Religions - Religious Studies
Religion is a
cultural system of
ethical behaviors,
world views that may
also include
vows of
service and the reading
sacred texts, as well as visiting
places. Religion can also be seen as a
societal organization
that sees
humanity as having
an order of
existence. Many religions
believe in a
divine power or
have a
belief that a
God exists. Though
religious practices and personal
interpretations of a particular religion
varies from person to
religion is mostly
defined by the
who practices it, and not by a
that one tries to
define it with.

Definition of Religion is a controversial and complicated subject in
religious studies with scholars failing to agree on any one
Oxford Dictionaries defines religion as the belief in and/or
worship of a
superhuman controlling
power, especially a personal
God or gods. Religion can also be seen as
social engineering and a
system of
control and
manipulation. Religion is
giving people a
fantasy world to
live in because
reality can be too difficult
sometimes, which makes people more
vulnerable to
failure. Religion is
helping people to forget the past instead
learning from the past, which
makes people vulnerable to
repeating mistakes. Religion is helping people to
dream about a future that will never
come, instead of helping people create a future that will help them to
overcome the struggles
of life.
Studies is an
academic field
devoted to
research into religious
behaviors, and
institutions. It describes, compares,
interprets, and explains religion, emphasizing systematic, historically
based, and
cross-cultural perspectives. While theology attempts to
understand the transcendent or supernatural according to traditional
religious accounts, religious studies takes a more scientific and
objective approach independent of any particular religious viewpoint.
Religious studies thus draws upon multiple academic disciplines and
methodologies including anthropology, sociology, psychology, philosophy,
and history of religion.
History of Religion refers to the
record of human religious feelings, thoughts, and ideas. This period
of religious history begins with the
invention of
writing about
5,220 years ago or 3200 BC. The prehistory of
religion involves the study of religious beliefs that existed prior to the
advent of written records. One can also study comparative religious
chronology through a
timeline of religion. Writing played a major role in
religious texts regardless of time or location, and making
easier the memorization of prayers and divine rules. A small part of the
Bible involves the collation of oral texts handed down over the centuries.
Religion has been a factor of the human experience throughout history.
100,000 BC is the earliest known
human burial in the Middle East. 78,000–74,000 BC is the earliest known
Homo Sapiens burial of a child in Panga ya Saidi, East Africa. From
70,000–35,000 BC Neanderthal burials take place in areas of Europe and the
Middle East.
Native American Religions are the spiritual practices of the Native
Americans in the United States. Ceremonial ways can vary widely and are
based on the differing histories and beliefs of individual nations, tribes
and bands. Early European explorers describe individual Native American
tribes and even small bands as each having their own religious practices.
Theology may be monotheistic, polytheistic, henotheistic, animistic,
shamanistic, pantheistic or any combination thereof, among others.
Traditional beliefs are usually passed down in the forms of oral
histories, stories, allegories, and principles. The ancestors of the
American Indians were nomadic hunters of northeast Asia who migrated over
the Bering Strait land bridge into North America probably during the last
glacial period (
11,500–30,000 years ago).
By c. 10,000 bc they had occupied much of North, Central, and South
Australian Aboriginal Religion and mythology is the sacred
spirituality represented in the stories performed by Aboriginal
Australians within each of the language groups across Australia in their
ceremonies. Aboriginal spirituality includes the Dreamtime (the Dreaming),
songlines, and Aboriginal oral literature. Geological research dated the
formative volcanic explosions described by Aboriginal myth tellers as
having occurred more than 10,000 years ago.
Philosophy of Religion is the
philosophical examination of the central themes and
concepts involved
in religious
Religious Philosophy is
philosophical thinking that is influenced and directed as a
consequence to teachings from a particular religion.
Philosophy is a
school of
thought in philosophy and spirituality which posits that the
recurrence of common themes across world religions illuminates universal
truths about the nature of reality, humanity, ethics, and consciousness.
Traditionalism posits the existence of a perennial wisdom or perennial
philosophy, primordial and universal truths which form the source for, and
are shared by, all the major world religions.
Religious Experience is a
subjective experience
which is
interpreted within a
religious framework.
Sociology of Religion is the study of the
practices and organizational forms of religion using the tools and methods
of the discipline of
Comparative Religion is the branch of the study of religions with the
comparison of the doctrines
and practices, themes and impacts (including migration) of the world's
religions. In general the comparative study of religion yields a deeper
understanding of the fundamental philosophical concerns of religion such
metaphysics and the
nature and forms of
salvation. It also considers
and compares the origins and
similarities shared between the various
religions of the world. Studying such material facilitates a broadened and
more sophisticated understanding of
human beliefs
and practices regarding the sacred, numinous,
spiritual and divine.
Religious Pluralism holds that various world religions are limited by
their distinctive historical and cultural contexts and thus there is no
single, true religion. There are only many equally valid religions. Each
religion is a direct result of humanity's attempt to grasp and understand
the incomprehensible divine reality. Therefore, each religion has an
authentic but ultimately inadequate perception of divine reality,
producing a partial understanding of the universal truth, which requires
syncretism to achieve a complete understanding as well as a path towards
salvation or spiritual enlightenment.
Evolutionary Psychology of Religion is the study of
religious belief using
psychology principles.
is the
study of the nature of
God and
religious belief or the rational and
systematic study of religion and its influences and of the nature of
religious truth, and the
theory of when religious beliefs systematically
developed. Theology is the systematic study of the nature of the divine
and, more broadly, of religious belief. Theology is also a particular
system or school of religious beliefs and teachings, and the learned
profession acquired by
courses in religion.
Theologian is
someone who is learned in theology or who speculates about theology.
Apophatic Theology is a form of theological thinking and religious
practice which attempts to approach God, the Divine, by
negation, to speak only in terms of
what may not be said about the perfect goodness that is God. It forms a
pair together with cataphatic theology, which approaches God or the Divine
by affirmations or positive statements about what God is. The apophatic
tradition is often, though not always, allied with the approach of
mysticism, which aims at the vision of God, the perception of the divine
reality beyond the realm of ordinary perception.
Religion and Science involves discussions that interconnect the study
of the natural world, history, philosophy, and theology. Even though the
ancient and medieval worlds did not have conceptions resembling the modern
understandings of "
science" or of "religion",
certain elements of modern ideas on the subject recur throughout history.
Outline of Religion states that Religion is and organized collection
of beliefs,
cultural systems, and world views
that relate humanity to an order of existence. Many religions have
narratives, symbols, and sacred histories
that are intended to explain the
of life and/or to
the origin of life or the Universe. From their beliefs about the
cosmos and
human nature,
people derive
ethics, religious laws or
a preferred lifestyle. According to some estimates, there are roughly
4,200 religions in the world.
Religious Diversity - Differences among Religions
There are large concentrations of
different religions around the world. Most countries have a mix of many different
religions as
well as non-religious people.
Growth of Religions (wiki)
There are over
4,000 recognized religions in the world.
Major Religious Groups (wiki)
World Population in 2023 is around
8 Billion.
Religious Populations in the World (wiki)
Christianity - 2.4 Billion, around 33%.
Islam - 1.8 Billion,
around 24.1%.
Hinduism - 1.15 Billion, around 15%.
Secular, Nonreligious, Agnostic or Atheist
- 1.2 Billion - around 16%.
350,000 Religious
Congregations in the United States,
about 314,000 are
Protestant and other
Christian churches, and 24,000 are
Catholic and Orthodox churches.
Non-Christian religious congregations are
estimated at about 12,000.
One estimate was
450,000 Churches in
America. 118 million people, said they
attended worship on the previous weekend.
Religions -
Religion Quick Facts
Association of Statisticians of American Religious Bodies.
The Association of Religion Data Archives.
Religions and Spiritual Traditions (wiki
Beliefs -
Multiple -
Why Do We Believe
Cults -
Followers -
Separation -
Opinions -
Religious Text
ProverbsConfidence Dangers -
Working Together
Prayer -
Proverbs -
Placebo EffectSecularity -
Conformity -
Passive -
Extremism -
Charlatans -
Cults -
Murder -
God - Supreme Being
God is conceived of as the
supreme being and principal object of
faith. The
concept of God as
described by most theologians includes the attributes of
omniscience or
infinite knowledge,
omnipotence or
unlimited power,
omnipresence or
present everywhere
or ever present,
divine simplicity, and as having an eternal and
necessary existence.
Many theologians also describe God as being
omnibenevolent or perfectly
good and all
loving. God is
the name given to a
fictional creator of our world and the universe that
millions of people believe in, and whose
meaning differs depending on the
religion and the person. The
seven names of God of holiness are the Tetragrammaton, El, Elohim,
Eloah, Elohai, El Shaddai, and Tzevaot.
Every person believes in God in their own way, so
everyone has their own unique experience with their belief.
Even people who don't believe in
a God also have their own
unique experience in life. God is a
being that has never been proven to exist. But many people
believe that
God exists mostly from religions and
stories that have been
passed down
from generation to generation. And some people believe in a God because
life is just too incredible to have happened all by itself. But human
imagination is a gift that we all have to use wisely. Like everything in life,
balance is extremely important, and
knowledge is the key to having balance. We
should see God as a symbol for the
mysteries of existence that
people to
seek answers about
themselves and the world around them. Some of God's
common values include
knowledge and
Deism is
belief in the existence of God solely based on
rational thought without any reliance on revealed religions or religious
authority. Deism emphasizes the concept of
natural theology, and that
God's existence is revealed through nature.
is a
female deity in polytheistic religions.
Nymph in
ancient Greek folklore is a supernatural being associated with many other
minor female deities that are often associated with the air, seas, woods,
water or particular locations or landforms. Different from Greek
goddesses, nymphs are generally regarded as divine spirits who animate or
maintain Nature (natural forces reified and considered as a sentient
being) for the environments where they live, and are usually depicted as
beautiful, young, and graceful maidens. They were not necessarily
immortal, but lived many years before they died. They are often divided
into various broad subgroups, such as the Meliae (nymphs of ash trees),
the Naiads (nymphs of rivers and streams), the Nereids (nymphs of calm
seas), and the Oreads (nymphs of mountains). Nymphs often feature in many
classic works of art, literature, mythology and in fiction. Since medieval
times, nymphs are sometimes popularly associated, or even confused, with
the mythical or spiritual fairies.
is a type of female spirit, goddess, intuitive force, or the female ruler
of the muladhara chakra. She is a female
messenger of wisdom and a
embodiment of enlightenment.
Dakinin is a sky-going mother or “sky dweller” or “sky dancer" or "sky
walker" who traverses the sky or who moves in space. The concept of the
Dākinī somewhat differs depending on the context and the tradition.
Greek religion is the goddess of wild animals, the hunt, and vegetation
and of chastity and childbirth. She was identified by the Romans with
Diana. Artemis was the daughter of Zeus and Leto and the twin sister of
is the Arabic word referring to God in
Abrahamic religions.
is a title used in Judaism to refer to God. It is also a given name and
surname, common in Muslim societies.
Deity a natural or
supernatural being considered divine or
Creator Deity
is a deity or god responsible for the creation of the Earth, world,
cosmos or universe. In monotheism, the single God is often also the
Intelligent Design.
Numinous is showing the
presence of a deity. Of or relating to or characteristic of a numen.
Numen in religion is a
spirit believed to
inhabit an object or preside
over a place.
Omnipresent is being present
everywhere at
Omnipotence is the quality of having unlimited
Manifestation of God are a series of
personages who reflect
the attributes of the divine into the human world for the progress and
advancement of human morals and civilization.
Pantheism is the belief that
reality is identical with divinity, or
all-things compose an all-encompassing, immanent god. Pantheist
does not recognize a distinct personal god,
anthropomorphic or
otherwise, and instead characterizes a broad range of doctrines differing
in forms of relationships between reality and divinity. Pantheistic
concepts date back thousands of years, and pantheistic elements have been
identified in various religious traditions.
Panentheism is the belief that the divine
present in every part of the universe
and extends beyond space and time. The term comes from the Greek words pan
(all), en (in), and theos (God). Theism: God
transcends the world and
cannot be found in space and time. Pantheism: God and the world are
identical, and everything that exists is part of God. Panentheism: God is
both immanent and transcendent, and the world and God are
Theism is the belief in the
existence of a god or gods, especially belief in one god as creator of the
Animism is the attribution
of a soul to plants, inanimate objects, and natural phenomena. The
belief in a supernatural power that organizes and animates the material
Totemism is a system of
belief in which humans are said to have kinship or a mystical relationship
with a spirit-being, such as an animal or plant.
Shiva is
one of the principal deities of Hinduism. He is the supreme god within
Shaivism, one of the three most influential denominations in contemporary Hinduism.
is a major Hindu deity worshiped in a variety of different perspectives.
Jah is a
short form of Jehovah or Yahweh, the proper name of God in the Hebrew
Odin is a
widely revered god that is
associated with wisdom, healing, death,
royalty, the gallows, knowledge, battle, sorcery, poetry, frenzy, and the
runic alphabet, and is the husband of the goddess
are a group of deities that appear in the mythological traditions of the
Babylonians. Descriptions of how many Anunnaki there were and what
role they fulfilled are inconsistent and often contradictory.(also
transcribed as: Anunaki, Anunna, Anunnaku (singular), Ananaki, and other
Bhagwan is an epithet within Indian
religions used to denote figures of religious worship. In Hinduism it is
used to signify a deity or
particularly for Krishna and Vishnu in Vaishnavism and Shiva in Shaivism.
In Jainism the term refers to the Tirthankaras, particularly Mahavira, and
in Buddhism to the Buddha. In many parts of India and South Asia, Bhagavan
represents the abstract concept of a universal God to Hindus who are
spiritual and religious but do not worship a specific deity.
Lord is an
appellation for a person or deity who has authority, control, or power
over others acting like a master, a chief, or a ruler.
Demigod can refer to a
minor deity, a mortal who is the
offspring of a god and a human being, or a figure who has attained divine
after death. A
demigod is not to be confused with a
demagogue, which is
someone who
exploits the
prejudices of
ignorant and
gullible people.
Sanctified is
someone made or declared or believed to be holy; devoted to a deity or
some religious ceremony or use.
Intelligent Design.
Omniscient is someone who is infinitely wise and
Canonization is the act by which the Catholic
Church and Anglican Communion declares that a person who has died was a
Saint is a person who is recognized as having an exceptional
degree of holiness or likeness to
Sacred is something worthy of spiritual respect or devotion;
or inspiring awe or reverence among believers.
Holy is
belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power. A sacred
place of pilgrimage, which is a journey to a sacred place.
Divine is something emanating from God.
Being or having the nature of a god. Appropriate to or befitting a god.
Something excellent, preeminently good, beautiful or creative. Something
perceive intuitively or through some inexplicable perceptive powers.
is the state of things that come from a supernatural power or deity, such
as a god, supreme being, creator deity, or spirits, and are therefore
regarded as sacred and holy.
Monotheism is the
belief in one god. A narrower definition of
monotheism is the belief in the existence of only one god that created the
world, is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, and intervenes in the
world. Monotheism is the
doctrine or belief that there is only one God.
Polytheism is the belief in or worship of
more than one god.
Spirituality -
Beliefs -
Multi-Faith -
Religion -
Inner Voices"God is the god of all
humanity, but no single faith is or should be the faith of all humanity."
Jonathan Sacks
is defined as being
incapable to be explained by science or the
laws of
nature, characteristic or relating to
ghosts, gods or other supernatural
beings or to appear
beyond nature.
is a common religious, cosmological, or
transcendent place where beings
such as gods,
angels, jinn,
saints, or venerated ancestors are said to originate, be enthroned, or to
live. According to the beliefs of some religions, heavenly beings can
descend to earth or incarnate, and earthly beings can ascend to Heaven in
afterlife, or in exceptional cases enter Heaven alive.
Hell -
Devil -
Positive Thinking
Faith Healing
Thin Place: Where
heaven meets earth. A thin place is a
place of energy. A
place where the veil between this world and the eternal
world is thin. A thin place is where
one can walk in two worlds.
Thin places aren't perceived with the five senses. Experiencing
them goes beyond those limits.
Thin Places -
Overtoun Bridge (wiki) -
Following the Leader could
be Dangerous.
What's the difference between
compensation and believing that there is a
Icon is a religious
work of art.
Divine Light
is an aspect of divine presence, specifically an unknown and mysterious
ability of God, angels, or human beings to
express themselves
communicatively through spiritual means, rather than through physical capacities.
Religious Representatives
Moses was a
prophet in the
Abrahamic religions. According to the
Hebrew Bible, he was adopted by an Egyptian princess, and later in life
became the leader of the Israelites and
lawgiver, to whom the authorship of the
or acquisition of the Torah from Heaven is traditionally attributed. Also
called Moshe Rabbenu in Hebrew (מֹשֶׁה רַבֵּנוּ, lit. "Moses our
Teacher"), he is the most important prophet in Judaism. He is also an
important prophet in Christianity, Islam, the Bahá'í Faith, and a number
of other.
Jesus was a
Jewish preacher and religious
leader who has
become the central figure of Christianity. Christians believe him to be
the Son of God and the awaited Messiah (Christ, the Anointed One)
prophesied in the Old Testament.
is the central figure of
Islam and widely regarded as its founder by
non-Muslims. He is known as the "
Holy Prophet" to Muslims, almost all of
whom consider him to be the last prophet sent by God to mankind to restore
Islam, believed by Muslims to be the unaltered original monotheistic faith
of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Muhammad united Arabia
into a single Muslim polity and ensured that his teachings, practices, and
the Quran, formed the basis of Islamic religious belief.
Sharia is the religious
law governing the members of the Islamic faith.
Solomon was a
monarch of ancient Israel and the son and successor of David. Solomon was
the biblical king most famous for his
wisdom. The
hypothesized dates of Solomon's reign are 970–931 BCE. In the New
Testament, he is portrayed as a teacher of wisdom excelled by Jesus of
Nazareth, and as arrayed in glory but excelled by "the lilies of the
field". In the Quran, he is considered to be a major Islamic prophet and
is generally referred to as Sulaiman ibn Dawud. Solomom was born 990 BCE
and died 931 BCE.
Sia represents the personification of perception and thoughtfulness in
the traditional mythology adhered to in Ancient Egypt. Thoth, married to
Maat (in ancient Egyptian, meaning order, righteousness, truth), was also
important and regarded as a
national introducer of
wisdom. Sia or Saa, an ancient Egyptian god, was the deification of
perception in the Heliopolitan Ennead cosmogony and is probably equivalent
to the intellectual energies of the heart of Ptah in the Memphite
cosmogeny. He also had a connection with writing and was often shown in
anthropomorphic form holding a papyrus scroll. This papyrus was thought to
embody intellectual achievements.
is an individual who has
claimed to have been contacted by the
supernatural or the divine, and to speak for them, serving as an
intermediary with humanity, delivering this newfound knowledge from the
supernatural entity to other people.
was a fabulously wealthy and wise
king of Israel and a son of David, the
previous king of Israel.
Ordained is
to make someone a
priest or
minister; To confer holy orders on. To order
or decree something officially.
Ordination is the process by which individuals are consecrated, that
is, set apart and elevated from the laity class to the clergy, who are
thus then authorized to perform various religious rites and ceremonies.
The process and ceremonies of ordination vary by religion and denomination.
Confirmation is seen as the sealing of the covenant created
in Holy Baptism. In some denominations,
confirmation also
bestows full
membership in a local congregation upon the recipient.
Investiture is the formal promotion of a
person to an office or rank, or the ceremonial act of clothing someone in
the insignia of an office. The ceremony of installing a new monarch.
Pope also known as the
pontiff, is the Bishop of Rome, and therefore
ex officio the
leader of the
worldwide Catholic Church. The primacy of the Roman bishop is largely
derived from his role as the traditional successor to
Peter, to whom Jesus is supposed to have given the keys of Heaven and
the powers of "binding and loosing", naming him as the "rock" upon which
the church would be built.
are some of the main and important formal leaders within certain
is a person who practices religious asceticism, living either alone or
with any number of other monks.
is a minister of religion or person who
delivers sermons or homilies on
religious topics to an assembly of people. Less common are preachers who
preach on the street, or those whose message is not necessarily religious,
but who preach components such as a moral or social worldview or
Televangelism is the use of media, specifically radio
and television, to communicate Christianity.
Glossolalia Speaking
in Tongues is a phenomenon in which people appear to speak
languages unknown to them.
is a religious
leader authorized
perform the sacred rituals of a
religion, especially as a mediatory agent between humans and one or more
deities. They also have the authority or power to administer religious
rites; in particular, rites of sacrifice to, and propitiation of, a deity
or deities. Their office or position is the 'priesthood', a term which
also may apply to such persons collectively. A priest may have the duty to
hear confessions periodically, give marriage counseling, provide
prenuptial counseling,
give spiritual direction,
teach catechism, or visit those confined indoors, such as the sick in
hospitals and nursing homes.
is the
leader of a Christian congregation who also gives advice and
counsel to people from the community or congregation. In Lutheranism,
Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy and Anglicanism,
pastors are always ordained. In Methodism, pastors may be either licensed
or ordained.
Chaplain is a
member of the clergy attached to a private chapel,
institution, ship, branch of the armed forces, etc. A chaplain is a
certified clergy member who
provides spiritual care for individuals in a
non-religious organization, rather than a church congregation. Chaplains
can work in government roles and serve members of the military in
different locations. They can serve patients in healthcare or hospice
facilities. A chaplain can also be a cleric such as a minister, priest,
pastor, rabbi, purohit, or imam, or a lay representative of a religious
tradition, attached to a secular institution, such as a hospital, prison,
military unit, intelligence agency, embassy, school, labor union,
business, police department, fire department, university, sports club), or
a private chapel.
Rabbi is a
spiritual leader
or religious teacher in Judaism. One becomes a rabbi by being ordained by
another rabbi – known as semikha – following a course of study of Jewish
texts such as the Talmud.
is an
ordained minister who holds the fullness of the sacrament of holy
orders and is responsible for teaching doctrine, governing Catholics in
his jurisdiction, sanctifying the world and representing the Church.
Minister is a member of the clergy. In Christianity, a minister is a
person authorized by a church or other religious organization to perform
functions such as teaching of beliefs; leading services such as
baptisms or
funerals; or otherwise providing
spiritual guidance to the
community. The term is taken from Latin minister ("
servant", "
In some church traditions the term is usually used for people who have
ordained, but in other traditions it can also be used for non-ordained
people who have a pastoral or liturgical ministry. In Catholic, Orthodox
(Eastern and Oriental), Anglican and Lutheran churches, the concept of a
priesthood is emphasized. In other denominations such as Baptist,
Methodist and Calvinist churches (Congregationalist and Presbyterian), the
term "minister" usually refers to a member of the ordained clergy who
leads a congregation or participates in a role in a parachurch ministry;
such a person may serve as an elder (presbyter), pastor, preacher, bishop,
or chaplain. With respect to ecclesiastical address, many ministers are
styled as "The Reverend"; however, some use "Pastor" or "
Father" as a
Ordained Minister is
authorized to lead worship, give sermons, and baptize members of the
congregation. Those who have a significant preaching/teaching ministry in
a church, parachurch, mission organization, school, or other institution,
including military chaplains, are good candidates for ordination.
Almost anyone can get legally ordained to
officiate a wedding. The steps for officiating a wedding can vary
depending on where the ceremony will take place, as
each state has
its own way of doing things. Prior to
officiating a wedding, you may
need to show official credentials prove you are a minister and get a
marriage license. The office in
charge of recording marriages – usually a county clerk – will sometimes
ask to see documentation such as your ordination credential or a letter of
good standing. To learn what specifically you’ll want to have on hand,
contact that office directly.
Marriage Officiant is a person who officiates at a
wedding ceremony.
Religious weddings, such as Christian ones, are officiated by a pastor,
such as a priest or vicar. Similarly, Jewish weddings are presided over by
a rabbi, and in Islamic weddings, an imam is the marriage officiant. In
Hindu weddings, a pandit is the marriage officiant. Some non-religious
couples get married by a minister of religion, while others get married by
a government official, such as a civil celebrant, judge, mayor, or Justice
of the peace. Religious weddings are officiated by clergy people. To
officiate a wedding you need a licensed or ordained Christian minister or
priest, or be a Jewish rabbi, or an officer of a religious organization
authorized to conduct marriage ceremonies, or
justices/judges/magistrates/associate judges, current or retired.
Brethren is the lay members of a male
religious order.
is a person who is specifically dedicated to God and to God's service.
Oblates are individuals, either laypersons or clergy, normally living in
general society, who, while not professed monks or nuns, have individually
affiliated themselves with a monastic community of their choice. They make
a formal, private promise to follow the Rule of the Order in their private
lives as closely as their individual circumstances and prior commitments
permit. The promise is annually renewable or for life, depending on the
monastery with which they are affiliated.
Elder is someone of a
greater age or much older
in age than the majority of the population.
Elder in Christian
religion is a person who is valued for wisdom and holds a position of
responsibility and authority in a Christian group. Some of the qualities
that an elder should have: A lover of what is good, just and fair.
Temperate, vigilant, Sober-minded, prudent, Of good behavior, orderly,
respectable, Given to hospitality, Able to teach, moderate, forbearing,
gentle, Uncontentious, Not violent, not pugnacious, Self-controlled, not
soon angry or quick-tempered, Patient, Not covetous,
not a lover of money, Has a good rapport or reputation with outsiders.
Wisdom does not
always come with Age because
ignorant stubborn
people can be
stuck in their
ways. They have experience in being
narrow minded but not
experienced about the realities of life. Mostly because their faith and
beliefs kept them from educating themselves and becoming more
knowledgeable about reality of the world today.
Ancient Knowledge.
Christianity is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life
and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Its adherents, known as Christians,
believe that Jesus is the Christ, whose coming as the messiah was
prophesied in the Hebrew Bible, called the Old Testament in Christianity,
and chronicled in the New Testament. It is the world's largest religion
with about 2.4 billion
Baptism is a Christian
rite of admission and adoption into Christianity with the use of water, It
may be performed by sprinkling or pouring water on the head, or by
immersing in water either partially or completely. Christening, naming of
a vessel, as in ceremonial ship launching.
Abrahamic Religions (wiki)
Islam is
an Abrahamic, monotheistic religion which teachings and beliefs are that
there is only one
God and
is the messenger of God. It is the world's second-largest religion with
over 1.8 billion followers or 24.1% of the world's population, commonly
known as Muslims. Muslims make up a majority of the population in 49
countries. Islam teaches that God is merciful, all-powerful, and unique,
and has guided mankind through prophets, revealed scriptures and natural
signs. The primary scriptures of Islam are the Quran, believed to be the
verbatim word of God, and the teachings and normative examples (called the
sunnah, composed of accounts called hadith) of Muhammad (c. 570 – 8 June
632 CE).
Salah is one of the
Five Pillars in the faith of Islam and
an obligatory
religious duty for every Muslim. It is a physical, mental,
and spiritual act of worship that is observed five times every day at
prescribed times. In this ritual, the worshiper starts standing, bows,
prostrates, and concludes while sitting on the ground. During each
posture, the worshiper recites or reads certain verses, phrases and
prayers. The word salah is commonly translated to prayer but this
definition might be confusing. Muslims use the words "Dua" or
"Supplication" when referring to the common definition of prayers which is
"reverent petitions made to God."
are people who follow or practice Islam, a monotheistic Abrahamic
religion. Muslims consider the Quran, their holy book, to be the verbatim
word of God as revealed to the Islamic prophet and messenger Muhammad. The
majority of Muslims also follow the teachings and practices of Muhammad (sunnah)
as recorded in traditional accounts (hadith). "Muslim" is an Arabic word
meaning "submitter" (to God). The beliefs of Muslims include: that God
(Arabic: الله Allāh) is eternal, transcendent and absolutely one (tawhid);
that God is incomparable, self-sustaining and neither begets nor was
begotten; that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial
faith that has been revealed before through many prophets including
Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Moses, and Jesus; that these previous messages
and revelations have been partially changed or corrupted over time (tahrif)
and that the Quran is the final unaltered revelation from God (Final
Testament). As of 2019, 1.9 billion or about 24.4% of the world population
are Muslims. By the percentage of the total population in a region
considering themselves Muslim, 91% in the Middle East-North Africa (MENA),
81% in Central Asia, 65% in the Caucasus,40% in Southeast Asia, 31% in
South Asia, 30% in Sub-Saharan Africa, 25% in Asia–Oceania, around 6% in
Europe, and 1% in the Americas. Most Muslims are of one of two
denominations; Sunni (75–90%) and Shia. About 13% of Muslims live in
Indonesia, the largest Muslim-majority country; 20% in the Middle
East–North Africa, where it is the dominant religion; 31% of Muslims live
in South Asia, the largest population of Muslims in the world; and 15% in
Sub-Saharan Africa and West Africa. Muslims are the vast majority in the
Sahel, the overwhelming majority in Central Asia, the majority in the Caucasusand widespread in Southeast Asia. India is the country with the
largest Muslim population outside Muslim-majority countries. Sizeable
Muslim communities are also found in the Americas, China, Europe, and
Russia. Islam is the fastest-growing major religion in the world.
Religions around the World (diversity of beliefs)
Judaism is an ethnic
religion comprising the collective religious, cultural and legal tradition
and civilization of the
Jewish people.
Judaism is considered by religious Jews to be the expression of the
covenant that God established with the Children of Israel. It encompasses
a wide body of texts, practices, theological positions, and forms of
organization. The Torah is part of the larger text known as the Tanakh or
the Hebrew Bible, and supplemental oral tradition represented by later
texts such as the Midrash and the Talmud. With between 14.5 and 17.4
million adherents worldwide, Judaism is the tenth largest religion in the
Is Israel mostly a
military base? Are Jews just
puppets for
Americas war machine
that is controlled by corporate
profiteers? Shortly after Oct. 7, the U.S. government started
transferring to Israel massive amounts of weapons. Among these weapons,
Israel received more than 15,000 bombs and 50,000 artillery shells within
just the first month and a half. These transfers have been deliberately
shrouded in
secrecy to avoid public scrutiny and
prevent Congress from
exercising any meaningful oversight. Some of these weapons were purchased
using U.S. taxpayers’ money through the Foreign Military Sales program;
some were direct commercial sales purchased through Israel’s own budget;
and some were replenished U.S. military stockpiles in Israel, which the
Israeli military may also use. A list of known U.S. arms transfers is
maintained by the Forum on the Arms Trade.
Bernie Sanders on Anti-Semitism Bigotry (reddit video)
The Hypocrisy of Anti-Semitism. If you
insult a gay person, you're called homophobic, which is accurate. If you
insult skin color, you are racist, which is also accurate. But if you
criticize Jewish policy, for some strange reason, you're
anti-Semitic, which is false, especially when insulting Islam or
Muslims, for some strange reason, that's called freedom of speech. When I
criticize republican voters for voting for trump, I'm not Anti-Republican.
When I criticize American policy that violates human rights, I'm not
Anti-America. When I criticize the supreme court for violating human
rights and ethic rules, I'm not anti-judges. So you cant hate critics just
because they speak their mind.
Jewish people can't
be blamed for the
genocide. We know that Israel has a few leaders who are ignorant
corrupt scumbags, just like here in America. No one should judge the
people of a country, only judge the leaders who we know are bad. We know
that a lot of jewfish people don't support what their leaders are doing,
which is the same here in America. Jewish people don't feel safe,
and non Jewish people don't feel safe, especially when they have an
ignorant scumbag
for a leader who is anti-Muslim. Israel leaders knew the Hamas attack was
coming, but they let it happen so they can justify a genocidal war and
fuel hatred and terrorism, while increasing the profits of war profiteers. For
these ignorant
scumbags its all about business.
Revenge is just an
Judaism is supportive of the Palestinians (reddit video) -
Palestinian Liberation (reddit video) -
Palestinian Occupation Song (reddit video) -
People support Palestinians in world wide protests (reddit video)
Palestinian Genocide (reddit video) -
Genocide -
Ethnic Cleansing -
Apartheid -
Israel’s Open-Air Prison in Palestine -
Economic Warfare -
TiKtoK videos showing Israelis' doing bad things in Gaza
21, 2023: More than
Palestinians have been killed including 3,561 women and
6,403 children.
Journalists have also been
killed. December 22, 2023. Israel's
offensive has now killed more than 20,000 people. 70% of those killed are
women and children. Another 50,000 people in Gaza have been wounded. About
1.9 million people are estimated to be internally displaced in southern
Gaza, according to the UN, representing nearly 85% of the enclave's entire
population, with children making up almost 50% of this figure. The entire
population in Gaza is in a food crisis, with 576,600 people close to
starvation. Nearly 40,000 buildings or
about 18% of all pre-conflict structures have been damaged or destroyed in
the Gaza Strip since the conflict began, including, hospitals,
universities and schools. As of January 15, nearly 2
million displaced, nearly 24,000 dead — 10,000 of them children. Over
70,000 wounded and
injured, nearly 8,000 more are reported to be missing, presumed dead under
rubble. 160,800 buildings damaged or destroyed. Since the outbreak of
war on Oct. 7, when the militant group Hamas broke into southern Israel
and killed 1,200 people and kidnapped some 250 more, the toll of Israel's
response on Gaza, which is governed by Hamas, has been catastrophic for
the territory. As of January 21st, around 25,105 Palestinians have been killed in
Gaza, while over 70,000 have been wounded. In March, over 30,000
Palestinians have been killed in Gaza.
As of August 15, 2024, more than
Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since Israel launched its war
against Hamas.
and illness ‘could kill 85,000 Gazans in six months.
In January
2025, more than
46,000 Palestinians have been killed in the
Israel-Hamas war.
reconstruction could take 80 years, damage unseen since World War II.
The United Nations Development Programme's initial estimates for the
reconstruction of the Gaza Strip surpass $30 billion and could reach up to
$40 billion.
Why Israel is in deep trouble: John Mearsheimer with Tom Switzer - The
Centre for Independent Studies.
"Israel's war is not about fighting terrorism, this is about
scumbag Israel leaders instigating future wars with Muslims so that the
scumbag war profiteers and war mongers can make more money while
destabilizing countries so they are easier to manipulate."
Thousands take part in pro-Palestine protests across the world.
Protests took place in major world cities, including London, Madrid and Istanbul.
Global Christian Leaders Call for Permanent Gaza Ceasefire, while
other Christians support the genocide and other
Christians watch passively.
Israel Kills Medics Trying to Save Dying 6-Year-Old Hind Rajab.
Jewish Hitler Netanyahu is a perfect
example of
right wing terrorism and how
right wing leaders are just puppets for corporate war profiteers who scam
ignorant people into supporting them, either directly or indirectly.
The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for
Netanyahu and Gallant.
The West Bank: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) (youtube)
Leahy Law are
U.S. human rights laws that prohibit the U.S. Department of State and
Department of Defense from
providing military assistance to foreign security force units that
violate human rights with impunity. It is
named after its principal sponsor, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont).
62% of the Homes Destroyed in Gaza, and 1.7 million displaced, UNRWA report finds.
Israeli is killing their own soldiers with
friendly fire. Nearly a fifth of Israeli fatalities since the
invasion of Gaza in late October were caused by friendly fire or
accidents, accounting for 36 of the 188 soldiers killed at the time of the
report. Experts say it's one of the highest such percentages in recent
military history. Israeli soldiers have been killed in airstrikes by
Israeli planes and by shrapnel from their own explosives. Some were run
over by Israeli armored vehicles or mistakenly identified and hit by tank
fire, shelling and guns, according to a report released by the IDF earlier
this month. Israel brought nearly 300,000 reservists back to active duty —
many of whom went from their regular day jobs to urban combat in Gaza with
very limited training. Most of the soldiers fighting in Gaza are in their
late teens to mid-20s, and because Israel tends to promote quickly, there
are very young people in more senior positions. These soldiers were most
likely killed because
they spoke up against the killing women and
children. This is why
surveillance is so deadly. Everything and anything you say can be
recorded and used against you. The next genocide they're planning will be
a lot more deadlier than the holocaust.
Aid workers have been
killed in 2024 more than in any year since tallies began. The U.N.
humanitarian office said on Friday that most of them were killed in the
Gaza conflict. 281 aid worker victims, according to the
Aid Worker
Security database which has recorded incidents dating back to 1997,
versus 280 in 2023 which held the previous record. 178 had been killed in
the occupied Palestinian territories including Gaza this year, which has
been the deadliest conflict for the United Nations. 25 were killed in
Sudan. Aid workers enjoy protection under
international humanitarian law, but experts cite few precedents for
such cases going to trial, with concerns about ensuring future access for
aid groups and difficulty proving intent cited as impediments.
Palestine is a state located in the Southern Levant region of West
Asia. Founded on 15 November 1988 and officially governed by the
Palestine Liberation Organization or PLO, it claims the West Bank
(including East Jerusalem) and the Gaza Strip as its territory, all of
which has been Israeli-occupied territories since the 1967 Six-Day War.
The West Bank contains 165
Palestinian enclaves that are under partial Palestinian rule, but the
remainder, including 200 Israeli settlements, is under full Israeli
control. The Gaza Strip was governed by Egypt but conquered by Israel in
1967. Israel governed the region until it withdrew in 2005. Hamas seized
power after winning the 2006 Palestinian legislative election. The Gaza
Strip has since been blockaded by Israel and Egypt. In 1919, Palestinian
Muslims and Palestinian Christians constituted 90 percent of the
population of Palestine, just before the third wave of Jewish immigration
under the British Mandate after World War I.
Siddhartha is a novel by Hermann Hesse that deals
with the spiritual journey of self-discovery of a man named Siddhartha
during the time of the Gautama Buddha.
Kabbalah Is an esoteric method, discipline, and school of
thought of Judaism.
Hinduism is a
religion, or a way of life, found most notably in
Hinduism has been called the
oldest religion in
the world, and some practitioners and scholars refer to it as
Dharma, "the eternal law," or the "eternal way," beyond human origins.
Scholars regard Hinduism as a fusion or synthesis of various Indian
cultures and traditions, with diverse roots and no founder. This "Hindu
synthesis" started to develop between 500 BCE and 300 CE following the
period (1500 BCE to 500 BCE).
Buddhism is an Indian
religion and dharma that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs and
spiritual practices largely based on teachings attributed to the
Buddhism originated in Ancient India sometime between the 6th and 4th
centuries BCE, from where it spread through much of Asia, where after it
declined in India during the middle ages. Two major extant branches of
Buddhism are generally recognized by scholars: Theravada (Pali: "The
School of the Elders") and Mahayana (Sanskrit: "The Great Vehicle").
Buddhism is the world's fourth-largest religion, with over 500 million
followers or 7% of the global population, known as Buddhists.
Hoodoo is a set of
spiritual practices,
traditions, and beliefs created and concealed
from slaveholders by enslaved Africans in North America. Hoodoo evolved
from various traditional African religions, practices, and in the American
South incorporated with various elements of indigenous
Voodoo is an
African diasporic religion which originated in Louisiana, now in the
southern United States. It arose through a process of syncretism between
the traditional religions of West Africa, the Roman Catholic form of
Christianity, and Haitian Vodou. No central authority is in control of
Louisiana Voodoo, which is organized through autonomous groups.
Traditional African Religions are traditional beliefs and practices of
African people that are highly diverse beliefs that include various ethnic
religions. Generally, these traditions are oral rather than scriptural and
are passed down from one generation to another through
folk tales, songs, and festivals.
Ethnic Religion is a religion or belief associated with a particular
ethnic group. Ethnic religions are often
distinguished from universal religions, such as Christianity or Islam, in
which gaining converts is a primary objective and, therefore, are not
limited in ethnic, national or racial scope.
Films about Religions
Around the World in 80 Faiths (dailymotion)
The Trouble with Atheism (youtube)
Trouble in Amish Paradise (youtube)
TROM - 2.22 Religion (youtube)
TROM - 2.24 Mystery and Paranormal Powers (youtube)
Christian Dilemmas (youtube)
Stephen Fry vs Ann Widdecombe: Catholic Church Debate(youtube)
Deconversion, Belief, and the Power of Silence (youtube)
Ancient Knowledge Films
Churches - Places of Worship
Place of Worship is a
specially designed
structure or consecrated space where individuals or a group of
people such as a congregation come to perform acts of devotion,
veneration, or religious study. A building constructed or used for this
purpose is sometimes called a
house of worship.
Temples, churches,
synagogues and
are examples of structures created for worship. A
monastery, particularly for Buddhists, may serve both to house those
belonging to religious orders and as a place of worship for visitors.
Natural or topographical features may also serve as places of worship, and
are considered holy or sacrosanct in some religions; the rituals
associated with the Ganges river are an example in Hinduism.
Church is a
building used for Christian
religious activities, particularly for Christian worship services. The
term is often used by Christians to refer to the physical buildings where
they worship, but it is sometimes used (by analogy) to refer to buildings
of other religions.
Photos of Different Churches (images).
Church as a congregation is a religious organization or congregation
that meets in a particular location. Many are formally organized, with
constitutions and by-laws, maintain offices, are served by clergy or lay
leaders, and, in nations where this is permissible, often seek non-profit
corporate status. Among congregational churches, since each local church
is autonomous, there are no formal lines of responsibility to
organizational levels of higher authority.
RefugeesParsonage is a church house provided
for a member of the clergy.
Religious Corporation is a type of religious non-profit organization,
which has been incorporated under the law. Often these types of
corporations are recognized under the law on a subnational level, for
instance by a state or province government. The government agency
responsible for regulating such corporations is usually the official
holder of records, for instance, the Secretary of State. In the United
States, religious corporations are formed like all other nonprofit
corporations by filing articles of incorporation with the state. Religious
corporation articles need to have the standard tax-exempt language the IRS
requires. Religious corporations are permitted to designate a person to
act in the capacity of corporation sole. This is a person who acts as the
official holder of the title on the property, etc. The Roman Catholic
Church is recognized as a corporation by virtue of the treaty of 1898 in
Spain, while other religious corporations derive their status from their
charters granted to them by the state. Religious corporations are the
third form of nonprofit corporations and include many sectarian schools
and churches. These corporations are often exempt from paying income taxes
and exempt from other state and federal regulations or laws that affect
most other nonprofit corporations. The major types of religious
organization are the church, sect, and cult. Two types of church
organizations include the ecclesia and denomination. Although the term
cult brings to mind negative connotations, several world religions began
as cults, and most of today's cults are not violent.
Place is a place
revered as being holy, typically one to which religious pilgrimage is
made. A holy place can be a mosque, a shrine, a synagogue, a chapel, a
church, a house of worship, a sanctuary, a temple, an altar, a mausoleum,
a house, a pagoda, a basilica, a chancel, a minster, a cathedral, a
masjid, a tabernacle, a sanctum or a grave.
Shrine is a special
place for sacred
relics or items of
importance that are used in
spiritual practice. A
shrine can be a holy place or sacred space or an altar dedicated to a
specific deity, ancestor, hero, martyr, saint, or similar figure of
respect, wherein they are worshipped or venerated and regarded with
feelings of respect and reverence. Shrines can contain idols or other such
objects associated with a figure being venerated. A shrine can be used for
offerings to dedicate the fulfillment of a vow. Shrines can be found in
various settings, such as churches, temples, cemeteries, museums, or in
the home. Although, portable shrines are also found in some cultures.
Altar is a place for
divine reading,
personal growth
or any form of
inner work.
An alter is a safe place and a special space with a special meaning. An
alter can be a table or a platform used for ritualistic purposes or used
for the presentation of
special items
or religious offerings. Altars can be found at shrines, temples, churches,
hill tops, on the side of a road, or in homes as personal alters.
Pilgrimage is a devotional practice
consisting of a
prolonged journey, often undertaken on foot or on
horseback, toward a specific destination of significance. It is an
transient experience, removing the participant from his or her
home environment and identity.
One great thing about churches and religion
is that it brings people together, which is a great opportunity
to communicate with each other and share ideas.
Religion does unite people, but religion
can also
divide people. This
is not the fault of the religion itself, but the
fault of people and their
interpretations and perceptions, and sometimes as a result of them having a
big ego and being
privileged because they
are apart of a larger group of people.
Congregation is a group of people
assembled for religious worship. A group of people who adhere to a
common faith and habitually attend a given church.
Congregating is to come together,
usually for a purpose. Congregation is also a gathering or collection of
people, animals, or things.
Assembly -
Meeting -
Assimilation -
ConformityThere are roughly
350,000 religious
congregations in the United States estimated by the Hartford
Institute. In 1928, there were 5,497 Congregational churches in the U.S.
with a membership of 939,130. The three largest religious denominations in
the United States are Roman Catholic, Southern Baptist, and United
National Council of the Congregational Churches of the United States.
How to Start a Church. The Rules to become a Church and the
Qualification Guide 14-Point Test: Must have a Distinct legal existence. A
Recognized creed and form of worship. A Definite and distinct
ecclesiastical government. A Formal code of doctrine and discipline. A
Distinct religious history. A Membership not associated with any other
church or denomination. An Organization of ordained
ministers. Having
Ordained ministers selected after completing prescribed courses of study.
Have Literature of its own. Have Established places of worship. Have
Regular congregations. Have Regular religious services. Have Sunday
schools for the religious instruction of the young. Have Schools for the preparation of its members.
Clothing Religious People Wear
Religious Habit is a distinctive set of
garments worn by members of a religious order.
Religious Headgear List (wiki) -
Religious Attire (wiki)
Hijab is a veil worn by some Muslim women in the presence of
any male outside of their immediate family, which usually covers the head
and chest. The word ijāb in the Quran refers not to women's
clothing, but
rather a spatial partition or curtain. The term can refer to any head,
face, or body covering worn by Muslim women that
conforms to a certain
standard of modesty. Hijab can also be used to refer to the seclusion of
women from men in the public sphere, or it may denote a metaphysical
dimension, for example referring to "the veil which separates man or the world from God".
Costumes -
Modest Fashion -
is an object, typically an inscribed ring or stone, that is thought to
have magic powers and to bring good luck. Or a person regarded as
representing and inspiring a particular group.
Fatwa in
the Islamic faith is a legal opinion or learned
interpretation that the Sheikhul
Islam, a qualified jurist or mufti, can give on issues pertaining to the Islamic law.
Reality -
Culture -
Death -
Religious Identity is a specific type of
formation. Particularly, it is the sense of
group membership to a religion
and the importance of this group
membership as it pertains to one's
Cross is a
geometrical figure
consisting of two intersecting lines or bars, usually perpendicular to
each other. The lines usually run vertically and horizontally. A cross of
oblique lines, in the shape of the Latin
letter X, is termed a
saltire in heraldic terminology. Due to the simplicity of the design (two
intersecting lines), cross-shaped incisions make their appearance from
prehistory; as petroglyphs in European
cult caves, dating back to the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic, and
throughout prehistory to the Iron Age. Also of prehistoric age are
numerous variants of the simple cross mark, including the crux gammata
with curving or angular lines, and the Egyptian
crux ansata with a loop. The "
cross" or "
cross" appears with some regularity in prehistoric European artifacts,
usually interpreted as a solar symbol, perhaps representing the spoked
wheel of the Sun chariot. Egyptian hieroglyphs involving cross shapes
ankh "life", ndj "protect" and
nfr "good; pleasant, beautiful".
is a heraldic symbol in the form of a diagonal cross. The
cross mark
is used to mark a position, or as a
mark, but also to mark deletion. Derived from Greek Chi are the Latin
letter X, Cyrillic Kha and possibly runic Gyfu.
Multiplication Sign (×). The cross was a
pagan religious symbol throughout Europe and western Asia. The effigy of a
man hanging on a cross was set up in the fields to protect the crops. It
often appeared in conjunction with the female-genital circle or oval, to
signify the sacred marriage, as in Egyptian amulet Nefer with male cross
and female orb, considered as an amulet of blessedness, a charm of sexual
harmony. The
Christian cross, seen as a representation of the crucifixion of Jesus
on a large wooden cross, is a renowned symbol of Christianity.
Tolerance - Respect
Religious Tolerance is giving other people the same
freedom and
respect that you have to
believe in something that they hold close to their heart. It's up to us to
understand why people believe differently, it is not for us to judge, it's
to understand, which is the same as learning, and we should
never stop learning. The
human brain has enormous capacity for knowledge and information, we should
use this potential to our advantage instead of using it to our
for Religious Tolerance - Our Mission is to promote religious
tolerance, interfaith
dialogue, and education about religions of the world as a pathway to world
Freedom of Religion
freedom of belief is a principle that supports the
freedom of an
individual or community, in public or private, to manifest religion or
belief in teaching, practice, worship, and observance. It also includes
freedom to change one's religion or belief.
It also includes the freedom to change one's religion or beliefs, "the
right not to profess any religion or belief" or "not to practise a
religion". Freedom of religion is considered by many people and most
nations to be a fundamental human right. In a country with a state
religion, freedom of religion is generally considered to mean that the
government permits religious practices of other sects besides the state
religion, and does not persecute believers in other faiths. Freedom of
belief is different. It allows the right to believe what a person, group
or religion wishes, but it does not necessarily allow the right to
practice the religion or belief openly and outwardly in a public manner, a
central facet of religious freedom.
Anti-Conversion Law.
Freedom of Association encompasses both an individual's right to join
or leave groups voluntarily, the right of the group to take collective
action to pursue the interests of its members, and the right of an
association to accept or decline membership based on certain criteria.
Religious Persecution is the systematic mistreatment of an individual
or a group of individuals as a response to their religious beliefs or
affiliations or their lack thereof. The tendency of societies or groups
within societies to alienate or repress different subcultures is a
recurrent theme in human history. Moreover, because a person's religion
often determines his or her morality, world view, self-image, attitudes
towards others, and overall personal identity to a significant extent,
religious differences can be significant cultural, personal, and social
factors. Religious persecution may be triggered by religious bigotry (i.e.
when members of a dominant group denigrate religions other than their own)
or it may be triggered by the state when it views a particular religious
group as a threat to its interests or security. At a societal level, the
dehumanization of a particular religious group may readily lead to
violence or other forms of persecution. Indeed, in many countries,
religious persecution has resulted in so much violence that it is
considered a human rights problem. As it stands now, the majority of
victims suffering religious persecution worldwide are Christians. Muslims
suffer almost as much.
Religious Freedom Bill allows those with religious objections to
oppose LGBT rights in accordance with traditional religious teachings
without being punished by the government for doing so. This typically
concerns an employee who objects to abortion, euthanasia, same-sex
marriage, civil unions, or transgender identity and wishes to avoid
situations where they will be expected to put those objections aside.
Proponents commonly refer to such proposals as religious liberty or
conscience protection. Opponents of such bills frame them instead as
"religious refusal bills", "
bills", or as a "
to discriminate", highlighting how much legislation allows individuals
and businesses to openly espouse prejudice, especially against LGBT
individuals. (I can discriminate against you but you can't discriminate
against me).
Separation of Church and State.
Sacred Text
Sacred Text are the
texts which various religious
traditions consider to be
sacred, or central to their
religious tradition.
Cultural Knowledge
Proverbs -
Folklore -
Symbols -
Petroglyphs -
Knowledge Preservation
Devine Law
Religious Text are the
texts which various religious
traditions consider to be
sacred, or central to their religious tradition.
Language is a
language that is cultivated for religious
reasons by people who speak another language in their daily life. The
problem of religious language considers whether it is possible to talk
about God meaningfully if the traditional conceptions of God as being
incorporeal, infinite, and timeless, are accepted. Because these
traditional conceptions of God make it difficult to describe God,
religious language has the potential to be meaningless. Theories of
religious language either attempt to demonstrate that such language is
meaningless, or attempt to show how religious language can still be
meaningful. Traditionally, religious language has been explained as
via negativa, analogy, symbolism,
or myth, each of which describes a way of talking about God in human
terms. The via negativa is a way of referring to God according to what God
is not; analogy uses human qualities as standards against which to compare
divine qualities; symbolism is used non-literally to describe otherwise
ineffable experiences; and a mythological interpretation of religion
attempts to reveal fundamental truths behind religious stories.
Alternative explanations of religious language cast it as having
political, performative, or imperative functions.
Scripture is the sacred writings of
Christianity contained in the Bible.
is a collection of
writings from different authors writing at different
times, sacred texts in
Judaism and
which is a Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings
of Jesus Christ, who serves as the focal point for the religion. It is the
world's largest religion, with over 2.4 billion
The Bible is about
611,000 words long, all divvied up across 66 smaller documents called the
“books” of the Bible. The Old Testament was written long before Jesus was
born. The New Testament books were written about Jesus, and what it means
to follow him. The Christian Bible has two sections, the Old Testament and
the New Testament. The Old Testament is the original Hebrew Bible, the
sacred scriptures of the Jewish faith, written at different times between
1200 and 165 BC. The New Testament
books were written by Christians in the first century AD.
Bible Overview -
Bible Summary -
Open Bible
Interpretation Errors -
English Bible Translations (wiki) -
Interpretation of the Law -
Framing the Narrative
Who Wrote
the Bible? (youtube, 2004, Robert Beckford) -
Is the Bible or any other popular religious book, a work of
or a little of both?
Biblical Criticism is an umbrella term for those methods of studying
the Bible that embrace two distinctive perspectives: the concern to avoid
dogma and bias by applying a non-sectarian, reason-based judgment, and the
reconstruction of history according to contemporary understanding.
Biblical criticism uses the grammar, structure, development, and
relationship of language to identify such characteristics as the Bible's
literary structure, its genre, its context, meaning, authorship, and
origins. Biblical criticism includes a wide range of approaches and
questions within four major contemporary methodologies: textual, source,
form, and literary criticism. Textual criticism examines the text and its
manuscripts to identify what the original text would have said. Source
criticism searches the texts for evidence of original sources. Form
criticism identifies short units of text and seeks to identify their
original setting. Each of these is primarily historical and
pre-compositional in its concerns. Literary criticism, on the other hand,
focuses on the literary structure, authorial purpose, and reader's
response to the text through methods such as rhetorical criticism,
canonical criticism, and narrative criticism. Biblical criticism began as
an aspect of the rise of modern culture in the West. Some scholars claim
that its roots reach back to the Reformation, but most agree it grew out
of the German Enlightenment. German pietism played a role in its
development, as did British deism, with its greatest influences being
rationalism and Protestant scholarship. The Enlightenment age and its
skepticism of biblical and ecclesiastical authority ignited questions
concerning the historical basis for the man
Jesus separately from
traditional theological views concerning him. This "quest" for the Jesus
of history began in biblical criticism's earliest stages, reappeared in
the nineteenth century, and again in the twentieth, remaining a major
occupation of biblical criticism, on and off, for over 200 years. In the
late twentieth and early twenty-first century, biblical criticism was
influenced by a wide range of additional academic disciplines and
theoretical perspectives, changing it from a primarily historical approach
to a multidisciplinary field. In a field long dominated by white male
Protestants, non-white scholars, women, and those from the Jewish and
Catholic traditions became prominent voices. Globalization brought a
broader spectrum of worldviews into the field, and other academic
disciplines as diverse as Near Eastern studies, psychology, anthropology
and sociology formed new methods of biblical criticism such as
socio-scientific criticism and psychological biblical criticism.
Meanwhile, post-modernism and post-critical interpretation began
questioning biblical criticism's role and function.
Asimov's Guide to the Bible is a guide that goes through the books of
the Bible in the order of the King James Version to the extent possible,
explaining the historical and geographical setting of each one, and the
political and historical influences that affected it, as well as
biographical information about the main characters. His appendix "Guides
to the Old and New Testament" includes biblical verses, footnotes,
references and subject indices. The book was written for the layperson,
without expectation that the reader would have much knowledge about
ancient history. Professor Robert C. Dentan reminded readers that Asimov's
book was not an academic work and he overlooked advances in contemporary
biblical archeology. He also noted it as having "lengthy discussions of
insoluble geographical problems...The result often seems to emphasize the
trivial at the expense of the substantive." Asimov was an
atheist, a
and a
rationalist. He did not
oppose religious conviction in others, but he frequently railed against
superstitious and
pseudoscientific beliefs that
tried to
pass themselves off as genuine science.
During his childhood, his father and mother observed the traditions of
Orthodox Judaism less stringently than they had in Petrovichi; they did
not force their beliefs upon young Isaac, and he grew up without strong
religious influences, coming to believe that the Torah represented Hebrew
mythology in the same way that the Iliad recorded Greek mythology. When he
was 13, he chose not to have a bar mitzvah. As his books Treasury of Humor
and Asimov Laughs Again record, Asimov was willing to tell jokes involving
God, Satan, the Garden of Eden, Jerusalem, and other religious topics,
expressing the viewpoint that a good joke can do more to provoke thought
than hours of philosophical discussion. For a brief while, his father
worked in the local synagogue to enjoy the familiar surroundings and, as
Isaac put it, "
shine as a learned scholar"
versed in the sacred writings. This scholarship was a seed for his later
authorship and publication of Asimov's Guide to the Bible, an analysis of
the historic foundations for the Old and New Testaments. For many years,
Asimov called himself an atheist; he considered the term somewhat
inadequate, as it described what he did not believe rather than what he
did. Eventually, he described himself as a "
and considered that term more practical. Asimov continued to identify
himself as a
secular Jew, as stated in his
introduction to Jack Dann's anthology of Jewish science fiction, Wandering
Stars: "I attend no services and follow no ritual and have never undergone
that curious puberty rite, the Bar Mitzvah. It doesn't matter. I am
Jewish." When asked in an interview in 1982 if he was an
atheist, Asimov replied, I am an atheist, out and
out. It took me a long time to say it. I've been an atheist for years and
years, but somehow I felt it was intellectually unrespectable to say one
was an atheist, because it assumed knowledge that one didn't have. Somehow
it was better to say one was a humanist or an agnostic. I finally decided
that I'm a creature of emotion as well as of reason. Emotionally I am an
atheist. I don't have the evidence to prove that God doesn't exist, but I
so strongly suspect he doesn't that I don't want to waste my time.
Likewise, he said about religious education: "I would not be satisfied to
have my kids
choose to be religious without trying
to argue them out of it, just as I would not be satisfied to have them
decide to smoke regularly or engage in any other practice I consider
detrimental to mind or body." In his last volume of autobiography, Asimov
wrote, "If I were not an atheist, I would believe in a God who would
choose to save people on the basis of the totality of their lives and
not the pattern of their words. I think he
would prefer an honest and righteous atheist to a TV preacher whose every
word is God, God, God, and whose every deed is foul, foul, foul." The same
memoir states his belief that Hell is "the drooling dream of a sadist"
crudely affixed to an all-merciful God; if even human governments were
willing to curtail cruel and unusual punishments, wondered Asimov, why
would punishment in the afterlife not be restricted to a limited term?
Asimov rejected the idea that a human belief or action could merit
infinite punishment. If an afterlife existed, he claimed, the longest and
most severe punishment would be reserved for those who "slandered God by
inventing Hell". Asimov said about using religious motifs in his writing:
I tend to ignore religion in my own stories altogether, except when I
absolutely have to have it. ... and, whenever I bring in a religious
motif, that religion is bound to seem vaguely Christian because that is
the only religion I know anything about, even though it is not mine. An
unsympathetic reader might think that I am "burlesquing" Christianity, but
I am not. Then too, it is impossible to write science fiction and really
ignore religion. Asimov appeared to hold an equivocal attitude towards
Israel. In his first autobiography, he indicates his support for the
safety of Israel, though insisting that he was not a Zionist. In his third
autobiography, Asimov stated his opposition to the creation of a Jewish
state, on the grounds that he was opposed to having nation-states in
general, and supported the notion of a single humanity. Asimov especially
worried about the safety of Israel given that it had been created among
hostile Muslim neighbors, and said that Jews had merely created for
themselves another "Jewish ghetto".
In politics,
Asimov became a staunch supporter of the Democratic Party during the New
Deal, and thereafter remained a political liberal. He was a vocal opponent
of the Vietnam War in the 1960s and in a television interview during the
early 1970s he publicly endorsed George McGovern. Asimov's defense of
civil applications of nuclear power, even after the Three Mile Island
nuclear power plant incident, damaged his relations with some of his
fellow liberals. In a letter reprinted in Yours, Isaac Asimov, he states
that although he would prefer living in "no danger whatsoever" than near a
nuclear reactor, he would still prefer a home near a nuclear power plant
than in a slum on Love Canal or near "a Union Carbide plant producing
methyl isocyanate", the latter being a reference to the Bhopal disaster.
In the closing years of his life, Asimov blamed the deterioration of the
quality of life that he perceived in New York City on the shrinking tax
base caused by the middle-class flight to the suburbs, though he continued
to support high taxes on the middle class to pay for social programs. His
last nonfiction book, Our Angry Earth (1991, co-written with his long-time
friend, science fiction author Frederik Pohl), deals with elements of the
environmental crisis such as overpopulation, oil dependence, war, global
warming, and the destruction of the ozone layer. In response to being
presented by Bill Moyers with the question "What do you see happening to
the idea of dignity to human species if this population growth continues
at its present rate?", Asimov responded: It's going to destroy it all ...
if you have 20 people in the apartment and two bathrooms, no matter how
much every person believes in freedom of the bathroom, there is no such
thing. You have to set up, you have to set up times for each person, you
have to bang at the door, aren't you through yet, and so on. And in the
same way, democracy cannot survive overpopulation. Human dignity cannot
survive it. Convenience and decency cannot survive it. As you put more and
more people onto the world, the value of life not only declines, but it
Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher, cultural critic,
composer, poet, philologist, and Latin and Greek scholar whose work has
exerted a profound influence on modern intellectual history. Nietzsche's
body of work touched a wide range of topics, including art, philology,
history, religion, tragedy, culture, and science. His writing spans
philosophical polemics, poetry, cultural criticism, and fiction while
displaying a fondness for aphorism and irony. His early inspiration was
drawn from figures such as Arthur Schopenhauer, Richard Wagner, and Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe. Prominent elements of his philosophy include his
radical critique of truth in favor of perspectivism; his genealogical
critique of religion and Christian morality and his related theory of
master–slave morality; his aesthetic affirmation of existence in response
to the "
of God" and the profound crisis of nihilism; his notion of the
Apollonian and Dionysian; and his characterization of the human subject as
the expression of competing wills, collectively understood as the will to
power. He also developed influential concepts such as the Übermensch and
the doctrine of eternal return. In his later work, he became increasingly
preoccupied with the creative powers of the individual to overcome social,
cultural and moral contexts in pursuit of new values and aesthetic health.
(15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900).
is the discipline of defending a position (often religious) through the
systematic use of
is one of the Ketuvim ("Writings") of the Hebrew Bible and part of the
Wisdom literature of the Christian Old Testament. Kohelet proclaims
(1:2) "Vanity of vanities! All is futile!"; the Hebrew word hevel,
"vapor", can figuratively mean "insubstantial", "vain", "futile", or
"meaningless". Given this, the next verse presents the basic existential
question with which the rest of the book is concerned: "What
profit hath a man for all his toil, in
which he toils under the sun?", expressing that the lives of both
wise and
foolish people all end in death.
an early form of
pessimism). While Kohelet endorses
wisdom as a
means for a well-lived earthly life, he is unable to ascribe eternal
meaning to it. In light of this perceived senselessness, he suggests that
human beings should
enjoy the simple
pleasures of daily life, such as eating, drinking, and taking
enjoyment in one's work, which are gifts from the hand of God. The book
concludes with the injunction to "
God and keep his
commandments; for that is the duty
of all of mankind. Since every deed will God bring to judgment, for every
hidden act, be it good or evil." According to rabbinic tradition the book
was written by
King Solomon in his old age,
but the presence of Persian loanwords and Aramaisms points to a date no
earlier than about 450 BCE, while the latest possible date for its
composition is 180 BCE.
Quran is the central
religious text of
which is an Abrahamic
monotheistic religion which professes that there is
only one and incomparable God (
Allah) and that
is the last messenger of
God. It is the
world's second-largest religion and the fastest-growing major religion
in the world, with over 1.7 billion followers or 23% of the global
population, known as
who are people who follow or practices Islam. Muslims consider the Quran
(Koran), their holy book.
The message of the Quran is to bring to our attention that we were not
created in vain, and that we will be held responsible for our
conduct on this earth. In the
Quran, God indicates that He created the human to be His
trustee on earth. This
is actually an honor given by God to the human being, dignity to be the
trustee of God even though He doesn’t need our worship and our obedience.
It is for our own benefit.
English Translations of the Quran (wiki) -
Translation Errors.
Catechism is a
summary or exposition of doctrine and serves as a
learning introduction to the Sacraments traditionally used in catechesis,
or Christian religious teaching of children and adult converts. Catechisms
are doctrinal manuals – often in the form of questions followed by answers
to be memorized – a format that has been used in non-religious or secular
contexts as well.
Gospel is the record of
Jesus' life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament. The
teaching or
revelation of
Christ. Gospel can be defined as a loose-knit, episodic narrative of the
words and deeds of Jesus of Nazareth, culminating in his trial and death
and concluding with various reports of his post-resurrection appearances.
Dead Sea Scrolls
of Deuteronomy (wiki) -
Grand Grimoire
of Enoch is an ancient Hebrew
apocalyptic religious text, ascribed by tradition to
the great-grandfather of
Enoch contains unique material on the origins of demons and Nephilim, why
some angels fell from heaven, an explanation of why the Genesis flood was
morally necessary, and prophetic exposition of the thousand-year reign of
the Messiah. The older sections (mainly in the Book of the Watchers) of
the text are estimated to date from about
300–200 BC, and the latest part
(Book of Parables) probably to 100 BC. Various Aramaic fragments found in
the Dead Sea Scrolls, as well as Koine Greek and Latin fragments, are
proof that the Book of Enoch was known by Jews and early Near Eastern
Christians.(Enoch Ge'ez: መጽሐፈ ሄኖክ, maafa hēnok).
Ecclesiastes is one of 24 books of the Tanakh or Hebrew
Prayer -
Mantra -
Hermetica are
Egyptian-Greek wisdom texts from the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD.
Te Ching is a Chinese
classic text written around
400 BC and
traditionally credited to the sage Laozi, though the text's authorship,
date of composition and date of compilation are debated. The oldest
excavated portion dates back to the late 4th century BC, but modern
scholarship dates other parts of the text as having been written—or at
least compiled—later than the earliest portions of the Zhuangzi.
Laozi was a
semi-legendary ancient Chinese Taoist philosopher. Laozi is a Chinese
honorific, generally translated as "the Old Master".
refers to either a school of philosophical thought or to a religion, both
of which share ideas and concepts of Chinese origin and emphasize
living in harmony with the Tao, which is
generally defined as the
source of everything and the ultimate principle underlying
reality. The Tao Te Ching, a book containing
teachings attributed to Laozi (老子), together with the later writings of
Zhuangzi, are both widely considered the keystone works of Taoism. Taoism
teaches about the various disciplines for achieving perfection through
self-cultivation. This can be done through
the use of Taoist techniques and by becoming one with the unplanned
rhythms of the all, called "the way" or "Tao". Taoist ethics vary
depending on the particular school, but in general tend to emphasize wu
wei or action without intention, naturalness,
spontaneity and the Three
frugality and
humility. 慈,儉,不敢爲天下先.
All religious beliefs and
stories have changed throughout human
history because of how they were translated from different
languages, and also how they were changed by people
religious writings to fit their own personal beliefs at the time
they rewrote them. Religious
beliefs and stories also changed because they were
passed from
person to person and were not written down by the same
people who
witnessed these events, so their accuracy and their
meanings have always been unclear.
Like all knowledge, religions went through many changes and
updates, but at a much slower pace when compared to other
knowledge and information that has been accumulated during that same time
The life of
Jesus is a great
story, a story that is
still relevant today in 2021. The story depicts human behavior that is
still being expressed by people all over the world. And what makes this
story so popular is how relatable this
story is, like with
music lyrics. The more general the
concepts are in a story, the more open the
story is to
personal interpretation, which means that more people can find
a way to connect to the story in their own way. So the
characters in the story can be
applied to almost anyone, which means that everyone can play a part in this story. The names have
changed, but the story remains the same. You are the
metaphor, and your life becomes the
moral of the story.
It does not matter how true a story is,
because everything is
There can be benefits from believing a story, and there can be negative
side effects from misinterpreting a story. So it depends on the person and
the interpretation of the story. This is why everyone should be educated
recognize misinformation
and also know the difference between
Jesus is born
everyday and Jesus dies everyday. Jesus symbolizes anyone who has been a
victim of ignorance. Every human is victimized by ignorance sometime in
their lifetime.
Ignorance is the
birth place of sin. Jesus died for the sins of ignorant people. If we
never improve education and never improve the media, and never improve religious teachings,
then humanity will continue to suffer from the ignorance of people.
Films about Ancient Knowledge
Zero Point
: Volume I - Messages From The Past (youtube)
Knowledge: In Plain Sight (Decoded) (youtube)
Sacred Knowledge of
vibration and the power of human emotions (youtube)
Knowledge Pt.6/1 - Number 9 Code, Vortex Based Math, Flower of
Life, Fibonacci, Time, 432Hz (youtube)
I don't understand
certain passages becuase it feels like I'm outsourcing reality,
like I'm
transferring ownership of my life, or like I'm creating a
diffusion of
responsibility. I believe that the power of God
would be better served if we focused more on our abilities and
our potential. After all, God gave us abilities and potential,
like the ability to use language to transfer knowledge and
information to
ourselves and to others. This transference of knowledge is
extremely important to everyone on the planet. If we are not
careful with the knowledge we convey, we may do
more harm then good.
Sins - Bad Mistakes
Sin is to
do something
bad or
wrong that
violates a law of God or violates a
religious belief, or
goes against a moral law by
committing a faux pas or a fault or by making a serious
Transgression is the
violation of a law or
duty or
moral principle. Act in disregard of laws,
rules, contracts, or
promises. Commit a sin or violate a law of God or a moral law.
Faux pas is
lacking good judgment and
consideration of others.
Contrition is
sorrow for sin arising from
fear of damnation.
Heresy -
Mistakes -
Confession -
Regret -
Clear Conscience
An amazing thing about religion is that religion was aware of many human behavioral
problems for over a 1,000 years. The sad part is that religion did not
improve education, or learn more and update the religious knowledge that they were
teaching. Thus human life has suffered, but we could have suffered a lot
more without religion. Luckily now we are beginning to
understand our responsibility to education, and that we must improve and
update our knowledge, if not, we will continue to suffer from our own
ignorance, as we can clearly see today when
we look at all the problems that
we face. We need to stop
transferring our problems and start taking
responsibility for our lives,
and the lives of others.
Staying Ignorant is the
ultimate Sin.
Redemption is the act of
refraining from sins that are known
to cause more harm then good. It is stopping oneself from doing
Proverbs -
Praying -
Human Rights -
Civil Rights -
The Buddha discovered that the
direct causes of suffering are desire or craving, and ignorance. This
is the truth of the cause of suffering, which is the Second Noble Truth.
Shadow by
Welles repeated this.
It's a Sin - Paul Anka (youtube) - Everything I've ever done, Everything I ever do,
Every place I've ever been, Everywhere I'm going to, It's a sin.
Seven Social Sins:
Politics without principles, wealth
without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without
character, commerce without morality, science without humanity,
and worship without sacrifice.
Seven Deadly Sins (wiki)
Pride or a false pride is a foolishly and irrationally
sense of one's personal value, status or accomplishments.
Greed is an unhealthy and illogical longing for
status, or
power. To
possess more than one needs.
is when a person is illogically
jealous of someone else's
achievements or
possessions, and either desires it or wishes that the
other lacked it.
Wrath is an
anger that
involves a strong uncomfortable and emotional response to a perceived
provocation, hurt or threat.
is an emotion or feeling of intense craving, appetite, or
without real need.
Gluttony is over-indulgence and
over-consumption of food,
drink, or wealth items to the point of extravagance or waste.
Sloth is
extreme laziness and having an
unwillingness to act despite having the ability to act or exert
oneself. Showing no care or concern for
responsibilities or duty.
Bored -
Sitting too Much.
Five Hindrances (wiki)
1: Sensory desire (kāmacchanda): the
particular type of wanting that seeks for happiness through the five
senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and physical feeling.
2: Ill-will
(vyāpāda; also spelled byāpāda): all kinds of thought related to wanting
to reject, feelings of hostility, resentment, hatred and bitterness.
Sloth-torpor (thīna-middha): heaviness of body and dullness of mind which
drag one down into disabling inertia and thick depression.
Restlessness-worry (uddhacca-kukkucca): the inability to calm the mind.
5: Doubt (vicikicchā): lack of conviction or trust.
Ten Commandments -
Virtues -
Skandha refers to the
five aggregates concept that asserts
five elements constitute and completely explain a living being’s mental
and physical existence. The five material and mental factors that take
part in the rise of craving and clinging. The five aggregates or heaps
form (or material image, impression) (rupa),
sensations (or feelings,
received from form) (vedana),
perceptions (samjna),
mental activity or
formations (sankhara), and
consciousness (vijnana).
Absolutism -
Validity -
Opinion -
Karma -
Cause and Effect
Human Nature -
SpiritualRedemption in
theology is the act of
delivering from sin or saving from evil. The act of
purchasing back something previously sold.
Salvation in theology is the act of delivering from sin or
from evil. The state of being saved or preserved from harm. Saving someone
or something from harm or from an unpleasant situation.
Purge is an abrupt or sudden
removal of a person or group from an organization or place. To oust
someone politically. To rid something of impurities or to make something
pure or free from sin or guilt. To rinse, clean, or to empty. To excrete
or to evacuate or to eject the contents of something.
Confess - Confessions
Confession is a
formal statement admitting that one is
guilty of a
crime, or to tell someone that you
feel guilty about doing
something that is
bad or
Confession in religion is the
acknowledgment of one's
sins or
Admit is to
declare something to be
true or
to reveal the existence of something or the
reality or the
truth of some
action or thought. To
stop denying
what is true and to
blow the whistle
on yourself.
Reveal is to
make information known to
the public that was previously known only to a few
people or that was meant to be kept a
Culpa is an acknowledgment of
one's fault or
error. An
acknowledgment of having done
See the Error of One's Ways is to
realize or acknowledge one's wrongdoing. To admit that they have made a
mistake or behaved badly.
When a person stops
pretending they know
something, they can actually start learning to know something.
Everyone Has Secrets -
Cheating -
I Have Nothing to Hide -
Espionage -
Blowing -
False ConfessionIs the
truth more valuable than the punishment? Is the
secret more valuable than the goal. I was going to tell you, but did
not want to hurt you or ruin our relationship. I love you more, not less.
How does a
person know that their confession is
private? How does a person know that the information they reveal will
not be
used to exploit them or used against
them? The
truth is debatable,
so how does a person know what the truth really is?
Confessional is a box or a cabinet,
booth, or stall in which the
priest in some Christian churches sits to hear the confessions of
penitents. The confessional is usually a wooden structure, with a centre
compartment—entered through a door or
curtain—in which the priest sits,
and on each side there is a latticed opening for the penitents to speak
through and a step on which they kneel. By this arrangement
the priest is hidden, but the
penitent is visible to the public.
Confession is when you seek
forgiveness for a
mistake that you made. A
confession does not teach how to learn from your mistake. And just
admitting a mistake, does not help you to learn from your mistake.
Penitent is a person who repents their sins
or wrongdoings and seeks
forgiveness from God. A
person who confesses their sins to a priest and submits to the penance
that he imposes.
Repent is to feel
or express sincere
regret or remorse about
one's wrongdoing or sin.
is the activity of
one's actions and feeling contrition or
regret for past
wrongs. It generally
involves a commitment to personal change and the resolve to live a more
responsible and humane life.
Repentance in Judaism recognizes that everybody sins on occasion, but
that people can stop or minimize those occasions in the future by
repenting for past transgressions. Thus, the primary purpose of repentance
in Judaism is ethical self transformation.
Salvation is the act of delivering from sin or saving from evil. A
means of preserving from harm or unpleasantness. Saving someone or
something from harm or from an unpleasant situation. The state of being
saved or preserved from harm.
Snitch is someone who
reports another person's wrongdoings
to someone in authority. Someone acting as an informer or decoy for the
police. To give away information about somebody.
Recant is to formally
reject or disavow
a formerly held belief, usually under
Intervention -
Confession is a statement made by a person or by a group of persons
– acknowledging some personal fact that the person (or the group) would
prefer to keep hidden. The term presumes that the speaker is
providing information that he believes the other party is not already
aware of, and is frequently associated with an admission of a moral or
legal wrong: In one sense it is the acknowledgment of having
something wrong, whether on purpose or not. Thus confessional texts
usually provide information of a private nature previously unavailable.
What a sinner tells a priest in the confessional, the documents criminals
sign acknowledging what they have done, an autobiography in which the
author acknowledges mistakes, and so on, are all examples of confessional texts.
Why do some people confess to crimes they
haven’t committed?
Confession -
Trick Questions -
Interrogations -
Intimidation -
Legal Confession in
law involves an
admission of some wrongdoing that has legal consequence. s a statement
by a suspect in crime which is adverse to that person. Some secondary
authorities, such as Black's Law Dictionary, define a confession in more
narrow terms, e.g. as "a statement admitting or
acknowledging all facts
necessary for conviction of a crime," which would be distinct from a mere
admission of certain facts that,
if true, would still not, by themselves,
satisfy all the elements of the offense.
Delator is one who indicates to a court that another person has
committed a
punishable deed.
Delator is Latin for a denouncer, which is to accuse or
condemn openly or formally;
To classify or describe something as disgraceful.
Concede is to
admit to a wrongdoing. Be willing to admit
or forced to
agree. To
give over and surrender or relinquish to the physical control of another.
Acknowledge defeat.
Speak Your Mind is to express one's
feelings or opinions
freely speak your mind
exaggeration or
Spill Your Guts is to reveal information to
someone in an
uninhibited way. To make certain information known to the public that
was previously known only to a few people, or that the information was
meant to be kept a secret.
Face the Music means to
admit and accept the unpleasant consequences of one's actions.
Come Clean is to be completely honest and
keep nothing hidden.
Communion is the sharing or exchanging of
intimate thoughts and feelings, especially when the exchange is on a
mental or spiritual level.
Communion is also
the service of Christian worship at which bread and wine are consecrated
and shared, as a reenactment of the last supper.
Eucharist is a Christian rite that is considered a sacrament in most
churches, and as an ordinance in others. According to the New Testament,
the rite was instituted by Jesus Christ during the Last Supper; giving his
disciples bread and wine during a Passover meal, he commanded them to "do
this in memory of me" while referring to the bread as "my body" and the
cup of wine as "the new covenant in my blood". Through the eucharistic
celebration Christians remember Christ's sacrifice of himself on the
cross. The Greek noun εχαριστία (eucharistia), meaning "thanksgiving",
appears fifteen times in the New Testament while the related verb
εχαριστήσας is found several times in New Testament accounts of the Last
Supper, including the earliest such account.
Contrition is sorrow for sins arising from
fear of damnation or being condemned. Contrition requires sincere
examination of conscience. Confession is owning up honestly about sin,
accepting responsibility for sin. Satisfaction is doing what is possible
to repair harm of offence. Absolution is forgiveness by Jesus through the
People need to confess more often. I like it how churches offer
people a chance and a place to confess the things they regret doing, or
things that they realized were bad. But people should
advise a lawyer
first before going to confession. Confessing is not a guarantee that you
learn from your mistake, or will it relieve you of its impacts and
side effects. So you will need to seek the advice of another professional,
therapist, one who is an expert in admissions of guilt and the necessary
steps to overcome life altering mistakes. You should also
seek out more
professionals, like people with PhDs in philosophy, psychology, biology
and physiology, just to name a few. Just remember that confessions are not
Proverbs - Biblical Principles
Proverb is a
condensed but memorable
saying embodying some
fact of experience that is
taken as true by many people.
Moral Principles -
Sins -
Religious Text -
Prayers -
Life Quotes -
The Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament of the
primarily focuses on wisdom that was known at that time. The
wisdom that is known now
in 2023 is much greater.
Proverbs is not merely an anthology but a
"collection of collections" relating to a pattern of life which lasted for
more than a millennium. It is an example of the biblical wisdom
literature, and raises questions of
values, right conduct,
behavior, and the
meaning of human
Proverbs 2:6 -
“For the Lord gives
wisdom; from His mouth comes
knowledge and
Proverbs 19:2 -
“Also i
t is not good for a person to be without knowledge, and
he who makes haste with his feet errs.”
Errs is to make a
mistake or
to be
incorrect. To wander from a direct course or
wander at random.
Proverbs 22:7 -
rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the
lender’s slave.”
Philippians 4:8 -
“Finally, brethren, whatever is
true, whatever is honorable,
whatever is
right, whatever is
pure, whatever is lovely,
whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if
anything worthy of
praise, dwell on these things.”
Proverbs 18:13 -
“He who
gives an answer before he hears, it is folly and shame
to him.”
Proverbs 18:17 -
“The first to
plead his case seems right, until another comes
examines him.”
Proverbs 21:5 -
“The plans of the
diligent lead surely to advantage, but
everyone who is
hasty comes surely to poverty.
Proverbs 11:14 -
“Where there is
no guidance the people fall, but in an abundance
of counselors there is victory.”
Proverbs 18:1 -
“He who
separates himself seeks his own desire. He quarrels
against all sound wisdom.”
Proverbs 18:2 -
fool does not delight in understanding, but only in revealing
his own mind.”
Proverbs 10:17 -
“He is on the
path of life who heeds instruction, but he who
forsakes reproof goes astray.”
Proverbs 16:25 -
“There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the
way of death.”
Proverbs 27:6 -
“Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but deceitful are the
kisses of an enemy.”
Proverbs 14:1 -
“The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish tears it down
with her own hands.”
Proverbs 14:15 -
naïve believes everything, but the prudent man considers
his steps.”
Proverbs 27:12 -
“A prudent man sees evil and hides himself, the naïve proceed
and pay the penalty.”
Proverbs 11:30 -
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who is
wise wins souls.”
Life Quotes
Pray -
Prayers Give a man a
fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed
him for a lifetime. If you feed a human one fish, then you will feed that human for the day. But if
you teach a human how to fish, then that human could feed themselves for a lifetime, and
even help feed others, and also help teach others. Knowledge is Power.
Power to the People.
Teach a person how to educate
themselves, and you educate them for a lifetime. If you teach person how to
talk and
listen, then
that person could learn from other people who can also talk and listen. But if you teach a person how to
read, then that person
learn from almost every person who has ever lived throughout recorded history.
A person who knows how to read can then listen to millions of people talk,
and not
just listen to a few people speak who are close to them.
knowledge is power. Power to the People.
If you teach a person how to
understand knowledge and information, then that person can understand almost everything
in the universe. Knowledge is Power.
Power to the People.
When you solve a problem,
it's best to solve the root of the problem. You need to cure the disease,
and not just treat the disease.
The disease is ignorance.
Sometimes you have to face the problem, you can't ignore it, you can't
pretend to understand it, and you can't pretend to have the answer. You
have to face the fact that you have to educate yourself and learn how to
solve a particulare problem.
Cardinal Virtues (wiki)
Prudence (φρόνησις, phronēsis;
Latin: prudentia): also described as wisdom, the ability to judge between
actions with regard to appropriate actions at a given time.
(δικαιοσύνη, dikaiosynē; Latin: iustitia): also considered as fairness,
the most extensive and most important virtue; the Greek word also having
the meaning righteousness.
Temperance (σωφροσύνη, sōphrosynē; Latin:
temperantia): also known as restraint, the practice of self-control,
abstention, discretion, and moderation tempering the appetition;
especially sexually, hence the meaning chastity.
Courage (νδρεία, andreia; Latin: fortitudo): also termed fortitude, forbearance, strength,
endurance, and the ability to confront fear, uncertainty, and
Asceticism is a
lifestyle characterized by
abstinence from worldly
pleasures, often for the purpose of pursuing
spiritual goals. Ascetics may
withdraw from the world for their practices or continue to be part of
their society, but typically adopt a
frugal lifestyle, characterized by
the renunciation of material possessions and physical pleasures, and time
spent fasting while concentrating on the practice of religion or
reflection upon spiritual matters.
Surrender means that a
believer completely
gives up his own will and
subjects his thoughts, ideas, and deeds to the will and teachings of a
higher power. It may also be contrasted with
submission. Surrender is willful acceptance and yielding to a
dominating force and their will.
Surrendering in this context above
is ignoring your own
potential and ignoring your
capabilities. Don't accept this form of
fatalism because you
will be too
vulnerable to
Don't Fear God,
ignorance and
fear the people
who use
fear to manipulate people.
Sacrifice is to
do without
something in order to survive or to reach a goal. Changing priorities and
temporally suspending certain activities so that you can work on the
things that are now more important.
is an intermediate state
after physical death in which some of those
ultimately destined for heaven must first "
undergo purification, so as to
achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven". Only those who
die in the state of grace but have not yet fulfilled the temporal
punishment due to their sin can be in Purgatory, and therefore no one in
Purgatory will remain forever in that state nor go to hell. This notion
has old roots.
Shifting is the ability of a being or creature to
transform its physical form or shape. This is usually achieved through an
inherent ability of a mythological creature, divine intervention, or the
use of magic.
Self-immolation is an act of
killing oneself as a sacrifice.
is official authorization for religious bound by perpetual
vows to
for a limited time outside their religious institute, usually with a view
to discerning whether to depart definitively.
Ten Commandments (wiki)
1: Do Not
Kill. (Do not kill without
justification or
valid excuse, which should be
almost never).
Murder is illegal.
2: Do Not
Steal. (Do not take more than you need, or take
something that does not belong to you, or waste things, or obtain money or
false pretenses).
3: Do Not Commit
Adultery (Don't have sex with someone
else's wife, husband or friend without permission or need.)
4: Do Not
False Witness. (Don't
lie or
5: Do Not
Covet. (Do not
wish for, long for, or
crave for something, especially the
property of another person.
Do not be
jealous or envious
of others) Do not to
desire without
need. (but this does not mean to ignore people who
hoard, or
who unfairly and illogically have more than others).
The other 6 Commandments. (
6: I am
the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of
the house of bondage. (let us give credit to people first and the reasons
why they are credited, this way people understand their potential and
their responsibility to life, after that if you would like to give credit
to other possible factors of success, then so be it).
7: Thou shalt have
no other gods (we don't want to control peoples belief, but the fear is
that if people were to worship anything they want, then people would be
confused and unable to accurately determine what's important or valuable?
But science can answers those questions now, so we can skip this
commandment because it's to confusing. And if you did believed in other
gods, why would that be bad? We can't assume that other gods will be more
popular than your god, they're probably best friends because it makes
sense that gods know each other.).
8: Thou shalt not make unto
thee any graven image (not necessary if you improve education and all people
become educated).
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain (not necessary if
we improve education and learn that some words are better than others).
10: Remember the
Sabbath day, to keep it holy
(rest and taking breaks are necessary, so this is not necessary if all
people are educated, to say that time off needs to be holy is illogical
because there are many beneficial things that a human can do, one would be
11: Honor thy father and thy mother (you honor those who
honor life and who respect human rights, to narrow the scope of who should
be honored would be illogical in it self, it would also diminish the
meaning and value of honor).
I added one more commandment for good
12: Thou Shall
Learn and Gain
knowledge and Skills during ones entire lifetime.
Maybe just
have "
5 Good Ideas
to Live by", this way they could display these 5 good ideas in more
places without infringing on other peoples beliefs. (Moses 2.0).
Moses -
Religious Representatives
of Moses also called the Mosaic Law, primarily refers to the Torah or
the first five books of the
Hebrew Bible.
It is the law revealed to Moses by God. (Hebrew: תֹּורַת מֹשֶׁה Torat
Torah is
the compilation of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, namely the
books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. תּוֹרָה
Instruction", "
or "
Law is any
body of law that is perceived as
deriving from a transcendent source, such as the will of God or gods – in
contrast to
man-made law or to secular law.
Secular law encompasses all the laws that were put forward by secular
institutions, such as the monarchy, the city, or the manor.
Matthew 5
is the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament. It
contains the first portion of the Sermon on the Mount, which will also
take up chapters 6 and 7. Portions are similar to the Sermon on the Plain
in Luke 6, but much of the material is found only in Matthew. It is one of
the most discussed and analyzed chapters of the New Testament. Warren
Kissinger reports that among Early Christians no chapter was more often
cited by early scholars. The same is true in modern scholarship. -
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Blessed are the
meek, for they will inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and
thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Blessed are the
merciful, for they will receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for
they will see God.
Precepts is the most important system of morality for Buddhist lay
people. They constitute the basic code of ethics to be respected by lay
followers of
The precepts are commitments to abstain from killing living beings,
stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication
Interfaith Dialogue refers to cooperative, constructive, and positive
interaction between people of different religious traditions (i.e.
"faiths") and/or spiritual or humanistic beliefs, at both the individual
and institutional levels.
Benjamin Franklin 13 Guidelines
Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
2. Silence. Speak not but what may benefit
others or yourself; avoid
trifling conversation.
3. Order. Let all your
things have their
places; let each part of your business have its time.
4. Resolution. Resolve to perform what you
ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
5. Frugality. Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself;
i.e., waste nothing.
6. Industry. Lose
no time; be always
employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary
7. Sincerity. Use no hurtful
deceit; think innocently and justly, and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
8. Justice. Wrong none by doing injuries,
or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
Moderation. Avoid extremes; forbear resenting injuries so much as you
think they deserve.
10. Cleanliness.
Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, clothes, or habitation.
11. Tranquility. Be not disturbed at
trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
12. Chastity. Rarely use venery but for
health or offspring, never to dullness, weakness, or the injury of your
own or another's peace or reputation.
Humility. Imitate
Jesus and
Native American Ten Commandments
1. Treat the Earth and all that dwell therein with
2. Remain close to the Great
3. Show great respect for your fellow beings.
4. Work together for the benefit of all Mankind.
5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.
6. Do what you know to be right.
7. Look after the well-being of Mind and Body.
8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater Good.
9. Be truthful and honest at all times.
10. Take full responsibility for your actions.
Indian Tribes
Questions - Advice
1. Ask a lot of
2. Don’t fall prey to “wishful thinking” or let your
get the best of you.
3. Remember that there are
two sides to every
4. Is the pressure of time forcing me to make a premature decision?
5. Make sure you are not the only one who holds to your
6. Do you have all the
7. Beware of the “once in a life time” deal and the lure of
instant gratification.
8. Don’t let the
fear of missing out drive your decision.
9. When in doubt, leave it out.
10. What possible
motives are
driving your decisions?
11. Acknowledge that you have “blind spots.”
12. Honestly assess your motives, both good and bad.
13. Give others
permission to speak in to your life.
14. How should past experiences inform my decisions?
15. Look for patterns of behavior – “
16. Understand how your family back ground might affect your
17. Learn from your
18. What is the
counsel of my community?
19. Avoid having many separate conversations.
20. Recognize the difference between “
selling” and “
21. Know when to “
open the circle.”
22. Have you honestly considered the warning signs?
23. Don’t think that you are the “
exception” to the rule.
24. Remember that God’s way is the best way.
25. Have you considered all the possible outcomes for your course
of action?
26. Work toward the “center” rather than flirt with the “edge.”
27. Ask yourself, would this pass the “newspaper” test?
Keep short accounts.
Works of Mercy
are practices which Christians perform.
Corporal Works of Mercy - To feed the hungry. To give water to
the thirsty. To clothe the naked. To shelter the homeless. To
visit the sick. To visit the imprisoned, or ransom the captive. To
bury the dead.
Public Service.
Spiritual Works of Mercy
- To instruct the ignorant. To counsel the doubtful. To admonish
sinners. To bear patiently those who wrong us. To forgive offenses.
To console the afflicted. To pray for the living and the dead.
Ancient Knowledge.
In Methodism - Doing Good. Visiting the
Sick and Prisoners. Feeding and Clothing People. Earning, Saving,
Giving All One Can. Opposition to
Developing Wisdom is
of central importance in
Buddhist traditions, where the ultimate aim is often presented as
"seeing things as they are" or as gaining a "penetrative understanding of
all phenomena", which in turn is described as ultimately leading to the
"complete freedom from suffering". In Buddhism, developing wisdom is
accomplished through an understanding of what are known as the Four Noble
Truths and by following the Noble Eightfold Path. This path lists
mindfulness as one of eight required components for cultivating wisdom.
Buddhist scriptures teach that a wise person is usually endowed with good
and maybe bodily conduct, and sometimes good verbal conduct, and good
mental conduct.(AN 3:2) A wise person does actions that are unpleasant to
do but give good results, and doesn't do actions that are pleasant to do
but give bad results (AN 4:115). Wisdom is the antidote to the self-chosen
poison of ignorance. The Buddha has much to say on the subject of wisdom
including: He who arbitrates a case by force does not thereby become just
(established in Dhamma). But the wise man is he who carefully
discriminates between right and wrong. He who leads others by nonviolence,
righteously and equitably, is indeed a guardian of justice, wise and
righteous. One is not wise merely because he talks much. But he who is
calm, free from hatred and fear, is verily called a wise man. By quietude
alone one does not become a sage (muni) if he is foolish and ignorant. But
he who, as if holding a pair of scales, takes the good and shuns the evil,
is a wise man; he is indeed a muni by that very reason. He who understands
both good and evil as they really are, is called a true sage. The Islamic
term for wisdom is hikmah. Prophets of Islam are believed by Muslims to
possess high wisdom. We must not be ashamed to admire the truth or to
acquire it, from wherever it comes. Even if it should come from far-flung
nations and foreign peoples, there is for the student of truth nothing
more important than the truth, nor is the truth demeaned or diminished by
the one who states or conveys it; no one is demeaned by the truth, rather
all are ennobled by it. —Al-Kindi, On First Philosophy.
Beliefs - Believing
is a
personal view
that is
thought to be true even though there is
no proof
no evidence that would make
true. A
belief is a
possibility or an
about something.
belief is a
vague idea in which
confidence is placed.
Believe is to
guess that something may be
true, even though you
can't be sure because there
is a lack of
evidence and information.
Believing is having a
general feeling that some
desire will be fulfilled. Believing is
an event without having a
guarantee that it
To believe
can also mean to think or
that something is
probable or
likely to be, or likely to happen.
Why do we believe? -
Why don't we believe? -
Why do we
have faith? -
Why do we lose faith?
Religious Beliefs refers to
attitudes towards
mythological, supernatural, or spiritual aspects of a religion. Religious
belief is distinct from religious practice or religious
behaviors with some believers not
practicing religion and some
practitioners not
believing religion. Religious beliefs, being derived from ideas that are
exclusive to religion, often relate to the existence, characteristics and
worship of a deity or deities, divine intervention in the universe and
human life, or the
deontological explanations for the
values and practices centered on the teachings of a spiritual leader
or group. In contrast to other belief systems, religious beliefs are
codified, which is the process of collecting and restating the
law of a jurisdiction in certain areas, usually by
subject, forming a legal code, i.e. a
codex book of law. Codification is
the defining feature of civil law jurisdictions.
Pious is someone who expresses
reverence for a
deity. Being devoutly religious. Making
hypocritical display of virtue.
Interpretations -
Truth is Debatable -
Heresy -
Extremism -
Charlatans -
Flawed ReasoningYou have the right to believe, but
just believing is not good enough, you
have to
know, because there are
charlatans lurking in the shadows who will
exploit your beliefs for their own
selfish gains. When you can't
prove or disprove someone's claims or beliefs, then that person can say
anything or believe anything they want.
So someone
can easily lie and use that lie to manipulate themselves and others.
Prescriptive Belief is a certain
action or a situation that is advocated as desirable or undesirable.
Exhortatory Belief.
Prospective Belief is one that looks toward
the future and
what may happen.
Naïve Realism is the human tendency to believe that we see the world
around us objectively, and that people who disagree with us must be
uninformed, irrational, or
Bias Blind Spot is the
cognitive bias
of recognizing the impact of biases on the judgment of others, while
failing to see the impact of biases on one's own judgment.
False Consensus Effect is the tendency for people to
overestimate the extent to
others share the same
Reactive Devaluation is a
bias that occurs when a proposal is devalued if it appears to
originate from a perceived antagonist.
Dogmatic people seek less information even when uncertain. People who
are dogmatic about their views seek less information and make less
accurate judgments as a result, even on simple matters unrelated to
politics, according to a new study. Dogmatic people are characterized by a
belief that their worldview reflects an absolute truth and are often
resistant to change their mind, for example when it comes to partisan
issues. This tendency can have societal impacts by polarising political,
scientific and religious debates. However, the cognitive drivers of
dogmatism are still poorly understood.
Not to believe is still a belief, especially when
there's no
proof or
evidence that proves your nonbelief. And just having
correlations does
not always
prove causality.
I have a belief, and you have a belief. I like your belief, but I also
like my belief too, but can you like my belief?
Pretending to Know -
Rumors -
Memory Flaws -
Wishful Thinking
Hope -
Placebo Effect
Beliefs or Foundational Beliefs or core beliefs are the axioms of a
belief system. Foundationalism holds that all beliefs must be justified in
order to be known. Beliefs that are properly basic, in that they do not
depend upon justification of other beliefs, but on something outside the
realm of belief. Beliefs that derive from one or more basic beliefs, and
therefore depend on the basic beliefs for their validity.
Foundationalism concerns philosophical theories of knowledge resting
upon non-inferential justified belief, or some secure foundation of
certainty such as a conclusion inferred from a basis of sound premises.
The main rival of the foundationalist theory of justification is the
coherence theory of justification, whereby a body of knowledge, not
requiring a secure foundation, can be established by the interlocking
strength of its components, like a puzzle solved without prior certainty
that each small region was solved correctly.
Conviction is an
unshakable belief in
something without need for proof or evidence. Conviction in
criminal law is a final judgment of guilty
in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed.
Orthodoxies are generally accepted
theories, doctrines,
conformities or
Dogma is
a religious doctrine that is proclaimed as
true without
proof. Dogmatic is
the assertion of unproved principles.
is a statement of the beliefs or aims which guide someone's actions.
Creed is any system of
principles or beliefs.
written body of
teachings of a religious group that are generally accepted by that
is a belief or system of beliefs that are accepted by some group or
System is a set of
mutually supportive
beliefs. The beliefs of any such system can be classified as religious,
philosophical, political, ideological, or a combination of these.
Philosopher Jonathan Glover says that beliefs are always part of a belief
system, and that tenanted belief systems are difficult for the tenants to
completely revise or reject.
Ethics of Belief refers to a cluster of related issues that focus on
standards of rational belief, intellectual
excellence, and conscientious belief-formation. Among the questions
addressed in the field are: Are there standards of some sort ("epistemic
norms") that ought to guide how we form beliefs and pursue intellectual
aims, such as the pursuit of truth or the quest for understanding? If so,
what kind of norms? Moral? Purely intellectual? Prudential? If there are
such norms, how strong are they? Are they categorical (i.e., binding
regardless of our desires and commitments) or merely hypothetical
(applicable only if we have certain desires and goals?) Do they bind
absolutely or only conditionally? Are beliefs within our voluntary
control, or do we more or less automatically believe whatever we think is
best supported by the evidence? What aims should we have as believers?
Achieving significant truth? Avoiding significant error? Achieving
knowledge? Pleasure? Peace of mind? Understanding? Wisdom? Must one always
have sufficient evidence for one's beliefs (a view philosophers call "evidentialism"),
or is it sometimes permissible to believe without sufficient evidence—or
perhaps without any evidence at all? What sorts of "intellectual virtues"
(admirable mental traits, skills, and habits) are necessary for
intellectual excellence and high-quality critical thinking?
Combing Beliefs
Multiple Faiths -
Interfaith -
Multiple Beliefs -
(not believing)
Faith is
trust in a person or thing.
Faith is the observance of an
obligation from
loyalty. It's being faithful
to a person or a promise or an engagement.
Fidelity is the quality of
being faithful. Faith can refer to a particular system of religious
beliefs. The term 'faith' can have several meanings
and can be used in different ways, often depending on the
Faith and
Rationality are two ideologies that exist in
varying degrees of
conflict or
is based on
reason or
facts. Faith is belief in inspiration, revelation,
or authority. The word faith sometimes refers to a
belief that is held
lack of reason or the
lack of evidence, a belief that is held in spite of or
against reason or evidence, or it can refer to belief based upon a degree
of evidential warrant.
Leap of Faith is the act of
believing in or accepting
something intangible or not
provable, or without
evidence. It is an act commonly associated with religious belief as
many religions consider faith to be an essential element of piety.
Over confidence can be
Sola Fide means
justification by faith alone. The doctrine
asserts that it is on the basis of faith that believers are made right of
transgressions of the law of God rather than on
the basis of
of the law or
good works. So these believers
pretend to be
good rather than proving they're good through their good deeds and
We should not question peoples faith, we
should just question the side effects of peoples faith. A faith does not
relieve a person from their
responsibilities or relieve them from being
accountable for their
actions or words. Faith is not an excuse or a reason for doing
something or saying something. Faith is about having
trust. Faith is not about
gullible, and faith is not
transferring your
problems to other people. Faith should not just be
based on a belief, faith should be based on experience and knowledge,
and faith should be
confidence based on some degree of
reason and provide
rational motive for doing something or saying something. Have
faith in God and have faith in the lord, but you should also
have faith in yourself and
have faith in the people you
know who will do the right thing. Keep your faith, but never let go of
intelligence. It's good to have
hope, but always have a
backup plan at the same time.
Why People Believe -
Hope -
Faith is not just about Religion. Faith is part of all belief
systems. Faith in God, faith in religion, faith in country, faith in
family, faith in friendship, faith in your job, faith in yourself, faith
in brotherhood, faith in political party, faith in government, faith in
followers, faith in leaders, faith in humanity, faith in love. Everyone
has faith of some kind. But faith should not be tested, challenged or
punished. Faith is not an answer or a reason. You can say "I believe
this", but under some particular circumstances, your faith or belief
may not be part of the reasoning process. There is right and wrong, good
and bad, and then there is faith. And faith is neither right or wrong, or
good or bad. It is your faith. It's not a promise, it's not your ego, your
arrogance, your conviction, your stubbornness and it's not your pride, it
is your faith. You control faith, faith should not control you.
Faith should not be used as a stonewall or a
barrier. Faith is a
guide. And if you need to apostatize, korobo, trample, change your mind,
or change your stance because of the current reality and facts, or just
temporally suspend a particular belief, then there is no shame, no guilt
and no regret, especially when the decision saves lives or avoids
Mythology can refer to the collected myths of a group of
people—their collection of
they tell to explain nature, history, and customs—or to the study of such myths.
Superstition is any belief or practice that is considered
irrational or supernatural. A
widely held but unjustified belief in
supernatural causation
leading to certain consequences of an action or event, or a practice based
on such a belief. Superstition is the belief that one event causes
another without any natural process linking the two events, such as
astrology and certain aspects linked to religion, like omens, witchcraft,
and prophecies, that
contradict natural science.
How Superstitions Spread. Even seemingly irrational beliefs can become
ensconced in the social norms of a society.
Suspicion is an impression that something
might be the case. A feeling or thought that
something is possible, likely, or true. A
doubt about someone's
honesty. Distrustful of
Jealousy -
Suspicious Minds - Elvis Presley (youtube)
Psychosis is when
contact with
is lost or highly
Sentiment is a personal belief or judgment
that is
not founded on proof or
certainty. A tender, romantic, or nostalgic feeling or emotion.
Worship -
Religious Devotion
Religious Charlatans -
Conformity -
Cognitive Inertia refers to the tendency for beliefs or sets
of beliefs to endure once formed. In particular, cognitive
inertia describes the human inclination to rely on familiar
assumptions and exhibit a reluctance and/or
inability to revise
those assumptions, even when the evidence supporting them no
longer exists or when other evidence would question their
Distortion -
Philosophy -
Thinking -
Denial -
Deist is a person who believes that
created the universe and then abandoned it.
Atheism is the
belief that there are
no deities or Gods.
The Age of Reason (wiki).Deism
combines the rejection of revelation and authority as a source of
religious knowledge with the conclusion that reason and observation of the
natural world are sufficient to determine the existence of a single
creator of the universe.
Natural Theology
is a type of
theology that provides arguments for the existence of
based on
reason and ordinary
experience of nature. This distinguishes it from revealed theology, which
based on scripture and/or religious experiences, and also from
transcendental theology, which is based on a priori reasoning.
Invalid Arguments are in almost
every aspect of society.
Pretending to know the truth or pretending that you know the answer to
a question, is debilitating and also illogical. Religion should not create
information bubble.
Everyone has to keep
Gospel is an account describing the life, death, and
resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
You are still religious even if your
are an
atheist, you still have beliefs. You just happen to believe that you
ascended from nothing and that you will descend into nothing, like nothing
ever happened. I would still want to know you and I would still want to
learn about how your beliefs affected your life.
Doxa is
"to appear", "to seem", "to think" and "to accept", a Greek word meaning
common belief or
popular opinion.
Esotericism in the west is a scholarly term for a wide range of loosely
related unconventional ideas and movements which have developed within
Western society.
is a tradition within Christianity comprising the Church of England and
churches which are historically tied to it or hold similar beliefs,
worship practices and church structure.
Sociology of Religion is the study of the beliefs, practices
and organizational forms of religion using the tools and methods of the
discipline of sociology.
Mores meaning "manner", "custom", "usage", "habit".
Rituals -
PrayerVeil is
to make something undecipherable or imperceptible by
obscuring or
concealing. Just like what
does to the human mind.
Theology is the critical study of the nature of the divine.
It is taught as an academic discipline, typically in universities,
seminaries and schools of divinity.
Why do People Believe
Believing is a
natural human
ability and an important
function of the human brain.
If humans did not believe, then humans would never
act or
adapt, thus we would
never live or survive. So if we did not
believe in things,
then we would not be
here. Beyond our
instinctual behaviors,
you have to believe in something in order to
act. If scientists or
inventors did not have
theories, we
would not have any of the
technological advances or have any of the luxuries that we have
today. If we could not
imagine something,
than how could we
create something or
predict something? Imagine not
being able to
visualize where you
left something, something that you lost or misplaced, you would never find
anything. You wouldn't even be able to find yourself, or, be able to find
anyone you have ever loved. Imagine not being able to have an
idea. Imagine not being able to
tell how someone is feeling.
Imagine not being able to imagine. It's
nature to believe, and it's also extremely
important to believe.
We need to
visualize a
future, which is why believing in
God or believing
heaven can give us comfort,
like a
placebo. So
believing in something can give a person
especially when hope is sometimes the only thing that a person has.
Plus you don't want people to feel
stressed and be overly
So believing that
will be alright can be beneficial.
But we don't want people to
misuse their
imagination and be
fooled, or to have
false beliefs.
Ignorance is bliss, just as long
as you're not
ignoring the
warning signs or just
looking the other way in order to
make yourself
feel better about your
and ignoring the
dangers of
living in a fantasy world instead of
living in reality.
Pretending to know the
answers so that you can
avoid feeling stressed, may put you in
danger and also put other
people in danger. You don't want to
fake being happy. You want to be
because you're
intelligent and
aware. Your beliefs should never turn into
assumptions or
biases. Your beliefs should never
turn into a
fantasy or a
privilege. Your beliefs
should never create an
or be apart of any
fallacies or
fantasies. You don't want your beliefs to make
weak. And you don't want your beliefs
to turn into
lies, where you
lie to yourself and you lie to
other people, just because you
refuse to admit your
and refuse to admit
you don't know
enough or have enough
information or
that would make your
Beliefs should make you
strong. Humans need to believe in something in order to
interact with life and
interact the
environment. But,
it's what you believe in that can make all the difference.
You don't want a belief to become an
assumption or cause you to
pretend to know something, because that would be
misusing your brains
technology. The brains abilities are gifts that we should learn how to
effectively and
efficiently. Another danger with
having a
belief is that it may cause you
not to seek out solutions to your
problems, thus you
will be
vulnerable to failure, which is the same problem with
too much
optimism or when
things. Sometimes a belief can
relieve you from having to
worry about something, maybe something that you can't understand, but
you should never stop asking
questions or stop
because that could cause serious
mistakes to happen.
There's a big difference between believing that things will be all right
and actually taking the necessary steps to
improve your chances to make
things better.
Believing was never designed to replace learning, or
stop us from acquiring knowledge or stop us from
questioning reality.
Pretending that you Know enough, or being content with what you know
about yourself and the world around you, could have devastating
Fear is a natural response that helps us react to dangerous situations
that are unfamiliar to us and also familiar to us. But
fear was never designed to
us or discourage us from learning, or stop us from effectively
reacting to
the world. Humans have
natural instincts that help us to survive. But natural instincts were
never intended to stop us from living or learning. But here we are, we are
letting our
beliefs control us, instead of us controlling our beliefs. And
we are just
learning about this as if a
has been lifted from our eyes.
have a natural ability to believe and to imagine. But this natural
ability can be
manipulated. Like with a humans need to drink
people can poison the water. Like with a humans need to eat food,
people can poison the food. Like with a humans that need to breathe air,
people can poison the air. Like with a humans need to believe,
people can
poison the information they believe in. Living in a fantasy world can
bring enjoyment and help reduce stress, but as soon as you need to face
reality, you will usually become angry or depressed, and then you will
hopefully realize that living in a fantasy world does not
prepare you for
reality. The only thing that prepares you for reality is educating
yourself with valuable knowledge.
Manipulating someone's memory
should be illegal, especially
manipulating someone's
where that person could not tell the difference between fact or fiction.
Schools, universities, religions and
the media are manipulating peoples memories, which is why most people
can't tell
facts from
Exploiting peoples natural
ability to believe in things can be
dangerous and sometimes
criminal when it
fraud. Having beliefs is fine. But giving
advice without
proof or
relevance, is the same
thing as making
false claims
when selling a product, its called
fraud. You're selling snake
oil that is nothing more than a
placebo. You are not solving any problems, you're just
fooling people
into believing that they solved their problems. So believe what you will,
just don't try to sell me false beliefs or judge me because I refused to
buy your snake oil. I am a believer, I'm just not that
gullible or
naive anymore. I need facts and
proof, so save your bullshit for someone else. I trust you. as long as you
trust me.
The beliefs that a person may
have are not as important as
what those beliefs makes a person do or
think. If a belief
stops you from learning or
stops you from asking
questions, then you're using your beliefs as an excuse
not to learn,
not to listen
not to be informed. Your beliefs are not a reason to make
assumptions. This is not what
believing in God is supposed to do to you. A belief should
free your mind.
A belief should never
box you in or
you, because then you will find it hard to be close to any God
People need to be aware of labels. When someone tells you their religion, or any other detail like
political affiliation, or a
particular belief, or even their gender, all that does, is
tell you
just one detail among the thousands of other
details that would
help to explain
some of their behaviors in their
personal life and in their
public life. Beyond that, a person is communicating very little about who
they really
are. I would start with telling people your name and then explain your
purpose in life and the verifiable benefits that are the direct result of
how you live your life, and also mention that you don't prejudge or assume
things about other people, even people you think that you know well.
have more non religious beliefs than religious beliefs. But it's
how a person
interprets their
beliefs, is where all the problems and the
confusion comes from, or on the
other hand, it's also where all the possible solutions may come
from. A belief can be wrong or right, or good or bad. So it will always be
better to
prove something or clearly
explain something than it is to
just to believe in something, or just to
pretend to know something.
When we stop asking questions, we stop seeing the possibilities. Life
is about discovery,
it's not about possessions, whether those
possessions are in the form of beliefs or material objects.
There will come a day when
we all agree.
I need to have an
open mind,
but most religious people want to be
narrow minded. I need to live
reality, but most religious people want to
live in a
fantasy. I need to be
involved in society, but most religious people
want to be
passive and
pretend they don't need to
solve any problems that plague society.
Flawed Reasoning.
religious belief may have both
positive and
negative impacts on health
and morbidity and having an abnormally gloomy or unhealthy state of mind.
narrow minded
political beliefs can
also have negative impacts on your life and others.
You have the
right to believe in
anything that you want, but you can't use your belief as an excuse
to be
violent or
unfair to someone else who does not
share your beliefs.
A belief is not
a reason to violate the human rights of another person. You do not have the right to
believe that you're above the law,
or can a belief give you an excuse to
that you're right about everything that you do, or what you think. A belief does not
give a person the right to break the law, or can a belief give you an
excuse to
pervert moral laws.
This is why we have courts and a
justice system,
so that we can
argue our reasoning
in front of a judge and jury, or defend ourselves with witnesses. But what happens when the
law and the justice system are also
controlled by beliefs? We should not
compare our beliefs, we need to compare the
facts, things that are
provable and
You have the human right to believe, but
not the right to force your
belief on someone else, especially when they too have the
to believe. Your belief can not cancel out someone else's
belief. But one belief may be more
relevant then another.
Relevance being measured by the importance and the known
benefits that are the result of that particular belief. And this
is how beliefs have been changing since the beginning of human
history. All through history we have seen our beliefs change. It
doesn't mean that the belief is gone completely, because it is
part of our past and our
culture, a memory that reminds us that
beliefs have changed, and will continue to change, because we
learn. Our ability to learn has given us many improvements. We
learn to be fair, we learn to understand, we learn to be
compassionate. we learn, and we will continue to learn till the
end of time, that's if there is even an end at all, there may
never be an end, just change.
"I have to believe in things in order to make things up."
Freedom of Religion is a
principle that
supports the
freedom of an individual or
community, in public or private, to manifest religion or belief in
teaching, practice, worship, and observance. It also includes the
freedom to change one's religion or beliefs.
Freedom of religion is considered by many people and most of the nations
to be a fundamental human right. In a country with a state religion,
freedom of religion is generally considered to mean that the government
permits religious practices of other sects besides the state religion, and
does not persecute believers in other faiths.
Freedom of belief is different. It allows the right to believe what
a person, group or religion wishes, but it does not necessarily allow the
right to practice the religion or belief openly and outwardly in a public
manner, a central facet of religious freedom.
religious belief is not a right to violate someone else's rights.
Most people
live in a
fantasy world, and it's
not just religious people. You don't have to be religious to be distracted
from reality. Most people don't question things because they believe to
have the answers. And too many people are
to most of the problems in the world, but not passive with their beliefs.
Everyone is quick to
someone else, but not quick to explain themselves. It's a double standard
and a contradiction of the truth.
It's time to talk, it's time to listen, it's time to learn. The path
of least resistance is love. All other paths lead to hell, and too many
people are on the wrong path.
Believing in God
helps me to
feel less alone and
also makes me
feel loved. But I know those are just
feelings, and feelings of loneliness and
feelings of love are things that I can control. But
there are things that I
can't control. That's when God comes to mind.
Having friends is like having
witnesses to moments in your life. This is probably why so
many people believe in a God. God is like having the ultimate
witness to your life, someone who so it all. This is probably
why so many people are nice to God. You don't want to make your
best friend angry because God might reveal some of your life's
embarrassing moments, wouldn't that be funny? Sure beats
going to
"Everyone should be allowed to believe in anything that makes them happy, as long as
that person is aware that what they have is only one belief and
that there are many other things that are involved in creating
A belief in God is mostly defined by a
interpretation of what
believing in God means to them. No two people could share the exact same
experience because
everyone experiences things a little differently, which is mostly based on
upbringing and the influences of their
parents, as well as, the
influences from the environment, the
influences from schools and knowledge
in general, the
influences of society, the influences from their own
personal experiences, and the influences from a
corporate controlled
media. Even though people can
conform to a
particular set of beliefs and values, each individual could never
accurately confirm how another individual interprets the same thing in the
exact same way that they do, this is because there are many variables that
are produced by all the different kinds of external and
internal influences that
each person experiences in their life. This is one of the reasons why some
people can't agree on things. If people want to see eye to eye, we need to
defined rules for communication
that focus on the facts, and not our own personal subjective opinions.
How can you prove that you believe in something? You can say that you
believe in God, but you can't prove that you believe in God. Only actions
can prove something, but even when knowing that actions speak loader than
words, it still doesn't prove anything, because even actions can be a lie,
and not just words. You can say that praying in public is proof that you
believe in God, but no one truly knows what is going on inside your head,
or how you interpret those prayers to be. You can say that your reasoning
and your understanding is guided by your beliefs, but there are many other
factors that guide our reasoning and our understanding, so picking just
one factor does not confirm your procedure for reasoning and
understanding. There are many other things that can effect your reasoning
or your understanding that can't be ignored.
Freedom of Thought is essential. But we have to be extra
careful not to turn our own
thoughts into actions that do
not truly benefit everyone
fairly, accurately or justly. I
truly want to know what you think, and I also look forward to
sharing my thoughts. To have freedoms is to be truly blessed.
the gift of freedom can not be used to deny other people
their freedoms, if it is, then that's not freedom, that's
criminal. Ideas are to be
debated and
researched. We have a
history that is filled with failures,
failures that we can learn
from. Lets us not insult our
ancestries by making the same
mistakes, let's honor their lives by showing them that we have
learned from their experiences and that we are ready to put
those benefits into positive actions. You can believe in God, or
you can deny God, but
you cannot deny what we have learned and
what we have come to understand.
God speaks to me, but are you sure it
was God?
God can not be defined
God can
not be limited to your definition. It's not fair to God, fair to you, or
fair to anyone, to Limit God to fit your personal definition, especially
when there are infinite number of possibilities. Every one believes in God
in their own special way.
But I can not say what God is or who God is. All
I can say is I believe there is a Higher power beyond my comprehension,
why else would I be here? Besides that, we are learning so many things
about ourselves and the world around us than ever before. And in doing so,
we have found many things beyond our comprehension, like all the different
light waves, and atoms and on on. We are just beginning to understand. So
instead of believing that we know the answers, we should just keep
learning, because that is definitely the right path to be on. God can be
an infinite number of possibilities. So the more we know, the more we know
Knowledge will bring you closer to God.
We can give God a name, but
we should not pretend
to know who god is, or pretend to know what god is made out of. If the
only evidence you have is two questions,
who made humans and
who made the universe, then yourself or
the universes is not proof that god exists. But I have to agree, someone
did something.
I believe in the possibility
of a God, but I don't fantasize about what that belief means, or do
I fantasize about the millions of other possible scenarios that surround
that possibility. I have to live in reality and use my common sense as
much as possible. Fantasizing about a belief is to live in a
fantasy world where your mind is
imprisoned by your belief.
Though it's good to
believe, it's not logical to allow a belief to stop you from learning
the truth, or stop you from exploring other possibilities. You're alive
because people did more than just believe in something, they did
something, like learn.
God does not personally belong to you,
God belongs to everyone, equally and individually.
When you believe to know what God says or what God does, that is your own
personal God, and no one else's. Every person has a mind of their own. And
everyone has the right to believe what they think God is saying or doing.
But you must remember
that is only your side of the story. Even though
other people may share the same story as you, those thoughts are is still
in your mind only. And only God can read the thoughts that each individual
has deep in their mind. And thoughts can only happen with
words, so choose your words wisely.
We can see a belief as being like a mountain, but we know that
belief flows like water, it never stays exactly the same. The
mountain will slowly dissolve into the sea, the sea of change.
Instead of trying to stop a belief, you should see where the
belief takes you by questioning and inquiring. Life is a
journey, and on this journey we learn many things. It's when the
journey of learning is restricted, that's when the problems and
mistakes happen.
God Bless Everyone. There are people playing god, there are
people pretending to be a god, there are people who believe that
god is divine, and there are some people who question
gods existence. We should all agree that god can not be defined by
mere mortals. Praise god, pray to
god, and oh my god, and god dam it. Let us agree to agree to respect each
other and respect our gift of life, whom ever bestowed this gift upon us,
someone did something.
Humans have done some incredible things with the advances in technology.
If humans are creators, than someone obviously created humans. We look up
to our parents when we are children, because our parents were our
creators, but when we grow up, we learn that
other people created our parents, and
so on and so on. To believe that there is a creator is natural. We know
there are many reasons why humans exist, we just don't enough reasons to
ignore the fact that we do exist.
great awakening is still coming.
What if you had to be God? Would you be a
good god or bad god? And would you know the difference between a good God
or a bad God? Lets say that we are all Gods, could Gods work together?
Maybe Gods have worked together before because we are here. This whole
human race is one big family.
You can't say no to something that gives you the ability to say
no. If something gives you abilities, it's not to have the
ability to
restrict others from having abilities. You are not
given life to kill life, you are given life to preserve life,
that is how life survives, in its preservation, and not in its
own destruction. We must give people choices, but we must
educate people on the choices they have so they will make good
choices. All life survives this way. You have to know what good
choices are in order to make them.
I use to think that way, but
I don't think that way anymore. I use to believe that, but I don't
believe that anymore. I have more information now and a better
understanding of how ignorant it is to make
assumptions and how not to
pretend to know things. I
ask questions now instead of believing that I know the answers. And most
of the answers that I have now are not written in stone, this way I can
update or modify my
knowledge in order to
to a new
Guardian Angles
Friends -
Angel Investors
Illusion of Free Will -
I have a feeling that I have friends in
high places. But these high places are not positions of authority,
but abstract positions of spiritual divinity.
I can't control everything,
or can I be aware of everything. So it seems natural to believe in a
higher power. It's pretty much statistically impossible to be still alive
after all the mistakes I made.
Someone had to be
looking out for me. And who ever this higher entity is, I say to
them, thank you. I appreciate everything you have done for me. I am
forever grateful. So, when will I be able to open the present you gave me?
Knowing you, I'm sure the present is going to be incredible in its own
way. Will it be the
final test or just the next step?
Will it be
another experience
or will it be
Atheism - To Believe or Not to Believe, is still a Belief
is the
belief that there is no
or a lack of belief in the existence of God or gods, or the absence of
belief in the existence of
Negative and Positive Atheism is any type of atheism where a person
does not believe in the existence of any deities but
does not necessarily
explicitly assert that there are none. Positive atheism, also called
strong atheism and hard atheism, is the form of atheism that additionally
asserts that no deities exist. "I Thank God I'm an Atheist".
Why People Believe.
Nontheism is a range of both religious and
nonreligious attitudes
characterized by the absence of espoused belief in a God or gods. Nontheism has generally been used to describe apathy or silence towards
the subject of God and differs from an antithetical, explicit atheism.
Nontheism does not necessarily describe atheism or disbelief in God; it
has been used as an umbrella term for summarizing various distinct and
even mutually exclusive positions, such as agnosticism, ignosticism,
skepticism, pantheism, atheism, strong or positive atheism,
implicit atheism, and
apatheism. It is in use in the fields of Christian apologetics and
general liberal theology.
Intelligent Design.
Agnosticism is the view that the existence of God is
unknown or unknowable,
either of the divine or the supernatural.
Another definition provided is the view that "human reason is incapable of
providing sufficient rational grounds to justify either the belief that
God exists or the belief that God does not exist." A religious orientation
doubt or a
denial of ultimate knowledge of the
existence of God. A person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge
about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist). What
Guardian Angels?
Incredulous is unwilling to believe
something or unable to believe something. Not disposed or willing to
believe; unbelieving.
Agnostic is someone who is
doubtful or
noncommittal about something. Uncertain of all claims to knowledge.
Ignosticism is the idea that the question of the existence of God is
meaningless unless the word "God" is given a coherent and unambiguous
definition, preferably yielding falsifiable logical consequences.
Secular -
Separation of Church and State -
Independent -
Divisions in Religions
is an unspecified belief in an undetermined transcendent reality. It is a
range of beliefs held by people who, on the one hand, inwardly suspect –
or indeed believe – that "
there must be something undefined beyond the
mundane and that which can be known or can be proven", but on the other
hand do not necessarily accept or
do not subscribe to the established belief
dogma or view of the nature of a
deity offered by any particular
Not believing in a God or not being affiliated with a
religion does not make a person less
moral. Studies have shown that atheists are
less racist and
less sexist, and are less likely
to be violent or criminal. Most religions do not teach
democracy, but
teach obedience, which is why wealthy people in power love religious
people because they are
easier to manipulate and
Nones are people who do not identify with any
Americans in 2024 are now 28% "Nones", or a group of religiously
unaffiliated that is comprised of atheists, agnostic and people who say
their religion is "
nothing in particular".
American adult Catholics are 23% and evangelical Protestants are 24%.
Nones may still believe in a God and may still be spiritual, and most have
more positive views of science than those who are religiously affiliated,
but reject the idea that science can explain everything. Nones are also
more liberal and Democratic, and nones can also be less civically engaged
and avoid the polls on election day, but atheists and agnostics are more
likely to be politically and civically engaged. Those who responded that
their religion is 'nothing in particular' are far less likely to vote.
Nones are also less likely to volunteer in their local communities than
religiously affiliated adults. While many people of faith say they rely on
scripture, tradition and the guidance of religious leaders to make moral
decisions, Pew found that Nones say they're guided by logic or reason when
making moral decisions, and wish to avoid hurting other people. Nones are
young. 69% are under the age of fifty, and less racially diverse. 63% of
Nones are white. People of color are far more likely to say religion is
important in their lives, and the 'nothing in particular group' are more
likely to be Black or Hispanic or Asian. Nones appear to be evenly divided
be gender. Men are significantly more likely to say they're atheist or
agnostic whereas women are more likely to describe their religion as
'nothing in particular', but women tend to be more religious on average than men."

People in the U.S. are leaving religions and switching
faith traditions in large numbers. The idea of "
churning" is very common in America, according to a new survey from
Public Religion
Research Institute. About one-quarter or 26% of Americans now identify
as religiously unaffiliated, a number that has risen over the last decade
and is now the largest single religious group in the U.S. That's similar
to what other surveys and polls have also found, including
Pew Research.
Doxastic voluntarism is a philosophical view that people elect their
own beliefs and that
have a certain amount of control over what they believe, such that a
subject may choose whether or not to believe a certain thing. Most current
philosophers don’t think people can immediately believe something “just
like that,” simply because they want to. What beliefs someone ends up
having are determined by the people and environments they are exposed to –
from beliefs about a deity to beliefs about the solar system. Some
philosophers think that the nature of belief itself ensures that people
cannot just choose what to believe. Doxastic voluntarism is a
philosophical idea that people have some control over their beliefs and
can choose what to believe. There are two types of voluntary control, and
two types of doxastic voluntarism, that correspond to these types of
Direct voluntary control. The
ability to immediately perform an action, such as thinking about a
favorite song.
Indirect voluntary control.
The ability to cause an action to happen by performing other actions, such
as playing a melody on a violin.
Direct doxastic
voluntarism. The idea that people have direct voluntary control
over some of their beliefs.
Doxastic logic is a type of logic concerned with reasoning about
You can say there is no God, but you can't say that there is no
belief in God. Believing in
God does not prove that God exists, but
not believing in God
does not prove that God does not exist. To believe or not to
believe is not the
question. The question is,
what matters? What
does your belief explain? What are the benefits of your beliefs?
What are the side effects of your beliefs? Let us not single out
just one detail of a belief, let us consider all beliefs as a
whole, as you would a person.
believers and
nonbelievers limit other
Believers in
god believe that god is the
answer, while people who
don't believe in god believe that there is no answer. Both beliefs are in
denial. Both can be wrong, and
both could be right, and
could be wrong and right at the same time, and both could live in a
fantasy world and refuse to wake up. So what is it? Is it just a belief?
Or is it just the beginning of a long and
deep conversation? The
possibility that there can be another answer,
is the answer. If you want to believe in something, believe that there's a
possibility that there may be another answer. The one fact that we can all
except is that
no one knows
Apostasy is someone not faithful to
religion or party or cause. A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his
cause or religion or political party or friend etc.
is someone who does not follow one of the Abrahamic religions
(Christianity, Islam, and Judaism); the most common meaning.
Modern Paganism or contemporary paganism or
Neo-Paganism is a term for a religion or a family of religions
which is
influenced by the various historical
pre-Christian beliefs of pre-modern peoples in Europe and adjacent
areas of North Africa and the Near East. Although they share similarities,
contemporary pagan movements are diverse and as a result, they
do not share a single set of beliefs, practices, or
texts. Scholars of religion may characterize these traditions as new
religious movements. Some academics who study the phenomenon treat it as a
movement that is
divided into different religions
while others characterize it as a single religion of which different pagan
faiths are denominations.
is a person who does not belong to a widely held religion. Not to be
confused with
"I'm not a Heathen or a Pagan or an Atheist, I'm just
a Man of God in Waiting."
Irreligion is the absence of religion or the rejection of religion, or
indifference to religion.
Irreligion takes many
forms, ranging from the casual and unaware, to full-fledged
philosophies such as secular humanism. Other examples are atheism,
agnosticism and antitheism. Social scientists tend to define irreligion as
a purely naturalist worldview that excludes a belief in anything
supernatural. The broadest and loosest definition, serving as an upper
limit, is the lack of religious identification, though many
non-identifiers express metaphysical and even religious beliefs. The
narrowest and strictest is subscribing to positive atheism. According to
the Pew Research Center's 2012 global study of 230 countries and
16% of the world's population is not
affiliated with any religion. The population of the religiously
unaffiliated, sometimes referred to as "
grew significantly in recent years, though its future growth is uncertain.
Objective irreligion is difficult to isolate because many of the global
"nones" actually hold religious beliefs and some engage in religious
practices. Measurement of irreligiosity requires great cultural
sensitivity, especially outside the West, where the concepts of "religion"
or "the secular" are not always rooted in local culture.
What would an Atheist say to God? (reddit video)
My Church - Maren
Morris (youtube) - I've cussed on a Sunday, I've cheated and I've
lied, I've fallen down from grace, A few too many times, But I find holy
redemption, When I put this car in drive, Roll the windows down and turn
up the dial,
Can I get a hallelujah, Can I
get an amen, Feels like the Holy Ghost running through ya, When I play the
highway FM, I find my soul revival, Singing every single verse, Yeah,
I guess that's my church.
Dear God - XTC
(youtube) - Dear God, hope you get the letter and, I pray you can make it
better down here,I don't mean a big reduction in the price of beer, But
all the people that you made in your image, See them starving on their
feet, Cause they don't get enough to eat from God, I can't believe in you.
Dear God, sorry to disturb you but, I feel that I should be heard loud and
clear, We all need a big reduction in amount of tears,And all the people
that you made in your image, See them fighting in the street, Cause they
can't make opinions meet about God,They can't believe in you. Did you make
disease and the diamond blue? Did you make mankind after we made you? And
the devil too! Dear God, don't know if you noticed but, Your name is on a
lot of quotes in this book, And us crazy humans wrote it, you should take
a look, And all the people that you made in your image, Still believing
that junk is true, Well I know it ain't, so do you. Dear God, I can't
believe in...I don't believe in...I won't believe in heaven and hell, No
saints, no sinners, no devil as well, The pearly gates, no thorny crown,
You're always letting us humans down, The wars you bring, the babes you
drown,Those lost at sea and never found, And it's the same the whole world
round, The hurt I see helps to compound, The Father, Son, and holy ghost,
Is just somebody's unholy hoax, And if you're up there you'll perceive,
That my heart's here upon my sleeve, If there's one thing I don't believe
in, It's you, Dear God.
States with constitutions prohibiting atheists
from running for office: Arkansas, Article 19, Section 1: No
person who denies the being of a
God shall hold any office in the civil
departments of this State, nor be competent to testify as a witness in any
Court. Maryland, Article 37: That no religious test ought ever to be
required as a qualification for any office of profit or trust in this
State, other than a declaration of belief in the existence of God; nor
shall the Legislature prescribe any other oath of office than the oath
prescribed by this Constitution. Mississippi, Article 14, Section 265:
No person who denies the existence of a Supreme Being shall hold any
office in this state. North Carolina, Article 6, Section 8 The
following persons shall be disqualified for office: Any person who shall
deny the being of Almighty God. South Carolina, Article 17, Section 4:
No person who denies the existence of a Supreme Being shall hold any
office under this Constitution. Tennessee, Article 9, Section 2: No
person who denies the being of God, or a future state of rewards and
punishments, shall hold any office in the civil department of this state.
Texas, Article 1, Section 4: No religious test shall ever be required as a
qualification to any office, or public trust, in this State; nor shall any
one be excluded from holding office on account of his religious
sentiments, provided he acknowledge the existence of a
The Thinning of the Flocks: Can churches and religious schools survive as more and more
people become religiously unaffiliated? Yes, but they need to
modernize and update so they can become more aligned with a
world that is becoming more and more educated, more advanced,
more informed and more aware. We know that churches are more
than just a religion. Churches and schools have many different
functions and provide many services within a community. And with
their doors open to the public, churches are also a place of
refuge for many people in need of hope and prayer. So as
churches and schools make the transition, they will need to find
ways to preserve their traditions, their heritage and their
culture, and at the same time, learn to communicate more, and
work together more on solving the problems that are plaguing
modern day society. They need to have more outreach and stop
making outrageous claims and
false advertising, because we don't
want religion to become corporatized, because we all know that
corporate world is going to be fazed out soon, as we welcome
a new era in world democracy and sustainability.
American Millennials
(generations) -
Ancient Hope
Americas Changing Religious Landscape
Templeton Prize
Churches close across the
country. Just 16% of Americans say religion is the most important
thing in their life, according to a new report released this week by the
Public Religion Research Institute. A 2020 survey found that the average
congregation size across Christian denominations is less than half what it
was in 2000 — down to 65 from 137. It also found that on average, a third
of churchgoers are 65 or older, twice that age group's representation in
the general population. These numbers held true for Protestants,
Evangelicals and Catholics alike. Only congregations of other faith
traditions — including Islam, Baha'i and Judaism — are seeing increases,
the survey said. Boomers are about 20% 'nones' and Gen Z is about 45% 'nones.
United Methodists Lose 1,800 Churches in Split Over LGBT Stance.
I see too many
people blaming religion for a lot of the suffering and pointless
killing throughout our history. It's not the fault of religions,
it was the
lack of information and knowledge. We know what the
lack of information and knowledge does to society. Most
criminals and people in prison are the result of a poor
education. But what we also learned, was that a great education
is not a guarantee that a person will do good in life. Perfect
examples of that are politicians and corporate leaders.
So that is why we must improve education, whether it would be of
religious nature or not.
Do you believe
space aliens?
Remember Versus Know Judgments
(memory flaws) -
ReasoningThere seems to
be this profound difference between
believing and
knowing. Knowing increases
awareness, believing decreases awareness.
believing is not knowing.
Religions use
vague examples as reasons for a belief. They pretend to explain
their reasoning using illogical or irrelevant causations, sometimes making
up excuses to justify their reasoning, which creates more contradiction
than conviction. If God has all the answers, then why don't religious
people have all the answers? Believing in God doesn't give you answers or
solve problems. Educating yourself and learning valuable knowledge is the
only proven way to find answers and solve problems. The reason why sin is
problem, it's not from the lack of a belief in God, it's from the lack of
knowledge and information that is relevant to reality. If you were to
question and investigate religious claims, you will find many inconsistent
falsehoods. As an example, the reason why we have drug companies do
accurate research, is because they will just lie about the drugs safety.
If a religion doesn't have accurate research that backs up their claim,
then the chances are that they are lying about what they say. But that
does not say that there is no other explanation for a particular belief,
its just the reasons that religions use are not good examples that explain
why something is good or why something is bad. Though religions do update
some of their religious writings, they never fully update their books,
especially updates that are in agreement with reality that is based on all
of the combined knowledge and intelligence of 8 billion humans. We have
always known that when you have more information, you will have more
understanding and make more accurate decisions. If you want to ignore
everything that human civilization has learned in the last 10,000 years,
you will never know enough about yourself or the world around you. There
is no religious person who has only religious knowledge in their mind.
Every religious person has other knowledge that is derived from society
and derived from their experiences with other people. So to claim to be
only religious is a lie. Religions need to update their books, because
using an old operators manual is not a good idea. I'm not saying to
discard old religious writings, I'm just saying it's probably a good idea
to make new updated books using new knowledge and information from the
combined intelligence of all human knowledge that has been generated so
far. An answer can't be too simple, because then the answer will become
vague and easy to misinterpret, or just harder to comprehend.
Multiple Beliefs - Multi-Faith
Multifaith is to be more
open and understanding of
more than one
religion, philosophy or
world-view. And perhaps to believe that
no one is superior to the others.
is involved with
improving communication between different religions
Parliament of the World's Religions was an attempt to create a global
dialogue of faiths with the belief that different religions have something
to learn from each other.
Religious Pluralism
is an attitude or policy regarding the
diversity of religious
systems co-existing in
Pluralism -
Interfaith Youth Core -
Cooperation (working together)
is the
combining of different beliefs, while blending practices of various
schools of thought. Syncretism involves the merger and analogizing of
several originally discrete traditions, especially in the theology and
mythology of religion, thus asserting an underlying
unity and allowing for
an inclusive approach to other faiths. Syncretism also occurs commonly in
expressions of arts and culture, (known as eclecticism) as well as
politics (syncretic politics).
When someone says that they're religious, I wonder how religious they
are what being religious really means?
Hermeticism is a religious,
philosophical, and esoteric
tradition based primarily upon writings attributed to
Hermes Trismegistus ("Thrice Great").
Destiny was a widely held belief in the United States that
its settlers were destined to expand across North America.
Genocide -
Over Development.
Monotheism is the belief in the existence of
one god or in
the oneness of
Polytheism is the worship of or belief in
multiple deities,
which are usually assembled into a pantheon of gods and goddesses, along
with their own religions and rituals.
is the religious belief that various objects, places, and creatures with
whom humans engage possess idiosyncratic spiritual qualities.
Theism is broadly
defined as the belief in the existence of the
supreme being or deities.
Theist is a person who believes in the
existence of a god or gods.
Protestantism a member or
follower of any of the Western Christian
churches that are
from the Roman Catholic Church and follow the principles of the
Reformation, including the Baptist, Presbyterian, and Lutheran
Conflicting Beliefs - Heresy - Blasphemy
Heresy is any
belief or
theory that is
strongly at variance with established
beliefs or
customs, in particular the accepted beliefs of a church or
religious organization. The term is usually used in reference to
violations of important religious teachings, but is also used of views
strongly opposed to any generally accepted ideas. A heretic is a proponent
of heresy. Heresy is any belief or
theory that has
conflicting facts, claims or
opinions that differ from
popular or older
beliefs or
Book Banning -
Heretic is a person who holds
controversial opinions, especially one who
dissents from the officially accepted dogma. A person who holds religious
beliefs in conflict with the dogma of the Roman Catholic Church.
Freedom of Speech -
Whistle Blower -
Above the Law -
My belief is better than your belief is
just a silly
argument that serves no purpose. They are both beliefs.
To Each His Own means that every person is
entitled to his or her personal preferences, tastes or
beliefs, just as long as their beliefs don't hurt anyone or violate
human rights or
human decency.
Slander -
Frivolous Lawsuit -
Invalid Reasoning -
Bias -
Killing the Competition
Blasphemy is the act
insulting or showing
contempt or lack of reverence to a deity, or
sacred objects, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable.
is the act or
offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred
profane talk.
Blasphemy is the act of insulting or showing
contempt or
lack of reverence to a deity, to religious or holy persons or sacred
things, or toward something considered sacred or inviolable.
Sacrilege is the
violation or
injurious treatment of a sacred object, site or person. This
can take the form of irreverence to sacred persons, places, and things.
When the sacrilegious offence is verbal, it is called blasphemy, and when
physical, it is often called desecration.
is blasphemous behavior or the act of depriving something of its
sacred character.
Desecration is
the act of depriving something of its sacred character, or the
disrespectful, contemptuous, or destructive treatment of that which is
held to be sacred or holy by a group or individual.
Abomination in English is that which is exceptionally loathsome,
sinful, wicked, or vile.
Sacrosanct is something that is regarded as
too important,
sacred or
valuable to be interfered with.
Variance is the fact or quality of being
different, divergent, or inconsistent. An event that departs from
expectations. Discord that
splits a group. A difference between
conflicting facts, claims or
opinions. The quality or degree of being subject to variation. An activity
that varies from a norm or standard.
is to
criticize or speak out against
someone or something and to point out as deserving of reprehension, etc.;
to openly accuse or condemn in a threatening manner; to invoke censure
upon; to stigmatize; to
is to deprive someone of professional status or membership in a
prestigious group and the removal of their rights to exercise the
functions of the ordained ministry.
Just because a
law is written,
this does not mean that the law is
understood the same way by everyone, or does it prove that the
law is even
or that the
law can be challenged.
You cannot limit something to a particular
label, because
labels cannot be uniformly translated or understood the same way
by everyone. Just because you have given something a label, this does
not mean you don't have to
explain your label, an explanation
will always help assure that your label is fully understood by
everyone. If you don't teach
skepticism you will fail
teach the most important
element of learning, which is questioning. Without
you make people vulnerable to
exploitation and
manipulation. Don't define a
word so much that you confine or limit its
is having or exhibiting a single clearly defined meaning.
Cognitive Dissonance.
Nothing is definitive. We define things
out of necessity. This is not to say that something is definitive. We
define something just enough so that we can communicate effectively and
continue to move forward and progress.
The awareness of
perceptions seems to be different when looking at the same
thing. We need to define the things we see and find a middle ground on
which to agree. For a middle ground is all we have, for we have known for some
time that there is only one planet on which we all live.
We can
no longer afford to believe that we are some how separated from
the rest of the world, we know that we are not.
We have to share
this world as well as share our beliefs.
Is it All or Nothing or Something for Everyone? Let us
work together
and Compromise.
Why do some religious practices and
traditions become
irrelevant and
impracticable as we learn more?
Irrelevant is having no bearing on or connection with the subject
at issue.
Impracticable is not capable of
being carried out or put into practice.
The last thing you want to do is use your own beliefs to attack
someone else's beliefs.
So what's your
perception of
Evolution -
Multiple Beliefs -
Phenomenology of Religion concerns the experiential aspect of
religion, describing religious phenomena in terms consistent with the
orientation of worshippers. It views religion as made up of different
components, and studies these components across religious traditions in
order to gain some understanding of them.
People should try
to avoid deferring their questions to a higher power.
If the
question seems to big to answer, then try breaking down your
question into smaller questions that you can answer yourself.
Inquisitor was an official with
judicial or investigative functions in an Inquisition.
Inquisitor is an organization or a program intended to eliminate heresy and
other things contrary to the doctrine or teachings of the Catholic faith.
Public Debate.
Inquisition was a
group of institutions within the Catholic Church whose aim was to combat
Inquisitor is the title that usually refers to the chief inquisitor of the
Spanish Inquisition.
Autonomy is one who
gives oneself one's own law, which is a concept
found in moral, political, and bioethical philosophy.
Truth -
Value System -
taught that destructive
resulted from errors in
judgment, of
the active relationship between cosmic determinism and
human freedom, and the belief that it is
virtuous to maintain a will (called prohairesis) that is in accord with
Polarization -
Philosophical Realism
is the belief that some aspects of reality are ontologically independent
of our conceptual schemes, perceptions, linguistic practices, beliefs,
Transcendence refers to the aspect of a god's nature and power
which is wholly independent of the material universe, beyond all physical
Traditionalist School
was a group of 20th century thinkers concerned with what they considered
to be the demise of traditional forms of knowledge, both aesthetic and
spiritual, within Western society.
Correspondence Theology is a basic relationship found
between two levels of existence. Light corresponds to wisdom because
wisdom enlightens the mind as light enlightens the eye. Warmth corresponds
to love because love warms the mind as heat does the body.
Protestant Reformation (wiki)
Orthodoxy is adherence to correct or accepted creeds,
especially in religion.
Bahai -
of Reality
Jainism central tenet is
non-violence and love towards all
living beings.
Religious Order is a lineage of communities and
organizations of people who live in some way set apart from society in
accordance with their specific religious devotion, usually characterized
by the principles of its founder's religious practice. The order is
composed of initiates (laity) and, in some traditions, ordained clergy.
Religious orders exist in many of the world's religions.
Holy Orders are ordained ministries such as bishop, priest
or deacon.
Fraternal Order is a fraternity organized as an order.
Traits sometimes allude to aspects of the original religious or chivalric
orders of the Middle Ages. Contemporary fraternal orders typically have
secular purposes, including social, cultural and mutually beneficial or
charitable aims.
Define is to Limit
To Define is to Limit.
Does defining something confine that something to just
definition? It can,
especially when using
labels that never
explain enough about what
something is in order to
it. Things are
relative, so
we need to understand the
context, and
we also
consistency and
predictability, and we also
adaptability and
Meaning and
interpretation can only
be accomplished through
Equivocation -
Meaning -
Truth is Debatable
Frame Problem is formulated as the problem of limiting the beliefs
that have to be updated in response to actions. In the logical
context, actions are typically specified by what they change, with the
implicit assumption that everything else (the frame) remains unchanged.
To Define God is to Limit God. We
should refer to this phenomenon as an
Entity of Supernatural Origin, or UESO.
Entity is that which is perceived or known
or inferred to have its own distinct existence
Supernatural is something that is not
perceived to be existing in nature or reality,
something that can't be
explained according to natural laws. Something that is not physical or
material, but
Origin is the source of something's
existence or from which it derives or is derived. The place where
something begins, where it springs into being.
There are various
names of God, many of which enumerate the various qualities of a
Supreme Being.
The English word god (and its equivalent
in other languages) is used by multiple religions as a noun to refer to
different deities, or specifically to the Supreme Being, as denoted in
English by the capitalized and uncapitalized terms God and god.
Germanic word "god" comes from the
century Christian Codex Argenteus, which descends from the Old English
guþ from the Proto-Germanic *uđan. The English word god comes from the Old
English god, which itself is derived from the Proto-Germanic *uđán. Its
cognates in other Germanic languages include guþ, gudis (both Gothic), guð
(Old Norse), god (Old Saxon, Old Frisian, and Old Dutch), and got (Old
High German).
Semantics is the
meaning of a
word, phrase, sentence, or
Axiom is a
saying that is
widely accepted on its own merits.
To make an assumption based on a fantasy, then you're just
entertaining people and not explaining to people. You know words, but you
know very little about what you're pretending to say with those words.
When we assume that words automatically defines things, we enter into a
fantasy world. Words have definitions, things need explinations.
Truth is Stranger than Fiction?
If you didn't have a word for God, what would you call
it? If you never learned of a God, how would you explain strange
phenomenon? If you never learned of a God, what would you think about
People prescribe to a
certain way of life, not a way of life that they created, but a
way of life that was created by
ancestors 100's of years before they were born. But as
people grow older they realize that the world is filled with all
kinds of people who have all kinds of beliefs that are different
than theirs. And these differences all depend on where a person
was born and how they were
raised. So most beliefs are related to
regions, and not so much related to
truth. And one of the
universal truths that all humans share is that we are all human
and that we are all living on the same planet. This is our
common ground. People should not separate themselves because
of their
cultures or their beliefs, but should use these different
points of view to examine what we have learned from life, so
that we can continually improve life for future generations.
"Never doubt the value of
information and knowledge based solely on the source, whether
you hear something from a religious leader, or read something
from a religious book, always remember that any information
could lead you to an answer, whether it could happen indirectly
or metaphorically."
"You may choose what you
want, but don't be all that you choose..Spending too much time
believing, instead of learning and doing, will leave you
vulnerable. A life unbalanced is a life that is fragile, unaware and unpredictable."
Why do certain religious teachings look similar to an
controller and an
isolated system?
Is religion a closed
concept or an open concept?
Religion is not just about believing in God, Religion is
also about
history and
a quest for understanding. Though Religions make
presumptions and
atheism is
believing in
nothing, I would still rather believe in something as long
as I don't assume that I know exactly what that something is,
even though I have a right to a
theory. It's not so much what you believe, it's how your
belief effects your
perception. There is really no clear definition of what
'believing in God' really means. But I have a feeling that
science will eventually find
scientists are the only ones who are looking in more then
one place, even though they are not directly looking for God.
And I have another feeling too that when we do eventually find
proof of God, God will be something that we never
imagined, which will not be all that surprising, after all,
it's God. Don't look at science as a threat to Religion, look at
science as a friend who took a different path. And all these
different paths that we are taking will eventually help us all
to become more aware of our
Science and Faith -
Cosmic Fingerprints
As Above, So Below -
Everything is Connected
"You can still experience many things in your life without having to dedicate
your entire life to just one experience. Sampling things and
exploring the world has its benefits, and its dangers, but so
does dedicating your entire life to just one thing. But whatever
lifestyle you choose, it should not include limiting yourself to
knowledge and information. And experiencing more does not
necessarily mean that you are learning more, because first you
would have to define what is the most important and the most
valuable knowledge and information that the world has to offer.
So till then, whatever you chose to do with your life is your
choice. But please don't deny yourself to be the best that you
can be, because that would be illogical and a waste of your
Why so many people believe in God is
human life is just too freaking incredible and just too
amazing to have happened all by itself. But that's not a reason
to believe in God, that's just clearly recognizing the fact that
human life is, without a doubt, a remarkable journey. Of course
everyone wants someone to be there at the end when they die,
someone to greet them.
And most people would agree that they would want to see God.
After all, God represents the only person who's qualified to
explain just exactly what your life was all about. It's matter
of trust, in God we Trust. Having an expert witness is
Religion and science are one in
the same. They are both on the same path, looking for answers in
their own way, using different
methods for learning.
Religion has been looking for answers for 100's of years, that
is why there are so many religions and why religions have gone
through so many changes. And science has also gone through many
changes. The only difference between
religion and science is time. And the time of stubbornness and
narrow-mindedness is coming to an end. It's time for religion and
science to admit they're friends, both in search for truth, both
looking for answers.
Letter to
Albert Einstein
January 19, 1936 -
My dear Dr. Einstein, We have brought up the question: Do
scientists pray? in our Sunday school class. It began by asking
whether we could believe in both science and religion. We are
writing to scientists and other important men to try and have
our own question answered. We will feel greatly honored if you
will answer our question: Do scientists pray, and what do they
pray for? We are in the sixth grade, Miss Ellis's class.
Respectfully yours, Phyllis.
Reply from
Albert Einstein
January 24, 1936 -
Dear Phyllis, I will attempt to reply to your question as simply
as I can. Here is my answer: Scientists believe that every
occurrence, including the affairs of human beings, is due to the
laws of nature. Therefore a scientist cannot be inclined to
believe that the course of events can be influenced by prayer,
that is, by a supernaturally manifested wish. However, we must
concede that our actual knowledge of these forces is imperfect,
so that in the end the belief in the existence of a final,
ultimate spirit rests on a kind of faith. Such belief remains
widespread even with the current achievements in science. But
also, everyone who is seriously involved in the pursuit of
science becomes convinced that some spirit is manifest in the
laws of the universe, one that is vastly superior to that of
man. In this way the pursuit of science leads to a religious
feeling of a special sort, which is surely quite different from
the religiosity of someone more naive. With cordial greetings, your A. Einstein.
"Science without religion is lame, religion without science is
blind.” -
Albert Einstein
Spirituality, Religion May Protect Against Major Depression by
Thickening Brain Cortex -
We can't allow ourselves to be
separated by our own beliefs anymore. We just
don't have the time or the resources.
We have a lot of information and knowledge that is a great
benefit to all of us.
So let us begin to use our information and knowledge to the best
of our abilities.
We have opportunities that we cannot afford to waste.
"We can no longer afford to devote ourselves to live under
one word or one ideal. We must understand that information is
only useful to us when it is used correctly as a whole. A
separate piece of information that excludes other information
cannot exist on its own, it needs other information in order for
it to live and to be realized. For example, a
cannot stand on it's own, a word needs
Context."..To deny
language its purpose and potential is to deny life itself...
Extremism - Radicalization
Extremism is any
political theory favoring immoderate
uncompromising policies.
Extremism or any type of
restricted ideology, can cause people to have
extreme prejudice towards new knowledge and new information, which causes
a person to have an
extreme narrow view of the world, making them
vulnerable to
bad mistakes and
bad choices.
Extremist is a person who holds
extreme views far
beyond the norm
beyond logical thinking and
reasoning. A person who holds
extreme or fanatical political
views or
fanatical religious
views, especially one who resorts to or advocates
extreme action.
Militant is someone who prefers
hard-line policies,
warfare and
fighting. Someone who
likes to
engaged in war.
Hard-Liner is a member of a group or a
political group who adheres
uncompromisingly to a set of
ideas or policies.
describes a stance on an issue that is
inflexible and not subject to
compromise. The stance is usually far from the
centrist view. People,
policies, and laws can be considered hard-line. A hardliner may be either
a reactionary or a revolutionary. Synonyms for hardliner include diehard,
extremist, fanatic, or
zealot. The term is almost always relative to
overton window of a given time and place.
Jingoism -
Fake Nationalism -
Terrorism -
Demagogue -
Flawed Reasoning -
Natural Rights -
Censorship -
Killing the Competition -
Axiom is a statement that is taken to be true, to serve as a
premise or starting point for further reasoning and arguments.
When you can't separate
facts from fiction, you will always have problems, you will always make
mistakes, you will always make
assumptions, you will always have
delusions, you will always have suffering, and you will always have
avoidable deaths.
A religious person becomes a
terrorist when they
use their
belief as an excuse to commit a crime, or
when they use
their belief to deny the rights and
the freedoms of other people. An
ignorant contradiction of the
golden rule.
Holy War is a war or
violent campaign waged
often by religious extremists for
what is considered
to be a holy purpose.
Religious War is
a war which is primarily caused or
justified by
differences in religion.
Jihadism or Jihad is a holy war waged by Muslims against
infidels. A holy struggle or striving by a Muslim for a moral or spiritual
or political goal.
JIHAD. The Bafta-nominated
film by Deeyah Khan. ©Fuuse Films (youtube)
Religious Persecution is the systematic mistreatment of an
individual or group of individuals as a response to their religious
beliefs or affiliations or lack thereof.
On Religious
Grounds means that a person is using their religious
beliefs as an excuse to be an
asshole to people, or to be
abusive to people or to
discriminate against
people, without
explaining themselves logically, and
without having a
valid argument. This is
not about having a
conscience, this is about
pretending to be
above the law
vague reasons. Everything
that you have is based on reality that people followed, but for some
strange reason you think that reality doesn't exist. Ignorant excuses are
lies that are used by all
kinds of criminals, and criminals will always
lie and make up stupid excuses
for their behavior. Like with corporations that use profit as an excuse to
harm people, kill people and destroy the environment. Too many people are
lying scumbags and
getting away it. Religious fanatics believe that they're going to heaven because
ignorantly believe they are doing gods work,
when in fact, they are actually
doing the devils work, and they're
dragging down the people they victimize with them.
Paranoia -
Paranormal -
Superstition -
Fallacies -
Fantasies -
Pseudoscience -
Junk Science -
Intuition -
Correlation does not
prove Causation"When a
becomes a
fantasy, you have to
be careful what you wish for because
there's always a
dark side, and
goes around comes around. What
you thought would
send you to heaven is actually
sending you to hell."
Radicalization is a process by which an individual or group
comes to adopt increasingly
extreme political, social, or religious ideals
and aspirations that reject or undermine the
status quo or undermine
contemporary ideas and expressions of
freedom of choice.
"You alter the
facts to fit your view, when you should be altering your views to fit the
facts. It's better to face the
hard truth than a reassuring fate based on lies."
Blind following the Blind -
Just Following Orders -
The Devil Made Me Do it -
Monopolies -
Religious Charlatans
Radicalism is the
political orientation of those who favor
revolutionary change in government and society.
Radical Belief is any
faith-based belief that cannot be proven or
logically explained.
Fundamentalist is the
distorted interpretation of every word in the sacred texts as literal
Truth is debatable,
which is one of the main reasons why we have
courts of law.
is the
stubborn unwavering
attachment to a set of
perceived irreducible
beliefs that ignore
relevance. Usually has a
religious connotation that indicates unwavering attachment to a set of
irreducible beliefs. A strong sense of the importance of maintaining
ingroup and outgroup distinctions, leading to an emphasis on perceived
purity and the desire to return to a previous ideal that they claim to
understand, from which advocates believe members have strayed. Rejection
of diversity of opinion as applied to these established "fundamentals" and
their accepted interpretation within the group often results from this
Absolutism is the acceptance of a belief in
absolute principles in political,
philosophical, ethical, or theological matters.
Moral Absolutism is an
view that all actions are intrinsically
right or
wrong. Something may still
be wrong even if it's done for the well-being of others and even if it
does in the end promote something good. But this will always be
relative to the situation
and the facts that surround it.
Self Defense -
Revenge -
Splitting in psychology is also called
black-and-white thinking or
thinking, which is the failure in a person's thinking to
together the
dichotomy of both positive and negative qualities of the self
and others into a
cohesive, realistic whole. It is a common defense
Fanaticism is a
belief or
behavior involving uncritical zeal
or with an
obsessive enthusiasm.
Fanatic is a person filled with
excessive and
single-minded zeal,
especially for an extreme religious or political cause. Marked by
excessive enthusiasm for and intense devotion to a cause or idea.
Ardent is being very
enthusiastic or
passionate with intense
emotion. Ardent can also mean glowing or shining like fire.
Sanctimonious is being excessive or
hypocritically expressing reverence
for a deity. Pious.
Worship is a feeling of profound
love and admiration for something or someone.
Worship is an act of religious
devotion usually directed
towards a
deity. An act of worship may be performed individually, in an
informal or formal group, or by a designated leader.
Worshipping is love that is
unquestioningly and
uncritically, or to
excess. To
venerate something as an
idol or to show devotion to a deity.
Prayer -
Denial -
Lack of Empathy -
Reasoning -
Ignorance -
Deradicalization refers to preventive counterterrorism measures that
aim to have those with extreme and violent religious or
ideologies adopt more
moderate and
nonviolent views. This is most
effective when counteracting an ongoing - rather than well advanced
process of radicalization (counter-radicalization) whereby individuals or
groups gradually develop a mindset that increases the risk of violent
extremism or terrorism. Deradicalization is not to be confused with
anti-radicalization in which radicalization is aimed to be deterred and
prevented from occurring in the first place. De-Radicalization has been
described as an emerging science.
Education Reform.
Indoctrination -
Terrorism -
Racism -
Religious Factions -
Political FactionsIf someone is trying to sell you an after life full of promises,
and if the only way to know if this heaven is true, is to die, then you
are already dead inside. There are
con men of the spirit who will exploit
the name God in order to steal your soul. So you need to focus on living a
good life instead of thinking that death is a reward and that your death
will end the suffering. To stop the suffering, you need to stay alive,
because once you're dead, you can no longer help ease the suffering. Death
only adds to the suffering. Gods needs you on earth, why else would God
give you life on earth? God does not give life so that you can die, God
gives life so that you can live.
Religious Paranoia is an
fear of being purposefully attacked by an outside agent(s) in or
through some religious context. Some examples: The fear of one's soul
being stolen. The fear of being tempted by demons. The fear of being
plotted against by cultists. The fear of God or Satan. It is a condition
which has been compared to extremism and intolerance. It has been cited as
a possible contributor to political violence. It is often related to
splitting, psychological projection, a desire to maintain a sense of
purity in situations of real or perceived persecution, and rigid and
unchallengeable attitudes. In an alternate form of religious paranoia of a
psychiatric nature, the patient can suffer from a permanent delusion of a
primarily religious nature. He could, for example, believe that he is the
messenger of God who has been sent to the world to propagate some
Panic is a feeling of fear spread among many people that some evil
threatens the well-being of society. The process of arousing social
concern over an issue that is not real and is mostly fabricated in order
to divide people.
Lunatic Fringe is a term used to characterize members of a political
or social movement as extremists with eccentric or fanatical views.
"Those who believe
without reason, are hard to be convinced by reason." -
James Randi.
People who don't use
in their thinking are hard to teach using reasoning. This does not
say that people don't have reasons for doing things or reasons for
thinking things, people just don't fully understand what reasoning is.
Reasoning is more than a long process of doing a lot of
research and learning everything that
you can, reasoning is knowing that there will always be things in life
that you will not be able to fully
understand, and the things that you do understand, will always come
continually learning everything
that you can, so when you do present reasons, those reasons will be well
documented, transferable, and comprehensible to yourself and other people.
Cults - Cult Like Organizations
is a
group of people who are almost entirely
controlled by or
dominated by
single individual or
Cults use
sleep depravation,
reward and
admiration or
love bombing. Cults take advantage of peoples
need for belonging and a
persons need
purpose. Cults make you feel
privileged and special, mostly because they just want to
use you for their own selfish gain, or
abuse you for their own
pleasure. And they do it without fully explaining why, or they just give
invalid reasons and lame
excuses. Cults don't want you to trust other people, cults only want you
to trust them. Cults want you to sell your soul and make unfair sacrifices
to increase your
isolation. Cults use
manipulation, lying, cheating,
blaming, guilt trips, and
spread rumors to
persuade followers to stay. To
cults, it's all about the
money and
control, you are just a pawn in a game you can't
Fake Love -
Charlatans -
Scams -
Reward System
False Advertising -
Gratification -
Reward Stimulus
Click Bait
Charisma -
Cult of Personality -
Control -
Subliminal -
Brain Washing -
Persuasion -
Heresy -
Blasphemy -
Behavior -
Media Literacy
Accessory to a Crime -
Punishment -
Praying -
Red Flags -
Extremism -
Pretending to Know -
Run Around Talk -
Propaganda -
Political and Corporate Terrorists
Monopolies -
False Flag
Divided We Stand -
Two Party System -
Conformity -
Blind Adherence -
Interventions -
Assimilation -
Patriotism -
Influence -
Love Bombing is an attempt to
influence a person by lavish
demonstrations of attention and affection.
Gas-Lighting is
someone into questioning their own perception of reality, or to
manipulate another person into
doubting their own perceptions, memories, experiences and their
understanding of events.
Distorting History -
religions can resemble cults,
parties can be cult like,
corporations act like a cult,
schools can be cult like,
and the
police and the
military and almost every other
government agency and
institution that are know can be
considered a cult when you see the similarities and recognize the signs.
So what cult are you in? If you say that you're not in a cult, that is
exactly what someone would say when they are in a cult.
Coercion is the practice of
forcing another party to act in
involuntary manner by use of intimidation or
threats or some other form
of pressure or
Attrition is the action or process of
gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something
through sustained attack or pressure. Attrition in warfare is a military
strategy consisting of
belligerent attempts to win a war by
wearing down the enemy to the point of
collapse through continuous losses in personnel and material. The war will
usually be won by the side with greater such resources.
Psychological Manipulation is a type of
social influence that aims to
change the behavior or perception of others through abusive, deceptive, or
underhanded tactics.
When your
intuition is telling you that
something is wrong, it means that something is bad or not right. So proceed
with caution. You can lie to yourself, but the
ugly truth will be revealed
sooner or later.
How do you know if you're in
a Cult? These are some of the signs and behaviors of a cult, things to look out for.
1. Beware of any kind of
pressure or any kind of
pressure to
make a quick decision about
becoming involved in any intensive kind of
activity or organization.
2. Be wary of any leader who proclaims him or
herself as having special powers or special insight or divinity.
3. The group is
mostly closed, although there may
be outside followers, there's usually an inner circle that
follows the
leader without question, and that maintains a tremendous amount of
4. The group uses
deceptive means,
typically, to
recruit new members, and then once recruited will subject
its members to an
organized program of thought reform, or what most people
refer to as
Typically cults also exploit their members. Within the
group, they'll
exploit members financially,
psychologically, emotionally
and, all too often, sexually.
6. A very important aspect of cult is the
idea that if you leave the cult, horrible things will happen to you. This
is important, and it's important to realize. That people outside of a cult
are potential members, so they're not looked upon as negatively as people
inside the cult who then leave the cult.
How to Spot a Cult (youtube)
You're a nice person. But sometimes you can be too nice and become
passive. You're afraid to
criticize your leader and afraid to criticize your supervisors because
you don't want to make
So you basically sign a non disclosure agreement with yourself that states
that you will never say anything bad about the scumbags who abused you or
manipulated you. But it's not about you. It's about protecting others from
abuse and manipulation. You
blow the
whistle to warn other possible victims.
Alerting people to
dangers can help protect
people from abuse and manipulation. Your mistakes, your gullibleness and
your trustworthiness can be a great benefit to other people, and not just
to yourself. A bad experience can become a good experience when you learn
a valuable lesson. You're cult free now, but you're not free from the
responsibility of learning, because
knowledge is power. But
you have to learn how to control the power of knowledge. So you keep
educating yourself. There are big plans in your future and a cultless
world is waiting. A world were intelligence is the norm instead of
ignorance being the norm. The
great awakening is not just a
moment, it's a process. The great awakening is knowing what being awake is
and what being aware is really about. So you train yourself to be mindful
several times a day, and eventually, being conscious and being aware will
be the new norm. We will still sleep, but we will now know the difference
between sleeping and being awake. And when we are awake, we will see so
much more than the eyes can see, and we will not be so
blind to trouble or dangers.
Proselytize is to convert or attempt to
convert someone from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.
Proselytism is the act or fact of
religious conversion, and it also
includes actions which invite it.
Cult Awareness Network was an organization created by
deprogrammer Ted Patrick that
provided information on groups that it considered to be cults, as well as
support and referrals to deprogrammers. It was founded in the wake of the
November 18, 1978 deaths of members of the group Peoples Temple and
assassination of Congressman Leo J. Ryan in
Jonestown, Guyana, and was
shut down in 1996. Its name and assets were later bought by a group of
private donors (some of whom were Scientologists) in a bankruptcy
proceedings; with the transfer of ownership, the organization was renamed
the New Cult Awareness Network. CAN and its representatives were known for
being highly critical of Scientology, Landmark Education, and some other
groups and new religious movements, referring to some of these groups as
"destructive cults".
Heaven's Gate (wiki)
Anti-Cult Movement opposes any new religious movement (NRM) that they
characterize as a cult.
Zealotry means one who is zealous on behalf of God.
Zealous is marked by
active interest and
The 1975 film called
Tommy shows the dangers of blindly
Anticipation or being
enthusiastic, is an
emotion involving pleasure, excitement, and sometimes anxiety in
considering some expected or longed-for good event.
Enthusiasm is intense enjoyment, interest, or approval.
Irreducible is lacking the capacity or
ability to simplify.
Entice is to
Provoke someone to do something through often
false or exaggerated promises or
is a
personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or
certainty. Allure, allurement, appeal, attractiveness, bait,
captivation, charm, come-on, courting, draw, drawing power,
enchantment, endearment, enthrallment, enticement, fascination,
gravitation, inclination, inducement, interest, invitation,
lure, magnetism,
pull, seduction, solicitation, temptation, tendency.
Antonyms: repulsion, revulsion.
Fear is not a good
method, what other methods can help make someone
aware of danger without using
scare tactics?
Compensation is a strategy whereby one
covers up,
consciously or unconsciously, weaknesses, frustrations, desires, or
feelings of inadequacy or incompetence in one life area through the
gratification or (drive towards) excellence in another area. Compensation
can cover up either real or imagined deficiencies and personal or physical
inferiority. Positive compensations may help one to overcome one's
difficulties. On the other hand, negative compensations do not, which
results in a reinforced feeling of inferiority. There are two kinds of
negative compensation: Overcompensation, characterized by a superiority
goal, leads to striving for power, dominance, self-esteem, and
self-devaluation. Undercompensation, which includes a demand for help,
leads to a lack of courage and a fear for life.
Secret Society is a club or an organization whose
activities, events, and inner functioning are concealed from non-members.
The society may or may not attempt to conceal its existence.
Fraternity connotes an organization of men, a fraternity, as
a type of
25 Most Cult-Like Schools, 14 are found
in the South. Analysis of university prestige, spirit, and enduring
devotion to their school. University of Michigan in Ann Arbor is the
cultiest college in the country. In second is University of Virginia,
followed by University of Florida, Texas A&M and UCLA. When it comes to
social prestige, Wake Forest University in North Carolina scores highest
overall, ranking first for women's sorority participation. The University
of Chicago comes out on top for academic excellence, with excellent SAT
and ACT scores in all subjects, and a 90 percent four-year graduation
Religious Movement is used as an alternative phrase to the
Conversion is the adoption of a set of beliefs identified
with one particular religious
denomination to the
exclusion of others.
Zionism is the
national movement
or a nationalist
political movement of the
Jewish people that
supports the re-establishment of a Jewish homeland in the territory
defined as the historic Land of Israel (roughly corresponding to
Palestine, Canaan or the Holy Land).
Theocracy is a
form of government in which a deity is the
source from which all authority derives. The Oxford English Dictionary has this definition.
Religious Affiliations of Inmates in U.S. Prisons

Trying to define a religious affiliation can be easily flawed. It's hard to prove that a particular
religious affiliation or practicing
religion is not the only influence that a
person has on their life, and to what degree did these affects have on
this particular individual? Getting accurate, reliable data on the
religious identities of US federal prisoners is often difficult because
the Federal Bureau of Prisons does not release that information unless
someone requests it through the
Freedom of Information Act. The data here
is self-reported, so it’s also dependent on whether prisoners were willing
to disclose their religion. Seventeen percent of inmates listed “no
preference” for their religion, but the Bureau of Prisons couldn’t clarify
how that is different from the 3 percent of prisoners who described
themselves as “Other”. Many
chaplains report growth from
religious switching in the numbers of Muslims
and Protestant Christians, in particular. Some prisoners usually choose
the religion that they claim according to gang affiliation or special
privileges given to certain faiths. A minister who used to do ministry at
youth jails, says that almost all of them say they ‘believe in God.’
Most criminals in
prison are
republicans or
victims of republican abuses.
Charlatans is one of the main reasons for the
of church and state.
Religious Leaders Convicted of Crimes (PDF) -
Religion in U.S. Prisons (wiki)
Republicanism is a religion and a
cult. Most criminals in jail are republicans. They are
your rapists, murderers, thieves, and child abusers. What republicans
think is just as disturbing as what they do, and don't do.
You can't use a
religious belief as a reason to
break the law or to do something wrong or bad. You have to have
reasons and evidence that proves that you had no other choice or option,
and that you were forced to do something wrong or bad. So please explain yourself.
Can you prove to everyone else who follows the law and who also has moral
respect for other people, that you should be
allowed to be an as*hole?
Everyone else has to be nice and have human decency, except for you? All
because you have some excuse that has no proof or evidence? Laws are made
because of
proof and
evidence, so where is your proof and evidence? Laws
are written and people agree to do things because that keeps society from
degrading and becoming a living hell. If anyone could come up with any
kind of excuse that they want to, in order to do something wrong, then
society would have no law and order, as we can clearly see today in
several areas around the world. And just remember that you can't solve
problems using ignorance or violence. And it's not a
protest if people are abused or
murdered. One of your main
responsibilities is to keep
educating yourself because you can't fight ignorance with ignorance. Keep
learning, and together we will solve every problem known, and we will even
solve the problems that
people don't even know exist yet.
Church Sexual Abuse Cases has been going on for over a hundred years
in many countries. Why?
Fascism (political groups) -
Divide and Conquer -
Conformity -
World View
(ideology) -
Prison Religion includes the religious beliefs and practices of prison
inmates, usually stemming from or including concepts surrounding their
imprisonment and accompanying lifestyle. "
Ministry" is a larger concept, including the support of the
spiritual and religious needs of prison guards and staff, whose work in an
often demanding and brutal environment often creates a special need for
pastoral care, similar to the care that is extended to the military,
police officers and fire fighters.
Education in Prison
Expectation is what is considered the most likely to happen.
plan and
We need to take
responsibility for our actions, we need to learn to solve our
problems, we can't keep
the buck, because eventually, we all know that the
pyramid schemes always collapse, and the last one
holding the bill this time, will mark the moment of our
extinction. I would never say that ideologies
killed us
all, but I would say that the
combination of our ideologies has given us incredible
potential, enough potential to stop the killing, and to end all
suffering. Our ability to communicate is our greatest strength,
but we need to use our language wisely. We cannot depend on
always being understood the way we would like to be, we have to
learn how to use language carefully, effectively and
efficiently. We should come up with a
language use, so that we can have a guide to help us
communicate better.
Truth Saves
Addiction -
SolvingWhy does religion sometimes look like a
Milgram Experiment? Can something be
Is allowing people to have special
privileges just another form of
discrimination and
Should any Religion have the right to abuse
human rights or civil rights?
No. You cannot justify it or explain it.
codependency also be related to the publics interpretation
of the world or
world view?
Practice What You Preach, why is this so difficult?
Do as I say, not as I do. Where's the
good example?
There are many things that we have to do to
maintain our
existence, and to guarantee that our children will have a chance
to enjoy this incredible planet as we did. I'm not saying the
world is full of joy, but it can be. But at the moment I can't
enjoy knowing that others are dying and suffering because of the
cost of other people's enjoyment, we can't allow ourselves to
contribute to this diffusion of
responsibility, we owe it to the
billions that have lived and we owe it to the trillions of
people that will live in our future.
Of course we are talking more the trillions of people....Lets
say that we have 4 billion years left on our planet, and lets
say we stay at our current population size of 7 billion, and
lets say that everyone lives for a hundred years, So now we can
say that every 100 years we will have 7 billion new people on
the planet. 7 billion new lives every 100 years, 4 billion
divided by 100 is 40 million,
So 7 billion times 40 million is a number so big it cannot be
visualized, so lets just say Quadrillions of humans who will
experience life on this planet after you are dead and gone, that
is a lot of people counting on you. and that is a lot of people
to be
responsible for. But it is also good knowing that trillions more
people will experience life on this planet, and look back on our
time in history as being the defining moment, we cannot deny
this fact that we are in this moment now, it's time that we open
our hearts and our minds, we have a lot of work to do, and a lot
of lives to save, so here we go...let us start talking, let us
start doing, let us start living as intelligent humans. Let us
not break the chain of life, let us make the chain of life
stronger, so that humans can live forever, in peace, and in harmony.
Thinking that God will punish evil and
corrupt people is foolish, this will not solve our problems. We
have to solve these problems ourselves. We can no longer
transfer our
responsibilities away that easy.
Our beliefs and our hopes are comforting, but we all know that we can not
just wish away our problems, we tried that already, it failed. So it's
time we except our responsibilities. It's time to learn, it's time to
live, it's time to love, it's time to progress.
Karma -
There is nothing wrong with
religion, the only thing wrong
is peoples ignorance, and if someone wants to blame their
ignorance on religion, or use their religion as an excuse for
ignorance, then they only prove one thing, and that is that they
Thinking for yourself can only happen when when
learn how to think without confining and
Belonging to a group does not mean that
you are connected, or excepted, or protected.
Even if you belong to a group and your are connected to a group,
but if the group you're connected to is not connected to the
rest of the world, and is isolated by prejudice or beliefs that
cause you to be bias against useful and important information,
then your group will eventually go extinct, as history has
proven. We want to encourage groups and socializing, but if a
group isolates itself and tries to disconnect itself from the
rest of the world, then that is the same as a self-induced
solitary confinement.
Church and State - Secular - Separate but Not Divided
Secular State is a
state that
claims to be officially neutral in matters of religion, supporting
religion nor
irreligion. But this is hard to prove since there is
no definitive evidence that there is a clear separation of church and state
or a clear separation of
good and
because these teachings can be very
subtle and difficult to detect. Society has a
belief system
that is embedded in almost every school, university and
institution, and also embedded
in almost every
media outlet. So there is no
real separation, only a type
belief system that most people have no idea how it exists,
or why it exists or who
controls it? A secular state claims to treat all
its citizens
equally regardless of religion, and claims to avoid
preferential treatment for
a citizen from a particular religion or non-religion over other religions
non-religions. Secular states do not have a state
religion, established religion or equivalent, although the absence of a
state religion does not necessarily mean that a state is fully secular;
however, a true secular state should steadfastly maintain national
without influence from
religious factions, or from any faction with money
or power. But what about the influence of
political ideologies?
Or the
influence of money?
root of all evil seems to be ignored, just like
ignorance of people is ignored. But of course that's not the
only problem
is it? We have this
problem too.
Decisions need to
be based on
facts and
scientific evidence, because this gives
us the best
accuracy, and
also reduces
errors and
corruption. People need to be more
focused on separating
fiction, as well as separating
biases from
objective reality. The
main reason for separating church and state is because of
extremist views and narrow-minded
beliefs are dangerous. Decisions should be based on
facts, evidence, proof and reality. Decisions should not be based solely
on personal beliefs that are not based on facts, proof, evidence and
The "state" refers to the government and the government
and religion are supposed to be separate. The government should not
control religion, and religion should not control the government. Even
though the government cannot give preferential treatment to one religion
over another,
the government is
controlled by wealthy interests, which means that
money influences the government, and
if a religious institution has money, then that religion has the power to
manipulate the government. So protecting religious freedom does not
protect citizens from
religious extremism or from
religious abuse. We know what happens when we
corporations more power then the
citizens. It means that citizens are victimized by corporate beliefs,
which can be just as destructive as some religious beliefs.
Personal Freedom and the
Personal Rights of humans is
much more important than someone's
personal beliefs.
If you are doing something
bad, you should not be
protected by certain rules that everyday people don't have. Every human
equal protection, and
no one should be above the law.
Balanced Life -
Sovereignty -
Separation of Powers -
When one side of the Brain is Injured -
Charlatans -
Illusion of Control -
Flawed Reasoning -
Pretending to be Separate -
Factions -
Dumbed Down Education
Secular are
attitudes, activities, or other things that have
no religious
basis or no spiritual
basis, and are not subject to or
not bound by religious rule and not belonging to or
living in a monastic or
other order.
is the state of
being separate from religion, or of
not being exclusively
allied with or against any particular religion.
Secularism is the principle of the
separation of government
institutions and persons mandated to represent the state from religious
institutions and religious dignitaries. One manifestation of secularism is
the right to be free from religious rule and teachings, or, in a
state declared to be
neutral on matters of belief, from the imposition by
government of religion or religious practices upon its people. Another
manifestation of secularism is the view that public activities and
decisions, especially political ones,
should not be influenced by religious
beliefs or practices, especially when a
not based on facts and reality, and not
based on a personal interpretation of what is
right and
wrong or
good and
Sect is a subdivision of a larger religious
group. A dissenting clique.
does not mean
closed minded or
Humanism embraces human reason, ethics,
social justice, and
philosophical naturalism while specifically rejecting religious dogma,
supernaturalism, pseudoscience, and superstition as the bases of
and decision making.
Secular Morality is the aspect of
philosophy that deals with
morality outside of religious
traditions. Modern examples include
freethinking, and most versions of consequentialism. Additional
philosophies with ancient roots include those such as skepticism and
virtue ethics.
You don't
need to be religious to be
good or to be a good person.
Morals without Religion -
Margaret K. Knight (wiki) -
Humanism Today
Deconsecration also called
is the act of removing a religious blessing from something that had been
previously consecrated by a minister or priest of that religion. The
practice is usually performed on churches to be rendered to non-religious (secular) use or demolished.
Separation of Church and State is
an illusion. When you have religious people
working in the public sector, like teaching, administrating and
there is
no real separation of church and state, especially when
so much alike. This is
why there are religious symbols found in a lot
of government buildings.
Separation is almost impossible. So in
a way the
state is a
church. And the
state believes in controlling it's
just like most religions do. The State worships money and they
expect their followers to do the same. So the state is just like
another form of religion where people live their lives in fear and worship
a God they call
money. So where is this
Shouldn't we just be separating the good ideas from the bad
ideas? We should not blur the lines between
good and
bad. The state should not
exploit religion, and religion
should not exploit the state. There is
to a certain degree, so
who's really
in control? It's not a true
And the
constitution or
human rights doesn't seem
to make it into the conversation, especially when a religious person can
use their religion as an excuse to be an ignorant as*hole to people and
peoples rights. I don't think that "Thou should be an as*hole" is in any
religious book. But some
religious fanatics feel
they can
use their religion as a weapon and
pretend to be above the law, which makes their religion look
more like a terrorist organization than a religious organization. And this
is not about respecting their religious beliefs, it's more about how
ignorant they are, and that they
use religion as their excuse for being
ignorant, which there is no excuse, except for having a very low level of
education and never educating themselves to acquire the most valuable
knowledge and information that is currently available.
Religious Freedom Bill is an example that there is no separation of
Church and State. Giving religious people an excuse to
discriminate and to
humiliate people is just
influencing more
extremism and more
terrorism, and just another way for the
state to keep people
We need
exemptions, as long
as exemptions are not used as an ignorant excuse to
commit a crime or as an excuse to
put other people in danger.
Separation of Church and State refers to the creation of a
secular state, that is with or without legally
explicit church–state separation and to disestablishment, or the changing
of an existing formal relationship between the church and the state.
Although the concept is older, the exact phrase "separation of church and
state" is derived from "
wall of separation between
church and state", a term coined by
Thomas Jefferson. The establishment
clause separates church from state, but not religion from politics or
public life. Individual citizens are free to bring their religious
convictions into the public arena. But the government is
prohibited from favoring one
religious view over another or even
favoring religion over non-religion. In a society, the degree of
political separation
between the church and the civil state is determined by the legal
structures and prevalent legal views that define the proper relationship
between organized religion and the state. The arm's length principle
proposes a relationship wherein the two political entities interact as
organizations each independent of the authority of the other.
Right-Wing Media -
Extremists -
Nearly 9 in 10 members or 88% of Congress identify as Christian,
compared with two-thirds or 65% of the general public. Congress is both
more heavily Protestant (55% vs. 43%) and more heavily Catholic (30% vs.
20%) than the U.S. adult population overall.
Most Republican members of Congress identify as Protestants (68%)
largest Protestant groups are Baptists (15%), Methodists (6%).
emphasizes justification by
faith alone rather than
by faith with
works. So these believers
pretend to be good
rather than proving they're good through their good deeds and actions.
Divided by Religious Beliefs -
Flawed Reasoning
Length Principle is the condition or the fact that the parties of a
transaction are
independent and
an equal footing. Such a transaction is known as an "arm's-length
transaction". It is used specifically in
contract law to arrange an agreement that will stand up to legal
scrutiny, even though the parties may have shared interests (e.g.,
employer–employee) or are too closely related to be seen as completely
independent (e.g., the parties have familial ties). An arm's length
relationship is distinguished from a fiduciary relationship, where the
parties are not on an equal footing, but rather, power and information
asymmetries exist.
James Talarico explains why displaying the Ten Commandments in every
classroom is ignorant. (reddit video)
The Lord is
Not on Trial Here Today (video by Jay Rosenstein -
Vashti McCollum was the plaintiff in the landmark 1948
Supreme Court case McCollum v. Board of Education, which
struck down
religious education in public schools. The defendant in the case was the
public school district of Champaign, Illinois; instructors chosen by three
religious faiths had taught religion classes within the district's
schools. McCollum wrote a book on the case, One Woman's Fight (1953),
became a world traveler and served two terms as president of the American
Humanist Association from 1962–1965. She was also a signer of the
Humanist Manifesto II in October 1973 and the Humanist Manifesto III in
2003. In 1948 McCollum told The New York Times "As long as the public
school is used to recruit the child or to segregate the children according
to religion or to use the truancy power of the public schools to make them
go to religions classes, I'm against it".(November 6, 1912 – August 20,
2006). -
Released Time is time set aside during school hours,
typically an hour a day or a week, for students to receive off-campus
private religious education.
Guidance on Constitutionally
Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and
Secondary Schools.
Section 8524(a) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
(ESEA), as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act and codified at 20
U.S.C. § 7904(a), requires the Secretary of Education (the Secretary) to
issue guidance to State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational
agencies (LEAs), and the public on constitutionally protected prayer in
public elementary and secondary schools. In addition, section 8524(b),
codified at 20 U.S.C. § 7904(b), requires that, as a condition of
receiving ESEA funds, an LEA must annually certify in writing to its SEA
that it has no policy that prevents, or otherwise denies participation in,
constitutionally protected prayer in public elementary and secondary
schools, as detailed in this updated guidance.
The First Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution both prevents the government from establishing
religion and protects religious exercise and religious expression from
unwarranted government interference and discrimination, which is a
contradiction because religion
discriminates against
information. You can't protect people from discrimination when you allow
an organization that discriminates. To say that the U.S. Department of
Education's new guidance does a good job protecting students of all faiths
and students who don't practice a faith, is a lie. It's just protecting
corrupt behavior. Religious liberty in public schools is safeguarded by
forbidding teachers and other government employees from leading students
in religious exercises while on duty or otherwise coercing students in
matters of religion, but on the other hand,
schools are dumbed down
and not allowed to fully educate students.
In 2022, the
Supreme Court rules Maine's
tuition assistance program must cover religious schools, which means that
state funded terrorism is now legal. Not to say that all religious people
are terrorists, it's just a fact that some religious people believe that
their personal beliefs give them the right to be
abusive to people and to
discriminate against
people, like with the S.C. law that lets health care providers refuse
nonemergency care based on a religious persons personal beliefs that are
not based on
facts or
reality, and are not based on what is morally
right and wrong or good and bad. A violation of someone's
conscience should be
based on facts and reality, and not based on
personal interpretations of laws
or words. You can not change the meanings of words in order to commit
crimes or to be
above the law,
especially laws that
everyone else must follow. We can't give special
privileges to criminals
just because they believe that they are not a criminal. We can't have
people going around making
assumptions or
pretending to
know things or living a life of
contradictions or
because this makes everyone vulnerable to costly mistakes that can end up
hurting people or killing people.
Everyone has the
right to be educated and be
protected from crazy
How far do employers have go
to accommodate the religious views of their employees? Federal
civil rights law requires employers to reasonably accommodate the
religious beliefs of workers as long as that accommodation does not impose
an "undue hardship" on the employer's business. Undue hardship as a
substantial additional cost, but it also said that the cost need not be
more than a de minimis amount, defined in the dictionary as a trifling
amount. Refusing to work on Sundays or religious holidays can put a
significant burden on other workers when one is allowed to refuse work.
"Do unto others as you would have them
do unto you".
Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount.
Golden Rule states
that one should
treat others as one would like others to treat oneself
(positive or directive form). One should not treat others in ways that one
would not like to be treated (negative or prohibitive form). What you wish
upon others, you wish upon yourself (empathic or responsive form).
Hortative are verbal expressions used by the speaker to
encourage or
discourage an action. Different hortatives can be used to express greater
or lesser intensity, or the speaker's attitude, for or against it. The
cohortative is a hortative
modality in English. The cohortative is used for
mutual encouragement or
discouragement. it signals mutual encouragement for the speaker and the
Imperative Mood is a
grammatical mood
that forms a command or request.
Linguistic Modality is about a speaker's or a writer's attitude
towards the world. A speaker or writer can express certainty, possibility,
necessity and ability by using modal words and expressions. Speakers often
have different opinions about the same thing.
Meaning and
interpretation is not always the
pluribus unum is the traditional motto of the United States, E
pluribus unum is Latin for "
Out of many, one",
and also translated as "
One out of many" or
One from many". The motto appears on the
Great Seal along with Annuit cœptis (Latin for "he approves the
undertaking [lit. '
undertaken']") and Novus ordo seclorum (Latin for "
order of the ages") which appears on the reverse of the Great Seal;
its inclusion on the seal was approved by an Act of Congress in
1782. While its status as national motto
was for many years unofficial, E pluribus unum was still considered the
de facto motto of the United States from its
early history. E PLURIBUS UNUM has thirteen letters makes its use symbolic
of the thirteen original states, like the thirteen stripes on the US flag.
One out of many meant a single nation from
a collection of states, and that we are stronger and more
resilient when we
work together as a team
instead of apart. Embracing all of our
diversity instead of being separate,
divided and weak.
God We Trust" is the second motto of the United States that was
adopted by the U.S. Congress in
1956 (H. J.
Resolution 396). The motto replaced E pluribus unum, which had been the
de facto motto since the initial design of the
Great Seal of the United States. When the new motto was adopted, the
initial reactions of the general populace was far from unanimous approval.
In God We Trust motto has long been controversial as an official motto due
to what opponents perceive as being a religious statement, and as such,
violating the separation of church and state.
Placing our trust in God is not unusual, what's unusual is not
placing our trust in each other. God has made it very clear that humans
must learn how to solve their own problems. Waiting for a God to solve
human problems will only guarantee that human problems will continue. In
God We Trust motto should have never replaced E pluribus unum. One out of
Many or One from Many is more aligned with Americas values. This is how
the nation was formed and what it was built on.
When people work together,
their combined strength has tremendous potential. Having trust in God is
fine. But we can't ignore our roots or ignore the birth of our nation and
ignore what this nation was founded on. If we can't have trust in each
other, we will never be
one nation under God or indivisible.
Motto is a
short sentence or
phrase chosen as
encapsulating the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or
Pretending to be separate from other
people based solely on your
personal belief is a cruel and deceitful lie. We are all "Other
People". No religion or
ethnic group can claim ownership of
murder or
genocide, for these diseases have plagued all mankind from the beginning.
And the source of these diseases is
Even religious people can be
corrupted by power, so not even
God can save you
from your own ignorance. Learning how to protect yourself from the
corruptible influences of society is your responsibility, not God's. And
every human on the planet shares that
responsibility of
learning. You
learned how to believe in God, now you just have to learn how to believe
in your own abilities, because no one will ever do that for you, not even God.
When peoples ignorance is improperly reinforced by their
religious beliefs, or when they interpret things that only match the
things they
think they know,
or when a person only hears one side of the story, or uses
perceived popularity as some kind of measurement
for value or truth, then that person will always be ignorant and they will
never understand things the way the really are. This is another good
reason why education needs to improve. We need to stop radicalizing people
with these dumbed down education systems.
I see no difference between a
private faith school and a public school. Both are guilty of
leaving out knowledge based on personal
beliefs. Studying a
religion is not bad. What is bad is
not giving a child a
complete education. When people
exploit religious beliefs
to fit their own style of personal beliefs, they only confirm
that their version of knowledge and information is unreliable
manipulative. You can't enlighten people with
and at the same time, call it the words of God.
You can't totally separate two things that are not totally
or definitive in themselves. You can only define the parts, and
when you define the parts,
you are not defining the whole, only
the parts. And those particular parts can be compared to other
parts from other ideas. And then you can define which qualities
are better, or more logical, depending on it's use or
application. Generalized ideas may seem to have differences,
like science and religion, but there are always some
connections between them and they will always intersect in one way or another.
Racism -
Prejudice -
Parochial is something relating to a church
parish. Something having a
limited or
narrow outlook or scope.
Parochial School is a
private school
that is affiliated with a religious organization and offers a
that includes both religious and secular subjects.
Secular schools
were to function as a
foundation to share the values of a human culture. Parochial schools
offer a
curriculum of subjects like math, science, reading, and writing, in
addition to religious education.
Subjects are areas of study that are not related to religious
teachings or beliefs, but instead focus on
knowledge and skills. Examples of secular subjects include:
humanities, sciences, mathematics, social studies, language arts, history,
art, music, and physical education. The introduction of secular subjects
in education during the Protestant Reformation and Catholic
Counter-Reformation marked a shift away from strictly religious
Secularism is a worldview or
political principle that separates religion from other realms of human
existence. For example, in France, the government is officially secular,
meaning that it does not endorse or favor any particular religion, or
endorse any knowledge and information that would accurately explain the
value of knowledge.
Religious Charlatans

There are people who are
pretending to be religious
and good, but in reality, they are
exploiting religion and using the name of Jesus for political gain,
like the
republicans do.
Beware of false prophets. There are people who
pretend to do Gods work,
but they are actually doing the
devils work.
charlatans are running a
game in the name of God. They
pretend to serve the lord, but in reality,
serve money and
power and
use God as a cover. These religious
charlatans are exploiting
followers into believing that they are doing Gods will, when in reality, they
work for the wealthy and the
powerful. Charlatans
live a life of
lies and
deceit. They fail to follow their
rules, vows and
oaths of service. Using God as an
excuse for your behavior or
using your faith as a
reason to be an asshole to people, is
not faith, it's
fraud, it's
abuse and it's
ignorant. Using perverted
of religious text as an
excuse for your actions is totally
And they
use old stories as a reference as if it explains their
motives and
behavior. It's all hearsay, they have no witnesses, all they have is a
manipulated interpretation of religious writings. They use the name of God
to get power, and then say that they are the chosen one. They are a
religious mafia who exploits peoples religious beliefs for money and
power. They say that they represent the lord Jesus, but they really
wealth and
divide, and they use their
followers as
pawns in their con game. They use the word God as a
catch all
phrase to pretend that the word God explains everything that they say and
do. But the
only thing that this explains is that they know very little about the
world, so you use the word God to
hide their ignorance and to hide from
the truth, which is the
fraud that they are committing. They claim that
they're building relationships, but they are just building business
contacts to exploit and to further their illogical and
ideologies. They want to be invisible and not be
transparent because they
don't want to be held
accountable for the harm and destruction that they
cause. So they will never reveal their
ulterior motives, only a
vague mission with no clear goals. So it can't
be God's will, it's just your will, it's just your plan, and you use God
as a
patsy. You can't
pray yourself out
of this mess. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, and then you
exploit both sides as if you're untouchable and
above gods law. You can
say that you're doing the right thing. But you can't prove it or show any
evidence. Your good intentions are not harmless. You make promises that
you can't keep and
can't prove, which is
false advertising. And
disillusioned followers unaware of the
that these charlatans are committing. You claim that you're Gods children,
but you act more like you're
children of the corn or
the lord of the flies where
psychopaths run amok
because they lack
adult supervision. So you act more like the devils spawn than gods children. But the
good thing is that most of your followers are the
true believers and
the real
children of God, because they have God and the lord in their hearts and
they rely
democracy and the
constitution to guide them, and rely on
human knowledge to
prepare them for the
realities of life. The true believers understand that freedom and
rights are best earned when they are practiced and protected, and they are
not earned using
outlandish beliefs or using
fantasies about some manipulated
reality that only exists in the mind of the
So you need to stop your
charade and start telling the truth and start living the truth. We are
tired of your lies, your deceit and your
grooming. We forgive you, so let us move
forward. We should
learn from our past instead of
living in a past that no
longer exists, because it is
no longer
logical, good or right.
Religion has
become just another racket.
You should have nothing
to do with the
fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather
expose them.
It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in
secret. But everything exposed by the light
becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light.
Ephesians 5:11-14 New International Version. Ephesians, Paul begins to
warn against “
the fruitless deeds of darkness.”
What some of these deeds are is indicated in verses 3-6; sexual
foolish talk,
dishonesty, impurity,
greed, coarse joking, and
disobedience to the truth.
It seems that
you are the source of this spiritual warfare, and you
are the preternatural evil force that will cause the fall of man. But, not
this time. Your
suicide mission has been canceled.
We await your terms for a cease fire. We know you'll do the right thing.
Spiritual Warfare is the Christian concept of fighting against the
work of preternatural
evil forces. It is based
on the biblical belief in evil spirits, or demons, that are said to
intervene in human affairs in various ways.
Preternatural is that which appears outside or beside the natural. It
is suspended between the mundane and the miraculous. The term is often
used to distinguish marvels or
deceptive trickery,
often attributed to witchcraft or demons, from purely divine power of
genuinely supernatural origin that transcends the laws of nature.
of Man is a term used in Christianity to describe the transition of
the first man and woman from a state of innocent obedience to God to a
state of
guilty disobedience.
Religion can sometimes be just
pyramid scheme using
marketing scams that target the
vulnerable. There were several
Televangelists who have faced controversy from
fraud, private jets and a
Bakker (wiki).
Televangelists: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (youtube).
Followers can sometimes be
accessories to crimes -
Religious People in Prison.
God Made Me Do It is just
hearsay and a lie. God can't show
up in court to testify for you on your behalf. And you don't even have a
recording of God saying anything, which means that
you're lying and just
making up a story to cover up a crime by
shifting the
blame on God, which also makes you a scumbag, because God can't defend
itself from liars and charlatans. Making false accusations against God
will only send you to hell, or to
prison. You
must think that god is an ignorant scumbag too, but God is not. God is
great, and you're an ignorant piece of shit for thinking other wise.
Religion is not a cure all for assholes. It takes a lot more than a
religion to stop an
ignorant scumbag
from doing
evil things. It
takes a lot more than a religion to stop addictions, or to stop criminals
or to stop bad behavior. But that doesn't stop religious people from
making false claims.
Cure All is a medicine or other remedy that will supposedly cure any
ailment. A cure all is a solution to any problem.
God is
just "
make believe" to some people.
To some people, the word God is just a
made-up excuse
that they give to themselves or give to other people so they can avoid
having to explain their behavior or
explain their thinking or actions.
There is no accountability, no transparency, no purpose, no goal, no
verification, no truth, no proof and no evidence. This is not even close
to being positive thinking, this is just pure fantasy and an illusion that
is on the edge of being
delusional. I'm happy that you have something to
believe in, but if you believe that you don't have to learn anything new,
then you will be a moron until the day you die. Our reality requires us to
be responsible in life, and understanding our responsibility takes a lot
of knowledge and information. Life requires lifelong learning because life
is complex.
Human intelligence can make sense of these complexities and
learn how to control and maintain our reality on earth, as we have shown
in some areas, but we have not yet mastered. Some people are using their
beliefs as an excuse to avoid the responsibilities of life. We have to
work together, which means we need common beliefs. Humans are here for a
reason. Humans are
not here to misuse our creative
abilities, we are here to use our brains, effectively, efficiently,
productively, creatively and compassionately. We are humans. We are not
naive gullible puppets. We are humans. And the word human means an
intelligent and caring life form. We are humans. But
not all humans know
how to be human. Human education and media communication needs an
Some people can pretend to know things because no one will ever test
them and make them prove what they know.
Faith Healing is
the practice of prayer and gestures such as laying on of hands that are
believed by some to elicit divine intervention in spiritual and physical
healing, especially the Christian practice.
James Randi's The Faith
Healers investigates Christian evangelists such as Peter Popoff, who
claimed to heal sick people on stage in
front of an audience. Popoff
pretended to know private details about participants' lives by
receiving radio transmissions from his wife who was off-stage and had
gathered information from
audience members prior to the show. According to this book, many of the
leading modern evangelistic healers have engaged in
deception and
fraud. Religious belief in
divine intervention does not depend on empirical evidence of an
evidence-based outcome achieved via faith healing. Virtually all
scientists and philosophers dismiss faith healing as
pseudoscience. The book also questioned
how faith healers use
funds that were sent
to them for specific purposes. Physicist Robert L. Park and doctor and
consumer advocate Stephen Barrett have called into question the ethics of
some exorbitant fees.
False Advertising -
Flawed Reasoning -
Killing the Competition
New Zealand's Faith-Based Foster Care estimated that 200,000 people
suffered unimaginable abuse, torture and neglect over a period of seven
decades between 1950 and 2019. They were disproportionately Māori, New
Zealand's Indigenous people. The identities of the abusers were known
about for years, but nothing was done to stop it.
Prosperity Gospel or Seed Faith is a religious belief among some
Protestant Christians that financial blessing and physical well-being are
always the will of God for them, and that faith, positive speech, and
donations to religious causes will increase one's material wealth.
Material and especially financial success is seen as a sign of divine
favor. Prosperity theology is sometimes referred to as the the health and
wealth gospel or the gospel of success.
Religious Reasons or just an excuse for being a privileged asshole
who thinks they have a right not do something good or right that other
people have to do because they're normal. Religious reason is like an
insanity plea for ignorant scumbags who don't know how to reason or use
common sense.
Money Laundering by Churches
involves allowing corrupt money to be combined with legitimate funds
acquired by church officials. There are many vulnerable avenues to launder
money, and religious bodies, churches and mosques are no exception. Using
church money for personal reasons is stealing. Baptist minister Charles
Southall pleads guilty to money laundering as prosecutors say he used cash
to cover credit-card bills. Churches have also been accused of laundering
the proceeds of drug sales.
Mormon Church Fined $5 million by the
SEC for using
13 shell companies to
hide a $32 billion investment portfolio. Whistleblower David Nielsen
alleged that the church had accumulated $100 billion in assets and,
instead of spending the money on good works, they church used the money to
bail out business with church ties. He claimed that the church violated
its religious tax exemption status.
Psychopathic TV preacher Kenneth Copeland loses it when confronted
about his use of private jets. He has a wealth of $760 million. (reddit)
Do churches exploit
starving people or
poor people as a way to
influence their religion? Do churches use people's need for food and
resources as a way to gain
followers? Churches
are known to
exploit people's
faith for
monetary gain, so is religion
just another
racket? Of course religions
do a lot of good things, but why is there so much
corruption with religious people who
are supposed to be
morally competent?
is a
contribution to a religious organization
or a compulsory tax to government. Today, tithes are normally voluntary
and paid in cash or cheques or more recently via online giving, whereas
historically tithes were required and paid in kind, such as agricultural
produce. A tithe is a one-tenth part of something. After the
separation of church and state, church tax
linked to the
tax system are instead used in
many countries to support their national church.
Donations to the church
beyond what is owed in the tithe, or by those attending a congregation who
are not members or adherents, are known as
offerings, and often are
designated for specific purposes such as a building program, debt
retirement, or mission work. Many Christian denominations hold Jesus
taught that tithing must be
done in conjunction with
a deep concern for "justice, mercy and faithfulness.
Conspirituality is when
practitioners are given
information or
misleading information that misleads them into believing
certain things that are
not based on facts. As with other
movements, the conspirituality narrative portrays its followers as being
more enlightened than mainstream society and are
prone to persecution because they are aware of the "real truth".
Conspirituality is a neologism portmanteau describing the overlap of
conspiracy theories with
spirituality, typically of New Age varieties.
Contemporary conspirituality became common in the 1990s.
Spiritual Teachers.
Faith and Rationality exist in varying degrees of
conflict or
Rationality is based on reason
and facts,
beliefs are not.
Many religions
can be seen as a
fantasy world full
wishful thinking with
beliefs that are filled with
general ideas and
vague expressions, which can give the
illusion of having the answers,
only to create a
delusion of
grandeur where
ignorance is
bliss. When you lie to people and
pretend to have the answers you give
people false hope and a false sense of security, which does more harm than
good. A
dumbed downed
education forces people to look for answers on their own. And
sometimes people will fall victim to people pretending to have the
answers, and charlatans have more
censorship than access to valuable
knowledge and information, which leaves people
vulnerable and
dependent and easy to
manipulate. And when people
ignorantly believe they have the answers,
they will stop asking questions,
which is why this scam works so well. While others may
enjoy their
privileges and
fill their life with experiences, they too may neglect knowledge and
information, thus never fully understanding their potential and never
fully understanding themselves or the world.
No Person Can Serve Two Masters means that
you can not serve god and money because being virtuous is
not compatible
being greedy. You cannot
follow two
conflicting ideologies.
Affiliations of Criminals -
People in Prison who are
Conflict Thesis maintains that there is an intrinsic intellectual
conflict between religion and
science, and that it inevitably
leads to hostility.
Religious Terrorism is a type of religious
violence where
terrorism is
used as a tactic to achieve religious goals or which are influenced by
religious beliefs and/or identity. In the modern age, after the decline of
ideas such as the divine right of kings and with the rise of nationalism,
terrorism has more often been based on anarchism, and
politics. Since 1980, however, there has been an increase in terrorist
activity motivated by religion.
Religious Violence is violence that is motivated by, or in
to, religious precepts, texts, or the doctrines of a target or an
attacker. It includes violence against religious institutions, people,
objects, or events. Religious violence does not exclusively include acts
which are committed by religious groups, instead, it includes acts which
are committed against religious groups. Religious violence covers
phenomena where religion is either the subject or the object of violent
behavior. All the religions of the world contain narratives, symbols, and
metaphors of violence and war.
Destructive Cult generally refers to groups whose members have,
through deliberate action, physically injured or killed other members of
their own group or other people.
Religious Freedom is a fundamental human
right and the first among rights guaranteed by the United States
Constitution. It is the right to think, express and act upon what you
deeply believe, according to the dictates of
conscience. The
Supreme Court has long recognized that religious freedom
should not be interpreted to permit harm on others.
You can't use freedom as a weapon to deny others of the same freedom.
Supremacy Law states that laws or
beliefs can't violate federal laws.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
prohibits employers from
discriminating against individuals because of their religion or
the lack of religious belief in hiring,
firing, or any other terms and conditions of employment.
The First Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution says that everyone in the United States has the right to
practice his or her own religion, or
no religion at all.
Mormon Abuse Cases are cases of confirmed and alleged abuse by
churches in the Latter Day Saint movement and its agents, including
child sexual abuse.
Republicans and Religious people are the most likely people to molest
children, and they are also the most likely to
blame other people for the
crimes they committed themselves. (reddit
Catholic sexual abuse cases in Europe have been documented by cases in
several dioceses in European nations. Investigation and widespread
reporting of sexual abuse scandals were conducted in the early 21st
century related to numerous dioceses in the United States of America;
several American dioceses have filed for bankruptcy after settling civil
lawsuits from victims. A significant number of cases have also been
reported in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and countries in
Europe, Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
There have been many cases of sexual abuse of children by Catholic
priests, nuns, Popes and other members of religious life. In the 20th
and 21st centuries, the cases have involved many allegations,
investigations, trials, convictions, acknowledgement and apologies by
Church authorities, and revelations about decades of instances of abuse
and attempts by Church officials to cover them up. Top Southern Baptists
stonewalled and
denigrated sex abuse victims, report says in 2022.
Establishment Clause of The First Amendment prohibits the government
from making any law “respecting an establishment of religion.” This clause
not only forbids the government from establishing an official religion,
but also
prohibits government actions that unduly
favor one religion over another.
Southern Baptist Convention ousted 5 female-led churches. Leaders of
the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in
the U.S., recently ousted five churches across the U.S. because they allow
women to serve as pastors.
National Prayer Breakfast is a yearly
event held in Washington, D.C., usually on the first Thursday in February.
It is designed to be a forum for the political, social, and business elite
to assemble and pray together.
They pray that they stay wealthy and stay in
power, and
pray that they can hold on to their
privileges while
denying the privileges of others. The founder of this event was Abraham Vereide. The event—which is
actually a series of meetings, luncheons, and dinners—has taken place
since 1953 and has been held at least since the 1980s at the Washington
Hilton on Connecticut Avenue NW. The National Prayer Breakfast, held in
the Hilton's International Ballroom, is yearly attended by some 3,500
guests, including international invitees from over 100 countries. It is
hosted by members of the United States Congress and is organized on their
behalf by The Fellowship Foundation, a Christian organization. Since the
inception of the National Prayer Breakfast, several U.S. states and cities
and other countries have established their own annual prayer breakfast
The Fellowship is a Christian organization and a U.S.-based religious
and political organization founded in 1935 by Abraham Vereide. It is a
religious front group for the
wealthy and powerful under the guise of religion. The stated purpose of
The Fellowship is to provide a fellowship forum for decision makers to
share in Bible studies, prayer meetings, worship of God, and to experience
spiritual affirmation and support. The Fellowship has been described as
one of the most politically well-connected and most secretly funded
ministries in the United States. They shun publicity and its members share
vow of secrecy. The Fellowship's former leader, the late Douglas Coe,
and others have explained the organization's desire for secrecy by citing
biblical admonitions against public displays of good works, insisting they
would not be able to tackle diplomatically sensitive missions if they drew
public attention. Doug Burleigh is a key figure in the organization and
has taken over organizing the National Prayer Breakfast since the death of
his father-in-law, Doug Coe. Prior to that, he had a leadership role in
the organization and had spoken at the Russian prayer breakfast.
The Age of Reason was written by
Thomas Paine who wrote about the
corruption of the Christian Church and criticized its efforts to acquire
political power. Paine advocates
reason in the place of
revelation, leading him to reject miracles and to view the Bible as
"an ordinary piece of literature rather than as a divinely inspired text".
It promotes natural religion and argues for the existence of a creator-God.
It was published in three parts in
1795, and 1807.
Judeo-Christian Ethics underpins
American politics, law and
morals, and has been part of the "
civil religion" since the
1940's. In recent years, the phrase has been
associated with political
If you violate other
peoples rights, then that means you're saying that other people can
violate your rights, which means that
you're inciting a war.
So stopping this
ignorant cycle of abuse begins with you. You can't use a
belief as a reason or as evidence for another belief. No one is saying
that you have to give up your beliefs, we are just saying that you should
not use your beliefs as a reason
not to learn or as a reason not to
adapt. It's better to
looking for answers than
pretending that you know the
State Religion is a religious body or creed officially endorsed by the
state. A state with an official religion, while not secular, is not
necessarily a theocracy, a country whose rulers have both secular and
spiritual authority. State religions are official or government-sanctioned
establishments of a religion, but the state does not need be under the
control of the religion (as in a theocracy) nor is the state-sanctioned
religion necessarily under the control of the state.
State Atheism is the incorporation of positive
atheism or non-theism into political regimes. It may also refer to
large-scale secularization attempts by governments. It is a form of
religion-state relationship that is usually ideologically linked to
irreligion and the promotion of irreligion to some extent. State atheism
may refer to a government's promotion of anti-clericalism, which opposes
religious institutional power and influence in all aspects of public and
political life, including the involvement of religion in the everyday life
of the citizen. In some instances, religious symbols and public practices
that were once held by religion were replaced with secularized versions.
State atheism can also exist in a politically neutral fashion, in which
case it is considered as non-secular.
Center for
Inquiry is to foster a secular society based on science, reason,
freedom of inquiry, and
humanist values.
Roger Williams
was a puritan and an English
reformed theologian, and later a
Baptist who was an early proponent of religious freedom and the
separation of
church and state, and a supporter of members of the free will Baptist
Educators and their Political Leanings. Even though
most educators
keep a politically neutral front as part of their jobs,
politics has a way
of creeping into their classrooms through the text books they use and from
school administration requirements. The teaching of ideological beliefs
can be very
subtle to the untrained teacher and student. But it's mostly
the lack of knowledge and skills that schools fail to teach that ends up
doing the most damage. Among actors and actresses, there are 90 Democrats
for every 10 Republicans. Teachers are actually as liberal or even more so
than those in acting. Among English teachers, there are 97 Democrats for
every three
Republicans, with the proportion being even more one-sided
among health teachers, with 99 Democrats for every one Republican. While
there are slightly more
Republicans among math and science teachers, among
high school teachers overall, there are 87 Democrats for every 13
Republicans. Forty one percent of respondents described themselves as
Democrats while another 30 percent said they were independents. Just 27
percent were
Republicans. Half the respondents voted for Democrat Hillary
Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. Another 29 percent voted for
Trump. Thirteen percent selected a third-party candidate. Forty three
percent of the educators surveyed see themselves as moderate. The rest
were slightly more likely to lean to the left than the right. Nearly 30
percent describe themselves as liberal or very liberal. Twenty seven
percent view themselves as conservative or very conservative. Seventy
percent give Republicans a "D" or an "F" for their handling of K-12
policy. Forty five percent give Democrats a "D" or "F." Each party gets an
"A" from only 1 percent of respondents.
Right-Wing Media.
Evangelize is to try to convert someone or
seek to convert someone to Christianity. To preach the Christian gospel.
Apostasy is the
state of having
rejected your religious beliefs for your political party
or a cause. The act of abandoning a party for cause.
Apostasy is the
abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief. is the
formal disaffiliation from, abandonment of, or renunciation of a religion
by a person.
Silence (2016 film) (wiki).
Disaffiliation is the act of
leaving a faith, or a religious group or
community. It is in many respects the reverse of religious conversion.
Factions - Dissenting Religions - Religions Splitting
Schism is a
division between people,
usually belonging to an organization, movement, or religious denomination.
A split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties, caused
by differences in opinion or belief. Schism is a division between people,
usually belonging to an organization, movement, or religious denomination. The word is most frequently applied to a
split in what had previously been
a single religious body, such as the East–West Schism or the Great Western
Schism. It is also used of a
split within a non-religious organization or
movement or, more broadly, of a
separation between two or more people, be
it brothers, friends, lovers, etc. A schismatic is a person who
creates or
incites schism in an organization or who is a member of a
splinter group.
Schismatic as an adjective means pertaining to a schism or schisms, or to
those ideas, policies, etc. that are thought to lead towards or promote
Polarized -
Fallacies -
Subgroups of Society
Factions in the Republican
Party -
Secular -
Multiple Beliefs -
Independent -
Outsiders Faction
is a small organized
group within a larger one. A
state of conflict within an
is a subgroup of a religious, political, or philosophical belief system,
usually an offshoot of a larger group.
Religious Denomination is a subgroup within a religion that operates
under a common name, tradition, and identity.
Denomination is a recognized autonomous branch of the Christian
Church, or a religious group whose beliefs differ in some ways from other
groups in the same religion. Denomination is also the face value of a
banknote, coin, or postage stamp.
Infighting is quarrelling and competition between members of the
same group or organization.
Reformation was a major movement within Western Christianity in
16th-century Europe that posed a religious and political challenge to the
Catholic Church and in particular to papal authority, arising from what
were perceived to be errors,
abuses, and
discrepancies by the Catholic Church.
Cultural Changes -
Adaptation -
Diversity -
Self Manage
Freedom of Association encompasses both an
individual's right to join or
leave groups voluntarily, the right of the group to take collective action
to pursue the interests of its members, and the right of an association to
accept or decline membership based on certain criteria. It can be
described as the right of a person coming together with other individuals
to collectively express, promote, pursue and/or defend common interests.
Freedom of association is both an
individual right and a collective right, guaranteed by all modern and
democratic legal systems, including the United States Bill of Rights,
article 11 of the European Convention on Human Rights, section 2 of the
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and international law, including
articles 20 and 23 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
article 22 of International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The
Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work by the
International Labour Organization also ensures these rights.
New model for predicting belief change. A new kind of predictive
network model could help determine which people will
change their minds about
contentious scientific issues when presented with evidence-based
New Religious Movement is a religious or spiritual group that has
modern origins and is peripheral to its society's dominant religious
Religious Exclusivism is the doctrine or belief that only one
particular religion or belief system is true.
Religious Conversion is the adoption of a set of beliefs identified
with one particular religious denomination to the exclusion of others.
Thus "religious conversion" would describe the abandoning of adherence to
one denomination and affiliating with another. This might be from one to
another denomination within the same religion.
Forced Conversion is the adoption of a different religion or the
adoption of irreligion under duress. Someone who has been forced to
convert to a different religion or irreligion may continue, covertly, to
adhere to the beliefs and practices which were originally held, while
outwardly behaving as a convert.
Extremism -
Anti-Conversion Laws are enacted to protect people from forced
conversions, or from being forced to abandon their religion or forced to
join a religion. Those accused of fraudulently converting adults, minors
or those from a marginalized community, will face a jail time or a fine. A
person should not have the right to convert other person to one's own
religion. Anti-conversion act criminalizes unlawful religious conversion
and inter-faith marriages with the sole intention of changing someone's
Freedom of Religion -
Religious Tolerance.
Religious Discrimination is
treating a person or
group differently because of the particular beliefs which they hold
about a religion. This includes instances when adherents of different
religions, denominations or non-religions are treated unequally due to
their particular beliefs, either before the law or in institutional
settings, such as employment or housing.
Religious Intolerance is
intolerance of
another's religious beliefs or practices or lack thereof. Mere statements
which are contrary to one's beliefs do not constitute intolerance.
Religious intolerance occurs when a group or person
specifically refuses to tolerate
another persons practices or beliefs based on their won religious beliefs.
Intolerance is the
unwillingness to recognize and
respect differences in
opinions or beliefs.
Religious Segregation is the
separation of people
according to their religion. The term has been applied to cases of
religious-based segregation which occurs as a social phenomenon, as well
as segregation which arises from laws, whether they are explicit or
Secular State.
Heterodoxy are any opinions or doctrines at variance with an
official or orthodox position.
Inculturation is the adaptation of the way Church teachings are
presented to other, mostly non-Christian, cultures and, in turn, the
influence of those cultures on the evolution of these teachings.
Defunct Religious Organizations (wiki)
Islamic Schools and Branches summarizes the different branches and
schools in Islam. The best known split, into Sunni Islam, Shia Islam, and
Kharijites, was mainly political at first but eventually acquired
theological and jurisprudential dimensions. There are three traditional
types of schools in Islam: schools of jurisprudence, Sufi orders and
schools of theology. The article also summarizes major denominations and
movements that have arisen in the modern era.
Abrahamic Religions are a group of Semitic-originated religious
communities of faith that claim
from the Judaism of the ancient Israelites and the worship of the God of
Abraham. The Abrahamic religions are monotheistic, with the term deriving
from the patriarch Abraham (a major biblical figure from the Old
Testament, which is recognized by Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others).
Shia Islam is one of the two main branches of Islam. It holds that the
Islamic prophet Muhammad designated Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor and
the Imam (leader) after him, most notably at the event of Ghadir Khumm,
but was prevented from the caliphate as a result of the incident of
Saqifah. This view primarily contrasts with that of
Islam, whose adherents believe that Muhammad did not appoint a
successor and consider Abu Bakr, who they claim was appointed caliph by a
small group of Muslims at Saqifah, to be the first rightful caliph after
the Prophet. One of the most crucial differences between Shia and Sunni
Muslims is the importance that the Shiites give to Ali, whom the Sunni do
not recognize as being the prophet's rightful successor. Both sides agreed
that Allah is the one true God and that Muhammad was his messenger, but
one group (which eventually became the Shiites) felt Muhammad's successor
should be someone in his bloodline, while the other (which became the
Sunnis) felt a pious individual who would follow the Prophet's customs was
acceptable. The Quran, together with hadith (especially those collected in
Kutub al-Sittah) and binding juristic consensus, form the basis of all
traditional jurisprudence within Sunni Islam. Sharia rulings are derived
from these basic sources, in conjunction with
analogical reasoning, consideration
of public welfare and juristic discretion, using the principles of
jurisprudence developed by the traditional legal schools.
Cultural Christian are nonreligious persons who adhere to Christian
values and appreciate Christian culture. As such, these individuals
usually identify themselves as culturally Christians, and are often seen
by practicing believers as nominal Christians. This kind of identification
may be due to various factors, such as family background, personal
experiences, and the social and cultural environment in which they grew
Branch Davidians are a religious group that originated in
1955 from a schism in the Davidian Seventh-day Adventists ("Davidians"), a
reform movement that began as an offshoot from the Seventh-day Adventist
Church ("Adventists") around 1930.
The Family (Australian New Age group) (wiki)
Faith Leaks
Jehovah's Witnesses are directed by the Governing Body of Jehovah's
Witnesses, a group of elders in Warwick, New York, which establishes all
doctrines based on its
of the Bible. They prefer to use their own
translation, the New World
Translation of the Holy Scriptures, although their literature occasionally
quotes and cites other Bible translations. They believe that the
destruction of the present world system at
Armageddon is imminent, and that the establishment of God's kingdom
over the earth is the only solution for all problems faced by humanity.
The stated purpose of The Watchtower is to draw attention to the kingdom
of God, which Jehovah's Witnesses believe is a real government that will
soon replace all earthly governments. Jehovah's Witnesses are best
known for their door-to-door preaching, distributing literature such as
The Watchtower and Awake!, and refusing military service and blood
transfusions. They do not observe Christmas, Easter, birthdays or other
holidays and customs they consider to have pagan origins incompatible with
Christianity. Adherents commonly refer to their body of beliefs as "
truth" and consider themselves to be "in the truth". They consider
secular society to be morally corrupt and under
the influence of Satan, and most limit their social interaction with
non-Witnesses. The group reports a worldwide membership of more than 8.3
million adherents involved in evangelism and an annual Memorial attendance
of more than 20 million.
Flawed Reasoning
Paradox is a statement or situation that
contradicts itself or
appears to be
untrue or impossible because
something can't be
true and
also be
false at the same time,
unless someone is
biased or
cherry picking data or
living in denial, or
unaware of their
ignorance. When you
ignore the bad and
see only one side
of a problem, then your
becomes a
vulnerability. Mixing
with facts makes the truth extremely
Using lies to
explain other lies is
still a lie.
You have rules and beliefs that are a
complete contradiction of themselves.
You can't be
right and also
wrong at the same time,
and you can't pretend to be
good when you are also
When you only focus on the good things you do, but
ignore all the bad things you do,
then your narrow minded
ignorance becomes a
threat, and your beliefs become a cancer on society. You are not just
killing yourself, you're killing all life. So stop the nonsense,
Fix it or
Nix it.
Half Truth -
Withholding Evidence -
Censorship -
Cherry Picking Data -
Counterfactual -
Vague -
Hearsay -
Anecdotal -
Rumors -
Slander -
Hypocrisy -
Conspiracy Theory -
Propaganda -
False Balanced Media -
Circular Talk -
Empty Words -
Dialetheism -
Absolutism -
Polarity -
Unconstitutional -
Assumptions -
Interpretation Errors -
The Paradox of our
Time -
The Paradox of Progress
Zero Sum Game -
Catch 22
Contradiction is ideas that are
incompatible and incapable of existing together, or
incapable of association or
harmonious coexistence.
Law of Non-Contradiction states that
contradictory propositions
both be true in the same sense at the same time.
Diametrically Opposed is when one thing is
the exact opposite of something else. Implacable,
incongruous, inconsistent, inexorable.
Mutual Exclusivity states that two events or propositions are mutually
exclusive or disjoint if they cannot both occur at the same time.
Asymmetric is having two sides or halves that are not the same.
Having parts that
fail to correspond to one
another in shape, size, or arrangement. Something lacking symmetry.
Chaos -
War Profiteering -
is when two
propositions appear rational and true. A real or apparent mutual
incompatibility of two laws.
Discursive Dilemma or
doctrinal paradox
is a paradox in social choice theory. The paradox is that aggregating
judgments with
majority voting can
result in
self-contradictory judgments.
Consider a community voting on road repairs asked three questions; the
repairs go ahead if all three answers are 'Yes'. The questions are: "Are
the roads important?", "Is the weather right for road repair?" and "Are
there available funds for repairs?" Imagine that three (non-overlapping)
groups of 20% of people vote 'No' for each question, and everyone else
votes 'Yes'. Then each question has an 80% agreement of 'Yes', so the
repairs go ahead. However, now consider the situation where the community
are asked one question: "Are all three conditions (importance, weather and
funds) met?" Now 60% of people disagree with one of these conditions, so
only 40% agree on a 'Yes' vote. In this case, the repairs do not go ahead.
Thus the road repair team gets different feedback depending on how they
poll their community. discursive dilemma makes it impossible to make
simple statements about the beliefs of a collective.
Paradoxes are both/all
problems, requiring integration of
several alternatives into a single
overarching solution.
Dilemmas are
"either-or" problems, requiring
selection of
one alternative over another.
Oxymoron's use
contradictory words whereas
paradoxes use
contradictory ideas.
Law of Excluded Middle states that for every
proposition, either the
proposition is true or its
negation is true.
Fallacy is a
mistaken belief,
especially one based on
argument. An
error in
reasoning that leads to an incorrect conclusion. or a faulty reasoning
that is
logically invalid.
Belief Merging is similar to
judgment aggregation in that there are several conflicting beliefs
that are represented as logical formulae that have to be combined into a
consistent database.
Oxymoron is when
combine two words that have
opposite meanings. Oxymoron is a
figure of
speech that uses two words that are contradictory to themselves when
joined together. Examples of oxymoron's are "awfully good", "tough love", "true
fiction", "unbiased opinion", "open secret", "deceptively honest",
"organized chaos", "random order", "same difference", "bitter sweet",
"good grief", "cruel kindness", "wise fool", "idiot savant" "it was the
beginning of the end."
Faith is a sustained form of
deception or
which consists of
entertaining or
pretending to entertain one
set of feelings while acting as if influenced by another.
Bad Faith is the psychological phenomenon whereby individuals
act inauthentically,
by yielding to the external pressures of society to
adopt false values and disown their innate freedom as sentient human
beings. Bad faith also derives from the related concepts of
self-deception and resentment.
Parable of the Invisible Gardener is about the perceived differences
between assertions based on faith and assertions based on scientific
evidence, and the problems associated with unfalsifiable beliefs.
religious believers do not allow anybody to "falsify" their assertions,
instead they simply change their beliefs to suit the questioner. Thus Flew
concludes that religious believers cause God to "die the death of a
thousand qualifications".
Epicurean Paradox is an argument against the existence of God based on
the existence of
evil. The
paradox states that if God is all-powerful and all-good, then why is there
evil and
suffering in the world? If God is omniscient
and has the capacity to know everything, then God must know that
evil exists. If God is
omnipotence and has unlimited power, then God must have the power to stop
evil. If God is omnibenevolence and is all-loving with all good will, and
is fully merciful, then God must know how to prevent evil.
The problem of evil is the philosophical question of how to reconcile
the existence of evil and suffering with an omnipotent, omnibenevolent,
and omniscient God. If God exists and if God is omnipotent, omnibenevolent
and omniscient, then an omnipotent being has the power to prevent that
evil from coming into existence. An omnibenevolent being would want to
prevent all evils. An omniscient being knows every way in which evils can
come into existence, and knows every way in which those evils could be
prevented. A being who knows every way in which an
evil can come into
existence, who is able to prevent that evil from coming into existence,
and who wants to do so, would prevent the existence of that evil. If there
exists an omnipotent, omnibenevolent and omniscient God, then no evil
exists. But evil does exist, which is a
If God does exists, then God should have had the power to stop
ignorant scumbags from
down education. If education wasn't dumbed down and
if the media was not dumbed down,
then intelligent humans could rid the world of evil themselves.
Free-will is something
that you have to learn how to control. Having valuable knowledge and
information gives free will the ability to make good decisions. Free will
can be
dangerous for an
ignorant person, but free will can be
extremely powerful to
an intelligent person.
life is testing you?
Divine Providence refers to God's preservation of creation, his
cooperation with everything that happens, and his guiding of the universe.
While God cooperates with both good and evil deeds, with the evil deeds he
does so only in as much as they are deeds, not with the evil in them.
There are many
different reasons why people don't ask questions. They could be afraid
to ask questions, or they
don't know how to ask questions, or they don't know what questions to
ask, or they don't want to look ignorant or look disrespectful when asking
questions, so they don't question things and
except things the way the are. Learning happens when you ask
questions, and learning happens when you understand the answers to those
questions. Instead of just
naively believing the
answers, you should confirm what you know by asking more questions.
knowing what questions to ask and when to ask questions is extremely
important to every human. And knowing what answers are the most accurate
and knowing what answers are the closet to the truth is also extremely
important to every human. Knowing that some answers are too vague, so you
have to ask more questions, and if all the answers are still vague, then
you know very little, and should not assume to understand a belief or a
problem. Just
believing in something doesn't prove
that something. A belief is not a measurement of reality. Facts are
measurements of reality. A belief is a guess, and it's not an educated
guess, but more of a fantasy than factual reality.
It's easy to
believe that something is true
when you can
ignore all the
things that say it's not true. It's easy to
ignore reality when your
fantasy is more predictable and
easier to control than real life. A paradox is when you say you would
never steal,
but you're on camera stealing.
You say that you're not selfish, but you do selfish things.
you only choose the information that supports your
assumption, and
leave out all the other information
that doesn't support your assumption, then you're a
lying scumbag or a
ignorant scumbag, or both. If you're the asshole
pretending to know something,
don't expect other people to educate you. You have to educate yourself,
then you can have an
So instead of spreading lies, you should shut the fuck up and go educate
yourself and stop pretending that you know your ass from your face. If you
don't know that you're missing information, or if you lack data, and then
pretend to know something, then
you're truly a moron. Now that we have
established the fact that you're an idiot, you should go educate yourself,
and stop pretending to be educated.
Cognitive Dissonance occurs when a person's behavior and beliefs
contradict each other. When a
person realizes that their
beliefs don't match
reality or match their actions, they may feel discomfort, because they
now need to
justify their actions,
which means they will have to change their
change their actions.
This is why some people
conflicting information, mostly because they are
afraid to change, or they
are just too
stubborn to
change because their
big ego
is too
Downside is a negative aspect of something
that was believed to be only good or desirable. A problem or a setback
that hinders progress, or causes injury, loss or death.
Drawback is a hindrance or an undesirable
or objectionable feature.
Paradox is related to absurdity, ambiguity,
anomaly, enigma, inconsistency, and mystery.
Opposite of a
Paradox would be regularity, standard, normalcy, accuracy,
standard, success, certainty, same, correct, understanding, explanation,
correction, truth, usual, axiom, solution.
Burden of Proof. When someone says that
no proof of something, it could mean that someone is
lying or they're expressing a
fallacy. All you can say is there
not enough evidence that you know
of, or are aware of,
information that would
support a particular belief
explain something
logically. You have to
look at all the evidence that is currently available and analyze the evidence very carefully.
And you have to conclude that there's
questions that
need to be answered, because the
evidence that you do have, as far as you
know, does not
prove for certain a particular
causality. And
this also does not mean that there is other evidence that has not been
looked at or carefully
To say that
there's no proof would mean that
all the evidence that is currently available indicates that something else
may be the cause, and we should
investigate this further.
The absence of evidence does not prove anything. So
you cannot use the absence of evidence as an excuse or as a
reason to say
something that you have no proof of. That type of
reasoning is absurd and
Pretending to know
the answer is more dangerous than knowing that you do not have the
answer. Your
theory is not better than another theory if you never explain
your theory. It's hard to prove that the universe and life on our planet
just happened all by it self.
So anyone can have a
theory. And it's
not just a theory if the theory itself stops people from learning and
stops people from seeking knowledge and making new discoveries, especially
knowing that every person alive today is the direct result of people
learning and people seeking knowledge. So there is no point in pretending
that we have learned everything that there is to know, and that there's no
point in learning anymore, which is saying that there's no point to life
or no point in living, which sounds like the devil talking. Of course we
have a lot more to learn. And so we shall, for
learning has brought us this far, so
let's see how far we can go. If you believe something, you have to
remember that the word
means that there is no evidence or that there is a lack of evidence.
Everyone needs to
learn how to finish a sentence and
stop pretending that they
are saying something just because they
used a few words. To say that there
is no proof of God is a lie, and to say that there is proof of God is also
a lie. All you can say is that you believe in God, and a belief means that
there's no evidence or there is a lack of evidence. People need to stop
pretending that they know something, and they need to
start learning and start doing
research. People have to understand
that people can say almost anything they want, because they know that
people are
gullible and naive.
conforming to someone else's lie only makes lies
spread like a virus. Just because there is not enough evidence to arrest
someone, this does not mean that someone is innocent and not guilty of
committing that crime.
Invalid Argument -
Fallacies -
Fantasies -
Wrongs don't make a Right
Heresy -
Sin -
Charlatans -
Delusions -
Pandora's Box
Divergent Thinking
Convergent Thinking
Justified True Belief
states that in order to know that a given proposition is true,
one must not only believe the relevant true proposition, but also
justification for doing so. In more formal terms, an agent S knows that a
proposition P P is true if and only if: P is true. S believes that P is
true, and S is justified in believing that P is true.
No one likes a Dictator, but everyone is guilty of
excepting what has been
dictated to them.
When people use other peoples misused
unverified information as a reason for them to spread
their own form of misused unverified information, that is not only a
contradiction and
ironic, it's
using lies to spread more
lies. I don't mind people having theory's or beliefs, but people shouldn't
pretend to be reinforcing their beliefs because someone else's
misconstrued beliefs makes their beliefs look better. Other peoples
bullshit doesn't make your bullshit any less bullshitty. Don't try to make
your beliefs look better by comparing your beliefs to other peoples so
called beliefs, compare your beliefs to knowledge and information that can
be verified, or at the least, admit that you have a lack of verifiable
knowledge and information.
Personal Religion
I'm religious,
but I don't
follow any one
religion, or am I a
member of any
main stream
religion. I have a personal religion that is based on a
combination of
several religious beliefs along
moral standards and
intellectual guidance.
What being
religious means to me.
Religious is being
conscientious and
having a sense of right and wrong.
To have
principles. To
care. To be bound by
vows and
great effort. Having
belief in a
deity. Concerned with
important matters.
Having a sense of
Egalitarian is believing in the principle
all people are equal and deserve equal
rights and opportunities.
Egalitarianism is a
school of thought within
political philosophy that
builds from the concept of
social equality, prioritizing it for all people.
Self Religion is a religious or
self-improvement group which has as one of its primary aims being the
improvement of the self.
New Age
is a range of
spiritual or religious
practices and beliefs,
Routines -
Affirmations -
Mantras -
SpiritualityI'm not
irreligion, I'm just not 100% affiliated with just one religion.
Non-Sectarian is not
relating to a specific religious sect or political group.
Nonsectarian institutions are
secular institutions or other organizations
not affiliated with or restricted to a particular religious group.
Christian Humanism regards
humanist principles like universal human dignity, individual freedom,
and the importance of happiness as essential and principal or even
exclusive components of the
teachings of Jesus.
I believe in
God, but
I do not worship my
belief. Beliefs are not made to be worshiped.
Beliefs were
created to give us hope in the
absence of knowledge. And now
that there is an
abundance of knowledge, I have replaced many of
my beliefs with
knowledge. This process has certainly helped me
to understand things a lot better. I will always believe in God,
but I can not be so
presumptuous in guessing what that means.
Trying to express your own version of a
fantasy does not convey
enough useful information, unless you are just trying to
entertain people like you would with a
So then your not so much a religion, but more of an
entertainment facility where people pay a fee to play a part in
group fantasy. Preaching is not the same as teaching. We as
Humans are really fortunate to have had so
many people searching
for truth in so many different directions. We have learned so
much about ourselves and have learned so much about our world.
Ignoring this information is not logical. We are all one big
family living in a delicate system called earth.
Do not let your beliefs blind you from the known world. Instead,
let your beliefs live on in history.
Preserving the past does not mean you have to live in the past.
Solitary Practitioner is one who chooses to practice their spiritual
faith in the privacy of their home or other designated space, without the
need to participate in a group such as that of a Wiccan coven, although
it’s not uncommon for solitaries to participate in some communal
activities or sabbats. Some solitary practitioners can be
Neo-pagans, who
adhere to a diverse group of pagan religions that include various forms of
Wicca, Traditional Reconstructionism and Traditional British Witchcraft,
among others. About half of all
pagans are
self-ascribed solitary practitioners.
God gave humans the
gift of life, and the agreement was
that humans are
responsible for
maintaining life and responsible
preserving the
planet for future generations. The gift of life needs to be handled with
care and caution. So it is a human responsibility to protect themselves
from the
dangers and
risks in life. God gave us
an incredible gift, but this gift comes with warnings. So as humans, we
need to stop being selfish and narrow minded. God does not let bad things
happen, humans let bad things happen, this is because humans fail to learn
and listen. Life improves and progresses as humans mentally progress. And
humans have made amazing advancements, but humans have
failed to advance the
education system to match the current reality of life on planet earth.
God also gave humans a brain. We either use it or we lose it.
I love all religious people, but not for their
religion, but for their commitment, their discipline, and their
hope. I'm more interested in who they are as a person, and not
just the nuances of their daily rituals. The ritual is one
thing, the person is the other. I have lived long enough to know
that the person is the most important, and not my perception of
who I believe they are based on
their beliefs. I just hope they
do the same for me. I don't want to be defined with a word, but
defined with several kind words.
I respect the beliefs of others but
I do not agree with every
belief that a person has or do I agree with every belief that a
religion has. If a belief stops you from realizing
logical solutions to problems and keeps you from having a
clear understanding of knowledge and information, to the point
where you cannot make logical decisions and choices, then that
is a belief that I do not agree with.
Knowledge and information gives you a greater awareness of
yourself and the world, I have personally experienced this
awareness in myself and have also witnessed this awareness in
others. I cannot ignore
cause and effect or can I ignore all
the knowledge and information that our species has learned and
acquired in the last two thousand years.
I would not ask anyone to give up their beliefs. All I would ask
is that we talk and listen to each other and share our knowledge
and wisdom. We can learn a lot from each other.
We may feel like we live on separate worlds, but we know that we
I'm more interested in knowing whether a
person knows the same things that I do. We don't have to believe
in the same things or think the same way. We just have to know
some of the same things. We have our personal beliefs, but we
also have our knowledge and our life experiences. We can still
benefit each other even though we don't believe in the same
things, or believe in the same way. Because we will always have
some commonality in our knowledge and in our experiences, enough
to communicate effectively and efficiently.
You shouldn't let your belief in God undervalue Humans or
undervalue other people.
A persons religion is only one detail of
many details that makes a person who they are. A person is a collection of
their personal
and the knowledge that they have acquired so far in life.
And how a person
interprets those experiences
understands what they have
learned, will ultimately determine their
behaviors and
expressions. How much
a person has learned in their life will determine how much they will
understand about themselves and the world around them. So what ever
religion a person believes in, it is still just a small percentage of who
you are as a person. I don't judge people by their beliefs or
hobbies, I judge
people mostly by their character. Instead of criticizing someone's behavior,
I would rather ask questions about their behaviors. My goal is to
understand, not to
assume or to be
peoples natural ability to believe in things.
If you are truly trying to teach
moral responsibility, then you certainly can't ignore the fact
that there is a lot more information and knowledge in our world
today then ever before. And this information and knowledge can
definitely help explain
the logic
that is behind having moral responsibility
or having a
conscience. So it makes
sense to update your knowledge-base, especially when other
people depend on you and rely on you to help them, and also to
help guide them
through this world.
Why I Hate
Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word Poem (youtube)
There's nothing worse then a
perverted interpretation of information.
Instead of giving me a
puzzle made of words, why don't you just
tell me what you're saying?
What's the difference between
having an
imaginary friend and believing in
Tree of the Knowledge
God is Knowledge -
After Life -
You give power to a leader, but you can also be a
with power.
You allow others to teach you, but you can also teach others, including yourself.
If you were God, what would you do? What if you could never
become the thing that you love the most, then what will you become? If God
created the Universe, then who created God? And just where was God living
before the Universe was even created?
If you could never imagine that you could
be a
God or be God like, then how God could exist? God
had to learn how to be God, how else could someone become a God without
learning what being a God is, or without learning what the
responsibilities of being a God is. It must be a really good school.
School of God or God University?
I would not thank God that I'm
alive when other have people died. It makes God look like a
murderer. If you're lucky to be alive, it's because
you're lucky. So if
you're lucky to be alive, then you should use your luck for an opportunity
to do good in the world. Don't waste the good luck that you have been
given, especially when others were not so lucky. Are you going to tell the
family members of the people who died that God thought that you were
special, and thought that the ones who died were not special or important?
Don't thank god that you're alive, thank all the people who made your life
Winning isn't
everything -
Sponsored Content.
I thank God for all
the people who died in this horrible accident, because now I can be on TV
thanking God that I'm alive. I thank God that
I'm more special than
others. I'm sorry about your loses, but it's amazing that I lived and that
your loved ones did not live.
I thank God for the losers losing, because
now I
can be on TV thanking God for me winning. It's amazing that I won and your
children lost. Maybe God likes me better. Maybe God wants you to suffer. I can't thank God for all
the people who made my life possible because I'm selfish, narrow-minded
and ignorant. So I thank God that I'm ignorant and I thank God for not
letting me know that I'm ignorant.
I thank God for a dumbed down education system.
As you pray and thank god, thousands of children have starved to death,
thousands of children were murdered, thousands of children were abused. I
thank god for the opportunity.
And for all the people who can't thank God,
I thank God that I was raped, I thank God that I was murdered, I thank God
that I was killed, I thank God that I was tortured, I thank God that I
have a horrible disease, I thank God my child was murdered, I thank God my
child was raped, I thank God my child was born deformed, I thank God that
I was born poor, I thank God that I was born ugly.
A Personal View on Religion
It is not that unusual to
think outside yourself and
believe in the
possibility that you are not alone in life. I kind of feel that
someone is out there, but that someone can be almost anything, and that
something could exist on some other level or dimension that my senses are
unable to understand. So what does this mean? There is something else, but
I have no way of knowing what that something else is. So until then, I
need to focus on the reality that is clearly in front of me. And if
someone on the other side chooses to send me a message, then please
do, I just hope that I will understand the message. So if there is a way
to communicate or a way to open up a channel, then I guess that is
something else that I will have to learn, which is no problem, because I
like learning.
People love
stories, especially
stories about
fantasies. People like to
fantasize about what God may be like, everyone does it, it seems natural,
and it's also fun to imagine fantastic levels of existence. So it's not
bad, but some people tend to hold on to these stories as if they are true.
No one should blame people for their beliefs or judge them in anyway. I
understand that everyone needs something to hold on to, so who am I to say
what that is. All I'm saying is that we should not use our beliefs to
reality or try to
separate ourselves from each
other. We all share reality. And there are many things is this world that
distort reality. So we need to stay
true to our reality, and also stay true to each other.
religions are a collection of
stories about
love, struggle and
hope that expresses views about the
human experience.
Religious writings talk about a relationship with a Lord or a
significant figure. Religious writings also talk about our
relationship with the belief of a creator or God that resides
beyond our comprehension. But Religions
do not provide me with all the necessary knowledge that I need.
So I spend more time outside the religious realm, but never to
far away where I stop listening because some
religious knowledge,
texts and
ancient knowledge can be very useful to the right person at
the right time. But this knowledge needs to be
deciphered and
explained so that the
correlations and similarities are not confused with things that are just a
It's a good idea not to live your whole life or plan
your entire life solely based on your religion. There is so much more
knowledge today then any other time in human history. And knowledge is
extremely valuable when trying to understand yourself and the world around
you. And Life has also changed tremendously since religions were written.
moral rules that now govern society
need to be considered. A person can no longer use religion as the only
excuse for a particular behavior or action. Religion should be more of a
guide, and not used as a reason. Reasons are more accurate when based on
facts and experience, and not
exclusively based on beliefs.
"It is said that Men may not be the Dreams of the God, but rather that the Gods are the Dreams of Men."
"If you find evidence that one or more of your beliefs is a
contradiction, then it doesn't necessarily say that your belief isn't true, all it is
saying is that you can no longer say that those particular
beliefs are considered to be true, not unless you prove that the
contradiction is false, if so, then you can continue with your
belief, or you can, find a new belief with less contradictions."
"Believing more in something doesn't make that something anymore real, you just
make it more exaggerated."
Telling -
Fables -
Folklore -
Exaggerated is making something
seem more important than it really is. To
lie about certain details about
something in order to
people to like what you are saying, like in
marketing. To enlarge beyond
bounds or the truth. The act of making something more noticeable than
usual. Represented as greater than is true or reasonable.
Just because information
contradicts your
beliefs, this does not mean that your beliefs are totally wrong, it just means
that the way you understood your beliefs to be true needs to be
explained better so that there are no contradictions.
I'm not so concerned about whether a person
believes in God or does not believe in God. To me that is just
one belief. I am way
more concerned about all the other beliefs
that a person may have or not have. For me, the more I know
about someone the easier it is to understand them. Just knowing
someone's religion tells me very little about them.
"Although the unconscious slavery of
modern man to the industrial age is a serious matter, the
emancipation of mankind from physical and economic slavery is a
comparatively easy affair. The real slavery, because it is the
most cruel and destructive of all, is the intellectual bigotry
which claims to possess an exclusive monopoly on all truth. It
is people obsessed by such a belief who, when they happen to be
in a position of material power, hasten the downfall of a
laboriously built civilization or the disintegration
of a living religion. Man can be redeemed from all types of
bondage — physical, mental, spiritual, social, political, moral
— sooner or later. But the redemption of man from the
self-imposed shackles of intellectual self-sufficiency,
uncritically accepted ideals and a dry religious heritage is a
task which is well-nigh superhuman. Here is the real task of the
aspirant: to pierce through his own layers of self-imposed
self-sufficiency and insensitivity so that he may expose a layer
of vital awareness to the world about him, which would teach him
if it could."
Meher Baba.
Why is there suffering? What gives my
life meaning? Is forgiveness possible? These types of questions
cannot be correctly answered by the church, they are better
answered by scholarly research and intelligent collaboration."
“Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the
strength to endure a
difficult one” - (
Bruce Lee).
Why am I still alive, especially when knowing that
hundreds of millions of people have died in my lifetime? I should not be
selfishly thanking God for my good luck, I should be damming God for the
deaths of others. Why them and not me? Who will take on the
responsibilities of those who died? Who will replace their potential and
their purpose? Well God? Is this just another thing that you're forcing me
to figure out by my own? What is the lesson here my God? You say that you
can't intervene, I get it. Prime directive of course. But can I at least
keep my guardian angles? I'm not asking a lot, I just need some guidance,
and for someone to watch my back now and then, especially when I can't be
aware of everything. So, in God I trust. But with the understanding that I
have to do things for myself and for others. Forgive me God for not
keeping in touch with you. But just like you, I have a lot of work to do.
I'll see you on the other side.
Bias, prejudice, discriminate, selective,
everyone is a contradiction
to themselves. We don't use logic as much as we should. It seems
we have a separate set of rules and values for our beliefs, as
if they some how defy logic. This is an error that everyone
makes, so this is not unusual. I see people apply
logical thinking to several areas of their life, but I also
see them not using the same process of logical thinking in other
areas of their life. We are selecting when to use logic, and we
don't fully understand how to use logic effectively. We want
people to hang on to their beliefs, but we also want people to
understand their beliefs, so they're more aware and more
knowledgeable about themselves and the world around them. I can
prey to God and be intelligent at the same time.
Evil - The Devil Made Me Do It
is the personification of evil as it is conceived in many and various
cultures and religious traditions. It is seen as the objectification of a
hostile and destructive force.
Devil is a symbol that warns people of the
dangers of
false pride
selfishness, things that
can temp people into
doing evil
things, or influencing people to become bad and
There is no devil. The devil is just a
metaphor for
When someone says that the
devil will trick you, what they mean
is that
ignorance will trick you. So the only thing you should
fear is
ignorance. To
overcome ignorance you need to
educate yourself. Ignorance is a
sin if not addressed or acknowledged.
Making Deals with the Devil
Devil's Advocate -
Selling your Soul to the Devil
Religious Charlatans
Problem of Evil refers to the question of how to
the existence of
evil with
God that is supposed to be
omniscient and
Flawed Reasoning
Wicked Priest or
the man of the lie,
liar is always associated
with "
false doctrine and the
act of misleading"
whereas the Wicked Priest is associated with "
transgressions and non-observance.
génie du mal is known informally in English as
Lucifer or The Lucifer of Liège, who is a religious sculpture
executed in white marble and installed in 1848 by the Belgian artist
Guillaume Geefs. Francophone art historians often refer to the figure as
an ange déchu, a "fallen angel".
Fallen Angel are angels who were
expelled from
heaven. The literal term "fallen angel" appears neither in the
Bible nor in other Abrahamic scriptures, but is used to describe angels
cast out of heaven or angels who
sinned. Such angels
tempt humans to sin.
Ignorance is the root of all evil,
which means that
knowledge is the root of
all goodness. It's not just one thing that a person is
ignorant about, it's all the other
things that a person is ignorant about that allows them to be
ignorant about something
else. If the beliefs that a person uses to reason with are not accurate,
then their reasoning skills will not be accurate. If the
roots of a tree are wide
or deep, then those roots can support a big tree. Roots can be seen as symbols for
knowledge, the more knowledge a tree has, the stronger the tree will be.
Exorcism for Ignorance
Being ignorant can be similar to being
possessed by the devil or
similar to being controlled by an evil spirit. So you may need to do an
ignorance exorcism that helps to
enlighten the person so they can begin to
free themselves from the ignorance they have that is causing all the
havoc in their life. An
intervention is sometimes
necessary. Make sure that the person is in a safe and quite place before
you begin to
recite the
therapeutic words that will help to release the
demon of ignorance that resides in ones being. And make sure that the
person has a
good baseline
and that they are in
good physical health
and have
good mental health.
Here is one
recite example and some therapeutic words to use...."
The Power
of Knowledge compels you,
The Power
of Knowledge compels you! Thou cast out all ignorance! Dumbness be
gone! Thou cast out all unclean
spirits, all satanic powers, all infernal invaders and all wicked sects.
We drive this ignorance from us. God the Father, the Son and the Holy
Ghost commands you. O Lord grant us thy powerful protection that knowledge
gives us. Deliver us from the snares of the
devil we call ignorance, keep us
safe and sound."
After an exorcism for ignorance, you should inform
the person that God is with them and that love fills their heart
completely, and
good knowledge and
righteous wisdom will keep them
protected from the devils evil ignorance that wants to corrupt them and
weaken their resolve. So
educating yourself is the best protection from the corrupted
influences of ignorance. If the exorcism doesn't seem to work, then you
might want to
help educate
the person and help them do a lot of
Eventually the ignorant devil will flee the body in search for
ignorant person to possess and control, which usually doesn't take too
Extremism -
Evil Puppets.
Idle hands are the devil's workshop, or
idle hands are the devil's tools, or idle hands are the devil's
playground, are sayings that mean when someone is not busy making
improvements in themselves and in their world, they will become vulnerable
to bad behavior because they feel they have nothing to do except make
Idle hands are the devil's workshop
means that when you are not
continually educating yourself, your ignorance could cause bad
behaviors and bad thoughts. These sayings are not to be confused with
taking breaks or
relaxing, or should it
be confused with
taking the time to
think, it's about not
your time wisely and not making the most of your time because you
wasted time on
is the religious or spiritual practice of
evicting demons or other
spiritual entities from a person, or an area, that is believed to be
possessed. Depending on the spiritual beliefs of the exorcist, this may be
done by causing the entity to swear an oath, performing an elaborate
ritual, or simply by
commanding it to depart in the name of a higher
power. The practice is ancient and part of the belief system of many
cultures and religions.
Exorcism in the Catholic Church are for those who are believed to be
the victims of demonic possession or
mental health problem. Just because someone is suffering from a mental
health problem or physical health problem does not mean that the person is
possessed by the devil, they could just be a
republican. Signs of
demonic invasion vary depending on the type of demon and its purpose,
including: Loss or lack of appetite. Cutting, scratching, and biting of
skin. A cold feeling in the room. Unnatural bodily postures and change in
the person's face and body. The possessed losing control of their normal
personality and entering into a frenzy or rage, and/or attacking others.
Change in the person's voice. Supernatural physical strength not subject
to the person's build or age. Speaking or understanding another language
which they had never learned before. Knowledge of things that are distant
or hidden. Prediction of future events (sometimes through dreams).
Levitation and moving of objects / things. Expelling of objects / things.
Intense hatred and violent reaction toward all religious objects or items.
Antipathy towards entering a church, speaking Jesus' name or hearing
scripture. The demon may hold control over their physical body.
Exorcism in Christianity (wiki).
is a person who is believed to be able to
cast out the devil or performs
the ridding of demons or other supernatural beings who are alleged to have
possessed a person, or (sometimes) a building or even an object. An
exorcist can be specially prepared or instructed person including: priest,
a nun, a monk, a witch doctor (healer), a shaman, a psychic or a geomancer
(Feng shui - Chinese geomancy). (Of course we now have
medical interventions from
healthcare professionals).
Demonic Possession involves the belief that an alien spirit, demon, or
controls a person's actions. Those who believe themselves so
possessed commonly claim that symptoms of demonic possession include
missing memories,
perceptual distortions, loss of a sense of control, and
hyper-suggestibility. Possession, in which Satan or some demon(s) takes
full possession of a person's body without their knowledge or consent; the
victim is morally blameless.
which includes sudden attacks of
irrationally obsessive thoughts, usually
culminating in suicidal ideation, and which typically influences dreams.
Oppression, in which there is no loss of consciousness or involuntary
action, such as in the biblical Book of Job in which Job was tormented by
a series of misfortunes in business, family, and health. External physical
pain caused by Satan or some demon(s). Infestation, which affects houses,
things, or animals; and Subjection, in which a person voluntarily submits
to Satan or some demon(s). Sometimes a possession may be a manifestation
of superhuman strength. Speaking in tongues or languages that the victim
cannot know. Revelation of knowledge, distant or hidden, that the victim
cannot know. Blasphemous rage, obscene hand gestures, using Profanity and
an aversion to holy symbols, relics or places.
Spirit Possession is an unusual or an
altered state of
consciousness and associated behaviors which are purportedly caused by
the control of a human body by spirits, ghosts, demons, or gods.
Out of Body Experience.
Evil Demon is
an imagined malevolent God or an evil demon of utmost power and cunning,
who has employed all his energies in order to
deceive the believer. This malevolent God or evil demon is imagined to
present a
illusion of an external world.
is the belief in magical spells that harness occult forces or evil spirits
to produce unnatural effects in the world.
Magic is a type of
magic based on
imitation or correspondence. Imitation involves using effigies, fetishes,
or poppets to affect the environment of people, or people themselves.
Voodoo dolls are an example of fetishes used in this way: the practitioner
uses a lock of hair on the doll to create a link (also known as a "taglock")
between the doll and the donor of this lock of hair. In this way, that
which happens to the doll will also happen to the person.
Devil in My Car
- The B-52's (youtube) - Help! The devil's in my car. Help! The
devil's in my car. Help! The devil's in my car. Ho, devil's in my
car, whoa please. Please! Leave me alone! We're really tearin' tar.
We're goin' 90 miles an hour. Ho! He's drivin' me crazy. He's drivin'
me to Hell now. He's pointing his pitchfork at me. He's in the front
seat of my car! He's taking over! Ooh, he ripped my upholstery.
He's at the wheel, Help! The devil's in my car. Help! He's drivin'
too far. Ooh! Whoa! I can't lock the door, I can't put on my
safety belt. There's nothing for me to do but yell help! Devil's in
my car! I'm goin' to Hell in my old Chevrolet, I don't know which
way. Oh, help! Devil's in my car! Yeah, yeah. He's gone too far.
I won't see ya tomorrow. I won't see ya anymore. He's got his cloven
hoof on the clutch. Oh! Ow! I'm sitting on his tail. Oh-oh, I don't
want to go to Hell. (I don't want to go to the devil.) He's in my
car, in my car, in my car. Oh-wah! The radio gives me static,
There's nothing on my CB. Oh, help! the devil's in my car. Oh, he's
in my car. He's in my car. The devil's in my car. We're turning off
the road. Oh! Where ya taking me devil? Oh! He's grinning door to
door. He's got his cloven hoof on the clutch. Help me! Oh, I
don't want to go to Hell. (I don't want to go to the devil.) He's in
my car. Freeway to Hell. We're burning up the road. Freeway to Hell.
(Right through the tollbooth), we're burning up the road. (
Runnin' With
The Devil - Van Halen (youtube) - I live my life like there's no
tomorrow, And all I've got, I had to steal, Least I don't need to beg or
borrow, Yes I'm livin' at a pace that kills, Runnin' with the Devil. (
irae or the Day of Wrath, is a Latin chant or hymn. It is a Medieval
Latin poem characterized by its accentual stress and rhymed lines. The
metre is trochaic. The poem describes the Last Judgment, trumpet summoning
souls before the throne of God, where the saved will be delivered and the
unsaved cast into eternal flames. It is best known from its use in the
Requiem (Mass for the Dead or Funeral Mass). An English version is found
in various Anglican Communion service books. The first melody set to these
words, a Gregorian chant, is one of the most quoted in musical literature,
appearing in the works of many composers. The final couplet Pie Jesu has
been often reused as an independent song. The sequence dates from at least
the thirteenth century, though it is possible that it is much older, with
some sources ascribing its origin to St. Gregory the Great (d. 604),
Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153), or Bonaventure (1221–1274). (If you
learn from your mistakes, you will live a better life or be in heaven. If
you don't learn from your mistakes, you will live a difficult life, or be
in hell).
mode can refer to three very different but interrelated subjects: one
of the Ancient Greek harmoniai (characteristic melodic behaviour, or the
scale structure associated with it), one of the medieval musical modes,
or, most commonly, one of the modern modal diatonic scales, corresponding
to the white notes from D to D, or any transposition of this.
Accentual verse has a fixed number of stresses per line regardless of
the number of syllables that are present. It is common in languages that
are stress-timed, such as English, as opposed to syllabic verse which is
common in syllable-timed languages, such as French.
God is Knowledge - Knowledge is God - I was Blind but Now I See
We know that
information and
knowledge is
extremely important to everyone's
wellbeing, so you could very well
say that in a way,
God is Information, Information is God. How else could have
known that God even existed if no one communicated this
information to you?
How else could have known that God existed
if no one wrote this information in a book?
The wealth gained from knowledge is tremendous.
The potential for good is immense.
And the dumbing down of
education is catastrophic, which is Anti-God and Anti-Life.
Anti is not in favor of. A person who is
opposed or against something.
The mind is blind when
lack the knowledge and information that is needed to accurately
and interpret reality.
Err Is Human,
To Learn is Divine." "
stay Stupid is Dumb."
Keep learning, if not for your own sake,
learning for God's sake. Learning is
something of great importance, so you can almost go as far as
saying that, "
God is Learning, Learning is God ".
Revelation is that the Words of Knowledge is our
Salvation. And the
The Holy Grail of Knowledge is finally in our reach, thank
God! "
God is Life, Life is God."
God is like a Super Hero and an
Sake is a reason for wanting something done or
purpose of achieving or obtaining.
Learning something new
and important is like being
born again, it frees you from uncertainty, while at the
same time, opens your eyes to more possibilities.
Updating Beliefs.
Possibilities is a future prospect or
Capability of existing or happening or being true. A possible
Opportunities is a possibility
due to a
favorable combination of circumstances, like learning something
Salvation is saving
someone from
or from an
situation. A means of
preserving from harm
or unpleasantness. The state of
being saved or preserved from harm. Salvation in theology is the act
delivering from sin or
from evil.
really said was "
Let my people go, go to school,
so they can worship knowledge instead of false beliefs, and let people serve every
man, women and child as God has intended, as well as, let people take care of our
precious planet that God has given to us all and has also given to all
other life forms that we share life with on this amazing planet that we
all call home.
Let my people go and let them be free,
free from ignorance and free to educate
themselves to the highest degree."
Exodus was to escape from a hostile environment, an environment that
was derived from ignorance. But the ignorance followed us and we did not
escape its wrath. So this time, we will not run, we will defeat this
enemy, so no matter were we go, we will always be free. So let us part
this sea of ignorance, and only let it collapse and drown those who stop
Hashanah (wiki).
To be a disciple is
to be a follower and a student of knowledge and information. For
we are all
apprentices of
knowledge and information, and we are all on an endless journey of
discovery, a journey that will one day lead us to God, or one day, lead
God to us.
Disciple is someone who
and helps to
spread the doctrine of another.
Doctrine is a system of beliefs.
God is knowledge and knowledge is
God. Knowledge will bring you closer to God, so you need to learn the worlds most valuable knowledge
first, then you can love more accurately.
Love is knowledge -
Tree of the Knowledge
Proverbs -
Enlightenment The more you learn about life the more fantastic life
gets. life is absolutely mind blowing. Even though there are some things
that you learn about our world that are disturbing and painful, it's all
the other amazing things that you learn about that drives you to want to
know more and understand more.
is Power, but not just the power of control, the power that comes from
knowledge is in the form of energy, pure energy. And energy is the driving
force of the universe, without energy life could not exist. So maybe
God is Energy and Energy is God. And if
not, it doesn't matter, because I'm going to find out what the truth is
eventually, because
never going to stop learning. So ready or not, here I come.
Mount Athos is a mountain and peninsula in northeastern
Greece and an important centre of Eastern Orthodox monasticism.
Revelation is the revealing or disclosing of some form of
truth or knowledge through communication with a deity or other
supernatural entity or entities.
"God is not an old man in
the clouds, God is everything. But I guess if God wanted to be
an old man in the clouds, then I guess God could be an old man
in the clouds, after all, God is everything."
and Eve were not banished from the
Garden of Eden, they just failed to understand the
responsibilities of knowledge,
and that
learning needs to be fully
understood. It is not forbidden to eat the fruit from the tree of
knowledge, it's just that there are many dangers and vulnerabilities if
the responsibilities of knowledge are never fully understood.
Sin is a product of ignorance. Idle hands
are the devil's workshop, and idle minds is where the devil can take
control. Keep learning my friends.
knowledge and information have
been here since the beginning of human existence. And religion is an
interpretation of some of the things that we have learned from knowledge
and information. Religion is one of many steps that humans have taken in
human history, and we have many more steps to take. You don't have to
desert God in order to learn more about what God has given you.
Galileo Galilei: Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tuscany, 1615.
I do not feel obliged to believe that the same
God who has endowed us with senses, reason and intellect, has intended us
to forego their use and by some other means to give us knowledge
which we can attain by them. He would not require us to deny sense and
reason in physical matters which are set before our eyes and minds by
direct experience or necessary demonstrations. This must be especially
true in those sciences of which but the faintest trace (and that
consisting of conclusions) is to be found in the Bible. Of astronomy; for
instance, so little is found that none of the planets except Venus are so
much as mentioned, and this only once or twice under the name of
"Lucifer." If the sacred scribes had had any intention of teaching people
certain arrangements and motions of the heavenly bodies, or had they
wished us to derive such knowledge from the Bible, then in my opinion they
would not have spoken of these matters so sparingly in comparison with the
infinite number of admirable conclusions which are demonstrated in that
science. Far from pretending to teach us the constitution and motions of
the heavens and other stars, with their shapes, magnitudes, and distances,
the authors of the Bible intentionally forbore to speak of these things,
though all were quite well known to them. Such is the opinion of the
holiest and most learned Fathers, and in St. Augustine we find the
following words: " . . .Hence let it be said briefly, touching the form
of heaven, that our authors knew the truth but the Holy Spirit did not
desire that men should learn things that are useful to no one for
"It's not just what
you do in your life, it's what you have learned in your life.
Did you learn more then the previous generation? And will your
knowledge benefit the next generation? That's eternal life,
that's the key to the gates of heaven. It's not so much your
actions in life, it's
the value of the knowledge that you shared. That's the
reason why all life survives. The strongest genes survive, and
not what those genes did for a living. But there is one
that has the ability to trump all seeds, that's
seed of knowledge. Humans don't have to totally rely on just
genes for survival, they have this extra ability to learn,
even more then plants and animals do. But the act of
has become an enigma for humans. We need to correct this if we
want to survive."
Enigma is something that baffles
understanding and cannot be explained. A difficult problem.
"With every deed you
sowing a seed, though the harvest you may not see."
Why do People Believe?
Catharism was a Christian dualist or Gnostic revival movement that
thrived in some areas of Southern Europe, particularly what is now
northern Italy and southern France, between the 12th and 14th centuries.
"the pure [ones]".
Gnosticism or having
knowledge is a
collection of ancient religious ideas and systems which originated in the
first century AD among early Christian and Jewish sects. These various
groups emphasised personal spiritual knowledge (gnosis) over orthodox
teachings, traditions, and ecclesiastical authority. Gnostic cosmogony
generally presents a distinction between a supreme, hidden God and a
malevolent lesser divinity responsible for creating the material universe.
Viewing this material existence as flawed or evil, Gnostics considered the
principal element of salvation to be direct knowledge of the supreme
divinity in the form of mystical or esoteric insight. Many Gnostic texts
deal not in concepts of sin and repentance, but with illusion and enlightenment.
God is Brilliant
You don’t need religion to believe in you?
No matter how much you can decipher this world and no matter how
much you can explain and understand about this world, you still
can’t help but feel just how freaking incredible life is at
times. How could you not feel that you are a part of something that is
greater then yourself, especially in those moments of grandeur
and inspiration? I can’t say that you will meet God when you die
because how do you know if death is the final stage. I mean it
would be nice to know that God will greet you when you die, but
we are talking about God, and how could you be so presumptuous
when talking about God? If I do see God when I die I would like
to shake God’s hand and say “Wow! You really know how to mess
with someone’s head” “That was just one freaking incredible
experience that I will never forget” “How did you ever come up
with this?” “You’re freaking brilliant God, just freaking
"God is Great" “Now what’s next God, or should I
even dare to ask?”
What If ?
Too Many Open Ended Questions? A closed-ended question
contrasts with an open-ended question, which cannot be answered with a
simple "yes" or "no", or with a specific piece of information, and which
gives the person answering the question scope to give the information that
seems to them to be appropriate. Open-ended questions are sometimes
phrased as a statement which requires a response.
Moody Blues - Question
Noah's Ark
Knowledge Ark
Ark Replica
second coming of Christ or savior may not be in the form of
a human, it just may be in the form of a
mass awareness or mass
spiritual awakening. Because we all know, we do not need
another leader, or someone to deliver us from evil. What we need
knowledge. The knowledge that our Lord and God has been
trying to bestow on us from the beginning. So the second coming
may not be something that you will see with your eyes, but
something that you will feel with your heart.
To say that there must be a
God just because life is incredibly amazing, is illogical. Just
because you believe that there must be a creator, to call the
creator a God is illogical. To call anyone or anything a God is
illogical, mostly because
you cannot accurately define what God
is because descriptions are not explanations. So what would you call something that you don't understand?
I would use the 3 most powerful words in the universe, which are
"I don't know." Because you have to admit that you don't know
things in order to start the process of knowing. Pretending that
you know something means that you will never know. Because if
you stop asking questions because you believe that you know the
answer, that means that you will never know the answer, and most
likely, you will never know God.
"I see a day that all
churches will be more then a place of prayer, refuge, hope and
deities, but a place that will also become a symbol of knowledge
and information."
"One of the greatest experiences is
learning from other people, I'm nothing without you, or me or
everyone. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is us.
The Mother, the Daughter and the Holy Spirit, is us. Without each other, there's nothing, no one exists without the
"life is not about
suppression, life is about expression. This is how we have
survived and learned from the beginning of time. And as a
result, everyone alive today is an expression."
Express is precisely and clearly expressed or readily observable; leaving
nothing to implication. Articulate; either verbally or with a
cry, shout, or noise. Indicate through a symbol, formula, etc..
Manifest the effects of (a gene or genetic trait)
Popular Religious Songs and Music
Christ Superstar (youtube) (the entire album)
Spirit in
the Sky: Norman Greenbaum (youtube)
Mamas and the Papas: Dedicated to the one I love (youtube)
Funk Railroad: I can feel him in the Morning (youtube)
Carl Orff - O
Fortuna ~ Carmina Burana (youtube)
Carmina Burana (Orff) is a scenic cantata composed by Carl Orff in
1935 and 1936, based on 24 poems from the medieval collection Carmina
Burana. Its full Latin title is Carmina Burana.
Carmina Burana is the name given to a manuscript of 254 poems and
dramatic texts mostly from the 11th or 12th century, although some are
from the 13th century.
Fortuna is a medieval Latin Goliardic poem written early in the 13th
Carl Orff's O Fortuna in Popular Culture.
Grace (Lyrics) - Susan Boyle (youtube) -
Bagpipes - Amazing Grace (youtube)
Christmas Music (youtube) -
Christmas Music (youtube) -
Christmas Music (youtube)
Turn! Turn! Turn!
is a song written by Pete Seeger in the late 1950s and first recorded in
1959. The song was originally released in 1962 as "To Everything There Is
a Season" on folk group the Limeliters' album Folk Matinee, and then some
months later on Seeger's own The Bitter and the Sweet. The song became an
international hit in late 1965 when it was adapted by the American folk
rock group
Byrds. The single entered the U.S. chart at number 80 on October 23,
1965, before reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100 chart on
December 4, 1965. In Canada, it reached number 3 on November 29, 1965, and
also peaked at number 26 on the UK Singles Chart. The lyrics are taken
almost verbatim from
the book of Ecclesiastes, as
found in the King James Version (1611) of the Bible, (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)
though the sequence of the words was rearranged for the song. Ecclesiastes
is traditionally ascribed to King Solomon who would have written it in the
10th century BC, but believed by a significant group of biblical scholars
to date much later, up to the third century BC.
turn, turn, turn - To every
thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A
time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, a time to reap that
which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break
down, and a time to build up; A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time
to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away stones, and a time to
gather stones together; A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from
embracing; A time to gain that which is to get, and a time to lose; a time
to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a
time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time of love, and a time of
hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
There's a lot of
music that has come from religion.
Religion and Music.
Religious Music is
music performed or composed for
religious use or through religious influence. Ritual music is music,
sacred or not, performed or composed for or as ritual.
Christian Music Artists (wiki) -
Atheists in Music List (wiki).
Music is
music written for performance in church,
or any musical setting of ecclesiastical liturgy, or music set to words
expressing propositions of a sacred nature, such as a hymn.
Meditation vs. Praying - Spirituality
Spirituality is an individual's
search for
meaning and
purpose in
life. Spirituality
is to seek
family and
community and in
nature. To seek
value or
Spirituality is
distinct from organized religion in that spirituality does not necessarily
need a religious framework. That is, one does not necessarily need to
follow certain rules, guidelines or practices to be
spiritual, but an
organized religion often has some combination of these in place. People
who report themselves to be
spiritual people may not observe any specific
practices or traditions.
can also refer to a religious process of
re-formation which "aims to recover the
original shape of man,"
oriented at "the image of God" as exemplified by
the founders and
sacred texts of the religions of the world.
Spiritual Leaders -
Free Spirited -
Spiritual Crisis
- Life Force -
Third Eye
is the relationship between spirituality and the
mind. It's when
psychology and spiritual experience
overlap in the realm of transpersonal psychology.
Spiritualism is a belief that
spirits of the dead have both
the ability and the inclination to communicate with the living.
Spiritual Exercise is a series of
movements or actions
which you do in order to get fit, remain healthy, or practice for a
particular physical activity. Spiritual exercise is also a set of
practices that help individuals connect with their inner selves and the
Spiritual Retreat is time set apart to be quiet,
to rest, and to be in
Pilgrimage is a
where a person goes in search of new or expanded meaning about their self,
others, nature, or a higher good through the experience. It can lead to a
transformation, after which the pilgrim returns to their daily life.
Many adults
believe that they have a soul or a spirit in addition to their
physical body. But what this belief does to their reasoning and to their
understanding of themselves and the world around them is unclear. Many
adults also believe that there is something spiritual beyond the natural
world, even if they cannot see it.
Awe-inspiring science can have a positive effect on mental wellbeing.
Psychologists have revealed a profound connection between the spirituality
science and positive
wellbeing, much like the
benefits traditionally associated with religion.
Meaningful experiences could
improve educational outcomes in science. Spiritual experiences in science
predicted stronger engagement and recall of scientific information.
Science of Spirituality. Both spirituality and
science are concerned with understanding the fundamental nature of the
universe and our place within it. While science approaches this question
through empirical observation and experimentation, spirituality often
takes a more introspective and subjective approach.
Praying - Saying a Prayer
is an invocation or an act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of
worship through deliberate
Praying may take place in public or in private and in
complete silence. A
prayer involves the
use of words. When
language is used, a prayer may take the form of a hymn, a song, an incantation,
a formal
creedal statement, or a
spontaneous utterance that comes from the praying person.
Pray is to address a
deity, a prophet, a
saint or an object of
Praying is
similar to being
A prayer can be used to show your
appreciation and
for the things you have, and also remind you of the things that are
important to you. A prayer can also be a
fo help or a request for
divine intervention. What ever your prayer is, make it a good one, and
make it
come from the heart.
Grace -
Mantras -
Affirmations -
Blessings -
Faith -
Positive Thinking
Praying is Relative. Why do
you pray? When do you pray? Who do you pray to? What is the prayer about?
How will the prayer effect you? What are you doing besides praying?
Make sure your prayer is not selfish or mean, because you never know
who's listening.
Supplication or
Invocation is a prayer
asking God's help or a humble
request for help. The act of
communicating with a deity, sometimes as a petition or in adoration or
contrition or
I pray that
my actions will
save lives and reduce suffering. I
pray that
my life will
make a difference in peoples lives.
we pray, are we just asking ourselves a question? Would we be more
responsible if we just excepted that we are the ruler of our lives? Not to
say that we are alone, just saying that we need to take control of our
lives and become the leader of our soul, instead of
transferring our
responsibilities to outside entities.
But I guess it doesn't hurt to ask the universe for a little help now and
then, or ask God for a sign. It's worth a shot, or a prayer. Some people
live on a
Mindfulness -
Homage -
Mantra -
Proverbs -
means "
so be it", usually uttered at the end of a prayer or hymn. It is a
declaration of affirmation found in the Hebrew Bible and the New
Testament. It is found in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim worship as a
concluding word or response to prayers. Common English translations of the
word amen include "verily" and "truly". It can also be used colloquially
to express strong agreement, as in, for instance, amen to that.
Praying 24 hours
a day, seven days a week will not solve our problems. It's
better to
die standing up against injustices than to die on your
knees. This is not to say that
praying doesn't make a difference, but if
that's all you do, then it will not help.
Prayer Flag
is a colorful rectangular cloth, often found strung along mountain ridges
and peaks high in the Himalayas. They are used to bless the surrounding
countryside and for other purposes. The
prayer flag is a
symbol for
5 elements.
is an
address of a religious
nature usually delivered during a church service. A talk on a religious or
moral subject, especially one given during a church service and based on a
passage from the Bible. A sermon is an oration or lecture by a preacher.
Sermons address a scriptural, theological, or
topic, usually expounding on a type of belief, law, or behavior within
both past and present contexts. Elements of the sermon often include
exhortation, and
practical application.
What are the differences and similarities between Meditation and
They both make you concentrated and
focused on what is important
to you.
They both wipe out unwanted thoughts.
They both calm you down by
increasing your control over
They both give you little extra
confidence and fulfillment by
giving you the feeling of achievement (on overcoming a daily
They both need high
attention to be done correctly.
They both can be done in group.
Differences: Salat can be considered as
meditation, but
meditation is not salah. In mediation you give your attention to
breath, any
chanting you want, your instructor or your object of
meditation, but in
Salah you have to give your attention
to the verses and to Islam's god. The goal of meditation can be
varied, from reaching
tranquility of mind to
solving a problem
to satisfying a god(in traditional methods), salah is to satisfy
Allah only. If you skip your meditation you will not feel
guilty, but if you skip salah
you will feel guilty and you have to do the skipped salah. You
don't have to be religious to meditate, but you have to be a Muslim to do salah. Meditation times can be defined by
yourself while salah times are predefined. Meditation can be as
short as 5 min up to one hour or more, salah be very fast if you
can say verses fast (with less attention) and it can take longer
if you choose long verses (normally not more than 15 minutes in
any case). You can
listen to music in meditation but that is not
a good idea for doing salah. You can practice meditation under a
female instructor (couch, teacher or guru) but you cannot have a
female leader for group salah. Meditation doesn't motivate you
toward a specific goal while salah gives you motivation to
follow Islam and obey Allah. You can talk or move during
meditation, but movements and chants are restricted in salah.
is a shout or song of praise to
Piety is
the quality of being religious or
reverent. A virtue which
may include religious devotion, spirituality, or a mixture of both. A
common element in most conceptions of piety is humility, which is a lack
false pride.
is a prayer consisting of a series of
invocations by the priest
with responses from the congregation. A series of
petitions for use in church services
or processions, usually
recited by the clergy and responded to in a recurring formula by the
people. A form of prayer used in services and processions, and consisting
of a number of petitions. Litany is any long and tedious address or
Day By Day - Robin
Lamont - Godspell (1973) - Oh dear Lord, three things I pray, May I
know Thee more clearly, Love Thee more dearly, Follow Thee more nearly,
day by day.
PrayersLord, make me an instrument of thy
Where there is hatred, let me sow
Where there is injury,
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair,
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness,
Prayer of Saint Francis (wiki) -
Missionaries of Charity (wiki) -
Lord's Prayer - "Thy will be done, on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our
daily bread; and
forgive us our
trespasses, as
we forgive those who trespass against us; and
lead us not into temptation,
deliver us from evil."
"Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as
it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily
bread, and
forgive us our
debts, as we also have forgiven our
And lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from
evil." Hail Mary,
full of grace.
Our Father, Who art in
heaven, hallowed be Thy name;
Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread; and
forgive us our trespasses as we forgive
those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil.
Lords Prayer Translated: Be
good as if you were a God.
Remember to eat healthy and be
grateful for what you have. Forgive
yourself for the
mistakes that you made, and
forgive other people for the
mistakes that they have made. Be careful of addictions and know the
difference between your needs and your wants, especially when wants make
you do
bad things.
Mary is a traditional Christian prayer addressing
Mary, the mother of Jesus. It is a prayer of praise for and of
petition to Mary with an appeal for
intercession or
mediation. The
practice of praying through saints as an
between parties with a view to reconciling differences. "Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now and at the hour
of our death. Amen." The Hail Mary is an essential element of the
a prayer method in use especially among Roman Rite (Western) Catholics.
The Eastern Catholic Churches say a similar version. The
consists traditionally of three sets of five Mysteries, each Mystery being
meditated on while reciting a decade (a set of ten) of
Ave Maria. The
150 Ave Maria
of the Rosary thus echo the 150
These Mysteries concern events of Jesus' life during his childhood (Joyful
Mysteries), Passion (Sorrowful Mysteries), and from his Resurrection
onwards (Glorious Mysteries).
Conformity - Fitting In
Conformity is the act of
attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to a group, like a child
mimics or
imitates other people in
order to fit in.
Conformist is a
person who
conforms to accepted behaviors or established practices, sometimes
without question or understanding and sometimes
following blindly.
Some types of
conformity are
conformity, identification conformity, internalization conformity and
conformity, which is a behavior indicative of the desire for
social acceptance. People tend
to conform when their confidence is low.
Argumentum ad Populum -
Risks of Conformity -
Passive -
Followers -
Mimicking -
Synchronizing -
Lack of Diversity
Social Conformity is when people have
different opinions in a group but they often adjust their own attitudes and
behaviors to match the
group opinion,
thus end up being
submissive and lacking
individuality and
Orthodox is conforming to or adhering to
what is generally or traditionally accepted.
Conventional is
behavior based on or in
accordance with what is generally done or
Behaviors that
follow accepted
customs and
proprieties or conforming with accepted standards. Behaviors or beliefs
that are rigidly formal or bound by convention, or something regarded as a
normative example, and being unimaginative and conformist.
Convention is a set of agreed, stipulated, or
generally accepted standards, norms, social
norms, or criteria, often taking the form of a
custom. Certain types of
rules or customs may become law and regulatory legislation may be
introduced to formalize or enforce the convention (for example,
laws that
define on which side of the road vehicles must be driven). In a social
context, a convention may retain the character of an "
unwritten law" of
custom (for example, the manner in which
people greet each other, such as
by shaking each other's hands). In physical sciences, numerical values
(such as constants, quantities, or scales of measurement) are called
conventional if they do not represent a measured property of nature, but
originate in a convention, for example an average of many measurements,
agreed between the scientists working with these values.
Standard is a basis for
comparison; a reference
point against which other
things can be
evaluated. The ideal in
terms of which something can be
Conforming to or constituting a standard of
measurement or
value; or of the
usual or regularized or accepted kind. Established or well-known or widely
recognized as a model of authority or excellence. Conforming to the
established language usage of educated native speakers. Regularly and widely used or sold.
Norms are cultural products including
values, customs, and
traditions which represent individuals' basic knowledge of what
others do and think that they should do. Sociologists describe
norms as
informal understandings that govern individuals'
behavior in society. On the other hand, social psychology has
adopted a more general definition, recognizing smaller group
units, such as a team or an office, may also endorse norms
separate or in addition to cultural or societal expectations. In
other words, norms are regarded to exist as collective
representations of acceptable group conduct as well as
individual perceptions of particular group conduct. You can say
that norms are implicit, unsaid rules, because that would be
ignorant. Who said and Why?
Social Norms -
Archetype is something that serves as a
model or a basis for making
copies. A very
typical example of a certain person or thing. An original that has been
Can you still be
true to myself and still
fit in and
be excepted with out
conforming to an
that is out of touch with reality?
Social Validation is a
psychological phenomenon where one or more
individuals follow or conform to the actions of others within a group.
Influences -
Auto Pilot
Communal Reinforcement is a social phenomenon in which a concept or
idea is
repeatedly asserted in a community, regardless of whether
sufficient empirical evidence has been presented to support it. Over time,
the concept or idea is
reinforced to become a strong belief in many
people's minds, and may be regarded by the members of the community as
fact. Often, the concept or idea may be further
reinforced by publications in the mass media,
books, or other means of communication. The phrase "millions of people
can't all be wrong" is indicative of the common tendency to accept a
communally reinforced idea without question, which often aids in the
widespread acceptance of factoids. A very similar term to this term is
community-reinforcement, which is a behavioral method to stop drug
Mainstream is the prevalent current thought that is widespread. It
includes all
popular culture and media
culture, typically disseminated by mass media. This word is sometimes used
in a pejorative sense by subcultures who view ostensibly mainstream
culture as not only exclusive but artistically and aesthetically inferior.
It is to be distinguished from subcultures and countercultures, and at the
opposite extreme are cult followings and fringe theories. In the United
States, mainline churches are sometimes referred to synonymously as "mainstream."
Group Cohesiveness arises when bonds link members of a social group to
one another and to the group as a whole. Although cohesion is a
multi-faceted process, it can be broken down into four main components:
social relations, task relations, perceived unity, and emotions. Members
of strongly cohesive groups are more inclined to participate readily and
to stay with the group.
Social Group can be defined as two or more people who interact with
one another, share similar characteristics, and collectively have a sense
of unity. Other theorists disagree however, and are wary of definitions
which stress the importance of interdependence or objective similarity.
Instead, researchers within the social identity tradition generally define
it as "a group is defined in terms of those who identify themselves as
members of the group". Regardless, social groups come in a myriad of sizes
and varieties. For example, a society can be viewed as a large social
Social Isolation a state of complete or near-complete lack of contact
between an individual and society. It differs from
loneliness, which
reflects temporary and involuntary
lack of contact with other humans in
the world. Social
isolation can be an issue for individuals of any age,
though symptoms may differ by age group. Social isolation has similar
characteristics in both temporary instances and for those with a
historical lifelong isolation cycle. All types of social isolation can
include staying home for lengthy periods of time, having no communication
with family, acquaintances or friends, and/or willfully avoiding any
contact with other humans when those opportunities do arise.
Finishing School
is a
school for young
women that focuses on
teaching social graces
and upper-class cultural rites as a preparation for entry into society.
The name reflects that it follows on from ordinary school and is intended
to complete the education, with classes primarily on deportment and
etiquette, with academic subjects secondary. It may consist of an
intensive course, or a one-year programme. In the United States it is
sometimes called a
charm school. Graeme
Donald claims that the educational ladies' salons of the late 19th century
led to the formal, finishing institutions evidenced in Switzerland around
that time. At their peak, thousands of wealthy young women were sent to
the dozens of finishing schools available. A primary goal was to teach
students to
acquire husbands.
The 1960s marked the decline of the finishing school. This can be
attributed to the shifting conceptions of women's role in society, as well
as succession issues within the typically family-run schools and sometimes
commercial pressures driven by the high value of the properties the
schools occupied. The 1990s saw a revival of the finishing school,
although the business model has been radically altered.
Arranged Marriage.
Public Opinion is a term used that
tries to guess what the majority of
the people have an
opinion on a particular subject. You can say that a
poll was taken and here are the
results, but a poll does not tell you if everyone
understood the question
accurately, which makes this type of
evidence unreliable.
Same goes for
Brain mechanisms involved in learning also drive social conformity.
Some of the same brain systems known to play a role in
learning from trial
and error also are engaged when people conform to social norms, scientists
report in a new study. The findings are important, the researchers said,
because changing one's behavior to align with one's peers can contribute
to community-building or -- depending on the goals and values of the group
-- societal breakdown.
Continuity Theory posits that our
influenced by the
social construction of reality we learn from
those around us and from the mass media, but are not determined by them.
Continuity Theory of normal aging states that older adults will
usually maintain the same activities, behaviors, relationships as they did
in their earlier years of life. According to this theory, older adults try
to maintain this
continuity of
lifestyle by adapting strategies that are connected to their past
The Story about the Wise King and the
Poisoned Well. - Once there ruled in the distant city of Wirani a
king who was both mighty and wise. And he was feared for his might and
loved for his wisdom. Now, in the heart of that city was a well, whose
water was cool and crystalline, from which all the inhabitants drank, even
the king and his courtiers; for there was no other well. One night when
all were asleep, a witch entered the city, and poured seven drops of
strange liquid into the well, and
said, “From this hour
he who drinks this
water shall become mad.” Next morning all the inhabitants, save the
king and his lord chamberlain, drank from the well and became mad, even as
the witch had foretold. And during that day the people in the narrow
streets and in the market places did naught but whisper to one another,
“The king is mad. Our king and his lord chamberlain have lost their
reason. Surely we cannot be ruled by a mad king. We must dethrone him.”
That evening the king ordered a golden goblet to be filled from the well.
And when it was brought to him he drank deeply, and gave it to his lord
chamberlain to drink. And there was great rejoicing in that distant city
of Wirani, because its king and its lord chamberlain had regained their
reason, or have conformed to the
madness by drinking the cool aid.
Conformity Dangers - Risks
Don't confuse conformity with working together.
We should see
conformity as a behavior that can be illogical and
extremely risky to society when
used incorrectly. We need
consistency and
reliability, but when behavior becomes
submissive and
dependent on
what is perceived to be popular, then that restricts
learning and
which are two extremely important activities for every human
being on
this planet earth. When each of us
reinforces bad behavior,
we become part of the problem. When conformity stops a person from
questioning things, then this puts the whole
system at risk. And when a
persons questions
are never heard, a tragic
accident may occur. When
foresight is blinded by a conformist
behavior, or by the
fear of being called a nonconformist, then
progress and
adaptation are impeded, and life becomes stagnant
vulnerable to suffering and death, which is clearly the
state that we are still in today in 2020. When everyone
thinks the same way and looks the same way, then
diversity and
creative thinking is lost. How do
know right from wrong if
everyone is wrong? People with good paying jobs can be the most
conformists. They can be afraid to speak up in fear of losing their good
paying job. It's like they have been bought. They took the bribe and sold
out and swallowed their pride. They turned their back on honor, and people
died. "I would rather
live standing up against
injustice than to die on my knees as a
coward. It's better to die standing
than to live on your knees." Non-Conformity is being unique and authentic
and not wanting to be boxed in order to just
to fit in and
to be accepted. Do I
Confirmation Bias -
Lack of Diversity -
Passive - Followers -
Ass Kissing“
If we all think alike, then no one is thinking
and we won't think very much at all.” ―
Benjamin Franklin “
minds think alike, though
fools seldom differ.”
Metathesiophobia is the
fear of change, which may be rooted in a
human desire to keep life in a comfortable and consistent state, which is
selfish and
narrow minded point of view,
because you are not thinking about other people who are forced to
adapt and
change because their life
is not comfortable or consistent. Life can be stressful, but that's no
excuse to be
paranoid about losing
privileges or power,
or fear losing your identity, religion, language and culture. The fear of
the unknown or an expectation of loss can be stressful, but that doesn't
mean you have to be ignorant. You need to focus on
preserving valuable
knowledge and information, instead of holding on to a
fantasy you have been living in.
Monkey See,
Monkey Do is a saying that refers to the learning of a process without
an understanding of why it works. Another definition implies the act of
mimicry, usually with
knowledge and/or concern for the consequences.
Romans 12:2 (English Standard Version) -
not be conformed to this world, but be
transformed by
renewal of your mind, that by
testing you may discern what is the will
of God, what is
good and acceptable and
When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do refers to
the importance of
conforming yourself to the customs of the people who are
in a certain place or situation and behave like they do.
Status Quo is the
perceived existing
conditions or the
perceived state of
affairs regarding
social or
political issues.
measured without a standard
baseline, so its
interpretation can be
quo can also mean to keep things the way they presently are, similar
to the
conservative mentality that doesn't explain what they are actually
conserving, except for
Status quo ante is Latin for the way things were before.
Reactionary is
a person who holds political views that favour a return to the
status quo
ante, the previous political state of society, which that person
believes possessed positive characteristics absent
from contemporary society.
"It is no measure of health to be well
adjusted to a profoundly sick society." -
Thinking for Yourself.
Why people speak more alike today. People from the corporate world and
higher education sectors are increasingly adopting each other's speech
patterns to be more socially inclusive, according to new research
published today by Lancaster University. We may not always notice it, but
we frequently
imitate each other in conversation,
using similar gestures, accents, and facial expressions. We also often
re-use the words of the people we speak with.
Conformity does
not say that the behaviors are
wrong or
right. You can say what
the norms are, but these norms do not explain the reasons why
they are excepted? And just because
Laws are
written does not mean that they can't be
challenged or
debated, which is one of the
main reasons for a
And just because you follow a law does not mean that you're
conforming, it could just mean that you understand that if
everyone follows certain rules, we will have less problems and
less chaos. When people don't follow the rules
have Crimes. And sometimes peoples conformity can turn
obsessive behavior. This is why
diversity is important, especially
diversity in thinking. Being
minded is similar to conformity when you're conforming to a belief.
Conforming is not the same as
adapting. Adapting is learning how to live, conforming is not learning
how to live but just waiting to die. Everything that you have is from
ancestors learning how to live.
And now you want to throw it all away and ignorantly assume that you're
preserving something.
Peer Reviewed or
Peer Refused?
When people conform to the influences of
ignorant people, then ignorant
things will happen, and people will ignorantly help spread more ignorance.
How The US
Government Kept A Town Of 75,000 People Secret and in the dark about
what they were doing. The same thing is happening to the other 300 million
Americans who have no clue what is going on.
Oak Ridge,
Tennessee (wiki).
New research sheds light on factors influencing trust and bias in
societies. People with more positive perceptions of their nation's
institutions are more likely to show favoritism toward fellow citizens,
according to new research. This research suggests that support for
national institutions could pose a challenge for establishing trust across
Orthodoxy is the
adherence to accepted norms or creeds imposed by some
institution, without question or
without debate, which
could put limits on development and improvements.
Inadvertently is to do something
unknowingly and unwittingly without knowledge or intention.
Don't let
patriotism or nationalism blind you. To many times people have had
Loyalty and their Love
of Country exploited by governments and corporations.
Nationalism or
Patriotism needs to be
defined in order to avoid
Drinking the
Kool-Aid is a phrase that describes a persons unquestioning obedience
loyalty to someone or something. This expression is commonly used to
refer to a person who believes in a possibly doomed or
dangerous idea because of
potential high rewards. People who are willing to die for their ignorance.
It can also mean the acceptance of an idea or changing a preference due to
popularity, peer pressure, or
persuasion. Everyone is
drinking a
poison cocktail.
When you are not fully aware of
everything, or have a full understanding about the true state of reality,
you are
As far as you know -
Do you think that you Know Enough?
Social Contract is when individuals have
consented, either explicitly
or tacitly, to
surrender some of their
freedoms and submit to the
authority of the ruler, or to the
of a majority in exchange for protection of their remaining rights or
maintenance of the social order.
Fit in or F*ck Off is an informal reference to a controversial human
resources philosophy whereby the employee is expected to
conform to the
prevailing organizational norms
or get fired. It is also used to impose
conformity to perceived racial, national, gender or societal norms.
Fall in Line is to be
passive and not question
authority. To
conform with others
who have accepted control and obey to have a certain behavior.
Sheep is a
person who is too easily influenced or led. Sheep is also a
domesticated ruminant
animal with a thick woolly coat and (typically only in the male) curving
horns. It is
kept in flocks for its wool or meat,
and is proverbial for its
tendency to follow
others in the flock.
Sublimation Psychology is a mature type of
defense mechanism,
in which socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are
into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a
conversion of
the initial impulse.
You will be much better off if you are more of a
reformist than a
Identity in social science is the qualities, beliefs, personality,
looks and/or expressions that make a person (
self-identity) or group
(particular social category or social group).The process of identity can
be creative or destructive.
Information Bias is when people in groups,
discuss common, shared
information with more time and energy. In other words, they like to talk
about topics everybody is familiar with and therefore
avoid new
information, which creates an
information bubble
where a
consensus is
perceived as good. The result is that everybody is less
informed, leading to worse decisions.
Familiarity Heuristic is an easy-to-compute procedure or
"rule of thumb" that people use when forming beliefs, judgments or
decisions. The
familiar is favored over novel places, people, things. The
familiarity heuristic can be applied to various situations that
individuals experience in day-to-day life. When these situations appear
similar to previous situations, especially if the individuals are
experiencing a high cognitive load, they may regress back to the state of
mind in which they have felt or behaved before. This heuristic is useful
in most situations and can be applied to many fields of knowledge,
however, there are both positives and negatives to this heuristic as well.
Sometimes I feel like that guy in the
Midnight Express
Movie walking in the opposite direction of everyone else. (youtube)
Midnight Express (1978 Film) (wiki).
Ignorance is a situation in which a
majority of group
members privately reject a norm, but incorrectly
assume that most others
accept it, and therefore go along with it. This is also described as "no
one believes, but everyone thinks that everyone believes." In short,
pluralistic ignorance is a
bias about a
social group, held by that social
Staunch is being firm and
dependable especially in loyalty.
Life Stance
is their relation with what they accept as being of ultimate importance.
It involves the presuppositions and theories upon which such a stance
could be made, a belief system, and a commitment to potentially working it
out in one's life.
World View is the fundamental cognitive orientation of an individual
or society encompassing the entirety of the individual or society's
knowledge and
point of view.
Social Influences - Do you know the
Status Quo, or just
Pretending to Know?
Cultural Bias
occurs when people of a
culture make
assumptions about conventions, including conventions of language,
notation, proof and evidence. They are then accused of mistaking these
assumptions for laws of logic or nature. Numerous such biases exist,
concerning cultural norms for color, location of body parts, mate
selection, concepts of justice, linguistic and logical validity,
acceptability of evidence, and taboos.
Polarization refers to the tendency for a group to make
decisions that are
more extreme
than the initial inclination of its members. These more extreme decisions
are towards greater risk if individuals' initial tendencies are to be
risky and towards greater caution if individuals' initial tendencies are
to be cautious. The phenomenon also holds that a group's attitude toward a
situation may change in the sense that the individuals' initial attitudes
have strengthened and intensified after group discussion, a phenomenon
known as attitude polarization.
Attitude Polarization the tendency of people to search for and
interpret evidence selectively, to reinforce their current beliefs or
Confirmation bias.
Mere Exposure Effect is a psychological phenomenon by which
people tend to develop a
preference for things merely because they are
familiar with them. In
social psychology, this effect is sometimes called
familiarity principle. The effect has been demonstrated with many
kinds of things, including words, Chinese characters, paintings, pictures
of faces, geometric figures, and sounds. In studies of interpersonal
attraction, the more often a person is seen by someone, the more pleasing
and likeable that person appears to be.
Mere-Exposure Effect.
Because most peoples lives are very busy and filled with lots of things to
do, they
never seem to have the time to stop to think and they never stop
analyze themselves and the
world around them. Peoples worlds are so localized, and they never think
about the outside world, only what is happening around them. People can't
see the whole picture because
you never learned how to stop and take a look around. Understanding the
world as a whole requires a person to
educate themselves to a high degree.
History (ages) -
GenealogyEveryone sees things a little differently. We
only see things the same way, or in similar ways, when other people have
the same knowledge and the same information that you do, and also
understands that knowledge and information similar to the way that you
understand it.
Not everyone has the same knowledge and information, which means that not
everyone will see things in the exact same way that you do. This is one of the
main reasons why education needs to improve. If everyone had a high
quality education and shared a lot of the same knowledge, information and
understanding, then everyone would see eye to eye with greater accuracy,
and also understand the world with greater accuracy. But when almost every
human is undereducated as they are now, then
everyone will be similar in
ignorance. Humans have relied way to much on
Conformity as a measurement of
Conformity is good, but conformity can also be extremely dangerous. When we
see a crowd of people acting similar, we can then say since all the people
have the same behavior, like sitting and talking peacefully, then we can
assume that there are no immediate
threats or dangers. With animals, if one animal starts running then this
sounds an alert to the other animals in the herd that something dangerous
is near. But in a crowd of humans, if only one person was running in a
crowd, then we would most likely not think that there is any danger, it's only when several
people are running do humans sense danger. But what if only one
person was right and only one human knew about a threat or danger, how
would you know? You would have to have a better awareness and the
necessary knowledge and information that is needed in order to accurately
analyze that particular situation. You need to think for yourself, and not
rely totally on the awareness of others or the knowledge of others. If everyone is using
conformity then
who's' doing the actual thinking?
Patience and Tolerance
without Acceptance -
aspects of society have
cult like characteristics.
Some jobs are cult like, some schools are cult like, some organizations
are cult like, the
media is cult like,
justice system is cult like and so
on. People who have been in cults, and have left cults, still have no idea
that they still may be in a cult, whether it's a family cult, political
cult, belief cult, or any kind of blind following where people fail to
question the accuracy of the goals and purpose of their group. Even an
entire country can be a
cult, like
Korea. North Koreans are of course good people. But they have no ideas
that they are in a cult because information and knowledge is strictly
controlled, just like in America and other countries, except not to that
extreme degree, but still with devastating consequences. So you see, if
you control information and knowledge, you can control an entire country,
and even control almost every person on the planet to a certain degree.
Accessory to a Crime -
Bullying Whether to float with the tide, or to swim for a goal?
"To be adjusted to a sick society is to be sick without knowing
that you're sick because you act the same and look the same as everyone
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a
profoundly sick society."
Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986).
"These millions of abnormally
normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were
fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted, still cherish "the
illusion of individuality," but in fact they have been to a great extent
Aldous Leonard Huxley (1894 – 1963).
Mimicking - Mimicry
Mimic is to
imitate someone and
copy their actions or words. Mimic of an animal or plant is to resemble or
imitate another animal or plant in order to deter
predators or for
Conforming -
Mirroring -
Mocking -
Two Faced -
Influenced -
Echolalia -
Appropriation -
Bio-Mimicry -
Copyrights -
Artificial IntelligenceCopycat
is a person who
copies another's
behavior, dress, or
Imitate is to copy or
reproduce someone's
behavior, speech, looks, appearance or mannerisms.
Echopraxia is the
repetition or imitation of
another person's actions.
Similar to
echolalia which
is the involuntary repetition of sounds and language. It is one of the
echophenomena or an automatic
imitative actions
without explicit awareness.
Effect refers to
nonconscious mimicry
of the postures,
mannerisms, facial expressions, and
other behaviors
of one's interaction partners, such that one's behavior passively and
unintentionally changes to match that of others in one's current social
Conformity can very well be an
inbred or inherited behavioral trait that helps people to avoid being
detected by
predators. But when people don't fully understand
behaviors, they may misinterpret these behaviors and end up doing
themselves more harm than good.
Mirroring is a social phenomenon where someone imitates another
person's behavior, such as their speech, gestures, or attitude. It's often
unconscious and happens in social situations, especially with close
friends and family. Mirroring is a way to connect with and understand
others. It can help people build rapport and influence others to like
them. For example, in a restaurant, people may mirror each other's meal
choices to show comfort and trust. However, mirroring can also be used as
a manipulative tactic. For example, a narcissist may mirror their victim's
thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to create a
false sense of connection.
Mimicking Behavior is the tendency to
unconsciously or automatically imitate the speech, gestures, and behaviors
of others. It's also known as the chameleon effect.
Mirroring is the behavior in which one person subconsciously imitates
the gesture, speech pattern, or attitude of another.
functions to protect a species from
predators by
resembling other species so they are seen as not a threat or seen as
something that is not good to eat. The resemblances that evolve in mimicry
can be visual, acoustic, chemical, tactile, or electric, or combinations
of these sensory modalities.
Mimicry may be to the advantage of both
organisms that share a resemblance, in which case it is a form of
mutualism; or mimicry can be to the detriment of one, making it
or competitive. The
evolutionary convergence between groups is driven by
the selective action of a signal-receiver or dupe. Birds, for example, use
sight to identify palatable insects, whilst avoiding the noxious ones.
Over time, palatable insects may evolve to resemble noxious ones, making
mimics and the noxious ones models. In the case of
sometimes both groups are referred to as "co-mimics". It is often thought
that models must be more abundant than mimics, but this is not so. Mimicry
may involve numerous species; many harmless species such as hoverflies are Batesian mimics of strongly defended species such as wasps, while many
such well-defended species form Mullerian mimicry rings, all resembling
each other. Mimicry between prey species and their predators often
involves three or more species.
Batesian Mimicry is a form of mimicry where a harmless species has
evolved to
imitate the warning signals of a harmful species directed at a
predator of them both. It is named after the English naturalist Henry
Walter Bates, after his work on butterflies in the rainforests of Brazil.
Click Bait -
False Advertising -
Müllerian Mimicry is a natural phenomenon in which two or more
well-defended species, often foul-tasting and that share common predators,
have come to mimic each other's honest warning signals, to their mutual
benefit. This works because predators can learn to avoid all of them with
fewer experiences with members of any one of the relevant species. It is
named after the German naturalist Fritz Müller, who first proposed the
concept in 1878, supporting his theory with the first mathematical model
frequency-dependent selection, one of the first such models anywhere in
Aggressive Mimicry is a form of mimicry in which
or parasitoids share similar signals, using a harmless model, allowing
them to avoid being correctly identified by their prey or host. Zoologists
have repeatedly compared this strategy to a wolf in sheep's clothing.
Defensive Mimicry or protective mimicry
takes place when organisms are able to avoid harmful encounters by
deceiving enemies into treating them as something else.
Deception in Animals is the
transmission of misinformation by one animal to another, of the same
or different species, in a way that propagates beliefs that are not true.
Handicap Principle is the signaling between animals which have an
obvious motivation to bluff or deceive each other.
Playing Dead -
Anti-Predator Adaptation is
avoiding detection through mechanisms such
as camouflage,
apostatic selection, living underground, or being
nocturnal. Defenses may work by signaling to the predator that
pursuit is not worthwhile, or by distraction, or by startling the
attacker, or by using defensive structures such as spines, and by living
in a group.
Operations is shielding friendly forces as well as foes from detection
and deception.
Dear Enemy
Effect is an ethological phenomenon in which two neighboring
territorial animals become less aggressive toward one another once
territorial borders are well established. As territory owners become
accustomed to their neighbors, they expend less time and energy on
defensive behaviors directed toward one another. However, aggression
toward unfamiliar neighbors remains the same. Some authors have suggested
the dear enemy effect is territory residents displaying lower levels of
aggression toward familiar neighbors compared to unfamiliar individuals
who are non-territorial "floaters".
Talking Bird are birds that can
mimic the speech of humans.
Birds that Mimic sounds include
mockingbirds, thrashers, and catbirds. The Brown Thrasher can sing up to
2,000 different songs and may be the champion mimic in North America. Blue
Jays can mimic several species of hawks. European Starlings are also
accomplished mimics, just like their relatives the mynas, and are known to
include imitations of other birds, but also just about anything else,
including motorcycles and tea kettles.
Bumblebees learn new 'trends' in their behavior by watching and learning.
A new study has shown that bumblebees pick up new 'trends' in their
behavior by watching and learning from other bees, and that one form of a
behavior can spread rapidly through a colony even when a different version
gets discovered.
Social learning drives
the spread of bumblebee behavior -- in this case, precisely how they
forage for food.
Talking Animal is any non-human animal that can produce sounds or
resembling those of a human language. Several species or groups
of animals have developed forms of communication which superficially
resemble verbal language, however, these usually are not considered a
language because they lack one or more of the defining characteristics,
e.g. grammar, syntax, recursion and displacement. Researchers have been
successful in teaching some animals to make gestures similar to sign
language, although whether this should be considered a language has been
Apostatic Selection describes the survival of individual prey animals
that are different through mutation from their species in a way that makes
it more likely for them to be ignored by their predators.
Frequency-Dependent Selection is an evolutionary process by which the
fitness of a phenotype or genotype depends on the phenotype or genotype
composition of a given population.
Chirality means that an object or molecule cannot be
on its
mirror image by
any translations or rotations. In
a molecule or ion is called chiral if it cannot be superposed on its
mirror image by any combination of rotations, translations, and some
conformational changes.
Pretending to be Nice - Flattery will get you Nowhere
Yes Man
is a person who
agrees with everything that someone says, even if that person is wrong
or lying. A person who supports the opinions or ideas of someone else just to earn that
person's approval, even if that person is bad.
Don't be a Yes Man
and just
following orders, it's your
responsibility to
blow the whistle
and report bad behavior.
Bribes -
Quid Pro Quo -
Being nice just to get what you want -
Psychopaths Suck Up is someone
who is attempting to
win favor from influential people by flattery
and pretending to like them, especially for one's own advantage.
Brown Noser is a person who acts overly obedient or
attentive to a grossly excessive submissive degree. (the color brown
refers to a person kissing someone's as* so many times that their nose
turns brown from being to close to the poop hole).
Kiss-Up is a person who flatters a
supervisor, or superior, in order to get special
attention that they don't deserve.
Fraudulent Attention.
Boot Licker is an ignorant person who
bows down to a scumbag person of authority in order to get favors. To
praise a criminal in order to manipulate followers into believing that a
person of authority is not an asshole. To sell your soul to the devil
because you're too stupid to know that a person is evil. A boot licker is
like an ass kisser who has no self respect or self worth.
Lip Service is expressing approval of
somone or the support for something without taking any significant action,
or when you agree with something but do nothing to support it.
Subordinate is an assistant subject to the
authority or
of another. Lower in rank or importance or consider of less value. Subject
or submissive to authority or the control of another.
Subservient is
compliant and obedient to
authority. Abjectly
submissive and characteristic of a
slave or servant.
Insinuate is to introduce or insert
oneself in a
subtle manner, or to maneuver oneself into a position of
favor by subtle manipulation. The act of gaining acceptance or affection
for yourself by
persuasive and
subtle flattery intended to persuade. Insinuate is an indirect and usually
malicious implication that
is calculated to please or gain favor. To suggest or hint that something
is bad or reprehensible in an indirect and unpleasant way.
Sycophant is a person uses
insincere flattery toward someone important in order to gain advantage.
Attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery or excessive
or insincere praise.
Sycophancy is making false accusations or an unjustified complaint.
Someone that
purposely spreads
lies about a person, in order to harm this person’s reputation.
Superficial Charm is the tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming,
slick and verbally facile.
Faking emotions at work does more harm than good. The adage "
it until you make it" -- the idea that someone can fake a positive
attitude to elicit real-life benefits -- often backfires when used with
co-workers, according to a study led by a University of Arizona
researcher. When it comes to
regulating emotions with co-workers, four types of people emerged from
the study: Nonactors, or those engaging in negligible levels of surface
and deep acting;
actors, or those displaying slightly higher surface and deep acting;
Deep actors, or those who exhibited the highest levels of
deep acting and
low levels of surface acting; and, Regulators, or those who displayed high
levels of surface and deep acting. In each study, nonactors made up the
smallest group, with the other three groups being similar in size.
Back Stabbing.
Followers - Too Many Just Follow, Not Enough Leaders or Free Thinkers
Follower is an adherent or
devotee of a
particular person, cause, or activity, or someone who
trusts the
leadership of another.
follower is a person who moves or travels behind someone or something.
A follower can also be someone who's
watching you because they either
hate you or fear you,
or they are envious of you.
A follower can also be a fan
or a friend.
The main problem with being a follower is that the
follower can blindly believe
that the
leader is making decisions on their behalf
and for their benefit. But
sometimes leaders make decisions for only the few and not the many,
because the motives of leaders can be easily
corrupted. We need to
trust other people and
believe that they will act responsibly, fairly and logically. But we can
transfer the
responsibility that we have for
ourselves, or transfer the responsibilities that we have for other people.
I would rather be
shoulder to
shoulder than be a
leader or
a follower.
Indoctrination -
Conformity -
Tribalism -
Popularity Trap -
Passive -
Gullible -
Naive -
Illusion of Control
The Blind Leading the Blind is an expression applied to
leaders who
know as little as their followers and are
therefore likely to lead them
astray. Having a leader who is no more informed than his followers, both
of whom are unequipped to deal with the situation at hand. A situation
where a person who knows nothing is getting advice and help from another
person who knows almost nothing.
How many
times have you heard about people who were trusted and admired but turned
out to be a criminals? Why do people fall for charismatic leaders
like Hitler. Adolf Hitler was an unlikely leader but he still formed a
connection with millions of German people, generating a level of
charismatic attraction that
was almost without parallel. Hitler was the archetypal
charismatic leader.
He was not a normal politician but he made promises like lower taxes and
better health care.
“A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy
of the
Being loved by your
followers is not
true love, because
love can be
blind when you don't fully know the person well enough on a personal
level. Love comes from knowing and not from pretending to know. Remember,
Love is knowledge, and knowledge is
love. And God, Love and Knowledge is the divine trilogy that will live
forever in the people who are guided by God, Love and Knowledge. No one
can stop the power of love, not even evil. You can kill the person who has
love, but the love that person shared with others will live on forever, as
it has since the beginning. Love endures, while hate and evil will fade
and eventually cease to exist. And that is when humans will ascend to
greatness, and not just to the stars.
Listening -
Listener is a person
listening to a
radio station or a program or a
specific station for a set period of time.
How many political leaders have turned out to be criminals? Is
voting in an election ever enough?
Why do women sometimes date the wrong men?
Some people are not who they say there
A dumbed down
education creates
followers. Too many people don't want to be in control of their lives or
responsible for themselves
or for the planet. People want to pretend that someone else will be in
control. So people
transfer their
problems onto other people, or onto a god. This is
beyond being lazy, this is
ignorance that is caused by a dumbed down education and a dumbed down
media. These adults are still children. The only thing that has grown is
ego. And the only
thing that has developed is their ignorance. There's not
enough knowledge and information that is available and coherent that will
brake the chains of ignorance that
almost every mind on the planet. A strong mind and a strong body is
the only way to ever lasting freedom.
Free the mind using valuable
knowledge and information, instead of
enslaving the mind with ignorance.
Why do some Animals Run off a Cliff Together? -
Just Following Orders
I Asked German
Experts Why Germans Followed Hitler (youtube) -
David HoffmanI follow Jesus, but Jesus also follows me. And
when I stop learning, I then follow Jesus because I have no idea where I'm
going since
I stopped learning or listening.
Jesus reminds me that I'm ignorant, and I remind Jesus that we both
still have a lot to learn.
Jesus gave me direction, but its my responsibility to figure out where we
are going. Jesus planted the seed, but now it's my responsibility to
sow the crop and reap the
benefits of my ancestors.
Ant Mill is an observed phenomenon in which a group of army ants are
separated from the main foraging party,
lose the pheromone track and begin to
follow one
another, forming a continuously rotating circle, commonly known as a "
spiral" because the ants might eventually die of exhaustion. It has
been reproduced in laboratories and has been produced in ant colony
simulations. The phenomenon is a side effect of the self-organizing
structure of ant colonies. Each ant follows the ant in front of it, which
works until something goes wrong, and an ant mill forms. An ant mill was
first described in 1921 by William Beebe, who observed a mill 1200 ft
(~370 m) in circumference. It took each ant 2.5 hours to make one
revolution. Similar phenomena have been noted in processionary
caterpillars and fish.
Suicide refers to any kind of self-destructive behavior
displayed by various species of non-human animals. There are anecdotal
reports of grieving pets displaying such
behavior after the death of
their owner, or monogamous animals refusing to feed after the death of
their mate.
Thin Place -
Suicide -
Conformity Dangers
Fight or Run -
Adapt or
Toe the Line means to follow the rules or
act in the way people expect you to. It's obeying an authority and
conforming to a rule or standard, although you may not agree with it, or
even prove the reasoning behind it.
Most of
my life
I didn't want people following me
because I was not sure where I was going. But I know where I'm going now,
but no one is following me because they have no idea where I'm going. I
want to help people find their way, but people need to learn one important
thing first,
learning is the only way to find your way, there is no other
When it's all said and done,
what was your purpose, what was
your point? People should think more about what kind of person they want
to be in the future, instead of being satisfied with whom they have
just can't be a
follower, you must
also be
leader. Everyone needs to be a
leader and understand that leadership is the
responsibility of every person
on the planet. You
lead by
example. You lead by not
blindly following or blindly trusting. You lead by continually learning. You lead
by taking responsibility for yourself. You lead by taking responsibility
for other people. You lead by taking responsibility for our planet that
makes life possible, now and for many years to come.
I Will Follow You -
Ricky Nelson (1963 - youtube) - I will follow you, Follow you wherever
you may go, There isn't an ocean too deep, A mountain so high it can keep,
Keep me away, away from my love. I love you, I love you, I love you, And
where you go I'll follow, I'll follow, I'll follow, You'll always be my
true love, my true love, my true love, From now until forever, forever,
Passive - Submissive - Looking the Other Way
Passive is the trait of remaining
inactive and lacking
or lacking in
energy or
submissive to others with
outside influences, usually because of
ignorance or
denial. Passive can also mean
peacefully resistant in
response to
Selfish -
Lazy -
Coward -
- Passing the Buck -
Privileged -
Complicity -
Conformity -
Cults -
Accessory -
Corruption -
Kiss Up -
Enable -
Consent -
Non Disclosure Agreement
Deference is the
condition of submitting to someone or allowing to be
influenced by people who
perceived to have
power than you.
Enabling someone because of the
fear of being in
contempt. Blindly
following the leader can sometimes be
deadly. Deference implies yielding or submitting to the judgment of a
recognized superior, out of
respect or reverence.
To be
neutral and
passive is to
collaborate." -
Zinn (wiki)
Students who tolerate cheating in the classroom may also
turn a blind eye
to unethical behavior in the workplace.
Turning a
Blind Eye is when a person
ignores undesirable
information or
ignores corruption and
criminal activity.
Look the Other Way is
deliberately ignore
wrongdoing by others.
Let it Slide is to
negligently allow something to
deteriorate. To allow something that is bad or not good to happen or do
nothing about another person's mistake or bad behavior. Let it Slide can mean
to temporally allow someone not to live up to
their end of a deal or bargain. Or it could meant to give someone more
time or to give someone a little slack because of unforeseen difficulties.
Being passive is not all bad,
sometimes not
saying anything is a good thing. But
when you
have to say something, you should. So being passive is
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie means to ignore a
problem because trying to deal with it could cause an even more difficult
situation. To avoid interfering in a situation that is currently causing
no problems but might do so as a result of such interference.
Don't Rock the Boat means that you should
do something or
say something that could upset people
or cause more problems, or you should not
ask too many questions
or be too assertive because it could cause more trouble.
it's better to speak than to be silent, and other times it's
better to be silent than to speak,
and other times you have no choice.
Everything is relative
depending on the time and and place, and the situation. There is a time
and place for everything, which means that there is sometimes a more
appropriate and acceptable situation or
in which to do something or say something.
Complacent or
is being satisfied with things as they are, and not looking to
improve things or
adapt to the changes.
Complacent is uncritically
satisfied with oneself or one's achievements.
Contented to a fault with
oneself or one's actions.
Smug is
marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction.
Acceptance is when a person agrees to the reality of a situation,
often a negative or uncomfortable
without attempting to
change it or
protest it. The concept is close in meaning to
acquiescence, derived from the Latin acquiēscere (to find rest in).
Contentment is a mental or emotional state of satisfaction
maybe drawn from being at ease in one's situation, body and mind.
Colloquially speaking, contentment could be a state of having
one's situation and is a milder and more tentative form of happiness.
Idle hands are the devil's workshop.
Three Wise Monkeys or three mystic apes, see no evil, hear no evil,
speak no evil. The three monkeys are Mizaru, covering his eyes, who sees
no evil; Kikazaru, covering his ears, who hears no evil and Iwazaru,
covering his mouth, who speaks no evil. The phrase is often used to
refer to those who deal with impropriety by
turning a blind eye, which
means to
intentionally ignore
refuse to acknowledge
something that is known to be true.
someone covers their ears while saying "la, la, la," it's a
symbolic gesture indicating they are
choosing not to listen to you, essentially blocking out what you are
saying and refusing to engage with your conversation; it's a childlike
behavior that says "I don't want to hear this" or "I'm not paying
attention." It's a dismissive attitude that usually implies that the
person is not taking your words seriously and is deliberately choosing to
disregard them.
Willful Blindness is a situation in which a person seeks to avoid
civil or criminal
liability for a
wrongful act by intentionally
themself unaware of facts that would render him or her
liable or
Willful Ignorance.
"The only way for evil to
triumph is for good people to do nothing."
Silence Is
Betrayal--Martin Luther King Jr. (youtube).
Risk Aversion -
Fight or Run -
Resilience -
Be Thankful but Not
Ostrich Algorithm is a strategy of
potential problems on the basis that they may be exceedingly rare.
It is named after the ostrich effect which is defined as "to stick one's
head in the sand and
pretend there is no problem".
It is used when it is more cost-effective to allow the problem to occur
than to attempt its prevention.
Ostrich Effect is the attempt made by investors to avoid negative
financial information. The name comes from the common (but false) legend
that ostriches
bury their heads in the sand to
avoid danger.
Bypassing is to avoid something unpleasant
or laborious, without stopping it, correcting it or
curing it.
Pass the Buck.
Bystander is a person who is present at an
event or incident but does not take part.
Bystander Effect is when individuals are less likely to offer help to
a victim
when there are other
people present; the greater the number of bystanders, the less likely
it is that one of them will help.
Linger is to remain present although
waning or gradually dying. To leave slowly and hesitantly. To take one's
time and proceed slowly.
It's not that some people are afraid to do something about the
injustices they see, it's just that people don't fully understand how to
solve these problems. So people find it easier to
conform than to try to improve something. And society does not make it
safe for people to speak or give people a place to speak where they can be
heard by everyone and not just heard by a few people.
Reporting a crime is sometimes dangerous
and can also be a
action. And this should not be. Every school on the planet should
teach the
skills of civic
duty and the media must
inform the public on a
regular basis.
scumbags in
power persist because
naive people are
accessories to their crimes and
passive weak minded people just look the other
"You either die a hero or live long enough to see
yourself become a passive accessory to evil."
If you see something, say something.
Churches in Germany looked the other way when Hitler took power.
Churches throughout Europe were
mostly silent
while Jews were persecuted, deported and murdered by the Nazis. It has
become abundantly clear that the
Churches failure to respond to the horrid events. Germany’s Catholic
bishops have acknowledged that
they were complicit in allowing the Nazis to rise to power and stood
by while they launched World War II. The population of Germany in 1933 was
around 60 million. Almost all Germans were Christian, belonging either to
the Roman Catholic (ca. 20 million members) or the Protestant (ca. 40
million members) churches. The Jewish community in Germany in 1933 was
less than 1% of the total population of the country. Before 1933, in fact,
some bishops prohibited Catholics in their dioceses from joining the Nazi
Party. This ban was dropped after Hitler's March 23, 1933, speech to the
Reichstag in which he described Christianity as the “foundation” for
German values. In both German churches there were members, including
clergy and leading theologians, who openly supported the Nazi regime.
After 1945, the silence of the church leadership and the widespread
complicity of "ordinary Christians" compelled leaders of both churches to
address issues of guilt and complicity during the Holocaust—a process that
continues internationally to this day.
Vatican documents show secret back channel between Pope Pius XII and
Co-Conspirators -
Accessories -
Cover up
Of course not all religious leaders are passive
or collaborators. Sometimes a
higher calling requires a person to
stand up
speak up against
injustices and abuse, and also help defend people from evil oppressors.
Leviticus 19:16 "Do not stand idly by
while your brother's blood is at stake."
Romero is a 1989 biographical film depicting the story of Salvadoran
archbishop Óscar Romero, who organized peaceful protests against the
violent military regime, eventually at the cost of his own life. During
1977 El Salvadoran presidential election, public unrest is at an
all-time high over fears of election fraud. In the midst of a
Marxist-Leninist guerrilla insurgency by the Farabundo Martí National
Liberation Front, the anti-communist military dictatorship uses death
squads to abduct, torture and "disappear" anyone who speaks about their
terrible human rights record. The military also prevents average voters
from getting to the polls; soldiers are shown blocking a bus bringing
people to town on election day. When the people decide to walk, the
military shoots up their vans so that they have no transportation for the
return journey. The Vatican elevates theologically conservative Oscar
Arnulfo Romero (Raul Julia) to the position of Archbishop of San Salvador,
hoping that with he will not get involved in politics. Although
apolitical, Romero is afraid of the government's increasing hostility. He
initially refrains from stirring anti-government sentiments, but, as he
spends more time as archbishop, he sees evidence of deception, oppression,
and systemic murder, after which he cannot support the government in good
conscience and begins to speak out. After the assassination of Father
Rutilio Grande (Richard Jordan), an outspoken Jesuit advocate for the poor
and close friend of Father Romero's, Romero begins to take a stand against
the government's policies, prompting the government to retaliate by
ordering to death squads to target the priests of his Archdiocese.
Submissive is
allowing to be
controlled or ruled. Unable to
stand alone. Being less important and
consider less valuable.
on others.
Docile -
Easily Indoctrinated -
Kowtow is a former Chinese custom of
touching the ground with the forehead as a sign of respect or submission.
Bend the knees and bow in a servile manner. Try to gain favor by cringing
or flattering.
Bowing is the bending
the head or body or knee as a sign of reverence or submission or shame or
greeting. Showing an excessively deferential manner. Bend one's back
forward from the waist on down.
is to debase oneself morally, act in an undignified, unworthy, or
dishonorable way. Having the back and shoulders rounded; not erect.
When you Settle for Less
accept things the way they
are, you may forget
good is and you may not remember what
being better is like. This is
much more than a lack of satisfaction, it's a gradual sinking to a lower
level. And sometimes you can
drag other
people down with you.
Come to
terms with that.
Prostrate is to be
stretched out and lying face downward at full length along the ground, as
in submission and rendered helpless or defenseless.
Playing Dead is a behavior in which animals take on the appearance of
being dead. Apparent death is a form of animal deception considered to be
an anti-predator strategy, but it can also be used as a form of
aggressive mimicry.
Sympathizer is a person who agrees with
supports a sentiment or opinion of another person or group.
loyalist to an enemy or a
blind follower. Sympathizer is not the same as
Submission is the
condition of
submitting to someone you choose to follow.
Allowing to having legitimate
from one's
superior or
and Submission is a set of
behaviors, customs, and
rituals involving
the submission of one person to another in an erotic episode or lifestyle.
DISC Assessment (wiki).
Obedience is complying with the commands or instructions of those in
authority. Dutiful or submissive behavior in
being willing to obey.
Implied Consent -
Accessory (going along with a crime)
BribeAn agreement to be submissive can only be made when
informed consent is proven and
understood. If not, it's usually
manipulation or
exploitation. A
Silence Procedure means that he who is silent is taken to agree, or
silence implies
Meek is being overly submissive or
compliant. Very docile or eager to
follow, or
easily cowed into submissiveness. Showing little spirit or courage. Meek
can also mean to be humble,
patient and
compassionate, and
not arrogant or
Meek is not the same as being
"The meek will inherit the earth, but only if the meek educate
themselves and become more knowledgeable. Being
gullible will get you no where."
Compliance is acting according to
certain accepted standards.
Conforming to a
rule, such as a specification, policy, standard or
law. A disposition or tendency to yield to the will
of others. The act of submitting; usually
surrendering power to another.
Role Playing.
Docile is being willing to be taught or
led or supervised or directed, sometimes without
questioning or
validation. Someone who is
easily handled or managed. But
don't confuse docile with someone who is
understanding and intelligently
diplomatic. We want
people to
follow orders and to follow the law.
But not follow
like Mindless Robots.
Placid not easily upset or excited.
Calm and peaceful, with little movement or activity.
“He who
stands on tiptoe, doesn't stand firm."
Te Ching (wiki)
"I have no
choice but to obey my conscience, here I stay, I can do no other, God help
Luther (10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546).
Partisan (divided creates
weakness) -
is the reluctant acceptance of something without
Acquiescence occurs when a person knowingly stands by without raising
any objection to the infringement of his or her rights, while someone else
unknowingly and without malice aforethought acts in a manner inconsistent
with their rights. the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.
Social Contract is when individuals have
consented, either explicitly
or tacitly, to
surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the
authority of the ruler or magistrate (or to the decision of a majority),
in exchange for protection of their remaining
Do Not Consent to Searches -
Procedure states that he who is silent is saying they agree. Your
silence implies
status quo
is called learning.
Maintain the
status quo is to keep things the way they are even if
they're bad.
System Justification happens when
people incorrectly seek stability in their lives that they resist change
even when it's for the better. This causes people to wrongly justify
holding on to opinions about ourselves, our groups, and the larger system.
This in turn defends the status quo.
Consistency Bias is when people
assume things haven’t changed, when in fact they did.
Collaborationism is
cooperation with the enemy against one's country
Employee Silence refers to situations where
employees withhold
information that might be useful to the organization of which they are a
part, whether intentionally or unintentionally. This can happen if
employees do not speak up to a supervisor or manager. Within organizations
people often have to make decisions about whether to speak up or remain
silent - whether to share or withhold their ideas, opinions, and concerns
... [The problem is that] in many cases, they choose the safe response of
silence, withholding input that could be valuable to others or thoughts
that they wish they could express. — Frances J. Milliken and Elizabeth
Wolfe Morrison,
Shades of Silence: Emerging Themes and Future Directions
for Research on Silence in Organizations. This means the situation is not
going to change for the better anytime soon. Employee silence does not
only occur between management and employees, it also occurs during
conflict among employees, and as a result of organizational decisions.
This silence keeps managers from receiving information that may help to
improve the organization. When trying to avoid employee silence, managers
and leaders also need to know “how to facilitate varying opinions in a way
that allows healthy discussion to develop towards consensus or best
solutions”. In a recent business column entitled “
Silence Does Not Equal
Agreement,” some advice is given for leaders looking to diminish employee
silence. The article suggests: "When presenting information or asking
questions of a group, make eye contact with each person at the table or as
many people as possible in the room. This gesture gives a message of
interest and connectedness. Watch for the subtle signs of people agreeing
or disagreeing with what is being said.
Positive gestures include:
maintaining eye contact, a slight smile, nodding. Gestures of dissension
include: raised eyebrows, rolling of eyes, a slight sneer, looking down,
shifting in the seat, avoiding eye contact. When someone does make a
comment or suggestion, do not rush to discount their opinion or defend
your own. To shut down someone who speaks up will send the message that
you are not sincere, and people will retreat back into non-participation.
Instead, say something like, ‘Thanks for your idea, Holly, let me think
about that.’ Learn to be comfortable with silence. It takes getting used
to, but allowing silence to be in the room is a powerful presence that
gives people a chance to digest what was said, and to consider whether
they have a response or contribution, and how they may want to present it.
If you try to encourage more openness, and at first others are
unresponsive or hesitant to participate, consider asking someone you trust
after the meeting if there is something that you might have missed or
could have done differently to achieve the desired result".
If you look the other way, then you are turning your back on
yourself. We must stop criminals when ever we can, and if you
can't stop them yourself, then seek help, sometimes people are
unaware of crimes until
someone speaks up."
If give you someone an inch, they will take a mile.
Let's See How this Plays Out
is to decide not to stop something or intervene until you see what happens
or see how something unfolds. Lets wait and see what happens first before
we act. But what happens when we wait to long and it's too late to act?
Watch the World Go By is to pause and
remain still whilst doing nothing but surveying the environment around
People who Stand by and Watch the
World Die, are already dead, inside. People can have all kinds of
excuses for not getting involved or not supporting good causes. Some
believe that someone else will do it, or they don't have the time, or they
don't want to stick their neck out.
This One Out means to not participate in an event or a discussion.
Your Neck Out means to personally
except responsibility for ones
life and
expose oneself to some risk and danger in order to support a
cause and to stand up for what is right and do what is good, just like the
millions of other people have done for you throughout history. Some people
would rather risk their reputation doing what is right than to have a
reputation based on lies. The phrase is a symbol for when a turtle takes a
risk when it sticks its neck out beyond the safety of its shell.
"Far better it is to dare mighty things than to take rank with those poor
timid spirits who know neither victory nor defeat."
The Strenuous
Life by
Theodore Roosevelt on April 10th, 1899. I wish to preach, not the
doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life, the life
of toil and effort, of labor and strife; to preach that highest form of
success which comes, not to the man who desires mere easy peace, but to
the man who does not shrink from danger, from hardship, or from bitter
toil, and who out of these wins the splendid ultimate triumph.
“Most people are, in the most ordinary sense, very limited. They pass
their time, day after day, in idle,
passive pursuits,
just looking at things – at games, television, whatever. Or they fill the
hours talking, mostly about nothing of significance – of comings and
goings, of who is doing what, of the weather, of things forgotten almost
as soon as they are mentioned. They have no aspirations for themselves
beyond getting through another day doing more or less what they did
yesterday. They walk across the stage of life, leaving everything about as
it was when they entered, achieving nothing, aspiring to nothing, having
never a profound or even original thought…This is what is common, usual,
typical, indeed normal. Relatively few rise above such a plodding
existence.” (Richard Taylor, Restoring Pride).
Sitting on the Fence is an idiom that means
to be indecisive, neutral, or
hesitant to choose a side in an argument or
competition. It can also refer to someone who is unable to decide due to a lack of courage.
Playing Both Sides of the
Fence is an idiom that means to
pretend to support two opposing
people or ideas to gain an advantage. A person is indecisive and cannot
decide which argument he actually supports and will vacillate from one
side to the other.
Hedging is a synonym for
straddling the fence.
Playing Both Ends
against the Middle is an idiom that describes someone who
to support opposing ideas or people to gain an advantage.
Double-Dealing is the practice of
to people's disadvantage behind their backs, or working deceitfully to injure
others. The act of cheating or
tricking someone by hiding your real
Double Agent is an employee of a secret intelligence service for one
country, whose primary purpose is to spy on a target organization of
another country, but who is now
spying on their own country's organization
for the target organization.
Dual Loyalty
Double-Cross is to deceive or
betray a person with whom one is
supposedly cooperating with. Double-crossing starts with someone by being
on their side, perhaps asking for their trust, and then surprising them
with opposition or a challenge. It is an act of winning or trying to win a
fight or match after agreeing to lose it. A trick in which you deceive
someone when you are doing something illegal together or when you are
planning to trick someone else together.
Neutrality is the tendency to not take a side in a conflict, which may
not suggest neutral parties do not have a side or are not a side
Proxy War.
I'd Love to
Change the World - Ten Years After (youtube) - Everywhere is freaks
and hairies, Dykes and fairies, tell me, where is sanity? Tax the rich,
feed the poor, 'Til there are no rich no more.
I'd love to change the
world, But I don't know what to do, So I'll leave
it up to you. Population keeps on breeding, Nation bleeding, still
more feeding, economy, Life is funny, skies are sunny, Bees make honey,
who needs money? No, not poor me. I'd love to change the world,
But I
don't know what to do, So I'll leave it up to you. Oh, yeah! World
pollution, there's no solution, Institution, electrocution, Just black and
white, rich or poor, Them and us, stop the war. I'd love to change the
world, But I don't know what to do,
So I'll leave it up to you.
Institution is a
structure or mechanism of
social order that
governs the recurring patterns of behavior of a set
of individuals within a given community, sometimes
impeding individuality and
intentions by mediating the rules that govern a particular
world view or living
institutions are identified with a
social purpose that is not
always clearly
understood or
School Institutions -
Indoctrination -
Banking Institutions -
Media Institutions -
Government Institutions
Church and State -
is the environment or
community concerned with the
pursuit of research, education, and scholarship.
Everyone is in an Institution of some form.
It's just that some institutions are better than others. Some institutions
are so
subtle that you might not even know that you're in an
Everyone is also in some form of Foster Care. Everyone experiences most of the
same problems that foster care children do, it's just in different proportions and under different names.
Foster Care is a
system in which a minor has been placed into a ward, group home
or residential child care community, treatment center, or private
home of a state-certified caregiver, referred to as a "
Parent" or
with a family member approved by the state. The placement of the child is
normally arranged through the government or a social service agency.
institution, group home or foster parent is compensated for expenses
unless with a family member. Almost 10% of children in foster care have
stayed in foster care for five or more years.
Nearly half of all children
in foster care have chronic medical problems. 8% of all children in foster
care have serious emotional problems, 11% of children exiting foster care
aged out of the system, in 2011. Children in foster care experience high
rates of
Child Abuse, emotional deprivation, and physical neglect. In one
study in the United Kingdom "foster children were 7–8 times, and children
in residential care 6 times more likely to be assessed by a pediatrician
abuse than a child in the general population". A study of foster
children in Oregon and Washington State found that nearly one third
reported being abused by a foster parent or another adult in a foster
home. A higher prevalence of physical, psychological, cognitive and
epigenetic disorders for children in foster care has been established in
studies in various countries. Foster children have elevated levels of
cortisol, a stress hormone, in comparison to children raised by their
biological parents. Children in foster care have a higher incidence of
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Foster children are at increased
risk for a variety of eating disorders in comparison to the general
Nearly half of foster children in the U.S. become homeless
when they turn 18. Children in foster care are at a greater risk of
suicide. Children in foster care have an overall higher mortality rate
than children in the general population.
56% completed high school
compared to 82% of the general population, although an additional 29% of
former foster children received a G.E.D. compared to an additional 5% of
the general population. Children in the child welfare system have often
experienced significant and repeated traumas and having a background in
foster homes—especially in instances of sexual abuse—can be the
precipitating factor in a wide variety of psychological and cognitive
deficits it may also serve to obfuscate the true cause of underlying
Institutional Care is
care provided in a hospital, nursing home, or other facility that is
usually certified or licensed by the state, primarily affording diagnostic, preventive,
therapeutic, rehabilitative, maintenance, or personal care services.
Lunatic Asylum or mental asylum or insane asylum was an early
precursor of the modern psychiatric hospital. eventual replacement by
modern psychiatric hospitals.
Psychiatric hospitals, also known as mental health units or behavioral
health units, are hospitals or wards specializing in the treatment of
severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and
major depressive disorder.
was a solution to treating people considered to be "mad" was part of a
social process in the 19th century that began to seek solutions outside
for families and local communities.
Total Institution is a place of work and residence where a great
number of similarly situated people, cut off from the wider community for
a considerable time, together lead an enclosed, formally administered
round of life. Privacy is limited in total institutions, as all aspects of
life including sleep, play, and work, are conducted in the same place.
Total institutions are divided by Goffman into five different types:
Institutions established to care for people felt to be both harmless and
incapable: orphanages, poor houses and nursing homes. Places established
to care for people felt to be incapable of looking after themselves and a
threat to the community, albeit an unintended one: leprosariums, mental
hospitals, and tuberculosis sanitariums. Institutions organized to protect
the community against what are felt to be intentional dangers to it, with
the welfare of the people thus sequestered not the immediate issue:
concentration camps, P.O.W. camps, penitentiaries, and jails. Institutions
purportedly established to better pursue some worklike tasks and
justifying themselves only on these instrumental grounds: colonial
compounds, work camps, boarding schools, ships, army barracks, and large
mansions from the point of view of those who live in the servants'
quarters. Establishments designed as retreats from the world even while
often serving also as
training stations for the religious; examples are
convents, abbeys, monasteries, and other cloisters. David Rothman states
that "historians have confirmed the validity of Goffman's concept of
'total institutions' which minimizes the differences in formal mission to
establish a unity of design and structure. In Discipline and Punish,
Michel Foucault discussed total institutions in the language of complete
and austere institutions.
Conscription is a
state-mandated enlistment of people into
military service.
Concentration Camp or
internment is the
imprisonment of people, commonly
in large groups, without charges or intent to file charges.
Workhouse was an institution where those unable to support themselves
financially were offered accommodation and employment. (In Scotland, they
were usually known as
poorhouses.) The earliest known use of the term
workhouse is from 1631.
Institutions are schools, prisons, barracks, or hospitals are
examples of historical disciplinary institutions, all created in their
modern form in the 19th century with the Industrial Revolution.
Transinstitutionalisation is the phenomena where inmates released from
one therapeutic community
move into other institutions, either as planned
move or as an unforeseen consequence. For instance, when the residential
mental hospitals were closed as the result of a political policy change,
the prison population increased by an equivalent number.
Safety-Valve Institution is a term used in sociology to describe
organizations which serve to allow discontented individuals to
act out their opposition to other elements, as
it were "
to let off steam".
Safety-valve organizations reduce tensions in society and in the
structural-functionalist perspective can be said to have a
tension-reducing latent function. Safety-valve organizations are outlets
for behavior that is considered deviant, but cannot be eradicated from
society, and such organizations prevent tensions from accumulating; thus
tolerance of some deviant behavior in various safety-valve organizations
prevents more serious problems. Therefore, one of the primary functions of
the deviance itself is to act as a safety-valve. Without safety-valve
organizations, interactions between certain groups would become much more
limited, and conflict much more severe. Safety-valve institutions range
from mostly legal and reputable (strikes, arts, and sports), to less so
(pranks, casinos and gambling institutions in general, pornography) to
mostly illegal (prostitution). Societies of different kinds vary widely in
the legal status of these activities. In their most extreme, aggression in
general and war in particular have also been described as safety-valve
institutions. With regard to specific organizations, Better Business
Bureau has been described as a safety valve institution, as it "mitigates
conflicts between business and consumer". Safety-valve organizations can
exist in politics, where they provide an outlet for those dissatisfied
with the political and social situation to legally organize and discuss it.
A religion can sometimes be like a game
Show is a when
contestants compete for a
reward. These
programs can either be
participatory or demonstrative and are typically
directed by a host, sharing the
rules of the program as well as
commentating and narrating where necessary. Contestants either have to
answer questions or solve puzzles, typically to
win either money or
prizes. Game shows often
reward players with
prizes such as cash, trips
and goods and services provided by the
show's sponsor.
Govern Oneself - Freedom of Thought
Freedom of Thought is the
freedom of an
individual to hold or
consider a fact,
viewpoint, or thought,
of others' viewpoints. It is different from and not to be confused with
the concept of
freedom of speech
expression, or
believing in things that do more harm than good.
Thought is an
epistemological viewpoint which holds that beliefs should not be
formed on the basis of authority, tradition, revelation, or
dogma, and
beliefs should instead be reached by other methods such as
reason, and
empirical observation.
Free Thinking -
Free Writing -
Freedom of Expression -
Natural Rights -
Right to
Education -
Time to Think -
Work Life Balance -
Ideas -
Abstract Thought -
Dreaming -
Day Dreaming -
Thinking to
Yourself -
One Thought Leads to
Another -
Cognitive Liberty or the right to mental self-determination, is the
freedom of an individual to
control their own mental processes, cognition, and consciousness. It has
been argued to be both an extension of, and the principle underlying, the
right to freedom of thought. Though a relatively recently defined concept,
many theorists see cognitive liberty as being of increasing importance as
technological advances in neuroscience allow for an ever-expanding ability
to directly influence
Cognitive liberty is not a recognized right in any international human
rights treaties, but has gained a limited level of recognition in the
United States, and is argued to be the principle underlying a number of
recognized rights.
Free-Spirited is
doing what you like or doing things that brings you enjoyment and pleasure
without feeling limited by the
usual rules of
social behavior. A person who thinks and
acts independently in an
uninhibited way without worrying about normal social rules.
The more knowledgably you are, the more
liberated you are. The more you understand
yourself and the more you understand the world around you, the more
liberated you will be from the
bullshit that
life throws at you.
You become more
What the herd hates most is the one who thinks
differently; it is not so much the opinion itself, but the audacity of
wanting to think for themselves, something that they do not know how to
do." —
Arthur Schopenhauer (wiki).
Unorthodox is being independent in behavior
or thought.
Breaking with convention or
Heterodox is
not conforming with accepted or orthodox
standards or beliefs. A departure from accepted beliefs or standards.
Thought Leader
Sovereignty -
Freedom to
Govern Oneself
Thinking -
Outside the Box
Activism -
Responsibilities -
Information Literacy
Inequity is injustice by virtue of
not conforming with rules or standards.
Dissent is the
of one judge's opinion from that of the
is a non-agreement or opposition to a prevailing idea.
Insubordinate is not being
submissive to authority by challenging established
rules that may be deemed to be unfair.
Aberrant is departing from an accepted
standard. Diverging from the normal type.
Collective Responsibility is when you are
responsible for other
people's actions by tolerating, ignoring, or harboring them, without
collaborating in these actions.
Proactive is controlling a situation by
causing something to happen rather
than waiting to respond to it after it happens.
Humanism is a
philosophical and
stance that emphasizes the
value and
agency of human beings, individually and
collectively, and affirms their ability to improve their lives through the
use of
reason and
ingenuity as opposed to
blindly to
tradition and
authority or sinking into
cruelty and
Humanitarian -
Humanistic Values
Uniformity is a condition in which
everything is regular and unvarying. The same throughout in
structure or
composition. Evenly spaced.
Symmetry -
agreement or
reliable. Capable of being
reproduced. Marked by an
orderly, logical, and aesthetically
consistent relation of parts. The same throughout in structure or
Countries in Red drive all their
vehicles on the right side of the road.
Countries in Blue drive on the
left side on the road.
Not all Conformity is bad. When
we all decide to
drive on the right side of the road we avoid having
accidents. When we don't have conformity we will always have
problems, accidents and mistakes. Drivers are 40% more likely to
be involved in a crash than those using "normal"
left hand drive (LHD) vehicles.
Choosing to speak the same language, choosing to use the same
measuring system. Conforming could improve
Weekend Festival 2016 | POWER HOUR (youtube)
Rockin'1000 That's
Live 2016 | Seven Nation Army 15000 people - 1000 musicians - 17 songs
- 1 show (youtube)
The White Stripes -
'Seven Nation Army' (youtube)
Conformity makes a lot of people
jump to conclusions. They
believe that there are following
commonly accepted standards,
but they cannot confirm these standards or even validate them,
because there is no defined basis for comparison; no measure of
pros and cons. No reference point against which other things can
be evaluated. No ideal terms of which something can be judged.
Accepted does not mean verified. Accepted does not mean that
more then the majority of people agree, or even understand what
the agreement is about.
We know how dangerous conformity can be, because we know how
dangerous being
biased is.
Dangerous Social Influences of Conformity.
We need to be
Working Together, not conforming or accepting. Toleration is
not about accepting, Toleration is about learning how to adapt
to a difficult situation, and to never stop working towards
normalcy and regaining balance again. You must not except the
cards that you were dealt, because there are more cards in the
deck, and there are more hands to play, the game is not over.
But the game would be over if you were a conformist.
Working Together
Working Together is acting together as agents or circumstances or events. A state
of cooperation. Balance among the parts of something.
Compatibility of observations. Agreement of results.
Conformity could easily make people become unimaginative, deficient in originality or creativity,
and lack the powers of invention, and also lack the ability to deal with concrete facts,
and also lack spontaneity and individuality. Most advancements
come from the countries that preserve
human rights and
freedoms. But we
still have a huge problem when people abuse freedom and use it
for evil purposes. But because certain societies are free to
learn, then we will eventually solve this problem and help
people stop abusing their freedoms and everyone else around
Values Alignment is
an emergent property in organizations that have a critical mass of people
with a common language of values and clarity about how their personal
values, personal vision/mission and goals align with the desired values,
mission/vision and goals of the organization.
We need free thinkers, dreamers,
makers, visionary's, people who can look at things
differently, and present observations that may give us a better
understanding of our problems and our difficulties. These are
the people who have advanced society, these are the people who
have made most of the greatest improvements in our world. So we
should stop squandering and impeding free thinking. Because this
will only keep starvation, suffering, crimes, corruption,
disease and avoidable deaths to continue to happen every day.
This I cannot conform too, or accept. Let us work together, it
is truly our only
Validity -
Verifying -
Facts -
Opinions -
Some contradictions are contradictions in
themselves. Something could be a
contradiction to your actions and
still be a contraction to itself, because it also did not answer all the
questions, thus it too could be in contradiction for another reason. So
maybe you still need to answer the question, "How do you justify the
action?", which is based on true reality and responsibilities of your
life. But even if you don't have any logical reasons why you do what you
do, you could still be right because there are other reasons that you have
yet learned about. You can say I pray everyday around this time, but it
still may have
other benefits even without the prayer.
The prayer could be added because that is something that you like and feel
good about, which is fine. But we need to see the whole picture, and wee
need to see all the layers.
All actions have
effects, with some actions have many effects.