Money - Power - Politics
Power and
Politics are the three things that
rule almost every aspect of society, yet 99% of
people have very little knowledge and information in order to accurately
understand how these three things effect our lives everyday in almost
We can
control our own destinies, but we have to fully understand our
responsibilities so that everyone has the ability to take part, whether
directly or indirectly, which would depend on a persons location and the
resources that they have available.

22.7 Million Millionaires in America as
of 2024, and
59.4 million millionaires in
the world. In 2019, there was 18.6 Million Millionaires in the U.S.,
which was the highest in the world, and
the US added 675,000 millionaires in that year
in 2019, more than any other nation. There were 46.8 Million Millionaires in the
world a couple of years ago.
There are
2,153 Billionaires in the world
who control
$8.7 Trillion Dollars. And in
America almost
40 million people are still on
food stamps and
homelessness is still
increasing. As of 2021, there are 2,750 people who have more wealth than
half of the people on the planet combined.
In Briton, the 1000 richest people own more wealth than the poorest of the
population. In the U.S., the top 0.1 percent owns roughly the same wealth
as the bottom 90 percent of the population.
The divided
Wealth Dived -
Living Wage -
Knowledge Divide -
Wealth Drain -
Brain Drain
Nothing wrong with self preservation, but why do you need to take more
than you need, especially if its wasted? When you take more money than you
need, this could cause you to use more resources than you need, which
means that you wasted resources that others need and that others can use.
Wisdom before Wealth. It's better to be
wealthy with knowledge first before you become wealthy with
money. This is
because money can do
more harm than good if your money is not used
or effectively. And money will
control you and
have power over you if you
don't have the knowledge to control money or have the knowledge to control
all the
influences of money.
Wealthy in dollars, but poor emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. Money can only take you so far, but knowledge
can take you farther than you could ever imagine. And if you happen to
lose all your money, at least you'll still have your knowledge, and
knowledge will always have
value, especially knowing that you will still
have the ability to
learn more knowledge. So remember, when the money runs
out, its a good idea to have something to fall back onto, and knowledge is
your greatest strength.
Stealing the labor value of millions of workers is unjust and
illogical, especially when people barely make a
living wage, people who
live paycheck to paycheck, and people who lack food security, and people
who lack affordable
housing and healthcare.
A rich person did not earn their millions
or billions all by themselves, thousands of other people contributed their
time, energy and work to help create that wealth. But for some strange
reason, some greedy scumbag at the top seems to think that they did all
the work themselves, while the workers
chump change and loads of debt. In reality, when we see someone with a
boat filled with money, we call them thieving pirates, not successful
business men. People in power have
been stealing wealth from their citizens for thousands of year. Now these
greedy scumbags have written their own laws that say that stealing wealth
is legal. It's a scam that needs to stop. But most people are so
undereducated and ill-informed that they have no idea that they're getting
screwed over. When you can't understand the problem, you become part of
the problem, either passively or ignorantly.
Everyone stands on the shoulders of
giants. But when your
is toxic and deformed, you believe your own bullshit, and you lie to
yourself, and you hide behind the lies that you tell other people. You're
basically forcing your fantasy world on other people, which is
abuse. This means that you
are an abusive person, so you should stop abusing people, and stop
pretending that you're
The only thing that you succeeded in doing is learning how to be a
greedy scumbag. Good for you, but sadly,
not good for everyone else. This is not to say all wealthy people are bad
people, because they're not all bad. It's just that the wealthy people who
are also bad people, are doing all the damage. They are mass murdering
people every day with no accountability. This devil is driving everyone to
hell. And if we don't learn how to turn this car around, we will all be
accessories to this evil, and we will all be accessories to our own
Global Elite is composed of the richest and
most powerful individuals and
factions in the world. Certain
elements may be interested in serving the common good but overall their
aim is to
promote their
own interests and to pass on power
dynastically. The global elite determines
economic and
military policies and
controls the mass media.
Mega Wealthy are like a bunch of fatbergs clogging up the system. A
is a rock-like mass of waste matter.
Elon Musk, the co-founder and CEO of Tesla,
the richest person in the world with a
billion net worth. Behind Musk is the founder of Amazon, Jeff
Bezos, with an estimated net worth of $202 billion.
The World's Billionaires as of April 6, 2021. Total list net worth
value: US$13.1 trillion. New members to the list: 493. Number of
billionaires: 2,755.
World's richest 1 per cent emit as much carbon as bottom two-thirds.
Wall Street Firms BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street manage $20.7
trillion in assets. These three firms are major shareholders in 95% of S&P
500 companies.
Bank Deposits.
45% of
making over $100,000 were voting for Democrats. 53% of those earning
above $250,000 were voting for
Democrats. Out of 22 billionaires, 13 or
more than half gave predominantly to liberal groups or groups affiliated
with the
Democratic Party. The other nine gave predominantly to
conservative groups.
America is the only country in the world where
700 billionaires can become $1.7 trillion richer during the pandemic and
pay a lower tax rate than a nurse, while 46 million owe $1.7 trillion in
student debt, and 113 million struggle to pay for healthcare and 600,000
people are homeless.
In order to equalize the
powers of
influence, people need to be
informed about the
powers they possess themselves, and the responsibilities
that go along with having these
powers. Education needs to be improved, so
does the way we
the public.
People are
victims of ignorance, and it's time to stop
being victims. We have to learn our way out of this mess. Luckily everyone
has the same brain that can store enormous amounts of knowledge and
information, which would give all us
equal abilities to solve every problem
on this planet.
Money Explained -
Value -
Money Value -
Alternatives for Money
Who Rules the World? (American Empire
Project) Paperback – May 2, 2017 - In an incisive, thorough analysis of
the current international situation, Noam Chomsky examines the way that
the United States, despite the rise of Europe and Asia, still largely sets
the terms of global discourse. Drawing on a wide range of examples, from
the sordid history of U.S. involvement with Cuba to the sanctions on Iran,
he details how America’s rhetoric of freedom and human rights so often
diverges from its actions. He delves deep into the conflicts in Iraq,
Afghanistan, and Israel-Palestine, providing unexpected and nuanced
insights into the workings of imperial power on our increasingly chaotic
planet. And, in a new afterword, he addresses the election of Donald Trump
and what it shows about American society. Fierce, unsparing, and
meticulously documented, Who Rules the World? delivers the indispensable
understanding of the central issues of our time that we have come to
expect from Chomsky.
The Power Elite is a 1956 book by sociologist C. Wright Mills, in
which Mills calls attention to the interwoven interests of the leaders of
the military, corporate, and political elements of society and suggests
that the ordinary citizen is a relatively powerless subject of
manipulation by those entities.
Toxic Wealth
Toxic Leadership.
Giants: The Global Power Elite Paperback – August 8, 2018. Who holds
the purse strings to the majority of the world's wealth? There is a new
global elite at the controls of our economic future, and here former
Project Censored director and media monitoring sociologist Peter Phillips
unveils for the general reader just who these players are. The book
includes such power players as Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos,
Jamie Dimon, and Warren Buffett. As the number of men with as much wealth
as half the world fell from sixty-two to just eight between January 2016
and January 2017, according to Oxfam International, fewer than 200 super-connected.
The 8 Richest Men in the World hold the same amount of wealth as
the bottom half of the world’s population — 3.5 billion people.
Billionaire Hoarders of 2017.
Profit? Of
course this is just the tip of the iceberg, the problem is much bigger and
a lot more damaging then you can ever imagine. This does not say that
these men are bad, they're just victims of a distorted reality like most
people. The Vile
Maxim 2.0? But this is not all bad. The world has a total of around 1,810
billionaires, down from a record 1,826 a year ago. And there are almost 15
million millionaires in the world, and the U.S. and Canada has more than 5
million millionaires. And there are 50 companies with annual revenues
exceeding $100 billion US. So yes, the
wealth is concentrated. But having
100's of billions of dollars spread out amongst a few million people is a
lot better then having all the wealth concentrated into one Government.
Having a few million people who have enormous wealth is better then having
only a handful of people with enormous wealth. So that means power is not
as concentrated as we think. Which means there is still a chance that
people will eventually come together and start communicating in a more
realistic manner, and thus find ways to create a better world. This will
happen, mostly because this is our only option. It's like finally
realizing the truth about something. You make the change, just like our
ancestors did.
America has around 607 Billionaires
in 2019.
Abuses and Crimes -
"We should ask for
our money back, society has been ripped off by a bunch of greedy scumbags
who don't know how to play fair."
World's Richest 2,000 people hold more than Poorest 4.6 Billion Combined.
The world's richest 2,153 people controlled more money than the poorest
4.6 billion combined in 2019, while unpaid or underpaid work by women and
girls adds three times more to the global economy each year than the
technology industry,
The world’s 26 Richest People own the same wealth
as the Poorest half of Humanity. The problem is not capitalism, the
problem is ignorance and the corruption that follows. No one would really
care that a small number of people would
hoard all the wealth of all the humans on the planet, if only they
would spend the money wisely and use the money intelligently so that the
wealth of all humans would benefit all people and protect the environment
from more destruction, as well as make improvements that would guarantee a
return on our investments and sustain life for years to come. What if a
Government collected taxes and then spent the money on themselves or quit
the government and took all the tax money with them, they would be scumbag
criminals, and people would be
and want
justice. Yet we allow this type
of criminal activity to happen all the time under the guise of capitalism
that is nothing more than just outright corruption. But the
responsibility of spending money wisely is
not just for the wealthy, but for anyone who has enough money to share,
after all,
is the poorest of people who are the ones who give the most money, not
the wealthy.
Richest Person Comparison | 2019 (youtube).
Oxfam Says
the world's
85 Richest have same wealth as 3.5 Billion of the
poorest people.
The wealth of the richest one percent of people
in the world now amounts to $110 trillion, or 65 times the total
wealth of the bottom half of the world's population.
Half the worlds wealth is controlled by only
2% of the worlds population. That's
leaving over 6 billion people having to share only half of the
worlds wealth, with over a billion of those 6 billion people
having no share at all and living in total poverty. The
love of Money is a disease that is responsible for the deaths of thousands
of people everyday, and it's the cause of suffering for 100's of millions
people. Money is also the main cause for the degradation and the poisoning
of our planet. Money was only supposed to be a tool to make
Trading easier. So what happened?
When did it all go wrong?
When a wealthy person says that they work hard
and deserve more money than other people who also work hard like
they do, like military personnel, doctors and nurses, police,
firefighters, farmers, food industry workers, slaughter house workers,
social workers, waste management workers and cleaners, just to name a few,
what these wealthy privileged morons are really saying is f*ck everyone
else who makes their life possible, they deserve to have more wealth than
everyone else, even when they know that they are not doing more work than
everyone else, and the value of their work has never been measured against
what the true cost was to society. If you believe that you're
successful, why can't you do
simple math and prove it? And don't count dollars moron, count the inputs
and outputs and the cost of these actions that everyone else is paying
for. But even poor people who become wealthy sometimes forget where they
came from. So this is not just about forgetting, this is about never
learning what
true value is or
learning that
other people made your
life possible, and that other people make sacrifices much greater than
Money, Power and
the American Dream - Documentary 2017 (youtube, Interesting Facts
Published on Oct 27, 2017).
78 Trillion Dollars is the size of the global
economy. 8.55 trillion dollars are sitting in negative interest
rate bonds. That means that you give the German central bank your money
and then you pay them to keep your money. That's a negative interest rate
bond. 24.4 trillion dollars in very low-earning government bonds. And 8
trillion literally sitting in the hands of rich people under their very
large mattresses.
How much money in circulation?
BlackRock is an
American global investment management corporation based in New York City.
Founded in 1988, initially as a risk management and fixed income
institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world's largest asset
manager, with
$6.96 trillion in assets
under management as of September 2019. BlackRock operates globally with 70
offices in 30 countries and clients in 100 countries. Due to its power and
the sheer size and scope of its financial assets and activities, BlackRock
has been called the
world's largest shadow bank.
Offshore Accounts.
People who steal money go to jail. But Corporations, Banks and
Politicians also steal money but don't go to jail, why? People who commit
murder go to jail, but
Corporations, Banks, Police officers and Politicians who commit murder
don't go to jail, why? If you murder on your own you go to jail. But if
you do murder and steal under the guise of some crazy manipulation of the
law, you can get away with murder and theft, why? Seems like pretty f*cked
up rules. And you wonder why people
protest. WTF!
Ugland House
is a building located in George Town, Cayman Islands. Located at 121 South
Church Street, the building is the registered office address for 18,857
corporations, including many major investment funds, international joint
ventures and capital market issuers.
Shore Accounts.
Wealthy and powerful have a
responsibility to life and the people who they have gained
wealth and power from. Wealth needs
to be managed, because you don't want to waste that
potential that
the wealth has given you, especially when the wealth was generated by the
hard work of millions of other people, people who are counting on you to
make good with that wealth. Wealthy people inherit
leadership by default. As soon as
a person accumulates wealth, the responsibility of that wealth relies on
them. Some wealthy people who can't handle the wealth that they have
received, end up giving the wealth away. But if the wealth is
transferred to others who
also can't handle the responsibility of wealth, then nothing has happened,
and the potential of wealth is still underutilized, and may end up doing
more damage than good. It's only when wealth is used effectively and
efficiently does wealth serve it's
and achieve its full potential, which is to assure
progress and minimize
decay. We need a system that utilizes our
wealth effectively and efficiently, so that people who control the wealth,
know their options and fully understand their responsibilities of having
wealth. This is something we can easily learn and accomplish.

The problem is not money or people, the problem is
ignorance, and we can cure
ignorance. If we can create people who are ignorant, then we can create
people who are intelligent. Ignorance is like a cancer, everyone has it.
But as long as you don't do things that make the cancer grow, then you
will be
good and safe. Humans live in harmony with millions of different
organisms in a symbiotic relationship that is essential for life. Everyone
needs something. It's only
when people take more than they need and become
imbalanced, that is when cancer grows.
Knowledge has always been the real
wealth of a nation and it's people. But that wealth of knowledge is almost
non-existent today because societies have diminished knowledge and also
restricted and censored knowledge. That is why there are millions of
people who have cancer or had cancers and died. And the cancers from ignorance are
the worst kind, they kill the most people and do the most destruction. The
strong survive and the weak will die. And the rich and powerful who think
that they are in control, are really just the cancer in society. And we
know how to kill cancer now. So even the tricks that cancer has that fools
our immune system is no longer secret. The gig is up. Cancers are dying,
and everything bad will die with it, forever. The DNA will be updated soon.
Crimes Committed in the name of Money -
Offshore Accounts -
Tax Evasion -
Opportunities to Pillage and Steal

Ignorant people who have wealth and power are causing
death and destruction every single day, just like they have in the past
and throughout human history. And they will continue to cause wars, now
and in the future, especially when desperate people can be easily
influenced by wealth and power, just like they have throughout human
history. So this is not new, but it is new to millions of undereducated
people who can be easily manipulated by money and power. This is why
education is the greatest defense that people have over criminals with
wealth and power, but criminals in power know this. This is why criminals
influence schools and universities, as well as influence the media. People
will never know how much power they have if they are never taught and
educated about the power they have. And criminals know this. Even though
criminals are stupid, they're happy just as long as they are not as stupid
as most citizens. Criminals have the upper hand, but they don't have the
best hand. People have the best hand, so it's time to lay down our cards.
But people must be prepared, because criminals do not like loosing. We can
take all their money at the table, but we will have to follow them home,
because that's where most of their wealth is. Criminals can not be
trusted. Just because you won one battle, this does not mean the war is
over. And this is not to say that all people with wealth and power are
doing destructive things, because there are good people with wealth and
power who are doing productive things. But they're just a few, and their
wealth and power is still not as great as the wealthiest and the most
powerful. So it will take more than money to solve this problem, it will
take a lot of people, millions of people. All these
mass surveillance
tools that the wealthy and powerful have built to monitor citizens, can
now be used to monitor these wealthy and powerful criminals. They built
this prison for themselves, and citizens should honor their request to be
locked up.
1% own 85% of the land in Columbia.
Distribution of Wealth (wiki) -
Wealth Divide -
Corporation Abuses
Crimes -
To Big to Fail
Control -
and Sayings about Money
Other Peoples Money -
Films about Money -
History Timeline of Money -
Controlled by Money
Occupy Movement -
Zeitgeist Movement -
Activism -
Housing Problems -
Unhealthy Attachments -
Problem Transference
Anand Giridharadas
on 'Winners Take All' and the charade of elite philanthropy | VPRO
Documentary (youtube video) -
Giridharadas (wiki).
"Which rich person or company has done more
for the elderly in the United States than social security?"
"Which rich
person or company has done more for health care for the poor than
"Which rich person or company has done more for women than
the right to vote?"
"Which rich person or company has done more for
African Americans than the Voting Rights Act and the Civil Rights Act?"
What does it mean when Elon Musk earns $36
billion in a single day, is it just the market value of the company
or the income? Because Elon doesn't take a salary or cash bonus, his
wealth comes from stock awards and the gains in Tesla's share price.
Musk's net worth of over $288 billion. (2021)
Worth -
Market Value -
Payment -
Most don't want to be a billionaire. A founding economic principle
that everyone is motivated by 'unlimited wants', stuck on a consumerist
treadmill and striving to accumulate as much wealth as they can, is
untrue, say the authors of a new study. They found that those with
unlimited wants tended to be younger and city-dwellers, who placed more
value on success, power, and independence. Unlimited wants were also more
common in countries with greater acceptance of inequality and in countries
that are more collectivistic: focused more on group than individual
responsibilities and outcomes.
Films about Power -
Power Structures
Politics -
Voting -
Corruption -
Lies -
Government Information -
Government Spending.
You Want It All, But You Can't Have It - no more
1989 - Can you feel it, see it, hear it today? If you can't, then
it doesn't matter anyway, You will never understand it cuz it happens
too fast, And it feels so good, it's like walking on glass
It's so
cool, it's so hip, it's alright, It's so groovy, it's outta sight, You
can touch it, smell it, taste it so sweet, But it makes no difference
cuz it knocks you off your feet. You want it all but you can't have it.
It's cryin', bleedin', lying on the floor, So you lay down on it and you
do it some more, You've got to share it, so you dare it, Then you bare
it and you tear it, You want it all but you can't have it, It's in
your face but you can't grab it, It's alive, afraid, a lie, a sin,
It's magic, it's tragic, it's a loss, it's a win, It's dark, it's moist,
it's a bitter pain, It's sad it happened and it's a shame, You want it
all but you can't have it, It's in your face but you can't grab it,
What is it? It's it, What is it?...
Boss made a dollar, Grandad
made a dime, But that was a poem, From a simpler time. Boss made a
thousand, Gave my pa a cent, But that penny bought a mortgage, Or at least
it paid the rent. Now boss makes a million, And gives us jack, Smugly
blames his workers, For the labor that he lacks.
Boss made a
dollar, I made a dime, That was a poem From a simpler time. Now boss makes
a thousand, And gives us a cent, While he's got employees, Who can't pay
the rent. So when boss makes a million, And the workers make jack, That's
when we strike, And take our lives back.