Some of What We Know, So Far...

A Brief History of Life on Planet Earth, as far as we know, because we're just getting started.

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This is a brief history of who we are. A summary of life. A timeline of our universe? How did we get here? What is life? What is reality? What is time? What do we really know? You can say that we are humans living on planet earth. But those words don't explain what a human is, or what earth is, or what living is. How many words do you think that you would have to use to fully explain what a human is, or what earth is, or what living is, and how would you explain it without being subjective? I have been answering those questions for 13 years since 2008. Here are some of my results and what I found so far, and I still have a long way to go. Some of things that have happened in my Lifetime.

Since humans have a limited lifespan, and since only a few people have been alive on earth for more then 100 years, this means that everyone on this planet has literally just got here. There is no one alive in 2020 who could tell you what it was like to live in the 1800's or anytime before that. 100 years ago there was a completely different set of human beings living on the planet from a different lifetime and having different life experiences. At the time that you were born, you were briefly the youngest person alive on earth. So everyone alive today is experiencing life for the very first time. So if you are a young person, that means your parents just got here around 20 years before you did. And if you have read this entire website, that means you most likely have read more knowledge and information than your parents did. And if your parents stopped learning, that means you could be much more knowledgeable than they are now, which means that you are now sharing the responsibility of parenting, which makes you a co-parent of yourself. So be nice to your parents, it's not their fault that they have fallen behind, and it's not your parents fault that they don't have all the answers. This is why knowing the truth about history is so extremely important. Even though we are not totally sure what happens when we die, what we do know, is that humans have the ability to pass down knowledge and information using a written language. This has benefited humans in many ways by expanding human understanding about ourselves and the world around us. We are just realizing the true power of knowledge, and the potential that knowledge and information has given us. So we are literally just starting to learn. And now that we have digitized languages, and created the internet, we are now learning more, and also learning faster then any other time in human history. But not everyone is benefiting from our increased knowledge and understanding, or does everyone have access to knowledge and information. So 90% of the people who are alive today have very little understanding about how much knowledge and information that our species has accumulated over the last 10,000 years, or, even the last 100 years. So we need to improve education in many ways in order to meet this new level of knowledge and understanding. But until then, we have a lot of learning to do, and, a lot of work to do.

Lets pretend that you just showed up on Earth with no memories of ever being alive before, but you understand language. Your first two questions would most likely be...Where am I? What am I? And the answer would most likely be...(from a human who has been here for over 50 years)..."As far as we can tell, from the documents recorded through history and from what we have learned so far, we are humans, and humans have been around for millions of years. We don't know how we got here. We know that we are on a planet traveling through a vacuum in space at over 800 miles per second. And we just started to use language and writing. So we are just beginning to learn more about ourselves and the world around us. Most people don't know what being alive is. Most people feel no real connection to life. The good news is that everyone can learn how to feel more alive and feel more connected to life. Remember, everyone just got here, some just a few years before you, so don't ever assume that people know enough or that people are knowledgeable enough. Because 100's of millions of people don't have access to knowledge and information that would make them more aware and give them a better understanding of themselves and the world around them. And the people who do have access to valuable knowledge and information, have very little knowledge on how to truly understand all that we know. So welcome to the party. My advice to you, Humans have the ability to learn and to store knowledge and information. I would highly recommend you understand this gift and use it wisely, it will make all the difference in your life. Learning is the most important activity in life. Without learning, there is no life."

To Every New Child Born. You are the future. Even though human civilization has learned many things, Humans still have a lot to learn. And we have many problems to solve. That is why we must provide every child with the best education available. If there is one that thing we have learned, is that ignorant people can not solve problems, and ignorant leaders make us vulnerable to death, suffering and corruption. So the future of this world is in your hands now. We are sorry that we did not improve education sooner. But this is our current reality. You have amazing potential and abilities. So please don't waste them like we did.

Every person alive today has benefited from the knowledge and information that has been preserved and passed on for hundreds of years. If we do not continue the process of knowledge preservation and knowledge sharing, we will continue to die and suffer from the ignorance that many people are infected with.

Fossils - Research - Investigations - Advancements in Technology

Before humans existed, or before life as we know it existed, we have determined from research and evidence that the universe began around 13.7 billion years ago. What was there before? We have no idea. And just how the universe began and how it evolved is still a mystery. Though some believe it began with an explosion, or Big Bang. It has been calculated that 99% Percent of the Universe is Space. Not that it's empty, it's just that we don't know exactly what space is made out of. Some believe it's Dark Matter and Dark Energy, but we are not positive. We have determined that Stars began forming some 400 million years after the universe began. And these stars clustered together to form galaxies. Our galaxy, which we have named the milky way, is one of hundreds of billions of galaxies in our universe. After about a billion years, about 12.8 billion years ago, we believe that this is when planets began to form. Our solar system formed around 4.6 billion years ago, which is almost 9 billion years after the universe began. Then after our sun was formed, 100 million years later, our planet Earth was formed about 4.5 Billion years ago. After a billion years, The earliest micro organisms on Earth, and other planets in our solar system, arose at around 3.5 billion years ago. Then after 3 billion years, or 500 million years ago, ocean organisms and primitive animals started to evolve on earth. 400 Million years ago, or 2.6 Billion years after earth formed, we have Insects. Then 250 Million years ago was the Permian Extinction, which caused Extinction of 95% of all living species. Then around 200 Million years ago, Mammals evolve. We have discovered fossils of Dinosaurs that lived during this time. But 65 Million years ago, Dinosaurs go extinct. But after that, more mammals appeared and life again started to flourish. Then just several million years ago we believe that human life began to evolve, how and why humans began, we are not totally sure yet. We have fossils of early humans going back over 100,000 years ago. And we have other fossils that show that todays humans are around 40,000 years old. And during this time, humans have struggled to survive. But in the last 10,000 years, things began to improve for humans. We learned some important survival skills. Like how to make fire, how to build shelters, how to grow food, and how to harvest meat more effectively and efficiently from animals. But we are still struggling. It is estimated that over a 100 billion humans have lived and died in the last 40,000 years. So millions of people have contributed to our life and has made our life possible. But our struggles are far from over. In the last 10,000 years we have discovered evidence of ancient civilizations and huge cities in our history that have been abandoned, with very little evidenced of why these ancient cities failed. And the reason for this lack of evidence is because early humans have not yet designed a language and writing system that clearly documented what knowledge and information they had acquired, or explained how their society ultimately collapsed and failed. But in the last 2,000 years humans have made some valuable improvements. With one being a language and writing system that can document what we are learning. But this advancement did not solve all our problems. We still suffer from wars, diseases and discriminations. But just in the last 100 years, we have finally learned the value of knowledge. We have finally turned a corner, and in 2015 we have finally made some extremely important improvements on how we educate ourselves. We have clearly witnessed that the lack of knowledge and information has been causing us major problems since the beginning. Ignorance has been killing us and destroying civilizations throughout human history. It is extremely heart breaking to know that hundreds of millions of humans have died throughout our history because people lacked key knowledge and information, and millions are still dying every year because of this. But now there's even more Hope. Because now in the 21st century, we are just beginning to realize the importance of knowledge and information. And from this realization we are slowly transitioning our world into a Knowledge-Based Society. One that will sustain us, one that will end the senseless killing of humans, and one that will end the senseless destruction of our environment. So like I said, we just got here. And we still have so much to learn. So it's up to you to guarantee our survival. How will you acquire valuable knowledge and information? How will you preserve valuable knowledge and information? How will you share valuable knowledge and information? We know that education needs drastic improvements, so what plans do you have to guarantee that these improvements will be made? Sooner then later, because time is of the essence. It's Time.

We have learned so much, but we still know very little. We know about the existence of matter, but we don't know where matter comes from? We know how matter interacts, but we don't know exactly why matter interacts? We know about electro-magnetic forces, but we don't know why electro-magnetic forces exist? We know there is space, but we don't know what space is made of? We can explain time for our purposes, but we don't know why time exists? We can give things labels, but labels do not explain things completely? Paradox of Our Time.

Knowledge Gap - A Brief History of Knowledge

Knowledge Gap is when higher socioeconomic status segments tend to acquire information faster than lower socioeconomic-status population segments so that the gap in knowledge between the two tends to increase rather than decrease. So the people who acquire more information have better communication skills. Higher status people generally have more education, which improves their reading, comprehension, and memory skills. With stored information, higher status people are more likely to already know of topics in the news through previous media exposure or through formal education. With relevant social contacts, higher status people generally have a broader sphere of activity, greater number of reference groups, and interpersonal contacts and are thus more likely to discuss news topics with others. With selective exposure, lower status people may be less interested, and therefore less likely to expose themselves to certain news topics. And Media target markets and media outlets cater to the tastes and interests of their audience. Despite these differences, people with more education tend to have better developed cognitive and communication skills, broader social spheres with more and more diverse social contacts, and a greater amount of stored information than their counterparts with less education. People with greater education also tend express interest in, and expose themselves to, a broader range of topics, including serious topics like public affairs, science, and health news. Therefore, as the infusion of mass media information into a social system increases, segments of the population with higher socioeconomic status tend to acquire this information at a faster rate than the lower status segments so that the gap in knowledge between these segments tends to increase rather than decrease. But wealthy people and highly educated people are still ignorant in many ways, it's just less noticeable because of their perceived success.

Knowledge Divide is the gap in standards of living between those who can find, create, manage, process, and disseminate information or knowledge, and those who are impaired in this process.

Asymmetric Information is when one party has more information or better information than the other. Information Asymmetry is a term that refers to when one party in a transaction is in possession of more information than the other. Information asymmetry can cause misinforming and is essential in every communication process.

Esoteric are things or subjects that are understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest. Confined to and understandable by only an enlightened inner circle.

Arcane knowledge - Secrecy - Anti-Intellectualism

Education Gap are those who have access to a good education and those who do not.
Skills Gap are those who have access to skills training and those who do not.
Wealth Gap are those who have access to high paying jobs and those who do not.
Equality Gap are those who have equal access to resources, services and protections and those who do not.
Gender Gap is the unfair difference between men and women in terms of opportunities, pay, status, etc.
Privilege Gap are those who have access to goods, services and protection and those who do not.
Knowledge Gap is the gap between what is known by some and what is not know by others.
Information Gap are those who have access to valuable information and those who do not.
Language Gap are those who have mastered language and those who have not mastered language.
Insider Trading Gap are those who have access to information about stock prices going up or down and those who do not.
Food Gap are those who have access to healthy food and those who do not.
Housing Gap are those who have access to affordable housing and those who do not.
Generation Gap is the gap between what was once normal and what is now the new normal.
Religion Gap is the gap between reality and fantasy or the gap between fact and fiction.
Mind Gap is the gap between people with a big ego and people with a normal ego and the gap between people with low empathy and people with normal empathy.
Communication Gap is the gap between the message sent and what the receiver hears.

Fall through the Cracks means that someone has been neglected or overlooked, or failed to be noticed or assisted because they have fallen out of sight because of a system that has vulnerabilities, flaws and weaknesses, which allows people to get lost, repressed, suppressed, abandoned, buried, erased, obliterated or omitted. Cracks represent a system that is fragile and has underlying problems, and its structural integrity is damaged or injured, and not safe.

Bridge the Gap or Close the Gap is to reduce or eliminate differences between people, groups, or things by filling in a gap with knowledge, understanding and opportunity. To make two groups, people, or ideas less different or less separate or less divided. The bridge symbolizes connecting ideas, spaces and concepts and other qualities of two different groups or things that are disconnected or disparate. Each person must be willing to build the bridge and meet in the middle, like with tunneling.

Bridging the Gap between minds takes knowledge.

More knowledge does not always mean less ignorance. Some college grads become societies biggest criminals. Technology advanced does not always mean intelligence. We have more knowledge and more information, but we don't have more understanding. This is because the process of informing people is dysfunctional. People need a clear understanding about what knowledge and information is, and know how to effectively use knowledge and information to the best of their ability. People need to have equal access to knowledge and information in order to make better decisions.

Achievement Gaps are observed, persistent disparities in measures of educational performance among subgroups of U.S. students, especially groups defined by socioeconomic status (SES), race/ethnicity and gender. The achievement gap can be observed on a variety of measures, including standardized test scores, grade point average, dropout rates, and college enrollment and completion rates. While this article focuses on the achievement gap in the United States, the gap in achievement between lower income students and higher income students exists in all nations and it has been studied extensively in the U.S. and other countries, including the U.K. Various other gaps between groups exist around the globe as well. Research into the causes of the disparity in academic achievement between students from different socioeconomic and racial backgrounds has been ongoing since the 1966 publication of the Coleman Report (officially titled "Equality of Educational Opportunity"), commissioned by the U.S. Department of Education, which found that a combination of home, community, and in-school factors affect academic performance and contribute to the achievement gap. Home and community environments have a strong impact on school achievement because students spend more time outside of school than in school. In addition, the out-of-school factors influencing academic performance differ significantly between children living in poverty and children from middle-income households. The achievement gap, as reported in trend data collected by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, has become a focal point of education reform efforts by a number of nonprofit organizations and advocacy groups. Attempts to minimize the achievement gap by improving equality of access to educational opportunities have been numerous but fragmented, such as affirmative action, multicultural education, finance equalization, and interventions to improve school testing, teacher quality and accountability.

20-Year Knowledge Gap on young adult brain health, brain development and risk factors for neurological disorders later in life.

The amazing thing about humans is that a human can survive with very little knowledge about themselves and the world around them. But this ability can also be a curse, especially when some people have more knowledge than you, which they can use to exploit you, manipulate you and control you. And these types of inequalities can be very damaging, especially when the people with more wealth and power don't necessarily have more knowledge or intelligence, which leaves people with money and power extremely vulnerable to making very costly mistakes. Just having more education and having access to more information does not create intelligent humans. Having more only gives you more when you know how to use tools effectively and efficiently. So until schools start teaching intelligence, ignorance will continue to be the great divider and indoctrination will continue to happen. The bright side of this story is that many people love to share knowledge and information. So eventually, everyone will know better, and there will be nothing left to divide us.

Cognitive Elite are those having higher intelligence levels and thus better prospects for success in life.

Digital Divide is an economic and social inequality with regard to access to, use of, or impact of information and communication technologies. One quarter of American households have children ages 5 to 17 lacked either high-speed Wi-Fi, a computer or both.

Right to Information is being denied on many levels and in more ways than one.

Open Access - Internet Access - Censorship

Digital Accessibility is the process of making digital products like websites, mobile apps and other digital tools and technologies accessible to everyone. It is about providing all users access to the same information, regardless of the impairments they may have. Hope PC.

Digital Markets Act aims to make the digital economy fairer and more contestable. This regulation targets the largest digital platforms operating in the European Union. They are also known as "Gatekeepers" due to the "durable" market position in some digital sectors and because they also meet certain criteria related to the number of users, their turnovers, or capitalization. Even if the list of Gatekeepers has not been released yet, "Big Tech" (Google, Amazon, Meta, Apple, Microsoft) are likely to be the main subjects of the act, but not the only ones. The list of obligations would include prohibitions on combining data collected from two different services belonging to the same company.

Democratization of Knowledge is the acquisition and spread of knowledge amongst the common people, not just privileged elites such as clergy and academics. Libraries, in particular public libraries, and modern digital technology such as the internet play a key role, as they provide the masses with open access to information.

Knowledge Horizon is the limit or range of a person's knowledge, understanding, or experience, and the limit of what is possible in a particular field or activity. Horizon is the line that divides all visible directions into two categories. In this case, people who know and the people who don't know.

Since everything that every human has is from knowledge and information, it just makes perfect sense that every human alive should have all the necessary knowledge and information that is available.

Knowledge Management

When you restrict access to knowledge and information, you can easily enslave people and manipulate them. But as soon as the slave becomes educated, the slave learns that all people are equal, and that the only thing that separates people, is the lack of valuable knowledge and information. Ignorance is a Prison.

If you don't have enough knowledge, you can make costly mistakes. Though much knowledge has been gained throughout human history, knowledge was still only in the hands of a few. And that is why knowledge was easily lost, which forced the next generations to start over, not completely over, but back to survival living. 

Knowledge History - Knowledge Preservation

Five-Percent Nation is a concept that ten percent of the people in the world know the truth of existence, and those elites and their agents opt to keep eighty-five percent of the world in ignorance and under their controlling thumb; the remaining five percent are those who know the truth and are determined to enlighten the eighty-five percent. Knowledge is to know, listen and observe. Knowledge is a body of accumulated facts. Knowledge is the foundation for all things. Wisdom is the manifestation of one's knowledge, the ways and actions one uses his or her knowledge to know truth. Truth is understanding reality of wisdom. Wisdom is the bridge to knowledge and understanding. Supreme Mathematics is a system of understanding numerals alongside concepts and qualitative representations that are used along with the Supreme Alphabet. The Supreme Mathematics is thought to be the highest system of mathematics in the NGE, used to give qualitative value to numbers in addition to quantity.

Fate of the World - RZA, DJ Scratch (youtube)

Life is a lot better when you know what's going on. You experience less stress, and you experience more happiness. But when you don't know what's going on, that's when life becomes stressful, overwhelming and a lot harder. But just believing that you know what's going on can give you a false sense of security. So please, Know what's going on, and don't ever pretend to know what's going on.

A human can still find joy and happiness even with little or no education what so ever. But we know that the more knowledgeable a person is, the greater their chances are for experiencing joy and happiness. This is not a guarantee, but definitely your odds are much greater, and you will definitely have a lot more potential, and a lot more possibilities.

We have learned so many things, but our most valuable knowledge and information is not being shared properly, or is it being communicated effectively and efficiently enough in order for it to be beneficial to everyone, and our planet. The only thing that stops us from continually improving our selves and our world is our ineffectiveness in transmitting valuable knowledge and information. And correcting this flaw starts with improving what is being taught in our schools, and also correcting what is being transmitted on TV and news papers, and other media tools.

America is like all other countries, we suffer from corrupt leadership. But just in the last several years, starting in the late 1990's, humans have finally realized the power of communication. The internet not only makes sharing knowledge and information easier, the internet is also a symbol for human potential and human intelligence. We can finally solve our own problems, and control our own destinies, while at the same time, rid this world of ignorant criminals in power. When people of the world finally learn about the potential of working together, for the mutual benefit of all, we will never be victimized again by ignorant people in power. For human ignorance will cease to exist in a world where every human is educated to the highest degree possible, that is allowed by our current level of knowledge and wisdom. The internet is a tool for making communication easier, but it's up to all humans to use our communication tools effectively and efficiently, but more importantly, everyone needs to understand that the ability to communicate is the responsibility of every human on this planet. Humans are the same everywhere. We are born to love, born to be happy, and born to work together harmoniously.

When the system finally becomes decentralized, then no single person, or small group of people, will have absolute power, thus no one person can be corrupted, because now more then one person will be responsible, and power is shared equally and fairly, so no one has less, and no one has more. This system has the highest rate of survival and prosperity then any other system that humans have ever experimented with. This is the most intelligent system that we could have, so far. Because this system also learns and adapts, which is unlike past systems, which have all failed.

When we learned to farm, we grew a little smarter. When we created the printing press, we grew a little smarter. When we created schools and universities, we grew a little smarter. When we created computers, we grew a little smarter. And when we created the internet, we grew a lot smarter, and a lot faster. Our intelligence is growing at a phenomenal rate, faster then any other time in history. But we still we have certain knowledge that is in the hands of only a few. And it's not that they are smarter, they just know the right people who have particular knowledge that they can use to manipulate the system.

Influences (social intelligence)

So there are people who have more control then you. But luckily we have built the internet, which has leveled the playing field and also made it possible for us to realize just how ignorant and vulnerable we all are. And this realization is our Salvation. And the problem is not just about money. When we improve education, we will improve the world, and solve every problem that we have. The future is bright, but only if you learn to see the light.

"There is no point in keeping people in the dark, we must all share the light, and the more we share, the stronger we become."

People have the right to know what their options are, and what choices they have. It's either that people don't believe that options exist, or, no one has ever informed them of other options or other choices. When you show people that they have choices, then people will stop feeling trapped and powerless. This is the Goal, show people that Options Exist. We have better choices, choices that will benefit ourselves, and choices that will benefit everyone around us. And when we incentivize, we mobilize.

Having a lot of knowledge is great. But you will have less and less people to relate to or talk to who don't have the same knowledge you do. Most people don't understand me, which is not unusual since I didn't understand half the things that I was reading or seeing just 10 years ago. But as time went on, I kept on reading and learning and I eventually understood more and more, and then things became a lot clearer. But people are still unable to understand a lot of what I say or do, which is understandable since people are not learning at the same rate as I am or are they learning the same things that I am. So one of the many things that I'm working on now is learning how to bridge that gap of knowledge that divides people. There is a formula, which is the easy part, the hard part is distribution and peoples willingness to learn, which most people have, but not everyone. You must have learning if you want progress.

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The Thinker Man