt.

News Satire or news comedy is a type of parody presented in a format typical of mainstream journalism, and called a satire because of its content. Two slightly different types of news satire exist. One form uses satirical commentary and sketch comedy to comment on real-world events, while the other presents wholly fictionalized news stories. News satire is not the same as fake news or propaganda. Satire is sometimes a humoristic view of a problem that can be incredibly important when trying to help people understand a particular problem. But just because you make people feel aware about a particular problem, this does not necessarily mean that you have solved that problem. Satire is a key to understanding a problem, but you still have to open the door and follow through if you want to solve that problem.

"When the comedians are better at journalism than the main stream media journalists, it means that we will all be laughing to our graves."

Sardonic is disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking. Marked by casual disrespect. Sardonic is an adjective describing dry, understated, and sort of mocking speech or writing—such as a clever remark that stings because it's so accurate. While sardonic comments seem slightly hostile, they are supposed to be witty and humorous rather than deeply hurtful.

Sardonicism is to be disdainfully or cynically humorous, or scornfully mocking. A form of wit or humour, being sardonic often involves expressing an uncomfortable truth in a clever and not necessarily malicious way, often with a degree of skepticism.

Non Sequitur is a conversational literary device, often used for comedic purposes. It is something said that, because of its apparent lack of meaning relative to what preceded it, seems absurd to the point of being humorous or confusing. This use of the term is distinct from the non sequitur in logic, where it is a fallacy. A non sequitur can denote an abrupt, illogical, or unexpected turn in plot or dialogue by including a relatively inappropriate change in manner. A non sequitur joke sincerely has no explanation, but it reflects the idiosyncrasies, mental frames and alternative world of the particular comic persona.

Surreal Humour is a form of humor predicated on deliberate violations of causal reasoning, thus producing events and behaviors that are obviously illogical. Portrayals of surreal humor tend to involve bizarre juxtapositions, incongruity, non-sequiturs, irrational or absurd situations, and expressions of nonsense.

Humor can be used as a method of defense against bad people. Humor can also be used as a weapon of aggression to attack someone's poor character. Humor can also be used as a method of communicating the truth. Metaphors.

Travesty is a comedy characterized by broad satire and improbable situations. A composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way.

Tongue-in-Cheek is something said in an ironic, flippant, or insincere way.

I'm just Goofing on You means that I'm just teasing you in a playful manner as some friends often do. We joke around with each other as a way to challenge and test our awareness and our behaviors. This is not a judgment, it's more of a question. Why do you think that way? Why do you believe that way? And is my question fair and accurate? What If?

Humans love to tease each other, especially friends and family, it's like a favorite pastime that adds enjoyment to our relationships and makes our interactions more interesting. But teasing can be risky because you can hurt someone when the teasing turns into insults. Sometimes we can go a little to far when kidding around. There is sometimes truth in humor, se we need to be respectable and not just funny.

You know things are pretty bad when you take comedians more seriously than politicians. Making fun of people needs more than comedic genius, it takes actions, a lot of actions.

Dysphemism is an expression with connotations that are derogatory either about the subject matter or to the audience. Dysphemisms contrast with neutral or euphemistic expressions. Dysphemism may be motivated by fear, distaste, hatred, contempt, or humour.

Derogatory is a low opinion.

Euphemistic is substituting a mild term for a harsher or distasteful one. Euphemism.

Butt of the Joke is the person who the joke is about or the person who is the target of a joke, or the reason for the joke or the aim of a joke; the person or subject being mocked or ridiculed.

Laughing Stock is a person or thing subjected to general mockery or ridicule. Someone or something that seems stupid or silly when they are supposed to be important or serious.

When People Are Laughing At You, it means that you have done something stupid or said something stupid that was not intended to be funny, so people laugh at you to let you know how stupid your action or comment was.

Morose is showing a brooding ill humor.

is to be in a huff and display one's displeasure or think moodily or anxiously about something.

Ambivalence is a state of having simultaneous conflicting reactions, beliefs, or feelings towards some object.

Irony is a witty language used to convey insults or scorn by using the expression of one's meaning and using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. A state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result. The full significance of a character's words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character. Irony is an event in which what appears on the surface to be the case, but differs radically from what is actually the case. Innuendo.

Ironic is something humorously sarcastic or mocking and between what is expected and what actually is.

Tongue in Cheek is an idiom intended to be understood as a joke, although you might appear to be serious. Tongue-in-cheek refers to a humorous or sarcastic statement to express contempt in a mock serious manner. Biting one's tongue to prevent an outburst of laughter.

Touché is used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point.

Schrodingers Douchebag Sometimes people say some crazy things, so it's a good idea to know when someone is joking. Are you Joking? Sometimes a simple clarification can make all the difference. And when a person says that they are being totally serious, this doesn't mean that what they are saying is true or accurate, because people can contradict themselves all the time. Most people never ask the follow-up questions that would make their statement more factual, instead of sounding subjective or biased. It's never only an opinion, there is always more to an opinion. So you either ask questions and educate yourself, or get used to spending the rest of your life being ignorant and saying ignorant things.

The problem with humor is that sometimes someone might not take something seriously when they should be taking something seriously, or, take something seriously when they should not take something seriously. Interpretation is never a given.

Humor can sometimes be used in the wrong way. But the funny thing is with humor, is that you sometimes have no idea that you offended someone until they say that they were offended, and then they blame you for not knowing that they would be offended, like you should have known better. Hey, it's not like I'm deliberately punching you in the stomach, words are not not made of matter. But words do matter. That's  when the receiver can imagine they have been punched in the stomach. But dude, I didn't punched you, so what the f*ck, why are you pretending that I punched you? And this is when the conversation gets interesting.

Bad Jokes are still just jokes. But to an ignorant person, a bad joke can influence bad behavior because an ignorant person might take the joke seriously or literally. Some jokes can be a risky business and a double edge sword in the wrong hands.

Why are insensitive jokes sometimes funny? Why are offensive jokes sometimes funny when they can also be appalling, controversial, callous, emotionally hardened, disturbing, politically incorrect and taboo. Some people believe that offensive humour such as sexist or racist jokes can help break down barriers and challenge prejudice. But humor that denigrates, belittles, or maligns an individual or social group is not the way to breakdown barriers or to challenge prejudice, because not everyone will think that a joke is funny.

Facetious is supposed to be funny: intended to be humorous but often silly or inappropriate. Cleverly amusing in tone. Facetious

Levity is humor or frivolity, especially the treatment of a serious matter with humor or in a manner lacking due respect.

is a laugh at with lack of respect accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike.

"I guess it's a funny joke at some level for some people, but it's not funny for the victims. You need to be careful with jokes."

When Jokes cross the line, how do you define what that line is? Whether you're joking or not joking, being understood is not easy because meanings can be misinterpreted sometimes.

Building a better Sarcasm Detector. Sarcasm, notoriously difficult to interpret, demystified by multimodal approach. Sarcasm is notoriously tricky to convey through text, and the subtle changes in tone that convey sarcasm often confuse computer algorithms as well, limiting virtual assistants and content analysis tools. So researchers have now developed a multimodal algorithm for improved sarcasm detection that examines multiple aspects of audio recordings for increased accuracy. They used two complementary approaches -- sentiment analysis using text and emotion recognition using audio -- for a more complete picture.

I was just kidding. I was just making a joke or I was just being funny. All excuses. Saying things that we don't mean to say does happen form time to time. And when we try to cover up our ignorance with lame excuses like "I was just kidding", we fail to keep communicating. Humor and jokes are important, but not always. Choosing your words carefully includes jokes and humor at appropriate times. Don't take your awareness for granted, and don't pretend to know something. You may have been just kidding, but now the truth must be told. Are you saying something important? Then say it without making a joke.

"Funny on one level, but not necessarily the same level for everyone."

How can something be so horrifying and disturbing, and then at some particular moment later seem funny and stupid? The linking word to this deviation is stupid. We want to be able to laugh at ourselves and our stupidity, but we don't want to ignore our stupidity either. We need to solve our problems and not just laugh at them. I want to keep laughing, but I want to keep living too. You have to do both or you lose both.

The Other Side of the Story - A Different Way to Look at It - Analogies

"There's not a lot of thinking going on in those moments, it's like I'm in stupid mode, saying what ever comes to mind."

"I was always doing stupid things to be funny, but sometimes I only ended up looking stupid, chalk on up for stupidity."

Mockery - Humorous Insults

Insult Comedy is a comedy genre in which the act consists mainly of offensive insults directed at the performer's audience or other performers. Typical targets for insult include individuals in the show's audience, the town hosting the performance, or the subject of a roast. An insult comedian often maintains a competitive and interactive relationship with his or her audience. The style has been described as "festive abuse". The style can be distinguished from an act based on satire, or political humor. Insult comedy is often used to deflect or silence hecklers even when the rest of the show is not focused around it.

Triumph The Insult Comic Dog - Late Night with Conan O'Brien at the Star Wars Premier (youtube)

Bullying - Teasing - Taunting - Criticizing - Satire

Roast in comedy is an event in which a specific individual, a guest of honor, is subjected to good-natured jokes at their expense intended to amuse the event's wider audience. This type of event was created as a mock counter to a toast. Such events are intended to honor a specific individual in a unique way. In addition to jokes and insult comedy, such events may also involve genuine praise and tributes. The implication is that the roastee is able to take the jokes in good humor and not as serious criticism or insult, and it is seen by some as a great honor to be roasted. The individual is surrounded by friends, fans, and well-wishers, who can receive some of the same treatment as well during the course of the evening. The party and presentation itself are both referred to as a "roast". The host of the event is called the "roastmaster". Anyone who is honored in such a way is said to have been "roasted".

Don Rickles turned insulting people into an art form, he was the king of insults. And he played that part extremely well. He would say things that were so rude and embarrassing that you just had to laugh, because you knew he was kidding, he was hilarious. He had that face and the personality with an uncanny ability of making insulting people seem funny, so most people found it humorous and you just love him for it, mostly because he was fulfilling a type of fantasy for us, that fantasy that we all have of being able to say anything that we want, things that we would like to say, but we know we can't say. So for most people, it's a lot safer to imagine being a rude person, then it is to actually be a rude person. So in a way he's providing a type of service, which shows you what you would look like if you were a jerk, and at the same time, he's letting people know that laughing at ourselves is good for us, and that we should never let anyone get under our skin just because they have insulted us, or perceive to be insulting to us. And that's the key, he's not being honest, he's just making people laugh. He had a special talent of making his misery make you feel happy and feel better about yourself. That's how incredible he was. He had a lot of material too, but he also had a spontaneous wit that was sharp as a knife. So he was not just reliant on his memory, he was also very adaptable to particular moments. And that takes a lot of practice. But once a comedian fills a particular Niche and perfects it, they can pretty much ride that wave for ever. And he did. Don provided a great service by making people laugh. And it's kind of funny to know a person who actually made a living being a jerk, it's totally amazing, and Don was totally respected and loved for it too, and not just because he was a comedian, but you also knew deep down inside that Don was a nice person, he only played a part for us, how cool is that, humans are amazing.

Mr. Warmth the Don Rickels Project 2008 (video) An Emmy winning docu-comedy about the famous stand-up comedian Don Rickles with interviews from Robin Williams, Chris Rock, Sara Silverman, Clint Eastwood, and more. - Aired: 02/19/2008 | Not Rated | 1 hr. 30 min.

Joking Addiction or Witzelsucht is a set of pure and rare neurological symptoms characterized by a tendency to make puns, or tell inappropriate jokes or pointless stories in socially inappropriate situations. It makes one unable to read sarcasm. A less common symptom is hypersexuality, the tendency to make sexual comments at inappropriate times or situations. Patients do not understand that their behavior is abnormal, therefore they are nonresponsive to others' reactions.

Mock is to tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner. Imitate with mockery and derision. Constituting a copy or imitation of something. Not authentic or real, but without the intention to deceive. Treat with contempt.

Mockery is a humorous or satirical mimicry. Showing your contempt by derision. A composition that imitates or misrepresents somebody's style, usually in a humorous way.

Mocking is abusing someone vocally by expressing contempt or ridicule. Sometimes playfully vexing, which is to cause someone to feel irritation or annoyance.

Ridicule is language or behavior intended to mock or humiliate. The act of deriding or treating with contempt.

Gibe is an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect.

Diss is to criticize someone harshly. To treat someone rudely, or mention or speak to someone rudely.

Zinger is a striking or amusing remark, or a quick witty remark or pointed remark or a retort that is lively, interesting, amusing, or impressive.

Maternal Insult or "Yo mama" joke, is a reference to a person's mother through the use of phrases such as "your mother" or other regional variants, frequently used to insult the target by way of their mother. Used as an insult, "your mother ..." preys on widespread sentiments of filial piety, making the insult particularly and globally offensive. "Your mother" can be combined with most types of insults, although suggestions of promiscuity are particularly common. Insults based on obesity, height, hairiness, laziness, incest, age, race, poverty, poor hygiene, unattractiveness, homosexuality, or stupidity may also be used. Compared to other types of insults, "your mother" insults are especially likely to incite violence. Slang variants such as "yo mama", "yo momma", "yer ma", "ya mum", "ya mom", "ur mom", "your mum", "ur mum", "Joe mama"[a], or "your mom" are sometimes used, depending on the local dialect. Insults involving "your mother" are commonly used when playing the Dozens. Hate Speech.

"Your mama is so fat, when she jumps in the air she gets stuck."  "Your mama is so fat, the back of her neck looks like a package of hotdogs."  "Your mama is so fat, after I made love to her, I rolled over twice, and I was still on top of her."  "Your mama is so stupid, when the weather man said it was chilly outside, your mother ran outside with a bowl and spoon."

A good reply to criticism is a reply that makes the other person realize their mistake of criticizing something. A good reply will make the other person see that they are no better, and that they are also guilty of the same criticism. A good reply is basically saying to someone, "who are you to judge, you have the same faults and the same ignorance as the people you criticize." I don't mean to be rude or disrespectful, but if your invalid argument is mostly just condescending abuse, then you are the one who is the most deserving of criticism.

Comeback is a quick reply or an answer back to a question or remark, especially a witty or critical one.

Clap Back is a quick and sharp response to criticism or an insult, sometimes in a vengeful manner. A comeback is intended to be a reply or an answer to a critical remark or unfair treatment, sometimes by answering while clapping your hands in rhythm of your words.

Put that in your Pipe and Smoke it is used after stating something surprising or undesired, to emphasize its truth. Also used after refuting an argument. Sometimes an adjective is inserted before pipe.

How do you like them Apples is directed jestingly or mockingly at someone who has received surprising information, ridiculing the situation. Used after an actual or proposed action with which the listener might be displeased. Also used after refuting an argument.

How do you like that is said in surprise or disappointment.

Touché is used to acknowledge a hit in fencing or the success or appropriateness of an argument, an accusation, or a witty point.

Stair Case Witt is thinking of the perfect reply way after the moment has passed when it's too late. L'esprit de l'escalier. Hindsight.

Backfires is when you intend or believe that you are doing something good, but it ends up being something bad. My Bad.

When you Rank on someone it means that you make a rude joke or comment about them in order to embarrass them and make them feel bad for making you feel bad. Take that you big brute.

Brute is a cruel egotistical person who lacks human sensibility.

I still make the mistake of saying something stupid just to outdo or mimic the other person who said something even more stupid first. That comeback sometimes backfires. When someone says something stupid, they sometimes don't know how stupid their comment was, and then you reply with something even more stupid, and then that person looks at you like you're the idiot. Wait, my stupid comment was just to make fun of your stupid comment. How the hell did we get here? Oh yah, I remember now, two wrongs don't make a right. The most correct way to deal with a stupid comment is to reply with an intelligent comment, one that also reminds the person how incorrect their comment was. If not, then just rank on them.

Shock Humor - Dark Humor

Black Comedy is a comic work that makes light of serious, disturbing, and / or taboo subject matter. Black Comedy Film (wiki)

Gallows Humor is humor about very unpleasant, serious, or painful circumstances. Any humor that treats serious matters, such as death, war, disease, and crime, in a light, silly or satirical fashion is considered gallows humor.

Cringe Comedy is a specific genre of comedy that derives humor from social awkwardness. Often a cringe comedy will have an air of a mockumentary and revolve around a serious setting, such as a workplace, to lend the comedy a sense of reality. The protagonists are typically egotists who overstep the boundaries of political correctness and break social norms. Then the comedy will attack the protagonist by not letting them become aware of their self-centered view, or by making them oblivious to the ego-deflation that the comedy deals them. Sometimes an unlikable protagonist may not suffer any consequences, which violates people's moral expectations, and also makes the audience cringe.

Shock Humor is a style of comedy intended to shock the audience. This can be achieved through excessively foul toilet humour, overt sexual themes, mocking of serious themes (otherwise known as black comedy), or through tactlessness in the aftermath of a crisis. In radio, shock jocks use this brand of humour. In conservative communities, such risque broadcasting can cause controversy, such as Jim Quinn and Don Jefferson's "Stupid Human Tricks" segment of their late-1980s WBZZ-FM show.

Shock Value is the potential of an image, text, action, or other form of communication, such as a public execution, to provoke a reaction of sharp disgust, shock, anger, fear, or similar negative emotions.

Sensationalize - Gross Art - Dirty Jokes - Attention Seeking

Off-Color Humor or vulgar humor, crude humor, or shock humor) is humor that deals with topics that may be considered to be in poor taste or vulgar. Many comedic genres (including jokes, prose, poems, black comedy, blue comedy, insult comedy, cringe comedy and skits) may incorporate "off-color" elements. Most commonly labeled as "off-color" are acts concerned with sex, a particular ethnic group, or gender. Other off-color topics include violence, particularly domestic abuse; excessive swearing or profanity; toilet humor; national superiority or inferiority, pedophilic content, and any topics generally considered impolite or indecent. Generally, the point of off-color humor is to induce laughter by evoking a feeling of shock and surprise in the comedian's audience. In this way, off-color humor is related to other forms of postmodern humor, such as the anti-joke.

Ribaldry or blue comedy is humorous entertainment that ranges from bordering on indelicacy to indecency. Blue comedy is also referred to as "bawdiness" or being "bawdy". Sex is presented in ribald material more for the purpose of poking fun at the foibles and weaknesses that manifest themselves in human sexuality, rather than to present sexual stimulation either overtly or artistically. Also, ribaldry may use sex as a metaphor to illustrate some non-sexual concern, in which case ribaldry borders satire. Like any humour, ribaldry may be read as conventional or subversive. Ribaldry typically depends on a shared background of sexual conventions and values, and its comedy generally depends on seeing those conventions broken. The ritual taboo-breaking that is a usual counterpart of ribaldry underlies its controversial nature and explains why ribaldry is sometimes a subject of censorship. Ribaldry, whose usual aim is not "merely" to be sexually stimulating, often does address larger concerns than mere sexual appetite. However, being presented in the form of comedy, these larger concerns may be overlooked by censors. Ribaldry differs from black comedy in that the latter deals with topics which would normally be considered painful or frightening, whereas ribaldry deals with topics that would only be considered offensive.

Sophomoric Humor is that which is juvenile and puerile. It is a type of comedy that often includes toilet humor and gags that are based on an appeal to a silly sense of immaturity.

Sex Comedy or Erotic Comedy is a genre in which comedy is motivated by sexual situations and love affairs. Although "sex comedy" is primarily a description of dramatic forms such as theatre and film, literary works such as those of Ovid and Chaucer may be considered sex comedies.

Dick Joke, penis joke, cock joke or knob joke is a joke that makes a direct or indirect reference to a human penis (known in slang parlance as a dick), also used as an umbrella term for dirty jokes. The famous quote from Mae West, "Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just excited to see me?" (alluding to an erection) is cited as an example of a penis joke. The "dick joke" has been described as "often used as a metaphor for the male-defined nature of stand-up comedy". Dick jokes have also been noted to be both popular and effective with audiences.

Shock Jock is a radio broadcaster or disc jockey who entertains listeners and attracts attention using humor and/or melodramatic exaggeration that may offend some portion of the listening audience. The term is used pejoratively to describe provocative or irreverent broadcasters whose mannerisms, statements and actions are typically offensive to much of society. It is a popular term within the radio industry. A shock jock is the radio equivalent of the tabloid newspaper in that both consider entertaining readers to be equally as, if not more important than, providing factual information. A radio station that relies primarily on shock jocks for programming has what is called a hot talk format. The term is used in two broad, yet sometimes overlapping contexts: The radio announcer who deliberately makes outrageous, controversial, or shocking statements, or does boundary-pushing stunts to improve ratings. The political radio announcer who has an emotional outburst in response to a controversial government policy decision.

Life Is Worth Losing was recorded November 5, 2005 at the Beacon Theater in New York City, New York. It was the 18th album and thirteenth HBO special by American comedian George Carlin. It was recorded simultaneously with the live broadcast of the HBO special of the same title, his 13th HBO stand-up comedy special. It was released on January 10, 2006. And since then the problems that George speaks about have gotten worse, a lot worse. And too many people are still extremely ignorant, and they don't even know it. Life Is Worth Losing - Dumb Americans - George Carlin (youtube) - This is a good example why some comedy routines are not funny because the words are Brutally Honest and True. But this is the world that we live in, where comedians are the only ones who have a voice that gets heard, except not everyone realizes that what he says is not a joke. These are serious problems that need to be solved. America is one big lie and you are a fool for believing in it. (youtube) - Famous Speeches about Injustices and Abuse.

Media Literacy - Information Literacy

Delivering the news with humor makes young adults more likely to remember and share. Could the merging of humor and news actually help inform the public? New research found that young people were more likely to remember information about politics and government policy when it was conveyed in a humorous rather than non-humorous manner. They were also more willing to share the information online.

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is funny but true show that is basically a highlight reel of some of the stupid sh*t that's in the media, which saves me a lot of time, and I also get a good laugh, so it's a great service. Trevor replaced Jon Stewart who admitted at one time that his show did not stop political corruption or stop crime from increasing. Or did It stop the scumbags in the media from lying and misleading the public. All it did is remind us of just how f*cked up people are in politics, and in the media. Even his jokes about corporate crimes did nothing, especially when he was taking advertising dollars from the same scumbags he made jokes about, hypocrite yes, but at least he used some of that money to fight the abuses and make us aware of criminals. But just making jokes about how f*cked up people are does not stop them from being f*cked up. I still watched the show anyway because it was one of the few shows on TV that were entertaining enough to watch. And it was still important to inform people about how f*cked up things are, but it didn't show us the ways to correct these flaws, it just made us aware of these flaws. Cynical but Pinnacle. But luckily Trevor Noah came along and kept the show going. He's doing such an amazing job that I feel kind of bad for Jon. Jon did all that work for years just to see Trevor do an even better job than he did. Sorry Jon, this guy is good, so no hard feelings. Everyone should be happy about Trevors success, unless he begins acting like Jon Oliver, who likes to cleverly slip in some bullshit with his jokes, little things that you might not notice, unless you know that it's a lie. These are some of the same lies told over and over again in the media to manipulate the truth and misinform people, mostly for money or corporate gain. It's a sad sickness.

There's Always a Little Truth in Humor

Yes there can be truth in humor, but not all humor is truthful. And humor is not the only form of communication that uses words creatively. So you still have to have follow up questions in order to understand a statements true meaning.

A woman once told me that there is always a little truth in humor. Yes there is, especially if it was meant to be satirical. But truth is not the always the intention of the joke, for if it were, a lot of jokes wouldn’t be that funny. Though a joke may be used to expose the truth we should never judge the method of delivery, especially when other methods have failed. But there is definitely danger in joking about serious subjects. Of course there can be a little truth in humor, how else could it be funny? We want people to get the joke, but it's not a guarantee that someone will understand the joke in the same way that you do. That's why we have to say, "Did you get it". Most people are not making fun of you, most people are just asking a question. And they're using humor, which is just one of many methods for transmitting information. And this is not to say that the question is accurate or justified or relevant. The joke may fail like just like many questions fail. This is because people sometimes make an assumption instead of making a point. So whether it's a joke or a question, all bets are off until we can define what it is? Is it a stupid question or is it a good question? If you can tell joke, then you have to take a joke. If you can give a punch, then you have to take a punch. No sense in fighting against the balance of the universe. That's a losing battle.

Dirty jokes have always got people in trouble because they choose the wrong time and the wrong place for their joke. But at the same time, people like Howard Stern have made a living using perverted humor and dirty jokes. It seems that we don’t want perverted humor and dirty jokes to go away. We just want more responsibility and more compassion without infringing on free speech. So, can this type of humor be responsible and compassionate and still be funny? That has always been a challenge for comedians and writers. They have always found the right way, and they have always found the wrong way. Both ways are funny, but are both ways necessary? Another thing I noticed is, that perverted humor is more funny to males than it is to females. I will watch something and laugh my ass off, but when I watch that same funny clip with a girl friend, for some reason, that same humorous clip is not funny anymore. Why? Is it that I'm more aware of how funny it really is, or is it that I'm just aware of how funny is just to guys? Is some humor gender-based? Maybe it's a good thing that women don't always laugh at all our stupid jokes. How else would we be aware of how ignorant we can be? We need each other, especially for jokes. OK, that joke sucked, so please get over it. I made my self perfectly clear that I'm not a comedian. Let's not drag this paragraph out. If we can't laugh at ourselves, then the laughter will end. 

A friend told me once that I make jokes at other peoples expense. Not that it was my intention, but it did make me realize that some jokes can be bad. So I was an idiot and I didn't even know it. I want to make people feel comfortable about certain things using jokes or by expressing different points of view. But I have to be more conscious and aware so that I can help people laugh at themselves instead of making people feel bad about themselves. My bad.

I have always enjoyed comedy and humor. Joking around is pretty much part of who I am. Though humor and laughter is incredibly therapeutic, humor can also be insensitive and make light of our greatest flaws and problems. That was the one of the reasons that kept me from pursuing a career in comedy. But I'm so glad that other people chose to be comics, because some one has to do it. I want to make people laugh but I also want to educate people. And being a comedian is sometimes a contradiction to being an effective educator. But learning can be fun, so using some comedy genius to give a lesson would make it more interesting, besides we already make learning games so why not. But if you become a comedian, you will have a hard time getting people to take you serious, it will be hard to know where the joke ends and the lesson begins. So I chose education instead of a career in comedy. This is not to say that I don't respect or appreciate comedy or comedians or entertainers. I have always admired their talents and their commitment to their craft. Besides, laughter is incredibly important part of being human and should always be an important part of being human. Besides that, maybe I can become a comedian near the end of my life? Because being taken seriously is always a struggle when you're a Senior Citizen, so why not have some fun.

That's Not Funny (2014) - full feature documentary 1:30.01 (youtube)

Lucy Dacus - "I Don't Wanna be Funny Anymore" (Official Music Video)

"Some people you just can't joke around with, either they don't get the joke or they misunderstand the joke. So avoiding jokes and sarcasm with certain people is a good idea."

How to Stop Taking Jokes Seriously - How to Take a Joke

The joke is, there is no joke. We laugh at bad jokes because we're stupid. We make fun of each other because we're stupid. If I wanted to truly make someone feel better, I would find out what would make them feel better, and then do that. There are many different ways to make a person laugh and be happy, so to me, being a truly gifted comedian is also being excellent communicator, which I never was, because many of my jokes failed, not because my jokes were horrible, it was because I was ignorant, because the schools I went to were inadequate, as they still are today. Freedom of speech can never live up to it's full potential if you never fully educate people to fully understand what speech is. So this is a language problem, and an education problem. Something doesn't have to be a joke in order for it to be offensive, because anything can be offensive to anyone. So this is a language problem, a communication problem, and an education problem. Being offended because someone else is offended by what you said, is offensive. We laugh at our flaws, not to make light of them, but to overcome them. But if all we do is just joke about our flaws, we will never overcome our flaws. We have to learn how to overcome our flaws, we just can't laugh them away. There's nothing wrong with you because you don't get the joke. But at the same time, there's also nothing right with you just because you did get the joke. Just because you think something is funny, doesn't make you a better person then someone else who thinks that same thing isn't funny. Freedom of speech is nothing if you never fully understand what speech is. So this is a language problem, a communication problem, and an education problem, this is not a joke problem. Say what you will, but if someone cannot understand you, then you have to take the time to explain to them, don't expect people to figure things for themselves. Since you opened your mouth, you have to take responsibility for your words, no matter how you thought your words were supposed to be understood. If you want to twist words, then you should learn how to untwist words so they're understood. If you want to be ignorant, then expect ignorant reactions. Freedoms will always be abused and misused, especially when people are never fully educated enough in order to understand how to use freedoms effectively, efficiently, or accurately. This is a language problem, a communication problem, and an education problem, this is not a joke problem.

The Jokes on You is when you try to pull a joke on someone but instead you become the victim of your own joke, and your practical joke or malicious act has backfired. You tried to make someone else look silly but you made yourself look silly and now you are the butt of the joke, or the person or subject being mocked or ridiculed or teased.

Being intelligent means you will still get to laugh, but you will now consider the time, the place and the reasons more carefully before making a joke. We still want people to make horrible jokes, we just want our jokes at the right time and in the right place. But we still have this problem of people repeating horrible jokes when they're not supposed to. Hey! I didn't say it, that person said it. That always sounds really stupid, doesn't it? The words came out of your mouth but you blame someone else for the words.

Fake TV - Funny, Not Real

Parody is to make fun of a subject by means of satiric or ironic imitation. A work created to imitate, make fun of, or comment on an original work, its subject, author, style, or some other target, by means of satiric or ironic imitation.

Metaphor - Satire - Impressionist - Acting - Two Faced - Pranks - Fake TV - Quasi Reality

Self-Parody is the intentional or inadvertent parodying or exaggeration of one's usual behavior or speech. A self-parody is a parody of oneself or one's own work. As an artist accomplishes it by imitating his or her own characteristics, a self-parody is potentially difficult to distinguish from especially characteristic productions.

Paying Tribute to Alex Trebek and Sean Connery - Great SNL Jeopardy! Moments (youtube)

Mockumentary or docucomedy is a type of film or television show depicting fictional events but presented as a documentary. These productions are often used to analyze or comment on current events and issues by using a fictional setting, or to parody the documentary form itself. While mockumentaries are usually comedic, pseudo-documentaries are their dramatic equivalents. However, pseudo-documentary should not be confused with docudrama, a fictional genre in which dramatic techniques are combined with documentary elements to depict real events. Also, docudrama is different from docufiction; a genre in which documentaries are contaminated with fictional elements. Mockumentaries are often presented as historical documentaries, with B roll and talking heads discussing past events, or as cinéma vérité pieces following people as they go through various events. Examples emerged during the 1950s when archival film footage became available. A very early example was a short piece on the "Swiss Spaghetti Harvest" that appeared as an April Fools' prank on the British television program Panorama in 1957.

Pseudo-Documentary is a film or video production that takes the form or style of a documentary film but does not portray real events. Rather, scripted and fictional elements are used to tell the story. The pseudo-documentary, unlike the related mockumentary, is not always intended as satire or humor. It may use documentary camera techniques but with fabricated sets, actors, or situations, and it may use digital effects to alter the filmed scene or even create a wholly synthetic scene.

Docufiction is the cinematographic combination of documentary and fiction, this term often meaning narrative film. It is a film genre which attempts to capture reality such as it is (as direct cinema or cinéma vérité) and which simultaneously introduces unreal elements or fictional situations in narrative in order to strengthen the representation of reality using some kind of artistic expression. More precisely, it is a documentary mixed with fictional elements, in real time, filmed when the events take place, and in which the main character or characters—often portrayed by non-professional or amateur actors—are essentially playing themselves, or slightly fictionalized versions of themselves, in a fictionalized scenario. In this sense, docufiction may overlap to an extent with some aspects of the mockumentary format, but the terms are not synonymous. Docufiction is often confused with docudrama.

Bad TV - Movies - Meanings - Vulgarity - Insult Comedy - Propaganda 

Situation Comedy is a genre of comedy centered on characters who share a common environment, such as a home or workplace, with often-humorous dialogue. Sitcoms originated in radio, but today are found mostly on television as one of its dominant narrative forms. This form can also include mockumentaries.

Slapstick is a style of humor involving exaggerated physical activity which exceeds the boundaries of normal physical comedy.

It's not about enjoying the suffering of others, it's about us laughing at the accidents that happen to us that don't hurt us, and that is why they are funny, because we can survive misfortune. But as soon as an accident causes injury or death, then they are not funny anymore. If someone went blind from a pie in the face, it would not be funny.

Pie in the Face Pie in the Face is the act of throwing a pie at a person or people. Non-consensual pieing is a punishable offence in criminal law, and depending on jurisdiction is a battery but may also constitute an assault. Non-consensual pieing may also be actionable as a civil wrong (tort) resulting in the victim of the pieing to recover damages in a lawsuit from the tortfeasor. A pieing or pie attack may be intended as a simple practical joke, it can be a political action when the target is an authority figure, politician, industrialist, or celebrity and can be used as a means of protesting against the target's political beliefs, or against perceived arrogance or vanity. Perpetrators generally regard the act as a form of ridicule to embarrass and humiliate the victim. In pieing, the goal is usually to humiliate the victim while avoiding actual injury. For this reason the pie is traditionally of the cream variety without a top crust, and is never a hot pie. In Britain, a pie in the context of throwing is traditionally referred to as a custard pie. An aluminum pie pan or paper plate filled with whipped cream or shaving foam can substitute for a real pie. Pieing and pie fights are a staple of slapstick comedy, and pie "tosses" are also common charity fundraising events, especially in schools. Pieing is also particularly popular in Brazil where it is known as "torta na cara" and is featured prominently on the Brazilian game show Passa ou Repassa on Sistema Brasileiro de Televisão and Agora Torta ("Now Pie") as well as in a very large number of YouTube videos (several per day) uploaded by Brazilian channels.

Is a pie in the face the new baptism, or maybe a new way of confessing?

Can making fun of our reactions to our own ignorance make our ignorance easier to understand? Can making fun of our beliefs make them easier to understand? Can there be truth in humor? Though I admire South Park for using freedom of speech, I'm still sometimes disturbed by seeing humor as a way to bring light to our social problems. It's sick humor, but some how it's kind of funny. Can humor be a teaching method? Yes I believe that humor can be a teaching method, and a very funny method as well...well of course not always...nothing is forever, not even a good joke.

I sometimes have this feeling that there are some people out there who are having a good laugh at my expense. Well let me tell you something, if I were there with you, I would be laughing right along side of you, because there's no doubt that I'm one really funny character. A good sense of humor is truly a beautiful gift. Where does it come from? Not to say that everything is funny of course, after all, I'm not that crazy.

Funny Movies

National Lampoon's Animal House (1978 wiki) - Clips (youtube)

Tommy Boy (scenes) - Airplane (youtube) - The Aristocrats (youtube)

Comedy Movies - U.S. Comedies (wiki)

I'm No Dummy (2009 hulu) - Puppets (behind the curtain)

Austin Powers (youtube) - Cheech and Chong - Monty Python - Clip - Movie Knowledge.

Funny TV Shows

Sitcom is a genre of comedy centered on a fixed set of characters who carry over from episode to episode. Sitcoms can be contrasted with sketch comedy, where a troupe may use new characters in each sketch, and stand-up comedy, where a comedian tells jokes and stories to an audience. Sitcoms originated in radio, but today are found mostly on television as one of its dominant narrative forms. This form can also include mockumentaries. A situation comedy television program may be recorded in front of a studio audience, depending on the program's production format. The effect of a live studio audience can be imitated or enhanced by the use of a laugh track. 100 Seinfeld Quotes (youtube).

Situation Comedies List (wiki) - Comedies List (wiki) - Popular TV Shows

Saturday Night Live (youtube channel) - The Top Funniest TV Shows

Laugh Track is pre recorded laughter or artificial laughter, canned laughter or fake laughter that is made to be inserted into the show to make it seem like people are there laughing, but no one is there. What if you saw a TV show without a laugh track? Would it still be funny?

Why is it Funny to See People Fail

Fail 2009 (youtube) - Fail 2010 Compilation (youtube)

Comedy Central - A Funny Stuff

College Humor - Funny or Die

Cracked - Jokeroo - Other TV Shows

Top 40 Viral Videos of the Year 2018 (youtube) - Top 100 Viral Videos of the Year 2018 (youtube)

Hidden Camera Humor - Practical Jokes - Pranks

A fun way to examine human behavior was a show called Candid Camera. Watching people when they have no idea that they are being watched.

Security Camera Effects - Voyeurism

Candid Camera is an American hidden camera and practical joke reality television series created and produced by Allen Funt, which initially began on radio as The Candid Microphone on June 28, 1947. After a series of theatrical film shorts, also titled Candid Microphone, Funt's concept came to television on August 10, 1948, and continued into the 1970s. Aside from occasional specials in the 1980s and 1990s, the show was off air until making a comeback on CBS in 1996, before moving to PAX in 2001. This incarnation of the weekly series ended on May 5, 2004, concurrent with the selling of the PAX network itself. Beginning on August 11, 2014, the show returned in a new series with hour-long episodes on TV Land.

Milgram Experiment - Human Social Behavior Experiments

Hidden Camera Scare Pranks (youtube)
More Hidden Camera Pranks (youtube)
Just For Laughs - 10 Funniest Pranks (18) (youtube)

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog (youtube)

I have recently watched Bad Grandpa and realized that Hidden Camera Practical Jokes can be a great teaching tool that can teach us about human behavior. When I was a kid I loved Candid Camera, which was just one of the many Hidden Camera Television Series. They gave rise to other series such as Punk'd, the The Jamie Kennedy Experiment and What Would You Do? We can easily use all these videos to teach people about what they would do if faced with these particular scenarios.

Why are Scary Prank Video's Funny and Dangerous?

Remember this one..What's Wrong With This Picture?

List of Practical Joke Topics (wiki)

Taking Fake Book Covers on the Subway (youtube)

"Where the ordinary can become extraordinary in an instant, where normal life can be interrupted by surprise, and where for a moment, if we are paying attention, we can be lifted out of the repetition of routines into a creative act that can be hidden in every moment." (Quote from Bad Grandpa .5)

Prank is a practical joke or mischievous act or to play a trick on someone.

Fooling Someone - Magic Trick - Tabloids - Head Games

Practical Joke is a prank or trick played on a person, especially one intended to make the victim appear foolish. Practical Joke is a mischievous trick played on someone, generally causing the victim to experience embarrassment, perplexity, confusion, or discomfort. A person who performs a practical joke is called a "practical joker". Other terms for practical jokes include gag, jape, or shenanigan.

Trick is a cunning or deceitful action or an act done for fun and amusement.

Playing a Joke on Someone is when a person tricks someone or pranks someone in order to confuse them or to cause a problem for them, usually for the amusement of the prankster and usually at the expense of the other person, sometimes humiliating them.

Rickrolling is a prank and an Internet meme involving an unexpected appearance of the music video for the 1987 Rick Astley song "Never Gonna Give You Up". The meme is a type of bait and switch using a disguised hyperlink that leads to the music video. The victims, believing that they are accessing some unrelated material, are said to have been rickrolled. The trend has extended to disruptive or humorous appearances of the song in other situations, such as a live appearance of Astley himself in the 2008 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York.

Candid Photography

I picked up a hitchhiker last night. The hitchhiker said to me, "How do you know that I'm not a serial killer?" I then replied and told him that "The chances of two serial killers being in the same car at the same time is astronomical." He then jumped out of the car. Some people just can't handle a good joke.

Bloopers - Outtakes

Best News Bloopers Compilation (youtube) - Best News Bloopers 2015 (youtube)

Blooper is a short sequence of a film or video production, usually a deleted scene, containing a mistake made by a member of the cast or crew. It also refers to an error made during a live radio or TV broadcast or news report, usually in terms of misspoken words or technical errors.

Outtake is a portion of a work (usually a film or music recording) that is removed in the editing process and not included in the work's final, publicly released version. In the digital era, significant outtakes have been appended to CD and DVD reissues of many albums and films as bonus tracks or features, in film often, but not always, for the sake of humor. In terms of photos, an outtake may also mean the ones which are not released in the original set of photos (i.e. photo shoots and digitals).

50 Greatest Movie Bloopers and Outtakes (youtube)

Deleted Scene refers to footage that has been removed, censored, replaced, or simply left out from the final version of a film or television show. (It is occasionally referred to as a "cut scene", however the different usage of this phrase in reference to video games makes this term uncommon in this context.) A related term is "extended scene", which refers to the longer version of a scene which was shortened for the final version of the film. Often extended scenes will be included in collections of deleted scenes, or also referred to as deleted scenes themselves.

Music and Comedy Worlds Funniest Songs. Comical or Nonsensical Songs. The Combination of Music and Laughter.

List of Novelty Songs (wiki) - Best Comedy Albums of all time (wiki)

Novelty Song is a comical or nonsensical song, performed principally for its comical effect. Humorous songs, or those containing humorous elements, are not necessarily novelty songs.

Voice Overs - Bad Lip Reading Jokes

"STRANGER THINGS: A Bad Lip Reading" (youtube)

"NFL 2018" — A Bad Lip Reading of the NFL (youtube) - "NFL 2017" — A Bad Lip Reading of the NFL (youtube)

A 'Bad Lip Reading' Of The Royal Wedding (youtube)

I really enjoy other song parodies too like from Weird Al Yankovic and others on youTube.

Comics - Cartoons

Comic Strip is a sequence of drawings arranged in interrelated panels to display brief humor or form a narrative, often serialized, with text in balloons and captions.

List of Newspaper Comic Strips (wiki)
American Comic Book (wiki)
Joker (comic book) 

The Funnies was a precursor of comic books, and the second a standard 1930s comic book.

Cartoon is a type of two-dimensional illustration, typically non-realistic or semi-realistic artistic style of drawing or painting, or an image or series of images intended for satire, caricature, or humor, or a motion picture that relies on a sequence of illustrations for its animation. An artist who creates cartoons is called a cartoonist. Famous Cartoon Characters.

Caricature is a rendered image showing the features of its subject in a simplified or exaggerated way through sketching, pencil strokes or through other artistic drawings. Caricature is a representation of a person that is exaggerated for comic effect.

Creative Drawing - Art

I use to Love the Funny Papers Section in the Sunday News in the 60's 70's and 80's. Here are some of my favorite comic strips, I had these taped to my refrigerator for over 15 years.

Lock Horns

lavida broke-a



put the cat out

weiner dog

Two hunters are out in the woods when one of them collapses. He doesn’t seem to be breathing and his eyes are glazed. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He gasps, “My friend is dead! What can I do?”. The operator says “Calm down. I can help. First, let’s make sure he’s dead.” There is a silence, then a shot is heard. Back on the phone, the guy says “OK, now what?”

A man walking down the street sees another man with a very big dog. The man says: “Does your dog bite?” The other man replies: “No, my dog doesn’t bite”. The first man then pats the dog, and the dog bites his hand, and shouts; “I thought you said your dog didn’t bite”. The other man replies: “That’s not my dog”.

Funny Zen Thoughts - For those who take life a little too Seriously

Robin WilliamsI couldn't repair your brakes, so I made your horn louder.

A day without sunshine is like, night.

On the other hand, you have different fingers.

I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory.

42.7 percent of all statistics are made up on the spot.

99% of Lawyers give the rest a bad name.

I feel like I'm diagonally parked in a parallel universe.

Honk if you love peace and quiet.

Remember, half the people you know are below average.

He who laughs last thinks slowest.

Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.

The early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

I drive way too fast to worry about cholesterol.

Support bacteria. They're the only culture some people have.

Monday is an awful way to spend 1/7 of your life.

A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.

Change is inevitable, except from vending machines.

Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.

Always try to be modest, and be proud of it!

If you think nobody cares, try missing a couple of payments.

OK, so what's the speed of dark?

How do you tell when you're out of invisible ink?

If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.

When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

Hard work pays off in the future. Laziness pays off now.

Everyone has a photographic memory. Some just don't have film.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?

Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.

What happens if you get scared half to death twice?

And your final Zen thought for the day..... Why do psychics have to ask you for your name?

Dad Joke is a short joke, typically a pun, presented as a one-liner or a question and answer, but not a narrative. Generally inoffensive, dad jokes are stereotypically told with sincere humorous intent, or to intentionally provoke a negative reaction to its overly-simplistic humor.
"What did the fish say when he swam into the wall? Dam!" "Whose concert costs only 45 cents? 50 cent featuring Nickelback."

Rated R Jokes

Warning Some Content is Rated "R" Restricted and X-Rated because of Profanity and Sexual Jokes. Children Under 17 Require Accompanying Parent or Adult Guardian who has a really good sense of humor.

How can perverted humor, profanity and dirty jokes be so insulting and funny at the same time? This goes way beyond comprehension and mood. It’s more about personal beliefs and personal experience. There are just some things that you shouldn’t make fun of. Is that why comedians are so attracted to this type of taboo? Is there humor in shocking people? Why do I seem to remember more dirty jokes then the non-dirty jokes? Is being able to laugh at a dirty joke a sign of intelligence or a sign of ignorance? Or Both? 

When you spend as much time on the internet as I do  you are bound to come across some really funny stuff. So since I'm organizing the internet in other categories I figured this category has been long overdue. We all need laughter in our lives and we also need to laugh at ourselves once in a while. Dads who try to be Funny.

So this category is where I will collect all the really funny stuff that I can find, or more accurately, what I think is funny. Because funny is hardly universal. That is one of the flaws of comedy because comedy is mostly dependent on comprehension and mood, which we know is sometimes different from person to person.

Funny Lessons Learned

Young Women LaughingI've learned-that no matter how much I care, some people are just assholes.

I've learned-you should always leave loved ones with loving words. You may need to borrow money.

I've learned-that it takes years to build up trust, and only suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.

I've learned-that it's not what you have in your life but how much you have in your bank accounts.

I've learned-that money is a great substitute for character.

I've learned-that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better have a big dick or huge tits.

I've learned-that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are more fucked up than you think.

I've learned-that you can keep puking long after you think you're finished.

I've learned-that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are celebrities.

I've learned-that either you control your attitude or you will be offered medication.

I've learned-that no matter how badly your heart is broken therapy is still expensive.

I've learned-that overzealous customs agents can change your life in a matter of hours.

I've learned-that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is stalk them and hope they panic and give in.

I've learned-that the people you care most about in life are taken from you too soon. And all the less important ones just never go away.

I've learned-To say "Fuck them if they can't take a joke" in 6 languages.

There’s nothing more liberating then saying those three words to someone who deserves it…Go Fuck Yourself !

Why Profanity and Foul Mouth Language is ineffective when communicating.

Farts - Why is Passing Gas Funny?

Why are Flatulence or Farts more funny to men then women?

Flatulence Humor refers to any type of joke, practical joke device, or other off-color humor related to flatulence.
20 Classic Movie Farts (youtube)
Social Farter (youtube)
Fart Sound Effects (youtube)
What's a Fart made of and what's in a Fart? (info-graph)

New movie based on Star wars is "Fart Wars" with Princess Laya Fart, Luke Skyfarter and Darth Farter, "Luke, I'm your Farter" , "Welcome to the Fart Side" , "May the Fart be with you".

Fart Types and Meanings

Plain Jane: One-second duration, nice resonant reverberation, and pungent odor cloud with a nearly instantaneous 5-foot radius. Your standard, everyday, friendly fart.
Beefy One: Sounds loud and butch, e.g., 'BRAAAMMPPP!' Smells like a cross between a decaying meadow muffin on a hot day and a fresh dog-turd.
Eggy: Smells very much like rotten eggs (or hydrogen sulfide). A powerful odor which tends to put people off lunch. Often rips out in the fashion of a Bunbuster
Bunbuster: 'BRAAAP!' Sounds something like a Beefy One, except much more sudden and much more powerful. May smell either eggy or beefy. Leaves your asshole smarting. You really feel these babies.
Ripper: Sends seismic ripples to the next town. Rips the seams in the crotch of your pants. This fart genuinely hurts, and you can still feel it 20 minutes later. Anyone sitting nearby may experience hearing loss.
Diesel: Sputters to a start, but then keeps putt-putting along spewing out an endless cloud of dirty, noxious fumes.
Surprise! You didn't even know that it was there, but suddenly . . . 'BRRMP!' Yellow surprise
Gunshot: Sounds just like a gunshot. Unbelievably loud indoors. Hard to believe that this emanates from between your buttocks. Bullet explodes into billions of virulent odor molecules. Gunshot farts are relatively rare but, like guns, very dangerous.
You can't make an omelet without breaking wind, a B. Kliban cartoon.
Squeaky: Puny and unsatisfying. Sounds a bit like a muffled 'Wheeeek,' but smells foul.
Worrier: The kind that seems to be a fart right up to the point at which you release it. At this stage, matters become less sure, as it feels too solid for comfort. You go to the bathroom and check your underpants at the first possible opportunity.
Poopie Prelude: It feels like it's going to be a large beefy one, but out comes a tiny little squeaker fart plus the head of something massive. You tense your buttocks fast, lest you give birth to the brown equivalent of a zeppelin.
Present: The type of fart that seems harmless, but then brings a small poop as a housewarming gift. You shuffle off to the toilet and give thanks you weren't in a business meeting or job interview when it happened. If you were, you're screwed.
Burble: Bubbly! Sometimes messy too.
SBD (Silent But Deadly): Totally inaudible but somehow causes all the occupants in a room to collapse. Smell is undefined because nasal investigators haven't had time to analyze the odor before passing out. (This one is also known as SBL: Silent But Lethal and Toxic Assassin.) Dangerous Gases sign!
GNL (Gambled 'n' Lost): You take a gamble that it's going to be a fart and stay where you are, but tragically come to realize that this is much more than a fart... Next big gamble: do you put your underpants in the laundry basket and hope your wife won't notice, do you wash 'em out yourself, or do you throw 'em away?
Hydrated: The original wet fart, which leaves a mark on your pants and gives you a cold wet sticky sensation when you walk. Try to avoid this one if you're wearing white trousers.
Not Now Please! You feel the presence of a mighty fart but are unable to release it due to your situation (first date, new customer, important business meeting, etc.). You clench your buttocks together so hard you nearly have a stroke, and wait for the pressure to subside. Success depends upon a number of factors, but in the end you're probably going to have to face the music (literally). Or you can try the stealth approach.
Who, Me? You let it out as silently as possible and nobody hears it. You discreetly take deep sniffs and smell nothing. You think you got away with it. But 30 seconds later, as if released from a stasis field, everybody starts to cough and splutter. You point to the person next to you and try to look innocent.
Waker-Upper: The first fart of the morning. All that broccoli, beans, and beer you had for dinner last night has decayed and fermented into about 1,000 ml of noxious gas just dying to escape from your rectum. Whether you let go under the covers when you first wake up or hold it until you're taking your early morning pee, releasing that first fart of the day feels oh, so good and sets the tone for the whole day.
Fireball Electrical: Sound like they have some juice in them.
Dutch Oven: A fart you make in bed -- any kind at all -- followed up by holding your partner's head under the bedclothes so that he/she can get the full effect of it. Good for moving a stalled divorce process along. Very bad early in your marriage.

I didn't fart, my ass just blew you a kiss.

Farts are natural. It's just physics. High pressure gas will always seek out areas with low pressure. Passing gas is just what nature does, except for that smell, that's' something different.

Dirty Jokes

Little Nancy was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbor peered over the fence. Interested in what the cheeky-faced youngster was up to, he politely asked, "What are you up to there, Nancy?"
"My goldfish died," replied Nancy tearfully without looking up, "and I've just buried him."
The neighbor was very concerned. "That's an awfully big hole for a goldfish, isn't it?"
Nancy patted down the last heap of dirt then replied, "That's because he's inside your fucking cat."

Which sexual position produces the ugliest children? Ask your mom.

A guy is driving down the street. A cop pulls him over and says, "Sir, were you aware that your wife fell out of the car about a mile back?" The guy says, "Oh, thank God! I thought I went deaf."

What has 75 balls and screws old ladies? Bingo!

Why do Italians hate Jehovah's Witnesses? Italians hate ALL witnesses.

What's the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer? The taste.

What's the difference between a G-Spot and a Golf ball? A man will spend 20 minutes looking for a Golf ball.

Jokes for the Elderly

A blonde and a brunette were walking past a flower shop when the brunette happened to notice her boyfriend buying flowers.
"Oh no, my boyfriend is buying me flowers again for no particular reason," sighed the brunette.
The blonde looked at her friend oddly and said, "What's the big deal? Don't you like getting flowers?"
"Oh, sure I do, but I really don't feel like spending the next three days on my back with my legs in the air."
The blonde thought for a moment and then asked, "Don't you have a vase?"

Dirty Videos

Saturday Night Live - Shake weight DVD.

High as F@%k" Music Video - Jon Lajoie. - Pointless Profanity - This is so gross and wrong on so many levels, but what makes it funny is that Jon Lajoie made a song from it. 2 Girls 1 Cup Song - Jon Lajoie - These 2 girls would win any gross out contest, which is pretty tame compared to).

Fear FactorJackass or YouTube - Jackass 2 Best Moments.

The Definitive Winnebago Man, A lot of swearing (youtube)

Sexual Innuendos On The News - two - three (youtube)

Louis Chewed Up

Jim Jefferies - Fully Functional (youtube)

Lenny Bruce (youtube)

New Axe Commercial - Wash Your Balls (youtube)

The Weinerlogues with Jane Lynch from Bill Maher (funny or die)

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog Attends Trump’s Inauguration - CONAN on TBS (youtube)

Farewell Mr. Bunting - SNL "I sing my song for all to hear".

100 of the Greatest Movie Insults of all time: I never realized just how much this phrase has been Uttered in movies...You Look Like Sh*t (video)

Every "Fuck" from Every Tarantino Film - This list encompasses all “fuck” as part of dialogue in all films WRITTEN by Quentin
Tarantino. (youtube  26:37  Published on Dec 21, 2015).

A first-grade teacher, Ms Brooks, was having trouble with one of her students. The teacher asked, "Harry, what's your problem?" Harry answered, "I'm too smart for the 1st grade. My sister is in the 3rd grade and I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the 3rd grade too!" Ms. Brooks had enough. She took Harry to the principal's office. While Harry waited in the outer office, the teacher explained to the principal what the situation was. The principal told Ms. Brooks he would give the boy a test. If he failed to answer any of his questions he was to go back to the 1st grade and behave. She agreed. Harry was brought in and the conditions were explained to him and he agreed to take the test. Principal: "What is 3 x 3?". Harry: "9." Principal: "What is 6 x 6?" Harry: "36." And so it went with every question the principal thought a 3rd grader should know. The principal looks at Ms. Brooks and tells her, "I think Harry can go to the 3rd grade." Ms. Brooks says to the principal, "Let me ask him some questions." The principal and Harry both agreed. Ms. Brooks asks, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?" Harry, after a moment: "Legs." Ms Brooks: "What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?" The principal wondered why would she ask such a question! Harry replied: "Pockets." Ms. Brooks: "What does a dog do that a man steps into?" Harry: "Pants." The principal sat forward with his mouth hanging open. Ms. Brooks: "What goes in hard and pink then comes out soft and sticky?" The principal's eyes opened really wide and before he could stop the answer, Harry replied, "Bubble gum." Ms. Brooks: "What does a man do standing up, a woman does sitting down and a dog does on three legs?" Harry: "Shake hands." The principal was trembling. Ms. Brooks: "What word starts with an 'F' and ends in 'K' that means a lot of heat and excitement?" Harry: "Firetruck." The principal breathed a sigh of relief and told the teacher, "Put Harry in the fifth-grade, I got the last six questions wrong... "

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