Every beginning has an end, and every end has a
Life, Death,
cycle of
life is the
of life.

Death is the cessation
or stopping of all
functions that sustain an organism.
Processes are the processes vital for a living organism to live and
life. Death is a part of all life. Everything that lives
eventually dies.
Clinical Death -
Causes of Death -
Mortality Rate -
Life Expectancy -
Entropy -
Inanimate is appearing to be dead or
not breathing or having no perceptible pulse. Not endowed with life.
Mortal is an organism that is subject
to death or will experience loss of life. A human being.
Immortal -
Spirit -
Soul -
Heaven -
is being nothing more than specified. Apart from anything else. Without
additions or modifications.
Impermanence asserts that all of conditioned existence, without
exception, is
transient, evanescent and inconstant. All
temporal things, whether material or
mental, are compounded objects in a
continuous change of
condition, and subject to
decline and destruction.
we do have some permanence to a certain degree, if we didn't, we would
not be here.
is something that is likely to
change frequently
without apparent or cogent reason.
Evanescent is something that is likely to
vanish like vapor.
Transient is
something lasting a very short time.
Transformative -
I can't tell you what will happen when you die,
because I don't know. All I can say is that
you should probably
have an open mind and try not to expect or
assume what will happen
when you die. I would focus more on your life and
how you live. Live a good life that is
worth remembering and live a life of purpose. Your body will someday die,
but your kind and loving words and
your work can
live forever. So
get your
house in order. Your life is your
legacy and a
gift that can be
by anyone.
We should focus more on Life
itself and not so much
on the
afterlife. We know more about Life then we
know about the afterlife, so we should stick with what we know and not
waste so much time on things that we may never know. Pretending to know
what happens when you die does not solve any problems or make life better,
it only seems to make life better, which will keep you from actually
making life better.
can't take it with you when you go. So what can you take with you? Can
I bring a carry on? Is my
soul the only thing that I
can take with me when I die? I'm not sure how this works. I haven't even
figured out what life is yet, and now I have to figure out what death is.
So I hope there is someone there to guide me and help me through this
transition. With
over 170,000
people dying each day, that is a lot of people for the after life to
process. So take a number and wait in line, it's going to be a long wait.
"If you are alive, you should consider yourself
to be a miracle, because you are a miracle."
Death a Transition?
Like when
liquid water
transforms into a gas, the water is still there, it's just that the
water is in another form or in another state of existence. Since humans
are mostly water, maybe humans also
transform in some way. The
body is gone, but the person still exists in another form or in another
state or dimension. But what happens when you don't have a body? How do
you see when you don't have eyes? How do you feel without the bodies
senses? How do you experience emotions when there is no human body? Is
this why people feel calmness when they have a near death experience? So
you have to wonder, am I my body, or am I my spirit? Do I need to have an
out of body experience to understand that I am more then just a body? So
you see, there's many questions and not many answers. It's best if you
don't make assumptions or pretend to know things. Keep learning and keep
educating yourself and prepare yourself for anything. Because
life is full of surprises, which makes death just
another surprise.
If you all of a sudden you
stopped receiving information,
how would you know? You would have
to be aware of the information, and also understand the information. If
you're not existing, how will you know if you don't exist, if you don't
exist? The only way to know about a previous existence, is to still exist
on some level, and what level is that? Kind of like a light switch, you
can turn the light off and stop the electrons from flowing, but the
electrons still exist.
Kind of like
No one was given a choice to be born, and you're
not really given a choice when you will die.
You may choose a time to die,
but what happens after you die, no one knows. But seeing that
everything alive has cycles, I would think that some part of
us lives on, because humans have more then just an
of the body, humans have an
evolution of the mind. So something wonderful is going to
happen, something wonderful.
Past Life Memories.
Death happens to everything, and yet we
still know very little about what happens when we die. Most people don't think about
death. It's not because people are in
denial, it's just hard to think about something that
you cannot easily explain. And it's hard to plan for death when you
don't know exactly when you will die. So
fearing the unknown
makes no sense. So we should
live as if we will never die
but be ready for that day when we do die. Because we know that
we will die someday.
This is why we need to have more education about death and about
life itself. Everyone will have those moments in
their life when they fear
death. But it's not really
the fear of death,
it's more about the fear of not living anymore and not having a
Thinking about not living anymore is more frightening than death
itself. But how can you have life without death? How can something so
beautiful have an end? But what is "End"? There are some people
who think that they will go to a
heaven, but I try
not to make too many assumptions. We know
that life and death is a
cycle. So I assume that I am part of this cycle and that I
will be
recycled like everything else on this planet has done for
millions of years. If our
soul or
spirit does live, I assume our soul or spirit will be in the
form of
pure energy.
impermanence just another
The strongest belief a human can have, besides
believing in God,
is that people believe that they are not bound to the human body
and that
their soul will continue to live after the body dies.
The only problem with that belief is that our brain and body
creates our
consciousness, so
how will our
consciousness, survive
without our body and mind? People who have a
near death
experience recall feeling complete calmness and tranquility,
which also shows how our
body effects
and influences our mind. So if our soul does survive the
death of our body, it will be nothing like we feel now.
Consciousness will take on a whole new
meaning, which is kind of exciting to think about. I wouldn't
want to fear death because I wouldn't want to ruin the
experience of dying, I mean I would fight to live, but if faced
with death, I want to be wide awake and aware and to be proud to
have lived.
"I might not know when I'll
die, but I sure know that I lived.
"It's amazing how everyone is living and dying
simultaneously." "Think of yourself as
dead, you have lived your life, now take what's left and live properly." -
Marcus Aurelius"Our lives are not
our own. From womb to tomb we are bound to others, past and present, and
by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future." ~ "Sonmi-451" from
Cloud Atlas 2012 Film.
What was "
before " I " was born? I assume there will be no "Me" or "I"
when I die, for "
self" is only related to my human form. A human form that I will
no longer have after my body dies. If I am not "Me" or "I" that
what will I be? Will I become
energy? Will I be a
Your parents did
not bring you into this world, they just contributed to the genetic
material that gave you the vessel to be in this world,
just like their parents did
for them, and so on. We know nothing about where we came from and we
know nothing about what happens to us when we die, which is most likely by
design, why else? Someone has given us a puzzle, a puzzle that will never
have all the pieces, but just enough pieces to keep us wondering what
those missing pieces are, which may also be by design. It seems that God
is a genius, and God wants us to be a geniuses too.
The death of a loved one is a very
event, and everyone
grieves differently.
Everyone experiences death, and over time those experiences
shape who we are and shape our perception of the world. All I
can say is please don't give up. The memories of our loved ones
will always be there, but make sure they are good memories and
not painful memories. The memories of loved ones should
bring us smiles, and if they are tears, let them be tears
of joy. Everyone has something to give, and our life means more
now then ever, so please don't waste it on sorrow.
Everyone hopes to have a peaceful death, but
not everyone brings peace to
life, why?
do people all of a sudden become more interested in someone when
they die? Don't wait to tell someone how you feel.
We can witness death and feel its pain and its
sorrow, but our own death will always be a mystery. But the
facts remain the same,
billions have lived and died before my
birth and billions will live and die after my death.
The Great Gig in the Sky is a reference to the afterlife or
heaven, and appears in the song of the same name by
Pink Floyd. The song is about the pressure of mortality on life. "There's
no reason for it. You've gotta go sometime."
List of English-Language expressions related to Death (wiki) -
Euphemisms for death include passing,
The Big sleep, the Final resting place, and Popped your
clogs. Slang terms for death include Kick the bucket, Bite the dust,
Croak, Peg out, Bought the farm, Meet your maker, Go to glory, Go to one's
reward, and Give up the ghost.
Death is like turning off a light switch.
Except when you turn off the lights, instead of darkness, there is
nothing, and you don't even have the words to describe what this nothing
is. It's like one second you're alive, and the next second you're nothing,
and you don't even know that you're dead because you have no mind, no body
and no language to describe the absence of life. It's like when you're
sleeping. You have no idea that you're sleeping when you are asleep. The
only time when you know that you were sleeping is when you wake up. And
the only time that you know that you're alive, is when you wakeup from
semi-conscious state and
fully realize that you are a living miracle. This is a type of
mindful enlightenment
where you are totally engrossed in
the experience
of being alive, and you appreciate what the human body has given you,
and you are totally grateful for a planet that can sustain many different
life forms. And that is the moment when you are truly alive, and that is
also the same moment when you are also ready to die in peace.
should always look for ways to understand life and come to terms with the
realities of our existence. This way we wont die screaming and kicking
when trying to hold on to something that we know very little about.
Dead as a Doornail is an
expression that originated from building doors. Doors were built using
only wood boards and hand-forged nails. The nails were long enough to dead
nail the vertical wooden panels and horizontal stretcher boards
securely together, so they would not easily pull apart. This was done by
pounding the protruding point of the nail over and down into the wood. A
nail that was bent in this fashion could not easily be pulled out, so it was
said to be "dead", thus dead as a doornail.
Clinical Death is the medical term for cessation of blood circulation
and breathing, the two criteria necessary to sustain the lives of human
beings and of many other organisms. Most tissues and organs of the body
can survive clinical death for considerable periods. Blood circulation can
be stopped in the entire body below the heart for at least 30 minutes,
with injury to the spinal cord being a limiting factor. Detached limbs may
be successfully reattached after 6 hours of no blood circulation at warm
temperatures. Bone, tendon, and skin can survive as long as 8 to 12 hours.
The brain, however, appears to accumulate ischemic injury faster than any
other organ. Without special treatment after circulation is restarted,
full recovery of the brain after more than 3 minutes of clinical death at
normal body temperature is rare. Usually brain damage or later brain death
results after longer intervals of clinical death even if the heart is
restarted and blood circulation is successfully restored. Brain injury is
therefore the chief limiting factor for recovery from clinical death.
Brain failure after clinical death is now known to be due to a complex
series of processes called
reperfusion injury that occur after blood circulation has been
restored, especially processes that interfere with blood circulation
during the recovery period. Control of these processes is the subject of
ongoing research.
Death is the recognition under the law of a particular jurisdiction
that a person is no longer alive. In most cases, a doctor's declaration of
death (variously called) or the identification of a corpse is a legal
requirement for such recognition. A person who has been missing for a
sufficiently long period of time (typically at least several years) may be
presumed or declared legally dead, usually by a court. When a death has
been registered in a civil registry, a death certificate may be issued.
Such death certificate may be required in a number of legal situations,
such as applying for probate, claiming some benefits, or making an
insurance claim.
Presumption of Death occurs when an individual is believed to be dead,
despite the absence of direct proof of the person's death, such as the
finding of remains (e.g., a corpse or skeleton) attributable to that
Death or staged death, is the act of an individual purposely deceiving
other people into believing that the individual is dead, when the person
is, in fact, still alive.
Dying is the event of dying or departure from
Life. The permanent
end of all life functions in an organism or part of an organism.
absence of life or state of being dead. The
time when
something ends. The time at which life ends; continuing until dead.
A final state.
personification of death.
Thanatology is the
scientific study of death. It
investigates the mechanisms and
forensic aspects of death, such as bodily
changes that accompany death and the post-mortem period, as well as wider
psychological and social aspects related to death.
Senescence is the gradual deterioration of function characteristic of
most complex life forms, arguably found in all biological kingdoms, that on
the level of the organism increases mortality after maturation.
Cell Death.
Memento Mori is an artistic or symbolic trope acting as a reminder of
the inevitability of death. The concept has its roots in the philosophers
of classical antiquity and Christianity, and appeared in funerary art and
architecture from the medieval period onwards. Memento mori is Latin for '
that you have to die'. The most common motif is a skull, often
accompanied by one or more bones. Often this alone is enough to evoke the
trope, but other motifs such as a coffin, hourglass and wilting flowers
signify the impermanence of human life. Often these function within a work
whose main subject is something else, such as a portrait, but the vanitas
is an artistic genre where the theme of death is the main subject. The
Danse Macabre and Death personified with a scythe as the Grim Reaper are
even more direct evocations of the trope.
of Life Care (death wish)
Last Rites are the last prayers and ministrations given to
many Catholics when possible shortly before death.
Obituary -
Legacy -
Mourning -
Grieving -
Stress -
Cemetery Burial
Burying Options
Cotard Delusion is a rare mental illness in which the
affected person holds the delusional belief that he or she is already
Mortality Salience is the awareness by an individual that
his or her death is inevitable.
Death Personification is an imagined personified force, also
known as the Grim Reaper. In some mythologies, the Grim Reaper causes the
victim's death by coming to collect them.
Grim Reaper is the belief that death is a person that comes to
collect you and take you away from life.
Oyster Cult - Don't Fear the Reaper (youtube) -
Death Anxiety is
anxiety caused by thoughts
of one's own death. Death anxiety differs from
necrophobia, which is the
fear of others who
are dead or dying or the irrational fear of dead organisms such as
corpses, as well as, things associated with death such as coffins,
funerals, cemeteries.
Thanatophobia is an intense
fear of death or dying, or an
irrational or disproportionate
fear of death,
especially one's own.
Fear of the
Unknown -
Fatalism -
Fear Mongering -
Pretending to Know
Civilization Collapse -
War -
Violence -
Disease -
Apeirophobia or
fear of infinity is an extreme
phobia about eternal or everlasting things such as
life, death etc.
No one lives forever, but even the
very idea of doing so is extremely scary for the individual suffering from
it. It is the phobia of infinity and/or eternity, causing discomfort and
sometimes panic attacks. It normally starts in adolescence or earlier and
it is currently not known how it normally develops over time. Apeirophobia
may be caused by existential dread about eternal life or eternal oblivion
following death. Due to this, it is often connected with thanatophobia or
fear of dying. Sufferers commonly report feelings of derealization which
may cause the perception of a dreamlike or distorted reality.
Existential OCD may sometimes be the
cause of obsessive thoughts about infinity or eternity, which can lead to
or trigger apeirophobia.
Cosmicism is a
belief that there is
recognizable divine presence, such as God, in the universe, and that
humans are particularly insignificant in the larger scheme of
intergalactic existence.
Terror Management Theory proposes a basic psychological
conflict that results from
having a desire to live, but realizing that death is inevitable.
One Foot in the Grave means that
they are very old or very ill and will probably die soon.
Death by Natural Causes does not exist. The end result of an illness
or an internal malfunction of the body not directly caused by external
forces is not natural and
not typically due to old age. This is especially true when an elderly
person has several different conditions or diseases, but where it appears
that none of them alone or together may clearly lead to the death, and it
is uncertain which condition was the final factor
causing death.
We Don't Really Die
doesn't disappear, but is simply
transformed, then
no one fully dies.
We're not fully alive, but we are
not totally dead either.
Conservation of Mass
Conservation of Energy
Quantum Teleportation
Bell's Theorem -
Physical Information
21 Grams is the measure of mass that is lost by a human when the
soul departed
the body at death.
Human Energy -
Near-Death Experience is a personal
experience associated with death
or impending death, encompassing multiple possible sensations including
detachment from the body, feelings of levitation, total serenity,
security, warmth, the experience of absolute dissolution, and the presence
of a light.
So how can a dying person
rise above their own body and look
down upon themselves when they don't have the eyes to see? Does
this prove that energy needs no eyes to see? Or is this only a
temporary state of mind, a mind that is saying goodbye?
Near death people also say they feel an incredible calmness.
Does this calmness come from the absence of
emotion that is only related to the human body? Not really
because people who
meditate experience
calmness when they learn to free themselves from their
emotions and maybe their body.
Some people say that your life flashes before your eyes in the
moments before you die. Like a brief summary of your life, kind
of a last reminder of who you were, right before you cross over
to the other side. Some people also see a bright white light in
the moments before they die. So a few surprises await us. But
till then, I know more about life then I do death, so I will live, and I
will learn as much as I can before I die so that I can pass on
my knowledge and information, just like all the other life forms
have done before me for millions of years. This I assume is why
I am here. Everything they have learned has brought me here,
Why? Exactly!
Evidence of conscious-like activity in the dying brain. A small study
finds intriguing brain wave patterns in comatose patients who died
following cardiac arrest. Consciousness does not completely disappear,
even after the heart stops beating.
Near Death but not Dead, powering down slowly -
Body Freezing.
There is no near death experience.
You're either dead or alive. You can come close to death, but you will not
experience death or know what death is until you are totally dead. You
will never know what life is until you
learn what
living is and also
describe life in meaningful
ways. You can't be born again unless you're talking about
reincarnation, or when you
finally wake up.
Immortality is a fantasy for selfish and narrow
minded people.
Although doctors have long thought that the brain
suffers permanent damage about 10 minutes after the heart stops supplying
it with oxygen, our work found that the brain can show signs of electrical
recovery long into ongoing CPR. This is the first large study to show that
these recollections and brain wave changes may be signs of universal,
shared elements of so-called near-death experiences. Experiences of death
to be different from hallucinations, delusions, illusions, dreams, or
CPR-induced consciousness.
Awareness during Resuscitation. It has been hypothesized that owing to
a variety of physiologic variables, such as autoregulation, comorbidities,
and cerebral ischemic thresholds, it is possible for patients receiving
cardiopulmonary resuscitation to maintain consciousness. The study
authors hypothesize that the "flatlined," dying brain removes natural
inhibitory (braking) systems. These processes, known collectively as
disinhibition, may open access to "new dimensions of reality, including
lucid recall of all stored memories from early childhood to death.
Deep Meditation.
Past Life Regression is a technique that uses
hypnosis to
recover what practitioners believe are
memories of past lives or
incarnations, though others regard them as
fantasies or delusions or a
type of confabulation.
"I believe that the reason why we don't remember past lives is
so that life feels like it's the very first time. You start life over
fresh, and you experience life as if it were the very first time that you
were ever alive. This is most likely by design, because it just makes
sense." History.
"I believe that
is happening on some level. So how do I find myself in the next
life? I will have to document everything that I have learned, and then I
will have to
leave this valuable knowledge and information where I will be
able to find it in my next life. Sounds easy, but it is extremely
difficult, but not impossible."
Duality of Presence, Life After Death.
Is there
Life After Death? Depends on what you mean by the word '
life'? The
next life will
not be the same as this life, so what kind of life will it be?
I would not say "Life After Death", I would say that there is
"Something After Life", it's not death, but it isn't life
either. It's something, something wonderful. Maybe when we die we wake up in an alternate
parallel universe. Surprise!
Parallel Universe is a hypothetical self-contained reality co-existing
with one's own. A specific group of parallel universes are called a
"multiverse", although this term can also be used to describe the possible
parallel universes that constitute reality. While the terms "parallel
universe" and "
alternative reality" are generally synonymous and can be
used interchangeably in most cases, there is sometimes an additional
connotation implied with the term "
alternative reality" that implies that
reality is a variant of our own.
4th Dimension -
Space Time -
Virtual Reality
Multiverse is the
hypothetical set of possible universes, including the
universe in which we
live. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the
entirety of space, time, matter, energy, and the physical laws and
constants that describe them. The
various universes within the multiverse
are called "parallel universes", "other universes", or "
Hypothesis is a hypothesis of other realities or
dimensions that coexist
separately alongside our own.
Inter-dimensional Being suggests that an entity can
time travel and move out of
the physical body into a
spiritual one.
Astral Plane
is a
plane of existence postulated by classical, medieval, oriental, and
esoteric philosophies and
mystery religions. It is the world of the
celestial spheres, crossed by the soul in its astral body on the way to
being born and after death, and is generally believed to be populated by
angels, spirits or other immaterial beings. Another view holds that the astral plane or world, rather than being some
kind of boundary area crossed by the soul, is the entirety of spirit
existence or spirit worlds to which those who die on Earth go, and where
they live out their non-physical lives. It is understood that all
consciousness resides in the astral plane. Some writers conflate this
realm with heaven or paradise or union with God itself, and others do not.
Virtual Reality -
is the concept that an essential part of an individual's
identity or the stream of consciousness continues to
manifest after the death of the physical body. According to various
ideas about the afterlife, the essential aspect of the individual that
lives on after death may be some partial element, or the entire
soul or spirit, of an individual, which carries with
it and may confer personal identity or, on the contrary, may not, as in
Indian nirvana. Belief in an afterlife, which may be naturalistic or
supernatural, is in contrast to the belief in oblivion after death. In
some views, this continued existence often takes place in a spiritual
realm, and in other popular views, the individual may be reborn into this
world and begin the life cycle over again, likely with no memory of what
they have done in the past. In this latter view, such rebirths and deaths
may take place over and over again continuously until the individual gains
entry to a spiritual realm or Otherworld. Major views on the afterlife
derive from religion, esotericism and metaphysics. Some belief systems,
such as those in the Abrahamic tradition, hold that the dead go to a
specific plane of existence after death, as determined by God, or other
divine judgment, based on their actions or beliefs during life. In
contrast, in systems of reincarnation, such as those in the Indian
religions, the nature of the continued existence is determined directly by
the actions of the individual in the ended life, rather than through the
decision of a different being.
Life After Death (wiki) -
The Before Life.
Heaven is the great gathering, a
meeting place,
a beautiful garden, a nirvana, or any place of complete bliss, delight and
peace. Heaven is the housing that someone is living in.
or seven heavens, is common
cosmological, or transcendent place where
beings such as gods,
jinn, saints, or venerated ancestors are said to originate, be enthroned,
or to live. According to the beliefs of some religions, heavenly beings
can descend to earth or incarnate, and earthly beings can ascend to Heaven
in the afterlife, or in exceptional cases enter Heaven alive.
is an
afterlife location in which
evil souls are subjected to punitive
suffering, often torture, as eternal
punishment after death.
Poverty is
Hell on Earth for the innocent, while the real
evil souls roam free.
Underworld is the supernatural world of the dead in various religious
traditions and myths, located below the world of the living.
Cast System.
Hellscape is a harsh environment, an
extremely unpleasant place, or a scene thought to resemble hell. Writers
have sometimes described wartime environments as hellscapes, and after the
atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the cities were defined as such
by its survivors. Writers have also used hellscape to describe the scene
of a
natural disaster such as a
drought, plague, flood, or wildfire. Projections of the consequences of
global warming
have been described by journalists as hellscapes.
Firmament is the heavens or the sky, especially when regarded as a
tangible thing. In biblical cosmology, the firmament is the vast solid
dome created by God during his creation of the world to divide the primal
sea into upper and lower portions so that the dry land could appear.
The problem with heaven, or let's say, I have a question about heaven.
So when I get to heaven, and I see some person who was an asshole in life,
I would have to ask, "
how in the hell did this person get into heaven?" I
assume that when we get to heaven, we some how miraculously learn how to
forgive everyone, and for some reason, we now understand more all because
we are dead. We should learn this when we are alive, for heavens sake. if
you're waiting for heaven to figure out your life, you're too late. You
have to do what is good now. Heaven can wait. Humans have a lot of work to
Heaven - The
Psychedelic Furs (youtube) - Heaven is the home of our hearts, And
heaven won't tear you apart.
is the great hall in Norse mythology where heroes slain in battle are
received. A place of honor, glory, or happiness : heaven an academic's
"If there is another universe, I would not assume to know what the other
universe is like. I believe in God, but I'm not going to pretend to know
what God is like. It's nice to
fantasize about who God is and fantasize
about other universes, but I'm too busy trying figuring out what this
is and why this life is so freaking incredible. So I can't justify
wasting time imagining that there is something more amazing than this,
especially when I'm living in a amazing moment already. It's best to spend
time figuring out the reality you're in than to dream about other
realities that may not even exist. You're better off
things than pretending to know things. Questioning is a path to
understanding, pretending is a path that leads to no where, like a
rabbit hole for
your mind."
You should learn how to live a
respectable life instead of
pretending that you
know what will happen when you die. If you really want to be saved,
you must first admit that you are ignorant about a lot of things in life.
To think that there is eternal life or a
life that goes
on forever, is even more terrifying than dying itself. No one really
knows what happens after death. But we do know what happens when we are
alive. The fear of dying is more about the fear of
not living. It's really hard to except that all our memories and
everything that we were in life will end when we die, which is a really
hard thing to let go of and really painful to think about. But our
memories don't have to die if we write them down and
preserve them, just
like millions of people have done in the past throughout human history. If
people did not pass on their knowledge and preserve knowledge, then no one
would be alive. Their bodies and their identities may be gone, but they
still live on in all of us. If you can just let go of the self, you can
live in peoples hearts and minds till the end of time. Our DNA is just a
small percentage of the information that we will leave behind. The
majority of information that we will leave behind will be in the words
that we write and share. This is why so many people love religious text.
It is one of the best symbols of knowledge preservation that humans have.
And now that the world has generated an enormous amount of new knowledge
and new information, that means we have a lot of new books to write. Books
that will hopefully be able to stand the test of time.
Intelligent Design -
Simulation Theory Some people
think that when they die that things will finally get explained to them.
That's like sitting around your whole life waiting to be enlightened
without even learning. People have to
learn that learning is their responsibility. Everything that people
have today is
millions of our ancestors learning valuable things over thousands of years.
Yet today, people know so very little because they consider learning to be
someone else's job. The lack of knowledge that schools, universities and
the media produces is criminal. And because people are ignorant to these
problems, they will never do anything to stop these problems
because most people don't know what to do, and they don't like to learn
how to make improvements. Subdued by ignorance. It's not just
brainwashing, its brain poisoning and brain damaging.
is a conception of the afterlife that developed over time and was
maintained by some Greek religious and philosophical sects and cults.
Initially separate from the realm of Hades, admission was reserved for
mortals related to the gods and other heroes. Later, it expanded to
include those chosen by the gods, the righteous, and the heroic, where
they would remain after death, to live a blessed and happy life, and
indulging in whatever employment they had enjoyed in life.
Purgatory is an intermediate state after physical death in
some of those ultimately destined for
heaven must first "undergo purification (the act of
purging of sin or guilt) so
as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven". Passport
Please, Show me your Papers!
Therianthropy is the mythological ability of human beings to
metamorphose into other animals by means of
shape-shifting. It is possible that cave drawings found at Les Trois
Frères, in France, depict ancient beliefs in the concept. The most well
known form of therianthropy is found in stories concerning
Jekyll and Hyde
Biological Lifecycle is a
series of changes in form that an
organism undergoes, returning to the starting state.
Reincarnation -
is just another path, one that we all must take." - PIPPIN: I didn't
think it would end this way. GANDALF: End? No, the journey doesn't end
here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take.
worry, I'll pay you back in my next life, I promise."
Recycled in ecological is the movement and exchange of
organic and inorganic matter back into the production of living matter.
Gnosis signifies a knowledge or insight into man's real
nature as Divine, leading to the deliverance of the Divine spark within
man from the constraints of earthly existence.
Crossing Over to the Other Side -
Break On Through to
the Other Side (youtube) - You know the day destroys the night, Night
divides the day, Tried to run, Tried to hide, Break on through to the
other side, Break on through to the other side.
Born to Die - Lana
Del Rey (youtube) - So choose your last words, this is the last time,
cause you and I,
we were born to die. Lost
but now I am found, I can see but once I was blind, I was so confused as a
little child, tried to take what I could get, scared that I couldn't find,
all the answers, honey.
Is it possible that
quantum information can exist outside our body, perhaps
indefinitely, as a
soul? Or is my soul a
Awareness -
Space -
Aura -
Time Travel
Suspended Animation
is the slowing or stopping of life processes by exogenous or endogenous
means without termination. Breathing, heartbeat, and other involuntary
functions may still occur, but they can only be detected by
artificial means.
Quantum Suicide and Immortality is a thought experiment that
attempts to distinguish between the
Copenhagen interpretation of
quantum mechanics and the Everett many-worlds interpretation by means of a
variation of the
cat thought experiment, from the cat's point of view. Quantum
immortality refers to the subjective experience of surviving quantum
suicide regardless of the odds.
The Circle of Life
Thodol is the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The soul passes through three
stages, also called
The first, chikkhai bardo, has the soul at the moment of death
experiencing the “clear light of reality.” Chonyid bardo, the second
stage, is where the soul sees different Buddha forms. In the third stage,
sidpa bardo, the soul is reborn.
It takes several years to find the
reincarnated Dalai Lama. Several articles, only some of which were owned
by the previous
Dalai Lama, are placed in front of the child. If he
chooses the correct items, this is read as a sign, along with the previous
signs and some set of secret signs, that he is the
Next, three of the former Dalai Lama’s servants who knew him well are
asked to confirm the child’s identity; other officials are also required
to sign off on it, too.
Circle of Life
is a
Cycle of
Triskelion or triskeles is an ancient motif consisting of a
spiral exhibiting rotational symmetry. The spiral design can be based on
interlocking Archimedean
spirals, or represent three bent human legs. It
is found in artefacts of the European Neolithic and Bronze Age with
continuation into the Iron Age especially in the context of the La Tène
culture and related Celtic traditions. The actual triskeles
symbol of
three human legs is found especially in Greek antiquity, beginning in
archaic pottery and continued in coinage of the classical period.
Ascended Master is the belief that spiritually enlightened beings who
in past incarnations were ordinary humans, but who have undergone a series
of spiritual transformations originally called initiations. Associated
with the number 33, their purpose is to guide humanity towards a better
Impermanence asserts that all of conditioned existence,
without exception, is "
evanescent, inconstant". All temporal things, whether material or mental,
are compounded objects in a continuous change of condition, subject to
decline and destruction. All physical and mental events are not
metaphysically real. They are not constant or permanent; they come into
being and dissolve. The Pali word for impermanence, anicca, is a compound
word consisting of "a" meaning non-, and "nicca" meaning "constant,
continuous, permanent". While 'nicca' is
the concept of continuity and permanence, 'anicca' refers to its exact
opposite; the absence of permanence and continuity. The term is synonymous
with the Sanskrit term anitya (a + nitya). The concept of impermanence is
prominent in Buddhism, and it is also found in various schools of Hinduism
and Jainism. The term also appears in the Rigveda. Impermanence, also
known as the philosophical problem of change, is a philosophical concept
addressed in a variety of religions and philosophies.
Phowa is the practice of conscious dying or the
transference of
consciousness at the time of death.
An individual’s karma is created by
the motivations behind his actions taken over each of his previous lives,
with each action creating a seed that grows to fruition in later lives.
The Chinese invaded Tibet in 1949, and since 1959, when the Tibetan’s
national uprising was brutally suppressed.
Ouroboros is a
symbol of
a dragon or a snake eating its tail that has its roots in ancient Greek
and Egyptian mythology. The Ouroboros is regarded as a representation of
rebirth and death. A snake or dragon consumes itself to pass away, yet
self-fertilization allows it to
Believing that a human
soul can survive death and
live again in another
body and time, is not that unusual if you understand physics.
Photons have no matter.
Waves can transmit information. And if you have
something to extract the information and translate the information, then
you could receive a message, similar to how you receive television shows
on your TV and receive messages on your smartphone. The Human Brain is a
receiver of information.
the First Time - Foreigner (youtube)
Not being able to remember your
life is a good thing, and most likely by design. This way
life will
always feel fresh, and life will seem new and
exciting. And on top of that, you probably don't want to remember
everything about the past life's that you had, this is because it would be
confusing and overwhelming, especially remembering all the horrible things
that happened to you.
Living forever would be more
of a
curse, and not a blessing. If you want to remember what you learned and
experienced, you should write things down and record your experiences. The
written language is a reincarnation
tool. You don't really need to remember all the details of your
past life, you just need to know what were the most important things that
you have learned in your previous life. So how do you make your knowledge
and information accessible in your next life? Write down everything
important that you learned in your life and then make sure that you leave
plenty of copies behind
so that you will eventually find it
in your next life. It doesn't
need to have your name on it, but some catchy name like Basic Knowledge
101. Kind of like in that movie
Total Recall, you should leave yourself a clue somewhere, so it will
not have to totally
start all over again.
Quantum Leap is an American science-fiction television series from
March 25, 1989 through May 5, 1993, that was about a physicist who
involuntarily leaps through spacetime during experiments in time travel,
by temporarily taking the place of other people to correct what he
consistently discovers were historical mistakes.
"If I improve the world in my life,
I could benefit from my actions in future lives, and if not me,
at least millions of people will."
We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all
our exploring, Will be to arrive where we started, And know the place for
the first time.
T. S. Eliot's Little Gidding.
Dreams May Come - Trailer 1998 (youtube)
Life After Life,
instead of life after death.
The Ways that People Die
Are humans having a spiritual experience, or are spiritual beings having a
human experience?
at Birth To say that YOLO or "
You Only Live Once",
is not even accurate anymore. With the possibility of reincarnation, and
the fact that you can have a positive effect on the world that could
possibly live forever, like all the other positive effects that you and
have benefited from, all contributed by millions of other people who lived
and died before you and I were born. And also the trillions of people who
will live after you, so you might live forever, as long as you remember
that there is no you or I, only us.
Para-Normal - Beyond Normal Senses
is something seemingly outside normal sensory channels. Not in
accordance with scientific laws.
are things beyond normal experience or scientific explanation.
as a prefix can mean “at or to one side of, beside, side by
side” (parabola; paragraph; parallel; paralysis), “beyond, past, by”
(paradox; paragogue).
Parapsychology is the study of alleged
psychic phenomena such as extrasensory perception, telepathy,
precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis or telekinesis, and psychometry
and other paranormal claims, for example, those related to near-death
experiences, synchronicity, apparitional experiences, etc.
Voice Phenomenon - Instrumental Trans
Fortune-Telling -
Hallucination -
"So you're a
paranormal investigator, well I'm an abnormal investigator,
and I believe that there is something very abnormal happening
with you. But let me first confirm this and check my
instruments. Oops my bad, it was me, sorry. Did that ever
happen to you? Why is this room so cold all of a sudden, oh sorry,
I left the window open, just another abnormality. Wait! Who
opened that window? Freaking
Ghosts!"...But all kidding aside....
is an attempt to communicate with spirits. A meeting of people who are
gathered to receive messages from ghosts or to listen to a spirit medium
discourse with or relay messages from spirits. The word "séance" comes
from the French word for "seat", "session" or "sitting".
Barnum Effect is the tendency to accept
certain information as true, such as character assessments or horoscopes,
even when the information is so vague as to be worthless.
Phantom is something apparently sensed but
having no physical reality. Something existing in perception only. A
ghostly appearing figure.
includes all that cannot be explained by science or the laws of nature,
including things characteristic of or relating to ghosts, gods, or other
supernatural beings, or to things beyond nature.
an apparition of a dead person which is believed to appear or become
manifest to the living, typically as a nebulous image.
Ghost is
the soul or spirit of a dead
person or animal that can appear to the living. In ghostlore, descriptions
of ghosts vary widely from an invisible presence to translucent or barely
visible wispy shapes, to realistic, lifelike forms. The deliberate attempt
to contact the spirit of a deceased person is known as necromancy, or in
spiritism as a séance. Other terms associated with it are apparition,
haunt, phantom, poltergeist, shade, specter or spectre, spirit, spook, and
wraith. Ghost can also mean a mental
representation of some haunting experience. A ghost can also mean a faint false image formed in
an optical or display device, e.g. by reflection from the surfaces of one
or more lenses.
Why Ghosts
Don't Haunt Asians (youtube)
is a ghostly appearing figure. The appearance of a ghostlike figure.
Something existing in perception only. An act of appearing or becoming
visible unexpectedly.
Spirit Photography
(youtube) - A man claimed he could
photograph ghosts, and no one today can prove
he couldn't. In the mid-1800s, the development of exciting new forms of
communication, like photography and the telegraph, was considered
miraculous. This technology also coincided with a new religious movement
becoming popular in the US and Europe: spiritualism.
Spiritualists believed that, through the use of a medium, contact with
the dead was possible. During the bloody American Civil War (1861-1865),
belief in Spiritualism grew. It was during this time that William Mumler,
an amateur photographer in Boston, claimed he could photograph ghosts. He
and his wife Hannah, herself a professional photographer and Spiritualist
medium, created a stir in Boston by selling these "spirit portraits," and
attracted the attention of Spiritualists and skeptics alike. Professional
photographers in Boston investigated Mumler's method again and again but
couldn't figure out how he did his trick. After accusations of fraud piled
up in Boston, the Mumler’s relocated to New York City, the photographic
capital of the US. Here, Mumler was quickly arrested on fraud charges, and
his trial was sensationalized in New York newspapers. The prosecution even
brought in circus showman P.T. Barnum to testify against Mumler. But, like
the photographers in Boston, no one could confidently identify his method
— and Mumler was acquitted. Once the trial was over, the Mumlers' spirit
photography business boomed. They photographed prominent Americans,
including Mary Todd Lincoln and William Lloyd Garrison, and even took
mail-in orders from people who couldn't visit their studio in Boston. We
visited photographic process historian Mark Osterman to demonstrate how
Mumler could have used two negatives, printed simultaneously with a bit of
sleight of hand, to fool witnesses into believing his "ghosts" were the
real thing.
Paranormal -
Supernatural Pseudoscientific
Life is Full of
The amazing thing is that we have no idea what happens when we
die, people have beliefs, but
beliefs do not
explain everything. Death is our last great big
surprise, with life being our first great big surprise.
Philosophy -
After Life -
HallucinationsI don't die, but I as an
individual don't live either, because
there's no I, there's
just us, and
I'm just temporary. I love you, even knowing I'm
gone and you're gone. So maybe we can be combined. Sharing is
better than nothing. And there is that word '
nothing' again,
what is
Is nothing still something?
I can live with that. I can't believe I said that. You know what
I mean.
In a flash, in
the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound,
the dead will be raised
imperishable, and we will be changed.
Corinthians 15 is the sure and certain expectation of the resurrection to a
better life.
Resurrection of the Dead happens all the time. When we use
knowledge and
information from our descendants, we are in a fact keeping them alive.
There will be no
End Time,
it will just be us finally understanding who we are. Life.
Posthumous is something occurring, awarded, or appearing after the
death of the originator. Posthumously is after death.
Soul - Spirit
is the vital principle or the
that is
within all living things.
Animation and
energy in action or
expression. Spirit can also
mean a
fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one's
The state of a person's
emotions, especially with regard to
pleasure or dejection. The intended
meaning of a
communication. An inclination or
tendency of a certain kind.
The general atmosphere of a place or situation, and the effect
that it has on people.
Spirit relates to a
non-corporeal substance contrasted with
material body. Something
lacking material body or form or substance.
Consciousness -
The Mind -
Signals -
is the
immortal essence of a
living being. Soul
is the immaterial part of a person. The actuating cause of an individual
life. Soul as a spirit is something incorporeal,
or something without material form or substance.
Mundi is an intrinsic connection between all living beings, which
relates to the world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the
human body.
The soul is separate from the body, including the bodies
experiences, personality, memories and
knowledge. The soul exists always, the body does not. So try not to hold
on so tightly to your human form or body, it's not yours to keep, only to
share and experience. Your true self has nothing to do with your body. The
body is a vehicle in another dimension, and the origin of the soul is
life's last surprise.
My Heart Will Go On
- Celine Dion 1997 (youtube)
"Within the form is matter, above the
form is spirit". -
Lao Tzu
Butterflies also symbolize past spirits/souls. I've come to believe
they are signs of good luck or angels watching over you.
- Life Force -
Dualism -
Exorcism -
is similar to the concept of self, or the spirit or soul as found in
several belief systems.
Etheric Body is
said to be in immediate contact with the physical body and to sustain it
and connect it with "higher" bodies.
is something believed to be of heaven or the
Characterized by lightness as impalpable or intangible as air.
Corporeal -
Abstract -
is something incapable of being perceived by the senses
especially the sense of touch. Imperceptible to the senses or the mind.
is something having no physical body or form.
Astral Projection is a term used in
esotericism to describe a willful out-of-body experience, a
supposed form of telepathy, that assumes the existence of a soul or
consciousness called an "astral body" that is separate from the physical
body and capable of travelling outside of it throughout the universe.
Remote Viewing -
Avatar -
Body is an intermediate between the intelligent soul and the mental
body, composed of a subtle material. Astral is resembling a
star or emanating from
Out-of-Body Experience is an experience that typically involves a
feeling of floating outside one's body
and, in some cases, the feeling of
perceiving one's physical body as if from a place outside one's body.
Near Death Experience -
Empathy -
Consciousness -
Half Asleep
Flight is a technique of ecstasy used by
shamans with the aim of
entering into a state of trance. During such
ecstatic trance it is believed that
the shaman's soul has left the body and the corporeal world, which allows him or her to enter a spiritual world
and interact with inhabitants who occupy this other dimension.
Autoscopy is the experience in which an individual perceives the
surrounding environment from a
different perspective,
from a position outside of their own body.
Overview Effect.
is not having a material body or free from a body
or physical
form or reality.
Illusory Body is the clear light that is experienced briefly by all
human beings at the very first moment of death.
of Light is an aspect of the human body, being neither solely physical
nor solely spiritual, 'astral body' or the 'subtle body,' is a "quasi material".
Energy Being is an alleged life form that is composed of energy rather
than matter. Angel.
Luminous Mind is a brightly shining mind or a mind of clear light.
Floating Man or flying man, or the man suspended in air argument, is a
thought experiment by the Persian philosopher Ibn Sina (Avicenna) which
argues for the existence of the soul. This
thought experiment is used to argue in favor of
knowledge by presence.
Virtual Reality - Overview Effect
is possessing or existing in bodily form or
represent in bodily
form or express something abstract in tangible form.
Anthropomorphism is the attribution of
human traits, emotions, or
intentions to non-human entities.
Artificial -
Symbols -
Turing Test -
is the belief that objects, places, and creatures
all possess a distinct spiritual essence.
Potentially, animism perceives all things—animals, plants, rocks, rivers,
weather systems, human handiwork, and perhaps even words—as animated and
alive. Animism is used in the anthropology of
religion as a term for the
belief system of many indigenous peoples, especially in contrast to the
relatively more recent development of organized religions.
is something
an abstract quality or idea as a
person or creature.
The act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas.
is an actor's portrayal of
someone in a play. Persona in psychology is a
personal facade that
one presents to the world.
is a
representation of a person, sometimes in the form of sculpture.
is an often life-size sculptural representation of a specific person, or a
prototypical figure.
is a concept within Hinduism that in Sanskrit literally means "descent".
It signifies the material appearance or incarnation of a deity on Earth.
The relative verb to "alight, to make one's appearance" is sometimes used
to refer to any guru or revered human being.
is the state of being full of life
or vigor. Having liveliness. Animation can
also mean the technique of photographing
successive drawings or
positions of puppets
or models to create an
illusion of movement when
the movie is shown as a sequence.
Incarnate is to make concrete and real and represent in bodily form.
Manifest -
Sculptures -
AI Robost
Incarnation is a new personification of a familiar idea. Time passed in a
particular bodily form. The act of attributing human characteristics to abstract ideas etc.
Incarnation is the belief that the pre-existent divine person of
Jesus Christ, God the Son,
the second person of the Trinity, and the eternally
begotten Logos (Koine Greek for "word"), took upon human nature and "was made flesh".
is embodiment in a new form or a second or new birth.
Reincarnation is when a living being starts a
new life
in a
different physical body or form after each biological death.
Reboot -
Past Life Regression -
Déjà vu -
Intuition - Living
Forever - Heaven
is a belief that after death the soul begins a new cycle of existence in another
human body.
Rebirth in Buddhism is when the actions of a person leads to a
existence after death, in endless cycles called samsara. This cycle is
considered to be dukkha, unsatisfactory and painful. The cycle stops only
if liberation is achieved by insight and the extinguishing of desire.
Rebirth is one of the foundational doctrines of Buddhism, along with
Karma, nirvana and moksha.
Do you have to be born physically first
before you can be reborn mentally?"
Mindstream is
continuing from one life to another, or the moment-to-moment continuum. A
continuity of the personality in the absence of a permanently abiding
"self". The continuity from one life to another. The transformations that
are transmitted from one life to the next.
Posthumous is
something occurring or coming into existence after a person's death.
is the rising from the dead of a divine or human being who still
retains his own personhood, or individuality, though the body may or may
not be changed.
Dying and
Rising Deity is a religious motif in which a god or goddess dies and
is resurrected. Resurrection or anastasis is the concept of coming back to
life after death. In a number of religions, a dying-and-rising god is a
deity which dies and is resurrected. Reincarnation is a similar process
hypothesized by other religions, which involves the same person or deity
coming back to live in a different body, rather than the same one.
Born Again is to
experience the new birth or spiritual rebirth, or a
regeneration of the
human spirit from the Holy Spirit, contrasted with
physical birth.
Afterlife - Heaven -
Paranormal - Psychic
Eternal Return is a theory that the universe and all existence and
energy has been recurring, and will continue to recur, in a self-similar
form an infinite number of times across infinite time or space.
Samsara is a Sanskrit word that means "wandering" or
"world", with the connotation of cyclic, circuitous change. It also refers
to the theory of rebirth and "cyclicality of all life, matter, existence",
a fundamental assumption of all Indian religions.
Noble Eightfold Path
is an early summary of the path of Buddhist practices leading to
liberation from samsara, the painful cycle of rebirth.
Maybe after death there is
no self, no I, no me and no you. Only the
essence of your true self. Once
the body dies "you" no longer exist. Only the true essence of what was you
at one time. So you are probably wondering what is your essence?
defines God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit
or Holy Ghost,
co-existing in three
coequal and
coeternal persons, or three distinct persons sharing
one homoousion
essence. The father, the son and the holy spirit. Trinity is three
people considered as a unit. In this context, the
three persons define who
God is, while the one essence defines what God is. Another way to
interpret the trinity can be expressed by seeing
God, the
universe or the
environment as being
the first level of
existence. Then the
human form or the human body being the second level of existence. Then
the spirit, the soul or the
mind and
consciousness being the third
level of existence. All
3 ways of existence
working together and combined
into one incredible existence, named the trinity. Trinity in
math is the
cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one.
Trio or
Triad is the
cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and one. A musical
composition for three performers or singers who
perform together.
Triple is a set of three
similar things
considered as a unit. Something having
three units,
three components or three
Trifold is having more
than one decidedly dissimilar aspects or qualities. Three times as great
or many. By a factor of three. Triangle.
Trefoil Knot is the simplest example of a nontrivial knot. The trefoil
can be obtained by joining together the two loose ends of a common
overhand knot, resulting in a knotted loop. As the simplest knot, the
trefoil is fundamental to the study of mathematical
Knot theory.
Trilogy is a set of
three literary or dramatic works related in subject or theme. A
is a set of three works of art that are connected and can be seen either
as a single work or as three individual works. Three-part works that are
considered components of a larger work also exist, such as the triptych or
the three-movement sonata, but they are not commonly referred to with the term "trilogy".
Circle of Life.
Treble is the third and highest range. The
treble control is used in sound reproduction to change the volume of
treble notes relative to those
of the middle and bass frequency ranges.
Triad is a
three-note major or minor chord; a note and its third and fifth tones.
Trifecta is selecting
in the correct order the first three finishers in a race.
A bettor must predict who will finish first, second, and third, in the
exact order.
Grace of Three Sisters -
Embryo -
Trinity Nuclear Test -
Triangulation in Navigation
Borromean Rings are
three simple closed curves in three-dimensional space that are
topologically linked and cannot be separated from each other, but that
break apart into two unknotted and unlinked loops when any one of the
three is cut or removed. Most commonly, these rings are drawn as
circles in the plane, in the pattern of a Venn diagram, alternatingly
crossing over and under each other at the points where they cross. Other
triples of curves are said to form the Borromean rings as long as they are
topologically equivalent to the curves depicted in this drawing.
Ring of Life - Cycles.
Angel is a
spiritual being superior to humans in power and intelligence. Angels are
typically described as benevolent,
dreadful, and endowed with wisdom and knowledge of earthly events, but not
infallible; for they strive with each other, and
God has to make peace
between them. Most of them serve either as
intermediaries between
and Earth, or as guardian spirits.
Guardian Angel -
Angel Numbers -
Cherub is an angel of the second order whose
gift is knowledge, usually
portrayed as a winged child. A sweet innocent baby.
Watcher are angels dispatched to Earth to watch over the humans.
Jiva is a living being, or any entity imbued with a
life force.
(praying) -
Spiritual Leaders -
Thought Leader
is the state or area of consciousness beyond the limits of
personal identity.
Transpersonal is
a term used by different schools of philosophy and psychology in order to
describe experiences and worldviews that extend beyond the personal level
of the psyche, and beyond mundane worldly events.
One Step
Beyond" Equivalent: A Message from Charity (youtube) - The second
segment of the sixth episode of the first season (1985–86) from the
television series
The Twilight Zone. In this segment, a pair of teenagers - one from
1700, and one from 1985 - share a mental link across time. James Cromwell:
Obadiah Payne.
Intuition -
Clairvoyance -
Spirit Possession is an unusual or
altered state of consciousness and
associated behaviors purportedly caused by the
control of a human body by spirits,
ghosts, demons, or gods. spirit possession beliefs were found to exist in
74% of a sample of 488 societies in all parts of the world, with the
highest numbers of believing societies in Pacific cultures and the lowest
incidence among Native Americans of both North and South America.
The Bride Possessed
- On her honeymoon a bride is possessed by a murdered woman, who
reveals her murderer and the murder weapon.
One Step Beyond -
Season 1 Episode 1 (youtube)
Past Life Regression is a technique that uses hypnosis to recover what
practitioners believe are
memories of past lives or incarnations. "I believe that the reason why
we don't remember past lives is
so that life feels like it's the very
first time. You start life over fresh, and you experience life
as if it
were the very first time that you were ever alive. This is most likely by
design, because it just makes sense." History
Genetic Memory.
The Great Forgetting.
Each night while you
sleep, the connections between neurons called synapses shrink to
reduce or eliminate the
memories you don't need. Sleep—including REM sleep—may be a time when
the brain actively forgets excess information to prevent
overload. This
idea is supported by recent studies in mice showing that, during sleep,
the brain trims away connections
between neurons involved in certain types of learning.
Body Swap is a
storytelling device seen in a variety of science and supernatural fiction,
in which two people (or beings) exchange minds and end up in each other's
In media such as television and film, the device is an opportunity for
two actors to temporarily play each other's characters, although in some
cases, dialogue is dubbed by the original actors.
Fallen is a 1998 American supernatural thriller film (wiki).
Mind Uploading is a use of a computer or another substrate as an
emulated human brain. The term "mind
transfer" also refers to a hypothetical
transfer of a mind from one biological brain to another. Uploaded minds
and societies of minds, often in simulated realities, are
themes in science-fiction novels and films since the 1950s.
Brain Transplant is a procedure in which the brain of one organism is
transplanted into the body of another organism.
Autoscopy is the experience in which an individual perceives the
surrounding environment from a
different perspective, from a position
outside of his or her own body.
Mediumship is the practice of certain people —known as mediums— to
purportedly mediate communication between spirits of the dead and living
human beings. There are different types of mediumship including spirit channeling, and
Shamanism is a practice that involves a practitioner
reaching altered states of consciousness
in order to perceive and interact with a spirit world and channel these
transcendental energies into this world.
a belief in a generalized, impersonal power over which people
have some measure of control.
is something existing only in the mind and separated from embodiment.
Not representing or imitating external reality or the objects of nature.
A concept or idea not associated with any specific instance.
Consider a concept without thinking of a specific example; consider abstractly or theoretically.
"The essential quality of the infinite, by contrast, is
its subtlety, its intangibility. This quality is conveyed in the word
spirit, whose root meaning is “wind, or breath.” This suggests an
invisible but pervasive energy, to which the manifest world of the finite
responds." David Bohm (wiki).
To Have a Good Soul
means having admirable, pleasing, superior, or positive qualities. It's
being morally excellent and being a good
who is rational, virtuous and righteous. A good soul is someone who
respects other people and is helpful to others despite knowing that the
world. Human Nature.
A Beautiful Soul is
someone with a kind and giving nature. Someone who is confident, genuine,
balanced, and understanding. People with beautiful souls make others feel
safe and at peace.
is having deep feeling or emotion. The experiencing
of affective and emotional states.
is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This
may involve similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort,
intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity,
spirituality, compatibility and
are two people that make a
special connection by sharing a bond
that has joined them by the means of an experience that has drawn them
together on a higher level of consciousness. This connection can be from
the same experience at the same time or two separate experiences similar in nature.
Psychic Link.
Twin Flame
is when two souls are split in two, or two people
are mirror images of each other. This results in an instant connection
when twin flames meet. A twin flame isn't necessarily a romantic
relationship or "the one", but they will always change your life, often
from the very first time you cross paths. The twin flame is two halves of
the same soul, and soul mates are two souls that belong together.
Angels -
Doppelganger -
Free Spirit
is a person who is
independent or
uninhibited . A person who thinks and acts in an nonconformist or
unconventional way without worrying about normal social rules or
traditional society structures. Extroverted.
To Be Soulless
describes a person who is thought to have no soul or
no greatness or no warmth of mind or feeling. To be
heartless. People who don't have a soul
are usually incapable of feeling emotions or having ambitions. Their sense
of self is clouded, deluded, and warped. It means that you are not
connected to your heart. You are shallow
with no dimension. There is no one “home”. Love does not radiate from
you. To be soulless means that you lack human qualities and the ability to
feel or produce deep feelings, like a psychopath.
Soul Food is an ethnic cuisine traditionally prepared and eaten by
African Americans, originating in the Southern United States. The cuisine
originated with the foods that were given to enslaved black people by
their white owners on Southern plantations during the Antebellum period;
however, it was strongly influenced by the traditional practices of West
Africans and Native Americans from its inception. Due to the historical
presence of African Americans in the region, soul food is closely
associated with the cuisine of the American South although today it has
become an easily identifiable and celebrated aspect of mainstream American
food culture. The expression "soul food" originated in the mid-1960s, when
"soul" was a common word used to describe African-American culture
Music is a popular music genre that originated in the African American
community throughout the United States in the 1950s and early 1960s. It
combines elements of African-American gospel music, rhythm and blues and
jazz. Soul music became popular for dancing and listening in the United
States, where record labels such as Motown, Atlantic and Stax were
influential during the Civil
Rights Movement. Soul also became popular around the world, directly
influencing rock music and the music of Africa. A soul singer is a
musician whose performance is characterized by soul.
Soul Man is a 1967 song written and composed by Isaac Hayes and David
Porter. It's a story about one's struggle to rise above their present conditions.
The Blues Brothers (wiki).
Essence is the
choicest or most essential or
most vital part of
some idea or experience. Any substance possessing to a
high degree the predominant properties of a plant or drug or
other natural product from which it is extracted.
Essence (wiki).
is the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class or
the representative of a type. The purest and most concentrated essence of
something. The aspect of something regarded as the intrinsic and central
constituent of its character. A refined essence or extract of a substance.
Essence can be understood as a belief that there is
always some
information present, even though you cannot fully see it, it is thought to
be in existence, something like your soul. Essence is the properties perceived to be important,
properties that are sometimes not calculated in a consensus of logical
knowledge. This is not to say that everything has to be confirmed, it just makes
some decisions easier to make. Essence is another broad word that when
you try to define it, it becomes a conversation about many other words
that also need to be defined. So the word is just another way of saying,
"Do you have time for a conversation about the meaning of the word essence
and how the meaning of the word changes when used in different sentences?"
So essence can be defined as long as you are willing to define it, and as
long as other people agree to that definition and how it's used in a
particular sentence.
"Dreams can be so
amazing, but never more amazing than what life is like when you're
fully awake, even the edges are beautiful." - (Howard Polley)
"Cowards die many times before their deaths; The valiant never taste of
death but once. Of all the wonders that I yet have heard, it seems to me
most strange that men should fear; Seeing that death, a necessary end,
will come when it will come". - (Shakespeares
Julius Caesar Act II, Scene II).
"One thing is for certain, you will die in your Lifetime.
And I have this feeling that it will be
something wonderful."
What if you died, and you were
given a chance to go back and
speak to everyone who was a part of your life,
what would you like to say
to everyone? Well, I'm not going to wait till I'm dead, I'm speaking now
while I still have a chance. Eulogy.
Speak Now or Forever hold your Peace?
No such thing as "forever", and peace is debatable. Speak if you
feel that something needs to be said. But make sure that what
you're saying is not an opinion, or say something that you
believe is the truth, because the
truth is also
debatable. You're better off making an unbiased observation
that brings light to an important subject. And the time and
place that you choose to share your words needs to be
considered. When something is not forever, like marriage, then
waiting after the ceremony may be a better time to express your
concern, depending on what country you're from, of course.
Living Forever
Almost Everyone wants to Live Forever. Living forever is a very popular dream. Humans can
live forever, as long as we don't think that forever means one lifetime.
Life is a cycle. And if we want to keep the cycle going, we have to learn
the responsibilities of
living forever. Everyone is a caregiver of
life. But we still have a lot to learn. So we must take
seriously, because forever is a very very long time, and life should be a
good time, and not a waste of time.
is something that does not die, like the soul.
Amrita is a Sanskrit word that means "immortality".
Eternity -
Eternal -
Reincarnation - Cycles
one really wants to live forever. Humans like change, humans like
variety, humans like new beginnings, humans like
starting over and trying
something new. Living forever would suck, especially if you're not learning
anything new, which would make life horribly
monotonous. Besides that, we don't want
scumbags living forever,
because that would totally suck, like it does now with some people being
in power for way too long. The only time a person could benefit from a
long life is when they are improving life for other people and continually
learning and progressing. No point on living a long life if all you do is
take more than you give, and eventually kill everything around you, like
some people are doing now. Living a long life should be an honor, but for
too many people, a long life could be a curse.
Who Wants To Live
Forever - Queen (youtube) -
Highlander (1996 film) -
Long Live Walter
Jameson" is episode 24 of the American television anthology series
The Twilight Zone.
Humans are Made of Atoms. A
proton will last 10 to 32 power years. An electron will last 6.6
x 10 to 28 power years. The universe will continue for 13.8 x 10 to 9
power years.
You die but human
life does not die. Human life was here before you were born and human life
will be here after you die, which means that you could have another life.
To say that
only the good die young
is wrong. If that were true, then every old person would be an
as*hole, which isn't true because there are a lot of really nice old
people. This is not to that there are no old people who are as*holes,
because sadly there is plenty of elderly as*holes around, there usually
called politicians, or
just plain ignorant. Their ignorance is mostly from failing to learn and
neglecting to keep educating themselves.
Good people do die old. It's just that being
good is not good enough. You have to be good at it. So what ever positive
thing that you choose to do in your life, be good at it and not just be
a good person. Be good at what you do, and not just being good at
being nice, but also good at making nice things happen, things that are
meaningful and long-lasting. Let the Good die old. So let us change the
song to only the good die old, and let the as*holes die young. And when
good people die young, we remind the assholes how privileged they are and
that they should try to be more grateful that people allow them to live.
"One of the major problems that people have is that they only see
life based on their own personal single lifespan, that's all they see,
which is this single moment in time. People don't see the past or the
future they way they should. People should be aware that other lifespans
came before them so that they can be here in this moment in time, and that
future lifespans will either live or die depending on how people today live their life."
If you can't let go then you can't start
over. And I would rather start over then to be a ghost. Trying to
selfishly hold on to your cherished memories is normal and totally
understandable, and we don't want to lose everything that we have learned
and experienced. But who said we have to.
We can write it all down
and read about it in our next life, like we have done with our
stories. When you can
let go of the self, then you can live
forever, and experience many lives to their fullest.
There's a story behind every action.
Sometimes it's a short story and sometimes it's a long story. A
story about a wrong turn or a combination of a few bad
decisions, followed by those good decisions you made and what
they meant to you....Tell Your Story.