is the state of having little or
no money and
having few or
no material possessions. Having
general scarcity or a small and
amount of things that are needed.
1 out of every 6 people in the world live in poverty
and and the
wealth divide is
124 million people in 51 countries faced
food crisis in 2017, says UN.
Over 150 million kids in poor countries have
stunted growth, largely due
More than
8 million Americans have slipped into poverty since May 2020 as federal aid has
supposedly dried up.

Greed and
corruption and a
dumbed down education system
all contribute to creating poverty. This is what a
wealth divide looks
Low wages, a
lack of affordable housing,
ignorant policies and
greedy corrupt developers
are all precursors to poverty.
is to
relegate to a lower or outer edge, as of specific groups of people.
Marginalization is a
social process of
being made marginal, especially as a group within the larger society.
Marginal is just barely adequate or within
a lower limit or minimal quality.
is to deprive someone of a
right or
privilege. Deprive someone of the
right to vote.
Child Abuse -
Terrorism -
A Living Hell -
Trauma -
is being poor enough to
need help from others. Destroyed financially. Make
poor. Take away.
Languish is to lose
vigor, health, or flesh. To lose or lack vitality, and grow weak or
feeble. Lacking bodily or muscular strength or vitality. Lacking in force
or effectiveness. To suffer from being forced to remain in an unpleasant
place or situation, or forced to stay somewhere or suffer something
unpleasant for a long time. To continue for a long time without activity
or progress in an unpleasant or unwanted situation.
Indigent is someone
who is poor and in need.
Hand to Mouth is satisfying only one's
immediate needs because of lack of money for future plans and investments.
Disadvantaged are individuals or groups of people who face
special problems such as physical or mental disability.
Lack money or
economic support. Are politically deemed to be without sufficient power or
other means of influence.
Pauper is
a very poor person. A recipient of government relief or public charity.
Pauperism is a
term meaning poverty or generally the state of being poor, referring to
all those who are need support and whose existence is dependent upon
charitable assistance for a period of time.
Living Wage.
Extreme Poverty is characterized by severe deprivation of
basic human
needs, including
food, safe drinking
water, sanitation facilities, health,
education and information. International poverty line of
$1.25/day (in 2005 prices), set by the
Bank. But using just
money as a indicator of
poverty is foolishly ignorant and extremely criminal.
Slum is an
informal settlement with
inadequate access to safe water, inadequate access to
sanitation and
infrastructure, Poor structural quality of
housing, densely populated with overcrowding, and too many
individuals living under the same roof, inadequate
safety and
security. Dirty
water and poor
nutrition. Lacking access
to Education and valuable Knowledge and Information that could help people
in need understand their situation better so that they can solve the
problems they are faced with and have more control and more power over
their lives.
This is why Education is one of the Big 5.
Ghetto is a part of a city in which members of a minority
group live, especially because of social, legal,
corruption or economic ignorance.
Favela is a name for
several types of working-class neighborhoods in Brazil. The term, which
means slum or ghetto, was first used in the Slum of Providência in the
center of Rio de Janeiro in the late 19th century, which was built by
soldiers who had lived under the favela trees in Bahia and had nowhere to
live following the Canudos War. Some of the first settlements were called
bairros africanos (African neighborhoods). Over the years, many former
enslaved Africans moved in. Even before the first favela came into being,
poor citizens were pushed away from the city and forced to live in the far
suburbs. In the late 19th century, the state gave regulatory impetus for
the creation of Rio de Janeiro's first
squatter settlement.
The people who live in favelas are known as favelados ("inhabitants of
favela"). Favelas are associated with poverty. Brazil's favelas are the
result of the
distribution of wealth in the country. Brazil is one of the most
economically unequal countries in the world, with the top 10 percent of
its population earning 50 percent of the national income and about 8.5
percent of all people living below the poverty line.
Town or squatter settlement is a settlement of improvised buildings
known as
shanties or
shacks, typically made of materials such as mud and
wood. A typical shanty town is squatted and in the beginning lacks
adequate infrastructure, including proper sanitation, safe water supply,
electricity and street drainage. Over time, shanty towns can develop their
infrastructure and even change into middle class neighborhoods. They can
be small informal settlements or they can house millions of people.
How geography acts as a structural determinant of health. In
unincorporated communities in the United States-Mexico borderlands,
historically and
socially marginalized populations
become invisible to the healthcare system, showing that geography acts as
a structural determinant of health for low-income populations.
Squatting is the action of occupying an
abandoned or unoccupied area of
land or a building, usually residential, that the squatter does not own,
rent or otherwise have lawful permission to use. The United Nations
estimated in 2003 that there were
one billion slum
residents and squatters globally. Squatting occurs worldwide and
tends to occur when people find empty buildings or land to occupy for
Tent City -
Emergency Shelters -
Right to Assembly -
Constitution Free Zone
Vagrancy is the condition of
homelessness and of people
without regular
employment or income. Vagrants (also known as bums, vagabonds
(archaically also: vagabones), rogues, tramps or drifters) usually live in
poverty and support themselves by begging, scavenging, petty theft,
temporary work, or social security (where available). Historically,
vagrancy in Western societies was associated with petty crime, begging and
lawlessness, and punishable by law with forced labor, military service,
imprisonment, or confinement to dedicated labor houses.
Hobo is a
migrant worker in the United
States. Hoboes, tramps, and bums are generally regarded as related, but
distinct. A hobo travels and is
willing to work. A tramp travels, but
avoids work if possible. A
bum neither travels nor works.
Loitering is the act of standing or waiting around idly
without purpose in some public places.
While the laws regarding loitering have been challenged and changed over
time, loitering of suspect pe.ople can be illegal in some jurisdictions
and some specific circumstances.
Right to
Informal Housing or informal settlement can include any form of
housing, shelter, or settlement (or lack thereof) which is illegal, falls
outside of government control or regulation, or is not afforded protection
by the state. As such, the informal housing industry is part of the
informal sector.
Refugee Camp is a temporary settlement built to receive
refugees and people in
refugee-like situations.
Refugee camps usually accommodate displaced people who have fled their
home country, but camps are also made for internally displaced people.
Internally Displaced Person is someone who is
forced to leave their home but who
remains within their country's borders. They are often referred to as
refugees, although they
do not fall within the legal definitions of a refugee.
Relative Deprivation is the
lack of resources to sustain the
diet, lifestyle, activities and
amenities that an individual or group are
accustomed to or that are widely encouraged or approved in the society to
which they belong. Measuring relative
deprivation allows an objective
comparison between the situation of the individual or group compared to
the rest of society. Relative deprivation may also emphasize the
individual experience of discontent when being deprived of something to
which one believes oneself to be
however emphasizing the perspective of the individual makes objective
measurement problematic.
Deprivation in childhood linked to impulsive behavior in adulthood.
Researchers found a link between
childhood deprivation,
impulsive behavior and addictions later in life. '
impulsivity', the preference for immediate gratification, has been
linked to spending more on food, especially unhealthy, highly calorific
food. Studies have shown that children who experience poverty and food
insecurity tend to have a
higher body-mass index as adults than those who do not.
Profiting from Poverty - Media Failures
Poverty Porn is when the
exploits poor people in order to sell newspapers, or to increase
charitable donations, or to support a given cause. Poverty porn also
exploits peoples
human nature and
sympathy for other people in need. Poverty Porn is also a
term of criticism applied to films that
objectify people in poverty for
the sake of entertaining a privileged audience. The viewer of the
exploited protagonists is believed to be motivated by gratification of
base instincts. Poverty porn is also known as pornography of poverty,
development porn, famine porn, or stereotype porn.
Poverty Porn is defined as "any type of media, be it written,
photographed or filmed, which
exploits the poor's condition in order to
generate the necessary sympathy for selling newspapers or increasing
charitable donations or support for a given cause".
Yellow Journalism
Embedded Jounalists
Social Pornography
describes a type of
journalism through which persons are exposed in an
intimate way, especially in matters or situations of private or tragic
nature, as a form of entertainment to
satisfy a need to watch.
Slum Tourism is a type of tourism
that involves visiting impoverished areas, or in some cases, areas that
were affected by disasters, such as nuclear fallout zones like Chernobyl
or Fukushima (hence the term "trauma tourism"). Originally focused on the
slums and ghettos of London and Manhattan in the 19th century, slum
tourism is now prominent in South Africa, India, Brazil, Kenya,
Philippines and the United States. Slum tourism is also known as poverty
tourism, ghetto tourism or trauma tourism.
Inspiration Porn is the portrayal of people with disabilities or other
uncommon life circumstances as being inspirational to able-bodied people
or other common reference group, on the basis of their life circumstances.
The depiction of
disability in the media plays a major role in molding the
perception of disability. Perceptions portrayed in the media directly
influence the way people with
are treated in current society, and has been cited as a key site for the reinforcement of negative images
and ideas in regard to people with disabilities.
Poverty for Profit - Anne Kim: How
Corporations Get Rich Off America's Poor - with Paul Glastris
Corporations are
profiting from government money that is
used for funding
social services. These
scumbag middlemen are the reason why
social services should be provided by
non-profit organizations,
because a non-profit keeps the money with the service and with the
employees. A for profit business is when the upper management takes most
of the money for themselves, at the expense of the service, and at the
expense of the employees and the communities. These scumbag corporations
are exploiting people in need, exploiting the undereducated, and also
targeting and taking advantage of people who are not well informed. These
sucking the life out of people and the planet.
The Price of Doing Nothing
The price of
not doing anything to reduce poverty is far greater. The current levels of
child poverty cost the U.S. between $800 billion and $1.1 trillion a year,
due to lower productivity when poor children become adults and increased
costs due to higher crime and poor health. Individual children also
suffer, because they face lower educational achievement, maltreatment and
other obstacles related to growing up poor. In the end, the panel says,
the whole country pays the price. 40% of rural Americans struggle with
routine medical bills, food and housing. And about half 49% say they could
not afford to pay an unexpected $1,000 expense of any type. Overworked and
underpaid. Overcharged for education and still undereducated. Can't afford
a home and can't afford a family. Can't afford a doctor and can't afford
healthy food.
Everything people need is here on earth.
The problem is that resources are not being shared
fairly and
equally or
effectively or efficiently.
So the most important thing people need is education knowledge and
information that would give people a better understanding of themselves
and the world around them so that they would make better choices and
better decisions that would be more logical and more intelligent, instead
of being more
selfish and
destructive, as a lot of people are now.

It seems like governments and wealthy powerful people like to
keep people in poverty and keep people starving and desperate so that they
can use people and exploit people like a resource. Too many powerful
people in the world don't consider humans to be humans. Humans to them are
seen as a usable resource that is disposable. Poverty is a byproduct of
corruption and ignorance. Poverty should not exist in any human
civilization. The only two ways for poverty to exist is to criminally
influence it or passively except it. You either have clear plans with
clear goals to end poverty, or you have no conscience and no soul.
Effects of poverty on childhood development seen in children as young as 5.
Researchers have found that health inequities can be measured in children
as young as 5 years old. The research contributes to a growing body of
literature finding that children of color who are also poor face greater
health inequities than their white counterparts.
Populations -
Social Services
Neighborhood disadvantage may be an environmental risk factor for brain
development. Study suggests improving social and educational resources
could alleviate risk. A new study suggests that certain neighborhoods -
particularly those characterized by poverty and unemployment - may pose an
environmental risk to the developing brains of children, impacting
neurocognitive performance and even brain size.
Refugees - Almost
70 million people around the world are
displaced by
criminals in power who are starting wars and involved land grabs. Luckily
the 2 billion people already living in poverty don't have to go anywhere,
just yet.
Flow is a documentary film by Ai Weiwei who gives a powerful visual
expression to this massive human migration. The documentary elucidates
both the staggering scale of the refugee crisis and its profoundly
personal human impact. Captured over the course of an eventful year in 23 countries.
In 2013, fewer than
800 million people lived on less
than $1.90 a day. Extreme Poverty?
Geography of Poverty.
mobile devices is
higher than access to
water and
"Just because a person is poor, that doesn't mean
that the person doesn't have big dreams, or that their soul isn't rich,
they're like everyone else, except poor people are
victims of circumstance,
which is another word for
Circumstance is a condition in life that is
influenced some event or activity. A
set of
facts that surround
your situation.
Providing everyone in poverty with
a free
high quality education could end most poverty in 15 years,
and completely end poverty in 30 years. People have the
ability to learn how to solve their problems. But people need high quality
knowledge and information to accomplish this. So people need to
Read and
Comprehend what they are reading. People will first start out
by securing healthy food and and clean water. Then they will build healthy
and clean temporary housing as they work on a new city near by. Then
people will be
to make the necessary products that everyone needs to live. As people
become more educated, then they will be able to do more, like provide
healthcare, keeping people safe,
providing necessities and so on.
Everyone will work because there will always be work to do.
Maintenance and
Responsibilities are numerous.
But this only works when everyone has access to valuable knowledge and
information. There is no other road and there is no other way, knowledge
is our path, our future, our savior.
Poor people are very capable of living a
beautiful life in harmony. But when the
rich and powerful keep people in poverty from learning how to live in
peace, then the poor can not escape the shackles of poverty. Everyone on
the planet can have everything they need, but when too many people want
more then they need, then people will continue to suffer and die. So not
only do we need to fully educate the poor, more importantly, we need to
fully educate the rich and powerful too.
Living has to be affordable, if not,
then life is not affordable, and if life is not affordable that means that
someone is stealing more then they need. The cost of living can't be more
then what it costs life. If
profit causes
people to suffer and die, then that's not profit, that's murder, that's
theft, that's just totally freaking stupid.
It's not a welfare state, it's an ignorant
state. It's not mass immigration, it's mass discrimination. And it's not
just discrimination against people, but discrimination against knowledge
and reality. No one can fully understand the problems everyone's faces
clearly enough without having access to the knowledge and information that
explains the problems we all face.
Free Money.
Fourth World (2012) -
One out of six human beings lives in a very hidden world--the
world of slums. Shot on five continents, this eye-opening film
takes viewers deep inside a hidden world, at once both tragic
and inspiring. Documentary award winner at 20+ film festivals.
Aired: 08/10/2012 | 54 min.
The Slum - Episode 1: Deliverance (youtube, Al Jazeera English, 1 of 6
and Profit - The Business of Development Aid | DW Documentary (youtube)
Ulterior Motives.
Dollar Stores: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube)
It's not
a social experiment when people are manipulated. Slow productivity or slow
growth does not explain what productivity or growth is. Saying people are
better off does not say what better off is.
GDP is a flawed formula because it's not defined, only assumed.
Politicians lie about foreign aid to win votes. Some charities lie about
the impact of foreign aid to stay funded. Some aid workers lie to
themselves about the impact of a project.
Organizations Helping to Reduce Poverty
Poverty Action Lab mission is to reduce poverty by ensuring that
policy is informed by scientific evidence. We do this through research,
policy outreach, and training.
Global Citizen is an
annual music festival started in 2012 and organized by
Global Poverty Project. In 2015, the organization announced that
Coldplay lead vocalist Chris Martin would serve as the festival's curator
for the next 15 years. It was founded by Ryan Gall and Hugh Evans. Gall
said he was inspired by visiting Austin City Limits and seeing the
branding on the stage, but wanting to replace the corporate branding with
branding from charities.
Millennium Development Goals Report 2015 -
The Center for
Global Development works to reduce global poverty and
inequality through research and active engagement.
Social Development Resource -
Reducing Poverty through Enterprise -
Students campaigning on World Poverty, Human Rights and the
Environment -
Economic Justice and an End to Global
Poverty -
The Human
Needs Project today offers a wide platform of services to the
community, and continues to implement the latest technologies in green
energy, sanitation and more to continue to be a leader in the quest to
build infrastructure for opportunity. The desperately poor spend all their
time surviving. The scarcity of goods, extreme over-crowding, violence,
along with an almost total absence of choice, and education is an
unaffordable luxury.
Finish Poverty.org
One Acre Fund.org
3 reasons why we can win the fight against poverty: Andrew Youn: (video and interactive text)
Humanitarian Aid is material and logistic assistance to people who
help. It is usually short-term help until the
long-term help by the
government and other institutions replaces it. Among the people in need
are the homeless,
and victims of
disasters, wars, and famines. Humanitarian relief efforts are provided
for humanitarian purposes and include natural disasters and man-made
disasters. The primary objective of humanitarian aid is to save lives,
alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity. It may, therefore, be
distinguished from development aid, which seeks to address the underlying
socioeconomic factors which may have led to a crisis or emergency. There
is a debate on linking humanitarian aid and
development efforts, which was reinforced by the World Humanitarian
Summit in 2016. However, the conflation is viewed critically by
practitioners. Humanitarian aid is seen as "a fundamental expression of
the universal value of solidarity between people and a moral imperative".
Humanitarian aid can come from either local or international communities.
In reaching out to international communities, the Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the
United Nations
is responsible for coordination responses to emergencies. It taps to the
various members of Inter-Agency Standing Committee, whose members are
responsible for providing
emergency relief. The four UN entities that have primary roles in
delivering humanitarian aid are United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the United Nations
Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Programme (WFP). According to
The Overseas Development Institute, a London-based research establishment,
whose findings were released in April 2009 in the paper "Providing aid in
insecure environments: 2009 Update", the most lethal year for aid
providers in the history of humanitarianism was 2008, in which 122 aid
workers were murdered and 260 assaulted. The countries deemed least safe
were Somalia and Afghanistan. In 2014, Humanitarian Outcomes reported that
the countries with the highest incidents were: Afghanistan, Democratic
Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Sudan,
Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen and Kenya.
Emergency Food Security Program
USAID Food Assistance Programs Authorized by the
Food for Peace Act.
The American Farm Bureau
Federation and the
National Association of Wheat Growers, are backing a new bill in
Congress called the
American Farmers Feed the World Act. The proposal would prevent Food
for Peace from using any of its roughly $2 billion budget to buy food
abroad or distribute cash and vouchers. The bill also would shift control
of some parts of Food for Peace from USAID to the U.S. Department of
America's Poverty
14.7 Million Children in America live under poverty. In the
U.S., a baby is born into poverty every 32 seconds. And by the
end of the day, 1,837 children will have been confirmed as being
abused or neglected. The number of U.S. residents who are
struggling to survive on just
$2 a day has more than doubled
since 1996, placing 1.5 million households and 3 million
children in this desperate economic situation. Americans are living below the
Poverty Line.
Children's Defense.
More than 37 Million Americans live in poverty
in US, data shows in 2023.
Powerful testimony about the reality of poverty in the U.S. (video)
Neediest Cities in 2022. In 2021, 11.6% of the U.S. population lived
in poverty. More than 580,000 people —
many of
them children — had been
at one point in January 2020.
The number of Poor People Living in High-Poverty Areas has been
Growing Fast.
How Poverty Taxes the Brain. Scientists have discovered that
being poor actually impairs our cognitive abilities.
Rising income inequality linked to Americans' declining health.
Disparities experienced by children affect adult well-being. Rising levels
income inequality in the United States may be one reason that the
health of Americans has been declining in recent decades.
Gini Coefficient
is a measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income
inequality or the wealth inequality within a nation or a social group. The
Gini coefficient was developed by statistician and sociologist Corrado
Poverty, By America is a book by
Matthew Desmond
that shows how the rest of us benefit by keeping others poor. Ordinary
people are exploiting others, and many don't even realize they're doing
it. Public policies, laws, and tax breaks to show how the U.S. actually
spends big on social programs — second only to France! — but gives the
most to those who need it the least. Welfare dependency? Yes indeed, for
the richer half. In 2020, the federal government spent more than $193
billion on subsidies for homeowners — "most families who enjoy this
benefit have six-figure incomes and are white" — but just $53 billion on
direct housing assistance for low-income families. That's not for lack of
need. Because of chronic federal underinvestment, only 1 in 4 extremely
low-income Americans who qualify for housing aid get it. Exclusionary
zoning laws keep their segregated neighborhoods prosperous with
well-funded schools, while concentrating poverty elsewhere. Two of the
biggest U.S. anti-poverty programs are the Earned Income Tax Credit and
housing vouchers to subsidize rent were used to rescue millions of
families from a social ill, but they do nothing to address its root
causes. The tax credit allows companies to keep wages low and housing
vouchers don't keep landlords from
raising rent
when their tenants' wages go up. Poverty in America is not simply the
result of actions taken by Congress and corporate boards, but the
millions of decisions we make each day
when going about our business.
Distributive Justice concerns the nature of a
socially just
allocation of goods in a society. A society in which incidental
inequalities in outcome do not arise would be considered a society guided
by the principles of distributive justice. The concept includes the
available quantities of goods, the process by which goods are to be
distributed, and the resulting allocation of the goods to the members of
the society.
Human Development Index -
Taxed to
Transformation Problem is the problem of finding a general
rule by which to transform the "values" of commodities (based on their
socially necessary labour content, according to his labour theory of
value) into the "competitive prices" of the marketplace.
Problem Solving
Documentaries (films)
Teaching -
Statistical Information Produced by the Federal Government -
Economic Inequality is the difference found in various
measures of
economic well-being among individuals in a group, among groups
in a population, or among countries. Economic inequality is sometimes
income inequality, wealth inequality, or the wealth gap. Economists
generally focus on economic disparity in three metrics: wealth, income,
and consumption. The issue of economic inequality is relevant to notions
of equity, equality of outcome, and equality of opportunity.
Nepotism is based on
favoritism granted to relatives in
various fields, including business, politics, entertainment, sports,
religion and other activities.
(incompetent people in power)
Tourism -
Poverty Porn -
The Poverty Line -
Living On One Dollar
Movement was a reformist social movement, beginning in the
1880s and peaking around the 1920s in England and the US, with a goal of
getting the rich and poor in society to live more closely together in an
interdependent community. Its main object was the establishment of
"settlement houses" in poor urban areas, in which volunteer middle-class
"settlement workers" would live, hoping to share knowledge and culture
with, and alleviate the poverty of, their low-income neighbors. The
"settlement houses" provided services such as daycare, education, and
healthcare to improve the lives of the poor in these areas.
Living with Less -
Survival Tips
We need to help people
without infringing on their Freedoms.
Every second, the urban population grows by 2 people, 200,000
people move into cities everyday.
megacity is 20 million or more.
Water and Sanitation: A human right for all, even slum-dwellers
and the homeless.
Educating the poor not only reduces the amount of
Preventable Causes of Death, it also increases their potential and value.
"If the number one cause of death is ignorance, then the number one cure is knowledge."
"When there are no plans to improve things, things gradually get worse."
Beggars Can't Be Choosers means that
people with very few options sometimes have to be content with what is
offered. Take what you can get and be grateful. But never stop asking for
more help, especially when you need it. Your situation is not your fault.
And don't blame people for their lack of empathy or blame people for not
giving more. Some people only give what they can.
Walls - Borders - Barriers
A wall is not just to keep people out, but to keep people
in, like a
prison or a
zoo. There is no wall that
would protect humans from themselves. You can't block out your own
ignorance when you are the source of the ignorance. To build a wall is to
seal in that ignorance. To stop the flow of information and knowledge is
to stop yourself from learning, which will also stop you from progressing.
The wall symbolizes ignorance in a physical form. But just having an
open mind is not the same thing
as having
open borders. A border wall is a clear sign that people
cannot communicate or use language effectively. Every wall built in
history was a failure. When leaders are ignorant and corrupt they
divide people so they can
reduce the
strength and power that people
have. But it's the
walls that
are built in the minds of people that cause the most damage. When you
ignorant and can't use language
to communicate effectively, then people attack with
weapons instead of using
At the end of World War II, there were
border walls or fences in the world. By the time the
Wall fell in 1989, there were 15. In
2016 there are at least
77 border walls or fences.
Border Barrier is a separation barrier that runs along an
international border. (people go under the wall, people go over the wall,
people go around the wall, or people just pay the guards to look the
other way. That's because people are smart and leaders are dumb. Besides
that, walls mostly stop good people who are in need, but the walls do not
"Arrogance is a
wall. Humility is a bridge. Humility is the art of loving, accepting,
listening, and respecting others."
When people are more concerned about
border walls
than they are
foreign policy, then they will waist time, money and
resources that do nothing for people in need. If you don't care about
foreign conflicts, then you don't care about people who are being
victimized and killed by these conflicts. There is no wall that will
protect you from your own ignorance. Your ignorance is a wall that blocks
intelligent reasoning. A physical wall is just the manifestation of your
ignorance. America does not have an immigration problem, America has an
ignorance problem. And this ignorance reared its ugly head when ignorant
voters elected an ignorant president in 2016.
You're a zoo animal living in
a zoo keepers world.
A border wall is a 14th century solution to a 21st
century problem. Wasteful spending of taxpayer dollars on an ineffective
border wall will not bolster border security. The Biden
administration announced it
waived 26 federal laws
in South Texas to allow border wall construction on Wednesday. The Clean
Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act were some of
the federal laws waived by DHS to make way for construction that will use
funds from a congressional appropriation in 2019 for border wall
construction. The waivers avoid time-consuming reviews and lawsuits
violation of environmental laws. Concern is shared with
environmental advocates who say structures will run through public lands
and habitats of endangered plants and species like the Ocelot, a spotted
wild cat.
“American Scar”:
The Environmental Tragedy of the Border Wall | The New Yorker Documentary
We should
build more Walz, and make Donald pay for it. If could have more people
Tim Walz, we
could improve a lot of things for people.
The hidden cost
of building fences has major, sometimes deadly, effects on land and
wildlife around the world that are rarely measured. Once a fence is built
its effects are long lasting. Even after removal, “
ghost fences” can live
on, with species continuing to behave as if a fence were still present for
Separation Barrier is a barrier, wall or fence, constructed to limit
the movement of people across a certain line or border, or to separate
peoples or cultures. A separation barrier that runs along an
internationally recognized border is known as a border barrier.
Barrier is a structure or object that
impedes free movement. Barricade.
Fence is
a structure that encloses an area, typically outdoors, and is usually
constructed from posts that are connected by boards, wire, rails or
netting. A fence differs from a wall in not having a solid foundation
along its whole length. Alternatives to fencing include a ditch (sometimes
filled with water, forming a moat).
Migrating Animal Populations are dwindling around the world.
Human Migration -
Animal Migration.
Fence is a term used in U.S. property law to refer to an overly tall
fence, structure in the nature of a fence, or a row of trees, bushes, or
hedges, constructed or planted between adjacent lots by a property owner
(with no legitimate purpose), who is annoyed with or wishes to annoy a
neighbor, or who wishes to completely obstruct the view between lots.
Several U.S. states and local governments have regulations to prohibit
spite fences, or related regulations such as those establishing a maximum
allowed height for fences. In the United Kingdom, the terms spite wall or
blinder wall (as in, to blind the view of a neighbour) are more commonly
used. An overly tall fence may not be considered a spite fence by a court
if there is some other reason for the fence which requires the extra
height. In one case, a man built a 13-foot (4.0 m) fence on his property,
and his neighbor sued him. The man had put up a fence that tall because
his neighbor kept throwing garbage over the old (shorter) fence. Since
keeping garbage out of one's yard is a legitimate reason to have a fence,
it was found not to be a spite fence. Several states in the United States
have laws that prohibit planting a row of trees parallel to a property
line, which exceed six to ten feet (1.8 to 3.0 m) in height, which block a
neighbor's view or sunlight. The courts have ruled that a row of trees can
be considered a "fence". Golf courses near residential communities will
often have fences exceeding 20 ft (6.1 m) in height in order to prevent
struck balls from flying out of the course and into the windshields of
cars and windows of houses near the course. Such fences are not spite
fences, and may actually be required. Outdoor arenas and amphitheatres
also often use fences or other obstructions to prevent the viewing of
their events by those who don't have tickets (which, although it may be
unpopular with those whose free viewing is obstructed, is not necessarily
spiteful). In civil-law countries, erecting a spite wall (or a spite
house) is unequivocally prohibited because of the doctrine of abuse of
rights: a right ends where abuse begins. This is mostly attributable to
the fact that modern building regulations often prevent any construction
likely to impinge on neighbours' views or privacy.
Fence Laws between Private Properties. In
many places, there are rules and restrictions that dictate whether you can
put up a fence around your yard — and what it should look like if you are
allowed to do so. Fence law is typically a localized regulation, meaning
it will probably vary significantly based on zoning. Fences are typically
built between 2 and 8 inches from the line between properties. Some areas
will allow the building of fences directly on the property line, but in
this case, you'll have to cooperate with your neighbor and potentially
share the cost of the fence. Texas case law states that while property
owners have no obligation to build a fence on the border of their
property, if neighbors agree to jointly maintain such a fence, this
agreement is legally binding. California law presumes that a fence located
directly on the property line benefits both homeowners equally. As such,
the law states that both homeowners are equally responsible for costs
associated with repair and maintenance. The costs involved must be
'reasonable,' and backed up by evidence of their need.
How many
fences and walls are estimated to be in between private properties in
The front door of your house is a protective border. The American
front door is the landscape’s most intimate and personal of borders, the
place where the public sphere encounters private space — occasionally with
disastrous results. The American front door is a place where the welcome
mat offers friendly greetings, where affable neighbors knock or ring,
where boxes brimming with possibility are delivered. It is where
home meets a world full of potentially good
things. The American front door is a place where signs trumpet words of
warning, where cameras monitor visitors in high definition, where
intruders find an entry point. It is where only a hunk of wood or metal
separates the innermost spaces of home from a world full of chaos.
Home Defense.
Not All Walls are Bad.
Boundaries are
not that
unusual in life. It's just how those boundaries are used that ends up
being either good and beneficial or being bad and harmful.
Boundary is the line or plane
indicating the limit or extent of something. A line determining the limits
of an area ot the greatest possible degree of something.
Wall is a structure that
defines an area, carries a load, or provides shelter or security. There
are many kinds of walls, including: Defensive walls in fortifications.
Walls in buildings that form a fundamental part of the superstructure or
separate interior rooms, sometimes for fire safety.
Retaining Walls, which
hold back dirt, stone, water, or noise sound. Walls that protect from
oceans (seawalls) or rivers (levees). Permanent, solid fences. Border
barriers between countries.
Brick wall. Precast wall. Stone wall. Glass
wall (only when most of the wall, in smaller amounts it is called a
window). Doors are mobile walls on hinges which open to form a gateway.
Partition is the act of
parts, pieces, or sections by separating them and creating a boundary that
divides or keeps apart. A vertical structure that divides or separates,
like when a wall divides one room from another. Partition in anatomy is a
structure that separates areas in an organism.
Gate or child safety gate is a protective barrier designed to prevent
babies and toddlers from accessing areas of a home that may not be safe
for them, such as stairways and kitchens. Baby gates are typically
constructed of metal, plastic and/or wood, and can be expanded to fit in a
range of doorway widths. They may be designed for use indoors or out, and
may be either hardware or pressure-mounted.
Childproofing or baby proofing is the act of making an environment or
object safe for children. This reduces risks to a level considered
acceptable by a society, an institution, or to specific parents.
Childproofing may include restriction of children to safe areas or
preventing children from reaching unsafe areas. This can be accomplished
by the parent or by hiring a professional for assistance.
Partition Wall is a non-load-bearing interior wall that is
designed to support only the materials of the wall itself; it does not
support the ceiling or floor above. A partition wall typically connects to
the floor below and to the ceiling joists or floor joists that make up the
ceiling above.
Blockade prevents access or progress.
Prevent from happening or developing. Interrupt the normal function.
Impede movement. Obstruct.
Open Borders is a
manipulation technique used by
corrupt people to scare people into thinking that there is no border
control. If you have ever drove through Europe, you can travel from
country to country just like driving your car from state to state in
America, and you never have to stop and show your identification or worry
about being detained. It's beautiful.
Border Fence forms part of the Morocco–Spain border in the city of
Melilla, one of two Spanish cities in north Africa. Constructed by Spain,
its stated purpose is to stop illegal immigration and smuggling. Melilla's
border and its equivalent in Ceuta, also bordering Morocco, are the only
two land borders between the European Union and an African country. Except
that this is a monument to the
separation of
states, human beings, goods. The fence surrounds Melilla with a
roughly semicircular shape.
Border is a border that enables free movement of people (and often of
goods) between jurisdictions with few or no restrictions on movement, that
is lacking substantive border control. Open borders are the norm for
borders between subdivisions within the boundaries of
sovereign states.
205,000 vehicles cross the Texas - Mexico
border everyday on just one U.S. border. There are around
11 Million undocumented
immigrants in America as
of 2017.
About 11.8 million people live in the U.S.-Mexico border area. On
average, there are 700,000 to 850,000 new unauthorized migrants arriving
annually by all modes of entry. An estimated 6.2 million (or 56 percent)
of all unauthorized migrants are from Mexico. 2004, 12,338 trucks crossed
the border daily, up 63 percent from FY 1994. In 2004, there was an
average of 660,000 passenger crossings per day across 35 points of entry (POEs)
on the 1,952-mile border between the United States and Mexico. Crossings
by personal vehicles rose 43 percent between 1995 and 1999 and then fell
21 percent (to 191 million) by 2004. Almost 20 percent of passenger
crossings into the United States from Mexico in 2004 were made on foot,
while bus crossings only constituted 1.4 percent (3.4 million) of
crossings from Mexico. In 2004 there were over 20 million pedestrian
crossings in Texas alone. (Source: U.S. Bureau of Transportation
Statistics) Of the approximately 11,000 Border Patrol agents, 89 percent
work along the U.S.-Mexico border.
Life on the
Canada/US Border (Global Documentary) | Real Stories (youtube) -
border security and the invasion of privacy, harassment at the border.
We Don't Need a Wall
at the Border because we have radar, motion sensors, high
resolution cameras, and thermal imaging systems to see at night,
and we have hundreds of people monitoring several locations.
You could have one integrated tower every few miles or so, which
we already have in most places. But even
then, we still need more
communication, because this problem
can't be solved with walls, camera's, or laws. It must be solved
working together.
If you are going to build a wall, the first wall you should build
a wall that protects you from your own
ignorance. Be the
keeper of your mind, be
mindful of the thoughts that pass through your consciousness. Protect
your inner self from negative thoughts.
Negative thoughts must
identify themselves and they must explain their reasons for being here. If
your purpose is
valuable, then you have
permission to proceed. But you must check back with central control and
communicate any changes or useful information that was learned during your
visit. Every
immune system
relationships, because if we don't work together, we die together.
Environmental Monitoring.
Mexico–United States Barrier is a
series of
walls and fences along the Mexico–United States border aimed at
preventing illegal crossings from Mexico into the United States. The
barrier is not one contiguous structure, but a grouping of relatively
short physical walls, secured in between with a "virtual fence" which
includes a system of sensors and cameras monitored by the United States
Border Patrol. As of January 2009, U.S. Customs and Border Protection
reported that it had more than 580 miles (930 km) of barriers in place.
The total length of the continental border is 1,954 miles (3,145 km).
List of Mexico–United States border crossings. There are 48
U.S.–Mexico border crossings, with 330 ports of entry where people can
legally cross the Mexico–United States border. Several large border cities
have multiple crossings, often including one that bypasses the center city
and is designated for truck traffic. For planned crossings, see the
Proposed changes section below. For former border crossings, see the
Closed crossings section below. Details on each of the US ports of entry
are provided using the links in the table.
Refugees -
Evictions (land grabs)
Fence is a pest-exclusion fence that was built in Australia during the
1880s and finished in 1885, to keep dingoes out of the relatively fertile
south-east part of the continent (where they had largely been
exterminated) and protect the sheep flocks of southern Queensland. It is
one of the longest structures in the world. It stretches 5,614 kilometres
(3,488 mi) from Jimbour on the Darling Downs near Dalby through thousands
of kilometres of arid land ending west of Eyre peninsula on cliffs of the
Nullarbor Plain above the Great Australian Bight near Nundroo. It has been
partly successful, though dingoes can still be found in parts of the
southern states. Although the fence has helped reduce losses of sheep to
predators, this has been countered by holes in fences found in the 1990s
through which dingo offspring have passed and by increased pasture
competition from rabbits and kangaroos.
On the Fence: New research taps rancher expertise on living with
carnivores. In places like Wyoming and Idaho, ranchers have learned
practical fencing strategies to help to reduce ill-fated encounters
between hungry wildlife, vulnerable livestock and valuable produce.
Researchers are learning to take advantage of this hard-won knowledge.
Pest-Exclusion Fence is a barrier that is built to exclude
types of animal pests from an enclosure. This may be to protect plants in
horticulture, preserve grassland for grazing
animals, separate species
carrying diseases (vector species) from
livestock, prevent troublesome
species entering roadways, or to protect endemic species in nature
reserves. These fences are not necessarily traditional wire barriers, but
may also include barriers of sound, or smell.
Crinkle Crankle Wall or wavy wall, is an unusual type of structural or
garden wall built in a serpentine shape with alternating curves. The
alternate convex and concave curves in the wall provide stability and help
it to resist lateral forces, leading to greater strength than a straight
wall of the same thickness of bricks without the need for buttresses. The
phrase "crinkle crankle" is an ablaut reduplication, defined as something
with bends and turns, first attested in 1598 (though "crinkle" and "crankle"
have somewhat longer histories). Crinkle Crankle Wall is also known as a
crinkum crankum, sinusoidal, serpentine, ribbon, originally used in
Ancient Egypt, but also typically found in Suffolk in England.
"Poor people are living proof that
are good. Even when they have no access to a good education,
they are still some of the nicest people on the planet. It's the
people who are supposedly educated who are doing 90% of all the
damage, and doing 90% of all the killing. This is the main
reason why we must create a high quality education that is
available to everyone. Imagine if everyone had a high quality
education. Imagine?" I have,
comes the Sun (youtube).
The Wall - Kansas (youtube) - I'm woven in a fantasy, I can't believe the
things I see, The path that I have chosen now has led me to a wall, And
with each passing day I feel a little more like something dear was lost,
It rises now before me, A dark and silent barrier between, All I am,
and all that I would ever want to be, It's just a travesty, Towering,
marking off the boundaries my spirit would erase.
Travesty is a false, absurd, or distorted representation of
Don't Give Up -
Peter Gabriel and Kate Bush (youtube) - In this proud land we
grew up strong, We were wanted all along, I was taught to fight,
taught to win, I never thought I could fail, No fight left or so it
seems, I am a man whose dreams have all deserted, I've changed my
face, I've changed my name, But no one wants you when you lose,
give up, 'Cause you have friends, Don't give up, You're not beaten
Don't give up, I know you can make it good, Though I saw it all
around, Never thought I could be affected, Thought that we'd be the
last to go, It is so strange the way things turn, Drove the night
toward my home, The place that I was born, on the lakeside, As
daylight broke, I saw the earth, The trees had burned down to the ground,
Don't give up, You still have us, Don't give up, We don't need much
of anything, Don't give up, 'Cause somewhere there's a place, Where
we belong, Rest your head, You worry too much, It's going to be
alright, When times get rough, You can fall back on us,
Don't give up, Please don't give up, 'Got to walk out of here, I can't take
anymore, Going to stand on that bridge, Keep my eyes down below,
Whatever may come, And whatever may go, That river's flowing, That
river's flowing, Moved on to another town, Tried hard to settle down,
For every job, so many men, So many men no-one needs,
Don't give up,
'Cause you have friends, Don't give up, You're not the only one,
Don't give up, No reason to be ashamed, Don't give up, You still
have us, Don't give up now, We're proud of who you are, Don't give
up, You know it's never been easy, Don't give up, 'Cause I believe
there's the a place, There's a place where we belong.